Why don't black Americans go to Africa to find a woman?

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Post by davewe »

DaRick wrote:
Phoenix Sosa wrote:I don't think it's a novelty if the only women I have dated 90% of my life have been of European descent. I understand your post, but it is not novelty or luck when I constantly get attention from these women. I was in 1st grade and this white girl named Jamie would do all types of things to get my attention like rub her hair on my desk. She was really trying hard.

Do I make sense? White women are attracted to me like I am a white guy (but I am not), which means they are the first to approach, flirt, etc. with me. It is so normal for me, but many don't understand. I don;t know, but it is just the way this has always been. Can't really explain it, but I love it!
You know, it's the darnedest thing; I'm white, but more Asian and black women have been attracted to me than white women (even in Europe).

It must be said though that many white women are quite secular; I am not. Maybe that is part of the reason. I've noticed that I tend to do much better among non-secular women (even Muslim women).

Unfortunately, I rarely find black women all that attractive.
I have had the same experience, though clearly I do find black women attractive!
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Post by rome86 »

wow ! so black americans mistreat africans ??? well i took an african to give the first mulatto president (obama) his father was african soo obama doest not even have that african-american experience in him... let's see if the us can elect a real african-american ........
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Post by Rock »

Contrarian Expatriate wrote:At the end of the day facts are facts. Africa is the least developed part of the world where a simple mosquito bite could be a death sentence due to malaria and substandard medical care.

African countries have the least educated populations and backwardness thrives there. Currently, the backwardness crisis of the moment is albino Africans being snatched off the street, hacked up, and body parts added to "potions" due to the belief in their medicinal powers. See the below video:

Then you have the notion of some Africans believing that having sex with virgins cures HIV. Could you imagine?

And for those of you who claim Black Americans mistreat Africans, why don't you read Keith Richburg's account of how Africans treated him as a Black American while he was the Africa Bureau Chief for Reuters:

So until you have traveled around Africa, read black American accounts of their experiences there, and have some modicum of understanding of what goes on in Africa, SHUT THE F.CK UP!!!!!
Thanks for the post. I think you gotta a much better sense of the real Africa than Lad and others who see photos of a few African capitals with cars, tall buildings, and people carrying cellphones around and then assume Africa is as modern and developed as anywhere else. Of course the extreme poverty, violence, and disease you read about is just a media spin of a few exceptional cases. Others believe that all non-American black women are all humble, sweet, soft spoken, and easy to be with. Come-on, please get real. Most African countries are full of human misery on a scale you won't see anywhere else. And many African women are very tough and dominating. I've seen them first hand in various places around the world. I've know some personally too.

I also appreciate your book recommendation. I already downloaded it onto my Kindle and just began reading it.
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Re: Why don't black Americans go to Africa to find a woman?

Post by NorthAmericanguy »

lavezzi wrote:On Asian dating sites, it's common for women to state: 'No Africans' or 'not attracted to dark skin guys' and I've heard many south American women also share these same preferences. Also it seems in every football match hosted in Eastern Europe the supporters shout racist chants and throw bananas onto the pitch at black players.

Why do African-Americans seem to only be going to Eastern Europe, South America and Asia where they might have somewhat of a disadvantage? Why don't they consider going to Africa where they are guaranteed to be accepted for their race? It just seems worth wondering because West Africa for example has many cheap yet civilized places where a majority of people speak good English.

I figured maybe it's due to how African females are thought to be physically unappealing, but surely that's only seen as true by other races as men tend to be attracted to women of their own ethnicity. Are negative past experiences with African-American women putting you off black women full stop?
Africans in Africa have the ability to be just as racist against African-Americans who come to their country because they know many of us have European blood within us so we are no longer the same as them anymore no.1, and no.2, Africans treat many African Americans like walking ATMS because they believe that we are all rich.

So in other words, many of us could go to Africa and we would not be 100% accepted, we would still pay the higher white man price, and generally still have to look over our shoulders.

As far as not so good looking African women; it's hogwash. Ethiopian women are known to be some of the most beautiful women IN THE WORLD. Admittedly, they do have Ancient European blood within them so they are not pure African women.





As far as myself, Ethiopia is on my list as I never said I would not move to Africa.
Last edited by NorthAmericanguy on October 20th, 2011, 11:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by NorthAmericanguy »

Contrarian Expatriate wrote: Currently, the backwardness crisis of the moment is albino Africans being snatched off the street, hacked up, and body parts added to "potions" due to the belief in their medicinal powers. :
Same in Central and South America but it's over drugs and rampant corruption and you never know if you're next.


http://ajuaa.com/news/shockmental/16662 ... fonso.html


"President Felipe Calderon states that 90% of the deaths in Cd. Juarez are related to drug organizations, however, there is no evidence to back this statement. In fact, most of the 25,000+ dead are ordinary citizens (Charles Bowden, "Who is Behind 25,000 Deaths?" )."

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Post by ladislav »

rome86 wrote:wow ! so black americans mistreat africans ??? well i took an african to give the first mulatto president (obama) his father was african soo obama doest not even have that african-american experience in him... let's see if the us can elect a real african-american ........
I am talking about, say a Nigerian guy, a student or an immigrant who comes to the US and wants to make friends/hang out with Black US guys and date Black US girls in college and in the neighborhood, etc. There are no statistics, but based on my many conversations with such people, they report that they are overwhelmingly looked down upon by Black Americans and treated in a haughty manner and with even a degree of hostility. Not by all, but it happens a lot. The same can be said about any hyphenated American treating foreign born ones/ newly arrived ones of his ethnic stock.
And for those of you who claim Black Americans mistreat Africans, why don't you read Keith Richburg's account of how Africans treated him as a Black American while he was the Africa Bureau Chief for Reuters:
Ah, so , the book apparently circulated around black neighborhoods and the leaders said- now when these African immigrants and students come, avenge Keith! Treat them the way they treated him! I don't think so. Most probably they just don't like the fact that these Africans don't "act black" and that they are not American enough.
Ethiopian women..European blood..
As far as the Ethiopians go, well, they are kind of like dark skinned Semites and look kind of Arab/Jewish ( not really European) and their language is related to Hebrew and Arabic. So, they are not of the Congo stock that other Africans belong to.
So until you have traveled around Africa, read black American accounts of their experiences there, and have some modicum of understanding of what goes on in Africa...!
Been to Kenya, Tanzania and S. Africa. Admittedly not read the accounts by Black Americans but am going to. It would be nice to see, though, an account by a Black American who has really tried to fit in and go local- such as learn Swahili, adapt African customs and traditions and, well, get Africanized. That would be an interesting account to read if there is one. It would be nice to know how many Black Americans in Africa actually try to adjust and accept the local way of life and how they would be treated. Because those Europeans who go to Africa and learn Swahili report a very good reaction. One of the biggest problems in S Africa, incidentally was caused by the fact that most whites never learned black languages and never adapted to local tribal cultures. They acted in a haughty, colonial fashion. It could be possible that Black Americans also act holier than thou and preach to the locals on how to do things or exude this type of attitude. Not that the locals are angels or anything like that, but you know what I mean.
Spoken as a true gentleman!

But anyway, in a nutshell, what does this Keith guy report? What was the main type of ill-treatment?
wow ! so black americans mistreat africans ??? well i took an african to give the first mulatto president (obama) his father was african soo obama doest not even have that african-american experience in him... let's see if the us can elect a real african-american .....
Note that the Kenyan father did not marry a Black American girl but his son did. I guess Obama was now a Black American but his father did not become one. Interesting!

As far as the animal sex, and the picture of a man banging a goat, I hope it was still a she- goat. And it was not in Africa! It was in St. Lucia. A famous bestiality case involving a Smith, an 18 year old St . Lucian man.

Check out any website that has to do with animal sex/zoophylia and you will see 99 percent white people, most possibly Americans, and women banging horses, dogs, etc. There are hundreds of thousands of images. Hey, a decade ago a man was arrested in Nevada for banging a pumpkin in the fields.

18 states in the US (and DC) do not have laws prohibiting zoosexual activity. Two states had laws against zoophilia that were declared unconstitutional by state courts and were subsequently invalidated: Montana and North Carolina. In Kansas, a law against zoophilia was repealed. In the District of Columbia, a law against zoophilia (listed under "sodomy") was repealed.[55]

Gee, there are courts in the US that have decided that arresting people for screwing animals is "unconstitutional". Who are these people that are appealing these laws and all? And you are saying Africans are backward?

Here is what some possibly white folks in the US are doing

Last edited by ladislav on October 20th, 2011, 5:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Contrarian Expatriate »

ladislav wrote: Been to Kenya, Tanzania and S. Africa. Admittedly not read the accounts by Black Americans but am going to. It would be nice to see, though, an account by a Black American who has really tried to fit in and go local- such as learn Swahili, adapt African customs and traditions and, well, get Africanized.
Kenya, Tanzania, and South Africa are not even the countries from where African Americans come! We come from West Africa on the "slave coast" from Senegal down to Angola.

Why should we learn Swahili? That language is not from our ancestors unlike Yoroba, Akan, Ewe, etc. Also, why should we attempt to "get Africanized?" There is no need when visiting the country to abandon your own culture. When I travel in Europe or Latin America or Asia, I remain fully American and I still can appreciate the culture from my own perspective. Becoming Africanized, in some cases, means that your wealth is now the wealth of the tribe or community in times of need.

Also, Africa is not a monolith. Just because learning Swahili yielded good results in one country, learning Igbo in Nigeria might get you dismembered while trying to integrate yourself in the community. There are hundreds of African languages and dispositions, not just Swahili.

ladislav wrote:But anyway, in a nutshell, what does this Keith guy report? What was the main type of ill-treatment?
I read the book many years ago and recall that people would ask him where he was from, yet deny that he was American and be taken aback that he would try to come off as American. Also, he reported almost constant scams and attempts to dupe or overcharge him. Also, when he was with white subordinate colleagues, police and airport officials would single him out for scrutiny and the third degree while the whites were left alone. Also, he reported that Africans are most dangerous to other Africans and he left the place without the romanticized notion that those PC black Americans try to hit us over the head with.

I have been to Africa, and I have an opportunity to work there starting next summer. I'm working to get another contract to work elsewhere but that is unlikely so I will likely be there for a few years. To hell with Africa and most Africans. Huge HIV rates, disease, illiteracy, brutal and pervasive crime, backwardness, and all that is bad in the world can be found in Africa. That's right, I said it!
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Post by NorthAmericanguy »

Contrarian Expatriate wrote: To hell with Africa and most Africans.
Yea, Dr Sebi said the same thing after the African government was NOT interested in letting him help Africa with the HIV problem so he said screw it and set up shop in South America.
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Post by NorthAmericanguy »

ladislav wrote: It could be possible that Black Americans also act holier than thou and preach to the locals on how to do things or exude this type of attitude. Not that the locals are angels or anything like that, but you know what I mean.
This is true.
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Post by ErikHeaven »

I think what you put out is what you get basically. I have met many Africans as i am nice to whatever human i meet and many of them treat me with the same kindness that i treat them. I think life is what you make of it. Now once again Ethiopian woman are so damn fine its incredible. And i must back track to what i said before as some American Black men are just not attracted to Black women at all African or African American. So it it their personal choice. I would date the Blue alien woman from the movie Avatar. If you look good and you have a great personality than race or color does not matter to me.
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Post by C.J. »

Where do you guys get this nasty shit? Much less the lack of heart to post it? My virgin eyes... ;_;
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Post by Winston »

Hi all,
There were many pics posted in this thread that have nudity, beastiality, and too much gore in them. So I removed them. Someone told me that removing them may get us unblocked from certain countries, such as Ireland.

Please don't post any pics with nude breasts in them, beastiality, or excessive gore.

And if you know of other threads where you did so, let me know or try to edit them out yourself, if you see an edit button on the post.

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Post by Winston »


1. Why are Nigerians rated as the happiest people in the world, when most African scams come from there?

2. Have you any of you seen the movie "Blood Diamond"? How accurate is it?
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Post by Rock »

Africa is a fascinating continent. But, have no illusions. Its gotta be, by far, the most violent and f...ed up continent on the planet for whatever complex reasons. Don't be fooled by some tall buildings in a few of the largest cities complete with people in suites walking around talking on cellphones. The realities there remains very ugly to this day. Economically, it has lost major ground relative to the rest of the world in the last few decades. There has been no African miracle. Just go country by country and look at recent histories to see how bad and violent life can be for regular locals. Young people there seem very capable of extreme violence - rather it be incited by tribal differences, civil wars, religious ideology, revenge for stealing, economic competition, or just mob mentality. Crazy shit goes down from South Africa to Somalia, Kenya to the Ivory Coast. For example, during the fairly recent Congo Civil War, pygmies were hunted and eaten by all sides. Today, in the Republic of Congo, many are legal slaves to their bantu masters.

The following vid is just a taste of what I'm writing about here (BTW, I believe the description is wrong as this was probably shot in Nigeria, not Uganda):
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0MZLyx0A ... re=related

Here's another one. Apparently, the target vid got taken down so link does not work. But the guy introducing it apparently grew up in the hood, has seen some nasty stuff in his life, yet he's still shocked by the way things go down in Africa. He seems to keep getting Kenya mixed up with Haiti.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwj7joxL ... re=related

BTW, Haiti is culturally similar to parts of west Africa. The country as taken over by African slaves who revolted against their French oppressors. I have no doubt that similar shit goes down there as well. Here's an old clip of a dude I met while I was there a few weeks ago. He was a US deportee who got sent back with 15 similar guys. In 2008, 20 years later, only two were still alive and he was one of them.


I'm about done with a pretty interesting book which touches on many of the problems of Africa - "Out of America: A Black Man Confronts Africa". In this book, the author, Keith Richburg paraphrases an old UN joke comparing corruption in Asia to that in Africa. The joke would go a long way in explaining why Asia has advanced so much in the last few decades while Africa has only lost ground. Here it is:

“An Asian and an African become friends while they are both attending graduate school in the West. Years later, they each rise to become the finance minister of their respective countries. One day, the African ventures to Asia to visit his old friend, and is startled by the Asian's palatial home, the three Mercedes-Benzes in the circular drive, the swimming pool, the servants.

"My God!" the African exclaims. “We were just poor students before! How on earth can you now afford all this?�

“And the Asian takes his African friend to the window and points to a sparkling new elevated highway in the distance. “You see that toll road?� says the Asian, and then he proudly taps himself on the chest. “Ten percent.� And the African nods approvingly.

“A few years later, the Asian ventures to Africa, to return the visit to his old friend. He finds the African living in a massive estate sprawling over several acres. There's a fleet of dozens of Mercedes-Benzes in the driveway, and indoor pool and tennis courts, and army of uniformed chauffeurs and servants. “My God!� says the Asian. “How on earth do you afford all this?�

“This time the African takes his Asian friend to the window and points. “You see that highway?� he asks. But the Asian looks and sees nothing, just an open field with a few cows grazing.

"I don't see any highway," the Asian says, straining his eyes.

“At this, the African smiles, taps himself on the chest, and boasts, "One hundred percent!" �
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Post by Repatriate »

Rock wrote: I'm about done with a pretty interesting book which touches on many of the problems of Africa - "Out of America: A Black Man Confronts Africa". In this book, the author, Keith Richburg paraphrases an old UN joke comparing corruption in Asia to that in Africa. The joke would go a long way in explaining why Asia has advanced so much in the last few decades while Africa has only lost ground. Here it is:

“An Asian and an African become friends while they are both attending graduate school in the West. Years later, they each rise to become the finance minister of their respective countries. One day, the African ventures to Asia to visit his old friend, and is startled by the Asian's palatial home, the three Mercedes-Benzes in the circular drive, the swimming pool, the servants.

"My God!" the African exclaims. “We were just poor students before! How on earth can you now afford all this?�

“And the Asian takes his African friend to the window and points to a sparkling new elevated highway in the distance. “You see that toll road?� says the Asian, and then he proudly taps himself on the chest. “Ten percent.� And the African nods approvingly.

“A few years later, the Asian ventures to Africa, to return the visit to his old friend. He finds the African living in a massive estate sprawling over several acres. There's a fleet of dozens of Mercedes-Benzes in the driveway, and indoor pool and tennis courts, and army of uniformed chauffeurs and servants. “My God!� says the Asian. “How on earth do you afford all this?�

“This time the African takes his Asian friend to the window and points. “You see that highway?� he asks. But the Asian looks and sees nothing, just an open field with a few cows grazing.

"I don't see any highway," the Asian says, straining his eyes.

“At this, the African smiles, taps himself on the chest, and boasts, "One hundred percent!" �
Heh that's an awesome joke. That 10% thing is real too. Thaksin the fugitive PM of Thailand once did an interview with the western press and he was pretty candid about the corruption. He said every major government sponsored civil project in Thailand involves a 10%-15% "gratuity" or tea money as the cost of doing business.

If you wanted an asian country that is pretty similar to countries in Africa i'd say Indonesia and Philippines would be good examples. Both are ruled by petty land holding families who loot the country dry every few decades before a new batch of similarly connected families take control again.

In Thailand they loot and plunder the coffers too but the mercantile class understands that it's not wise to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs. That's why the wealthy aligned against Thaksin because he was viewed as trying to control everything from politics, big business, to social discourse. That's just not the way it works in most SE and NE Asian countries they have their way of dividing power to balance it out a bit.
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