List of Freedoms in China that America Doesn't Have! What Western Media Never Tells You!

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Re: 36 Freedoms/Benefits in China That America Doesn't Have! What the Media Never Tells You!

Post by MrMan »

Winston wrote:
November 4th, 2021, 6:57 pm
China is mostly clean and 100 percent safe. You can walk around anywhere at night at 2am or 3am and never get mugged. You can't say that about America. Also the people there are more authentic and down to earth, not fake, and not paranoid and not afraid to make eye contact. In contrast, in USA, Japan and Taiwan people are very repressed and don't even make eye contact with strangers.
You can probably walk around __most places__ in the US at 2 AM without getting mugged. Most of the US is rural land and most of the population is in cities. There are lots of towns where walking at 2 AM is perfectly safe. There are many large cities where it is not safe, though. Are there no dangerous parts of China like that at all?

The right to bear arms makes America a little more dangerous, along with the illegally owned guns, especially if you aren't the one bearing the arms at 2 AM.
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Re: 36 Freedoms & Benefits in China that America Doesn't Have! What the Media Never Tells You!

Post by MrMan »

Winston wrote:
November 25th, 2016, 1:23 pm

26. Freedom to date women more attractive than you. In China, one of the first things you notice is that in most couples, the woman is more attractive than the man. Everywhere you go you see nerdy or even ugly guys with attractive females, which you'd never see in the US. In the US, you see the REVERSE. You see average females with men who are more attractive than them, as if average women can afford to be picky and get more than they deserve. After all, women have too much power in America, because America is pro-women and anti-male, which is unfair of course but you aren't allowed to question it or complain about it. So if you like attractive feminine women who are thin and cute, China is definitely the place to go, because they are far more attainable there, whereas in the US, even average women are hard to get. One reason for this is that in Asia, women aren't as picky about looks as American women are.

The statistics on this don't make much sense. I suppose if you are like me and men just aren't on the radar for attractiveness-- just don't make it on the scale, some women are a little attractive, and some are quite attractive, but most women aren't attractive, this makes sense. Men are either with attractive women or not. So a woman who is a little attractive or better who is with a man is better looking than him. That is how I perceive things.

But if you are going based on some kind of scale for attractiveness for a man being perceived by women as an attractive man in the Chinese environment, versus a scale of women being perceived as attractive by men as an attractive woman, the woman cannot be further to the right of the mean on the bell curve than the men (assuming normal distributions.) The math doesn't work out.

It's kind of like surveys where everyone considers himself/herself to be an above-average driver. The math doesn't work out.

But it's cool if everyone is okay with the woman being better-looking than the man, especially if the woman is cool with it. If they were all 9s and 10s for looks, that would be cool. But then the mean would shift upward and the 9s would be considered ugly in the next generation.

27. Freedom from the negative/paranoid/uptight vibe and energy of America. In America, people are on edge and frustrated. Life is stressful and there is no social connection to make you happy, or even meaning. Life is a treadmill where you must always produce and be productive and where no one cares about you, so you feel lonely and unloved and used, as if your worth is determined by your contribution to profit only. Yet you must accept all this. The energy feels toxic in American cities and the West Coast.[/quote]

Maybe California or wherever you have lived is worse than the rest of the country. The south is probably more laid back. The midwest wasn't too bad when I was there.

28. Freedom to eat alone at restaurants and not be judged negatively. If you eat at a restaurant alone in the US, you will stick out like a sore thumb and look like a loser. People only go to restaurants with their friends and family or with a date. It might be ok to eat alone in NYC but not in the US suburbs. There it's all about groups and families. No one goes out alone. That's why you never see single people eating alone in restaurants. They go to subway and take out food. But in China and most other countries, no one judges you on little stuff like that. You can eat alone and not feel like a loser or look abnormal. People who are down to earth don't judge others that way.[/quote]

It doesn't bother me. I think I got over some of the social pressure in Korea, when a whole bus full of people would be staring at me when I was waiting to cross the street. I just came to ignore them. I have a family, so I rarely eat alone. But when I was single, I didn't care. If I am traveling and eat alone, I don't care. When I was single, I might have occasionally longed for a partner while eating alone, but I didn't feel ashamed before other people for eating alone. I think this might be an internal struggle for you. Does anyone say, "Are you eating alone? You looser. Hahahaha!"?
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Re: 36 Freedoms & Benefits in China that America Doesn't Have! What the Media Never Tells You!

Post by MrMan »

Winston wrote:
November 25th, 2016, 1:23 pm
22. Freedom from affirmative action laws. Furthermore, in America some states have affirmative action laws and so employers must hire a certain percentage of workers all races if they have a large pool of employees. But you have no such absurd thing in China, which is more real and allows employers to hire who they want without unnatural interference.
It is probably unlikely that expats in China are going to open companies that hire lots of employees. Being free to discriminate against men who are attracted to young men, pedophiles, 'johns' and others when you open a school is worth something. People shouldn't get special legal protection for their sexual inclinations. Right now, that's for gays. You shouldn't be forced to hire a dude-looks-like-a-lady to work at your hamburger stand if you aren't targeting gays as customers, either.

I have compassion for the handicapped, but some of the requirements that companies have to accommodate those who have handicapped people seem unreasonable to me. The big corporations are considered to have a near inexhaustible supply of resources. They are owned by shareholders, but they are the ones the government wants to shift costs onto for employement. Universities also have to give a student double time to take a test if that student gets a psychologist or psychiatrist to sign a paper that he or she has test taker anxiety (who doesn't), so it has gotten unreasonable, IMO.
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Re: 36 Freedoms/Benefits in China That America Doesn't Have! What the Media Never Tells You!

Post by Winston »

MrMan wrote:
November 5th, 2021, 5:17 pm
Winston wrote:
November 4th, 2021, 6:57 pm
China is mostly clean and 100 percent safe. You can walk around anywhere at night at 2am or 3am and never get mugged. You can't say that about America. Also the people there are more authentic and down to earth, not fake, and not paranoid and not afraid to make eye contact. In contrast, in USA, Japan and Taiwan people are very repressed and don't even make eye contact with strangers.
You can probably walk around __most places__ in the US at 2 AM without getting mugged. Most of the US is rural land and most of the population is in cities. There are lots of towns where walking at 2 AM is perfectly safe. There are many large cities where it is not safe, though. Are there no dangerous parts of China like that at all?

The right to bear arms makes America a little more dangerous, along with the illegally owned guns, especially if you aren't the one bearing the arms at 2 AM.
No. Nowhere in China will you get mugged. Not even in the poorest neighborhoods.

Go to East LA or the bad parts of Chicago, even the police do not dare to go there. There parts of Chicago where the police say they do not dare enter. You will never hear that in China. No comparison.

Yes most of the US suburbs are safe. Especially if you are a man. Women though claim they have to be more careful and will get taken advantage of more easily.

However, the US media and movies make America look very dangerous. In the 1991 movie Grand Canyon, which is very good, they make it look like everyone in Los Angeles gets shot at and attacked by muggers in LA. Not true of course but the movie claims that. I never experienced any violence or shooting in LA. Furthermore, the movie claims that LA is the world so the whole world is just as dangerous and crazy and violent as LA. Not true of course, but the characters in the movie keep saying "the world" when referring to LA. Huge fallacy. But this is common in American movies.
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Re: 36 Freedoms & Benefits in China that America Doesn't Have! What the Media Never Tells You!

Post by Winston »

Check out this walking tour of malls and streets in Guanzhou, China. You can tell it's very safe and violence free. Why doesn't the US media or CNN or even the Alt media tell you this? LOL

Check out these comments below the video. I added some too.

Happier Abroad - Expat Living and Dating Overseas
1 second ago
Where's all the soldiers with machine guns and starving people that the US media and Alt media always like to show us? lol. They are such liars. Why doesn't anyone expose them or why doesn't China put out an official video debunking all the US media lies about China have no freedom and full of poor starving people everywhere and soldiers with machine guns everywhere? LOL. ROTFL!

Jeanie Angela
8 months ago
Shocking, awesome and respectful super city. Large city square. Green plants everywhere. Women and children can play safely. No violence. No beggars. No drugs. Comfortable and clean streets. Delicious food.

8 months ago
BBC, CNN, Foxnews disagree, they believe (at least they want you to believe) a country full of drug addicts and sociopath like US is still the role model of the world, still can lecture everyone about how great demoCRAZY is

David Cadman
8 months ago
@A.J. Hey, with 50+ ethnic groups and tons of Expat Europeans and Americans, the diversity is enormous. But unlike America it doesn't try to segregate & oppress the differences. As well, the recent population control policy of 1 child per couple only applied to the Han ethnic group, they being the greatest numbers. It didn't apply to the minority ethnic groups. Even the Uygurs grew in population over the period of the policy, by millions.

Happier Abroad - Expat Living and Dating Overseas
2 minutes ago
True but why doesn't the US media ever tell you that? China is super safe. You will never be mugged no matter where you walk or what time. Why doesn't the US media tell you that? It portrays China has a horrible place with no freedom at all. All lies. Why doesn't China put out any videos debunking that? It's as if it's happy to play the boogie man.

Happier Abroad - Expat Living and Dating Overseas
16 seconds ago
@汤圆 So true. Why doesn't China put out an official video debunking all the myths and lies of CNN? I don't get it. It's as if they are happy to play the boogie man for the US media to use to trick people into thinking that America is the land of the free.

Happier Abroad - Expat Living and Dating Overseas
1 second ago
Also the women in China are more social and friendly to me, unlike Taiwan where no one is interested in socializing or hanging out and there's a weird vibe that feels off. China feels more normal and human.

Happier Abroad - Expat Living and Dating Overseas
1 second ago
Also the cops in China are very polite and relaxed. They don't look like they are itching for a fight or confrontation like American cops do. Why doesn't CNN or even the Alt Media ever tell us that???!!!

Happier Abroad - Expat Living and Dating Overseas
1 second ago
@Chenbo Li Not really. Taiwan has a very antisocial vibe. When I try to socialize there, I feel like a criminal. People are super uptight and paranoid and closed off. In China people are more down to earth and open to socializing with me. There is a big difference. But no one has the guts to talk about it. I have many photos to prove what I mean.

Happier Abroad - Expat Living and Dating Overseas
1 second ago
@Chenbo Li Also Hong Kong is much more rude and grouchy. China is more down to earth. In HK people look pissed and unpleasant. You cannot blame it on circumstance, because in poor countries like the Philippines people still look cheerful and happy and carefree.

Happier Abroad - Expat Living and Dating Overseas
1 second ago
Another thing. In China you don't have to leave tips in restaurants like you are FORCED to in America. Nor do you have to smile and pretend that you are always in a good happy mood like in America. China allows you to be honest about whether you feel happy or sad. You don't have to say that you are feeling great when someone asks "How are you?" like you do in America. So China allows more honesty about certain things. The western media and alt media and even the Taiwanese media (which is anti-China) never tells you stuff like this.
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Re: 36 Freedoms & Benefits in China that America Doesn't Have! What the Media Never Tells You!

Post by Winston »

Wow check out the view from the top of Canton Tower in Guangzhou, China. WTF? I was there in 2018 and didn't see any way you could go up Canton Tower. Is this new? The view looks spectacular.

As you can see, China looks very safe and modern. Not full of starving people and soldiers with machine guns everywhere like the US media portrays. Nor is it dirty and filthy like Taiwanese people claim, and even Rock claims that too for some weird reason. It's false, but they always claim that, even Rock does. I don't know why. It's like they are programmed.

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Re: 36 Freedoms & Benefits in China that America Doesn't Have! What the Media Never Tells You!

Post by Winston »

Question. I don't understand something. If China has zero freedom like everyone in the West unanimously claims, then how come during the year I was in China, I was NEVER bothered by any government officials or cops? Not once? The only time a security guard approached me was to tell me not to sit at the fountain side because it was a no-sitting zone. He was polite about it though. Also the cops in China look bored yet polite and humble. They do NOT look like they are itching for a fight or confrontation or an excuse to turn into an asshole like American cops do. Am I missing something here?

How do you explain that? Why do Americans and their media always lie about China? Even the alternative media does. Why does no one debunk or expose this? And how come the Chinese government never puts out any official videos to debunk all the myths and lies about China? It's as if they are happy to play the boogie man for the Western media so it can trick Americans into thinking America is still the land of the free, because China is less free than them, which I don't see at all of course.

Before I ever went to China I was expecting to see soldiers with machine guns everywhere and starving people climbing over each other to get food. That's why I was scared to go. However, I NEVER saw that even for one second. So why do most people on YouTube assume that that's what China is like? Even truthers assume that.

So why is there a HUGE discrepancy between what you hear and see in real life, and why aren't more people pointing this out?
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Re: 36 Freedoms & Benefits in China that America Doesn't Have! What the Media Never Tells You!

Post by Yohan »

Winston wrote:
December 28th, 2021, 7:31 am
Question. I don't understand something. If China has zero freedom like everyone in the West unanimously claims, then how come during the year I was in China, I was NEVER bothered by any government officials or cops? Not once?
All Chinese I met personally so far in Japan will openly tell you that life in China in general is not that bad as long as you do not show up and complain about the government. - If you do this and some are doing it with a rather persistent way, you are gone, you 'disappear'.

Keep in mind Chinas government is a dictatorship (but you can say the same about other Asian nations)

Ordinary Chinese people will tell you - except that the government cannot be touched - that most of their problems are quite similar to Japan and even to USA.

For example horrible prices for housing in the large cities, which makes it often impossible to become an owner of your home or by far too long working hours and only few vacation days. I also heard various complaints about safety on the workplace. Not easy to find a good job, a lot of money required for higher education and so on.

Interesting, many complaints are also about dating, too many picky and arrogant overdemanding females...LOL

There are however also complaints that government control over citizens is getting harsh, like news and internet censorship even about non-political issues, as you can see it now with covid-19.

Of course, China is not North Korea - Mao times are a part of the past.
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Re: 36 Freedoms & Benefits in China that America Doesn't Have! What the Media Never Tells You!

Post by Winston »

But Yohan, the US government is also super controlling and antagonistic and highly corrupt too. How is the US government any better? Even though the US government doesn't call itself a dictatorship, it can still be one by its ACTIONS right? Just because the US claims to be free doesn't make it true. Mexico has far fewer laws and their laws are not enforced. Their government does nothing and is very lax and liberatarian. Does that mean Mexico is the land of the free? If so, why aren't Mexicans and everyone in the world calling Mexico "the land of the free"? Why does America have that label? On what basis? Is there any scientific proof that USA is the land of the free? Or is it just a mantra everyone utters without knowing why?
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Re: 36 Freedoms & Benefits in China that America Doesn't Have! What the Media Never Tells You!

Post by MrMan »

Winston wrote:
December 28th, 2021, 7:17 am
Check out this walking tour of malls and streets in Guanzhou, China. You can tell it's very safe and violence free. Why doesn't the US media or CNN or even the Alt media tell you this? LOL

Check out these comments below the video. I added some too.

Happier Abroad - Expat Living and Dating Overseas
1 second ago
Where's all the soldiers with machine guns and starving people that the US media and Alt media always like to show us? lol. They are such liars. Why doesn't anyone expose them or why doesn't China put out an official video debunking all the US media lies about China have no freedom and full of poor starving people everywhere and soldiers with machine guns everywhere? LOL. ROTFL!

Jeanie Angela
8 months ago
Shocking, awesome and respectful super city. Large city square. Green plants everywhere. Women and children can play safely. No violence. No beggars. No drugs. Comfortable and clean streets. Delicious food.

8 months ago
BBC, CNN, Foxnews disagree, they believe (at least they want you to believe) a country full of drug addicts and sociopath like US is still the role model of the world, still can lecture everyone about how great demoCRAZY is

David Cadman
8 months ago
@A.J. Hey, with 50+ ethnic groups and tons of Expat Europeans and Americans, the diversity is enormous. But unlike America it doesn't try to segregate & oppress the differences. As well, the recent population control policy of 1 child per couple only applied to the Han ethnic group, they being the greatest numbers. It didn't apply to the minority ethnic groups. Even the Uygurs grew in population over the period of the policy, by millions.

Happier Abroad - Expat Living and Dating Overseas
2 minutes ago
True but why doesn't the US media ever tell you that? China is super safe. You will never be mugged no matter where you walk or what time. Why doesn't the US media tell you that? It portrays China has a horrible place with no freedom at all. All lies. Why doesn't China put out any videos debunking that? It's as if it's happy to play the boogie man.

Happier Abroad - Expat Living and Dating Overseas
16 seconds ago
@汤圆 So true. Why doesn't China put out an official video debunking all the myths and lies of CNN? I don't get it. It's as if they are happy to play the boogie man for the US media to use to trick people into thinking that America is the land of the free.

Happier Abroad - Expat Living and Dating Overseas
1 second ago
Also the women in China are more social and friendly to me, unlike Taiwan where no one is interested in socializing or hanging out and there's a weird vibe that feels off. China feels more normal and human.

Happier Abroad - Expat Living and Dating Overseas
1 second ago
Also the cops in China are very polite and relaxed. They don't look like they are itching for a fight or confrontation like American cops do. Why doesn't CNN or even the Alt Media ever tell us that???!!!

Happier Abroad - Expat Living and Dating Overseas
1 second ago
@Chenbo Li Not really. Taiwan has a very antisocial vibe. When I try to socialize there, I feel like a criminal. People are super uptight and paranoid and closed off. In China people are more down to earth and open to socializing with me. There is a big difference. But no one has the guts to talk about it. I have many photos to prove what I mean.

Happier Abroad - Expat Living and Dating Overseas
1 second ago
@Chenbo Li Also Hong Kong is much more rude and grouchy. China is more down to earth. In HK people look pissed and unpleasant. You cannot blame it on circumstance, because in poor countries like the Philippines people still look cheerful and happy and carefree.

Happier Abroad - Expat Living and Dating Overseas
1 second ago
Another thing. In China you don't have to leave tips in restaurants like you are FORCED to in America. Nor do you have to smile and pretend that you are always in a good happy mood like in America. China allows you to be honest about whether you feel happy or sad. You don't have to say that you are feeling great when someone asks "How are you?" like you do in America. So China allows more honesty about certain things. The western media and alt media and even the Taiwanese media (which is anti-China) never tells you stuff like this.
The city, or the parts shown, look very well-laid-out and well-developed. The lighted tower in the distance makes for an interesting addition to the scenery. It may also be that the city is so densely populated that there is no back alley for muggers to mug people in.
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Re: 36 Freedoms & Benefits in China that America Doesn't Have! What the Media Never Tells You!

Post by Winston »

That doesnt make sense MrMan. Of course there are back alleys in China. And of course they are empty late at night. China is huge. What about villages and small towns and suburbs? There are plenty of places a mugger could hide. But they don't exist in China. Why?

See the movie Grand Canyon from 1991 starring Danny Glover, Steve Martin, and Kevin Kline. It says that everyone in the world gets shot at and mugged and attacked randomly on the street like you see in Los Angeles. Totally false of course. But American movies and media and truthers like Jordan Maxwell always say that. Why doesn't anyone ever enlighten them?
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Re: 36 Freedoms & Benefits in China that America Doesn't Have! What the Media Never Tells You!

Post by Gali »

That is your free China ... s-cry-food
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Re: 36 Freedoms & Benefits in China that America Doesn't Have! What the Media Never Tells You!

Post by Winston »

China English news channel hosts a panel discussion about the Western media's distorted coverage of China.

The China English News network:
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Re: 36 Freedoms & Benefits in China that America Doesn't Have! What the Media Never Tells You!

Post by kangarunner »

@Winston Look at this street walking video in China. China doesn't look filthy at all like I was told it is.

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Re: 36 Freedoms & Benefits in China that America Doesn't Have! What the Media Never Tells You!

Post by Outcast9428 »

kangarunner wrote:
July 13th, 2022, 12:45 pm
@Winston Look at this street walking video in China. China doesn't look filthy at all like I was told it is.

Holy shit that place looks amazing...

I just want to live in Asia bros :(
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