How many of you steal?

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Re: How many of you steal?

Post by Pixel--Dude »

MrMan wrote:
January 15th, 2024, 9:49 pm
that doesn't make it any less stealing to steal from them. And Walmart is owned by shareholders. There are people who work and have 401Ks or other retirement plans who get a tiny sliver of Walmart, and when millions of people like yourself steal from their business, they may lose money they would have otherwise gotten. That includes retirees.
Of course I don't consider it stealing. I don't think these massive corporate supermarkets are owned by little old retirees who might have shares and earn a pittance from these corporations, they're owned mostly by either bigger corporations like Blackrock or by super rich families who rake in billions in profit.

These supermarkets, like Walmart just as an example, pay their workers minimum wage and make up some bullshit cost of living crisis and blame "people like myself" for rising costs, yet somehow despite a cost of living crisis and dirty tea leafs like me their profits keep getting higher and higher. How are they making so much in profit while everyone else is struggling? Something isn't right.

Why would a sense of charity make me want to force some other person or entity to give up their property, instead of me giving my own. @kangarunner 's response didn't make much sense either. A 'Christian thing to do' is to feed the poor, not take other people's property to do so. It doesn't have to cost me anything to steal someone else's bread to give to another.
So what makes all of the world's food Walmarts property? What right do these assholes have to dictate who can afford to eat and who can't. There was nothing wrong with what @kangarunner suggested, you just don't get it because you're a brainwashed NPC and naturalised slave of the system who would rather support corporate profit than a universal right to eat.

A Christian thing to do. :roll: I guess Jesus should have had two fish sandwiches and told the five thousand to f**k off and get their own. :lol: the right thing to do you said would be to feed the poor, but you don't think a corporate entity that makes billions in profit a year should be held to that moral standard?

"According to a report by The Grocer, supermarkets throw away 100,000 of edible food annually in the UK alone. In fact, it's estimated that the UK's total food waste could feed upwards of 30 million people a year. As a result, supermarkets have a responsibility to reduce food waste as much as possible."

This is what kangarunner was talking about you senile old fool. These cunts are throwing tons of shit away that they could just as easily give to millions of people. These figures are from the UK alone! Imagine how much food waste corporations produce collectively across the entire world. It makes me sick! What's even more sickening is brainwashed wally brained idiots with their tongues stuck up corporate asshole.
If any man will not work, neither should he eat is from St. Paul in the Bible. Paul also said that he left the elders of the church an example of working with his own hands to support the weak. There are people who aren't able to work and support themselves. There are also people who are diligent people who just haven't found a job. Not all work is in 'a job' that pays. If someone is out of work, he can volunteer to do various things or work on trying to start a business that might eventually support himself and his family. I figure if a man doesn't deserve to eat, that's between him and God. I haven't been out giving food to the homeless in a while, but I don't interview them to see if any of them refuse to work.
It's a good thing you give food to homeless. I try to help people as much as I can, but I don't have too much money so what I can do is severely limited.

I don't think people should have to work as slaves to be honest. I think people should be free to enjoy their Iives as much as possible. Work is evil and drains people of their mental and physical health. It's little wonder so many people in the modernised world have so much mental illness and so much disconnect. It's all because of the toxic cult of hard work.
Says the thief.
What kind of response was this? :lol: did you even understand what I was saying?
Your neighbors may own stock in Walmart. And if Walmart mades 20% last year and makes 10% profit this year, the value of the stock could go _down_ and your little old lady retiree neighbor could be out money if she had to sell stock or not get a dividend that year. (I don't know whether Walmart pays dividends or under what circumstances. That's up to management for each company.)
I think this would be the equivalent of people buying a millionth of a bitcoin in cryptocurrency. Follow the numbers and all the profit is being funnelled one way and one way only. Right up to the top. Poor old Margaret across the road doesn't even get a sniff.
Maybe you should watch a video about how corporations work. They have shareholders. They don't just own themselves.

I don't know if they are 'artificially raising their prices.' That probably happens in some cases. In the US, during Covid, the government invented more money and doled it out when fewer people were working. Our flimsy fiat currency is supposed to be backed up by GDP. Fewer people working and making stuff means our money is worth less, and they were doling more out (digitally), so a little while later, inflation was sure to hit, which it did, and we are still feeling the effects. In the US, the Dollar Tree used to sell everything for a dollar. Inflation went up pretty quick. Instead of filling all of their stores with even cheaper junk from China, now just about everything there is $1.25. Did they artificially raise their prices? Probably not. They probably couldn't afford to buy the same junk and sell it for $1.00, so they had to sell it for $1.25.

If what you said here was true we wouldn't see their profits increasing so drastically. Look at all that shit with the fuel crisis! They were charging a fortune for gas and blamed it on the war in Ukraine. Then when you look at their profit numbers the profits keep on getting higher and higher. So if it was costing them more to produce the same stuff and they had to sell it for a higher cost you would see their profits would stay roughly the same or raise marginally, not as exponentially as they have done. These bastards are robbing us blind!
I used to manage a group home. Large grocery store chains donated lots of food to the food bank right before it expired. We'd buy food for 16 cents a pound, even the meat. I suspect the ministries and charities that fed the homeless shopped at the same food bank. I don't know about all the stores, but at least back then, there were grocery store chains giving food away.

A lot of food stays good past the expiration date, but I suspect if grocery stores are locking up dumpsters, they might be concerned of getting sued for eating spoiled food out of the dumpster-- that and making an awful mess. Around here, a lock on a dumpster might keep a racoon out. Those critters could make a big mess.

None of your arguments here make it any less stealing to steal from the grocery stores. In that line of work, they will have waste and spoilage. People do too. In the US, maybe a third of food has to be thrown away. People buy a lot of food, put it in the refrigerator, and don't eat up their leftovers. Restaurants are afraid people will get sick. Health departments want food below 40 or 45 or over so many degrees, maybe 140 F. Giving old food away is a legal liability.

If you steal food from supermarkets, it adds to their costs and they raise their prices more for the honest poor who do not steal from the store.
They give away a very small percentage to food banks. Just enough so they can white wash their way through life and trick gullible fools into believing they're a benevolent entity, when they're not. As for the point about legal liability is this really a reason to allow people to starve? I'm calling horseshit!

My home town is a small town that was full of family owned businesses as I was growing up. I would've never stolen from small independently owned businesses, we had a greengrocer, bakery, butcher etc. When Tesco came to our town they promised 100 new job openings that in the end were all internal vacancies. Furthermore, all the family owned businesses were put out of business because it was impossible to compete with a corporate giant like that.

You can't compare some guy throwing out half a loaf of moldy bread to a corporate supermarket disposing of tons of food that has nothing wrong with it. They should give all this food away free of charge if they can't sell it. Not that it should belong to them in the first place. The right to eat should be a universal human right.
You are free to make any decision you desire, but you are not free from the consequences of those decisions.
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Re: How many of you steal?

Post by MrMan »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
January 17th, 2024, 10:05 am
MrMan wrote:
January 15th, 2024, 9:49 pm
that doesn't make it any less stealing to steal from them. And Walmart is owned by shareholders. There are people who work and have 401Ks or other retirement plans who get a tiny sliver of Walmart, and when millions of people like yourself steal from their business, they may lose money they would have otherwise gotten. That includes retirees.
Of course I don't consider it stealing. I don't think these massive corporate supermarkets are owned by little old retirees who might have shares and earn a pittance from these corporations, they're owned mostly by either bigger corporations like Blackrock or by super rich families who rake in billions in profit.
There is a percentage of Blackrock owned by rich people. But so what? If someone is rich, that doesn't mean it isn't stealing for you to steal their food. But Blackrock and Vaguard control a lot of the stock market, but what they do is offer investment packages to people who work for companies (or government or nonprofits) who then become the little old ladies and old men who collect retirement from these plans. Someone does own it on the other end. Stealing from corporations is not a victimless crime.

What if a mom and pop store incorporates? In the US, a lot of small businesses incorporated as Limited Liability Corporations, where profits flow through directly to personal income tax without being taxed twice. Do you think it is okay to steal from your neighbor's store if they incorporate?
These supermarkets, like Walmart just as an example, pay their workers minimum wage and make up some bullshit cost of living crisis and blame "people like myself" for rising costs, yet somehow despite a cost of living crisis and dirty tea leafs like me their profits keep getting higher and higher. How are they making so much in profit while everyone else is struggling? Something isn't right.
I've spoken with Walmart employees and they pay more than minimum wage in the US. I wouldn't trade jobs with a Walmart employee, but most of them haven't got as much education as I have and couldn't do my job. I know someone who works at Walmart, and Walmart does offer them a chance to get a degree, and he is working on his, online.

If you don't like Walmart prices, you can shop elsewhere. They beat a lot of other stores for price by negotiating prices down with suppliers and by using efficient logistics.
So what makes all of the world's food Walmarts property? What right do these assholes have to dictate who can afford to eat and who can't.
They don't own all the world's food. If they own or rent the land and grow food or else they buy or trade for food, they own that food. They sell food. You can buy it if you want. Stealing it is wrong.
There was nothing wrong with what @kangarunner suggested, you just don't get it because you're a brainwashed NPC and naturalised slave of the system who would rather support corporate profit than a universal right to eat.
Why don't we put your face and address up on poster around your neighborhood with a notice that everyone has a universal right to eat at your house.

I am all for giving food away. But I don't like it when people think they are generous because they want to vote or demand some other entity feed everyone else.
A Christian thing to do. :roll: I guess Jesus should have had two fish sandwiches and told the five thousand to
Jesus told the disciples, "You give them something to eat." He didn't say to send the people to the villages and demand the villages cough up food.
the right thing to do you said would be to feed the poor, but you don't think a corporate entity that makes billions in profit a year should be held to that moral standard?
If Walmart's shareholders vote to give out its food to the poor, that's great. If management does it as part of inventory management, PR, etc., that's fine with me. Otherwise they can also distribute their profits as dividends and shareholders can give to the charities they choose.
"According to a report by The Grocer, supermarkets throw away 100,000 of edible food annually in the UK alone. In fact, it's estimated that the UK's total food waste could feed upwards of 30 million people a year. As a result, supermarkets have a responsibility to reduce food waste as much as possible."
That's fine. They want to do that, and they try to do that-- reduce food waste. That's why, right before the meat expires, they spice and cook it and mark up the price. :) It's in their financial interest to reduce waste. If I had to guess, I would guess Walmart is a leader in reducing waste because they are so big and efficient compared to a lot of other businesses.

I also heard that about a third of the food in the US is wasted, due to rot, expiring, etc. That includes private homes. A lot of individuals and families have refrigerators and rotate through a large variety of food without making sure to eat their leftovers.
This is what kangarunner was talking about you senile old fool. These cunts are throwing tons of shit away that they could just as easily give to millions of people. These figures are from the UK alone! Imagine how much food waste corporations produce collectively across the entire world. It makes me sick! What's even more sickening is brainwashed wally brained idiots with their tongues stuck up corporate asshole.
If you are the type to cook and have a full refrigerator, Walmart may be more efficient about decreasing food waste than you are. A lot of people order more food than they can eat, put it in the refrigerator to eat it tomorrow, and forget about the spaghetti they ate for lunch, and that bowl of rice, and even those steak leftovers from two weeks ago.

Like I said, grocery stores donate food to food banks right before it expires. I've bought this food with the group homes funds and fed it to the children. But if the food expires, are they going to give it away to the poor?

The homeless around where I live seem to be reasonably well-fed. Foodstamps, or now EBT, provides food. The homeless have problems with temperature, bathing, washing clothes. They could also be hungry at times, but there are soup kitchens.
I don't think people should have to work as slaves to be honest. I think people should be free to enjoy their Iives as much as possible. Work is evil and drains people of their mental and physical health. It's little wonder so many people in the modernised world have so much mental illness and so much disconnect. It's all because of the toxic cult of hard work.
We wouldn't have a modernized world without work, and a less modernized work requires a lot more physical labor just to survive.

Let's try Kant's approach to ethics. Would you want to live in a world where everyone stole from the store if it was owned by a corporation? Would you want to live in a world where no one worked and everyone went traveling. If you manage to get to the airport (with no gas stations) the pilot doesn't work. There is no one to check you in at the plane and it isn't flying, so you decide to sail to Colombia instead of fly, but no one is working on the boat docks. The farmers do not want to farm and the truck drivers will not deliver. How fun would a world be where everyone has the right to travel, no one works, and everyone steals from corporations?
I think this would be the equivalent of people buying a millionth of a bitcoin in cryptocurrency. Follow the numbers and all the profit is being funnelled one way and one way only. Right up to the top. Poor old Margaret across the road doesn't even get a sniff.
There are retirees who can get thousands a month out of their retirement plans.
Maybe you should watch a video about how corporations work. They have shareholders. They don't just own themselves.

I don't know if they are 'artificially raising their prices.' That probably happens in some cases. In the US, during Covid, the government invented more money and doled it out when fewer people were working. Our flimsy fiat currency is supposed to be backed up by GDP. Fewer people working and making stuff means our money is worth less, and they were doling more out (digitally), so a little while later, inflation was sure to hit, which it did, and we are still feeling the effects. In the US, the Dollar Tree used to sell everything for a dollar. Inflation went up pretty quick. Instead of filling all of their stores with even cheaper junk from China, now just about everything there is $1.25. Did they artificially raise their prices? Probably not. They probably couldn't afford to buy the same junk and sell it for $1.00, so they had to sell it for $1.25.

If what you said here was true we wouldn't see their profits increasing so drastically. Look at all that shit with the fuel crisis! They were charging a fortune for gas and blamed it on the war in Ukraine. Then when you look at their profit numbers the profits keep on getting higher and higher. So if it was costing them more to produce the same stuff and they had to sell it for a higher cost you would see their profits would stay roughly the same or raise marginally, not as exponentially as they have done. These bastards are robbing us blind!
Paying an extra quarter on 4 dollar a gallon gas hurts less than paying an extra quarter on 2 dollar a gallon gas, in some people's minds. They may make more money when there is scarcity in profit, the oil companies that is. You can still choose not to travel or buy gas/petrol, or choose the cheapest location, or ride a bike, or try to buy an electric car. Oil company profits might look like they are more if all prices go up by 10%. So would their profits.
They give away a very small percentage to food banks. Just enough so they can white wash their way through life and trick gullible fools into believing they're a benevolent entity, when they're not. As for the point about legal liability is this really a reason to allow people to starve? I'm calling horseshit!
How many people starve in the economies dominated by large supermarkets? Is starvation a big issue in the UK? We have some hunger in the US. Starving to death? I don't hear about it a lot. Have you looked up what percentage of food is given to foodbanks? You can look it up and tell me if it is a tiny percentage. Do mom and pop stores have less waste and give more to the poor?

If grocery stores gave away food that made people sick, even for free, they can get sued, at least in the US. And there may also be some legal restrictions on giving away expired food.

The right to eat should be a universal human right.
So do you think Russian communism is the answer, so nearly everyone but the government elite can be fed and have the same poor, crappy lifestyle?
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Re: How many of you steal?

Post by Roccia »

SinceI live in woke, anti-white male cesspool like Cuckstralia, I get revenge by shoplifting against woke cuck corporations like Woolworths, Aldi and Coles, mostly Coles, as they are the wokest of the lot, sponsoring Pride parade and doing faggy "land acknowledgement" for Abbos. Today I shoplifted $21 of snacks from them, so I feel much better, I had to find some way to cope with my shitty life and get revenge on woke scum, this is the only way to do it, and good news is, only woke Karen cunts will ever care if they see you shoplifting, happened to me once, but luckily I managed to avoid the store employees and just leave all my item in the shopping trolley and left the store, and they didn't call the police on me. That is why from now on, I ALWAYS wear a mask while shoplifting, so they have much tougher time identifying me.

Although I am the ONLY person now that wears a mask to the store, but it's better than risking an employee seeing you shoplift and know what your face looks like, these employees see thousands of faces a day anyway, so they don't remember you very well unless you do something to piss them off. One cunt nigger store employee at Aldis asked me to empty my pockets after the old cunt told her I was shoplifting, so I just walked out, and then about 11-12 weeks later I felt safe to go back to Aldis and start shoplifting again, even without a mask and I saw the exact same nigger bitch and she didn't recognise me at all.
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Re: How many of you steal?

Post by Roccia »

I encourage EVERY happier abroader to shoplift, providing they can get away with it. If you live in blue state in America, it should be SUPER easy to get away with it. I hear they don't even prosecute any shoplifters in California unless they take $900 worth of stuff.
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Re: How many of you steal?

Post by MrMan »

Roccia wrote:
January 17th, 2024, 4:08 pm
SinceI live in woke, anti-white male cesspool like Cuckstralia, I get revenge by shoplifting against woke cuck corporations like Woolworths, Aldi and Coles, mostly Coles, as they are the wokest of the lot, sponsoring Pride parade and doing faggy "land acknowledgement" for Abbos. Today I shoplifted $21 of snacks from them, so I feel much better, I had to find some way to cope with my shitty life and get revenge on woke scum, this is the only way to do it, and good news is, only woke Karen cunts will ever care if they see you shoplifting, happened to me once, but luckily I managed to avoid the store employees and just leave all my item in the shopping trolley and left the store, and they didn't call the police on me. That is why from now on, I ALWAYS wear a mask while shoplifting, so they have much tougher time identifying me.

Although I am the ONLY person now that wears a mask to the store, but it's better than risking an employee seeing you shoplift and know what your face looks like, these employees see thousands of faces a day anyway, so they don't remember you very well unless you do something to piss them off. One cunt nigger store employee at Aldis asked me to empty my pockets after the old cunt told her I was shoplifting, so I just walked out, and then about 11-12 weeks later I felt safe to go back to Aldis and start shoplifting again, even without a mask and I saw the exact same nigger bitch and she didn't recognise me at all.
It's wrong to steal, you know. Did you ever steal diapers?
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Re: How many of you steal?

Post by Roccia »

LMAO, Based thieves dab on cuckservative maggots like @MrMan whining about shoplifting.
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Re: How many of you steal?

Post by MrMan »

@Roccia, I figure you are insulting me, but I don't speak ocker, so I don't know what you are saying. Just curious, when you shoplifted last time, did you put the stuff in the diaper? Is that why they could see it when you went to the grocery store? I'd better not give you any more ideas.

I can imagine, "Hey mate, this vegemite you just brought back from the store smells a bit dodgy." :lol: :lol:
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Re: How many of you steal?

Post by Roccia »

MrMan wrote:
January 17th, 2024, 4:59 pm
@Roccia, I figure you are insulting me, but I don't speak ocker, so I don't know what you are saying. Just curious, when you shoplifted last time, did you put the stuff in the diaper? Is that why they could see it when you went to the grocery store? I'd better not give you any more ideas.

I can imagine, "Hey mate, this vegemite you just brought back from the store smells a bit dodgy." :lol: :lol:
You're a bloody f***ing wanker mate.
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Re: How many of you steal?

Post by MrMan »

Roccia wrote:
January 17th, 2024, 7:46 pm
MrMan wrote:
January 17th, 2024, 4:59 pm
@Roccia, I figure you are insulting me, but I don't speak ocker, so I don't know what you are saying. Just curious, when you shoplifted last time, did you put the stuff in the diaper? Is that why they could see it when you went to the grocery store? I'd better not give you any more ideas.

I can imagine, "Hey mate, this vegemite you just brought back from the store smells a bit dodgy." :lol: :lol:
You're a bloody f***ing wanker mate.
I guess that's where you go after a question like that. But you paint a brutal, horrifying word picture.
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Re: How many of you steal?

Post by Roccia »

MrMan wrote:
January 17th, 2024, 10:28 pm
Roccia wrote:
January 17th, 2024, 7:46 pm
MrMan wrote:
January 17th, 2024, 4:59 pm
@Roccia, I figure you are insulting me, but I don't speak ocker, so I don't know what you are saying. Just curious, when you shoplifted last time, did you put the stuff in the diaper? Is that why they could see it when you went to the grocery store? I'd better not give you any more ideas.

I can imagine, "Hey mate, this vegemite you just brought back from the store smells a bit dodgy." :lol: :lol:
You're a bloody f***ing wanker mate.
I guess that's where you go after a question like that. But you paint a brutal, horrifying word picture.
Good and bad are man made concepts you cunt.

Nature doesn't give a shit about either of them. Good and bad can vary between self benefit and morals brain washed to us by society. If you live life thinking things are good or bad you will be miserable. Just do whatever honestly and ignore these bs man made labels.

We are animals at the end of the day. To observe normies behaviour and say we are not is idiotic. Nature does not give a shit what we do, following instincts if it makes you happy is not good or bad rather just is. I dont view anything as good or bad anymore rather just accept them.

Is a lion hunting a zebra bad or evil? Is a woman aborting her child? There is no consistency with morals and what is classified as bad ever. Yes when making a society we should brain wash people to think this to not make the society fall out 4 but again it is neither good or bad. Completely man made concepts. Hunting is actually good for humans yet is also classed as evil.

good and evil are social constructs created to mass control people to the elite's benefits, same reason why men like you are so cucked to this day.
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Re: How many of you steal?

Post by MrMan »

Roccia wrote:
January 18th, 2024, 4:47 pm
MrMan wrote:
January 17th, 2024, 10:28 pm
Roccia wrote:
January 17th, 2024, 7:46 pm
MrMan wrote:
January 17th, 2024, 4:59 pm
@Roccia, I figure you are insulting me, but I don't speak ocker, so I don't know what you are saying. Just curious, when you shoplifted last time, did you put the stuff in the diaper? Is that why they could see it when you went to the grocery store? I'd better not give you any more ideas.

I can imagine, "Hey mate, this vegemite you just brought back from the store smells a bit dodgy." :lol: :lol:
You're a bloody f***ing wanker mate.
I guess that's where you go after a question like that. But you paint a brutal, horrifying word picture.
Good and bad are man made concepts you cunt.

Nature doesn't give a shit about either of them. Good and bad can vary between self benefit and morals brain washed to us by society. If you live life thinking things are good or bad you will be miserable. Just do whatever honestly and ignore these bs man made labels.
People with that philosophy can use it to justify a lot of evil activities. And if you really act on it without having control of the state, it's possible you could end up in prison or worse.
We are animals at the end of the day. To observe normies behaviour and say we are not is idiotic. Nature does not give a shit what we do, following instincts if it makes you happy is not good or bad rather just is. I dont view anything as good or bad anymore rather just accept them.

Is a lion hunting a zebra bad or evil? Is a woman aborting her child? There is no consistency with morals and what is classified as bad ever. Yes when making a society we should brain wash people to think this to not make the society fall out 4 but again it is neither good or bad. Completely man made concepts. Hunting is actually good for humans yet is also classed as evil.

good and evil are social constructs created to mass control people to the elite's benefits, same reason why men like you are so cucked to this day.
If you do evil, you suffer the consequences eventually.
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Re: How many of you steal?

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

Roccia wrote:
January 18th, 2024, 4:47 pm
MrMan wrote:
January 17th, 2024, 10:28 pm
Roccia wrote:
January 17th, 2024, 7:46 pm
MrMan wrote:
January 17th, 2024, 4:59 pm
@Roccia, I figure you are insulting me, but I don't speak ocker, so I don't know what you are saying. Just curious, when you shoplifted last time, did you put the stuff in the diaper? Is that why they could see it when you went to the grocery store? I'd better not give you any more ideas.

I can imagine, "Hey mate, this vegemite you just brought back from the store smells a bit dodgy." :lol: :lol:
You're a bloody f***ing wanker mate.
I guess that's where you go after a question like that. But you paint a brutal, horrifying word picture.
Good and bad are man made concepts you cunt.

Nature doesn't give a shit about either of them. Good and bad can vary between self benefit and morals brain washed to us by society. If you live life thinking things are good or bad you will be miserable. Just do whatever honestly and ignore these bs man made labels.

We are animals at the end of the day. To observe normies behaviour and say we are not is idiotic. Nature does not give a shit what we do, following instincts if it makes you happy is not good or bad rather just is. I dont view anything as good or bad anymore rather just accept them.

Is a lion hunting a zebra bad or evil? Is a woman aborting her child? There is no consistency with morals and what is classified as bad ever. Yes when making a society we should brain wash people to think this to not make the society fall out 4 but again it is neither good or bad. Completely man made concepts. Hunting is actually good for humans yet is also classed as evil.

good and evil are social constructs created to mass control people to the elite's benefits, same reason why men like you are so cucked to this day.
I have to disagree with you because you can't just rape someone and think "well bad doesn't exist" and you can't kill someone in cold blood with that same mentality either.
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Re: How many of you steal?

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

MrMan wrote:
January 18th, 2024, 6:45 pm
Roccia wrote:
January 18th, 2024, 4:47 pm
MrMan wrote:
January 17th, 2024, 10:28 pm
Roccia wrote:
January 17th, 2024, 7:46 pm
MrMan wrote:
January 17th, 2024, 4:59 pm
@Roccia, I figure you are insulting me, but I don't speak ocker, so I don't know what you are saying. Just curious, when you shoplifted last time, did you put the stuff in the diaper? Is that why they could see it when you went to the grocery store? I'd better not give you any more ideas.

I can imagine, "Hey mate, this vegemite you just brought back from the store smells a bit dodgy." :lol: :lol:
You're a bloody f***ing wanker mate.
I guess that's where you go after a question like that. But you paint a brutal, horrifying word picture.
Good and bad are man made concepts you cunt.

Nature doesn't give a shit about either of them. Good and bad can vary between self benefit and morals brain washed to us by society. If you live life thinking things are good or bad you will be miserable. Just do whatever honestly and ignore these bs man made labels.
People with that philosophy can use it to justify a lot of evil activities. And if you really act on it without having control of the state, it's possible you could end up in prison or worse.
We are animals at the end of the day. To observe normies behaviour and say we are not is idiotic. Nature does not give a shit what we do, following instincts if it makes you happy is not good or bad rather just is. I dont view anything as good or bad anymore rather just accept them.

Is a lion hunting a zebra bad or evil? Is a woman aborting her child? There is no consistency with morals and what is classified as bad ever. Yes when making a society we should brain wash people to think this to not make the society fall out 4 but again it is neither good or bad. Completely man made concepts. Hunting is actually good for humans yet is also classed as evil.

good and evil are social constructs created to mass control people to the elite's benefits, same reason why men like you are so cucked to this day.
If you do evil, you suffer the consequences eventually.
I believe Roccia just says stuff for the hell of saying it sometimes.
But he's honestly wrong if he believes what he believes. Humans are held to a higher standard than animals.
A Lion can just attack whatever it wants, but a person can't just run up on someone and kill them just because that's what animals do in the wild to other animals.
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Re: How many of you steal?

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

I worked Loss prevention and I can be brutally honest, when people were stealing it pissed me off, and made me angry. Especially when I had to uprehend them and they would get violent. It also made me look incompetent whenever I couldn't catch them in the act.
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Re: How many of you steal?

Post by MrMan »

WanderingProtagonist wrote:
January 18th, 2024, 6:52 pm
I worked Loss prevention and I can be brutally honest, when people were stealing it pissed me off, and made me angry. Especially when I had to uprehend them and they would get violent. It also made me look incompetent whenever I couldn't catch them in the act.
And what happens if some 70-year-old tries to stop a thief at the door of Walmart, he pushes the old guy down, and the man has a heart attack, and his grandchildren are crying at the funeral.

Some people may say it doesn't hurt anyone because the victims of the theft are so rich, but there can be other consequences.

It's kind of like robbing a liquor or convenience store and not realizing there is a good chance someone could get shot.
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