Why the Illuminati & Freemasons Are Not Satanists - Obvious Reasons

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Re: Why the Illuminati are not Satanists - Obvious reasons

Post by Adama »

Winston wrote:I didn't say I was reversing my position Adama. I just saw that book and thought that it's something up your alley because it says what you've been saying.

Btw Adama, this sounds like something you could have written. lol

It appears that a vampire-like clique directs the world. This secretive cabal is represented by our dominant political, economic and cultural institutions. Western society has been subverted and western culture is bankrupt. Democracy is a form of social control and the mass media/ education are systems for indoctrination.

Essentially the problem boils down to whether we believe man was made in God's image and has an obligation to lift himself to a higher level of truth, beauty and justice. Naturally monopolists have no use for this and want to define reality to suit their own interests. They have taught us that God is dead and man is just a fancy animal without a divine soul. Culture today tends to deny standards, ideals and goals of any kind. Instead, we are fed an endless diet of trivia and degradation.
I mostly agree with what is written there.

The problem for most people wrt God is that their true god is science. They believe in Evolution and the Big Bang primarily, but they want to find a way to integrate God with their scientific beliefs (because science is awesome and 100% correct and unbiased by greed). This is why God can not be literal. He must be figurative. Because if they were to take Him literally, they could not then integrate Him into their true religion of science. It would force them to choose, and science wins, of course, because they're never going to take God literally. That would be absurd, especially considering all we know about science, their true religion, which they consider before God.

If they were truly God's people, they would first seek out God, and then they'd check to see whether the worldly science agreed or disagreed with God's word. If it disagrees with God's word, then it is out, but if it agrees, then it is in.

The atheists and the false Christians do the same thing, except if God and the Bible disagree with their scientific view, then they dismiss God and the Bible, or deny them their true literal power.
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Re: Why the Illuminati are not Satanists - Obvious reasons

Post by Winston »

Yes adama. But its not just science. The god of atheists and scientists and pseudoskeptics is chance and randomness. They try to make chance explain everything, including all creation, order, synchronicity and meaningful coincidences. All patterns are explained away as selective memory and confirmation bias.

Thats how synchronicity, answered prayers, miracles, precognition, murphys law, signs and omens, astrology, divination, psychic abilities, ESP, etc are explained away. No matter how much evidence you cite, they will always raise the bar by inflating astronomical numbers and framing their argument in that context, to try to devalue your experience and attribute it to chance and coincidence. They inflate numbers and sizes and manipulate figures to prove randomness and chance, which is their real God, it seems.

Its bullshit but most western men, including some on this forum, buy into it for some reason. Ive never understood why. Whats the psychological appeal of attributing everything to chance and randomness? Very odd. Theres another school of thought that says that chance and coincidence dont exist and that everything happens for a reason, even if you dont see the reason right away.

Of course they also worship liberalism, multiculturalism, political correctness and blind faith in mainstream media as well.
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Re: Why the Illuminati are not Satanists - Obvious reasons

Post by Adama »

Winston wrote:Yes adama. But its not just science. The god of atheists and scientists and pseudoskeptics is chance and randomness. They try to make chance explain everything, including all creation, order, synchronicity and meaningful coincidences. All patterns are explained away as selective memory and confirmation bias.

Thats how synchronicity, answered prayers, miracles, precognition, murphys law, signs and omens, astrology, divination, psychic abilities, ESP, etc are explained away. No matter how much evidence you cite, they will always raise the bar by inflating astronomical numbers and framing their argument in that context, to try to devalue your experience and attribute it to chance and coincidence. They inflate numbers and sizes and manipulate figures to prove randomness and chance, which is their real God, it seems.

Its bullshit but most western men, including some on this forum, buy into it for some reason. Ive never understood why. Whats the psychological appeal of attributing everything to chance and randomness? Very odd. Theres another school of thought that says that chance and coincidence dont exist and that everything happens for a reason, even if you dont see the reason right away.

Of course they also worship liberalism, multiculturalism, political correctness and blind faith in mainstream media as well.
Yes, Winston. You're onto something. Randomness. They think life was brought about by random chance over billions of years. Something as complex as DNA happened by natural selection and chance. The stars formed by chance. The earth by chance is at the right location in the solar system to receive just the right amount of sunlight. If you multiplied all of these chances together, the real chance would be so slim as to demonstrate that life should be impossible. Evolution and the Big Bang are Satanic lies. They deny God, and if they pay lip service to God, they deny Him His power, by saying He had to use Evolution and the Big Bang. God doesnt need to use evolution. That denies His power.

The reason why they do that though, is because they know they are living in wicked, filthy sin AND they do not want to feel guilt for it. They want to believe they can do anything they want to do in life, short of murder, and it everything will be just fine. They will cheat, lie, commit fraud, lust after other men's wives and girlfriends. But that's okay, because they do not want to believe God is keeping an account of their deeds.

When they think of God, they think of some abstract being who set things in motion but is more or less just a passive entity who is not really concerned about His creation, as long as they aren't murdering another person. They don't hate lies, they love them. They don't love the truth. They hate it. And that's how you know they hate God. The truth comes from God, because Jesus said He is the truth. This is why they have no problem lying. God is not in them, and they do not know God. A godless person will lie for insignificant reasons, and not just for a major reason, like getting them out of a bind.
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Re: Why the Illuminati are not Satanists - Obvious reasons

Post by Adama »

Winston wrote:Yes adama. But its not just science. The god of atheists and scientists and pseudoskeptics is chance and randomness. They try to make chance explain everything, including all creation, order, synchronicity and meaningful coincidences. All patterns are explained away as selective memory and confirmation bias.

Thats how synchronicity, answered prayers, miracles, precognition, murphys law, signs and omens, astrology, divination, psychic abilities, ESP, etc are explained away. No matter how much evidence you cite, they will always raise the bar by inflating astronomical numbers and framing their argument in that context, to try to devalue your experience and attribute it to chance and coincidence. They inflate numbers and sizes and manipulate figures to prove randomness and chance, which is their real God, it seems.

Its bullshit but most western men, including some on this forum, buy into it for some reason. Ive never understood why. Whats the psychological appeal of attributing everything to chance and randomness? Very odd. Theres another school of thought that says that chance and coincidence dont exist and that everything happens for a reason, even if you dont see the reason right away.

Of course they also worship liberalism, multiculturalism, political correctness and blind faith in mainstream media as well.
They also think they have all the answers.

You know what really gets me is that you can tell someone the truth, but because they've made up their own minds already, they will not listen. Of course not, because everyone else believes those same lies, and the "scientific community" (i.e. greedy liars with patents who make billions off sales of drugs and lies) has completely brainwashed them, using the Satanic media and government.

These people honestly believe that those individuals in power who make literally billions of dollars are telling us the truth about the reality of life. No, they've all sold their souls for financial success in this life. That is why they are telling us lies. They want to enrich themselves. These lies make men billionaires. And if there was a dissenting scientist, he would be cut off from the scientific community.

And of course there are those who believe you must have a PhD in lies to be able to know what is true and what is a lie. No, all you have to do is look for the proof. You do not need to be a scientist. You just need to ask the scientist for the proof. Often there is none, except for the opinions of other scientists, who all agree on their lies.
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Re: Why the Illuminati & Freemasons Are Not Satanists - Obvious Reasons

Post by Winston »

There's something i don't get. Why do Christian truthers like Fritz Springmeier and Texe Marrs and Stanley Montieth, claim the Illuminati and Freemasons and global elite cabal are Gnostics and Kabbalists?

If u read the literature of Gnosticism or Kabbalah or Freemasonry or Rosicrucians, etc they all promote spiritual values and good morals and higher consciousness and less materialism. None of them promote a totalitarian world government with no freedom reigning over a zombie population of slaves who are constantly medicated and have no privacy. that only exists in fiction and movies, like Orwell's 1984. But nothing in the mystery schools teach that or promote an Orwellian government like that. They do not promote false flags, total surveillance, medicating people, dumbing people down, starting wars, or problem-reaction-solution.

Even if u read the Satanic Bible from the church of Satan, it only emphasizes individual freedom and hedonism and pleasure. It does not advocate totalitarianism or dumbing people down.

So how can the Illuminati be Gnostics or Satanists or Kabbalists? Isn't this just hollywood fiction and Christian fantasy?

Plus theres no such thing as a cartoon villain that wants to take over the world right? Even Hitler never claimed to want to do that. Thats only in fiction and propaganda.

How do truthers like Michael Tsarion and Jordan Maxwell explain this?

Of course Christians think every religion outside of Christianity is Satanic and Luciferian, even Buddhism and Hinduism. So they are going to say that about everything thats not Christian. Thats crazy. But even non-christian truthers like David Icke and Alex Jones and Jordan Maxwell say the Illuminati are Satanic too. Why? Are they all wrong?
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Re: Why the Illuminati & Freemasons Are Not Satanists - Obvious Reasons

Post by Winston »

Are the illuminati kabbalists? On history channel they said that satanic leader in 1666 that told everyone to sin to bring on Jesus' return, was a kabbalist. But kabbalah teaches good. So why would the illuminati do evil like start wars or dumb people down or take away privacy and fund communism, etc? Dont kabbalists know that evil leads to destruction? How do they reason that out then?
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Re: Why the Illuminati & Freemasons Are Not Satanists - Obvious Reasons

Post by Lucas88 »

Winston wrote:
July 14th, 2021, 11:12 am
There's something i don't get. Why do Christian truthers like Fritz Springmeier and Texe Marrs and Stanley Montieth, claim the Illuminati and Freemasons and global elite cabal are Gnostics and Kabbalists?

If u read the literature of Gnosticism or Kabbalah or Freemasonry or Rosicrucians, etc they all promote spiritual values and good morals and higher consciousness and less materialism. None of them promote a totalitarian world government with no freedom reigning over a zombie population of slaves who are constantly medicated and have no privacy. that only exists in fiction and movies, like Orwell's 1984. But nothing in the mystery schools teach that or promote an Orwellian government like that. They do not promote false flags, total surveillance, medicating people, dumbing people down, starting wars, or problem-reaction-solution.

Even if u read the Satanic Bible from the church of Satan, it only emphasizes individual freedom and hedonism and pleasure. It does not advocate totalitarianism or dumbing people down.

So how can the Illuminati be Gnostics or Satanists or Kabbalists? Isn't this just hollywood fiction and Christian fantasy?

Plus theres no such thing as a cartoon villain that wants to take over the world right? Even Hitler never claimed to want to do that. Thats only in fiction and propaganda.

How do truthers like Michael Tsarion and Jordan Maxwell explain this?

Of course Christians think every religion outside of Christianity is Satanic and Luciferian, even Buddhism and Hinduism. So they are going to say that about everything thats not Christian. Thats crazy. But even non-christian truthers like David Icke and Alex Jones and Jordan Maxwell say the Illuminati are Satanic too. Why? Are they all wrong?
Many "Truthers" say that the Illuminati/global elite are "Satanists", "Luciferians" or even "Gnostics" because they are either disingenuous shills or are too afraid to name the Jewish elite and its religion as the culprits. They understand that if they tell this taboo truth their work will never be published. Either way they aren't really defenders of the truth at all. Many of these people are salesmen who want to peddle their books and video content to a receptive target audience like Christian patriots. So the idea of a Satanic conspiracy against Christian faith and the Bible is a perfect selling point. The Truth Movement isn't really truthful. It is full of shills and is part of the elite's program of deception and misdirection. Even its name constitutes an inversion.

Yahweh alone is the architect of New World Order and the dystopian world in which we find ourselves. He and his people have created many forms of deception in order to subjugate the Gentiles and destroy all true spirituality. Yahweh isn't the god who they are trying to destroy. Yahweh isn't even "God" at all. He is simply an impostor, an archon, a demonic dictator who has taken over the Earth and enslaved the human race in his twisted matrix. True divinity comes from the real Supreme Being of creation or what the Hindus call Brahman. True divinity exists within us and is the godhood potential which we all have. This is the God which the Jewish elite and the NWO wish to suppress.

Judaism is praised by Jewish and Christian "scholars" as the beginning of monotheistic "truth", as the first documented contact of man with the "one true god". But Judaism even in its most ancient biblical form doesn't express anything divine whatsoever. The religion of the Old Testament is nothing more than a perverse cult of blood sacrifice and Jewish racial supremacy. There's no true god in Judaism, just a psychotic demon who asks for the endless immolation of animals and the destruction of Gentile peoples and who finds pleasant the aroma of burned flesh, a psychotic demon who promised the Jews the whole world. This sick motherf***er is the real master of the global elite, not some scapegoat named "Satan".

Christianity is another variation of the same program, this time aimed at the Gentiles for our spiritual subjugation. In the Christian program the sadistic violence is toned down and a façade of righteousness is added but at the center of the New Testament religion there still lies the same cult of Jewish blood sacrifice with the execution of Jesus on the cross for the purported atonement of the "sins" of humanity. This is even reenacted through the Holy Supper and its ritualized simulacrum of flesh eating and blood drinking. The central rite of Christianity is none other than a Jewish demonic black magic ritual. In fact, how is Christianity even spiritual? There's no spirituality in there, no spiritual practice, no Yoga, no development of the Siddhis, just blind prayer to an external entity and theological theory. Most Christians regard authentic spiritual practices as Satanic.

What today is called "Satanism" is just the same demonic Jewish Yahweh cult with another name. It even serves to antagonize Christians and other Abrahamic followers and conceal the true identity of the elite. Things like Anton LaVey's Church of Satan (incidentally founded by a Jew) is lower-level Satanism. Ordinary people can apply to join. As you have noticed, LaVey's Satanism doesn't promote anything spiritual. It's totally materialistic and simply promotes mindless hedonism. Satanism, like Judaism and Christianity, is just another attack against or denial of true divinity.

That leads us to atheistic materialism. In the modern age the elite decided to push industrialism and full-on materialism. They decided to do away with religion completely and replace it with atheistic doctrines which reduce Gentile populations to the status of soulless workers and consumers. This was especially done in the former communist countries but it is also being pushed to a large degree in Western countries too. Such atheistic materialism constitutes the final stage of the enemy's program to despiritualize the world.

But what about the Jewish elite and their Kabbalah? Isn't that spiritual? The elite know that the occult exists. They practice it themselves and have their own advanced spiritual knowledge. What they wish to destroy is spirituality for the Gentiles. They don't want us to have occult knowledge or spiritual power. They want atheistic materialism or low-level pseudo-spirituality for us and a monopoly on occult knowledge for themselves. Their goal is to disempower us in every way so that they can more easily rule over us.

In the English versions of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion there is a verse which is usually translated as "We will destroy God!". But that translation is erroneous. The original Russian world is božestvo, i.e., divinity in the abstract sense. What the Jewish elite wishes to destroy is our divine nature!
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Re: Why the Illuminati & Freemasons Are Not Satanists - Obvious Reasons

Post by Winston »

That makes sense @Lucas88. I also heard that in the Old Testament, there are at least 3 gods - Yahweh, Jehovah, and Elohim. Do you agree? If so, are any of them good? Who were the Elohim?

What about the Egyptians? Who are the Ra, Isis, Osiris, and Set in their theology? Were they good gods or good ancient aliens? Where did they go? Did Thoth tell us anything about them?

Does Hinduism say anything about the Demiurge? There are many variations of Hinduism too. Which one do you think is truest?

Have you seen Robert Stanley's website or podcasts? He thinks Enki is the Yahweh of the Bible. He claims to have met Enki too. Was he deceived? Here's his site: www.unicusmagazine.com
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Re: Why the Illuminati & Freemasons Are Not Satanists - Obvious Reasons

Post by Lucas88 »

Winston wrote:
May 27th, 2022, 5:48 am
That makes sense @Lucas88. I also heard that in the Old Testament, there are at least 3 gods - Yahweh, Jehovah, and Elohim. Do you agree? If so, are any of them good? Who were the Elohim?
In the prebiblical Western Semitic religion the Elohim were a group of gods who were worshiped by the Canaanites, Phoenicians and other Semitic peoples. The term was originally the plural form of el (i.e., god) and therefore meant "gods" in the polytheistic sense. In the pantheon of the Elohim the sky-god El was exalted as the King of Heaven, Ba'al was coregent within the divine council, and Kothar wa Khasis was the god of science and wisdom as well as the arts and crafts. The goddesses included El's consort Asherah and the goddess of beauty and passion Astarte. The Elohim were identical to the Anunnaki of Sumer. Often there is a one-to-one correspondence between the major gods of these two respective pantheons. For example, El is the Semitic equivalent of Anu, Ba'al corresponds directly to Enlil, and Kothar wa Khasis is Enki. Likewise Astarte is the Sumerian goddess Inanna (or Ishtar in her Akkadian form). The Elohim and the Anunnaki were the same group of deities. Furthermore, the Anunnaki-Elohim were deities in the sense of lesser divine beings. In the case of Sumerian mythology they were all created beings born out of the earlier cosmic principles of Abzu (masculine cosmic Yang) and Nammu (feminine cosmic Yin).

Centuries later in the biblical religion the Hebrew elite began to push their own brand of monotheism centered around El (i.e., Yahweh, the lord of the heavenly hosts) and initiated a campaign to erase or slander the gods of all other nations. First the authors of the Bible appropriated the Semitic term Elohim and reinterpreted it as a synonym for El. The pluralis majestatis argument is just a later justification for Hebrew monotheism and a way to hide the religion's more ancient polytheistic past. Then the same authors of the Bible proceeded to slander and demonize all of the original gods who sided with Enki in the war. Of these we find Enki himself (i.e., the Serpent in Genesis), Enki's firstborn son Marduk (Merodach or Bel in the Bible), Enki's brother Enlil (Ba'al in the Old Testament, later Beelzebub in Christian demonology), Inanna (the "Queen of Heaven" in the Book of Jeremiah), and several others. In biblical times there was also a strong campaign against the goddess Asherah.

So to answer your question, the original Elohim were a group of gods, some of whom were good, while El, Yahweh and the monotheized biblical "Elohim" are all the same being who is overwhelmingly evil. Jehovah is just a later variation of Yahweh.
Winston wrote:
May 27th, 2022, 5:48 am
What about the Egyptians? Who are the Ra, Isis, Osiris, and Set in their theology? Were they good gods or good ancient aliens? Where did they go? Did Thoth tell us anything about them?
The Egyptian gods were our Gentile gods. These too were slandered by the Hebrews. Ptah, who was also known as the "master builder" and "lord of serpents" for his gift of civilization and his great occult powers, is the Egyptian incarnation of Enki. The sun god Ra is an Egyptian incarnation of Marduk. Isis largely corresponds to Inanna. Thoth is the Sumerian god Ningishzidda. Other Egyptian gods and goddesses also correspond with gods and goddesses of other Gentile civilizations and are allied with Enki in the cosmic war.

Egypt was attacked both by the Hyksos who were an earlier incarnation of Yahweh's people (their leaders had Semitic names) and by the pharaoh Akhenaten who attempted to outlaw the original polytheism and impose his own monotheistic Atenism. Akhenaton was probably a Reptilian hybrid.

The good gods of Egypt were expelled from the Earth just like the Watchers of the Book of Enoch. Indeed in the Hermetic text "Prophecy of Thoth" Hermes Trismegistus explains to Asclepius that following the invasion of the "barbarians" the original gods left Egypt and only "evil angels" remained. These evil angels are the angels of Yahweh (or the archons) who defeated the original gods of Enki-Ptah and banished them to the "Abyss".
Winston wrote:
May 27th, 2022, 5:48 am
Does Hinduism say anything about the Demiurge? There are many variations of Hinduism too. Which one do you think is truest?
Hinduism speaks of the evil Asuras who are in a multi-millennial conflict with the Devas and who now rule over the world in the Kali Yuga. The foremost Asura is said to be Vritra who envelops the world in his own darkness. Vritra could be the demiurge or at least a metaphorical representation of his unnatural system. Other major Asuras are Koka and Vikoka, two generals of evil who lord over the Earth and will be slain by Lord Kalki at the end of the Kali Yuga.

Only the prehistoric Hinduism belongs to Shiva and our gods. The earliest form of Hinduism seems to have given priority to Yoga and occult development as evidenced by early statues of Shiva in Yoga poses. Vedic Hinduism is highly corrupt due to its formation in the Kali Yuga. The later philosophical schools of Hinduism such as Vedanta as well as Buddhism are also corruptions. They don't teach the pursuit of godhood and spiritual advancement like the religions of the original gods (see the reliefs of Egypt with the gods with the ascended Kundalini serpent and the activated solar disc). Rather they only teach "karma" and liberation from material reality in the form of "Moksha" or "Nirvana". These sects are all influenced by the asuras/archons for our spiritual enslavement.
Winston wrote:
May 27th, 2022, 5:48 am
Have you seen Robert Stanley's website or podcasts? He thinks Enki is the Yahweh of the Bible. He claims to have met Enki too. Was he deceived? Here's his site: www.unicusmagazine.com
I don't know Robert Stanley but I am aware that some authors within the alternative sphere assert that Enki is Yahweh, which is a baseless claim. But I'm personally not impressed by the level of research of most of these people. The movement is full of authors who wish to promote all kinds of extravagant and poorly researched ideas with the goal of selling books or carving their own niche of fame. I don't know whether Robert Stanley was deceived or whether he is lying or what happened. I don't know the guy and I wasn't there when the event allegedly took place.

But from my years of research I've found that the only biblical identity which fits with Enki is the Serpent in Genesis while most evidence points to Anu as the Sumerian precursor of Yahweh (and not Enlil either as Zecharia Sitchin claims).
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Re: Why the Illuminati & Freemasons Are Not Satanists - Obvious Reasons

Post by Lucas88 »


If you still find the world's occult power structure confusing maybe it would be helpful to conceptualize the New World Order as a metaphorical octopus with the true conspiratorial architects as the head and all of their different ideological currents and organs of control as the many tentacles. The NWO elite doesn't put all of its eggs in the same basket. Rather it imposes its will upon the world through many distinct fronts, some of which may seem outwardly opposed to one another but which at the highest levels of secrecy answer to the same inner circle.

At the head of the octopus there sits the Jewish elite, i.e., the "chosen people" of the chief archon god Yahweh. That Jewish elite practices an occult form of the same demonic Jewish religion which goes back to the Old Testament and conspires to manifest on Earth the Messianic Age of Jewish world domination and universal enslavement of the Gentile nations which was laid out in the so-called "prophecy books" of the Bible. Political Zionism is its main vehicle for this goal in the worldly sphere. Jewish control of finance, the media and the intellectual sphere allow for the Zionists to further their subversive agenda. This is the level of the conspiracy that is totally taboo to talk about. Those who do dare to mention it are heavily censored and subjected to slander and social ostracism.

Then from the head of the octopus emerge various other organizations which exert influence over society in accordance with the agenda of Jewish elite. These not only serve as smokescreens to conceal the Jewish identity of the conspirators but also as proxies through which the Jews can scheme and perpetrate evil crimes without attracting too much attention to their main body. At this level of the New World Order we find secret societies such as Skull and Bones and the Bilderberg Club, Freemasonry, Illuminati groups, Satanism (which is in reality a Jewish creation), the Vatican, communism, and various other political, occult and religious movements. Some of these groups were created directly by agents of the Jewish elite (e.g., Illuminati, Satanism and communism). Others such as Freemasonry started out as Gentile societies with a noble vision for society but were ultimately infiltrated by the enemy and incorporated into the occult power structure. This of course adds to the confusion.

Often some of these groups enter in conflict with one another. The Illuminati and Satanic elements clash with the Catholic/Christian element, at least on the outside. Communism which is inherently atheistic and adopts the doctrine of dialectic materialism likewise clashes with the religious and occult elements. But any conflict between these groups is usually a pantomime orchestrated from the shadows by the same hidden elite. It is not too dissimilar to pro-wrestling where the babyfaces are pitted against the heels in fake matches while in reality all of the wrestlers work for the same company and follow the same script. At the lower levels of the distinct groups true believers and useful idiots genuinely fight for their respective cause and the animosity is certainly real but at the higher levels there is awareness of the staged nature of these conflicts and cooperation in the service of the hidden agenda of Jewish elite. In this manner the Jewish elite is able to disrupt and subvert Gentile societies through various distinct vehicles at the same time and manufacture bloody wars and ideological conflicts from all sides and always have seemingly unrelated proxy fronts to do their dirty work.

When the Jewish elite really wants to push something big they create one of these proxy fronts to do their bidding. That way the proxy front may take the blame should the plan be exposed. One example of this was Marxism/Bolshevism which, while being a vehicle of Jewish subjugation and economic enslavement of the Gentiles, donned a materialist/atheistic exterior. In the Soviet Union the Jewish origins of Marxism/Bolshevism were rarely mentioned. Instead the Revolution was always portrayed as "Russian" and its revolutionaries as proletarian heroes (despite their wealthy origins). Another example is Zionism itself as opposed to "orthodox Judaism". Here we are presented with the notion that the evil is being perpetrated only by an extremist heretical faction of Jews on the fringes of the Jewish world. We are likewise sold the idea of "bad/fake/Satanic Judaism vs. good Judaism". But in reality there is no such thing as "good Judaism". Judaism was always evil, demonic, Zionist and anti-Gentile going all the way back to the Old Testament!

Another way to look at the world's occult power structure is like an onion with various layers. These layers consist of various distinct fronts and smokescreens such as Freemasonry, Illuminism and Satanism until you get to the center where you find the true Zionist architects of the NWO.
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Re: Why the Illuminati & Freemasons Are Not Satanists - Obvious Reasons

Post by Winston »


Thanks. That certainly clears up a lot of confusion. It's interesting you mention "Asuras" because I had a dream one night where a voice told me "If you want to know the truth, look up Asura". I had no idea what that meant. When I looked it up, I found that it represented some higher demonic overlords in Buddhism, and also some deities in RPG games too.

One of my friends, who used to post here as Mr S, came to me in a dream one time too, and told me "Winston, the truth about this world is that aliens are running it. They control the Illuminati too. That's the ultimate secret about this world." The more I research, the more that rings true.

Btw, weren't the ancient Jews and the Hyksos of Egypt the same? Why do the elite like in Washington DC and the Vatican and London all have Egyptian symbols all over them? Is it because they descended from Egypt? But they aren't Egyptian right? The original Egyptians were black right? Plus they are against Egyptian mystery religions, so why do they use Egyptian symbols?

Also, why did the Jewish elite engineer the Holocaust against their own people? That never made any sense. Aren't these elites called Zionists, since most Jews have no idea about the conspiracy?

Btw what do you think of the Kabbalah? Is it bad or is there a good and bad version of it, like the Force in Star Wars? Is it the religion of the Zionists? If so, why do all the YouTube videos about it portray it as a good positive form of spirituality that raises your consciousness?

Have you heard of the Satanic Messiah Sabbata Zevi in 1666? Supposedly the Illuminati began there, not with Adam Weishaupt in 1776. There were some good videos about that, but many of them got taken down. Have you seen them?
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Re: Why the Illuminati & Freemasons Are Not Satanists - Obvious Reasons

Post by Lucas88 »

Winston wrote:
June 2nd, 2022, 1:29 pm

Thanks. That certainly clears up a lot of confusion. It's interesting you mention "Asuras" because I had a dream one night where a voice told me "If you want to know the truth, look up Asura". I had no idea what that meant. When I looked it up, I found that it represented some higher demonic overlords in Buddhism, and also some deities in RPG games too.

One of my friends, who used to post here as Mr S, came to me in a dream one time too, and told me "Winston, the truth about this world is that aliens are running it. They control the Illuminati too. That's the ultimate secret about this world." The more I research, the more that rings true.
That's interesting. It may have been that your oversoul or higher self was revealing to you through that dream something that you needed to research in order to act with consciousness and take a better path in life. Those of us who are psychically sensitive often receive important information and useful guidance in our dreams.

The Asuras are clearly an Eastern parallel of the Western concept of archons. They are malevolent deities who have subverted the divine cosmic order and promote various kinds of evil and destruction on Earth in the Kali Yuga. The Hindu view of evil is more honest and logical in my opinion. It recognizes that the world is currently in a messed-up state because evil beings have taken it over and infected the world with their perverse ways. It doesn't go out of its way to reconcile the idea of a perfect and omnipotent god with humanity's abject suffering or attempt to blame man for the existence of evil as Christianity does. In fact, things start to make a lot more sense when one realizes that the Judeo-Christian god and his angels are deceptive asuras/archons and that the elite Jews are worldly agents of the same entities.
Winston wrote:
June 2nd, 2022, 1:29 pm
Btw, weren't the ancient Jews and the Hyksos of Egypt the same? Why do the elite like in Washington DC and the Vatican and London all have Egyptian symbols all over them? Is it because they descended from Egypt? But they aren't Egyptian right? The original Egyptians were black right? Plus they are against Egyptian mystery religions, so why do they use Egyptian symbols.
There are various reasons for which we find Egyptian/Pagan occult symbols in places like Washington, DC. In some cases the symbols could be a carryover from the earlier Freemasonic societies which were Gentile orders and really did seek to promote enlightenment and intended for America to be a New Atlantis of freedom and prosperity. As you already know, I am of the view that such secret societies existed but were later infiltrated by the negative secret societies of the present elite (Jewish) and incorporated into the New World Order. Their symbols were then twisted and inverted and divorced from their original meanings. For example, the pyramid with the missing capstone originally signified humanity's quest to evolve towards godhood with the pyramid's base representing the initiate and his solid foundation and the missing capstone explaining that he is an unfinished work who pursues his own completion (i.e., the alchemical Opus Magnum), but this same symbol of the pyramid was denatured by the enemy and turned into a symbol of control and subjugation.

The global elites of today are not descendants of Egypt. They are clearly Zionist Jews and descend from Judea/Israel. Whenever their secret societies adopt Egyptian/Pagan symbolism it is either to mask their Jewish origins and misrepresent such secret societies as "Satanic" or "Luciferian" or to invert those symbols and corrupt them for their own nefarious purposes. Magical practices and the occult can be used for either good or evil depending on the intentions of the practitioner. The evil occultists of the Jewish elite are able to use the same symbols of the Egyptians/Pagans but for completely different ends. Furthermore, the people of Yahweh are low-vibrational demonic beings who have no real creativity of their own. All they can do is steal other people's symbols and doctrines and distort them for their own conspiratorial agendas. The Bible itself is mostly a collection of plagiarisms of other prebiblical religions. Even the Jewish "Star of David" or "Seal of Solomon" is just an adaptation of the Hindu Satkona.
Winston wrote:
June 2nd, 2022, 1:29 pm
Also, why did the Jewish elite engineer the Holocaust against their own people? That never made any sense. Aren't these elites called Zionists, since most Jews have no idea about the conspiracy?
The Jewish elite engineered the Holocaust against their own people because they needed a justification for the creation of the State of Israel which would occur just after WW2 in 1948 to be precise. Not only did the Zionists wish to convince the rest of the world of the need for a Jewish ethno-state but they also sought to make European Jews feel unsafe in the countries where they were settled and therefore choose to emigrate to the soon-to-be-created Jewish homeland. The same thing happened in the Soviet Union. Bolshevism was a Jewish movement and indeed the USSR was the first nation to recognize Israel's statehood but then the pogroms began again under Stalin (either Jewish or a Jew-controlled puppet). Once the pogroms were in full swing Jews from Russia and the other Soviet Socialist Republics started to emigrate to Israel in droves. This was exactly what the Zionists wanted.
Winston wrote:
June 2nd, 2022, 1:29 pm
Btw what do you think of the Kabbalah? Is it bad or is there a good and bad version of it, like the Force in Star Wars? Is it the religion of the Zionists? If so, why do all the YouTube videos about it portray it as a good positive form of spirituality that raises your consciousness?
I think that everything that comes from Judaism is bad. The Jews are the the chief archon god's destructive Chosen People after all. The Jewish elite is heavily involved in its own form of occultism which is Kabbalistic but goes far deeper than the so-called Kabbalah which is shown to people in books at commercial bookstores and in YouTube videos. The popularizers of Kabbalah who you see on YouTube portray it as good and positive and consciousness-raising. They have to make it look good to gain support. But the real Kabbalah is much darker and has many more sinister hidden aspects. What they try to sell as the Kabbalistic "Tree of Life" for example is in reality a system of black magic which binds and enslaves the Gentile soul. It is more appropriately a "Tree of Death". Everything with these assholes is a perverse inversion.

Christianity, another evil Jewish hoax slave religion, is very similar in this regard. What the Bible instantiates as the Holy Supper and portrays as a ritual to symbolize the atonement of sin through the Messiah's sacrificial blood is in truth a covert ritual of Jewish black magic which likewise works for the spiritual enslavement of believers. Jesus' sacrifice is called the "Path of Life" but it is really the "Path of Death" peddled to naïve Gentiles by Paul of Tarsus and other Jewish agents of the demiurge.
Winston wrote:
June 2nd, 2022, 1:29 pm
Have you heard of the Satanic Messiah Sabbata Zevi in 1666? Supposedly the Illuminati began there, not with Adam Weishaupt in 1776. There were some good videos about that, but many of them got taken down. Have you seen them?
I have. The movement of Sabbatai Zevi and the Frankists which is supposed to be related to the Illuminati of Adam Weishaupt is a good example of how the Jewish conspirators create new groups and offshoots of Judaism which are supposed to be "heretical" to carry out their evil schemes. That way they can take the blame off mainstream Judaism and point the finger at "Satanic" Jewish heretics on the fringes of Judaism should such plans be exposed or fail. But all of Judaism is evil and conspiratorial. Zionism is biblical. The Jewish subjugation of the Gentile nations was already planned in the Old Testament's "prophecy books". Judaism's goal has always been to subvert the nations of all non-Jews. Judaism's god Yahweh has always been an evil demonic being.
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Re: Why the Illuminati & Freemasons Are Not Satanists - Obvious Reasons

Post by Winston »


I've heard Henry Makow, Jeff Rense, and Texe Marrs, say these things about the Jewish elite too. But they are pro Christian and think Christianity is the antidote to the NWO. As if Christianity were actually true when it makes no sense at all. Henry Makow is Jewish himself too.

One thing i don't get. Why do the Jewish elite promote atheism in universities and academia and science. But at the same time they created Christianity too? Isnt that a contradiction? Is it all a puppet show to keep people between two control systems that they manage?

Also how come Jewish professors at universities and Jewish actors in Hollywood like Woody Allen promote atheism and random chance as the ultimate truth? Why are they so heavily biased toward atheism? Do they know about the conspiracy or are they brainwashed themselves?

The middle class Jews you see in public outside aren't in on any conspiracy right? Or do they know about it but keep it secret?

Btw who wrote the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and why did it get leaked out? Was it intentional and deliberate?
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Re: Why the Illuminati & Freemasons Are Not Satanists - Obvious Reasons

Post by Lucas88 »

Winston wrote:
June 3rd, 2022, 2:10 am

I've heard Henry Makow, Jeff Rense, and Texe Marrs, say these things about the Jewish elite too. But they are pro Christian and think Christianity is the antidote to the NWO. As if Christianity were actually true when it makes no sense at all. Henry Makow is Jewish himself too.

One thing i don't get. Why do the Jewish elite promote atheism in universities and academia and science. But at the same time they created Christianity too? Isnt that a contradiction? Is it all a puppet show to keep people between two control systems that they manage?

Also how come Jewish professors at universities and Jewish actors in Hollywood like Woody Allen promote atheism and random chance as the ultimate truth? Why are they so heavily biased toward atheism? Do they know about the conspiracy or are they brainwashed themselves?
The reason for this is easy to understand if we go back to the octopus analogy. The Jewish elite have created various distinct and seemingly opposed fronts for the realization of their agenda. The Christian sects are there to distract the more religiously inclined Gentiles and subject them to the cult of Yahweh and its slave ideology through the deceptive Jesus program while atheism is being pushed by secular or liberal Jews in order to promote despair and feelings of nihilism among the less religious Gentiles and then to create a hotbed for all kinds of amoral degeneracy for the destabilization of our societies. Through this multifaceted approach the Jews are also able to pit one ideological current or egregore against another and thereby foment further conflicts and social division.
Winston wrote:
June 3rd, 2022, 2:10 am
The middle class Jews you see in public outside aren't in on any conspiracy right? Or do they know about it but keep it secret?
No, only the Jewish elite are in on the conspiracy. Regular Jews simply follow the mandates of their own cultural egregore in a NPC-like fashion like other groups of people do. Most of them therefore believe in the story that has been fed to them by their community leaders about the Jews being a persecuted people. They don't recognize any overarching Jewish conspiracy. Of course, the real reason why Jews are almost universally hated is because of their tribalistic anti-Gentile racism as a group as well as their criminal activities in the countries where they have settled, but Jewish community leaders like to exacerbate ethnic tensions between Gentiles and their own people and promote the idea that Gentile societies are anti-Semitic and that the Jews still face strong persecution. This anti-Gentilism and its concomitant manufactured paranoia ensure that the Jews remain a united people and also serve to gain support among the rank-and-file Jews for Zionism and other Jewish agendas. These rank-and-file Jews are often the secular or liberal types which I previously spoke about.

On a side note, some people don't understand how the Jews can hate Christianity and Jesus if those are a Jewish hoax religion. But the reason becomes obvious when one comes to understand the manipulation of thought and the promotion of paranoia among the Jews by community leaders. The Jewish hoax religion of Christianity isn't just a Trojan horse for the Gentiles; it also serves as an antagonizing force for the Jews themselves. Jewish community leaders teach their compatriots that Christianity is the religion of the European Gentiles (a Jewish lie) and that Christianity and Jesus are anti-Semitic. Moreover Christians are people who like to persecute Jews because they blame them for the death of Jesus (more Jewish bullshit). Through this deliberate antagonization of Jews against Christians, Jewish community leaders justify Jewish anti-Gentilism and then encourage their compatriots to commit immoral acts against Gentiles without remorse and work towards the subversion of Gentile societies which, in the Jewish mind, are just societies of the oppressors and deserve to fall. Interestingly you can see the same thought process in all Jewish Marxist-inspired "activist" movements. This way of thinking is quintessentially Jewish.
Winston wrote:
June 3rd, 2022, 2:10 am
Btw who wrote the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and why did it get leaked out? Was it intentional and deliberate?
The authorship of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion is not known for sure but there exist various theories. One theory is that a copy of the document was leaked by a Russian insider after the first World Zionist Congress in 1897 and subsequently published in Russia. Another theory is that the document is a semi-fictional piece by a Russian insider which includes references to real plans of the Zionist elite. In this case the document format would be a literary device through which to warn Gentiles about what the Jewish subversives had prepared for the Gentile world. What is known though is that the vast majority of the events that were predicted in the Protocols came true in the following decades.

Mainstream PC sources assert that the Protocols are an anti-Semitic hoax but they never provide any evidence for this claim and ignore their uncanny prophetic value. Regular Jews likewise dismiss the authenticity of the document since it paints the Jewish elite in a negative light and could serve to intensify (justified) anti-Semitic sentiments among the Gentiles and anti-Semitism is bad for themselves.
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Re: Why the Illuminati & Freemasons Are Not Satanists - Obvious Reasons

Post by Winston »

@Lucas88 and @Pixel--Dude:

Did you ever look at the thread about Lucifer ruling this world and the links I posted to the Divine Secret Garden Audiobooks? A lot of the content in it is similar to what you say, with the names and labels just mixed around a little. I was wondering if you resonate with it. It's very interesting but the whole audiobook series is over 50 hours so it will take a while to get through. The gist of it is that Lucifer rules this world as the God of Light, while Satan works for him and rules the physical plane and controls the opposite end of the polarity. Together they play good cop, bad cop to entrap humanity into a duality prison. Lucifer and Satan are both separate and part of the same entity as well, it's complicated but in the 4th dimension stuff like that is possible. So basically Lucifer plays the role of the Yahweh Demiurge that you describe above. What do you think of that theory?

This means that the Illuminati are illuminated by the light of Lucifer, and the Freemasons are too. And all Sun worship is Luciferian too, since the Sun represents the God of Light, which the Christians also unknowingly worship. Jesus the "Son" represents the "Sun" as well, that's why you see the Sun behind Jesus in many paintings and images and icons. So the elite have conned people into worshipping the Sun on their behalf, so all the energy transferred goes to Lucifer, their god. Same with corporate logos and many national flags (e.g. Japanese and Taiwanese flags) which show the Sun on their logo or flag. It's homage to the God of Light. That's why Sun worship is everywhere, often hidden.

What the series says is that Lucifer rules the 4th dimension outside of this world, and Satan rules the 3rd dimension material world, and that they both work together. The NWO that is coming is where Lucifer takes the baton from Satan and comes into this world as the savior coming to rule the world. So basically the second coming of Jesus that Christians are waiting for is actually Lucifer coming to reign, since this is his world, not Jesus' world, so Jesus can't come to rule the world. This sort of makes sense.

The 2nd audiobook explains how the Fall in the Garden of Eden was an entrapment by both God and Satan who were working together, and gives many good reasons for it. That's why God would put a dangerous tree in the middle of the garden without any fence or guards, which no one would do, that's like a parent putting a loaded gun in their kid's room and telling him or her not to touch it, rather than hiding it off. Even the US government does not allow the public to touch something dangerous, but walls it off with security and makes it unaccessible. Furthermore, if the Serpent were truly the enemy of God, he would not have been allowed into the garden in the first place. Therefore, it was all intentional and planned by God and Satan, to entrap mankind so he could become a slave and pin the blame on mankind for it. The audiobook uses sheer irrefutable logic to prove this and make it obvious.

Anyway, does all this fit into your view of Yahweh? Is it a parallel to what you said above? Is Lucifer just another name for Yahweh? The audiobook series says it is.

Here is the link to the thread where you can hear the Divine Secret Garden series from my Google Drive or from a YouTube playlist:

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