Are White People the Best at Hiding Their Inner Nature?

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Are White People the Best at Hiding Their Inner Nature?

Post by Outcast9428 »

My friend and I were discussing something really profound tonight, and I think this might be the biggest reason why I flip back and forth when it comes to my opinion on White people. I have consistently loved Asians the most, but my views on White people tend to be more mixed. Being White myself makes me dislike hearing what I feel are blatantly false accusations, but I feel like my opinions on my own race are pretty fair for the most part because there are a lot of parts of "White culture" so to speak that I'm not really fond of. And I think this is one of the biggest ones. I told my friend, I think this might be the biggest reason why there are so many White people who gravitate towards various kinds of non-White peoples and prefer them over White people.

What sparked this discussion is that I mentioned to my friend that maybe the crime rates aren't as lopsided as we think they are because I've encountered so many internet scams and there are so many stories online about people who've gotten themselves into really sketchy situations because of the anonymous internet world. A lot of times, when the internet meets the real world, it leads to really scary situations. And I told my friend, I feel like most of those crimes are committed by White people. Blacks and Hispanics are the most likely to rob you on the streets, but White people are the most likely to trick you into getting yourself into a really bad situation.

So I told my friend, I think the biggest reason why there are so many White people who prefer the company of non-Whites, is because White people are the most socially complex race on Earth. There are often major disparities between how White people act in public vs how they act in private whereas other races kind of act the same in public as they act in private. There's also a big culture among White people that basically says "do whatever you want in private but don't take that out onto the streets or into public." There's a very "don't ask, don't tell" kind of element to White culture that I think causes White people to be surprisingly soft on some really sketchy and immoral behavior. Whereas most other races seem to demand more consistency between people's public lives and private lives.

All the other races tend to be much more direct and honest about what they are. There have been many times, however, when I've met White people who seemed completely normal but had a dark side to them that was so bad that it really freaked me out. I've also thought to myself that pretty much all White societies have really wholesome "streets" so to speak but that all of them have a pretty dark underbelly. Countries like Germany, Austria, and Sweden have almost no street crime, but statistics show that they are the worst countries in the world when it comes to porn searches for S&M type stuff, and numerous different surveys I've seen about global fantasizing and engagement with S&M fetishes, along with other sick fetishes.

I also notice that White people seem obsessed with the idea that culture has everything to do with people's personality and development. That whatever the culture is like is what's going to influence people the most. They can't seem to accept the idea of genetic determinism and they are the most likely to believe that there's some kind of catch, or some sort of secret to societies, groups, or people that seem to be very nice. White people seem to be some of the least trusting people as well, they don't take people at face value nearly as much as other races do... Which is a big part of why there's so much social breakdown among White countries. When I talk to non-white people on the other hand, they seem much more prepared to accept that people are simply the way they are. Whether its a spiritual argument or a biological/scientific argument... Non-white people seem to believe much more strongly that cultures are the way they are because the people made them that way, whereas White people believe its the reverse, that people are the way they are, because the culture made them that way. But that in secret/private, they have a different personality. Even a lot of right-leaning White people can't seem to accept that other people might simply be biologically different from them and that this leads to radically different perspectives on how people are and how the world in general is.

I also notice that with every other race, I can point to clear examples of their race transcending culture. Blacks for example, pretty much behave the same everywhere... Everywhere they go, you see the same problems with crime, impulsive behavior, and general dysfunction whether its Africa, Black American cities, Jamaica, Haiti, or Brazilian Blacks. With Hispanics, you also notice they are mostly immunized from the larger culture, tend to socialize mainly amongst themselves and don't really assimilate much into the wider culture. With Asians, you find that even in the most degenerate cultures/environments that they don't usually seem tempted to become degenerates themselves. They struggle in environments that promote impulsivity and informal socializing, because they are so biologically suited to formal and orderly social environments that it is really difficult for them to adapt to cultures that demand more "looseness" from them, so to speak which is a big reason why they don't engage in hookup culture much compared to other races. Basically, pretty much all Black cultures are very liberal, pretty much all Hispanic cultures are moderately liberal, and pretty much all Asian cultures are mildly or moderately conservative.

White people on the other hand, have really, really, radically different cultures. White cultures vary between extremely left-wing and extremely liberal cultures to some very conservative ones. With every other race on the other hand, there's a lot more uniformity in terms of how their social norms tend to be.

I think the biggest reason for why all of us, regardless of our opinions, seem to struggle to fit in with White culture is because all of us are very blunt and direct, to the point of being abrasive in many cases. White culture in general is just not very direct, it encourages people to hide who they are more... Whereas all of us here on this forum are extremely direct and perhaps overly honest people.

All that being said, I still think when you take everything into account, I still prefer White culture over Black or Hispanic culture and I probably would prefer it over mainstream Arab culture too. Its mainly just Asian people who I feel a really easy mental connection with. I think I get along with Asians because I tend to be complex analytically but socially simple minded. That's kind of how Asians are, they are very analytical but socially, they are much more simple then White people are. And that is a huge blessing when it comes to dating because Asian girls don't run shit-tests on me and will just tell me straight up if they like me and are interested in dating me.
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