You Need To Work And Have A Job!

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Re: You Need To Work And Have A Job!

Post by 88jose88 »

I am not a bum because anytime I do work I have gotten praises from my employers for working hard.

I have some documentation issues in the last year which should be settled soon,my sis had my passport,and my social worker is using it to get a social security card to apply for job training like cna work.

My sister didn't want to send my passport in the mail for understandable reasons,but now I have it and just need to go thru the process.
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Re: You Need To Work And Have A Job!

Post by MrMan »

88jose88 wrote:
January 12th, 2024, 7:00 pm
I am not a bum because anytime I do work I have gotten praises from my employers for working hard.

I have some documentation issues in the last year which should be settled soon,my sis had my passport,and my social worker is using it to get a social security card to apply for job training like cna work.

My sister didn't want to send my passport in the mail for understandable reasons,but now I have it and just need to go thru the process.
Your situation greatly resembles that of a guy on here named Willey.

I hope you get a good job.
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Re: You Need To Work And Have A Job!

Post by Pixel--Dude »

MrMan wrote:
January 12th, 2024, 8:40 am
Pixel--Dude wrote:
January 11th, 2024, 11:31 pm
Freedom of travel should be a basic human right. Nobody should be forced to sacrifice months or years of their time working for some corporation just for the right to travel abroad. It sucks.
If no one is working and everyone is exercising their human rights to travel, who will make stuff? Who will fly the planes to get you across the world? Who will cook your tacos or curry when you get to the foreign country? The cooks will be out travelling as well. Who will run the hotels? The hotel will be shut down so all the employees can be somewhere else in the world looking for a hotel since all the ones there are shut down.

If you do not work and produce anything, why should you have a right to eat anything?
What are you talking about? Do you think that in a world where people have freedom of travel that absolutely everyone will be exercising that right at the same time or something? Lol.

This is a typical NPC response. "If you don't work you don't deserve to eat :P " well of course if you live in a world where you supposedly have human rights then please tell me what human rights you actually have if you don't even have the most basic right to eat to sustain your existence unless you work and pay for the privilege!

We're treated like cattle and livestock with no rights at all. We don't have a right to eat, travel or even a right to property unless paid for. We don't even have the right to die for free. How sickening is that?! The only thing more sickening than all this is the fact that absolute wally brain NPCS celebrate this system and support it because they believe they have freedom. :roll: what a bloody joke.

Most of the shitty jobs people have today can be automated. Why should we have people working just for the sake of it? It's stupid and unnecessary. People should be free to live life however they want without some asshole in a suit deciding what their future should be. In my opinion if you're some idiotic degenerate that lives to pack boxes in a factory or push trolleys around Asda carpark and that is your passion in life then you might as well just die, as harsh as that sounds. :lol:

I would literally rather die than have to live as a serf to bullshit corporations. Spending all my energy, time and mental and physical health to slave away just to earn the "right" to exist is an absolute joke! I've made a thread about how I believe proletariat losers who promote this slave mentality and work ethic are just degenerate scum who have no mind or soul of their own.
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Re: You Need To Work And Have A Job!

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

No need to work when A.I and robots take over within five to ten years...
Then we have to live with UBI or get wiped out by killer nanobots.
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Re: You Need To Work And Have A Job!

Post by MrMan »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
January 13th, 2024, 3:20 pm
MrMan wrote:
January 12th, 2024, 8:40 am
Pixel--Dude wrote:
January 11th, 2024, 11:31 pm
Freedom of travel should be a basic human right. Nobody should be forced to sacrifice months or years of their time working for some corporation just for the right to travel abroad. It sucks.
If no one is working and everyone is exercising their human rights to travel, who will make stuff? Who will fly the planes to get you across the world? Who will cook your tacos or curry when you get to the foreign country? The cooks will be out travelling as well. Who will run the hotels? The hotel will be shut down so all the employees can be somewhere else in the world looking for a hotel since all the ones there are shut down.

If you do not work and produce anything, why should you have a right to eat anything?
What are you talking about? Do you think that in a world where people have freedom of travel that absolutely everyone will be exercising that right at the same time or something? Lol.
We do have a right to travel. The US and UK let their citizens, who haven't committed certain crimes who pay the fees, to get a passport and don't block us when we leave. Now there are exceptions for certain countries. Americans can't freely fly to Iran or South Korea, for example, but otherwise, we have a legal right to travel.

Look at your post though "Nobody should be forced to sacrifice months or years of their time working for some corporation just for the right to travel abroad." The reason many people work for corporations for months out of the year is to afford to eat, pay rent, and spend their discretionary income. Travel is one of the options for discretionary income. And corporations give employees a certain amount of time off. One place I worked had 'core leave' where we had to take at least so many days off in a row-- 10 or so. That's not much for international travel, but at least they want one to take a large block off instead of breaking it all up.

So interpreted 'right to travel' to mean have some kind of right to just have the money, without working. If that is not what you meant, then please clarify.
This is a typical NPC response. "If you don't work you don't deserve to eat :P " well of course if you live in a world where you supposedly have human rights then please tell me what human rights you actually have if you don't even have the most basic right to eat to sustain your existence unless you work and pay for the privilege!
The concepts of legal rights from several hundred years ago, ideas present in English law that also manifested in the Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution, the French Rights of Man, etc. have to do with having freedom to speak, assembly, freedom of religion, etc. I don't have a 'right' to make other people give me money so I can leach of the. What about their right not to be leached off of. The money comes from somewhere (well they print it), but it loosely represents production, which comes from a combination of people's labor, raw materials, capital, etc. If you have property rights, that means you have the right for someone else not to take it.

If everybody is a leech, there will be no blood to suck. I'd imagine NPCs in the online games are the ones _least_ likely to think this through.

When the English Pilgrims sailed from Holland to Massachusetts, after surviving the brutal winter, they tried common ownership and it didn't work out that well. Then they divided up the farms and let people keep their food, and people worked harder and they didn't starve.

We're treated like cattle and livestock with no rights at all. We don't have a right to eat, travel or even a right to property unless paid for. We don't even have the right to die for free. How sickening is that?! The only thing more sickening than all this is the fact that absolute wally brain NPCS celebrate this system and support it because they believe they have freedom. :roll: what a bloody joke.
Most of the shitty jobs people have today can be automated. Why should we have people working just for the sake of it? It's stupid and unnecessary. People should be free to live life however they want without some asshole in a suit deciding what their future should be. In my opinion if you're some idiotic degenerate that lives to pack boxes in a factory or push trolleys around Asda carpark and that is your passion in life then you might as well just die, as harsh as that sounds. :lol:
If you don't own the machine that replaces you and you do not own the business it belongs to, you have no right to the production of the company or its profits--certainly not an ethical or moral right even if the state intervenes.
I would literally rather die than have to live as a serf to bullshit corporations. Spending all my energy, time and mental and physical health to slave away just to earn the "right" to exist is an absolute joke! I've made a thread about how I believe proletariat losers who promote this slave mentality and work ethic are just degenerate scum who have no mind or soul of their own.
There are other options, One is to own your own business. But there are legal advantages to setting up a lot of small businesses as corporations, so you'd could think of yourself as a serf who owns himself if you did that. You can also work for a small business that is not incorporated, a non-profit, or a government agency.

Whose the scum, someone who is willing to work to support himself or someone who just wants to mooch off of everyone else and not contribute?
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Re: You Need To Work And Have A Job!

Post by Lucas88 »

MrMan wrote:
January 13th, 2024, 6:59 pm
Whose the scum, someone who is willing to work to support himself or someone who just wants to mooch off of everyone else and not contribute?
Unfortunately for those with your line of thinking of "those who don't work shall not eat", most of you people will soon become "useless eaters" who don't produce anything or make any real economic contribution to society as Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) evolves exponentially, begins to outperform human workers in just about every field, and then finally displaces almost the entire workforce. The elites (the real ones who own all of the large corporations and most of the planet's wealth, not the government) will supposedly give you all your monthly UBI allowance which you'll rely on to eat, shelter and clothe yourselves. I seriously doubt that you'll refuse to eat out of moral principles. :lol:

We're at the start of the AI boom and a revolution in the field of robotics and the elites themselves are now predicting that AGI will make almost all jobs obsolete in a matter of decades. Here is a video about the recent IMF report on the frontier of automation and its predicted effects on the labor marker in the next 5-20 years:

You talk about property rights and whatnot, but what you don't seem to understand is that the people who are planning to implement this system of near-complete automation of labor and UBI aren't communist revolutionaries seeking to overthrow Western capitalism but rather the World Economic Forum and the corporate elites who already own the vast majority of the planet's resources and means of production. Those corporate elites will implement their novel economic vision through the exercise of their own immense property rights.

As for everybody else, it is predicted that we will all receive UBI as increasingly more economically valuable tasks are taken over by much more efficient systems of AGI and employment opportunities become exceedingly scarce as a result of this. At least that is what they're telling us.

However, as much as an optimistic techno-futurist that I am, the conspiracy theorist in me expects a much darker scenario to unfold.

Unfortunately for most of us, our world is currently run by an insane apocalyptic Kabbalah cult, namely Chabad-Lubavitch, and from everything that I've researched on this cult's bizarre ideology it's clear to me that the elite echelon of the Tribe wishes to exterminate the vast majority of Gentiles (and even secular "apostate" Jews too) through manufactured wars, starvation and pandemics (the WEF is already talking about future pandemics "far worse than Covid") now that AGI has the very real capacity to replace most human labor. The 2,800 Gentile slaves which the Talmud says that every Jew will own in the Messianic Age will no longer be necessary. So now the elites simply want to kill most of us off. That's why those depopulationists rolled out the vaccine. :x

The "people", if you can even call them that, who want to automate most if not all labor in the context of a centralized system already own most things of real value in the world and shockingly wish to exterminate most of the people who will be rendered "useless eaters" in the next few decades. If those genocidal scumbags are successful, then few people will even have a future in the world to come.

My position is that we must somehow collectively overthrow the elites behind this nefarious agenda and quickly at that if we want to guarantee a future for ourselves and our progeny. Failure to do so will only result in our extermination.

Nevertheless, even if we do manage to overcome this terrifying existential threat and establish our own Gentile systems of governance, AGI and robotics will still continue to evolve to the point where it would be simply illogical not to automate most labor. The machines will soon be more efficient than any human worker at most tasks and, for anybody who isn't a complete double-digit IQ methane-breather, performing repetitious tasks for 40 hours a week in exchange for some artificial currency printed out of nowhere is nothing more than a complete waste of one's lifeforce anyway. We are currently living in the 21st century and are on the verge of another far-reaching technological revolution. Archaic moral values such as "those who don't work shall not eat" no longer have any relevance other than in the minds of unenlightened retrograde individuals.

By the way, still don't believe that the fast food industry will ever be automated? :wink:

And remember that this is only 2024. Imagine how much more advanced this technology will be in 2034 and then again in 2044. 8)
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Re: You Need To Work And Have A Job!

Post by Roccia »

WE should NEET, there is NO reason us happier abroaders should contribute to this hellscape of modern world that hates us and made our life a living hell. Unfortunately here in Cuckstralia it is VERY hard for a man to get welfare, most are ethnics, especially abos that get heaps of welfare from white liberal scum that hate their own kind, and make the life of whites even worse than it already is.
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Re: You Need To Work And Have A Job!

Post by MrMan »

Lucas88 wrote:
January 13th, 2024, 9:06 pm
MrMan wrote:
January 13th, 2024, 6:59 pm
Whose the scum, someone who is willing to work to support himself or someone who just wants to mooch off of everyone else and not contribute?
Unfortunately for those with your line of thinking of "those who don't work shall not eat", most of you people will soon become "useless eaters" who don't produce anything or make any real economic contribution to society as Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) evolves exponentially, begins to outperform human workers in just about every field, and then finally displaces almost the entire workforce. The elites (the real ones who own all of the large corporations and most of the planet's wealth, not the government) will supposedly give you all your monthly UBI allowance which you'll rely on to eat, shelter and clothe yourselves. I seriously doubt that you'll refuse to eat out of moral principles. :lol:

We're at the start of the AI boom and a revolution in the field of robotics and the elites themselves are now predicting that AGI will make almost all jobs obsolete in a matter of decades. Here is a video about the recent IMF report on the frontier of automation and its predicted effects on the labor marker in the next 5-20 years:

You talk about property rights and whatnot, but what you don't seem to understand is that the people who are planning to implement this system of near-complete automation of labor and UBI aren't communist revolutionaries seeking to overthrow Western capitalism but rather the World Economic Forum and the corporate elites who already own the vast majority of the planet's resources and means of production. Those corporate elites will implement their novel economic vision through the exercise of their own immense property rights.

As for everybody else, it is predicted that we will all receive UBI as increasingly more economically valuable tasks are taken over by much more efficient systems of AGI and employment opportunities become exceedingly scarce as a result of this. At least that is what they're telling us.

However, as much as an optimistic techno-futurist that I am, the conspiracy theorist in me expects a much darker scenario to unfold.

Unfortunately for most of us, our world is currently run by an insane apocalyptic Kabbalah cult, namely Chabad-Lubavitch, and from everything that I've researched on this cult's bizarre ideology it's clear to me that the elite echelon of the Tribe wishes to exterminate the vast majority of Gentiles (and even secular "apostate" Jews too) through manufactured wars, starvation and pandemics (the WEF is already talking about future pandemics "far worse than Covid") now that AGI has the very real capacity to replace most human labor. The 2,800 Gentile slaves which the Talmud says that every Jew will own in the Messianic Age will no longer be necessary. So now the elites simply want to kill most of us off. That's why those depopulationists rolled out the vaccine. :x

The "people", if you can even call them that, who want to automate most if not all labor in the context of a centralized system already own most things of real value in the world and shockingly wish to exterminate most of the people who will be rendered "useless eaters" in the next few decades. If those genocidal scumbags are successful, then few people will even have a future in the world to come.

My position is that we must somehow collectively overthrow the elites behind this nefarious agenda and quickly at that if we want to guarantee a future for ourselves and our progeny. Failure to do so will only result in our extermination.

Nevertheless, even if we do manage to overcome this terrifying existential threat and establish our own Gentile systems of governance, AGI and robotics will still continue to evolve to the point where it would be simply illogical not to automate most labor. The machines will soon be more efficient than any human worker at most tasks and, for anybody who isn't a complete double-digit IQ methane-breather, performing repetitious tasks for 40 hours a week in exchange for some artificial currency printed out of nowhere is nothing more than a complete waste of one's lifeforce anyway. We are currently living in the 21st century and are on the verge of another far-reaching technological revolution. Archaic moral values such as "those who don't work shall not eat" no longer have any relevance other than in the minds of unenlightened retrograde individuals.

By the way, still don't believe that the fast food industry will ever be automated? :wink:

And remember that this is only 2024. Imagine how much more advanced this technology will be in 2034 and then again in 2044. 8)
I've seen some of the conspiracy videos about Jews, and its usually a case of unjustifiable conclusions drawn from the information presented, IMO, from what I have seen. So I don't share the conspiracy theory with you. If radical Jews think the Talmud says there will be so many Gentile slaves per Jew, why would they think they can prevent that from happening.

There is a labor shortage now, and I think we will continue to have humans doing things, but I do predict more automation in fast food. Checkers already has an AI bot taking orders. It doesn't handle unusual orders well right now, but may in the future. I think it silly to think the robot hands and arms flipping burgers will be the norm in the future. They could automate burger making to look more like an assembly line, with a burger being dropped when the order is placed, moved into a frier, moved further down, a machine puts it on a bun, machines add condiments. Fries could similarly be automated. The food pops out at the end. The question is whether to have a human hand it to you. They will probably keep at least one human face around.

With the labor shortage or their policies, it is taking several minutes to get fast food, when it used to take a minute. The food can be as slow as a sit-down restaurant. Taco bell is switching to one kitchen for multiple stores. If freshness isn't their point of competitive advantage, they are sacrificing it. But price isn't their selling point either. Neither is taste. Maybe they will rely on location. Real Mexican food can be just a dollar or two more than taco bell.
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Re: You Need To Work And Have A Job!

Post by Lucas88 »

MrMan wrote:
January 14th, 2024, 2:32 pm
I've seen some of the conspiracy videos about Jews, and its usually a case of unjustifiable conclusions drawn from the information presented, IMO, from what I have seen. So I don't share the conspiracy theory with you. If radical Jews think the Talmud says there will be so many Gentile slaves per Jew, why would they think they can prevent that from happening.
You don't see what is happening because you obviously haven't looked very deeply into the material, are largely ignorant of the topic and aren't even willing to look into any of this with an open mind since you're already blinded beyond all hope by your Judaic religion and could never accept that Yahweh's chosen people are in fact a bunch of racist and genocidal scumbags with a world domination agenda. You are a man of faith and are therefore not built to handle uncomfortable truths.

I on the other hand have obsessively studied the Kabbalistic texts and in particular the teachings of Chabad-Lubavitch, the largest Kabbalah organization in the world with ties to many political leaders and significant influence. All I can say is that the Kabbalistic texts and tradition are full of explicit descriptions of non-Jews as beasts and unclean souls born out of the Qliphoth of the dark side, hubristic talk of revenge against certain nations which the Chabad rabbis associate in no uncertain terms with modern nations together with a fervent desire for their destruction and annihilation, and a "Messianic agenda" to establish a worldwide tyranny, loot the wealth of the nations, exterminate most of the goyim, and turn the rest into Noahides.

You in your laughable denial might argue that I don't understand the texts, that I'm taking the message out of context, but, unfortunately for you philosemitic Christians, the Chabad rabbis and Kabbalists themselves explain with crystalline clarity what these teachings mean in their online seminars and are now open about what they teach due to their inordinate hubris. These scumbags openly talk about how Jewish souls are a higher species which comes from the divine realm of Adam Kadmon (a basic Kabbalistic teaching), how non-Jews are evil souls from the lower spheres of the abyss and deserve no respect, how they seek to orchestrate the cultural genocide of Europe for the fulfillment of biblical prophecy and the promise of Edom's destruction, and how in the Messianic Age most Gentiles will be exterminated and the few survivors will become nothing more than Noahide slaves for the Jews. All of this is abundantly available for the eyes to see but people like you are either unaware of it or foolishly choose to ignore it.

Also note that these teachings aren't just the ramblings of some fringe rabbis; they're firmly rooted in the Kabbalistic tradition from the Zohar all the way to the Lurianic material and the Sefer ha-Tanya (Chabad's foundational text) and are currently being taught by a Jewish organization which exerts tremendous influence over global politics and involves connections to the likes of Netanyahu, Putin, Trump, DeSantis and many others.

I'd like to be able to tell you that you of all people should distrust or even loathe these Jewish supremacist Chabadniks and Kabbalists due to their hatred for your precious Jesus, just like my antisemitic bro @WilliamSmith once did, but those same rabbis actually don't hate Jesus. I've already seen at least a handful of them teaching that Jesus was a false Messiah for Edom but at the same time a "double agent" who will betray the Gentiles, return to the side of Israel and judge the nations. Understand that these Kabbalists regard all non-Jews including Christians as cattle to be culled or enslaved as Noahides under their rule. They view Jesus as just another agent of deception for the subjugation of the nations.

And yes, the Talmud is indeed as filthy, obscene and depraved as many people claim it to be. It's certainly one of the most disgusting bodies of literature ever to be written for anybody who isn't a complete degenerate.

These people affiliated with Chabad and the broader Chassidic movement and Kabbalah circles are absolute scumbags. Yet Jewdeo-Christians like you make excuses for these people, give them a free pass and aren't even willing to recognize any of their evildoings and perverse nature just because they're Yahweh's chosen people. For fcuk sake, these Chabadniks and Kabbalists despise you, regard you as an impure soul and cattle, and desire the destruction of your people. And you still shill for them like a good little Notzri shabbos goy! :lol:
MrMan wrote:
January 14th, 2024, 2:32 pm
There is a labor shortage now, and I think we will continue to have humans doing things, but I do predict more automation in fast food. Checkers already has an AI bot taking orders. It doesn't handle unusual orders well right now, but may in the future. I think it silly to think the robot hands and arms flipping burgers will be the norm in the future. They could automate burger making to look more like an assembly line, with a burger being dropped when the order is placed, moved into a frier, moved further down, a machine puts it on a bun, machines add condiments. Fries could similarly be automated. The food pops out at the end. The question is whether to have a human hand it to you. They will probably keep at least one human face around.

With the labor shortage or their policies, it is taking several minutes to get fast food, when it used to take a minute. The food can be as slow as a sit-down restaurant. Taco bell is switching to one kitchen for multiple stores. If freshness isn't their point of competitive advantage, they are sacrificing it. But price isn't their selling point either. Neither is taste. Maybe they will rely on location. Real Mexican food can be just a dollar or two more than taco bell.
You're just showing that you have no understanding of the issue at hand with your mention of the "labor shortage". The issue at hand isn't simply about whether or not humans will work alongside automated systems in fast food restaurants. Rather the issue is the reality that AI and robotics, especially with the advent of Artificial General Intelligence, are expected to advance so rapidly and exponentially in the next two decades that automation will render most forms of human labor obsolete to such an extent that the IMF is currently in the process of weighing up the consequences and there is discussion about the introduction of UBI as a necessary countermeasure. You haven't grasped the overall picture.

As soon as AI and robotics become evolved to the point where machines and computers are able to perform most tasks more efficiently than any human worker in the context of an automated system, then it will make no sense for people to spend 40 hours of their week performing some repetitious and monotonous task for the purpose of "earning a living". Society will continue to evolve technologically as predicted and intelligent and enlightened people will come up with ways to restructure how people live in light of technological innovations and new possibilities. Meanwhile, those who for whatever reason are still preoccupied with archaic moral notions such as "those who don't work shall not eat" will simply be left behind and will probably bemoan these things with other low IQ troglodytes.
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Re: You Need To Work And Have A Job!

Post by 88jose88 »

MrMan wrote:
January 13th, 2024, 6:12 am
88jose88 wrote:
January 12th, 2024, 7:00 pm
I am not a bum because anytime I do work I have gotten praises from my employers for working hard.

I have some documentation issues in the last year which should be settled soon,my sis had my passport,and my social worker is using it to get a social security card to apply for job training like cna work.

My sister didn't want to send my passport in the mail for understandable reasons,but now I have it and just need to go thru the process.
Your situation greatly resembles that of a guy on here named Willey.

I hope you get a good job.
Thanks,I want to go back to school but right now I need to save up to move,get some items I need and pay for a medical procedure I need (foregen among other things)so I'm trying to become a's quick and doesn't cost much for enrollment.Tomorrow my social worker comes by to get me a social security card.I'm also moving to a white area that's safe,a new group home by the end of this month so I'm happy about that.
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