Why do most normies dislike Winston for no reason, even if he did nothing wrong?

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Re: Why do most normies dislike Winston for no reason, even if he did nothing wrong?

Post by galii »

publicduende wrote:
March 23rd, 2023, 10:18 pm
Winston wrote:
March 23rd, 2023, 2:02 am
To @publicduende and @MarcosZeitola:

I think there is some misunderstanding here. You two seem to think that I chose to be a misfit and different from others when I was young. No way. No one wants to be a misfit. The universe doesn't give u a control box that says: Push button A to be normal and accepted. Push button B to be a misfit and outcast. If it did everyone would push button A. It's sort of forced upon you like a label or destiny or script, and others treat u in accord with the role you've been assigned. I definitely wanted to be liked and fit in but no one liked me or thought I was cool or wanted to be seen with me. I felt this negative hostile vibe toward me as of it was programmed and scripted. Definitely not a choice. How do u explain that?

Don't all indicators indicate that whatever God or AI runs this matrix is just an asshole or at best both good and bad, playing the role of God and Satan? Like a movie director controlling both the hero and villain?

Why do you want to bang on the same old nail, time and again? You say you "definitely wanted to be liked". Who doesn't want to be liked? The question is not about having a desire, it's about understanding, or knowing, the steps you need to take to fulfil that desire. Not many have this understanding, and even fewer successfully take those steps.
Classic selfimprovement is all good and well. Actually I have a million dollar movie script where a guy like Winston gets kidnapped by a powerful billionaire and gets a high tech selfimprovement environment where he gets motivated to do the things by pain and pleasure. If he does the things he get girls and everything but if not he gets electroshocks.

Anyway why are we so bad at accepting Winston for who he is? Just by the numbers there have to be outliers, people who are different. We have a lot of gymbros we do not need more of them. So why can't we just enjoy the show and rate the episode like on imdb?
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Re: Why do most normies dislike Winston for no reason, even if he did nothing wrong?

Post by publicduende »

galii wrote:
March 24th, 2023, 1:11 am

Anyway why are we so bad at accepting Winston for who he is? Just by the numbers there have to be outliers, people who are different. We have a lot of gymbros we do not need more of them. So why can't we just enjoy the show and rate the episode like on imdb?
I have no problem accepting @Winston as he is. I think the problem is the opposite: Winston is still blaming the world, the universe and the demons because he is not who he wish he were. He is not accepting the fact that, hitting 50 and then some, his personality is well shaped and "dry". There isn't much he can do to radically change. Ironically, he could change his physique more easily than he could change his mind.

At our age (I'll be 50 soon), self-acceptance is no longer an optional.
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Re: Why do most normies dislike Winston for no reason, even if he did nothing wrong?

Post by galii »

publicduende wrote:
March 24th, 2023, 1:53 am
galii wrote:
March 24th, 2023, 1:11 am

Anyway why are we so bad at accepting Winston for who he is? Just by the numbers there have to be outliers, people who are different. We have a lot of gymbros we do not need more of them. So why can't we just enjoy the show and rate the episode like on imdb?
I have no problem accepting @Winston as he is. I think the problem is the opposite: Winston is still blaming the world, the universe and the demons because he is not who he wish he were. He is not accepting the fact that, hitting 50 and then some, his personality is well shaped and "dry". There isn't much he can do to radically change. Ironically, he could change his physique more easily than he could change his mind.

At our age (I'll be 50 soon), self-acceptance is no longer an optional.
Come on pub we do get a bit triggered by his bullshido. We are not able to see the trainwreck as art. Rather we come up always with the same answers like a broken record. Scientifically there is no free will so he never had the freedom to be another person. If he would have been another person we would probably not be able to communicate (me and you).
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Re: Why do most normies dislike Winston for no reason, even if he did nothing wrong?

Post by publicduende »

galii wrote:
March 24th, 2023, 2:20 am
Come on pub we do get a bit triggered by his bullshido. We are not able to see the trainwreck as art. Rather we come up always with the same answers like a broken record. Scientifically there is no free will so he never had the freedom to be another person. If he would have been another person we would probably not be able to communicate (me and you).
That he is not learning anything from any of us, inside and outside this corner of Web, is crystal clear to everyone. I stand by my theory: many of us don't know what steps to take to improve ourselves and fulfil our (legit) desires of "fitting in", "being liked/lovd/successful". Even fewer of us actually take those steps.

@Winston belongs to the wide category of people who desire but don't know what steps to take. In a rather unusual situation, he built an entire community who has, over the years, been eager to advise him on his shortcomings and what he should to zero in and hit on his desires. It did help that, unlike the vast majority of us, he never really hid behind a screen and he always exposed his true self in a very genuine and direct way. That made the diagnosis even easier.

Too bad he never took any diagnosis, any friendly advice, seriously. He continued to look inside himself and build his intricate web of excuses, drawn from his fervent imagination and his fascination for esoteric subjects and New Age spirituality.
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Re: Why do most normies dislike Winston for no reason, even if he did nothing wrong?

Post by galii »

publicduende wrote:
March 24th, 2023, 10:33 pm
galii wrote:
March 24th, 2023, 2:20 am
Come on pub we do get a bit triggered by his bullshido. We are not able to see the trainwreck as art. Rather we come up always with the same answers like a broken record. Scientifically there is no free will so he never had the freedom to be another person. If he would have been another person we would probably not be able to communicate (me and you).
That he is not learning anything from any of us, inside and outside this corner of Web, is crystal clear to everyone. I stand by my theory: many of us don't know what steps to take to improve ourselves and fulfil our (legit) desires of "fitting in", "being liked/lovd/successful". Even fewer of us actually take those steps.

@Winston belongs to the wide category of people who desire but don't know what steps to take. In a rather unusual situation, he built an entire community who has, over the years, been eager to advise him on his shortcomings and what he should to zero in and hit on his desires. It did help that, unlike the vast majority of us, he never really hid behind a screen and he always exposed his true self in a very genuine and direct way. That made the diagnosis even easier.

Too bad he never took any diagnosis, any friendly advice, seriously. He continued to look inside himself and build his intricate web of excuses, drawn from his fervent imagination and his fascination for esoteric subjects and New Age spirituality.
I agree but I do make a totally different point.

We do never know what is truelly right and wrong. This way I wanted to open a philosophical conversation. The pragmatic situation is boring because it is mostly the same thing over and over again.
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Re: Why do most normies dislike Winston for no reason, even if he did nothing wrong?

Post by galii »

A Conversation So Intense It Might Transcend Time and Space | John Vervaeke | EP 321
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Re: Why do most normies dislike Winston for no reason, even if he did nothing wrong?

Post by publicduende »

galii wrote:
March 24th, 2023, 11:32 pm
I agree but I do make a totally different point.

We do never know what is truelly right and wrong. This way I wanted to open a philosophical conversation. The pragmatic situation is boring because it is mostly the same thing over and over again.
LOL I understand your point and I agree that, after a while, @Winston's whining becomes unfunny. That's why I stopped giving him long and passionate explanations when he does the milkround asking why the Universe is against him, why the Archons keep sucking energy off him and he can't even get around to banging bar girls in Angeles, like he used to.

Time permitting, we could get as philosophical as we want. Pragmatically, though, Winston squarely belongs to that vast category of people whose Nietzscheian "will to power" will be never exercised.
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Re: Why do most normies dislike Winston for no reason, even if he did nothing wrong?

Post by publicduende »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
March 25th, 2023, 12:50 am
I think he knows, on some level. He just knows that it's going to be hard. That it will take real effort, real struggle. So he's always dismissed any suggestion that isn't an easy quick-fix. Winston seems like an inately lazy man; any project he'll take on is always an extension of who he already is. So all books he writes, he writes about stuff that already interests him. All podcasts he does, he discusses things that he's already somewhat knowledgeable about. No matter how many times he goes abroad, Winston never truly leaves his comfort zone. Hence, he never grows.

In this, he isn't unique... he's like a lot of men from his generation: middle aged American men. As much as he'd like to deny it, of course, he's largely a creature of habit. And those habits are all centered around his personal comfort. So whenever someone gives him advice and things get a little too heated, a little too real... he bails. Because he cannot handle it.

Winston desires to be normal and accepted by society, to be a part of things, to relate to people around him. He also wants to be seen as attractive, date high quality women, perhaps marry one for one final chance at love and a happily-ever-after ending to his life story. Somehow, it always eludes him, and he blames the world, blames the universe, people, culture, but never himself. He indulges in his eccentricities, his hobbies, his personal interests, and he stays forever in his comfort zone. Some of the advice given here to Winston could have truly changed his life ten years ago. In fact it still could, today. But he needs to be pushed into it. Encouraged, constantly. Perhaps even forcefully. No one has that energy, no one cares THAT much to change him, to help him. And he himself will rebel when pushed. Go into full denial mode. Start repeating the same age old platitudes and comfortable little lies he's told himself for years that make himself sleep better at night.

It's all a matter of comfort, in the end. Some men go off the beaten path and come out stronger on the other side. Other men do not. Some never do. Winston is such a man. He's gone off the beaten path, in some ways, but never truly. Never fully. Even when he writes about a foreign land, one has to remember, he talks about tourist spots. Tourist locations. He doesn't go to Taiwan and go in-land, no, he goes to big cities. In China, he's in major cities always. In the Philippines, he primarily stays in Angeles City, which is shady bar girls central and has little culture or high quality ladies, just a ton of gross elderly sexpats and seedy establishments. Everywhere he goes, he goes to places that are already rather saturated, rather commercialized, and of course he strikes out time and time again. Only to blame "the Matrix" or "robotic NPC people" or Murphy's Law.

It isn't Murphy's Law when Murphy always does the same thing, over and over again. There's no law against such a Murphy; he's just a stubborn old fool, in such a case. No invisible hand of the universe dragging him down. None of that. @Winston should ultimately realize that the definition of insanity is to do the same thing, over and over again, expecting a different result.
What you say is mostly correct, @MarcosZeitola, in the sense that it's 100% correct right now. Yet, as we all know here on HA, we know there was a time in which @Winston reached "peak out of comfort zone". He spent years, even a couple of winters, in Russia and the Baltics, braving solitude, scams, the doomy or glacial weather, because he believed he was doing something that truly defined him as a man, and gave him a sense of purpose.

Fast-forward a few years, and our Dear Leader went from a high-effort/low-result (the Russian girls he hit on were pretty...but how many truly satisfied him, sexually and relationship-wise? And what price did he have to pay to keep their interest high?) to the low-effort/high-result regime of Angeles City. He went from having to work hard to date a Russian blondie, with the risk that nothing would happen after that McDonald's meal, to having a small army of scantily-clad girls all over him, all giggles and cuddles (the way Filipinas bar girls do like nobody else), all for the price of a few drinks.

That's where, I believe, Winston got lazy. He traded his high-intensity dating workout for - let's admit it - the easy-peasy-est rock bottom of whoremongering. And I say it because, having lived in the Philippines for longer than him, I know how easy it is to bed a Filipina, especially one with financial needs, let alone in AC.

Of course, instead of admitting that he preferred the abundance of cheap, fresh meat of AC to the perhaps more interesting, yet infinitely more frustrating, Russian dating, he built up this narrative that AC bargirls were not at all interested in a few bucks from him, like everybody else. Instead, they were all particularly interested in him because of his unique charisma and personality, and stuff they did with him, they would have not done with anybody else. Again, one of the most common sexpat delusions around - he wasn't special even in that.

No idea what Winston is up to, now. Lately he has been frugal with data about his whereabouts and dating and mating patterns. I can imagine that he is still as impervious to good advice as he was 5 or 10 years ago. As I can myself testify being about to cross that line, a man's personality cannot change at 50.

Not pointing fingers specifically on Winston here, mate. Desire without will is an all-too-common trait of the modern man. TPTB know it and use it to their advantage. Soon enough, our desires will be solely of the type that can be fulfilled online, in front of a machine and a screen, cheaply, digitally and without involving a single decent muscle or brain cell.
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Re: Why do most normies dislike Winston for no reason, even if he did nothing wrong?

Post by gsjackson »

PD, you're batting out some pretty profound stuff on this thread. And the last sentence above is terrifyingly real.
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Re: Why do most normies dislike Winston for no reason, even if he did nothing wrong?

Post by galii »

Of course, instead of admitting that he preferred the abundance of cheap, fresh meat of AC to the perhaps more interesting, yet infinitely more frustrating, Russian dating, he built up this narrative that AC bargirls were not at all interested in a few bucks from him, like everybody else. Instead, they were all particularly interested in him because of his unique charisma and personality, and stuff they did with him, they would have not done with anybody else. Again, one of the most common sexpat delusions around - he wasn't special even in that.
In order to be philosophical, I will play the dialectic counterpart. Let's try to see Winston as a data point, not a guy we have feelings about. So let us put our emotions aside.

I think you might be able to understand the perspective. Marcus might be too young for it. We have to figure out what 'lazy' even means. Why is being lazy bad? Is he even 'lazy'? If so, for which cultural frame? For this alone, you can spend months discussing it.

Why can't we say Winston did a good deal? Why lose energy with Russian girls when you can have fun with easy girls without losing much energy? That sounds like a reasonable deal.

Additionally, a big part of life is not to f**k it up. That means not making big mistakes. The Russian girls might have resulted in big mistakes. So that is a huge point.

Another one is that Winston is dealing with spiritual bullshit and conspiracy theory. At least in my opinion, but from a certain perspective, it is a huge win. Like in my former example, a big part of life is not f***ing it up. Most men do not have hobbies; they become slaves to girls basically because they are hollow. At least Winston built himself an intellectual base where he can spend time and energy, where he gets at least something back. Even if it is pseudo-intellectual, it is better than what most guys have in their brains.

In general, he has a good life. He is quite healthy and fit, has a lot of fans and friends. Even if he is complaining, he does it from a quite privileged place. So he has it good. Plus, with his whining, he gets our attention; that is how he gets popular without losing too much energy.

Evolutionarily, he is a winner too. He has a son. Many of us do not have that.

So from a certain perspective, we might look into the mirror and use tools with which we analyzed Winston to analyze ourselves. That way we could make progress in our lives.
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Re: Why do most normies dislike Winston for no reason, even if he did nothing wrong?

Post by galii »

This video seems to be a good epistemological foundation for the philosphical perspective I am talking about.

John Vervaeke — How to Build a Life of Wisdom, Flow, and Contemplation | The Tim Ferriss Show
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Re: Why do most normies dislike Winston for no reason, even if he did nothing wrong?

Post by publicduende »

gsjackson wrote:
March 25th, 2023, 6:37 am
PD, you're batting out some pretty profound stuff on this thread. And the last sentence above is terrifyingly real.
Our generation (Boomer, X) might not be 100% attuned to the digital and the virtual, so perhaps some of us will refuse to comply, if obliged.

My biggest fears are with the younger generations, those who have grown up in front of a smartphone or tablet screen and cannot see any valuable agency beyond that which is mediated by a social media platform, a bunch of face-enhancing filters and "the power of fake".

Brave new world, indeed...
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Re: Why do most normies dislike Winston for no reason, even if he did nothing wrong?

Post by publicduende »

galii wrote:
March 25th, 2023, 7:19 am
In order to be philosophical, I will play the dialectic counterpart. Let's try to see Winston as a data point, not a guy we have feelings about. So let us put our emotions aside.

I think you might be able to understand the perspective. Marcus might be too young for it. We have to figure out what 'lazy' even means. Why is being lazy bad? Is he even 'lazy'? If so, for which cultural frame? For this alone, you can spend months discussing it.

Why can't we say Winston did a good deal? Why lose energy with Russian girls when you can have fun with easy girls without losing much energy? That sounds like a reasonable deal.

Additionally, a big part of life is not to f**k it up. That means not making big mistakes. The Russian girls might have resulted in big mistakes. So that is a huge point.

Another one is that Winston is dealing with spiritual bullshit and conspiracy theory. At least in my opinion, but from a certain perspective, it is a huge win. Like in my former example, a big part of life is not f***ing it up. Most men do not have hobbies; they become slaves to girls basically because they are hollow. At least Winston built himself an intellectual base where he can spend time and energy, where he gets at least something back. Even if it is pseudo-intellectual, it is better than what most guys have in their brains.

In general, he has a good life. He is quite healthy and fit, has a lot of fans and friends. Even if he is complaining, he does it from a quite privileged place. So he has it good. Plus, with his whining, he gets our attention; that is how he gets popular without losing too much energy.

Evolutionarily, he is a winner too. He has a son. Many of us do not have that.

So from a certain perspective, we might look into the mirror and use tools with which we analyzed Winston to analyze ourselves. That way we could make progress in our lives.
Philosophically-speaking, Winston had it good. Everybody makes mistakes, however, it's hard to see a mistake beyond it's own event window. Giving up my cushy job in the City of London to move to the Philippines, on a business venture that was born on shaky grounds to say the least, looked like the biggest mistake ever made in my life, even back 3 or 4 years ago. Now I am making 3 or 4 times what I would have made in London, by being my own boss and with complete intellectual and professional freedom, that "mistake" has turned into a decent life choice. Risky, yes, tortous, yes, yet decent on a longer horizon.

In terms of dating Russians vs Filipinas, I think we all agree it's all about (perceived) quality vs quantity. If one subscribes to the (waning, honestly) stereotype that sees Russian valkiries as the epitome of beauty and femininity, then modest, short Filipinas might seem indeed the bottom of the barrel. Yet, that perception might change over time, when energy levels go down and the proverbial "why bother" becomes a daily mantra.

That's why, in the end, the realisation is that "p***y is p***y". A nice slender body twerking on your member, giving all the right signals that she is enjoying every minute, is probably better than a tall, blonde starfish who puts up because you invested hundreds of dollars on her. And what's better than that nice slender body: several nice slender bodies, twerking in a rota, choosing you with minimal effort.
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Re: Why do most normies dislike Winston for no reason, even if he did nothing wrong?

Post by galii »

publicduende wrote:
March 25th, 2023, 9:30 pm
galii wrote:
March 25th, 2023, 7:19 am
In order to be philosophical, I will play the dialectic counterpart. Let's try to see Winston as a data point, not a guy we have feelings about. So let us put our emotions aside.

I think you might be able to understand the perspective. Marcus might be too young for it. We have to figure out what 'lazy' even means. Why is being lazy bad? Is he even 'lazy'? If so, for which cultural frame? For this alone, you can spend months discussing it.

Why can't we say Winston did a good deal? Why lose energy with Russian girls when you can have fun with easy girls without losing much energy? That sounds like a reasonable deal.

Additionally, a big part of life is not to f**k it up. That means not making big mistakes. The Russian girls might have resulted in big mistakes. So that is a huge point.

Another one is that Winston is dealing with spiritual bullshit and conspiracy theory. At least in my opinion, but from a certain perspective, it is a huge win. Like in my former example, a big part of life is not f***ing it up. Most men do not have hobbies; they become slaves to girls basically because they are hollow. At least Winston built himself an intellectual base where he can spend time and energy, where he gets at least something back. Even if it is pseudo-intellectual, it is better than what most guys have in their brains.

In general, he has a good life. He is quite healthy and fit, has a lot of fans and friends. Even if he is complaining, he does it from a quite privileged place. So he has it good. Plus, with his whining, he gets our attention; that is how he gets popular without losing too much energy.

Evolutionarily, he is a winner too. He has a son. Many of us do not have that.

So from a certain perspective, we might look into the mirror and use tools with which we analyzed Winston to analyze ourselves. That way we could make progress in our lives.
Philosophically-speaking, Winston had it good. Everybody makes mistakes, however, it's hard to see a mistake beyond it's own event window. Giving up my cushy job in the City of London to move to the Philippines, on a business venture that was born on shaky grounds to say the least, looked like the biggest mistake ever made in my life, even back 3 or 4 years ago. Now I am making 3 or 4 times what I would have made in London, by being my own boss and with complete intellectual and professional freedom, that "mistake" has turned into a decent life choice. Risky, yes, tortous, yes, yet decent on a longer horizon.

In terms of dating Russians vs Filipinas, I think we all agree it's all about (perceived) quality vs quantity. If one subscribes to the (waning, honestly) stereotype that sees Russian valkiries as the epitome of beauty and femininity, then modest, short Filipinas might seem indeed the bottom of the barrel. Yet, that perception might change over time, when energy levels go down and the proverbial "why bother" becomes a daily mantra.

That's why, in the end, the realisation is that "p***y is p***y". A nice slender body twerking on your member, giving all the right signals that she is enjoying every minute, is probably better than a tall, blonde starfish who puts up because you invested hundreds of dollars on her. And what's better than that nice slender body: several nice slender bodies, twerking in a rota, choosing you with minimal effort.
Regarding Russians vs Filipinas, you could argue that MGTOW is better anyway. Why should one put up with girls? There is always some drama with other human beings, and you have to deal with crap that you do not care about for no good reason.

From that perspective, the Filipinas were even better. Winston goes to the bargirls and feels like he is special, and the girls do like him a bit because he has some qualities. Even if that is not true, what might matter is that he gets these feelings. In the end, life does not make sense anyway, and all of it is bullshit.

So, the bargirls satisfy his 'narcissistic' needs, and he can go on with his life without being a p***y addict again. Actually, I had this going on. I did the Angeles thing. When I got away from the PI, I feel like I don't have the romantic void because I did have some memories that distract me from my FOMO feeling. That is a huge thing.

Most of the time, we are like dogs running after cars, even if we kind of know it does not make much sense. Sometimes we have to 'burn through karma' and chase the car, and it becomes easier to say no the next time.
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Re: Why do most normies dislike Winston for no reason, even if he did nothing wrong?

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
March 26th, 2023, 1:30 am
galii wrote:
March 25th, 2023, 7:19 am
In order to be philosophical, I will play the dialectic counterpart. Let's try to see Winston as a data point, not a guy we have feelings about. So let us put our emotions aside.

I think you might be able to understand the perspective. Marcus might be too young for it. We have to figure out what 'lazy' even means. Why is being lazy bad? Is he even 'lazy'? If so, for which cultural frame? For this alone, you can spend months discussing it.

Why can't we say Winston did a good deal? Why lose energy with Russian girls when you can have fun with easy girls without losing much energy? That sounds like a reasonable deal.

Additionally, a big part of life is not to f**k it up. That means not making big mistakes. The Russian girls might have resulted in big mistakes. So that is a huge point.

Another one is that Winston is dealing with spiritual bullshit and conspiracy theory. At least in my opinion, but from a certain perspective, it is a huge win. Like in my former example, a big part of life is not f***ing it up. Most men do not have hobbies; they become slaves to girls basically because they are hollow. At least Winston built himself an intellectual base where he can spend time and energy, where he gets at least something back. Even if it is pseudo-intellectual, it is better than what most guys have in their brains.

In general, he has a good life. He is quite healthy and fit, has a lot of fans and friends. Even if he is complaining, he does it from a quite privileged place. So he has it good. Plus, with his whining, he gets our attention; that is how he gets popular without losing too much energy.

Evolutionarily, he is a winner too. He has a son. Many of us do not have that.

So from a certain perspective, we might look into the mirror and use tools with which we analyzed Winston to analyze ourselves. That way we could make progress in our lives.
As far as organisms go, the organism Winston Wu has done reasonably well for himself. But he does not seem all that fulfilled. Some things still elude him. He still craves a form of acceptance he hasn't quite felt. He still claims to want answers as to why this eludes him, he still asks "why?" a lot. But he does not like the answers he get, because most of our answers are based on the "how"; they are more practical.

Practical advice doesn't really have any effect with Winston. But the endless debating of the same points, over and over again, become tiresome as well. There's also the relative lack of interaction; Winston comes, and goes. He drops a question, a pretty major one: "Why do normal people dislike me for no reason?" and he doesn't read or respond to most responses. Or he does read them, but ignores them.

Ten years from now, will Winston still pop in from time to time, asking the same exact questions, over and over again, in a forum then filled with a mostly new userbase, all that remains of the old guard having left already? Will he always ask the same things, wonder about the same things, never hearing an answer that he likes, or one he can work with? Probably.

I'm too practical of a person most of the time. I can get philosophical, and deep, if need be. But I'm usually a guy for practical solutions to real problems. Whereas perhaps all Winston wants is simply to vent. Let go of his frustrations. There are fun things he could do, aside from chasing the approval of "normies" or trying to find that mythical "perfect girl"... he could go on a road trip with his son, Angelo Wu. Make some special memories, have some father-son bonding. Maybe climb a mountain. Rent a little boat, go island hopping. There's so much he could do, aside from cheap whores and endlessly repeated questions about why life's been unfair to him. I hope he starts doing those, soon. Life's terrifyingly short.
I like Winston, I respect him as a freethinker and I am thankful we have this site.
However, I think Winston will ask the same questions until the day he die. I think he is stuck in a loop. Nobody can get him out of the loop except himself. :(
Your friendly Neighborhood Cynic!
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