Great Movies worth checking out - Post your recommendations

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Re: Great Movies worth checking out - Post your recommendations

Post by Winston »

Another film about two women torturing a man that's claimed to be a masterpiece in Arthouse horror, called "Singapore Sling". Review below.

Full movie below. Greek with English subs.

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Re: Great Movies worth checking out - Post your recommendations

Post by Winston »

Great interesting 1947 film starring Deborah Kerr where she plays a nun who lives with a group of nuns in a convent at the top of the Himalaya mountains with beautiful scenery and backdrop. It's in good quality technicolor so you don't have to see it in black and white. Full movie below.

Black Narcissus (1947)

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Re: Great Movies worth checking out - Post your recommendations

Post by Winston »

If any of you love mafia movies, this is for you. I finally found this TV miniseries I've been looking for long ago. Someone finally uploaded it to YouTube. It's called Blood Feud from 1983 and is about the long conflict between teamster leader Jimmy Hoffa and Bobby Kennedy. Robert Blake plays Jimmy Hoffa better than anyone else ever did, I heard, better than Jack Nicholson. The man who plays RFK looks a lot like him too. If you are into mafia or teamsters movies, this is a very good one. I saw this when I was a kid and found it riveting and powerful and memorable. Here is the full miniseries below, all parts.

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Re: Great Movies worth checking out - Post your recommendations

Post by Winston »

Great biker movie from the 60s. This one is from Britain and is about a cute lone girl riding a motorcycle across Europe while having psychedelic visions and reminiscing about her multiple lovers. She reflects on the concept of free love and why life can't be free of restrictions. It's pretty cool and the girl riding is pretty cute and has a lovely British accent. Here's the whole movie below. It's pretty cool with lovely English countryside scenery and psychedelic visions and symbolism.

It's from 1968. Her name is Marianne Faithful and she had a very pretty face. It's a bit like "Easy Rider" and has a similar ending too. Apparently, the elite want it to be known that the penalty for being a freespirit is death. Not necessarily physical death, it could be metaphorical death too in the sense that you are isolated from society and banished from the system. That's why freespirits tend to die at the end of their movies, like in "Easy Rider" and "Into the Wild" etc. It's also a standard Luciferian theme to bring down someone when they are in ecstasy too, because if you think about it, whenever you are in a state of ecstasy because you have everything you want and everything is going your way, that's when the universe is about to make everything come crashing down. That's not a coincidence, but deliberate, because the universe props you up like a fat cow before slaughtering you metaphysically to drain the maximum energy from you. It's deliberate and calculated and an obvious pattern if you think about it. Everything is a parasite in this universe, including the gods and the matrix itself, that's why we are all batteries for them just like in the Matrix movies.

Btw, how come girls in the 60s like the one in this movie didn't complain about "guys only wanting them for sex"? They just went with the flow and made love to whoever they wanted to, but didn't complain like today's girls do about "all men only wanting sex".

The Girl on the Motorcycle (1968)

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Re: Great Movies worth checking out - Post your recommendations

Post by EdwardMatthew »

Just watched the trailer of Oppenheimer Amazing trailer i guess the movie would be amazing too i suggest you all to go and watch trailer of Oppenheimer.
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Re: Great Movies worth checking out - Post your recommendations

Post by WilliamSmith »

Winston wrote:
March 31st, 2023, 8:40 pm
If any of you are in the mood for a really good wholesome fun movie from the 80s check out "Adventures in Babysitting" from 1987 starring Elisabeth Shue. It's very entertaining and fun and has a good feel and vibe to it. Elisabeth Shue is also very charming and likable and has a killer sweet smile. She is the one who played the girlfriend in the famous 1984 hit movie "The Karate Kid". If you watch her face in the trailer below you will see how charming and likable she is. How come movie characters today aren't charming and likable like her? Instead they tend to be cold and unlikable. This is one of those movies that you come off feeling really good after watching, which is rare. Here's the trailer.

Here is Elisabeth Shue singing the Blues on a stage in Chicago while evading pursuers. You can see her charming likable face and smile in it. It will melt your heart and take your breath away. lol

LOL, thanks @Winston, I haven't seen that movie since I was a little boy in what must have been late 1987 or 1988 (whenever it was out on VHS tape, which is the only thing on "home video" you could get then), but I remember really liking this movie a lot.

I remember having a hard-on for Elizabeth Shue even though my balls hadn't even dropped yet, that I was impressed with the scene where some scary truck driver with a hook for a hand was on the scene (but I don't really remember what actually happened), and I remember when the co-starring teen kid somehow ended up in a bar and said something nice to a chick who was dating "bad boys," and she said "That's the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me! Wanna go to bed?" :lol: :lol: :lol:

Other than that I don't remember much of that movie. My girlfriend and I watched "Ferris Buller's Day Off" recently and I wouldn't be surprised if you liked that movie too.

It can be a real head trip to watch films from the 80s you haven't seen since you were a kid...
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Re: Great Movies worth checking out - Post your recommendations

Post by gsjackson »

Saw Oppenheimer yesterday. The history-inclined will like it. Gives an insight into the Jewish ego, which sucked in director Christopher Nolan: "Oppenheimer might be the most important person in the history of the world." Jews are the only ones smart enough to build the bomb and the only ones morally elevated enough to have misgivings about using it. Aside from the military supervisor, played by Matt Damon, you're struck with how the Manhattan Project was entirely a Jewish venture. Thus it makes sense that it was the creation of either the most powerful death machine ever known to man or of one of the biggest frauds (just a massive fire bomb, had nothing to do with splitting the atom).
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Re: Great Movies worth checking out - Post your recommendations

Post by gsjackson »

I should add that the Damon character kept stressing "compartmentalization," i.e., have everyone working on the "project" focus narrowly on his own specialty, with almost no one seeing the big picture. NASA works on the same principle. Only need-to-know types like Stanley Kubrick get to see the big picture.

I don't doubt that hidden somewhere in these movies they're telling us everything.
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Re: Great Movies worth checking out - Post your recommendations

Post by Winston »

Good review of the new movie "Oppenheimer". Apparently it's 3 hours. Wow.

Why did Oppenheimer agree to develop the atomic bomb? An intelligent genius like him should have known that nothing good could come out of that. He probably got bad karma for that and that's why he got persecuted for being a communist later.
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Re: Great Movies worth checking out - Post your recommendations

Post by Winston »

If any of you like the Godfather movies, you will like this one too. It's called "The Sicilian Connection" from 1972 starring Ben Gazzara as an American who gets mixed up with the Italian mafia and its heroin operations.

Here's another good one. "The Sicilian" from 1987 about a revolutionary leader in Sicily who is trying to free his people from the oppression of the mafia and Vatican. Full movie below.

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Re: Great Movies worth checking out - Post your recommendations

Post by milevaa »

Oppenheimer is really great
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Re: Great Movies worth checking out - Post your recommendations

Post by Winston »

Interesting new independent film called "Jones Plantation" about the sham and scam of American democracy told using a slave plantation as am allegory and microcosm of the USA and all its lies and manipulation of its people. As the film says, we all live on the Jones Plantation, so this film is relevant to all of us. Please share this film with everyone you know. We need more films like this. Here is Matt McKinley's review of it below. ... lm-review/

Here is the website where you can buy the film for only $10.

Great review on IMDB:
The Best Way to Start Unlearning the Belief that Enslaves Our Minds

Jones Plantation is a FUN movie. Give it ten minutes and you'll be gripped. It is also a FUNNY movie. The cartoonish characters (particularly one with a trendsetting moustache) will make you laugh and smile again and again. But wait... How can I say all this in such a nonchalant way, if this film is about nothing less than slavery? Well, that is because it is not really about slavery. Or is it?

You see, Jones Plantation IS, of course, a movie, and if you enjoy a cool story with memorable characters (including the villain of all villains) and a fast-paced, unpredictable plot, you will enjoy it. But it is also MUCH MORE than a movie. It is an unlearning activator. It uses the well-known power of the allegorical technique, boosted by the remarkable effectiveness of humor, to kickstart the questioning process that enables you to realize the deepest truth about ownership, that is, that YOU OWN YOURSELF, totally and unconditionally. You may say: "Duh! What are you talking about? I already know that I own myself, totally and unconditionally!" But is that really so?

This film will show you, in a way that you'll find impossible to deny, that the worst tyrants in the world are NOT the ones who enslave their subjects by brute and obvious violence. No, the most formidable oppressors are actually the ones who know best how to MANIPULATE the most valuable, precious property on the entire planet: the human mind. In fact, the greatest slavers are NOT the ones who enslave others, but the ones who artfully persuade others to enslave THEMSELVES. As anti-apartheid activist Stephen Biko famously wrote, "the most potent weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed."

Using the immensely powerful medium of storytelling, and benefitting from a brilliant, highly original script, the Jones Plantation will demonstrate to you how evil REALLY works in this world. In fact, it illustrates how true evil has ALWAYS operated, and, regrettably, how it will CONTINUE to operate until a critical mass of individuals learns and fully assimilates the most consequential lesson in life: that you, and you alone, are your own master, and that anything in your life -- ANYTHING -- that contradicts this self-evident reality is a LIE, a deception, a scam that can and will end up enslaving your mind. You may now retort: "But I AM my own master!" OK, then grab the popcorn, watch this movie and find out what happens to your view of the world. An unlearning activator, indeed.

As you will realize after watching it, you have NEVER seen a film like this before. One reason for this is that the film speaks a truth that lies outside the spectrum of acceptability of the ideologically-constrained Hollywood system. This is why a project like this could only come from an independent producer, with total freedom to say what had to be said.

The budget for this one was so small that I can only marvel at the quality of the final product. Director Andrew Treglia and his team did a truly outstanding job, using the very limited resources they had available (the entire pre-production was done by Treglia, he didn't meet the actors before the shooting, no rehearsals, the shooting was finished in less than three weeks, etc.) and still managing to create a great-looking movie that is destined to become a cult classic. So, if some people rate this movie negatively just because it doesn't have a blockbuster-level production... well, I will just say that some people may need to review their review criteria.

The original script for the movie was written by none other than Larken Rose, a living legend in true freedom circles. After finishing the movie, if you start asking yourself questions that you have never asked yourself before (and it's difficult for me to imagine how this can fail to happen), I urge you to check out Larken's books and videos. They will greatly help you to finish the process that the Jones Plantation triggers.

If I must criticize something about the movie, I would have to say that the initial release does not include closed captions, something that would be helpful to all the people who speak English as a second language (one in five people in the US, about one billion people worldwide). That being said, we really need subtitles (and perhaps even dubbings) for the movie in all languages so it can be watched by everyone all around the world. Yes, I truly think that spreading the timeless and countryless message of the Jones Plantation is THAT incredibly important.

And this brings me to the most important point. Being an indie production with no money left to spend on promotion, the reach of the movie is almost entirely dependent on word-of-mouth marketing. So, if you like the film, PLEASE tell the world about it! I can only dream about what could happen if hundreds of millions of minds were to begin questioning the edifice of lies that the Jones Plantation masterfully exposes.

Lastly, I don't really know how the movie will continue to be distributed in the coming months, but however you end up watching it, if you find the movie valuable, PLEASE consider supporting its producers in whatever way you can (I will get the awesome Jones Plantation Official Flag, which was designed in 5 minutes by Treglia and is the most truthful flag that I have ever seen!). This is how we will continue to get truly disruptive, potentially world-changing movies like this one.

In sum, just remember: we are all free now, working right here, on the glorious Jones Plantation.
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Re: Great Movies worth checking out - Post your recommendations

Post by jamesbond »

Great classic movie from 1945, "Leave Her to Heaven" starring Gene Tierney and Vincent Price.

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Re: Great Movies worth checking out - Post your recommendations

Post by jamesbond »

"Dragonwyck" from 1946 Starring Gene Tierney, Vincent Price & Walter Huston.

"When I think about the idea of getting involved with an American woman, I don't know if I should laugh .............. or vomit!"

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Re: Great Movies worth checking out - Post your recommendations

Post by jamesbond »

"The Baron Of Arizona" from 1950 starring Vincent Price & Ellen Drew.

"When I think about the idea of getting involved with an American woman, I don't know if I should laugh .............. or vomit!"

"Trying to meet women in America is like trying to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics."
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