What US cultural traits made you drop out?

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Re: What US cultural traits made you drop out?

Post by w.p.o. »

I'm absolutely astounded. You know these landscaping companies? Many of the employees for these companies work 10 hours per day 6 days per week!!! They literally live to work with no time for themselves.

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Re: What US cultural traits made you drop out?

Post by MattHanson1990 »

For me, here are the cultural traits that made me drop out:

- There really is NO culture in the US of Gay. Everything is centered around doing business, making money, and consumerism.
- The social and dating scene get a lot tougher after high school and are nonexistent once you're in the suburbs.
- Feminism, misandry, political correctness, and double standards
- A lot of the lonely guys who can't get dates are blue pill swallowers and still believe in a system that's designed to screw males over in reality.
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Re: What US cultural traits made you drop out?

Post by mattyman »

Although I'm from the UK, a lot of the stuff brought-up here could easily described this country too, particularly the 'you are what you do' live to work mentality. People are also incredibly cliquey on the whole and not very open to talking to others outside their clique, or being invited to tag along to things.

One thing specific to the UK that I'm not keen on is the alcohol-based nature of socialising, the fact that 'socialising' to a lot of people=getting drunk.
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Re: What US cultural traits made you drop out?

Post by fightforlove »

MattHanson1990 wrote: A lot of the lonely guys who can't get dates are blue pill swallowers and still believe in a system that's designed to screw males over in reality.
I also notice that about a lot of American men. Their best reference point is maybe their parents/older people around them from another time before the Millennial Generation. There's especially a lot of hive-mindedness amongst the Millennials, it's like social media/internet has in some ways made people even more prone to herd instinct. People will give you the self-shaming pep talk, and there's always a need for self-improvement, but there's no doubt the latest edition of American women are pretty trashy. I remember when PUA was popular back in the 2000s in my college years, those old school Game guys would shame men and say they weren't "cocky & funny enough" when they got nuclear rejected by some skank in a night club. Sure enough, the poor bastards eventually realized it really wasn't their faults, and then, along came PUA Hate, and, finally, the Manosphere. Now Player guys are an absolutely vile combination of Manosphere and Game, and conservatives have never had their heads deeper in the sand.
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Re: What US cultural traits made you drop out?

Post by lostinthe80s »

Being treated like a criminal EVERYWHERE you go .
The obsession with celebrities.
The NIMBY mentality(which is why new train systems arent being built/expanded).
People being too serious and not liking sense of humour
Car culture. This was responsible for abandoning/cutting passenger rail service.
Inadequate public transportation systems in the suburbs.
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Re: What US cultural traits made you drop out?

Post by ShanesWatson »

Freedom is America's slogan. American society has always preferred cars over busses and trains. That is why the cities and suburbs are swarming with cars while producing harmful climatic impacts. In the United States, a middle-class household now requires a three-car garage. I believe we have reached a tipping point and that things will begin to change. Finding out the reason what did the rise of the car culture lead to in the USA. people love to drive cars.
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Re: What US cultural traits made you drop out?

Post by willymonfrete »

I find most people pretty tacky,shallow,stupid and ratchet/trashy in america.also women are stuck up and don't need men.I have the best experience with Southeastasian women in my lifetime.
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Re: What US cultural traits made you drop out?

Post by kangarunner »

I've been reading through this thread. The question I want to ask here is why are we on this forum a minority opinion and the only ones coming to the realization about the US being f***ed up?.......while the rest of America seems to be a zombie in the matrix
Favorite Cornfed quote: "Here's another one to reassure you lemmings that the ongoing humiliation ritual that is your ratshit life will soon be coming to an end."

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Re: What US cultural traits made you drop out?

Post by OutcastedPhilosopher »

kangarunner wrote:
February 23rd, 2022, 4:15 am
I've been reading through this thread. The question I want to ask here is why are we on this forum a minority opinion and the only ones coming to the realization about the US being f***ed up?.......while the rest of America seems to be a zombie in the matrix
Because we can face reality and the rest prefer illusions
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Re: What US cultural traits made you drop out?

Post by WilliamSmith »

kangarunner wrote:
February 23rd, 2022, 4:15 am
I've been reading through this thread. The question I want to ask here is why are we on this forum a minority opinion and the only ones coming to the realization about the US being f***ed up?.......while the rest of America seems to be a zombie in the matrix
Hmm, my impression is that the overall majority mood has gotten VERY negative, and both left and right wing people who hate each other both mostly think it's !@#$ed up, even if for different reasons. So I don't think we're a minority opinion in thinking the US is screwed.
The key difference I see between those of us committed to going overseas and the majority, is that a lot of the people from hostile political factions who want to stay here think they're going to theoretically fix things through hostile aggression against whatever other people or groups they don't like. This is the same way they did things when Bolsheviks took over in the ex-Soviet territories as well, not to mention the French Revolution and other similar cases.

Though there is also growing sentiment from both sides in favor of secession/separation of various sorts too, which theoretically could be less dystopian and totally totalitarian... We'll see!
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) : https://www.unz.com/page/american-pravda-series/
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Re: What US cultural traits made you drop out?

Post by WilliamSmith »

Re: the main topic of the thread: What US cultural traits made you drop out?

No question about it for me: If you name just one factor, it is definitely "globohomo" and the ongoing attempt to normalize the intolerable horror of pedophilia, among other types of total depravity.

I tuned out the jewmedia a long time ago (early 2000-ish era) because all the entertainment was crap, the news was obviously agenda driven propaganda (+ they conditioned everyone to being dumbed down and spending long drawn out periods of time listening to vacuous segments where people barely even make much of a point in the allotted time), and I thought it was better to just block out this garbage and be positive, so focus only on my own personal goals and businesses, girlfriends, etc.
So I completely tuned out popular culture and ignored it, only keeping tabs on economic stuff to see what the lying jews in the Fed were doing !@#$ing around with interest rates and monetary printing and so on, but otherwise doing my own thing.
So in some ways that kind of philosophy of focusing only on your own goals is great (and it felt really great to never look at mainstream media, social media which I never personally used anyway, or anything like that), but in doing this, I totally missed out on what was going on with the whole "transgender" movement and the downright surreal speed at which the jew world order has completely destroyed this country internally within only a couple generations at worst. :shock:

I didn't even know what "trans" meant until around 2018 or so. I thought it was about hermaphrodites for quite awhile, when I'd see various stupid sidebar headlines or jewtube video suggestions pop up, and hit "not interested" without watching. Then finally after seeing yet another jewtube video suggestion along the lines of "Denny Schwartzbaum DESTROYS trans liberal in 15 second CNBC debate" or something like that, I asked a girl I was with why all the mainstream media outlets were suddenly going bananas about hermaphrodites, as some supposedly top issue. (Hadn't hermaphrodites always been around since antiquity?! I remember seeing one when me and that same chick got plastered drinking Bombay Sapphire Gin and watched Fellini's Satyricon, LOL.) But then she explained the horror to me: "trans" isn't about hermaphrodites... it's about... arrrrgh!! Yeah, I assume you guys have heard and seen the bad news about what it is.
Now we've very literally got satanic trannies in positions of high government office and military positions, indoctrinating pre-schoolers by having grotesque demonic transvestite faggots read them stories about how there is no such thing as gender, publicizing grotesque pornographic sexualized photography with trannies posing with children well under the age of 10 years old, creating bdsm and bondage masks designed for small children, and have "non-binary" "progressives" making TikTok videos in drag celebrating telling stories about "exploring their sexuality" by molesting household pets, as well as celebrating their own psychoses and drug addictions which they seem to believe qualifies them for special treatment as "protected groups," among other things.
There ought to have already been a total revolution the moment any of this complete utter perversion ever came to the public's attention, but the fact that there hasn't been tells me I made a BIG mistake in not taking Doug Casey's advice to "Get out of Dodge" years ago. (I considered it back in 2010-ish seriously, but ironically was thinking of going to Ukraine, LOL.)

So at my current age, I like macho stuff, MMA, Conan the Barbarian, 80s action movies and so on and do my best not to be a useless whining beta male, but.... whimsically thinking back on when I was a little kid watching Disney films (i.e. in the days before Disney was completely controlled by satanic pedophile jews like it is now), I remember when the concept of families, children, and pets was something actually positive that would give you sort of a warm domesticated feeling, kind of a like a hobbit appreciating life in the shire.
Now we see this complete onslaught of total perversion... and if so many "Americans" (a term which means pretty much nothing at this point) are actually tolerating this or even promoting it as being "progressive," then what new depths of perversion and depravity won't they tolerate and go along with?
I'm glad there is some rebellion going on, but after their completely disgraceful crawling to satanic jews in going along with all the zionist warmongering, I must say I have my doubts about USSA being anything but a total titanic at this point...

Some of the hardcore tradpill or religious types don't like me either because I think scoring with women is fine, yet I think we all have to ask ourselves at this point:
What the hell would any man in his right mind do if you ended up having a kid on the way in this country at this point?
You'd have to be a member of some heavily contrarian community of some sort with an open vociferous commitment to not allowing pedophiles or jews within 100 feet of your children or pets.

A bit more broadly: The combinations of hardcore marxist indoctrination in education, getting everyone hooked and drugs and poisoned food, promoting depravity to the max in popular media, and then completely blowing it all up with the race riots and nutcase globohomo campaign has turned this country into a disaster biohazard area that can't be fixed unless there's some kind of hard breakup.
But honestly, without contempt for innocent chump Americans who fell for the obvious 9/11 exploitation by jews (regardless of whether jihadis did it in response to their warmongering mass-murder of their people and nations, or whether "Dancing Israelis" did it themselves), we need some kind of a ragnarok scenario here to stop the endless mass-murdering jew wars overseas. Americans were total unbelievable !@#$ing chumps to fall for the ZOG's totalitarian takeover following 9/11.

On a lighter note, I am in the contrarian camp in one sense:
I'm not arguing if you guys don't want to go near American women if you really think they're that bad (so good luck overseas!), but I personally don't think American women are all that horrible, en masse. :D
One of my favorite Latinas, for example, has all the traits I see some MGTOW woman-haters and incels bitching about online: tattoos, piercings, etc, but I think she's a sweetheart and great in the sack, LOL. :mrgreen:
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) : https://www.unz.com/page/american-pravda-series/
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Re: What US cultural traits made you drop out?

Post by Cornfed »

We realize Musk is another fraudster installed by the establishment, right? Nothing good is going to come of anything he does. If he allows more free speech it is just going to be because the bag guys want to keep the limited hand out game going by pretending the repugs are a real opposition or whatever.
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Re: What US cultural traits made you drop out?

Post by OutcastedPhilosopher »

Cornfed wrote:
April 21st, 2022, 5:15 am
We realize Musk is another fraudster installed by the establishment, right? Nothing good is going to come of anything he does. If he allows more free speech it is just going to be because the bag guys want to keep the limited hand out game going by pretending the repugs are a real opposition or whatever.
Exactly. This is a man who wants to install dueralink nodes into peoples brains and run AI programs on them. This guy is a real nutter.

The space stuff he is doing is just more nonsense and a grift just like his companies. It is obvious he has strong backers among the Military Industrial Complex and a faction of the Banking Houses who support his companies.

The opposition is false here as he is a controlled entity.
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Re: What US cultural traits made you drop out?

Post by kangarunner »

I want to add here what a guy from Belgium sees as his least favorite things about Western culture:

1) materialism / too much focus on financial gain

2) the need to constantly compare ourselves to other people

3) we're more guarded and less warm than other cultures
Favorite Cornfed quote: "Here's another one to reassure you lemmings that the ongoing humiliation ritual that is your ratshit life will soon be coming to an end."

Favorite yick quote: "You are not my mate".

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