Why do most normies dislike Winston for no reason, even if he did nothing wrong?

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Re: Why do most people dislike Winston for no apparent reason? Especially in First World Countries?

Post by Darknight »

Winston wrote:
August 12th, 2018, 2:15 am
Ok I'll make it simple. Can you just answer this one question then?

2. If it's all about looks then how come in China and Taiwan, everywhere you go, you see ugly guys with hot girls? Everywhere, everyday I see that. I took lots of photos to prove it too. You wanna see them?

Did you consider that maybe they have a connection or are comfortable with each other or are part of the same clique? Did you consider that they may be connected to the same hive mind? Thus the central AI computer may have paired them together since they are connected to the same group soul. In contrast if you are not connected to the same hive mind or group soul, then you are an outsider and disliked. And if you know anything about female psychology, you would know that women care a lot about FAMILIARITY, not novelty. They'd rather date an ugly guy they know very well and are in the same clique with, than a handsome stranger they don't know. NE Asian women especially dislike talking to strangers, even handsome strangers. It's against their culture which they conform to religiously.

Why is your mind so narrow and shallow that you fail to consider any of the above?

I don't think you've been to Asia. If you had you'd know there are very few handsome men. Most guys are ugly or nerdy. Yet they are able to date attractive or cute girls. So it cannot be about looks. That debunks your theory right there.

Why are you not smart enough to realize this?
Those couples u see ugly guys or old guys with babes are probably in it for the money.. in asia money talks....

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Re: Why do most normies dislike Winston for no reason, even if he did nothing wrong?

Post by josephty2 »

Winston wrote:
July 8th, 2018, 8:50 am
I been meaning to ask everyone something for a while now. This is a question that most people do not have the guts or honesty to ask, because it's self-degrading and better to deny. But I really want to know because it makes no sense and bothers me a lot.

Why do most people seem to dislike me for no apparent reason?...

What do you all think? Do any of you experience these things too? If so, is there a rational explanation?
depends how you define normie.

I would think you're a normie too unless you're a chad, someone like Donald Trump, or TheLogicJunkie

But since you are a normie, who has to spend huge amounts of time away from America because of your haircut routine.

As of your family members (cousins) not liking you, please and because Winston since you enjoy the what if scenarios and logic so much, they would probably find you more confusing if you ever grew your hair long. But don't be so frustrated, your past lives people you interacted with for some reason, are not in America.
Then again, some people go all the way (cognitive dissonance/fallacy of incomplete evidence).

Eat dates.

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Re: Why do most normies dislike Winston for no reason, even if he did nothing wrong?

Post by Mercury »

Winston wrote:
July 8th, 2018, 8:50 am
I been meaning to ask everyone something for a while now. This is a question that most people do not have the guts or honesty to ask, because it's self-degrading and better to deny. But I really want to know because it makes no sense and bothers me a lot.

Why do most people seem to dislike me for no apparent reason? Especially in Taiwan and America? It's like they snub me and look at me with disdain, even though I never did anything wrong to them. It's very weird and illogical. I don't believe it's my imagination too, like my parents claim. When people dislike you, there's a certain VIBE and ENERGY they give off. You can feel it strongly. It's not your imagination. It's a very particular vibe and feeling you get. I'm sure you've all experienced it right?

I'm not just talking about people online who hate this website. I'm talking about people who see me in person or meet me in person or even pass by me. They look at me with cold hateful eyes, or shun me, or look down on me, etc. What is their problem? What did I do wrong?

Do any of you notice this too? Do people dislike you or shun you for no reason just because you are honest, genuine and think for yourself? I get that all the time, so I wonder if it's just me. Especially in cliquish countries like USA, Japan, Taiwan, where people are not soulful and not alive, but only care about comfort and privacy and being left alone.

In a perfect and just world, everyone would like you if you were a nice good guy who is honest and kind and has good character. But this world isn't like that as you know. That's not enough. Maybe back in the 1950's that was enough to make everyone like you. But not in the 1980's and not now. I think in a good world, there's no reason for people to dislike you as long as you are good, nice, and honest. What good reason could there possibly be to dislike a good person with good character and honesty? I don't get it. Only in a f***ed up world would that be possible.

Now in case you are wondering: "If most people don't like you, maybe it's because there's something wrong with you?" Well look at me. Here's the truth and bare facts about me:

1. I am honest. I never lie, cheat or steal.
2. I am kind and caring and helpful. (within reason) And I treat others fairly.
3. I smile to strangers and am not shy to say hi or make conversation with others. I am sociable, friendly and outgoing and genuine.
4. I have a lot of knowledge and wisdom to share in a variety of topics. People can learn a lot of new things from me.
5. I am intelligent and intellectual, not stupid. I make sense, am rational, efficient, etc. No one ever calls me stupid.
6. I am interesting, not boring. I have many new ideas, original thinking, informed opinions, unique accomplishments, and can hold my own. I can back up my beliefs with reason and evidence. I am open to new ideas and experiences.
7. I am loyal to my friends, consistent, keep my promises, do what I say, etc. I never backstab or betray my friends. They will all attest to that.
8. I am tactful and sensitive to others. I do not say anything rude or insulting to people unless they deserve it.
9. I shower everyday and am generally clean. I wear preppy clothes that WASPs and yuppies wear. Very middle class. So I look normal and civilized. I don't dress like a bum or hippie. I have no tattoos or piercings.
10. I am soulful, passionate, romantic, like an Italian, Spaniard or Frenchman. Nothing wrong with that, if people like you that is. I am also cute and funny in my own way, but my sense of humor can be unique sometimes.

So what is there to dislike about me exactly? I don't get it. It doesn't make sense. Sure I have character flaws like everyone else, but not so many to make most people in first world countries dislike me or disdain me. So what gives? I don't get it. Can anyone explain logically?

Even most of my own relatives and cousins ignore me and are distant and standoffish, like they have nothing to say to me and nothing in common with me. Only my elderly relatives are polite. But the young ones, no way. They cannot even hold a normal conversation and they ignore all my texts too. I thought it was because that's how Taiwanese are - unsociable and unfriendly and with shitty communication skills. And maybe if my family was Italian, Greek, Spanish, French or Hispanic, they would be a lot more friendly and sociable and closer to me, with more camaraderie. However, that's not always the case. Some Asian American girls I met on Couchsurfing told me that they and their Taiwanese cousins were best friends. I was surprised because all my cousins ignore me like I don't exist and are not sociable at all. But they acted like being friends with your cousins was a normal thing to them (especially if you're cool and not a loser like me lol) So some people are friends with their cousins. And I mean real friends, who share a real social relationship and share intimate things with each other and talk regularly, not just superficial acquaintances. But I guess that really depends on your luck and chemistry. Some people are friends with their cousins and some aren't. I wouldn't say that most are though.

Could it be because when you're a freethinker or truth seeker, and you aren't trying to conform to the hive mind, and aren't worried about being accepted by society and you don't care what other people think, you carry a different vibe that makes people uncomfortable, because they aren't the same as you? I think people can instinctively feel and sense when you are different. You don't have to say anything or do anything or show anything. They somehow know, even if you pretend to be normal. Your aura and the way you carry yourself, as well as your facial expression and body language, say a lot about who you are, even if you just stand there and do nothing. I've noticed that those who are open and approachable to strangers have a totally different vibe and face than those who are not. There must be something that connotates such things about total strangers.

Could it also be that like vampires, people who are living in deceit and lying to themselves, simply hate someone who is too honest and genuine like me, someone who is not afraid to be themselves and is comfortable in their own skin with who they are, and so they hate "the light"? After all, those who live in darkness do not like the light, just like vampires do not like daylight. So if me being authentic, truthful, genuine, etc acts as a light that exposes their darkness, then that makes them uncomfortable and hate me? Also if I am too genuine, then I would act as a mirror exposing fake people for what they are.

Of course, a good idea would be for me to simply ask those who dislike me about WHY they dislike me. But most people are not brutally honest. They just avoid you if they dislike you. They don't tell you why. Remember most people talk with their actions, not words, so they will not tell you directly that they don't like you, but their actions will say so. So even if I did asked them, they would either have nothing to say, or give some polite excuse like "No reason. I was just busy or stressed." Or they would not reply at all. Or perhaps they don't know why they dislike me. They just do. You have to remember most people are not very aware or conscious enough to be introspective. Most people probably don't even understand themselves. So it's not that easy to simply ask people who dislike me for the answer.

Also, some people who dislike me will not tell me the truth, because it will make them look bad and make them appear shallow, superficial and petty. They do not want to appear like they are at fault, so they have to find a way to pin the blame on me, and if they can't, they will say nothing. But I will try if I get the chance, to ask those who seemingly dislike me, why they do. And maybe show them this thread too.

I get the sense that you don't have to do anything wrong for people to dislike you. You merely have to represent something they are uncomfortable with or dislike. I don't know. Those are my theories and speculations above. Am I missing something here? Or perhaps I am cursed or have bad karma?

The world must be f***ed up place if a lot of people can dislike you or hate you for no reason, other than that you have the guts to be who you are and be yourself. Don't you think so?

I know I sound like I'm playing the victim here, and acting like the world is unfair and unjust to me, and I'm the good guy here. But hey, I'm being honest here, and a spade is a spade right? This question and issue has been bothering me for a long time now. So I'd really like to know. I'd really like some answers.

What do you all think? Do any of you experience these things too? If so, is there a rational explanation?
Because Americans especially, they get a kick out of watching guys get thrown in the back of a cop car and hauled off to jail, and then see news that he threw a fit and was bodyslammed, taken down with deadly force, or is now facing multiple life sentences in prison. Because to Americans, the more guys that are arrested and locked up including on false rape charges, the more money the government makes. Because they know that if Winston tells the truth, there will be a huge exodus of guys out of the United States, the exodus will take all the jail prey away, and with nobody to lock up anymore, American prisons will become empty and American governments will lose money.
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Re: Why do most normies dislike Winston for no reason, even if he did nothing wrong?

Post by Lucas88 »

Winston wrote:
July 8th, 2018, 8:50 am
I been meaning to ask everyone something for a while now. This is a question that most people do not have the guts or honesty to ask, because it's self-degrading and better to deny. But I really want to know because it makes no sense and bothers me a lot.

Why do most people seem to dislike me for no apparent reason? Especially in Taiwan and America? It's like they snub me and look at me with disdain, even though I never did anything wrong to them. It's very weird and illogical. I don't believe it's my imagination too, like my parents claim. When people dislike you, there's a certain VIBE and ENERGY they give off. You can feel it strongly. It's not your imagination. It's a very particular vibe and feeling you get. I'm sure you've all experienced it right?
I've just read through your original post, Winston. From a metaphysical perspective the answer is much simpler than what you think.

People dislike you BECAUSE you are good. That's the truth of the matter.

You see, people of a low-vibrational frequency hate high-vibrational people. They are either perturbed by your positive and high-vibrational qualities due to them being energetically very alien to their own energetic constitution and therefore feel aversion towards you (sometimes this can be on a subconscious level and the individual might not even understand why they dislike you) or they are consciously envious of you because they perceive that you are better than them in one or more areas. And let's be honest, in a competitive society like America few people are willing to admit that somebody else is better than them and most people live their lives with envy as a result of this mindset. This might explain why you experience coldness and hostility more in California and other parts of the US rather than in less competitive cultures such as the Philippines and Poland.

Back to low-vibrational people hating high-vibrational people. You see this all the time. In school or college mediocre and lazy students hate the smart and studious ones who actually want to pursue knowledge. Even though the latter have intellectual virtues and a good attitude towards learning the former often mock them and ostracize them and prefer other kids who act the fool like they do. Then you have degenerates of all kinds like druggies and wannabe gangbangers who hate morally upstanding people. They show hostility towards those with good morals and who don't partake in their degenerate lifestyles. They see their own destructive behaviors as "cool" and dismiss any wholesome people (i.e., not f***ed up like themselves) as "uncool". Low-vibrational consciousness is repulsed by high vibrations.

I experience the same as you in the UK. Many people treat me with coldness or ostracize me even though I am always polite and friendly. The UK is an extremely low-vibrational culture. Many people here are just mindless cretins, alcoholics and druggies and being a degenerate is seen as cool. I often say that the UK is just a meaningless culture of anti-culture. Needless to say I as a high-vibrational soul with wholesome values and a distaste for degeneracy have never fit in here. Most people seem to instinctively dislike me. And it's not as though I preach my unconventional views to everybody around me. I usually keep my ideas to myself since I learned long ago that unconventionality gets you hated in a narrowly conformist country like the UK. But still most British people seem to sense that I'm vibrationally different to them and dislike my presence. I've never experienced this in other countries except for Japan. In places like Spain and Latin America I've always been warmly received and made to feel welcome.

In toxic societies like the US and the UK most people are low-vibrational. That means that the minority of high-vibrational souls like ourselves will be perceived as misfits and ostracized due to the incompatibility of our energetic constitution with that of the majority.
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Re: Why do most normies dislike Winston for no reason, even if he did nothing wrong?

Post by jamesbond »

Lucas88 wrote:
May 25th, 2022, 6:30 pm
In toxic societies like the US and the UK most people are low-vibrational. That means that the minority of high-vibrational souls like ourselves will be perceived as misfits and ostracized due to the incompatibility of our energetic constitution with that of the majority.

That makes a lot of sense. I also feel that I don't vibe in the same frequency as most Americans. I not materialistic, hardly ever watch TV, don't drink or use drugs, don't have tattoos or body piercings. In other words, I am very different from the average American.

My energy field is at a higher frequency than most Americans, no wonder why I feel so incompatible living in the United States.
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Re: Why do most normies dislike Winston for no reason, even if he did nothing wrong?

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

I never had an issue with him, I just hope he doesn't turn into RooshV one day and decide to turn his website into a religious gathering full of fake and phony religious people. I was on RooshV's site until I started seeing the guy ban people for any reason including if they are incorrect about a certain topic. He also locked a room down because people were insulting Will Smith, and he said "No insulting or bad mouthing anyone including celebrities." Thought that was the biggest saddest move anyone could make on their own forum, is banning them from insulting celebrities.

I use to see a lot of accounts on his new forum marked as banned and I'd read through all the comments the person made and they didn't say anything harmful or whatever but still ended up banned anyways but he'll let you shit on gays and trans people as much as you want. Winston at least believes in actual real TRUE freedom and I've never seen him really ban or suspend anyone even when they were attacking someone lol, but RooshV at one point allowed that too until he got too old, and decided to turn religious. Now he has too much censorship on his website. Some people he let say what they want, others he'll just cancel.
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Re: Why do most normies dislike Winston for no reason, even if he did nothing wrong?

Post by Winston »

Does this video rant by Howdie Mickoski about not fitting in, explain my situation and many here too?

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Re: Why do most normies dislike Winston for no reason, even if he did nothing wrong?

Post by Winston »

Two good points I made to my cousin Alice about people who dislike me and why it's in my favor:

Btw Alice. Two things I have going for me are:

1. First, people who dislike me usually dislike most people if not all people they meet, I've noticed. I've never seen a case where someone who liked everyone and was cool and friendly to everyone, like Sylvester Stallone or Morgan Freeman for example, decided they didn't like me. If u can find someone who likes everyone that dislikes me, then that would indicate that there must be something wrong with me.

However if someone who dislikes everyone or most people, dislikes me too, then it doesn't mean anything. It would be like the rain falling on everyone falling on me too. It's nothing personal and proves nothing. It would only prove something if someone cool and popular and friendly to everyone, decided they didn't like me. Then that would mean something. But so far I've never seen that happen. You see what I mean?

2. Secondly people who judge others on character and integrity usually like me and have positive things to say about me and get a good impression of me. But people who judge on shallow standards usually dislike me instantly for some reason, even without meeting me too. This bodes positively in my favor I think. Don't u agree?
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Re: Why do most normies dislike Winston for no reason, even if he did nothing wrong?

Post by Jonny Law »

QUESTION:! Why do most normies dislike Winston for no reason, even if he did nothing wrong?

ANSWER:! Asshole if you cannot win an argument (and/or facts are not on your side) resort to Name Calling and Dislike!
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Re: Why do most normies dislike Winston for no reason, even if he did nothing wrong?

Post by Darknight »

I think its mainly an asian thing.... im from a developed first world asian country and the friendliest people are white tourist lol.. and strangely enough its usually the ugly or old asians that is the most unfriendly, gossipy and judgemental... the hot babes are usually pretty chill people

In asian society people dont randomly chat up with any stranger... sucide rates are high, females are extremely materialistic and birth rates are one of the lowest in the world....

If u think karens are bad wait till u see the asian version hahaha... just look at the shitty customer service by most asian cashiers and servers and i myself is a local born asian....
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Re: Why do most normies dislike Winston for no reason, even if he did nothing wrong?

Post by Winston »

To @publicduende and @MarcosZeitola:

I think there is some misunderstanding here. You two seem to think that I chose to be a misfit and different from others when I was young. No way. No one wants to be a misfit. The universe doesn't give u a control box that says: Push button A to be normal and accepted. Push button B to be a misfit and outcast. If it did everyone would push button A. It's sort of forced upon you like a label or destiny or script, and others treat u in accord with the role you've been assigned. I definitely wanted to be liked and fit in but no one liked me or thought I was cool or wanted to be seen with me. I felt this negative hostile vibe toward me as of it was programmed and scripted. Definitely not a choice. How do u explain that?

Don't all indicators indicate that whatever God or AI runs this matrix is just an asshole or at best both good and bad, playing the role of God and Satan? Like a movie director controlling both the hero and villain?
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Re: Why do most normies dislike Winston for no reason, even if he did nothing wrong?

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

No offense Winston, but How many times you make threads like this?
F*ck the normies. F8ck them. Why do you even want validation from those chumps?
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Re: Why do most normies dislike Winston for no reason, even if he did nothing wrong?

Post by galii »

Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
March 23rd, 2023, 6:09 am
No offense Winston, but How many times you make threads like this?
F*ck the normies. F8ck them. Why do you even want validation from those chumps?

Never. He is programmed by media what is cool. He wants to reach the coolness.
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Re: Why do most normies dislike Winston for no reason, even if he did nothing wrong?

Post by publicduende »

Winston wrote:
March 23rd, 2023, 2:02 am
To @publicduende and @MarcosZeitola:

I think there is some misunderstanding here. You two seem to think that I chose to be a misfit and different from others when I was young. No way. No one wants to be a misfit. The universe doesn't give u a control box that says: Push button A to be normal and accepted. Push button B to be a misfit and outcast. If it did everyone would push button A. It's sort of forced upon you like a label or destiny or script, and others treat u in accord with the role you've been assigned. I definitely wanted to be liked and fit in but no one liked me or thought I was cool or wanted to be seen with me. I felt this negative hostile vibe toward me as of it was programmed and scripted. Definitely not a choice. How do u explain that?

Don't all indicators indicate that whatever God or AI runs this matrix is just an asshole or at best both good and bad, playing the role of God and Satan? Like a movie director controlling both the hero and villain?

Why do you want to bang on the same old nail, time and again? You say you "definitely wanted to be liked". Who doesn't want to be liked? The question is not about having a desire, it's about understanding, or knowing, the steps you need to take to fulfil that desire. Not many have this understanding, and even fewer successfully take those steps.
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Re: Why do most normies dislike Winston for no reason, even if he did nothing wrong?

Post by galii »

Mercer wrote:
March 23rd, 2023, 10:48 pm
All of your privileged cunts responding to @Winston have no clue what it's like to be rejected, isolated, and looked at like a freak by people your entire life. You f***ing idiots don't realize that it's not a skill you can learn and there's nothing you can do to improve this problem. Normies put in no effort and are just accepted. For outcasts like me and Winston we are on a different wavelength where no one seems to like us. We are immediately hated by people. None of you would understand. Winston isn't just trying to fit in with normies, he is wondering why people immediately dislike him without even getting to know him. He is rejected and doesn't fit in at all, like an evil force is preventing him from having success. This is a lifelong condition and nothing works to improve it and no coping strategies will ever help.
You are lying Mercer. I love you :lol:
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