Is far right ideology more popular among post-liberals then natural conservatives?

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Is far right ideology more popular among post-liberals then natural conservatives?

Post by Outcast9428 »

Before getting into my analysis, I want to define what I mean by the terms I used.

When referring to post-liberals, I am talking about people who have spent a lot of time in liberal environments in their past. A decent chunk of their past was spent among liberal peers and they probably agreed with them at one point as well. This means that post-liberals are people who grew up, perceiving liberalism as the default ideology, but have since rejected it in favor of conservatism.

Natural conservatives are people who have grown up with conservatism as the default ideology. Most of their peers and influences in life have been conservative.

Far right ideology is typically a combination of believing in biological/genetic determinism, and authoritarian traditionalism. Mainstream conservatives tend to believe in what one could refer to as libertarian traditionalism. Essentially "we believe in traditional values, but its okay if you don't." Authoritarian traditionalists on the other hand openly support imposing traditional values on the population, as they believe traditional values reflects what is objectively good on a moral level. Biological/genetic determinism is essentially saying that most of people's behavior can be explained by analyzing their genetics.

Anyway, moving onto my analysis. I was reading a book recommended by Tucker Carlson called "Sex Matters: How Modern Feminism Lost Touch With Science, Love, and Common Sense." And I am beginning to realize why the far right and the mainstream right look at each other almost as alien ideologies. On the surface, we appear to have similar views, with far right people simply wanting to impose their views on other people rather then just believing in it individually. But as I'm starting to notice, what appears to be a small difference in worldviews is actually a huge difference to the point where the difference between the worldview of far right conservatives as opposed to mainstream conservatives is just as big as the one between mainstream conservatives, and liberals.

I strongly suspect the reason why, comes down to which side each one perceives as the default ideology of most American people. Mainstream conservatives seem to assume that most people are conservative whereas far right conservatives assume most people are liberal. Mainstream conservatives take conservatism for granted, believing it is the natural way for human beings to behave. Mainstream conservatives seem to assume that liberalism is mostly being pushed by the government or by propaganda and other socially caused factors. The far right, on the other hand, seem to believe that liberalism is the natural way for humans to behave, therefore, conservative social norms will only survive through aggressive enforcement.

I noticed for example that in the Sex Matters book, the author genuinely seems to believe that women have little to no interest in casual sex and that slutty behavior by women is almost entirely the result of men's expectations. Essentially, women are slutty because men want them to be, pressure them into being sluts. For myself and other people on the far right, however, the belief is that feminism was born entirely out of the desire of average females to be sluts. Basically, women created feminism for the explicit purpose of freeing themselves to be sluts and that it was mostly men in fact who wanted to stop them in the historical past until the 1960s and 70s came around when most young men became liberals. So mainstream conservatives, likely as a result of being raised in the 70s, 80s, and 90s, believe that liberal views towards sex are more natural to men while conservative views towards sex are more natural to women. The far right, oddly enough, seems to agree with the feminists that the opposite is true. Both the far right and the feminists believe the inherently slutty nature of women is the reason for their freedom having been restricted in the historical past. Of course, the far right believes these measures were necessary to keep civilization in order while feminists think these restrictions were bad.

I think post-liberals are more likely to become far right conservatives because post-liberals have seen for themselves just how much destruction and suffering liberal ideology really causes while mainstream conservatives are mostly unaware. Post liberals are also more aware of the tricks and tactics liberals and progressives employ to try to win and are less forgiving towards their enemies then mainstream conservatives are. I also think post liberals are more attracted to the far right because they believe liberalism is really dangerous and must be destroyed at all costs whereas mainstream conservatives don't feel nearly as threatened by it.

I remember reading this article and finding it fascinating as it perfectly encapsulates my background and ideology... ... nservatism

This quote in particular... "If you’re scandalized by the language of “counterrevolution” or surprised to hear a conservative talk about “destroying” things and “overthrowing” regimes, you probably haven’t spent much time around right-wing college grads of late. Which makes sense. As a matter of demography, they’re exceedingly hard to find. “Young, highly educated people, as a group, are now overwhelmingly Democratic to an extent that’s literally never been seen before, probably ever in history,” explained David Shor, the progressive pollster and statistician. The well-known liberal biases of millennials have held for Generation Z, and education polarization continues apace. We’ve become accustomed to thinking about the distorting effect these factors have on Democratic campaigns and NGOs, which are dominated by young activists with beliefs well to the left of the median Democrat. But the same forces are shaping the right’s leading lights. Given the high statistical likelihood that a young person who went to college is a Democrat, those college grads who are not liberal—the hardheaded holdouts who buck the trend—tend to be, well, as Shor put it, “really very weird.”

I am a college grad and I absolutely despise liberalism, more then any conservative I've ever met. College is exactly what made me hate liberalism. The idea of an entire society permanently looking like college life is my idea of a living nightmare. I couldn't wait to graduate while I was in college and now that I have been graduated for two years, I have no desire to return whatsoever. I used to tell my ex that I despised every aspect of the college lifestyle and she would say "don't say that!" And I would reply with "I do, I absolutely hated it."

Perhaps what turns young people into far right conservatives is a deep, seething hatred of college life and everything it stands for and this is why we are so authoritarian compared to most conservatives.
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