Latin America is a man's paradise. Not traditional but who cares?

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Re: Latin america is a man's paradise.not traditional but who cares?

Post by Kalinago »


personalities meaning Different dispositions,like the Zodiac signs.

I fit my Zodiac sign perfectly.we hate responsibility,we are free,we hate restrictions,we love for fun,we are always changing our opinions yes,we seek adventure,we are openminded,we need to travel,

Sagittarius is reported to be the laziest zodiac sign. If you’re a Sagittarian, you are known for being spontaneous and fun, choosing to walk on the wild side rather than putting a pinny on. Housework and hard graft aren’t on your daily agenda. Your lack of patience may see you give up on a job before you have fully seen it through. You don’t have a love for detail, so you often cut corners to get the job done as quickly as possible and get back to enjoying yourself, exploring the great outdoors. You often promise more than you can deliver. Freedom is your driving force, and you are not one to be tied down to housework and keeping the home tidy. It’s last on your list of things to do today.
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Re: Latin america is a man's paradise.not traditional but who cares?

Post by Kalinago »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
March 26th, 2023, 1:19 am
Kalinago wrote:
March 26th, 2023, 12:36 am
Those things are def not applicable to me,and you just made that up.I just want pleasure in my life and ease.

that is literally what life should be.that is 'life'.not 'existing,or worse 'death'.
Life is a complex thing. There is tremendous potential for pleasure, for enjoyment, ease. And tremendous potential for suffering, sadness, heartbreak. It's short, too, life. I am often amazed by how quickly the years pass us by. I still remember being in high school, I remember it vividly. I remember the days of college. Beach vacations with friends in Spain. Road trips in distant lands.

And one day you're getting older and you ask yourself "where did the time go". Latin America is a place I am definitely interested in. Africa, too. There is some sort of mythical quality to life in such places. Something, ancient. Undefinable. Some places in Asia I have felt it, too, especially when in the mountains.

There are a lot of different forms of pleasure in life. To focus solely on the sex part of it seems like a mistake. Some of my best and most valuable memories have nothing to do with sex actually.
Yes,Good food,good weather,beautiful architecture,palm trees,beaches,maybe rainforest,and social friendly culture all contribute to happiness too.

I was momentarily happy just doing drugs and banging tens for cheap,but I hated the randstadt american wannabe culture,and amsterdam has a kind of nihilism in the air,though that could have been my neighbourhood.

I visited in 2021 and it was pretty much better.

I also hated how I'd be assumed to be a Moroccan or Turk,and facing social exclusion ,sometimes hostility and suspicion based on this.

Dutch people I found to be fake and wannabe nobility snobs.

Many tried to even talk dutch with a american accent.

For a so called progressive society,your status based on immutable traits mattered the most.

and this affected dating.
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Re: Latin america is a man's paradise.not traditional but who cares?

Post by Kalinago »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
March 26th, 2023, 1:36 am
Kalinago wrote:
March 26th, 2023, 1:27 am
Yes,Good food,good weather,beautiful architecture,palm trees,beaches,maybe rainforest,and social friendly culture all contribute to happiness too.

I was momentarily happy just doing drugs and banging tens for cheap,but I hated the randstadt american wannabe culture,and amsterdam has a kind of nihilism in the air,though that could have been my neighbourhood.

I visited in 2021 and it was pretty much better.

I also hated how I'd be assumed to be a Moroccan or Turk,and facing social exclusion ,sometimes hostility and suspicion based on this.

Dutch people I found to be fake and wannabe nobility snobs.

Many tried to even talk dutch with a american accent.

For a so called progressive society,your status based on immutable traits mattered the most.

and this affected dating.
The fakest faux-woke, wannabe American people with SJW tendencies live in the Randstad area, brother. They all pretty much suck. There are some more pleasant and enjoyable Dutch people in the provinces, especially up North. Less pretentious, more "what you see is what you get", no nonsense types. Although overall... I just do not vibe very well with Western European people. Dutch people in particular are appallingly bland, boring types. They copy-pasted their personality from American college campuses, complete with the woke words, the fake outrage, the selective bias, the over-the-top hyper feminism...

I'm just, pretty damn tired of them. I'm a young dude like yourself but talking to some Dutch people just a few years younger than me, I feel like some grumpy old boomer in comparison. They're all just a bunch of tiresome try-hards who try SO hard to believe in 'something' while in actuality... they believe in nothing, other than to show off how relatively good they have it, and how socially conscious and woke and hip they are. f**k them all, those vegan man-bun wearing bright haired pussies lol.

Anyway... my greatest joys have been whenever I would venture off the beaten paths. Little muddy roads. Mountain tops. Rivers, clean water, fresh air, sunshine. And not a white person in sight for the next hundred miles... :lol:
Yeah,the reason I came to USA 5 years ago was because Black americans(family of mine,old school friends) in the south and the actual ghetto,not ghetto wannabe blacks were such a breathe of fresh air,sincere down to earth people during my trip for my mom's funeral.They're a see what you get people,and they also love exotic types like me way and my half japanese cousin also said he f***ed all our cousins because he was exotic for looking japanese.

a bisexual black dude I lived with from atlanta thought I was most desirable type of man in america ,and def black bitches.he wouldnt beleive me when I said american women do not like foreign looking men.He thought latini men were naturally the most exotic .

Another ghetto black i lived with thought black women prefered puertro rican men lol claiming I could get laid based off looking liek that lone,and saying he knew ones that were sleeping with all the married black women in the ghetto.

He claimed the same thing for arabs,who he hated for impregnating and leaving black women and their half black kids .

I def notice ghetto women liking me.real slum ghetto women.not these suburbian ghetto wannabes.

I hate dutch people,I have no experience outside of randstad except Volendam,those are pretty cool people.

Yeah,I particularly remember ugly short blacks having their harems of asian,white and black girls with them frequently.not even the masculine primal Future looking blacks,but f***ing wierdos.

I remember Blacks being literal gods there.everyone socially submitted to them.Women thought they were gods from orion.

So my sister had a great social looking latino which is very similar to moroccan or turkish,got shafted hard,besides I think dutch people are jealous of latinos and black americans for being more authentic and cool then them naturally -people and women and even friends were embaressed to be seen with me.Like I had a hot indonesian therapist and we were allegedly best friends but when walking in the center together for a errand she would walk away from me trying to minimize being seen with me,and like she wasn't walking with a f***ing ethnic lol

exactely my experience in Shaker heights aswell.another rich progressive area.kisses up to blacks and hates every other men.

in miami I was sister also had hot cuban guys with muscles approach her,and she went on a date with one.she said all the cuban dudes were goodlooking and she liked it alot because she had so many desirable options comaraed to ohio and amsterdam.

latinos are not racist,and I like that.
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Re: Latin america is a man's paradise.not traditional but who cares?

Post by Lucas88 »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
March 26th, 2023, 1:19 am
There are a lot of different forms of pleasure in life. To focus solely on the sex part of it seems like a mistake. Some of my best and most valuable memories have nothing to do with sex actually.
Sex is merely one of many aspects of life. Focusing exclusively on the pursuit of sex is as unhealthy as denying sexual desires completely.

A balanced individual derives fulfillment from various things. These may include fitness training and athletic endeavors, art and creative pursuits, erudition and the pursuit of wisdom and truth, and spirituality. Sexual pleasure is just one avenue of fulfillment among many.

Moderation is the key. One should give sufficient attention to all areas of life. Often a person will focus too much of their attention on one particular area be it sex and hedonism, work, study or athletics but that will only result in imbalance and dissatisfaction. I'm speaking from experience.

There's a place for everything. An ideal lifestyle would include productivity, creative pursuits, cultivation of both the body and the mind, and then hedonic activities in moderation, perhaps framed as a reward for the effort necessary for higher and more edifying activities.

Hedonic activities shouldn't be rejected but only controlled and moderated. There is nothing wrong with having beers with buddies while watching MMA, pigging out at a restaurant or knocking the back out of a phat-ass Colombian mamacita once in a while, especially if such hedonic activities are punctuated with productive and creative pursuits that result in personal advancement. Hedonic activities only become a problem when they become the sole focus of one's energy and attention. The result of exclusive focus on hedonism is emptiness and, in extreme cases, addiction and self-destruction. But the opposite path of self-imposed austerity and asceticism is also just as unhealthy.
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Re: Latin america is a man's paradise.not traditional but who cares?

Post by Outcast9428 »

@Mercer You deserved it. You deserve all the bad treatment you have gotten on this forum because you’re an insufferable human being who no one can stand to be around. I’m disliked by all the idiots here but I do get along with the more sane members. Nobody here actually likes you. You are at best tolerated by some, despised at worst. You are incapable of decency, loyalty, or honor. A more cowardly man then you I have never met. You remind me of a court eunuch who turns everybody against one another and cries when the attention falls on him for his manipulative schemes.


You said you have enough money to pay a hooker once a week but doesn’t once a week seem pretty stale? For me that would be intolerable. For a married man, once a week is borderline sexless. It is only through marriage that daily sex is easily obtainable. It is also only through marriage that one will have a legacy in life through his children. Without children you die a genetic death. Everything that makes you who you are will disappear along with you. By not marrying, you are in essence committing suicide.
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Re: Latin america is a man's paradise.not traditional but who cares?

Post by Kalinago »

Mercer wrote:
March 26th, 2023, 9:28 am
Outcast9428 wrote:
March 25th, 2023, 10:56 pm
@Kalinago @Mercer @Cornfed All of your jealousy is pathetic and transparent as hell. Yes, the traditionalists here have money... You ever wonder why? Maybe its because libertines are selfish, entitled brats who don't think they should have to work for anything whereas traditionalists are realists who know what it takes to have a successful life and actually make an effort to see their plans through. Also you can make fun of that guy all you want but he gets more sex with a more attractive girl then all three of you put together.

Normally I would have sympathy for guys like you, if all three of you weren't such f***ing douchebags completely detached from reality. All three of you have made decisions which led to where you are... Cornfed insists on sticking to a really extreme and abusive ideology that is unpopular across the entire world except maybe some areas of the Middle East, a set of ideas that blatantly favor the man and gives no compromise to the woman at all. My views are unpopular too but at least there's a sense of chivalry, romance, and nobility to it which balances off the more controversial parts. Kalinago cannot make up his mind on what the hell he wants to save his life. A trait that women universally cannot stand in men. The only consistent trait he has is extreme laziness which also sabotages his ability to be successful. And Mercer is not only passionately committed to a self-destructive doom and gloom mentality but is also an incredibly belligerent douchebag who has no idea how to be a friend much less a husband. You are not sympathy cases, you are the equivalent of Black people who want to leech off of welfare while whining about racism. If the three of you could accept reality for what it is, you might have a chance at getting a girl, whether she's a Latina girl, White girl, Black girl, Asian girl whatever... I'm not saying it would be easy but you'd have a chance. But all three of you have severe, deal breaking personality traits that would make any woman, regardless of whether she was liberal or conservative, decide that you would not make a good husband. If the three of you were women, then Cornfed is a masculinist version of Andrea Dworkin, Kalinago is a bipolar, slutty gold-digger, and Mercer is a typical cat lady feminist who thinks all the good men are gone.
This f***ing spoiled brat thinks three of the most valued posters on this forum are jealous of his little bitch ass. :lol: @Kalinago, the best Outcast can do is get a gook like every other low SMV cracker because he's too much of a f***ing dweeb to get a Latina. They would actually prefer someone like you or me or even f***ing @Cornfed who have the balls to tell the truth instead of some little faggot who pretends to be a traditionalist. Outcast got lucky in life because he was born privileged and thinks he earned it all and cracked the secret code. My nigga @CaptainSkelebob saw right through your face nice guy act. You call me a belligerent douchebag yet you cursed me out the other day and seem to have more enemies on this forum than me and Cornfed combined at this point. :lol: Stop talking shit about real men on this forum you f***ing brat!
Great exposition.

He's passive agressive,he tries to disarm and tranquilize you with fake niceness and concern,but when you see through it and don't accept his authoritatarianism he shows his true colors,indeed.

Yeah,me and you are wild and a bit unhinged sometimes,but we are authentic.we wear our beliefs and feelings and desires on our sleeve.

btw,I don't consider anyone my enemy on this forum lol I'm not a vindictive person and I don't hold grudges that take up my limited store of emotions,while I can be having positive emotions.
But outcast is the kind of guy that just won't let people breathe or respect people's right to their own lives and opinions.

I think he realized traditionalism was his only choice,even prostitutes would reject him,I can tell you rn that prostitutes have standards,they have to be attracted to you to bang you.they reject constantly too.

banging a hooker,atleast in amsterdam,is like going on a blind date and paying for it,she wants to have sex with you and you pay for the logistical convenience.

Yeah,Asian girls are cheap products for any Mayo .they've cheapened themselves beyond desiribility.You would feel like a loser for being with a filipina,I dated one,you would be embaressed.
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Re: Latin america is a man's paradise.not traditional but who cares?

Post by Kalinago »

Outcast9428 wrote:
March 26th, 2023, 12:48 pm
@Mercer You deserved it. You deserve all the bad treatment you have gotten on this forum because you’re an insufferable human being who no one can stand to be around. I’m disliked by all the idiots here but I do get along with the more sane members. Nobody here actually likes you. You are at best tolerated by some, despised at worst. You are incapable of decency, loyalty, or honor. A more cowardly man then you I have never met. You remind me of a court eunuch who turns everybody against one another and cries when the attention falls on him for his manipulative schemes.


You said you have enough money to pay a hooker once a week but doesn’t once a week seem pretty stale? For me that would be intolerable. For a married man, once a week is borderline sexless. It is only through marriage that daily sex is easily obtainable. It is also only through marriage that one will have a legacy in life through his children. Without children you die a genetic death. Everything that makes you who you are will disappear along with you. By not marrying, you are in essence committing suicide.
I had enough money to go a few times a week,but sometimes I'd splurge my money on other things,or go on a sex binge during the night,become bored with one hooker and mid-way go to another more hot one.

The universe will face heat death,we all die genetic deaths,and a babymomma is enough to leave a genetic legacy .

I'm also not that egoistic to need a legacy.
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Re: Latin america is a man's paradise.not traditional but who cares?

Post by Outcast9428 »

@Kalinago Your argument rests on the fundamentally liberal belief that morality is subjective and not universal or objective. Now tell me, by what objective and universal standard am I not allowed to judge sexual degenerates as wicked individuals? Are you not imposing your liberal morality upon me by saying I am not allowed to judge you as wicked? That I am not allowed to be authoritarian? By my morality, your support for adultery and hookups is wicked and evil. Am I obligated to treat a wicked man with kindness? Would you show kindness to a man you consider to be wicked?
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Re: Latin america is a man's paradise.not traditional but who cares?

Post by Kalinago »

Outcast9428 wrote:
March 26th, 2023, 2:26 pm
@Kalinago Your argument rests on the fundamentally liberal belief that morality is subjective and not universal or objective. Now tell me, by what objective and universal standard am I not allowed to judge sexual degenerates as wicked individuals? Are you not imposing your liberal morality upon me by saying I am not allowed to judge you as wicked? That I am not allowed to be authoritarian? By my morality, your support for adultery and hookups is wicked and evil. Am I obligated to treat a wicked man with kindness? Would you show kindness to a man you consider to be wicked?
Somethings are obv wrong.I agree with that.

But the only law is the law of the jungle,might makes right and genetic survival of the fittest.

Even your deity uses this law to have any sway whatsoever.

Humans are animals,and we are evolutionary creatures,Hookups(impregnating women)are evolutionarily successful strategies,men were built to spread their seed as much as possible.

I never said don't judge me or be nice to me lol it's just if you try to force your ideals on people like me(most people today,humans anturally in the wild etc)We will respond with the exact violence you use to impose on us,and unlike you we have no qualms about doing things that your Bible allegedly forbids when being violent in self-defense.

I am agnostic,I do not know about a afterlife or reincarnation or oblivion,so my life is going to be full on pleasure.

Yes,I do beleive in the Native american religions,but I have no 100% proof they are true.But unlike neolithic religions,I can see and feel nature,so worshipping it makes sense.
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Re: Latin america is a man's paradise.not traditional but who cares?

Post by Outcast9428 »

Kalinago wrote:
March 26th, 2023, 2:43 pm
Outcast9428 wrote:
March 26th, 2023, 2:26 pm
@Kalinago Your argument rests on the fundamentally liberal belief that morality is subjective and not universal or objective. Now tell me, by what objective and universal standard am I not allowed to judge sexual degenerates as wicked individuals? Are you not imposing your liberal morality upon me by saying I am not allowed to judge you as wicked? That I am not allowed to be authoritarian? By my morality, your support for adultery and hookups is wicked and evil. Am I obligated to treat a wicked man with kindness? Would you show kindness to a man you consider to be wicked?
Somethings are obv wrong.I agree with that.

But the only law is the law of the jungle,might makes right and genetic survival of the fittest.

Even your deity uses this law to have any sway whatsoever.

Humans are animals,and we are evolutionary creatures,Hookups(impregnating women)are evolutionarily successful strategies,men were built to spread their seed as much as possible.

I never said don't judge me or be nice to me lol it's just if you try to force your ideals on people like me(most people today,humans anturally in the wild etc)We will respond with the exact violence you use to impose on us,and unlike you we have no qualms about doing things that your Bible allegedly forbids when being violent in self-defense.

I am agnostic,I do not know about a afterlife or reincarnation or oblivion,so my life is going to be full on pleasure.

Yes,I do beleive in the Native american religions,but I have no 100% proof they are true.But unlike neolithic religions,I can see and feel nature,so worshipping it makes sense.
That’s not true, if you respond with violence then you can be arrested, if you stop responding to the police with violence. If you continue to resist with violence, however, and will not comply with the law’s punishment for you then you can be shot.
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Re: Latin america is a man's paradise.not traditional but who cares?

Post by Kalinago »

Outcast9428 wrote:
March 26th, 2023, 2:53 pm
Kalinago wrote:
March 26th, 2023, 2:43 pm
Outcast9428 wrote:
March 26th, 2023, 2:26 pm
@Kalinago Your argument rests on the fundamentally liberal belief that morality is subjective and not universal or objective. Now tell me, by what objective and universal standard am I not allowed to judge sexual degenerates as wicked individuals? Are you not imposing your liberal morality upon me by saying I am not allowed to judge you as wicked? That I am not allowed to be authoritarian? By my morality, your support for adultery and hookups is wicked and evil. Am I obligated to treat a wicked man with kindness? Would you show kindness to a man you consider to be wicked?
Somethings are obv wrong.I agree with that.

But the only law is the law of the jungle,might makes right and genetic survival of the fittest.

Even your deity uses this law to have any sway whatsoever.

Humans are animals,and we are evolutionary creatures,Hookups(impregnating women)are evolutionarily successful strategies,men were built to spread their seed as much as possible.

I never said don't judge me or be nice to me lol it's just if you try to force your ideals on people like me(most people today,humans anturally in the wild etc)We will respond with the exact violence you use to impose on us,and unlike you we have no qualms about doing things that your Bible allegedly forbids when being violent in self-defense.

I am agnostic,I do not know about a afterlife or reincarnation or oblivion,so my life is going to be full on pleasure.

Yes,I do beleive in the Native american religions,but I have no 100% proof they are true.But unlike neolithic religions,I can see and feel nature,so worshipping it makes sense.
That’s not true, if you respond with violence then you can be arrested, if you stop responding to the police with violence. If you continue to resist with violence, however, and will not comply with the law’s punishment for you then you can be shot.
Creating some authoritarian conservative trad dystopia in backwater areas of europe is not a issue for me,however latinos and american natives have a different nature.imposing something foreign to our nature,will result in torture and death of the perpetrator.

stay on your f***ing side of the world.

this is not the 1500s.people of color are immune to diseases and have the same weapons as you do and know how to use them,aswell as now we are moving away from the parasitic petrodollar.

you will lose.

You are also outnumbered,and agnosticism,paganism,and secularism are becoming dominant in most countries that are not outright starving.
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Re: Latin america is a man's paradise.not traditional but who cares?

Post by Kalinago »

Conservatives are 30% of the population,and most of them are dying boomers.

the religious and ethnic makeup of america alone in the coming decades means your dream is never coming into fruition.

nationalistic whites with their wierd unique conservatism have lost already.just barking dogs at this point.
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Re: Latin america is a man's paradise.not traditional but who cares?

Post by Outcast9428 »

Kalinago wrote:
March 26th, 2023, 4:50 pm
Conservatives are 30% of the population,and most of them are dying boomers.

the religious and ethnic makeup of america alone in the coming decades means your dream is never coming into fruition.

nationalistic whites with their wierd unique conservatism have lost already.just barking dogs at this point.
We don’t need to be 50% of the population, in the South we are 40% or higher in every state. All we need to do is make it illegal for felons to vote and because so many of the Blacks and Hispanic liberals are criminals, 10% of the liberals will become disenfranchised and we effectively have a voting majority. We won’t even need to work with the right leaning liberals to crush the left anymore. Once we pass laws outlawing violent pornography there will be fewer people growing up with deviant fetishes that push them into the arms of liberalism. So more people will grow up not having any sympathy for liberal ideology.

Oh and don’t count on the young people… Under 25 year olds are more conservative then 25-35 year olds are… ... 3902?amp=1
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Re: Latin america is a man's paradise.not traditional but who cares?

Post by Kalinago »

Outcast9428 wrote:
March 26th, 2023, 5:06 pm
Kalinago wrote:
March 26th, 2023, 4:50 pm
Conservatives are 30% of the population,and most of them are dying boomers.

the religious and ethnic makeup of america alone in the coming decades means your dream is never coming into fruition.

nationalistic whites with their wierd unique conservatism have lost already.just barking dogs at this point.
We don’t need to be 50% of the population, in the South we are 40% or higher in every state. All we need to do is make it illegal for felons to vote and because so many of the Blacks and Hispanic liberals are criminals, 10% of the liberals will become disenfranchised and we effectively have a voting majority. We won’t even need to work with the right leaning liberals to crush the left anymore. Once we pass laws outlawing violent pornography there will be fewer people growing up with deviant fetishes that push them into the arms of liberalism. So more people will grow up not having any sympathy for liberal ideology.

Oh and don’t count on the young people… Under 25 year olds are more conservative then 25-35 year olds are… ... 3902?amp=1
whites are toast.communism is coming to the usa.and most stalinists are dedicated to #Landback and 're-education'of reactionary elements.

anyway it won't matter,once the dollar collapses soon,people will leave america not migrate to it and we will be free from white christian nonsense.

the libertine brown 'savages'will inherit the earth,alongside the gooks.

petrodollar scam is ending thanks to the raghead muhammed bin salman.

there will be no recovery from the coming recession.
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Re: Latin america is a man's paradise.not traditional but who cares?

Post by Outcast9428 »

Kalinago wrote:
March 26th, 2023, 6:29 pm
Outcast9428 wrote:
March 26th, 2023, 5:06 pm
Kalinago wrote:
March 26th, 2023, 4:50 pm
Conservatives are 30% of the population,and most of them are dying boomers.

the religious and ethnic makeup of america alone in the coming decades means your dream is never coming into fruition.

nationalistic whites with their wierd unique conservatism have lost already.just barking dogs at this point.
We don’t need to be 50% of the population, in the South we are 40% or higher in every state. All we need to do is make it illegal for felons to vote and because so many of the Blacks and Hispanic liberals are criminals, 10% of the liberals will become disenfranchised and we effectively have a voting majority. We won’t even need to work with the right leaning liberals to crush the left anymore. Once we pass laws outlawing violent pornography there will be fewer people growing up with deviant fetishes that push them into the arms of liberalism. So more people will grow up not having any sympathy for liberal ideology.

Oh and don’t count on the young people… Under 25 year olds are more conservative then 25-35 year olds are… ... 3902?amp=1
whites are toast.communism is coming to the usa.and most stalinists are dedicated to #Landback and 're-education'of reactionary elements.

anyway it won't matter,once the dollar collapses soon,people will leave america not migrate to it and we will be free from white christian nonsense.

the libertine brown 'savages'will inherit the earth,alongside the gooks.

petrodollar scam is ending thanks to the raghead muhammed bin salman.

there will be no recovery from the coming recession.
Asians are naturally more conservative then Whites and would align with White Christians. They will never tolerate criminality and libertinism.

Yeah whites are not toast. The Amish are having 7 kids per family on average and doubling their numbers every 20 years. They are already a significant presence in Ohio, Indiana, and Pennsylvania. Those will turn into highly religious red states soon if the Amish keep growing.

Hungary is not the only European country becoming conservative. All of Eastern Europe except for the Czech Republic has become conservative. Italy is also becoming more conservative. If Italy goes full conservative then the progressive side of the EU is f***ed.
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