Thai Women vs Filipina Women

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Re: Thai Women vs Filipina Women

Post by MrMan »

Winston wrote:
July 12th, 2021, 5:23 am
Yeah but the thing is, if your partner doesn't like sex and has no passion and doesn't look like she's in a trance or ecstasy when making love, what's the point of marrying? You'd have zero sex life in that marriage anyway.
Maybe it's a matter of technique? Or maybe the women sense you don't love them?
It could be that the universe has destined me to marry my son's mom. But the universe is a dick, because it destines me to marry someone I don't have a passionate soulmate connection with. So you see, God can be a dick sometimes and not make sense and contradict himself. He's not perfect.
Maybe your AI/universe/alien god is. But it seems likely to me that you chose to have sex with this woman that you did not feel a 'soulmate connection' with.... unless she raped you or extracted your sperm somehow.
When I say God, I don't necessarily mean the Christian God. I mean the AI program that runs the matrix or the group of ETs that is running our world as an experiment, etc. It doesn't have to be the Christian God. Your problem, like other Christians, is that you see the Bible and God as one and the same, and you worship the Bible as if it were God himself. Big fallacy. That's why you are not free, because you are attached to that belief no matter if its true or false.
Hmmm. Free to believe in alien AI, that we live in the Matrix, an idea which comes from a movie. I don't worship the Bible, btw. I believe God revealed it.
Of course you don't believe in karma cycles. Because your religion teaches all other religions are false except for Christianity. So you cannot appreciate any truth or wisdom outside of Christianity or the Bible.
People in other religions can have wisdom about different things. We are all made in the image of God. But I don't consider the idea that we live in a computer program to be wisdom. Nor do I look for TV shows like 'Ancient Aliens' as a source for wisdom.
Suppose you ruled the world. Would you make it so that all other religions are outlawed and their books burned, and that only Christianity is allowed? As if everyone on Earth is meant to be Christian only? lol. If not, you would at least encourage everyone on Earth to be Christian only right? lol. It's too bad you can't see how foolish and crazy that is.
No, I do not believe Christians are required to enforce such a position on the nations. But when Christ returns, He may outlaw other religions.
Yes I have heard other Christians say that they prayed to God for a wife and then met her. That happens it seems. How do you know your higher self or spirit guides didn't answer it?
If you don't really know if your 'higher self' is doing stuff and it isn't you, and it isn't conscious or self-aware, then it isn't really that high, and it probably doesn't exist. I prayed to God, and God answered. I've seen God answer extremely detailed multi-point prayers before, too. Does your spirit-guide do that?
God is too busy to personally hear prayers.
Maybe your alien AI god is too small.
Even Einstein said a personal God probably doesn't exist. Only an impersonal God. I have found that prayers asking you to be connected with someone that will help you, often do get answered. That's kind of like the law of attraction bringing people together. As long as you don't ask God to bend the laws of physics or upset the balance of things, he will answer most prayers if they are good for you and easy to arrange without altering destiny or free will or the laws of physics.
You can't make up your mind. At first you are argue that God is too busy to hear most prayers and argue against a personal God, and then you say he answers most prayers that do not go against the laws of physics.
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Re: Thai Women vs Filipina Women

Post by MrMan »

Winston wrote:
July 12th, 2021, 5:24 am
Do you all agree that Thai women are better looking? Or do you guys think SE Asian women all look the same? lol. Why do Thais look better?

@ladislav what you think?
I have seen some really pretty Indonesian women. I married one. I spent a few days in Thailand and I am not an expert on Thai looks. But my impression is that, on average, for me personally, I would think there would be more pretty women in Thailand. IMO, the Malayu genes, for my personal tastes, are less likely to produce a woman I consider facially attractive. I see more facially attractive women of European or Chinese stock than Malay. Part of the Philippines gene pool is Malay. If I found 3% to 5% of young, thin Malayu-looking women facially attractive to me, I might find 5% to 8% of white or Chinese women to be facially attractive. Thai's seem more similar to Chinese, facially, than Malayu. I say Chinese because I have seen more of them than Thais and have not spent enough time in Thailand to specifically comment.

However, all this is subjective. I generally find a much smaller percentage of African women to be attractive, though it is more likely with Ethiopians and Eritreans. Some men do, and some men like the predominant Malayu features also.
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Re: Thai Women vs Filipina Women

Post by chanta76 »

Winston wrote:
July 12th, 2021, 5:13 am
chanta76 wrote:
July 11th, 2021, 10:19 pm
I can't help but say that Winston is looking for that perfect soul mate but also wants to eat his cake too. I think allot of guys who end up in South East Asia is like that. With the large red light district the illusion of easy access to girls make most men want to stay.
Maybe. But I don't want a perfect soulmate. Just someone I have chemistry with an am attracted to and good at making love, like women are in the movies. lol. I need passion and romance. It has to feel special. I've experienced that a few times, but it never lasted because it wasn't meant to be.

The problem with SE Asia is that yes, you can get women and sex for a low price. However, there's no soulmate connection, and the chemistry is physical only. It feels like a transaction. It doesn't have that special feeling you get when an American woman falls for you and lets you make love to her, which feels like winning the lottery or hitting a jackpot. That feels so special and exhilarating. You don't get that in SE Asia. Sure you can get great sex and feel high about it. But it doesn't feel meaningful as when you have an equal partner in a first world country. The women you get in SE Asia feel like they are there for rent, not own. You know what I mean? It feels too transactional. And they are way too practical and always think about money. I hate that.

Rock told me something interesting. Only middle class girls in first world country who grew up around money can appreciate being a freespirit and not caring about money. But those girls are independent and don't need you. That's the conundrum.

Women in poor country have to think practical because of survival . In wealthy country they have that already so look for something more deeper.

The question you have to ask is. The girl you want. Who ever she is? Would she want you?
Are there things you can do to improve yourself?
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Re: Thai Women vs Filipina Women

Post by Winston »

A great video comparing Thailand to Philippines in multiple categories.

Check out my FUN video clips in Russia and SE Asia and Female Encounters of the Foreign Kind video series and Full Russia Trip Videos!

Join my Dating Site to meet thousands of legit foreign girls at low cost!

"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne
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Re: Thai Women vs Filipina Women

Post by Winston »

Filipina Pea interviews a British expat that's been to both PH and TH and asks him to compare the two in various categories.

Check out my FUN video clips in Russia and SE Asia and Female Encounters of the Foreign Kind video series and Full Russia Trip Videos!

Join my Dating Site to meet thousands of legit foreign girls at low cost!

"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne
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Re: Thai Women vs Filipina Women

Post by publicduende »

Winston wrote:
April 2nd, 2024, 6:49 am
A great video comparing Thailand to Philippines in multiple categories.
Thailand buries the Philippines in all departments. Now that "good" girls in the Philippines are fewer and farther apart, the only reason to choose the Philippines over Thailand is, as the video explains, the lower language barrier.
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Re: Thai Women vs Filipina Women

Post by Felsen »

I personally don't find Thais that attractive, however most guys would rate Thai women the hotter of the two. But from a willingness to hook up with foreigners in casual relationships, and overall horniness level the Philippines is a 10 and Cambodia is a 1.
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