Ancient Aliens, Lost Civilizations, Annunaki, Bible Stories, Wars of the Gods

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Re: Ancient Aliens, UFOs, Lost Civilizations, Gods and Deities

Post by Winston »

A series of clips from "Ancient Civilizations" series on Gaia TV about lost civilizations and ancient mysteries. Very mind blowing.

Follow this link 👉​ To Watch More Amazing Programs & Documentaries! Full Episodes List & Links Here :​ - Plus Watch A FREE Episode! Courtesy of!

The 5th Kind have been fortunate enough to collaborate with Gaia for the past few years. Bringing you some Amazing content from Gaia series Ancient Civilizations featuring high profile guests such as Graham Hancock, Linda Mouton Howe, Jack Cary, Anton Parks, Billy Carson, Gregg Braden, Freddy Silva, Shawn Stone, Jonathan Young, Andrew Collins and more!

This video production documentary has been created using clips from the Gaia series ancient civilizations and is licenced and brought to you partnership with

Topics in the video include:
Portals to the Universe intricately placed in astronomical alignment, may have once opened portals to the universe, permitting entry for entities from other worlds and dimensions.

Tower of Babel - Legends tells us that language once unified all of humanity, but a detrimental blunder led to this once-unifying force becoming a means of mass confusion. Beyond the biblical account, researchers found most modern languages do indeed stem from a singular matrix language.

The intricate tunnels and cave systems throughout the American Southwest have been used for sacred ceremonies and military programs alike. Piece together Hopi and Zuni folklore with eyewitness accounts to unlock the secrets of the four corners and its history of extraterrestrial influence.

Is there an ancient code which points the way to inner earth civilizations like Agharta and Patala? Oral traditions from indigenous cultures, throughout the world, all point to ancient advanced civilizations thriving deep under the earth.

Was Göbekli Tepe built as a sacred interstellar portal connecting the people of Earth with extraterrestrial civilizations?

Denisovans: They Might Be Giants Is there a kernel of truth to be found within the ancient legends of giants?

Lost Cities Beneath the Ocean. Arcane accounts from Egypt, Greece, Rome and Sumeria tell startling similar stories of the oceanic destruction of advanced civilizations which vanished into the world’s oceans and forgotten to the ravages of time.

You Need To Hear This! Our History Is NOT What We Are Told! Ancient Civilizations | Stargates - Ancient Aliens, Portals & The Inner Earth. With Graham Hancock
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Re: Ancient Aliens, UFOs, Lost Civilizations, Gods and Deities

Post by Winston »

[3/19, 3:13 AM] Winston Wu: Yes we probably are controlled by aliens in some way. They manipulated our DNA and genes 200,000 years ago. Theres lots of proof of that in science and biology. And all ancient cultures say their gods came from the stars and had space ships and technology. See the series "ancient aliens" on history channel. It has 16 seasons now. Also look up erich von daniken, he made the ancient aliens theory popular in the 1960s. Many researchers soon followed.

The gods in the bible and religion probably were ancient aliens or from an advanced lost civilization on earth that was forgotten or escaped underground or in hiding.

All evidence points to this theory being true in some way. Theres lots and lots of proof all over the world.

See the documentary "chariots of the god" from 1970. its on YouTube for free. It will show u a lot of evidence thats very mind blowing.

[3/19, 3:14 AM] Winston Wu: The thing is if ancient aliens created us or guided our evolution and manipulate our genes then its very likely they are still watching us and monitoring us. Thats where theres so many UFOs in the sky all the time.

[3/19, 3:26 PM] Winston Wu: Most likely the rulers of this world are controlled by aliens or higher beings too. And they serve them and worship them like gods. Without the help of higher beings they could not rule the world if they were just normal humans. Thats why the world is all on lockdown because the same hidden hand controls every country in secret. Otherwise every country would have different opinion and would be suing china too. But they all agree. Thats not possible unless theyre all controlled by hidden hand or force.

[3/19, 3:28 PM] Winston Wu: Inside people in mafia have said that at the top of the pyramid of power above the elite and illuminati is something thats not human.

[3/19, 3:52 PM] Winston Wu: Of course there's good and bad aliens. The bad aliens run this world and the elites now. Thats why its so messed up and everyone is a slave to money and work and everything is unfair and oppressive.
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Re: Ancient Aliens, UFOs, Lost Civilizations, Gods and Deities

Post by Winston »

Erich von Daniken, the legendary author of "Chariots of the Gods" which brought the Ancient Aliens theory into pop culture in 1968, in his new Gaia TV series, explains why the Gods in the OT Bible were in fact Aliens and ETs, using logic, reason and evidence. Here is a compilation of clips put together by The 5th Kind channel. It's very mind blowing and will convince any open minded skeptic or inquirer willing to follow the data.

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Re: Ancient Aliens, UFOs, Lost Civilizations, Gods and Deities

Post by Winston »

Erich von Daniken slide show where he shows mind boggling discoveries from all over the world that point to Ancient Aliens.

Erich von Daniken on flying vehicles in the Bible and mythology that cannot be explained except by the Ancient Aliens theory.

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Re: Ancient Aliens, UFOs, Lost Civilizations, Gods and Deities

Post by Winston »

Abducted By Aliens | UFO Encounters of the 4th Kind - "Are we being taken by beings from outer space or another dimension? A troubling phenomenon has been occurring for centuries - countless individuals have very real memories of being taken secretly against their will by Alien entities, many being subjected to complex physical and psychological procedures. A large number of experiencers tell tragic tales of being taken against their will which is frightening enough, but what if our own government is aware of abductions and is powerless to prevent it? What is the depth to this conspiracy and what do the government and military factions know? We may never know the full agenda of the beings responsible for alien abductions, however, with each new case we gain more knowledge of the alien agenda, and we become better prepared for the day when we will have full disclosure that we are clearly not alone. ONE LINER - Are we being taken by beings from outer space or another dimension? Countless individuals have very real memories of being taken ...

Stars: Roger Emery, Paul Hughes, William J. Konkolesky

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Re: Ancient Aliens, Lost Civilizations, Ancient Gods and Deities

Post by Winston »

Very interesting.

Do the Bible and many ancient narratives around the world tell a story of humanities contact with Ancient Aliens? Why is the serpent of Genesis 3 so often equated with evil, with the Devil or Satan. Nothing in the Genesis story makes that equation. So where does that association come from?

For more than two millennia readers of the Old Testament, the Hebrew Scriptures, have interpreted these ancient texts as stories of God – a seamless narrative in which God creates the heavens and the earth, botanical and animal life and eventually the human race.
However, a number of anomalies in the stories themselves, along with intriguing questions of translation point to another possibility..

These correlations among ancient narratives in which our cultural memory begins on a flooded and devastated planet hint at the possibility that these stories have their roots in the ancestral memory of Earth’s most recent planetary cataclysm – the global impact of the Clovis Comet an extinction level event along with the trauma of the Younger Dryas Cold period from 12,800 to 11,600 years ago.

These planetary changes would have caused sky fires, rapid freezing and immense tsunamis on a global scale.
Other anomalies in the stories of Genesis raise questions about the departure of Homo Sapiens Sapiens from the array other hominids occupying planet Earth in the distant past.

Traditionally the story of the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden has been told as the fall of humanity from a state of innocence. Seen in the context of a plural Elohim the narrative flips, far from being a fall the conflict is over an upgrade to the human condition. Pluralising the translation almost reverses the meaning of the entire episode.

Reading Genesis 3 as the story of an intervention in the process of human evolution and as an upgrade to human intelligence reframes the whole scene, casting the “Serpent” in Eden as the “good guy” of the story. For some this is a disturbing and controversial interpretation. It represents a 180 degree change from the traditional religious reading of those texts.
For centuries the story of Yahweh, Elohim and the Serpent in Eden has been read as a moment in the cosmic battle between The Almighty and Satan, a fight between God and the Devil.

However, the names Devil or Satan are nowhere mentioned in the text, and if this is really an Elohim story then we are certainly in the realm of plural visitors, Powerful Ones, conflicting over project humanity. Moreover the source narratives from ancient Mesopotamia, on which the Genesis story would appear to be based point to a completely different framing...

Why then is the serpent of Genesis 3 so often equated with evil, with the Devil or Satan. Nothing in the Genesis story makes that equation. So where does that association come from? The answer lies in a correlation with a verse in the New Testament book of Revelation

the Bible contains 34 mentions of dragons. Translation choices throughout the centuries have obscured the presence of these dragons in the Biblical texts. One word more commonly used is serpent. So there are many ancient serpents to which the Revelation text could be pointing.
Moreover there are plenty of clues remaining in texts to indicate that these serpents are not snakes.
Indeed in the book of Revelation the words for serpent and dragon are used interchangeably.

One episode in which these enigmatic serpents appear occurs in the Hebrew Canon in the book of Numbers. It speaks of a time when the people of Israel are starving in the desert and ask Moses for food. On hearing this Yahweh decides to punish the starving people for complaining. This he does by sending “fiery serpents” to attack the people.

Why are the serpents described as fiery? What exactly is a fiery serpent?
The words for these fiery serpents are saraph and seraphim.
The book of Isaiah describes in some detail what these fiery seraphim looked like.

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Re: Ancient Aliens, Lost Civilizations, Ancient Gods and Deities

Post by Winston »

Anyone heard this theory? I heard that the Illuminati bloodline descend from Cain, that's why they are evil and reptilian and hate humanity and God? What do you think?

Nunya Biznutz
1 day ago
There are also stories that say one of the Elohim created Eve, had a child by her (Caine) and then Yahweh created Adam who then had a child by Eve as well (Abel) Caine then slew Abel because Yahweh favored Abel because Yahweh didnt ordain the union of Eve & the Elohim or their offspring Caine.
REMEMBER: The Bible is retellings of Sumerian tales from centuries before brought by Abraham & Sarah to Israel from their homeland of Ur of the Chaldees where they undoubtedly heard these stories as children growing up and used them as morality tales to teach the Hebrews, Sumerian stories used for the Bible include The Garden, The Fall, The Tower of Babel, The Deluge, as well as others
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Re: Ancient Aliens, Lost Civilizations, Annunaki, Bible Stories, Wars of the Gods

Post by Winston »

Very interesting and mind blowing.

"What made the Book of Enoch important enough to preserve but so controversial that it needed to be buried…? Abductions? ET encounters? Did "Watchers" fall from the Heavens? Could they still be watching...

Why Was This Suppressed From The Bible for 2000 Years? The Book Of Enoch | Fallen Angels & Demons"

"Ancient tales of abductions can be found in cultures all over the world. The Mami Wata people of West Africa. The Philippine legends of the “Diwatas” The biblical accounts of the “Watchers” and the “Nephilim” just to name a few.

UFO Sightings, strange creatures and demons are embedded into humanity's collective memory. As well etched in Ancient Alien artwork, carvings, and statues the world over. This Bizarre Mystery has repeated generation after generation.

The claims and writings documented around the phenomenon span from thousands of years ago to this current day.

In this documentary, Paul Wallis explores ancient abduction accounts, along with the more recent cases such as “Betty and Barney Hill”, ” Jane Pooley” and research from professor John Mack."

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Re: Ancient Aliens, Lost Civilizations, Annunaki, Bible Stories, Wars of the Gods

Post by Winston »

Dr. Shmuel Asher makes a good case about why ancient aliens are not from outer space but merely from other epochs of creation cycles before our world. ... ss-of.html
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Re: Ancient Aliens, Lost Civilizations, Annunaki, Bible Stories, Wars of the Gods

Post by Winston »

Interesting theory about where UFOs come from:

"Jason Reza Jorjani, PhD, is a philosopher and author of Prometheus and Atlas, World State of Emergency, Lovers of Sophia, Novel Folklore: The Blind Owl of Sadegh Hedayat, and Iranian Leviathan: A Monumental History of Mithra's Abode.

Here he explores the hypothesis that many UFO sightings can be attributed to a non-governmental, human organization. He proposes that this organization developed extraordinary technology in the late nineteenth century, that it was associated with German nationalists, and that it received financial support from Americans. After WWII, he speculates that this network incorporated newer technologies that had been developed by the Nazi regime. He compares this network to the Spectre organization in Ian Fleming's James Bond novels."

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Re: Ancient Aliens, Lost Civilizations, Annunaki, Bible Stories, Wars of the Gods

Post by kangarunner »

Favorite Cornfed quote: "Here's another one to reassure you lemmings that the ongoing humiliation ritual that is your ratshit life will soon be coming to an end."

Favorite yick quote: "You are not my mate".
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