A Non-Threatening Dating Strategy

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Re: A Non-Threatening Dating Strategy

Post by Outcast9428 »

WilliamSmith wrote:
July 3rd, 2022, 12:02 am
Good post @WanderingProtagonist, I personally agree there's too many transexuals and homos over there in Thailand and Phillipines to be a healthy place for a family even though I do think they're really wonderful countries and like their traditional culture. But this statement here is something you often hear Asian incels latch onto a lot, but not really true as broadly as they'd like everyone to think:
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
July 2nd, 2022, 4:12 pm
I use to see Chinese looking women all the time with white men, but the main reason a lot of them do this stuff is because the majority of them hate themselves which is why they get all crazy about having half white kids and shit because they don't want them to look Asian.
So frankly, that's just NOT true, as a general thing: I 100% understand where angry Chinese guys are coming from on not wanting to be insulted by arrogant white men nailing too many of their chicks, and Emperor Xi is someone I've got hope for that he's going to play a great role in this world to hit back against ZOG and the jews that destroyed China by putting in the opium trade and f***ing them up back last century, and is now campaigning heavily to destroy modern China now by having Soros attack them and jews try to open their markets to satanic tranny Ayn Rand vulture capitalism and globohomo, so good luck China!
But when it comes to the Chinese women:
It's just not true most of them hate themselves even if they want white men, the problem is a lot of them just feel that way about us whites who are comparatively more aggressive and romantic because too many Chinese men might be cool and not have anything wrong with them at birth but they're frankly culturally conditioned to act like entitled wimps, and so the women don't feel appreciated or aroused if they unfortunately are surrounded by men like that. (And the old foolishness about penis size is a total distraction, by the way, a common one men have been misguidedly obsessed with, but trust me on this one, the #1 complaint from women about size is not men being too small, it's their husbands and boyfriends with a big schlong bruising their cervix, LOL. Learn that "welcomed method" stuff and good fingering techniques among other things, hypnotism, LOL. :lol: :lol: :lol: )

Anyway, it's similar with sexually aggressive and confident men of whatever race (black and Latino most infamously LOL) going after white women after the white women have a long history of being around piece of !@#$ worthless weak white lib faggots or other white men who aren't necessarily so bad as that, but even if the women wanted those men as their first choice, too many of the men lacked confidence and weren't sexually aggressive and didn't approach the white women, so some white women for a long time before the jews really started firehosing the "cuckolding porn" bullshit were already asking "why don't white guys hit on me", so some ended up with the blacks/browns/etc, but they weren't all self-haters:
We both know the piece of !@#$ jew pornographers try to humiliate white and Asian men with their "cuckolding" propaganda (among others, but especially them since white and Asian countries are at the top of their hitlist of nation destroying campaigns), because they want to drive a wedge between men and women, as well as young vs old, one race vs another, etc.
But we men have to do our part here too: The white men and Asian men being too much of a bunch of passive wimps just opened the field for men who go after the women, but the Chinese women are DEFINITELY not all self-haters even if they want white men. :)
In fact, tons of Chinese women are overtly downright proud of Chinese culture and think China is superior in everything even if they're hot to ball with a white man (and possibly marry one too): :lol:
I have read some quotes from ones in "Asian American" culture who say they felt self-loathing because (without trying to be hurtful to them) they're frankly being weak in not feeling like the majority pop culture beauty ideal because they're being "normies" instead of finding real confidence and believing in themselves, and there's some black women who feel similarly (though they unfortunately also tend to get torn down by some black men who say mean things about them)...
But it's about 100x easier to get native Chinese even than "Asian American" girls, and they're NOT all self-haters, LOL, they often think everything about China is superior even if they want a white man.
As for the children: Frankly most whites and Asians think they're really good looking. Sure, not all (Anthony Wong's badass and was up to his ears in p***y being a womanizer far worse than me I heard, LOL), but many are:
Brandon Lee, Michael Wong, Russel Wong, LOL, they're good looking. :wink:
There's Michael Wong at left in City Hunter, one of my old Hong Kong favorites :mrgreen:
Being sexually aggressive is not a good thing and the entire point of the civilizing process was to create a world where might does not make right, where you don't have to be an aggressive man in order to find happiness. One can have a backbone without glorifying immoral behavior.

I do not sympathize with women who claim to be suffering because the men in their countries have removed all drama and darkness from their lives. As far as I'm concerned, they are the ones who need to change because their behavior is not conductive to a healthy civilization and has been proven to be toxic to their development whereas the alternative created the beautiful, peaceful, and harmonious civilizations we currently see in Asia. The men in Asia who are staying true to their virtues and the principles that built their civilization in spite of the world's aggressive attempt to humiliate them, and coerce them and their women into sexual depravity are showing more backbone then white men ever had who instead gave in to everything their women demanded. Asian men have been giving their women a deal for hundreds of years. We will bring peace and harmony to your life if you give us peace and harmony in our lives. And most Asian women, contrary to what many think, agree to this deal. The reason why many white men love Asian women is precisely for this reason. Because Asian women are the only race of women where it is not difficult to find a woman who will allow the man they've chosen to live in peace and show his full affection for her without risk of being seen as unmanly. Of course, there are exceptions to every rule. But for the most part, Asian women generally honor this agreement and this is reflected in studies that show Asian women are half as likely as women of other races to sleep around with multiple partners, harbor fantasies about running away with forbidden lovers, of being forced to submit to sexual acts, being tied up, or being sexually humiliated/degraded. This is true even of Asian women born in Western countries which shows there really does seem to be a genetic component to it.

If a person wants to live a life of combat, competition, and constantly proving their strength to other people, then Asian civilization is not for them. Asian civilization was built for people who love peace and harmony. The gentle nature of Asian men is a big part of that. The deal with Asian civilization is that you must follow strict rules of behavior that tone down the "excitement" of life so to speak and in exchange for that, you will be rewarded with more peace then any other civilization offers. This is the backbone of their civilization and they must maintain it no matter the cost because if they don't everything that makes Asian civilization great will disappear.

Normally, I wouldn't care what other countries are doing so long as they left Asia alone. But it seems the jews and white feminists in America are determined to destroy what they have over there and that is the primary thing that motivates me to fight them. For me, Asia is my spiritual homeland. Asia gave me hope when I was miserable in college and Asia gave me the best girl I've ever met in my life. It seems the best way for me to protect them is by fighting the jews and white feminists here in America. I cannot give up until I know my descendants are free from the threat they pose. Some day, when my mission is complete and the threat is gone. I may move to Japan or Thailand and live out the rest of my days with my cute asian wife.
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Re: A Non-Threatening Dating Strategy

Post by WilliamSmith »

Outcast9428 wrote:
July 3rd, 2022, 1:57 am
Being sexually aggressive is not a good thing and the entire point of the civilizing process was to create a world where might does not make right, where you don't have to be an aggressive man in order to find happiness.
Yes it is! I'm not saying you or anyone has to be if you really don't want to, but being sexually aggressive is too a good thing: As a man, it makes you feel stronger and boosts testosterone, and women love it as long as you're a gentleman as well (and, in fact, many women frankly love it even among rather ungentlemanly men too just because masculinity is a turn-on as long as he's not being too horrible, though I personally prefer the gentlemanly approach with women). :lol:
Being sexually aggressive doesn't mean you have to be uncivilized either. You're smart but you always throw in a bunch of other stuff where there's a huge amount of overlap, like equating anything to do with "PUA" learning how to approach women and score as being "degenerate" or implying basic skills in scoring with women and knowing what turns them on somehow implies that must inevitably lead to mass promiscuity or "hookup culture." Or in this case, again, you equate sexually aggressive masculine behavior toward woman as implying "immoral behavior," but there's nothing there to connect those two dots, and women like sexually aggressive confident and masculine men because it makes them feel desired, which they love if you're in their "yes" or "maybe" groups. But even if you're in their "no thank you" or "no way" group, they usually take it as a compliment as long as you only go after women who give you at least a bit of an indication of interest she'll let you get away with at least conversation starters. :mrgreen: :lol:
But on your side topic of civilization and healthy societies: Most of the sexual perversion is so rampant precisely because it was pushed in by un-masculine physiologically and mentally twisted perverted and jews who have been recreating the world in their own perverted image, and it's the UNMASCULINE men who are wallowing in it by far the worst.
Too many men being a bunch of weak over-civilized sissified pussies is a gigantic part of the reason why whites and Asians are too much of a bunch of passive and submissive emasculated weaklings allowing the jews to take over everything in their own nations and not doing anything about it, like me and @WanderingProtagonist and @Lucas88 are often ranting about lately (and we're right), letting them spread warfare all over the planet, and promote worldwide sexual perversion and pedophilia, and some of them are so f***ed up because they're soyboys consuming estrogen mimickers and pornography that they're even going along with it as though it's a good thing. They're too dialed out of their fundamental biological primal masculine nature.

Not that I'm saying every man out there has to be sexually aggressive though: Like I said before, I support the idea of this thread for guys who are more docile and won't do it the aggressive way, and I know that will work for some of them in these more conformist environments like I said in an earlier post to support it. Like I said before, it was nice of MrMan to throw out an idea to help those types of men who are too wussy and not aggressive or confident enough to go after the women directly, so I hope it works out for them. :mrgreen:
But on your side topic of "society" and civilization: I'm not saying you personally are un-masculine just because you're on a different wavelength and want to do things in a more civilized way (though you seem rather unique), but other men being too wimpy and unmasculine may not make the man a bad person, but it is a big part of why men in modern day collapsing 'Western' societies are too weak and cowardly, and why homosexuality and transgenderism is enabled to spread like a disease more than it ever would. Why do you think the jew oligarchs pump vast fortunes into promoting emasculation of men? They know perfectly well like that little babe Candace O said that a society can't survive without strong men. "Bring back manly men," even if some of you guys prefer trying to act like passive Asians getting chicks via referrals. :)

Edit: And I didn't mean at the end to imply all Asian men aren't masculine or aggressive either, some are, and amazingly enough tend to get laid without much problems unlike passive un-masculine soyboys of all races, astoundingly enough. By the way, Emperor Xi of China just recently banned public display of effeminate "sissy men," and said Chinese boys need strong masculine role models, so they don't want transgenderism and faggotry in the Middle Kingdom. Emperor Xi is right. :lol:
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) : https://www.unz.com/page/american-pravda-series/
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Re: A Non-Threatening Dating Strategy

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

WilliamSmith wrote:
July 3rd, 2022, 1:11 pm
Outcast9428 wrote:
July 3rd, 2022, 1:57 am
Being sexually aggressive is not a good thing and the entire point of the civilizing process was to create a world where might does not make right, where you don't have to be an aggressive man in order to find happiness.
Yes it is! I'm not saying you or anyone has to be if you really don't want to, but being sexually aggressive is too a good thing: As a man, it makes you feel stronger and boosts testosterone, and women love it as long as you're a gentleman as well (and, in fact, many women frankly love it even among rather ungentlemanly men too just because masculinity is a turn-on as long as he's not being too horrible, though I personally prefer the gentlemanly approach with women). :lol:
Being sexually aggressive doesn't mean you have to be uncivilized either. You're smart but you always throw in a bunch of other stuff where there's a huge amount of overlap, like equating anything to do with "PUA" learning how to approach women and score as being "degenerate" or implying basic skills in scoring with women and knowing what turns them on somehow implies that must inevitably lead to mass promiscuity or "hookup culture." Or in this case, again, you equate sexually aggressive masculine behavior toward woman as implying "immoral behavior," but there's nothing there to connect those two dots, and women like sexually aggressive confident and masculine men because it makes them feel desired, which they love if you're in their "yes" or "maybe" groups. But even if you're in their "no thank you" or "no way" group, they usually take it as a compliment as long as you only go after women who give you at least a bit of an indication of interest she'll let you get away with at least conversation starters. :mrgreen: :lol:
But on your side topic of civilization and healthy societies: Most of the sexual perversion is so rampant precisely because it was pushed in by un-masculine physiologically and mentally twisted perverted and jews who have been recreating the world in their own perverted image, and it's the UNMASCULINE men who are wallowing in it by far the worst.
Too many men being a bunch of weak over-civilized sissified pussies is a gigantic part of the reason why whites and Asians are too much of a bunch of passive and submissive emasculated weaklings allowing the jews to take over everything in their own nations and not doing anything about it, like me and @WanderingProtagonist and @Lucas88 are often ranting about lately (and we're right), letting them spread warfare all over the planet, and promote worldwide sexual perversion and pedophilia, and some of them are so f***ed up because they're soyboys consuming estrogen mimickers and pornography that they're even going along with it as though it's a good thing. They're too dialed out of their fundamental biological primal masculine nature.

Not that I'm saying every man out there has to be sexually aggressive though: Like I said before, I support the idea of this thread for guys who are more docile and won't do it the aggressive way, and I know that will work for some of them in these more conformist environments like I said in an earlier post to support it. Like I said before, it was nice of MrMan to throw out an idea to help those types of men who are too wussy and not aggressive or confident enough to go after the women directly, so I hope it works out for them. :mrgreen:
But on your side topic of "society" and civilization: I'm not saying you personally are un-masculine just because you're on a different wavelength and want to do things in a more civilized way (though you seem rather unique), but other men being too wimpy and unmasculine may not make the man a bad person, but it is a big part of why men in modern day collapsing 'Western' societies are too weak and cowardly, and why homosexuality and transgenderism is enabled to spread like a disease more than it ever would. Why do you think the jew oligarchs pump vast fortunes into promoting emasculation of men? They know perfectly well like that little babe Candace O said that a society can't survive without strong men. "Bring back manly men," even if some of you guys prefer trying to act like passive Asians getting chicks via referrals. :)

Edit: And I didn't mean at the end to imply all Asian men aren't masculine or aggressive either, some are, and amazingly enough tend to get laid without much problems unlike passive un-masculine soyboys of all races, astoundingly enough. By the way, Emperor Xi of China just recently banned public display of effeminate "sissy men," and said Chinese boys need strong masculine role models, so they don't want transgenderism and faggotry in the Middle Kingdom. Emperor Xi is right. :lol:
Maybe get a life size sex doll and rape the hell out of it. :twisted: I do tend to attack a lot of different things as of lately though, can't be helped there are somethings I never attacked, probably because I've not had any issues with some of it at the moment and just use what I use to have my sexual needs met. After you masterbate and all that sex is no longer on your mind and you can just go about doing whatever it was you were doing. I've been celibate most of my life and now just have little to no desire at all to have sex with women in the Western world. I don't even try to anymore. Every time I think about sex with a woman, I start to think about all the men that were already inside her before she even met me, and after that? I lose extreme interest, I won't even bother with women if they've dated more than 2-3 men at this point because if she's been with over 10 or more chances are all of em had a shot at ravaging her. I just can't see myself messing around wish whorish females at all, I'm one of them type of men that just have to have her all to myself so I'm really out of luck.

Like I can consume pornography to some extent but then there are portions of it I strongly hate, portions that cause me to feel depressed, irritated, or even angry at it. I just feel so viciously annoyed lately with the standard of living, life, having to live in a trash state surrounded by garbage ass people and a crappy useless country that isn't getting any better or returning to the days of yore when I was actually enjoying it here to some small extent unlike now. Then Newsom talks of wanting to become the next President.. They can take out Lincoln and JFK but they can't even do it to someone like Newsom or Biden that actually do deserve to get the bullet for the shit they're doing, want, or trying to do if they haven't already done it yet. Sometimes I come here yeah, I do take jabs at certain things or people. Not at people on the forum, lol aside from Yohan that one time :lol:
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