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Post by E_Irizarry »

ladislav wrote:While Latin America has a race problem in the way that the top people are usually Europeans, in daily life black people there do not form a separate culture. They are just Colombians and Panamanians, etc. They do not speak a separate dialect and do not act "black" or 'white". It would be ridiculous to imagine a scene where a Panamanian black is accused by other Panamanian blacks of acting white. They just act, well, Panamanian.
Nor are there black ghettos in the American sense. It is a relief to go there and to be able to hang out with people of all colors and not worry about race at least in the social sense.
Latin America is more classist than racist/bigoted although there are most definitely pockets of racism here and there in "L.A.". Whereas in America (not as bad in Canada), it has devolved into an institutionally-racist, bigoted, classist society. Black American, westernized African, westernized Afro-Caribbean, and some westernized Afro-Latina women are becoming the new White-AMerican/WASP supremacists. Their job, via proxy, is too keep men of color down. This US economy is a granular blueprint resembling that.

And if LadiSlav doesn't mind me paraphrasing here: when I had gone to Ecuador, I was fuckin' amazed at how the Afro-Latinos there comport themselves. They actually act more civilized than the "los indigenitos" that live there. Me sorprende q se portan muy bien. And I had stated that in a post on a YouTube video thread board and one bigot tried to tear me a new asshole saying that that's not true and that the non-Afro-Ecuadorians act better than they, but it was a fail because I exhorted, "Bullshit!", on him.
"I appreciate the opportunities I have in America. Opportunities that allow me to live abroad." **Smiles** - Have2Fly@H.A. (2013)

"The only way to overcome that is to go abroad to get a broad."
- E. Irizarry (2009)

"MGTOW resilience is the key to foreign residence. You better muthafuckin' ask somebody!!"
- E. Irizarry (2012)

"I rather be ostracized by 157.0 million (27.3% of the US of Gay pop), then to appease 1 feminist." - E. Irizarry (2013)

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