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Geert Vanden Bossche Bombshell Covid Prediction

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Geert Vanden Bossche Bombshell Covid Prediction

Post by rudder »

I listened to a recent interview with Geert Vanden Bossche from the beginning of April. For those who don’t know, he’s one of the top virologists/vaccinologists. He used to work for the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation. He basically says that he’s 50% sure we’ll start seeing his prediction by the end of April and 99% sure by the end of June. His prediction: That we will start seeing a hyper-acute covid phase with a new mutant strain that the mainstream media will likely treat as a new virus even though it is a mutation of covid-19. The vaccinated will be affected, because this is essentially a form of gain of function that they have helped create on the global stage by receiving overly specific vaccinations that have been too narrow in scope, and have compromised the native immunity of those who have received covid jabs. The so-called unvaccinated will be unaffected and/or just experience a minor cold.

The new mutation will kill lots of people. It will be fast. Many people will die within 24 hours following the start of the illness. It will cause major societal upheavel. And we will basically have to start a new society following this. He says that prophylactic anti-virals can save the vaccinated population, but they must not wait until the onset of symptoms to start taking these medications. By then it will be too late for the anti-virals to be effective. Once you start seeing the media wave about hospitals being overwhelmed, you should start taking anti-virals if you have had a covid jab. Geert says anti-virals will eventually be pushed on the population following the brunt of the outbreak.

What do you think about these lofty predictions? I personally don’t feel like I’d be ready for the sort of disruption that this would cause.

I’m sure we’ll get a solid copy&paste mainstream media hit piece or two from Yohan bringing to light some of the character assassinations against Geert in the recent past, but I feel the message is more important. Not that I feel any of the hit pieces are important. On the other hand, I feel that Geert has been moving the goal post for some time now with his predictions of mutant escape/enhanced pathogenicity, because most of the strains have been infectious but extremely weak illnesses. So why now all of a sudden are we going to see an extremely lethal mutation pop out of nowhere? I'm also a little suspicious that Geert hasn't been featured on the highwire with Del Bigtree recently. Maybe Geert has gotten greedy and brokered a few deals recently with gold and storeable food sellers?

I do get a little skeptical nowadays in my life whenever I hear someone predict imminent gloom & doom. I’ve been hearing stuff like that for over a decade, and a decade ago, I bought in to a lot of the doom & gloom, and then when the world didn’t collapse, I shook it off after a couple years and changed my world view. Maybe I was just premature in my beliefs? Nowadays it seems there are so many more believers in doom & gloom than there were back then. Maybe there will never be a reckoning? Kind of reminds me of a statement my dad made a few years ago: “Every generation has had people claiming that ‘these are the end times’”.
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Re: Geert Vanden Bossche Bombshell Covid Prediction

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Re: Geert Vanden Bossche Bombshell Covid Prediction

Post by Lucas88 »

rudder wrote:
April 19th, 2024, 7:12 am
I do get a little skeptical nowadays in my life whenever I hear someone predict imminent gloom & doom. I’ve been hearing stuff like that for over a decade, and a decade ago, I bought in to a lot of the doom & gloom, and then when the world didn’t collapse, I shook it off after a couple years and changed my world view. Maybe I was just premature in my beliefs? Nowadays it seems there are so many more believers in doom & gloom than there were back then. Maybe there will never be a reckoning? Kind of reminds me of a statement my dad made a few years ago: “Every generation has had people claiming that ‘these are the end times’”.
In previous decades the NWO agenda still wasn't ready and so even though there was a lot of talk about doom and gloom nothing significant came about it. In the 2020s, however, things are clearly getting much more serious with pandemics, a world vaccination campaign (incidentally led by the same people who've been advocating for depopulation for years), widespread economic crises, and the threat of major wars.

The NWO elites (Kabbalists) have a religiously inspired agenda to kill off most Gentiles and force the rest to become Noahides. They regard us as impure souls originating from the Sitra Achra (dark side) and view our extermination as necessary for the manifestation of the Messianic Age. This is what the Kabbalah teaches.

For decades the NWO elites needed a large serf class for the functioning of their empire, but now that AI is being developed at an unbelievably rapid rate and automation is expected to make most forms of labor obsolete, the same elites no longer need a vast army of serfs (or the 2,800 Gentile slaves that the Talmud promises every Jew). So now they simply want to exterminate most of us.

The Kabbalah even includes a particular symbolism relevant to this topic—the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge from which Adam is supposed to have eaten produces nothing but death for the first 6 days (millennia), but will become ripe on the seventh day (seventh Millennium of the Jewish calender, which is considered a Sabbath Millennium) and bring about the necessary conditions for the Messianic Kingdom.

The Kabbalists believe that they must wait for science and technology to reach a certain pinnacle before they attempt to create their envisioned Messianic utopia. That point is almost here with the development of AI. Now they are starting to really put their extermination plan into action.
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Re: Geert Vanden Bossche Bombshell Covid Prediction

Post by rudder »

Other than the covid jab, what do you see is "exterminating" people in the world nowadays? Big food and big pharma have certainly harmed people. I'll concede that. Israel was one of the worst targeted countries by the covid jab campaign, aren't the Israelis not the Goyim? So why did they seemingly attempt to exterminate themselves?

Anyhow, the deadline is quickly approaching for Vanden Bossche's predictions. I won't be the slightest bit surpised if we get through the next few months and the world keeps on going on as normal.
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Re: Geert Vanden Bossche Bombshell Covid Prediction

Post by publicduende »

That the elites in power are trying their best to accelerate their agenda of world depopulation, it's undoubted. Whether they will try to play the Covid card again, or they will use a World War 3 scenario, or heaven knows what else, that is not certain.

They have already learned that Mother Nature is against their evil plans: even the strongest lab-designed viruses tend to lose their lethality after a while, and this is a naturally occurring phenomenon. A virus needs a healthy host to start with, so it will mutate to maximise propagation at the expense of mortality.
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Re: Geert Vanden Bossche Bombshell Covid Prediction

Post by Lucas88 »

rudder wrote:
May 2nd, 2024, 6:33 pm
Other than the covid jab, what do you see is "exterminating" people in the world nowadays? Big food and big pharma have certainly harmed people. I'll concede that. Israel was one of the worst targeted countries by the covid jab campaign, aren't the Israelis not the Goyim? So why did they seemingly attempt to exterminate themselves?

Anyhow, the deadline is quickly approaching for Vanden Bossche's predictions. I won't be the slightest bit surpised if we get through the next few months and the world keeps on going on as normal.
Most people don't understand how abysmal the situation is. That's understandable since the typical person has little ability to see the bigger picture or analyze long-term effects.

The terrible food industry and big pharma are just one small aspect of a much larger problem. We as a society have been poisoned over the course of decades by a whole host of harmful toxins that flood our living environment and the result of this is our progressive biological degradation. Our genomes are degrading due to toxin exposure. Hormones have been disrupted (e.g., the dramatic decrease of testosterone in males) and fertility is at an all time low. This is all for the slow but sure destruction of our lineages.

Then the pandemic emerged and the depopulationists rolled out the vaccine. That's when they started getting serious. The vaccine could cause all kinds of untold harm in the long term. I'm not one of those who believe that there will be a mass die-off in the next two years. I've always suspected that the vax will kill people much more slowly (an immediate massive die-off would look way too suspicious and the elites are smart enough to play the long game).

Now the elites are pushing for war (possibly WW3) and talking about such things as military drafts in some countries including my own. Why do they want war? To embroil the nations in mutually consuming conflicts (the Kabbalists openly talk about this and describe it as "fulfillment of prophecy") while sending millions of young men to the slaughter. This mode of extermination hasn't begun yet, but they're trying to make it happen.

Finally, if they do successfully start WW3 (which the Kabbalists frame as "Gog and Magog"), that will certainly wreak havoc upon the global economy and might even cause many to starve. That would add to the murder count.

This is where we're at right now and the future looks very scary.

I'm not concerned about the predictions of some Bossche guy about things that are supposed to happen a few months from now. I'm far more concerned about the long-term effects of the vax, WW3, economic ruin, and starvation.

Two different groups seem to be working towards a similar agenda at the top of the pyramid—the WEF people, on the one hand; and Chabad (Kabbalists) on the other.

The WEF have already mentioned that they aim to reduce the population to about 4 billion. Funny how they also fervently promoted the vax. :?

Chabad (Kabbalists), which has significant political control in the US, Russia, Israel and other countries, has a far more extreme agenda—they want to kill off most of the world population (those who aren't Torah-observant Jews or Noahides) through world wars for the fulfillment of biblical prophecy and the manifestation of the Messianic Age.

These two elite groups might be working together since the WEF is Jew-controlled (e.g., Larry Fink, Klaus Schwab, etc.), but Chabad is the far more extreme of the two with its batshit-crazy Messianic cult agenda.

As for Israel, the elite Jews don't care about ordinary Israeli citizens. They're not part of the elite plan and, besides, the Chabad sect considers secular Jews "apostates" and teaches that such apostate Jews can have no place in the Messianic Age. Most Israelis are secular.

I of course hope that none of this is true and that it's just my paranoia running rampant (although this is unlikely since the Kabbalists are so open about their agenda). I also hope that the elites fail miserably in their nefarious plans. But things aren't looking good right now. In fact, things are looking way worse than just a few decades ago. :(
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