Brief steroid use might permanently enhance muscles due to "muscle memory"

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Brief steroid use might permanently enhance muscles due to "muscle memory"

Post by Lucas88 »

Brief exposure to anabolic steroids may have long lasting, possibly permanent, performance-enhancing effects, shows a study published today [28 October] in The Journal of Physiology.

Previously, re-acquisition of muscle mass – with or without steroid use – after periods of inactivity has been attributed to motor learning. However, this new data from the University of Oslo suggests that there is a cellular ‘memory mechanism’ within muscle of brief steroid users.

The team investigated the effects of steroids on muscle re-acquisition in mice and discovered greater muscle mass and more myonuclei – which are essential components for muscle fibre function – were apparent after returning to exercise.

Professor Kristian Gundersen explains how they carried out the study and the results found:

“Mice were briefly exposed to steroids which resulted in increased muscle mass and number of cell nuclei in the muscle fibres. Three months after withdrawal of the drug (approximately 15% of a mouse’s life span) their muscles grew by 30% over six days following load exercise. The untreated mice grew insignificantly.”

The findings might have consequences for the exclusion time of doping offenders as brief exposure to anabolic steroids might have long lasting performance-enhancing effects.

Prof Gundersen says:

“The results in our mice may correspond to the effects of steroids lasting for decades in humans given the same cellular ‘muscle memory’ mechanism. The new results might spur a debate on the current World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) code in which the maximum exclusion time is currently two years.”

Additionally, the data suggests that strength training when young might be beneficial later in life since the ability to generate new myonuclei is impaired in the elderly.

Future studies should include human muscles and further investigation into the cellular and molecular mechanism for muscle memory. ... y-muscles/

The above is an overview of a study which suggests that even brief steroid use can result in permanent muscle and performance enhancement long after withdrawal from PEDs. The "muscle memory" remembers the extra growth during a steroid cycle and will continue to produce more muscle fibers and strength with training even without further steroid use. In other words, juicers who take PEDs at a young age and then stop juicing still get to keep some of their gains and therefore remain permanently enhanced.

The biggest takeaway here is that, if you're an athlete or bodybuilder, you might as well juice for a short period while you're young even if you don't intend to take steroids on a long-term basis. The permanent gains make it worth it.

Anecdotally, many of my MMA training partners who juiced used to talk about this. One guy in particular, who started taking steroids at around the age of 15 and who followed the science on PEDs and athletic performance, often told me about how he could still build muscle and explosive power far easier than most non-juicers even though he'd been off the gear for several years.

Here is a link to the full study for anybody who's interested:

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