Is Our Earth FLAT and Motionless, Not a Spinning Globe?

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Re: Is Our Earth FLAT and Motionless, Not a Spinning Globe?

Post by Yohan »

Jang Yeong-sil 장영실; 蔣英實 1390 – after 1442 was a Korean mechanical engineer, scientist, and inventor during the Joseon Dynasty (1392–1897).
(from Korean Wikipedia)

He made a rotating globe, NOT a disc.... :lol: to display the 4 seasons...
King Sejong's first assignment to Jang was to build a celestial globe to measure astronomical objects.

After two months of study, Jang made a spherical device that could perform with mediocre accuracy. In 1433, a year after his first attempt, Jang made an armillary sphere known as the honcheonui (혼천의, 渾天儀). Honcheonui depended on a waterwheel to rotate the internal globe to indicate time.

Whether day or night, this allowed the instrument to be updated on the positions of the sun, moon, and the stars.

Later celestial globes (규표) could measure time changes according to the seasonal variations. These instruments, along with the sundials and water clocks, were stationed around the Gyeongnghoeru Pavilion in Gyeongbok Palace and put into use by the astronomers.

The success of Jang's astronomical machines was marked in 1442 AD when the Korean astronomers compiled their computations on the courses of the seven heavenly objects (five visible planets, the sun, and moon) in Chiljeongsan (칠정산), an astronomical calendar that made it possible for scientists to calculate and accurately predict all the major heavenly phenomena, such as solar eclipses and other stellar movements.[14]
Jang Yeong-sil made various instruments used for astronomy, like a sundial, a celestial globe, a precise waterclock to measure the time ...




Reconstructions of these instruments have been made, but the originals did not survive the Japanese invasion of Korea in 1592–1598.
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Re: Is Our Earth FLAT and Motionless, Not a Spinning Globe?

Post by galii »


Servus Yohan. Ich komme aus dem Umland von München. Ich bin mit 5 Jahren nach Deutschland gekommen. Ich bin Deutschtürke. Ich bin 2012 aus Deutschland ausgewandert. Ich war dann 2 Jahre in Ankara, dann 6 Jahre in den Filippinen in Angeles City und jetzt seit 3 Jahren in Antalya.

Der korenische Wissenschaftler war nicht schlecht. Allerdings sieht es so aus als ob im fernostasiatischem Raum die Wissenschaftler Flacherdler waren. Was relativ überraschend ist. Mann möchte Denken dass durch den Handel durch die Seidenstrasse sie die neuen Entdeckungen mitgekriegt haben. Wenigstens durch Marco Polo.
In ancient China, the prevailing belief was that the Earth was flat and square, while the heavens were round,[49] an assumption virtually unquestioned until the introduction of European astronomy in the 17th century.[50][51][52] The English sinologist Cullen emphasizes the point that there was no concept of a round Earth in ancient Chinese astronomy:[53]

It is interesting that the Chinese had a lot of interaction with muslim astronomers but apparently still were flat earthers.
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Re: Is Our Earth FLAT and Motionless, Not a Spinning Globe?

Post by Yohan »

galii wrote:
November 22nd, 2023, 12:18 pm

It is interesting that the Chinese had a lot of interaction with muslim astronomers but apparently still were flat earthers.
This was long time ago. Not any more, even for the Chinese the world is now a 'globe'.... ... efore.html
Breathtaking photos from the first ultra-high resolution camera in Earth's orbit shows our bright blue planet against the black abyss of space.

The photos were taken from a 360-degree camera launched into space by a private Chinese company who described it as an 'astronomical achievement'.

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Re: Is Our Earth FLAT and Motionless, Not a Spinning Globe?

Post by Yohan »

galii wrote:
November 22nd, 2023, 12:18 pm

Servus Yohan. Ich komme aus dem Umland von München. Ich bin mit 5 Jahren nach Deutschland gekommen. Ich bin Deutschtürke. Ich bin 2012 aus Deutschland ausgewandert. Ich war dann 2 Jahre in Ankara, dann 6 Jahre in den Filippinen in Angeles City und jetzt seit 3 Jahren in Antalya.

Der korenische Wissenschaftler war nicht schlecht. Allerdings sieht es so aus als ob im fernostasiatischem Raum die Wissenschaftler Flacherdler waren. Was relativ überraschend ist. Mann möchte Denken dass durch den Handel durch die Seidenstrasse sie die neuen Entdeckungen mitgekriegt haben. Wenigstens durch Marco Polo.

It is interesting that the Chinese had a lot of interaction with muslim astronomers but apparently still were flat earthers.
Hallo, wie geht es Dir so immer?

Danke für die deutschsprachige Information über Dich. Ich bin schon seit mehr als 40 Jahre weg von Europa, war in Malaysia-Singapore, aber auch sehr oft in Thailand (habe dort meine Ferienwohnung) und in den Philippinen, dort lebt mein Filipina Patenkind, und bin als Hauptwohnsitz in Japan geblieben, mit japanischer Frau und habe 2 Töchter und auch 2 Enkelkinder.


In Fernost war man eigentlich nie so interessiert bezüglich der Form der Erde, große Seefahrer waren sie jedenfalls nie und die Landkarten waren meistens entlang der Küste. Religionen wie Tao, Konfuzius, Buddhismus, Shinto usw. kennen keinen Gott der die Welt erschaffen hat.

Heutzutage glaubt natürlich fast keiner mehr an solchen Unsinn wie die Erde als Scheibe, um sowas zu behaupten muß man schon ein Ignorant und ungebildeter Aussenseiter und auch religiös fehlgeleitet sein. Seltsame Menschen gibt es halt überall.

Liebe Grüße von Japan
Yohan (Johann)
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Re: Is Our Earth FLAT and Motionless, Not a Spinning Globe?

Post by galii »

Yohan wrote:
November 29th, 2023, 7:15 pm
galii wrote:
November 22nd, 2023, 12:18 pm

Servus Yohan. Ich komme aus dem Umland von München. Ich bin mit 5 Jahren nach Deutschland gekommen. Ich bin Deutschtürke. Ich bin 2012 aus Deutschland ausgewandert. Ich war dann 2 Jahre in Ankara, dann 6 Jahre in den Filippinen in Angeles City und jetzt seit 3 Jahren in Antalya.

Der korenische Wissenschaftler war nicht schlecht. Allerdings sieht es so aus als ob im fernostasiatischem Raum die Wissenschaftler Flacherdler waren. Was relativ überraschend ist. Mann möchte Denken dass durch den Handel durch die Seidenstrasse sie die neuen Entdeckungen mitgekriegt haben. Wenigstens durch Marco Polo.

It is interesting that the Chinese had a lot of interaction with muslim astronomers but apparently still were flat earthers.
Hallo, wie geht es Dir so immer?

Danke für die deutschsprachige Information über Dich. Ich bin schon seit mehr als 40 Jahre weg von Europa, war in Malaysia-Singapore, aber auch sehr oft in Thailand (habe dort meine Ferienwohnung) und in den Philippinen, dort lebt mein Filipina Patenkind, und bin als Hauptwohnsitz in Japan geblieben, mit japanischer Frau und habe 2 Töchter und auch 2 Enkelkinder.


In Fernost war man eigentlich nie so interessiert bezüglich der Form der Erde, große Seefahrer waren sie jedenfalls nie und die Landkarten waren meistens entlang der Küste. Religionen wie Tao, Konfuzius, Buddhismus, Shinto usw. kennen keinen Gott der die Welt erschaffen hat.

Heutzutage glaubt natürlich fast keiner mehr an solchen Unsinn wie die Erde als Scheibe, um sowas zu behaupten muß man schon ein Ignorant und ungebildeter Aussenseiter und auch religiös fehlgeleitet sein. Seltsame Menschen gibt es halt überall.

Liebe Grüße von Japan
Yohan (Johann)
Hi Johann, mir geht es ganz gut. Ich wundere mich immer wie schnell die Taage vergehen. Bin seit 3 Jahren hier der Türkei fühle mich recht wohl hier. Du bist also Grossvater. Das ist schön.

Ist interessant dass die Japaner in der Vergangenheit in Astronomie bzw. Wissenschaft nicht so interessiert waren. Später haben sie unglaublich aufgeholt.

Japan managed to catch up very quickly in science and physics in the early 1900s, how did they accomplish this?

I'm a physicist, and it's funny that for a good part of the history of physics all the important names are european or from the united states, and then suddenly there's Yukawa, Tomonara, Nishina, and many others.

The japanese came out of nowhere and where on par with everyone else, how did they accomplish this? ... n_science/
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Re: Is Our Earth FLAT and Motionless, Not a Spinning Globe?

Post by galii »

Moon through 5 telescopes:

If you do not have this camera you are not a real flat earther

Edit 2
Flat Earth Documentary Totally Debunked: SUPERCUT III
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Re: Is Our Earth FLAT and Motionless, Not a Spinning Globe?

Post by galii »

Christians vs. Flattards
We Examined the THREE Most Common Arguments by Christian Flat-Earthers
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Re: Is Our Earth FLAT and Motionless, Not a Spinning Globe?

Post by galii »
DEBATISM Ep 12: Prof. Rob Parks PhD vs Austin Whitsitt - Earth: Globe or Stationary Plane | 12/7/23
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Re: Is Our Earth FLAT and Motionless, Not a Spinning Globe?

Post by Pixel--Dude »

gsjackson wrote:
November 19th, 2023, 2:50 am
So you reject the conclusion of "scientists" that the earth's circumference is around 25,000 miles and therefore the curvature is eight inches per mile squared, even though you accept the rest of their ludicrous, jerry-built theory? if it is correctly calculated, you would certainly see some curvature from 35,000 feet flying in a commercial airliner. But you don't.
I think mainstream science has the capacity to be wrong about certain things. It's a possibility they could be wrong about their measurement of Earth's circumference, but I don't know if I'm being honest. There are some things I believe with science and other things I don't.

For example I believe the Earth is a globe. I accept mainstream science explanation of physics etc. But I reject the "science" of the pharmaceutical industry a lot of the time. The flat earth model throws everything we know about science up into the air.
By now you should have read enough FE theory to know the answer to your point about the Chicago skyline. It's the same as boats disappearing over the horizon. Simply get out a telescope and you will see the bottoms of the building, so the earth's curvature is not blocking the view of the bottoms. And if it was the case, at 45 miles away from the skyline (boats start disappearing from the bottom up at about three miles out) then it sure as hell invalidates your point about the earth being so vast that the curvature can't be perceived from a few miles above. Please pick one of these mutually exclusive theories.
Has anyone ever tried this with the Chicago skyline? Why can't you see the bottom of the buildings then? Surely someone can make a video proving that the bottom of the buildings can be seen from across Lake Michigan.

Telescopes do not help you see farther than your limited vision. All they do is bring things further away into focus. So a telescope or camera wouldn't even be able to see the bottom of the Chicago skyline, because if they could then surely flat earthers would have already put this to rest by now.

With your refutation about "mutually exclusive theories" it was a good rebuttal and it got me thinking lol. The only thing I can think of is that obviously when you're higher your perspective and view expands much farther than if you were on the ground. @Yohan mentioned something about this and posted a good example. Being 35,000 up in the air I just don't think you would perceive curvature from that height because of perspective. You just wouldn't see the world curve away from that height because you're higher up and your perspective is broader.
Re flying, maybe you'll have a go at the question Galii studiously avoids. If the earth is spinning west to east, 1,030 mph at the equator, how can the flight time be about the same flying west to east and east to west, after accounting for wind speed? How is that possible? And how do they fly north and south over this spinning ball? Constantly tack to the right or left to keep up with the spin? That's absurd, and I'm sure if you ask a pilot he will tell you that he does no such thing. And how do you hit the moving target runway?
What the hell are you talking about? You're talking as if Once the plane takes off it becomes independent and separate from the world it is flying around. You do realise that the entire sky and everything in the sky, including the plane is spinning too right? The plane is part of the planets mass so it isn't affected by this.

Imagine when you are travelling on a plane and you walk from the back of the plane to the front. You're not walking faster than the plane is flying, are you? You'd have to walk at over 300mph or you'd get splattered like a bug against the tail end of the plane. The person walking down the plane is part of the planes mass, the same way the plane flying around the Earth is part of the Earth's mass as well. The Earth, the runway, the sky and the plane all rotate together. The plane doesn't become separate from the Earth the minute its wheels take off from the runway. Otherwise every time someone jumped they'd go flying over the horizon.

I think this is one of the more confusing arguments put forward by flat earthers.
So your point about the rivers not running up or down the curvature relies on your contention that the earth is so vast that any given point it will be perceived as flat? Not sure I understand. If you're saying that the Nile does not go up the earth's curvature and then down it, I'm sure cartographers who accept the globe theory would disagree strenuously.
No. I'm saying when it comes to landmass rivers and streams will always run from the highest point of landmass to the lowest. The curvature is completely irrelevant when it comes to the flowing of water. A river will flow up or down the curvature depending on whether the land is higher or lower. "Up" or "down" on a globe earth do not really exist. It's all relative to your perception and where you are standing on the planet.
Once again, a firmament is not essential to FE theory, and is not argued by Dubay or most FE proponents. You should refer all questions about air pressure to Youtuber Austin Witsit. You would learn a lot from his videos
Can you private message me this guy's name so I don't forget it? Or post a video in this chat. I will check it out but I'm pressed for time between work and seeing my child etc.
Once again re eclipses, please account for the 56 occasions in which the globalist Royal Academy of Science observed both the sun and the moon in the sky during an eclipse. Clearly, something else causes them.
I read that this depends where you are when the eclipse takes place. The Earth's shadow is the only logical explanation for a lunar eclipse. What else could possibly cause a shadow that big to be cast on the moons surface but there isn't a shred of evidence to prove its existence?

I think it's interesting that you're skeptical of the science which explains how a globe model works, yet something like this lunar eclipse and you're wiling to believe in a huge circular object casting a shadow on the moon, but no evidence of such a massive object exists. It can literally only be the Earth!
The "Coriolis effect" just seems like nonsense, and relies on observations that can't be verified, unless you have time and witlessness enough to flush a million toilets in both the north and south hemispheres. A little mini-argument, a pointlet.
Seems like nonsense? Why is that? Because it doesn't fit the theory? It's an observable phenomenon which directly proves the earth is round and spinning. You travel a lot, don't you? You could just flush some toilets yourself when you're in the North or Southern Hemispheres. Easy peasy lemon squeezey. :wink:
I try to resist drawing conclusions on the basis of the lameness of globalist responses to FE evidence -- from yourself and Galii to His Eminence, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, the very voice of "science" -- but it's not easy to do. Surely there's someone out there, some High Priest of the globalist religion, who will deign to come down from the mountaintop and make a strong, irrefutable case for the spinning ball. But he never arrives. It's always just cherry-picked, unpersuasive responses to a small handful of the FE arguments, almost all of which can be verified by observation.
You are wrong. How are any of the flat earth arguments verified through observation? Flat earth is more like people making stuff up to fit their theory. When it comes to physics and things like that the globe model fits perfectly well. In fact, I even gave you observable proof and you just outright denied it without an explanation why.

I picked out a few of Dubay's arguments in the video because I couldn't be arsed to list all 200 and systematically go through why they can't be true. I just mentioned some of the obvious reasons. Plus, a lot of his Proofs were just rehashed, like 20 of them were talking about different flight paths, but that's only really one point.
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Re: Is Our Earth FLAT and Motionless, Not a Spinning Globe?

Post by galii »


The guy's name you asked is Witsit Getsit.

His channel is:

One post above I posted a debate with him and a phd prof.

Here it is again:
DEBATISM Ep 12: Prof. Rob Parks PhD vs Austin Whitsitt - Earth: Globe or Stationary Plane | 12/7/23
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Re: Is Our Earth FLAT and Motionless, Not a Spinning Globe?

Post by galii »

btw if you want to see Witsit Gets it videos on youtube most are missing on his channel. If you just searrch on youtube there you find the better stuff. There you can find the 'schooling globers' series. Like that one:
Schooling Globers - Episode 22
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Re: Is Our Earth FLAT and Motionless, Not a Spinning Globe?

Post by gsjackson »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
December 9th, 2023, 5:48 pm
gsjackson wrote:
November 19th, 2023, 2:50 am
So you reject the conclusion of "scientists" that the earth's circumference is around 25,000 miles and therefore the curvature is eight inches per mile squared, even though you accept the rest of their ludicrous, jerry-built theory? if it is correctly calculated, you would certainly see some curvature from 35,000 feet flying in a commercial airliner. But you don't.
I think mainstream science has the capacity to be wrong about certain things. It's a possibility they could be wrong about their measurement of Earth's circumference, but I don't know if I'm being honest. There are some things I believe with science and other things I don't.

For example I believe the Earth is a globe. I accept mainstream science explanation of physics etc. But I reject the "science" of the pharmaceutical industry a lot of the time. The flat earth model throws everything we know about science up into the air.
By now you should have read enough FE theory to know the answer to your point about the Chicago skyline. It's the same as boats disappearing over the horizon. Simply get out a telescope and you will see the bottoms of the building, so the earth's curvature is not blocking the view of the bottoms. And if it was the case, at 45 miles away from the skyline (boats start disappearing from the bottom up at about three miles out) then it sure as hell invalidates your point about the earth being so vast that the curvature can't be perceived from a few miles above. Please pick one of these mutually exclusive theories.
Has anyone ever tried this with the Chicago skyline? Why can't you see the bottom of the buildings then? Surely someone can make a video proving that the bottom of the buildings can be seen from across Lake Michigan.

Telescopes do not help you see farther than your limited vision. All they do is bring things further away into focus. So a telescope or camera wouldn't even be able to see the bottom of the Chicago skyline, because if they could then surely flat earthers would have already put this to rest by now.

With your refutation about "mutually exclusive theories" it was a good rebuttal and it got me thinking lol. The only thing I can think of is that obviously when you're higher your perspective and view expands much farther than if you were on the ground. @Yohan mentioned something about this and posted a good example. Being 35,000 up in the air I just don't think you would perceive curvature from that height because of perspective. You just wouldn't see the world curve away from that height because you're higher up and your perspective is broader.
Re flying, maybe you'll have a go at the question Galii studiously avoids. If the earth is spinning west to east, 1,030 mph at the equator, how can the flight time be about the same flying west to east and east to west, after accounting for wind speed? How is that possible? And how do they fly north and south over this spinning ball? Constantly tack to the right or left to keep up with the spin? That's absurd, and I'm sure if you ask a pilot he will tell you that he does no such thing. And how do you hit the moving target runway?
What the hell are you talking about? You're talking as if Once the plane takes off it becomes independent and separate from the world it is flying around. You do realise that the entire sky and everything in the sky, including the plane is spinning too right? The plane is part of the planets mass so it isn't affected by this.

Imagine when you are travelling on a plane and you walk from the back of the plane to the front. You're not walking faster than the plane is flying, are you? You'd have to walk at over 300mph or you'd get splattered like a bug against the tail end of the plane. The person walking down the plane is part of the planes mass, the same way the plane flying around the Earth is part of the Earth's mass as well. The Earth, the runway, the sky and the plane all rotate together. The plane doesn't become separate from the Earth the minute its wheels take off from the runway. Otherwise every time someone jumped they'd go flying over the horizon.

I think this is one of the more confusing arguments put forward by flat earthers.
So your point about the rivers not running up or down the curvature relies on your contention that the earth is so vast that any given point it will be perceived as flat? Not sure I understand. If you're saying that the Nile does not go up the earth's curvature and then down it, I'm sure cartographers who accept the globe theory would disagree strenuously.
No. I'm saying when it comes to landmass rivers and streams will always run from the highest point of landmass to the lowest. The curvature is completely irrelevant when it comes to the flowing of water. A river will flow up or down the curvature depending on whether the land is higher or lower. "Up" or "down" on a globe earth do not really exist. It's all relative to your perception and where you are standing on the planet.
Once again, a firmament is not essential to FE theory, and is not argued by Dubay or most FE proponents. You should refer all questions about air pressure to Youtuber Austin Witsit. You would learn a lot from his videos
Can you private message me this guy's name so I don't forget it? Or post a video in this chat. I will check it out but I'm pressed for time between work and seeing my child etc.
Once again re eclipses, please account for the 56 occasions in which the globalist Royal Academy of Science observed both the sun and the moon in the sky during an eclipse. Clearly, something else causes them.
I read that this depends where you are when the eclipse takes place. The Earth's shadow is the only logical explanation for a lunar eclipse. What else could possibly cause a shadow that big to be cast on the moons surface but there isn't a shred of evidence to prove its existence?

I think it's interesting that you're skeptical of the science which explains how a globe model works, yet something like this lunar eclipse and you're wiling to believe in a huge circular object casting a shadow on the moon, but no evidence of such a massive object exists. It can literally only be the Earth!
The "Coriolis effect" just seems like nonsense, and relies on observations that can't be verified, unless you have time and witlessness enough to flush a million toilets in both the north and south hemispheres. A little mini-argument, a pointlet.
Seems like nonsense? Why is that? Because it doesn't fit the theory? It's an observable phenomenon which directly proves the earth is round and spinning. You travel a lot, don't you? You could just flush some toilets yourself when you're in the North or Southern Hemispheres. Easy peasy lemon squeezey. :wink:
I try to resist drawing conclusions on the basis of the lameness of globalist responses to FE evidence -- from yourself and Galii to His Eminence, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, the very voice of "science" -- but it's not easy to do. Surely there's someone out there, some High Priest of the globalist religion, who will deign to come down from the mountaintop and make a strong, irrefutable case for the spinning ball. But he never arrives. It's always just cherry-picked, unpersuasive responses to a small handful of the FE arguments, almost all of which can be verified by observation.
You are wrong. How are any of the flat earth arguments verified through observation? Flat earth is more like people making stuff up to fit their theory. When it comes to physics and things like that the globe model fits perfectly well. In fact, I even gave you observable proof and you just outright denied it without an explanation why.

I picked out a few of Dubay's arguments in the video because I couldn't be arsed to list all 200 and systematically go through why they can't be true. I just mentioned some of the obvious reasons. Plus, a lot of his Proofs were just rehashed, like 20 of them were talking about different flight paths, but that's only really one point.
The late Rob Skiba put a telescope to the Chicago skyline a few years ago and brought everything into view. Probably others too. I saw Skiba's, but it has been purged from the internet by Youtube, like 99 percent of the flat earth videos, which were abundant six or seven years ago. You'd think putting their little warning that flat earth is an archaic and scientifically disproven theory on each FE video would be sufficient, but I guess anything that jumps out as clear proof has to be removed. Youtube are, of course, dutiful censors on behalf of establishment narratives, including covid shots and alternative treatments, the 2020 elections, and "hate speech" (aka criticism of Jews). Ever vigilant to suppress speech that contradicts "science," don't you know. Science as the official narratives define it.

"The plane is part of the planet's mass," you say. Interesting concept. One normally doesn't think of air as planetary mass. But leaving that aside. what happens to this spinning air "mass" when it comes into contact with the vacuum of space? Is there some barrier keeping the two entities separate? Austin Witsit has some thoughts on this. Galii has provided his Youtube channel info.

Gee, If only Einstein had observed flushing toilets in both the North and South hemispheres he might not have said that the movement of the earth can never be proved. I take it this is the "observable proof" you're talking about. I'm guessing you yourself haven't observed large numbers of flushing toilets in both hemispheres, so who would be the expert witness who has done so? This source -- straight out of officialdom, no less -- refutes this contention about the Coriolis effect as a canard: ... uator.html

They tried proving that the earth moves in the 19th century and it didn't work. That's why Einstein came up with all this relativity hocus pocus in order to pull the heliocentric model's chestnuts out of the fire. They tried proving the existence of gravity as the attraction between large masses but that came a cropper too, so Einstein came up with some hocus pocus about a warp in the time-space continuum. Roll out some bullshit in defense of false establishment narratives and you too can be called a genius. But it would help to be Jewish.
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Re: Is Our Earth FLAT and Motionless, Not a Spinning Globe?

Post by galii »

Witsit Gets it rhetorical argumentation:

Prof: The globe model predicts everything in our solarsytem perfectly. There is no flat earth model that can make predictions.

Witsit: I don't care. The point is you have problems with dark matter (millions of light years away). Only that counts. I win.
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Re: Is Our Earth FLAT and Motionless, Not a Spinning Globe?

Post by galii »

Surprising technical flat earth vs globe discussion without the fuuckwitsit gets it word salad.

Edit 1

Flat earth goes transgender.

Flerfs become friends with transwomen glerf. Who would have though this? lol
DEBATISM Ep 8 | Brenda Debates vs. Nathan (Pitch Lumin) - The Shape of the Earth - 11/14/23
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Re: Is Our Earth FLAT and Motionless, Not a Spinning Globe?

Post by galii »

The good videos did the flattard grifters hide. Here is a good one:
Here there are 4 grifters against 1 scientist. What a shithow.
So then Fuuckwit and Bryant had a 1 on 1
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