The Nature of Reality

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Re: The Nature of Reality

Post by yick »

Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
March 4th, 2024, 7:48 am
yick wrote:
March 4th, 2024, 2:55 am
Also, I love being Latin American and a mestizo with the blood of the Inca, Mapuche and the Spaniard running through my veins! Every time I am there, I feel alive, I feel like a proper human being - I kind of get how when you listen to Jamaicans living in Ghana feel living there - it's going home - even if you have never been there before, when you hit the tarmac and you see the people and see what you see in the mirror every day - it's a very liberating and comforting experience. Luckily for me, I inherited my mothers nationality and have it and it can never ever be took off me - I am as Peruvian as anyone who was born there - I am as Peruvian as the president of the country! :lol: there is no two ways about it I would never ever relinquish that nationality!
Ah.. very fascinating. So you are a Mestizo Brit with Incan warrior/spanish conquistador blood? A nice combo.
I was thinking about your question before you edited it and I thought I would give it some good thought before answering it but I have to say I find like in Peru and the rest of Latin America more to my taste - both Lucas and Pixel talk about this a lot but life in the UK can be quite hostile, it's a hostile culture - not just for me but for a fair number of white Brits also - I will give you an example - my dad is 89 and the local supermarket is a mile and a half away and there is nowhere for him to sit! Outside is full of what they call 'hostile architecture' they don't want you hanging around anywhere - true - a lot of these amineties get vanadalised but then I suppose that is part of the problem and why we have that kind of 'hostile architecture' everywhere but we don't have that in Latin America and it alienates me when I am in the UK because I know what life can be like and it doesn't have to be that way - also the people are really angry and aggressive - there is a lot of depression and depressed angry people in the UK and though all of Latin America is poorer than the UK - they don't have a lot of those social problems and what social problems they do have stems from poverty but it doesn't affect all of the population.

Also, in the UK - I am just some ordinary working class Brit scrub - in Peru I am at least middle class and maybe even more than that :lol: I get a social and a life upgrade when I am there and of course you have factors like better food, better weather, people are friendlier and it isn't just Peru - I have felt great in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico - wherever I have been I have liked and felt accepted but I have felt far happier. It's not all about race - a lot of it is the outlook of the culture, society and people - there are people who are depressed in the UK and they don't know why nor how to get out of it but when you leave your house unless you live in some nice little village by the sea in Suffolk - then it is depressing and shit and the whole architecture is made to alienate you and make you feel unwelcome.

How do you feel when you're in South Korea?

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Re: The Nature of Reality

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

yick wrote:
March 4th, 2024, 4:59 pm
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
March 4th, 2024, 7:48 am
yick wrote:
March 4th, 2024, 2:55 am
Also, I love being Latin American and a mestizo with the blood of the Inca, Mapuche and the Spaniard running through my veins! Every time I am there, I feel alive, I feel like a proper human being - I kind of get how when you listen to Jamaicans living in Ghana feel living there - it's going home - even if you have never been there before, when you hit the tarmac and you see the people and see what you see in the mirror every day - it's a very liberating and comforting experience. Luckily for me, I inherited my mothers nationality and have it and it can never ever be took off me - I am as Peruvian as anyone who was born there - I am as Peruvian as the president of the country! :lol: there is no two ways about it I would never ever relinquish that nationality!
Ah.. very fascinating. So you are a Mestizo Brit with Incan warrior/spanish conquistador blood? A nice combo.
I was thinking about your question before you edited it and I thought I would give it some good thought before answering it but I have to say I find like in Peru and the rest of Latin America more to my taste - both Lucas and Pixel talk about this a lot but life in the UK can be quite hostile, it's a hostile culture - not just for me but for a fair number of white Brits also - I will give you an example - my dad is 89 and the local supermarket is a mile and a half away and there is nowhere for him to sit! Outside is full of what they call 'hostile architecture' they don't want you hanging around anywhere - true - a lot of these amineties get vanadalised but then I suppose that is part of the problem and why we have that kind of 'hostile architecture' everywhere but we don't have that in Latin America and it alienates me when I am in the UK because I know what life can be like and it doesn't have to be that way - also the people are really angry and aggressive - there is a lot of depression and depressed angry people in the UK and though all of Latin America is poorer than the UK - they don't have a lot of those social problems and what social problems they do have stems from poverty but it doesn't affect all of the population.

Also, in the UK - I am just some ordinary working class Brit scrub - in Peru I am at least middle class and maybe even more than that :lol: I get a social and a life upgrade when I am there and of course you have factors like better food, better weather, people are friendlier and it isn't just Peru - I have felt great in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico - wherever I have been I have liked and felt accepted but I have felt far happier. It's not all about race - a lot of it is the outlook of the culture, society and people - there are people who are depressed in the UK and they don't know why nor how to get out of it but when you leave your house unless you live in some nice little village by the sea in Suffolk - then it is depressing and shit and the whole architecture is made to alienate you and make you feel unwelcome.

How do you feel when you're in South Korea?
Similar sentiments as yours and similar to how Lucas88 feels about the UK.
I was in South Korea for couple of weeks on a business trip before COVID. It was after my short stint to Northern Italy. Seoul is definitely filled with fancy Skyscrapers, apartments, hundreds of glistening cafes, restaurants, PC bangs(Internet Cafes), supermarkets, etc. Don't get me wrong, the infrastructure is very good, service is way better than most of Europe at least and the internet is very fast. The Koreans are good at couple of other things such as cosmetics, quality clothes, and whole lot of medical tourism ranging from plastic surgery to complicated heart surgery with 1/10th to 1/5th of US's price and they are just as good.

However most people in Seoul looked angry, aggressive, busy and depressed. :lol: I am native Korean and speaks Korean very well, but I can't even have a simple small talk like in the United States. Even in New York City, some people are open for small talks with strangers. Most people in Seoul tell me to mind your own business or piss off. :lol: Koreans are some of the worst drivers. They drive like bunch of drunk Russians and Koreans sure love to fight each other over the smallest things. I seen many instance of people bickering with each other at the subway and in some cases, old people beating each other with canes. Many older Korean mid aged men and women can be really rude and ill mannered. They regularly cut in lines, regularly steal your seats, and treat younger people rudely. And many other Koreans are just smartphone zombies as similar to other parts of the First World. The People in Seoul has a standoffish, I don't give a f*ck vibe mixed together.

So in short, Korean infrastructure and amenities are first class, but the people are either arseholes or soulless.
Your friendly Neighborhood Cynic!
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Re: The Nature of Reality

Post by yick »

I lived in Korea for two years - lots of good things about it - it's safe, people are honest - you don't get ripped off because you're a foreigner, food is good, place is clean, technology is first rate and its modern but yeah, people are arseholes, I remember I was on the Bundang yellow line going home and some Korean ajumma sat next to me and started stuffing newspapers between us to make out I was some dirty foreigner and she didn't want any bit of me touching this cunt - anyway - I started throwing this newspaper on the floor and she was getting angry and I went 'go and sit somewhere else you stupid f***ing cow' anyway, she did and this Korean-American guy was sat the seat couple down from us and he went 'I was born here and I hate these people!' :lol: the Korean-Americans I knew didn't like Korea - it was quite common because they would get criticised on their level of Korean and that their parents 'left' and that they were seen as traitors who didn't stick it out etc. The older generations are arseholes and the culture is f***ed up - that bowing down to elders is f***ed up - there was a big fight when the captain of the Korean team (Son) told a younger player to stop playing table tennis after dinner and the youngster told him to piss off instead of doing as his elders were telling him and they had a fight! :lol: the young player had to apologise to Son but at least they're fighting back at this ridiculousness.

I liked my time off in Korea, the Korean workplace? f**k no!
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Re: The Nature of Reality

Post by yick »

Also, now I remember it - I was in Changwon and was going home from work and had picked up some fried chicken from Kyochon and was going to have a box of that with some Korean mustard - absolute heaven - anyway, I was walking home with this box of fried chicken and across the road was this bus stop with people waiting around it and this little boy of about six years old was skipping down this street and this middle aged guy just stuck his foot out and tripped him up and I thought - as you would - oh, they must know each other, it's his uncle or whatever - but it wasn't - the kid just looked at him and ran off and nobody around the bus stop said anything because that's the kind of arsehole, douchebag, wanky ajosshi trick ajosshis play - because they're older - they are at liberty to be an arsehole and nobody calls them out on it. I thought that instance sums up Korean ajosshi behaviour.
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Re: The Nature of Reality

Post by fschmidt »

WanderingProtagonist wrote:
March 4th, 2024, 2:24 pm
I honestly feel that Pixel dude just gets upset because he's dating a black girl and so he feels the need to go on the defense. This is no different from Outcast when he was doing this same shit over Asians, being extra defensive of them just because his girlfriend was one. In all fairness the vast majority of people who date blacks don't really know jack shit about blacks. If they did they would realize how deep and strong blacks hate one another. But they can't see that shit. I challenge Pixel Dude to go down to Haiti right now and see how they are acting, hardcore f***ing SAVAGES! You got little kids getting raped by gangs, women getting their throats slit, they killed the cops, took out the militia, set over 4000 criminals free to run wild in the streets, setting people on fire. What people you know do shit like that to their own people or to anyone? Blacks are f***ing animals even in the 21st century. They are truly the least civilized people, and those who defend them generally don't even live within their communities!

I don't care how many famous blacks you know about, who cares. That doesn't change the fact that negros are wild animals especially when they are in large numbers. That's why Mandela was sadistic, f***er would wrap tires around the necks of his own people, dose them in gasoline and set them ablaze. Another issue is that most of my life I've always had awful encounters with these people, so know I don't like them, and no I don't feel guilty or obligated to like them. If the Chinese can hate the Japanese, and the Japanese can hate the Chinese. Who the f**k says there's a rule that everyone have to love and kiss the asses of negros when they don't even have love for each other? Chicago, Detroit, etc. One of the main things I noticed about black men especially is how much they hate their own women. That alone automatically makes them racist. But who cares? Who's going to call them out for it? Nobody.
I would take American blacks from the 1960s over modern scum whites (or any other race). American blacks from the past made good music. What do modern scum whites make? Pure shit. Humanity has completely turned to shit regardless of race.
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Re: The Nature of Reality

Post by yick »

WanderingProtagonist wrote:
March 4th, 2024, 2:24 pm

I don't care how many famous blacks you know about, who cares. That doesn't change the fact that negros are wild animals especially when they are in large numbers. That's why Mandela was sadistic, f***er would wrap tires around the necks of his own people, dose them in gasoline and set them ablaze.
No he didn't, he was on Robben Island, hard to do that from there.

Secondly, that is what the ANC did to police informants, horrible? Yes, but they were at war and collaborators and spies were dealt with harshly, white people don't do that kind of thing? The French Resistance did that kind of thing all the time and after the liberation of France by the allies in 1945 - the French Resistance tried in kangaroo courts and executed 10000 French people they thought were collaborators and who worked for the nazis - don't make out it out to be a 'black' thing when white people do exactly the same in a similar situation.
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Re: The Nature of Reality

Post by Pixel--Dude »

Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
March 4th, 2024, 3:23 pm
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
March 4th, 2024, 3:18 pm
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
March 4th, 2024, 3:01 pm
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
March 4th, 2024, 2:24 pm
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
March 3rd, 2024, 8:40 am

I don't know why your dragging me into your discussion. I only said I disliked U.S American black people who act like bunch of savage thugs and Niggahs.It's similar to Lucas88's disliking of those chavs living in Council Estates and picking fights with any body. I am sure you got lot of darkies stabbing British people at night in London too. It's a shame how England has degraded considerably.

I didn't say anything about disliking black people from the UK and any other parts of the world. I didn't even know your Girlfriend is British-Jamaican.
That's really cool, she must have some crazy British and Rastaferian accent. :lol:
I honestly feel that Pixel dude just gets upset because he's dating a black girl and so he feels the need to go on the defense. This is no different from Outcast when he was doing this same shit over Asians, being extra defensive of them just because his girlfriend was one. In all fairness the vast majority of people who date blacks don't really know jack shit about blacks. If they did they would realize how deep and strong blacks hate one another. But they can't see that shit. I challenge Pixel Dude to go down to Haiti right now and see how they are acting, hardcore f***ing SAVAGES! You got little kids getting raped by gangs, women getting their throats slit, they killed the cops, took out the militia, set over 4000 criminals free to run wild in the streets, setting people on fire. What people you know do shit like that to their own people or to anyone? Blacks are f***ing animals even in the 21st century. They are truly the least civilized people, and those who defend them generally don't even live within their communities!

I don't care how many famous blacks you know about, who cares. That doesn't change the fact that negros are wild animals especially when they are in large numbers. That's why Mandela was sadistic, f***er would wrap tires around the necks of his own people, dose them in gasoline and set them ablaze. Another issue is that most of my life I've always had awful encounters with these people, so know I don't like them, and no I don't feel guilty or obligated to like them. If the Chinese can hate the Japanese, and the Japanese can hate the Chinese. Who the f**k says there's a rule that everyone have to love and kiss the asses of negros when they don't even have love for each other? Chicago, Detroit, etc. One of the main things I noticed about black men especially is how much they hate their own women. That alone automatically makes them racist. But who cares? Who's going to call them out for it? Nobody.
I honesty don't care who Pixel dude is dating and I don't know why he wants to include me in this discussion. But you have to be careful not to offend him with his girlfriend or he will ban you Wandering protagonist. It has happened to Cornfed. The ban was eventually lifted but Cornfed hasn't come back yet. I only dislike American niggahs and thugs just like Lucas88 disliking chavs and most of his countrymen.
I didn't attack his girlfriend. I was talking about blacks in general.
I never said you attacked his girlfriend. I am just saying be careful. Cornfed got banned because of that.
He got banned because he made a comment that was unnecessary and directed at her which was uncalled for. He was only banned for a couple of days. Prior to that I've never banned him for being a racist asshole. I also banned Mercer and Skelebob for calling Outcast9428s girlfriend a noodlewhore. There's no need to be a prick and attack other people's girlfriends or kids. Other than that I don't care if people call me an idiot or a cunt or whatever. I'm sure in the past yick called me a wanker and a dickhead over something and I didn't ban him either. With racism I don't care so long as people aren't insulting my family directly. But even general racism is something I can disagree with.
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Re: The Nature of Reality

Post by yick »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
March 5th, 2024, 2:53 am
I'm sure in the past yick called me a wanker and a dickhead over something and I didn't ban him either.
No, I didn't call you any of these things - I might have called Lucas those things though. :lol: still, all in the past, we're all on good terms.
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Re: The Nature of Reality

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

yick wrote:
March 4th, 2024, 9:23 pm
I lived in Korea for two years - lots of good things about it - it's safe, people are honest - you don't get ripped off because you're a foreigner, food is good, place is clean, technology is first rate and its modern but yeah, people are arseholes, I remember I was on the Bundang yellow line going home and some Korean ajumma sat next to me and started stuffing newspapers between us to make out I was some dirty foreigner and she didn't want any bit of me touching this cunt - anyway - I started throwing this newspaper on the floor and she was getting angry and I went 'go and sit somewhere else you stupid f***ing cow' anyway, she did and this Korean-American guy was sat the seat couple down from us and he went 'I was born here and I hate these people!' :lol: the Korean-Americans I knew didn't like Korea - it was quite common because they would get criticised on their level of Korean and that their parents 'left' and that they were seen as traitors who didn't stick it out etc. The older generations are arseholes and the culture is f***ed up - that bowing down to elders is f***ed up - there was a big fight when the captain of the Korean team (Son) told a younger player to stop playing table tennis after dinner and the youngster told him to piss off instead of doing as his elders were telling him and they had a fight! :lol: the young player had to apologise to Son but at least they're fighting back at this ridiculousness.

I liked my time off in Korea, the Korean workplace? f**k no!
Ah.. the Korean workplace. It's such a soul crushing, horrible experience with mediocre pay($20,000 to $30,000 USD/year compare to average Korea's GDP of $34,000) for average Korean bloke. Only few "cream of the crop" Koreans from Elite universities(S.K.Y) make it to large conglomerate such as Samsung, Hyundai, LG, Sk, etc(Their starting pay is like 40,000 USD to 50,000 USD or more depending on your speciality). The rest wind up in small to medium size business(87% of the country's sector) but those are not well regulated by the Korean Labor ministry.

If your native Korean and work in Small to Mid size korean company in Korea then this is the sum total of your experience. :lol:

watch 0:46 to 3:42

The Boss's "sonic boom slaps" on former employee for writing bad reviews about him on the internet. The one filiming is the former employee's supervisor. The documentary saids the supervisor has a hobby for filiming and his boss toward him to do it.

Your pretty much lucky that your a Brit in Korea. Otherwise, you might end up like that guy recieving those sonic boom slaps if your a Korean bloke.
You have to take it because the Labor ministry in Korea still doesn't give a f*ck and they don't do their jobs.
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Re: The Nature of Reality

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

yick wrote:
March 4th, 2024, 9:35 pm
Also, now I remember it - I was in Changwon and was going home from work and had picked up some fried chicken from Kyochon and was going to have a box of that with some Korean mustard - absolute heaven - anyway, I was walking home with this box of fried chicken and across the road was this bus stop with people waiting around it and this little boy of about six years old was skipping down this street and this middle aged guy just stuck his foot out and tripped him up and I thought - as you would - oh, they must know each other, it's his uncle or whatever - but it wasn't - the kid just looked at him and ran off and nobody around the bus stop said anything because that's the kind of arsehole, douchebag, wanky ajosshi trick ajosshis play - because they're older - they are at liberty to be an arsehole and nobody calls them out on it. I thought that instance sums up Korean ajosshi behaviour.
And those Korean Ajumma and Ajoshi arseholes are wondering why young people are not marrying and having kids. :lol:
Even Korean Americans don't like their native country because of all those rude bastards out there. Even young native Koreans are mass emigrating out of the country to Japan, Austrailia and even to the mother f*cking U.S.A because how everything is going down the toliet in South Korea. Stupid Koreaboos and K-poptards(Korean Pop music loving retards) don't see it because of the Korean music industry spamming out untalented girly men pretty boys and emaciated talentless whores dancing in their skimpy outfits. And how Korean government funded media spam and broadcast stupid nationalistic tripe like how S.Korea sold some fighter jets in Malaysia or how Koreans sold weapons to Poland, or how billions of Dosirak(cup noodle) are sold in Russia, etc. :lol: :roll:

Well at least you don't have Korean mass emigrating to the UK. That's what the Pakis, Hindus, and Africans are for.
Your friendly Neighborhood Cynic!
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Re: The Nature of Reality

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
March 5th, 2024, 9:33 am
yick wrote:
March 4th, 2024, 9:35 pm
Also, now I remember it - I was in Changwon and was going home from work and had picked up some fried chicken from Kyochon and was going to have a box of that with some Korean mustard - absolute heaven - anyway, I was walking home with this box of fried chicken and across the road was this bus stop with people waiting around it and this little boy of about six years old was skipping down this street and this middle aged guy just stuck his foot out and tripped him up and I thought - as you would - oh, they must know each other, it's his uncle or whatever - but it wasn't - the kid just looked at him and ran off and nobody around the bus stop said anything because that's the kind of arsehole, douchebag, wanky ajosshi trick ajosshis play - because they're older - they are at liberty to be an arsehole and nobody calls them out on it. I thought that instance sums up Korean ajosshi behaviour.
And those Korean Ajumma and Ajoshi arseholes are wondering why young people are not marrying and having kids. :lol:
Even Korean Americans don't like their native country because of all those rude bastards out there. Even young native Koreans are mass emigrating out of the country to Japan, Austrailia and even to the mother f*cking U.S.A because how everything is going down the toliet in South Korea. Stupid Koreaboos and K-poptards(Korean Pop music loving retards) don't see it because of the Korean music industry spamming out untalented girly men pretty boys and emaciated talentless whores dancing in their skimpy outfits. And how Korean government funded media spam and broadcast stupid nationalistic tripe like how S.Korea sold some fighter jets in Malaysia or how Koreans sold weapons to Poland, or how billions of Dosirak(cup noodle) are sold in Russia, etc. :lol: :roll:

Well at least you don't have Korean mass emigrating to the UK. That's what the Pakis, Hindus, and Africans are for.
America is much worse off than South Korea. South Korea isn't plagued with violence, homelessness, and stores being robbed and neighborhoods looking like hell holes. They have their issues there but overall America is a much worse place. And we're not even getting that many SK anyway so I highly doubt a lot of them are moving here. And the UK is no longer a white country anymore... These stupid f***s elected a Punjabi.... When you have Hindus, negros, and others representing your nation like that. You've lost. No one white would ever be allowed to govern in Africa, they would get their asses kicked. And as for you @Yick, go f**k yourself. I've always hated you.
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Re: The Nature of Reality

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

WanderingProtagonist wrote:
March 5th, 2024, 10:09 am
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
March 5th, 2024, 9:33 am
yick wrote:
March 4th, 2024, 9:35 pm
Also, now I remember it - I was in Changwon and was going home from work and had picked up some fried chicken from Kyochon and was going to have a box of that with some Korean mustard - absolute heaven - anyway, I was walking home with this box of fried chicken and across the road was this bus stop with people waiting around it and this little boy of about six years old was skipping down this street and this middle aged guy just stuck his foot out and tripped him up and I thought - as you would - oh, they must know each other, it's his uncle or whatever - but it wasn't - the kid just looked at him and ran off and nobody around the bus stop said anything because that's the kind of arsehole, douchebag, wanky ajosshi trick ajosshis play - because they're older - they are at liberty to be an arsehole and nobody calls them out on it. I thought that instance sums up Korean ajosshi behaviour.
And those Korean Ajumma and Ajoshi arseholes are wondering why young people are not marrying and having kids. :lol:
Even Korean Americans don't like their native country because of all those rude bastards out there. Even young native Koreans are mass emigrating out of the country to Japan, Austrailia and even to the mother f*cking U.S.A because how everything is going down the toliet in South Korea. Stupid Koreaboos and K-poptards(Korean Pop music loving retards) don't see it because of the Korean music industry spamming out untalented girly men pretty boys and emaciated talentless whores dancing in their skimpy outfits. And how Korean government funded media spam and broadcast stupid nationalistic tripe like how S.Korea sold some fighter jets in Malaysia or how Koreans sold weapons to Poland, or how billions of Dosirak(cup noodle) are sold in Russia, etc. :lol: :roll:

Well at least you don't have Korean mass emigrating to the UK. That's what the Pakis, Hindus, and Africans are for.
America is much worse off than South Korea. South Korea isn't plagued with violence, homelessness, and stores being robbed and neighborhoods looking like hell holes. They have their issues there but overall America is a much worse place. And we're not even getting that many SK anyway so I highly doubt a lot of them are moving here. And the UK is no longer a white country anymore... These stupid f***s elected a Punjabi.... When you have Hindus, negros, and others representing your nation like that. You've lost. No one white would ever be allowed to govern in Africa, they would get their asses kicked. And as for you @Yick, go f**k yourself. I've always hated you.
South Korea's violence is mostly internal, direct mainly towards it's own people, behind closed door and many people don't often report it out of fear of reprisals similar to Japan. So we don't just chimpout, riot, loot, burn, kill, maim anyone like those "American Negroid darkies" do with their Black Lives Matter Protest, and LA Riots, Rodney King bullsh*t. :lol: I guess that's what they learned from their past Civil Rights Leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr and Malcolm X, I don't know. :lol: :?

But I do agree the West Coast of the U.S looks like the third world sh*thole thanks to all the homeless drug addicts and white guilt ladden city council.

There are at least two million S Koreans living in the U.S. It's not many, but it's not tiny either.
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Re: The Nature of Reality

Post by yick »

WanderingProtagonist wrote:
March 5th, 2024, 10:09 am

America is much worse off than South Korea. South Korea isn't plagued with violence, homelessness, and stores being robbed and neighborhoods looking like hell holes. They have their issues there but overall America is a much worse place. And we're not even getting that many SK anyway so I highly doubt a lot of them are moving here. And the UK is no longer a white country anymore... These stupid f***s elected a Punjabi.... When you have Hindus, negros, and others representing your nation like that. You've lost. No one white would ever be allowed to govern in Africa, they would get their asses kicked. And as for you @Yick, go f**k yourself. I've always hated you.
Shut the f**k up you mental midget :lol: who voted in for Rishi Sunak again? Who did that, go and read up about it before you ignorantly opine your bile again you stupid stupid little man.

The UK isn't a 'white country' anymore? Have you got anything to back that absolute lie up, last time I was there, which was a few months ago, the UK was still a majority white country by quite a big margin.

Rishi Sunak isn't 'Punjabi' he was born in Winchester to Ugandan Asian parents - stop talking shite and go and take some more smack and zone out :lol:
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Re: The Nature of Reality

Post by Lucas88 »

yick wrote:
March 4th, 2024, 4:59 pm
I was thinking about your question before you edited it and I thought I would give it some good thought before answering it but I have to say I find like in Peru and the rest of Latin America more to my taste - both Lucas and Pixel talk about this a lot but life in the UK can be quite hostile, it's a hostile culture - not just for me but for a fair number of white Brits also - I will give you an example - my dad is 89 and the local supermarket is a mile and a half away and there is nowhere for him to sit! Outside is full of what they call 'hostile architecture' they don't want you hanging around anywhere - true - a lot of these amineties get vanadalised but then I suppose that is part of the problem and why we have that kind of 'hostile architecture' everywhere but we don't have that in Latin America and it alienates me when I am in the UK because I know what life can be like and it doesn't have to be that way - also the people are really angry and aggressive - there is a lot of depression and depressed angry people in the UK and though all of Latin America is poorer than the UK - they don't have a lot of those social problems and what social problems they do have stems from poverty but it doesn't affect all of the population.

Also, in the UK - I am just some ordinary working class Brit scrub - in Peru I am at least middle class and maybe even more than that :lol: I get a social and a life upgrade when I am there and of course you have factors like better food, better weather, people are friendlier and it isn't just Peru - I have felt great in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico - wherever I have been I have liked and felt accepted but I have felt far happier. It's not all about race - a lot of it is the outlook of the culture, society and people - there are people who are depressed in the UK and they don't know why nor how to get out of it but when you leave your house unless you live in some nice little village by the sea in Suffolk - then it is depressing and shit and the whole architecture is made to alienate you and make you feel unwelcome.
All of this post is very much on point. 👍

I've always joked that the UK is a first-world country materially but third-world in everything else—it's a place where it is easy to survive due to greater work opportunities than most other countries and a decent welfare system that prevents those who are going through a hard time from falling into abject poverty, but at the same time it's not a place where you can easily enjoy culture or a decent social life or be happy in the long term. Most British cities, with their hideous modernist architecture, are designed purely for work and commerce, not for living.

This couldn't be any further from the soulful cities of Spain or Latin America with their open plazas, beautiful bright buildings, vast public parks and charming terraces with bars and restaurants where people can just leisurely hang out and have fun. And with none of that "hostile architecture" that you described in this thread and elsewhere in sight. Such cities are designed for living and psychological wellbeing, not just for work and commerce. That's why life feels so much better there despite those cities not being as materially wealthy.

Latin America especially has a very distinct vibe. Everything feels more real there with the Wild West feel, outgoing social culture, a certain frenetic energy in the air, and people who aren't socially stunted like in the UK and US. You notice this as soon as you get off the plane.

As for myself, I grew up in quite a nice town in Yorkshire, one with a population of about 15,000 and with decent architecture and scenery and beautiful woodlands within walking distance—an ideal place for a charmed childhood. But as soon as I became an adult and came into frequent contact with the nearby cities for purposes of college, work, etc., I began to realize how ugly and alienating the UK is and soon decided that I wanted to live abroad. I already had an idea of what Spain was like from my summers with my expat family members in Jávea.

However, I ended up in Valencia. I decided to enrol at an immersive language school in Spain and happened to choose Valencia as my destination since I'm not a fan of capital cities (so Madrid was out of the question) and didn't really like Barcelona from my previous visit. So I chose the third largest city, soon found that it had everything that I could ever want, and fell crazily in love with the place. I then chose to live there long term, made some very special memories there to the point where it became like a second home, and even know most of the city layout like the back of my hand. 😎

Unfortunately, since 2020, I've been grounded in the UK with an unusual health problem which has prevented me from living life as usual and I require specific treatment (in fact, this alone is the reason why I made an account on HA—escapism during such a terrible low point in my life ☹️). But I sense than I'm now close to full recovery and want to get back on the noble stallion of HA freedom and big phat booty mamacitas as soon as possible. 🐎 🇪🇸🇨🇴 🍑🔥
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Re: The Nature of Reality

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

Lucas88 wrote:
March 6th, 2024, 11:30 am
yick wrote:
March 4th, 2024, 4:59 pm
I was thinking about your question before you edited it and I thought I would give it some good thought before answering it but I have to say I find like in Peru and the rest of Latin America more to my taste - both Lucas and Pixel talk about this a lot but life in the UK can be quite hostile, it's a hostile culture - not just for me but for a fair number of white Brits also - I will give you an example - my dad is 89 and the local supermarket is a mile and a half away and there is nowhere for him to sit! Outside is full of what they call 'hostile architecture' they don't want you hanging around anywhere - true - a lot of these amineties get vanadalised but then I suppose that is part of the problem and why we have that kind of 'hostile architecture' everywhere but we don't have that in Latin America and it alienates me when I am in the UK because I know what life can be like and it doesn't have to be that way - also the people are really angry and aggressive - there is a lot of depression and depressed angry people in the UK and though all of Latin America is poorer than the UK - they don't have a lot of those social problems and what social problems they do have stems from poverty but it doesn't affect all of the population.

Also, in the UK - I am just some ordinary working class Brit scrub - in Peru I am at least middle class and maybe even more than that :lol: I get a social and a life upgrade when I am there and of course you have factors like better food, better weather, people are friendlier and it isn't just Peru - I have felt great in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico - wherever I have been I have liked and felt accepted but I have felt far happier. It's not all about race - a lot of it is the outlook of the culture, society and people - there are people who are depressed in the UK and they don't know why nor how to get out of it but when you leave your house unless you live in some nice little village by the sea in Suffolk - then it is depressing and shit and the whole architecture is made to alienate you and make you feel unwelcome.
All of this post is very much on point. 👍

I've always joked that the UK is a first-world country materially but third-world in everything else—it's a place where it is easy to survive due to greater work opportunities than most other countries and a decent welfare system that prevents those who are going through a hard time from falling into abject poverty, but at the same time it's not a place where you can easily enjoy culture or a decent social life or be happy in the long term. Most British cities, with their hideous modernist architecture, are designed purely for work and commerce, not for living.

This couldn't be any further from the soulful cities of Spain or Latin America with their open plazas, beautiful bright buildings, vast public parks and charming terraces with bars and restaurants where people can just leisurely hang out and have fun. And with none of that "hostile architecture" that you described in this thread and elsewhere in sight. Such cities are designed for living and psychological wellbeing, not just for work and commerce. That's why life feels so much better there despite those cities not being as materially wealthy.

Latin America especially has a very distinct vibe. Everything feels more real there with the Wild West feel, outgoing social culture, a certain frenetic energy in the air, and people who aren't socially stunted like in the UK and US. You notice this as soon as you get off the plane.

As for myself, I grew up in quite a nice town in Yorkshire, one with a population of about 15,000 and with decent architecture and scenery and beautiful woodlands within walking distance—an ideal place for a charmed childhood. But as soon as I became an adult and came into frequent contact with the nearby cities for purposes of college, work, etc., I began to realize how ugly and alienating the UK is and soon decided that I wanted to live abroad. I already had an idea of what Spain was like from my summers with my expat family members in Jávea.

However, I ended up in Valencia. I decided to enrol at an immersive language school in Spain and happened to choose Valencia as my destination since I'm not a fan of capital cities (so Madrid was out of the question) and didn't really like Barcelona from my previous visit. So I chose the third largest city, soon found that it had everything that I could ever want, and fell crazily in love with the place. I then chose to live there long term, made some very special memories there to the point where it became like a second home, and even know most of the city layout like the back of my hand. 😎

Unfortunately, since 2020, I've been grounded in the UK with an unusual health problem which has prevented me from living life as usual and I require specific treatment (in fact, this alone is the reason why I made an account on HA—escapism during such a terrible low point in my life ☹️). But I sense than I'm now close to full recovery and want to get back on the noble stallion of HA freedom and big phat booty mamacitas as soon as possible. 🐎 🇪🇸🇨🇴 🍑🔥
Same sh*t with South Korea. We also have first world infrastructure and amenities but most people there are quite insufferable arseholes or soulless maggots. Most people there are anti social halfwits just like your local chavs, welfare recipients, druggies and hooligans hanging out in Council Estates. :lol: We don't have robust welfare system like you guys do in the UK. Our labor rights are at the same level of medieval serfdom and we work ourselves to the bone.

I wish you best of luck on your future South American adventures. I believe even Yick said he feels "more alive" in Peru as he is Half British and half Mestizo. I didn't know that. I though he was 100% white British. :lol:
Your friendly Neighborhood Cynic!
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