Netanyahu's Kabbalah Plan to Destroy the World

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Netanyahu's Kabbalah Plan to Destroy the World

Post by Lucas88 »

This video explains the role of Chabad-Lubavitch and its perverse occult ideology in the upcoming war and current events in the world:

Chabad-Lubavitch is the most influential Kabbalah organization in the world. It has great power over the politics of some of the most powerful nations including Israel, the US and Russia and has the likes of Netanyahu, Biden, Trump, Putin and many others under its control. This is the Jewish cult that rules the world.

Make no mistake about it, Chabad-Lubavitch is an apocalyptic Messianic cult which believes in Jewish supremacy and seeks to materialize in our world the Old Testament prophecies concerning the War of Armageddon and the dominion of Israel over all of the nations. The Kabbalistic vision of the Messianic Age is one of Jewish world domination and universal Gentile enslavement and destruction. This is what Israel and the Jewish elites are currently trying to manifest.

Chabad-Lubavitch is now looking to drag the US into a war in the Middle East and then trigger WW3. They also want to involve Russia and Iran.

The Kabbalists have for their goal the annihilation of a large portion of the Gentile population. They view us as nothing more than dark souls who come from the primordial abyss - sometimes called sitra achra or "the other side" (the same Kabbalists believe that only Jewish souls are born out of the light of god and incidentally have been entrusted with a divine mission to "rectify" the so-called evil world of the goyim) - and therefore wish to genocide our lineages through apocalyptic warfare or at least thoroughly reduce our numbers so that the minority of remaining survivors can be enslaved in the Olam ha Ba. The globalist elites, with their depopulation agenda, have already begun this process with the introduction of the death vax.

The Kabbalists especially want to wipe out people of European descent. This might interest you, @WanderingProtagonist. The reason for their strong desire to destroy Europe and "White nations" is because, in their Kabbalistic tradition, they associate the European race with Edom - the sworn enemy of Israel - and so they seek to utterly eradicate us. They see it as a sort of revenge.

As of now, the Jewish elite in America wants to get the political right wing to support Israel against the Islamic world. But they are only going to lead America and Europe into utter destruction for the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy and the manifestation of the Messianic Age (i.e., complete subjugation of all Gentile nations). We must absolutely avoid getting dragged into any apocalyptic war of the Kabbalists' making at all costs!!!

The Bible is nothing more than a blueprint for Jewish world domination and the manifestation of Gentile enslavement and destruction. The Book of Revelation, which builds upon the Old Testament prophecies, was written simply to lead the world into chaos and apocalyptic warfare. Everything about the Abrahamic religions is low-vibrational and seeks to manifest death and destruction. Christians, most of whom are completely retarded or insane, are passively awaiting or even unknowingly willing their own annihilation through their belief in and obsession with these Jewish death cult prophecy books!

The Abrahamic religions are Jewish death cults which culminate with the War of Armageddon and are aimed at the destruction of humanity. The Kabbalists of Chabad-Lubavitch are the masters at the top and the ones who are calling the shots.

The Kabbalists are our mortal enemies. We won't ever be able to live in a peaceful and decent world until they are all removed from power and killed or imprisoned.

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Re: Netanyahu's Kabbalah Plan to Destroy the World

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

The truth is, who is going to kill or even remotely try to stop them though? We have many people in this world but none of them is willing to oppose what they are doing other than Muslims. But Muslims aren't powerful enough to overthrow Israel, and even if they tried it wouldn't make them heroes since they suck just as much. They are too damn radicalized in their beliefs, and when they take out their anger they target everybody instead of the people who actually hurt them. Think about it for a second, if they were plotting an attack on our Soil, they wouldn't even target the White house directly. They'll just go out and attack the public and take out all that rage and hatred on everyday Americans even though the Right and left supporting either side are assholes and shouldn't be treating this conflict like some kind of sporting event where you bet on your favorite team and shit.

See here is the thing, when Hitler was on a conquest to take over Europe or so they say, many nations got together to prevent this from happening, they all chose to take down Hitler from achieving his goal of domination over Europe. Hitler's Nazi Germany was then destroyed and eradicated. The fact is, Jews have too much wealth and because of this wealth our elected leaders are willing to get us killed for them. My own mother is Pro-Israel and is always bragging about what Trump is going to do to anyone who is against Israel. I heard her on the phone the other day talking to a friend about how Trump was planning to kick out everyone who is sympathizing for the other side or anyone who talks badly about Israel who he has branded as a terrorist. Not that I give a shit about Muslims, I don't. But defending Israel and refusing to oppose what they are doing just because they pay you to be their eternal little bitch is unacceptable also.

Paul Roberts spoke about this ... americans/ where he talks about how Trump's dumbass is a hardcore Jew supporter yet they backstabbed him and cost him the election because they wanted Biden to take his place. Yet Trump doesn't blame them for it, instead he blames it all on Democrats like they had the total power to just cheat like that and win, when it was the Jewish Elite that f***ed him over. He can't even admit that they f***ed him over because he's not as tough and badass as he think he is. He won't call them out for choosing Biden or even blame them for why the West is really in decline. But the truth is, Conservatives spend a lot of time bitching about how brainwashed the Left is, and then they go and prove they are equally as brainwashed, manipulated, and mislead.

They buy into all that prophecy garbage because their religion made them ignorant as hell. My own mother is a lot like of those Christians, she's blind by her own faith. I don't want to call my mother ignorant or anything bad but it's just what happens when people allow religion to influence them to the point where they fail to see that it has consequences. In order to prevent what is coming, people need to stop talking and actually do something. Because Netanyhu is evil as f**k. Usually someone will see that something is wrong, and not right. Then they'll take action, in the real world that rarely happens anymore.

There is no telling how long people like Netanyhu has held power over this world, but what I do know is that throughout history if someone was accused of such destruction they were called out and then punished for their crimes. But it's as I said, we don't have anyone brave enough to do anything at all to save and help us against any of this. Not a single man or woman with any ounce of courage, bravery, dignity, honor, and spirit is willing to stand up and defy any of this. Clearly if someone is willing to massively kill and cause a genocide today, you would think this stuff would even wake up Conservatives and see that something isn't right. But they refuse to. Just look around at Western Europe, all of their governments are treasonous traitors. As much as I hate life, I feel that Netanyhu has won this battle. I've been told so many times to pray and that without GOD we are defeated. But the fact is, If God truly chose the Jews as his people, then GOD has royally f***ed up. You can look at his picture, look at the pope. They all have these sinister dead eyes that show they belong to the Devil.

Republicans aren't smart as they think they are, Desantis and all of them are willing to do these people's bidding. I don't know how money can influence people to not challenge evil. But I find it so damn impossible in my own heart to allow evil to prevail because of money. I could be offered 1 trillion dollars tomorrow if I were to stab my own mother in her heart in her sleep but I would never do such a horrible callous f***ed up act, yet these people that Netanyhu owns is willing to kill not only their own mothers, but everyone if it means they get to be a little more richer than they already are....This madness is just all kinds of upsetting. I almost want to just put a gun in my mouth right now and pull the trigger get it over with before this dickhead succeeds at creating the nuclear war he wants.

That's how upset I am with this guy and the whole goddamn useless world, including the fact we have no real heroes outside of fiction to do the right thing. We have hundreds of countries in this world and they're all owned by a damn death cult. We have Conservatives and Republicans creating laws throughout the entire Western world to punish anyone who oppose these crazy psycho-pathetic mutha fuckers...People being labeled terrorist for wanting peace and not supporting their own demise. I honestly hate that I lived this long now...Really....I lived to be 37 years old only to die someday in a nuclear hell fire, and if I survive that nuclear holocaust I have to then live out my life as a slave to WEF. Who get to control what I'll eat, what I drink, whether or not I own anything at all including the air I breath.

I never realized that all you needed in this world to do what you damn well pleased, is to have ownership over everything and enough wealth to enslave, and own governments while also succeeding at manipulating their people including those that govern them who fear you enough to never straight up challenge you even when you plan and intend to murder them. I know for a fact if I were a Christian today, all of this would make me question GOD even more than I already do..."Why? Why did you sacrifice your only son and then hand over control and power to those who rule the world you built as the destroyer of that very world? Do you not care that this concerns and causes me great emotional harm and turmoil to even have to question you on this? You claim that you can never make mistakes. But yet you gave power to the very people who hate those who worship you."
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Re: Netanyahu's Kabbalah Plan to Destroy the World

Post by Lucas88 »

WanderingProtagonist wrote:
November 20th, 2023, 7:51 pm
The truth is, who is going to kill or even remotely try to stop them though? We have many people in this world but none of them is willing to oppose what they are doing other than Muslims.
None of the political leaders are going to stop them. They're all bought out by the Jewish elite. Even so-called outliers like Trump and Putin are really just controlled opposition owned by Chabad-Lubavitch.

The ordinary people must awaken to what is happening and collectively oppose the Kabbalists' plan to destroy and enslave the Gentile world. We must begin by exposing the true agenda behind their planned war and refusing to go along with any of it. Then we must organize a resistance movement and actively resist their power. If there is enough popular support, then maybe sympathetic factions within the military could be encouraged to lead a coup against the corrupt ZOG of their country. The people itself must oust these assholes from power.

Unfortunately, as of now, far too many people are just too overcome with collective blindness to even realize what's happening, let alone act. The religious lunatics have bought into all of the "apocalyptic prophecies" and "chosen people" crap, the American right wing is seemingly going to be deceived by some media-created idea of a just war against the West's (in reality Israel's) Islamic enemies, and then most people of a secular and moderate political persuasion aren't willing to honestly examine the role of Jews in the globalist power elite or even recognize any Jewish conspiracy because they've been brainwashed for so long by the Holocaust/Jewish victimhood narrative. On top of all this, the average person simply doesn't have enough awareness to see the bigger picture.

I think that at this point our only hope is that a lot more people wake up and organize themselves into coherent resistance movements when things get really bad and nobody can bury their head in the sand any longer. I'm hoping that this will happen in light of the US' and Israel's warmongering (yes, this has the potential to backfire on the elites) and amidst the growing poverty just before the WEF attempts to implement its envisioned Great Reset. The truth is that most people tend towards complacency and will only act when faced with extreme desperation.
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
November 20th, 2023, 7:51 pm
I never realized that all you needed in this world to do what you damn well pleased, is to have ownership over everything and enough wealth to enslave, and own governments while also succeeding at manipulating their people including those that govern them who fear you enough to never straight up challenge you even when you plan and intend to murder them.
The elite Jews have understood for millennia that all you need to do to take over and subjugate a nation is to infiltrate and establish a monopoly over its financial system. This is to be achieved through usury and debt. This is why the Jewish elite is now able to control entire industries, politics, the media, education and every other facet of society, buy out almost any politician and viciously crush anybody who opposes them in the public sphere.

WanderingProtagonist wrote:
November 20th, 2023, 7:51 pm
But the fact is, If God truly chose the Jews as his people, then GOD has royally f***ed up. You can look at his picture, look at the pope. They all have these sinister dead eyes that show they belong to the Devil.

I know for a fact if I were a Christian today, all of this would make me question GOD even more than I already do..."Why? Why did you sacrifice your only son and then hand over control and power to those who rule the world you built as the destroyer of that very world? Do you not care that this concerns and causes me great emotional harm and turmoil to even have to question you on this? You claim that you can never make mistakes. But yet you gave power to the very people who hate those who worship you."
The whole religion is a scam. What the Bible calls "god" is simply the Israelite tribal deity Yahweh, a god who constantly demands animal sacrifice and bloodshed (the Old Testament is chock-full of harrowing blood sacrifice rituals and gruesome massacres ordered by this same entity) and who gives the Jews the mission to take over and subjugate the world. However you look at Yahweh, he clearly has a very demonic nature. I'm of the view that this "god" is either a demon or demonic force from another dimension which has made a pact with elite Jews since ancient times or an advanced thoughtform created by Jewish occultists with a world domination agenda. Some high-level Kabbalist adepts openly admit that they channel entities from another dimension. Even New Testament Christianity is deeply Satanic with its doctrine of Jesus' blood sacrifice atonement and the holy supper which is in reality nothing more than a ritual of symbolic cannibalism of Jesus' sacrificed body. It's all demonic evil dressed up in an outward veil of light and righteousness. But Christians are far too blind to see this.

The entity Yahweh, whatever he may be, chose to Jews to implement the demonic agenda of apocalyptic destruction and enslavement outlined in the Bible and specifically in the Old Testament prophecies. The Christians who worship him are simply worshiping a being who hates them and desires their destruction. That's the real reason why the Abrahamic religions universally view humans as evil sinners worthy of hell and annihilation, threaten anybody who doesn't submit to their cult or religious agenda with divine retribution of the worst kind, are full of bloodshed and depravity as evidenced by their own religious texts, and all promote the idea of an apocalyptic war in the so-called end times that will result in the destruction of the nations. The whole thing is a demonic virus of the mind possibly introduced by some off-planet entity and spread throughout the world by depraved Jewish scumbags.

Christians and religious Jews assert that Yahweh is the creator of the universe and that the Bible is his revealed word and the one true religion, but those religions aren't that ancient or even original. There are other religions much older than them, religions which Abrahamists demonized and sought to destroy. The Bible is just a recent invention, a hoax perpetrated by Jews who hate humanity.
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Re: Netanyahu's Kabbalah Plan to Destroy the World

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

I've heard many people claim that when people believed in Christ things were much better, but they only became worse because more people stopped believing. At least that's what a lot of these Christians say due to the fact America is not a very Godly country anymore, and neither are any of the countries in Europe. I don't know, you gave me a lot to really think about...I guess we're just going to get killed in a nuclear hell fire. I mean if people like Trump and Putin can't see it, then nobody can. And I always thought at least someone would notice. But the people aren't going to do shit either. First of all the Left hate the right and the right hate the left. I can't blame them for hating each other since they both equally suck ass. Liberals are a bunch of p***y ass self hating bitches that sit around jerking off to the demise of their own race (White liberals), blacks are still just a bunch of brain dead dumbasses that vote Democrat.

LGBTQ people are totally worthless as f**k in a fight. And Conservatives will do what the Jews want for life...You can't go to a single website without there being constant content about how the left sympathizes with terrorist. But then Paul Roberts have some articles where he called out a lot of this stuff....Fact is we are screwed. And as for the poverty thing, there are already thousands of homeless people in America and most of the third world. Yet they are content with living like that. Even the people who got kicked out of their homes so illegals could be moved into the very home they were thrown out of and into the street with their kids..People still didn't rise up.

And all Conservatives ever do is bitch about their second amendment rights but they'll never use them against the Government. The military is too far gone, to be honest the military are the only people who can stop and end this stuff since they are the ones who have to do all the fighting in the first place. So as long as they can convince them to boot up and kill for them...The military is going to always do it. There has never been a point in history where a military power turned on the person commanding them to do something. Just look at North Korea, China, etc. Kim starves the shit out of his people and yet his military is fully compliant with his actions.

...I hate coming off as black pilled...But they won. Those of us who actually want to do something and care we're outnumbered by the ones who are owned.
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Re: Netanyahu's Kabbalah Plan to Destroy the World

Post by Lucas88 »

WanderingProtagonist wrote:
November 21st, 2023, 9:47 am
I've heard many people claim that when people believed in Christ things were much better, but they only became worse because more people stopped believing.
Yes, some people claim that, but those people are for the most part short-sighted and don't have much awareness of the bigger picture.

Our society didn't become insane because most people stopped believing in some bizarre Jew sacrifice cult from the 1st century. Lol! Our society became insane because it was taken over by Jews and then subverted from within through various destructive agendas which the same Jews have carefully crafted and fervently promoted. These destructive agendas have gotten increasingly perverse in recent decades and now include such things as "alternative gender identities" being peddled to kids in school as young as 5.

These destructive agendas didn't emerge organically nor were they simply the result of people having freedom. Instead they were promoted from above through state education and the media (overwhelmingly owned by them), even imposed upon people by unnamed social engineers. Why are TV channels, schools, universities, corporations and online platforms such as YouTube all of a sudden promoting LGBT ideology and all kinds of other perverse trends in unison? It's because this has all been planned by a shadowy elite which wants to ruin our nations and lead them into destruction for its own world domination agenda.

In reality, Jews are the problem (here by Jews I mean those of the international financier type and their footsoldiers and especially those who are associated with Chabad-Lubavitch) and any society will go to absolute shit as soon as it allows them to seize any substantial degree of power. Once a nation has been fully infiltrated by the merchants of death, it is only a matter of decades before it is lost to the worst kinds of societal rot (e.g., when schools want to turn your kid trans :x ).

None of this perverse shit even existed when we were growing up (things like LGBT being promoted in schools and child transgenderism). Society was normal for the most part and most people were okay. Then fast-forward 15 years or so and all of this shit is being deliberately pushed everywhere and society is in a state of collective insanity. That's what happens when your country is taken over by Jews.

As for Christianity, once you look beyond its trite moral notions and feel-good platitudes, all that remains is a twisted religion of Jew worship (e.g., salvation comes from the Jews), Israelophilia justified by biblical "prophecies", and bizarre apocalypticism. It's no wonder that the typical American Christian today is a semi-retarded cuck who loves Jews as "god's chosen people", reads the Book of Ezequiel with great glee and enthusiastically supports Israel because "prophecy fulfillment". :roll:
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
November 21st, 2023, 9:47 am
Fact is we are screwed. And as for the poverty thing, there are already thousands of homeless people in America and most of the third world. Yet they are content with living like that. Even the people who got kicked out of their homes so illegals could be moved into the very home they were thrown out of and into the street with their kids..People still didn't rise up.
I don't think that we should give up hope yet. Those things that you mentioned were series of isolated incidents and so nobody gave a fcuk but movements under the right circumstances can gain critical mass and evolve into something big, especially in the internet age.

Remember that the Great Reset is already massively unpopular. I think that when the governments start echoing that ugly nose-gremlin Klaus Schwab's words "you will own nothing and be happy" that will be enough to put the willies up many people.
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Re: Netanyahu's Kabbalah Plan to Destroy the World

Post by willymonfrete »

Andromedans and arcturians are on our side though,and the reptilians haven't already won because of their gracious deeds,

Yahweh is depicted as a deciever in the old testament,tells his prophets to decieve,as is jeebus,it's not surprising his people would do everything by deception and guile.

the jews are not going to win brother,there is shifting in planetary energies happening and people are waking up,plus we still have free speech to let people know the jews killed millions thru the vaccine,we just have to present in a factual and informed way,and spread the memes.

also,even though nazis were not perfect,they are better than jews and have a entire ufo empire in the hollow earth ready to attack when the right time comes.

Don't be a doomer,the jews cannot win because of karmic and astrological forces against them,aswell as our benevolent aliens like Enki and his orionites,the andromedans and the arcturians.
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Re: Netanyahu's Kabbalah Plan to Destroy the World

Post by Winston »

Did you guys see Netanyahu's interview on NBC? It's very scary. He sounds like a fanatic and fundamentalist.

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Re: Netanyahu's Kabbalah Plan to Destroy the World

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

Lucas88 wrote:
November 21st, 2023, 12:17 pm
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
November 21st, 2023, 9:47 am
I've heard many people claim that when people believed in Christ things were much better, but they only became worse because more people stopped believing.
Yes, some people claim that, but those people are for the most part short-sighted and don't have much awareness of the bigger picture.

Our society didn't become insane because most people stopped believing in some bizarre Jew sacrifice cult from the 1st century. Lol! Our society became insane because it was taken over by Jews and then subverted from within through various destructive agendas which the same Jews have carefully crafted and fervently promoted. These destructive agendas have gotten increasingly perverse in recent decades and now include such things as "alternative gender identities" being peddled to kids in school as young as 5.

These destructive agendas didn't emerge organically nor were they simply the result of people having freedom. Instead they were promoted from above through state education and the media (overwhelmingly owned by them), even imposed upon people by unnamed social engineers. Why are TV channels, schools, universities, corporations and online platforms such as YouTube all of a sudden promoting LGBT ideology and all kinds of other perverse trends in unison? It's because this has all been planned by a shadowy elite which wants to ruin our nations and lead them into destruction for its own world domination agenda.

In reality, Jews are the problem (here by Jews I mean those of the international financier type and their footsoldiers and especially those who are associated with Chabad-Lubavitch) and any society will go to absolute shit as soon as it allows them to seize any substantial degree of power. Once a nation has been fully infiltrated by the merchants of death, it is only a matter of decades before it is lost to the worst kinds of societal rot (e.g., when schools want to turn your kid trans :x ).

None of this perverse shit even existed when we were growing up (things like LGBT being promoted in schools and child transgenderism). Society was normal for the most part and most people were okay. Then fast-forward 15 years or so and all of this shit is being deliberately pushed everywhere and society is in a state of collective insanity. That's what happens when your country is taken over by Jews.

As for Christianity, once you look beyond its trite moral notions and feel-good platitudes, all that remains is a twisted religion of Jew worship (e.g., salvation comes from the Jews), Israelophilia justified by biblical "prophecies", and bizarre apocalypticism. It's no wonder that the typical American Christian today is a semi-retarded cuck who loves Jews as "god's chosen people", reads the Book of Ezequiel with great glee and enthusiastically supports Israel because "prophecy fulfillment". :roll:
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
November 21st, 2023, 9:47 am
Fact is we are screwed. And as for the poverty thing, there are already thousands of homeless people in America and most of the third world. Yet they are content with living like that. Even the people who got kicked out of their homes so illegals could be moved into the very home they were thrown out of and into the street with their kids..People still didn't rise up.
I don't think that we should give up hope yet. Those things that you mentioned were series of isolated incidents and so nobody gave a fcuk but movements under the right circumstances can gain critical mass and evolve into something big, especially in the internet age.

Remember that the Great Reset is already massively unpopular. I think that when the governments start echoing that ugly nose-gremlin Klaus Schwab's words "you will own nothing and be happy" that will be enough to put the willies up many people.
We still have free speech, but a lot of Western Europeans don't have that. France for instance, even Germany, and of course Great Britain all created laws to defend the Jews. I also saw Desantis signing that paper in Israel that would make it so no one can criticize Israel at all. But I do agree with each and every one of your statements. I'm only bothered by all of this because as I said, it's an easy battle to win but no one wants to do anything. Plus after what the Democrats did to Trump voters, I think a lot of people will think twice about protesting near the White house at all. Not only that they want to use Trump and indicting him as an example as to what they can do to the rest of us if they can destroy him. Regardless he continues to only blame Democrats for his own demise vs calling out the very people who probably told them to destroy him. He brings up globalist, communist, Deep State, yet ignores the fact that none of those groups of people would have existed had it not been for Jewish Elites that allow them to exist and do what they do. To eliminate deep state and globalist, he would have to also eliminate the Jewish from running the U.S. and return the U.S. back to the way it was before when it was actually governed by Americans and not foreigners like that shitty Squad group and Jews.
Last edited by WanderingProtagonist on November 21st, 2023, 3:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Netanyahu's Kabbalah Plan to Destroy the World

Post by Lucas88 »

Winston wrote:
November 21st, 2023, 2:19 pm
Did you guys see Netanyahu's interview on NBC? It's very scary. He sounds like a fanatic and fundamentalist.
That's exactly what Netanyahu is. He's a fanatical Chabadnik. Here's a video of him being told to hasten the coming of the Messiah by his handler rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson back in 1990:

All of the things that we see unfolding in the world right now are being orchestrated by a batshit-crazy Kabbalistic cult that wants to bring the apocalypse to Earth!!!
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Re: Netanyahu's Kabbalah Plan to Destroy the World

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

willymonfrete wrote:
November 21st, 2023, 12:52 pm
Andromedans and arcturians are on our side though,and the reptilians haven't already won because of their gracious deeds,

Yahweh is depicted as a deciever in the old testament,tells his prophets to decieve,as is jeebus,it's not surprising his people would do everything by deception and guile.

the jews are not going to win brother,there is shifting in planetary energies happening and people are waking up,plus we still have free speech to let people know the jews killed millions thru the vaccine,we just have to present in a factual and informed way,and spread the memes.

also,even though nazis were not perfect,they are better than jews and have a entire ufo empire in the hollow earth ready to attack when the right time comes.

Don't be a doomer,the jews cannot win because of karmic and astrological forces against them,aswell as our benevolent aliens like Enki and his orionites,the andromedans and the arcturians.
You confuse me when you talk like this...The part about aliens, and such. :shock: :?
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Re: Netanyahu's Kabbalah Plan to Destroy the World

Post by willymonfrete »

WanderingProtagonist wrote:
November 21st, 2023, 5:06 pm
willymonfrete wrote:
November 21st, 2023, 12:52 pm
Andromedans and arcturians are on our side though,and the reptilians haven't already won because of their gracious deeds,

Yahweh is depicted as a deciever in the old testament,tells his prophets to decieve,as is jeebus,it's not surprising his people would do everything by deception and guile.

the jews are not going to win brother,there is shifting in planetary energies happening and people are waking up,plus we still have free speech to let people know the jews killed millions thru the vaccine,we just have to present in a factual and informed way,and spread the memes.

also,even though nazis were not perfect,they are better than jews and have a entire ufo empire in the hollow earth ready to attack when the right time comes.

Don't be a doomer,the jews cannot win because of karmic and astrological forces against them,aswell as our benevolent aliens like Enki and his orionites,the andromedans and the arcturians.
You confuse me when you talk like this...The part about aliens, and such. :shock: :?
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