The greatest thing to happen to me was going back to America

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Re: The greatest thing to happen to me was to be back to ame

Post by newlifeinphilippines »

fschmidt wrote:At first I thought this thread was satire. Anyway...

newlifeinphilippines, what is your religion and do you keep the Sabbath?
baptist, yes
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Re: The greatest thing to happen to me was to be back to ame

Post by newlifeinphilippines »

S_Parc wrote:For those who're in the USA right now, this is Thanksgiving Day. I just had a great day with my GF and her family.

Is there anything else that you fellas can do, instead of bickering about this stuff on a somewhat nondenominational national holiday, where we're suppose to be somewhat *grateful* for the good things that we actually have in life, like decent health, a roof over our heads, some food, etc?

yes im just trying to appreciate my life in america even though its rather bare.
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Re: The greatest thing to happen to me was to be back to ame

Post by fschmidt »

newlifeinphilippines wrote:
fschmidt wrote:newlifeinphilippines, what is your religion and do you keep the Sabbath?
baptist, yes
I'm impressed, I have never heard of a modern baptist keeping the Sabbath. So just to be clear, you don't work, don't shop, don't do chores, and don't cook on the Sabbath, correct?

If yes, you may be interested in joining the Old Testament readings that Drealm and I do, here: ... 01073.html
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Re: The greatest thing to happen to me was to be back to ame

Post by newlifeinphilippines »

fschmidt wrote:
newlifeinphilippines wrote:
fschmidt wrote:newlifeinphilippines, what is your religion and do you keep the Sabbath?
baptist, yes
I'm impressed, I have never heard of a modern baptist keeping the Sabbath. So just to be clear, you don't work, don't shop, don't do chores, and don't cook on the Sabbath, correct?

If yes, you may be interested in joining the Old Testament readings that Drealm and I do, here: ... 01073.html
I thought all christians were supposed to be taught that? Well im also circumcised lol I also dont eat pork either but thats partly cause of the cruelty to pigs when they are killed. but i figure since the bible says its bad might as well also.

actually i just recently started observing it cause before i wsa busy with my online work but ive given that up on sunday to focus on God again. I make 25,000 a month but im gonna quit in the near future cause i feel its morally wrong. Ill be lucky to make 500 to 1000 bucks when i give it up.

I may excercise and cook but for me excercise is to vent keep stress out of me and keep in good health not for work or cause i dont like it. But this last sunday where i started observing it again i didn't do anything except except go to church and read and surf the net (not working).

im not here to debate religion but I started it to say I truly feel like i been awakened here in america. While Winston continues in his carnal misery looking for women to save him over his father satan I finally had a epiphany. I was going to church in philippines talking to the pastors and getting to know them but i was on a crash course to Hell or at least a path to destruction in some way.
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Re: The greatest thing to happen to me was to be back to ame

Post by fschmidt »

newlifeinphilippines wrote:I may excercise and cook but for me excercise is to vent keep stress out of me and keep in good health not for work or cause i dont like it. But this last sunday where i started observing it again i didn't do anything except except go to church and read and surf the net (not working).
Exercise is okay if it doesn't feel like work. Cooking can be avoided by keeping the Sabbath from sunset to sunset, so you cook before sunset on Saturday and after sunset on Sunday (for the Christian Sabbath).

Have you read the Bible in order, starting at the beginning and ending at the end? This is how it should be read.

I really don't think which religion one chooses matters nearly as much as actually practicing one's religion. I am glad to see that some Christians actually practice theirs, I had thought that practicing Christians were extinct.
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Re: The greatest thing to happen to me was to be back to ame

Post by newlifeinphilippines »

fschmidt wrote:
newlifeinphilippines wrote:I may excercise and cook but for me excercise is to vent keep stress out of me and keep in good health not for work or cause i dont like it. But this last sunday where i started observing it again i didn't do anything except except go to church and read and surf the net (not working).
Exercise is okay if it doesn't feel like work. Cooking can be avoided by keeping the Sabbath from sunset to sunset, so you cook before sunset on Saturday and after sunset on Sunday (for the Christian Sabbath).

Have you read the Bible in order, starting at the beginning and ending at the end? This is how it should be read.

I really don't think which religion one chooses matters nearly as much as actually practicing one's religion. I am glad to see that some Christians actually practice theirs, I had thought that practicing Christians were extinct.
Well my cooking isn't really cooking anyways its just heating up water or something LOL Im lazy about reading the bible in general i need to work on that lol I have a lot of work to do its a struggle and ive backslidden terribly. What you said is right a lot of christians aren't practicing their christian religion,I was guilty of this also. Well that is why it was a wakeup call to me recently cause i was watching Paul washer and David Wilkerson who said your obedience and your works are proof of your salvation. Its not for your salvation but its a result of it from the grace of God working in you. So there will be mistakes and falling away but you should get back to it as much as possible. Thats something a lot of evangelical questions forget and its something no pastor has really said really. Of course its a struggle and your not saved by works (if you believe in Jesus and are of mainstream protestant) but you should at least strive for what you can do. Some cults and catholics and some protestant denominations believe in works for salvation but thats a whole different topic altogether.
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Re: The greatest thing to happen to me was to be back to ame

Post by fschmidt »

newlifeinphilippines wrote:Im lazy about reading the bible in general i need to work on that lol
Actually it's very easy once you keep the Sabbath because that makes time for it. Just read a little each Sabbath and you will get through it. But make sure to start from the beginning and keep a bookmark.
Well that is why it was a wakeup call to me recently cause i was watching Paul washer and David Wilkerson who said your obedience and your works are proof of your salvation. Its not from your salvation but its a result of it. So there will be mistakes and falling away but you should get back to it as much as possible. Thats something a lot of evangelical questions forget and its something no pastor has really said really. Of course its a struggle and your not saved by works (if you believe in Jesus and are of mainstream protestant) but you should at least strive for what you can do.
This is what John Calvin said and what most of Protestantism believed until the so-called Second Great Awakening took Protestantism in a bad direction in the mid-1800s.

I am Jewish but I respect any religion that tries to act morally for whatever reason.
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Re: The greatest thing to happen to me was to be back to ame

Post by Yohan »

newlifeinphilippines wrote:Praise the Lord I am now not chasing the endless fantasy of pleasure of the world. I am so happy to be back to america and now growing in spirituality and with no distractions. My soul is saved because of it.
I prefer to praise the Lord while I am in Cebu with my Filipina fosterdaughter.

There is no place in this world which is more into Christianity than the Philippines. the Holy Mary protects me everywhere, and Sto. Nino is above me all the time. - I see no need to go to America for prayers.
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Re: The greatest thing to happen to me was to be back to ame

Post by newlifeinphilippines »

Yohan wrote:
newlifeinphilippines wrote:Praise the Lord I am now not chasing the endless fantasy of pleasure of the world. I am so happy to be back to america and now growing in spirituality and with no distractions. My soul is saved because of it.
I prefer to praise the Lord while I am in Cebu with my Filipina fosterdaughter.

There is no place in this world which is more into Christianity than the Philippines. the Holy Mary protects me everywhere, and Sto. Nino is above me all the time.

If one has a stable family or is emotionally mature then Asia is ok, but if one is "backslidden" or easily tempted it can lead one astray real quick. I guess everyone will have a different "come to jesus" moment but for me it wouldn't have happened in Asia. For me asia is a playground full of people taking advantage of one another including me. As for catholicsm, well im not gonna get into talking about that.
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Re: The greatest thing to happen to me was to be back to ame

Post by Jester »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
newlifeinphilippines wrote:As for catholicsm, well im not gonna get into talking about that.
I know some amazing Catholics who do good deeds, who care about their fellow man and who are good to others. I have also known some Protestants who are absolute assholes. And yet one of those asshole Protestants had the audacity to tell me: "Those Catholics will go to hell because I am a TRUE Christian". Said Protestant was greedy, selfish and an unwed mother, yet considered herself above her Catholic relatives who committed none of the sins she committed. Such arrogance gets to me.

I am glad you found God in America, but one can find God everywhere. You're just not likely to have a religious epiphany when you hang out in bars looking for cheap sluts to bang, like you used to do. While I was in the Philippines, I was always with the same woman who is now my wife. I attended Church with her (Catholic in her homeplace and Protestant in Manila with friends) and never saw the insides of a bar. And yet you are now the "Man of God", while I a just a "wordly sinner"? If anything, my life is far more traditional and in line with what God has intended. And I, unlike you, fulfill the natural role of man: that of a husband and father. That's the role of man... not "hedonistic pleasureseeker hypocritically blabbing about his newfound faith while still making huge paychecks and greedily saving it only for himself".
"Well actually, she's not REALLY my daughter. But she does like to call me Daddy... at certain moments..."
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Re: The greatest thing to happen to me was to be back to ame

Post by Winston »

So basically you're gonna stay in the USA and read the bible and go to church while you enjoy your 22,000 dollars a month online income? Lol

What are you gonna do with the 22,000 dollars each month? Donate it to church? Buy up thousands of gospel tracts and hand them out to save souls? Lol

More likely you're just a troll who likes to get attention.
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Re: The greatest thing to happen to me was to be back to ame

Post by newlifeinphilippines »

Winston wrote:OP,
So basically you're gonna stay in the USA and read the bible and go to church while you enjoy your 22,000 dollars a month online income? Lol

What are you gonna do with the 22,000 dollars each month? Donate it to church? Buy up thousands of gospel tracts and hand them out to save souls? Lol

More likely you're just a troll who likes to get attention.

im slowly getting out of the business. im trying to find new ways to make that are more honest. Im in the testing phase right now to see what works and what doesn't but it will be meager compared to before so Its hard for me to let go til i have a bit more saved up.
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Re: The greatest thing to happen to me was to be back to ame

Post by newlifeinphilippines »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
newlifeinphilippines wrote:As for catholicsm, well im not gonna get into talking about that.
I know some amazing Catholics who do good deeds, who care about their fellow man and who are good to others. I have also known some Protestants who are absolute assholes. And yet one of those asshole Protestants had the audacity to tell me: "Those Catholics will go to hell because I am a TRUE Christian". Said Protestant was greedy, selfish and an unwed mother, yet considered herself above her Catholic relatives who committed none of the sins she committed. Such arrogance gets to me.

I am glad you found God in America, but one can find God everywhere. You're just not likely to have a religious epiphany when you hang out in bars looking for cheap sluts to bang, like you used to do. While I was in the Philippines, I was always with the same woman who is now my wife. I attended Church with her (Catholic in her homeplace and Protestant in Manila with friends) and never saw the insides of a bar. And yet you are now the "Man of God", while I a just a "wordly sinner"? If anything, my life is far more traditional and in line with what God has intended. And I, unlike you, fulfill the natural role of man: that of a husband and father. That's the role of man... not "hedonistic pleasureseeker hypocritically blabbing about his newfound faith while still making huge paychecks and greedily saving it only for himself".
yes catholics will go to hell for sure. You are not saved by works but by faith or else Jesus work was nothing. And your arrogance is also quite outstanding also the very thing you accuse others. Your arrogance is why you love sin so much and refuse to turn to Jesus. Along with other religions who are "good people" but dont know jesus told the pharisees their works meant nothing. Depart from me I never knew you. Your a Jesus hater because you love sin, refuse to trust in him and blasphemy Jesus all the time on this forum.
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Re: The greatest thing to happen to me was to be back to ame

Post by The »

newlifeinphilippines wrote:
MarcosZeitola wrote:
newlifeinphilippines wrote:As for catholicsm, well im not gonna get into talking about that.
I know some amazing Catholics who do good deeds, who care about their fellow man and who are good to others. I have also known some Protestants who are absolute assholes. And yet one of those asshole Protestants had the audacity to tell me: "Those Catholics will go to hell because I am a TRUE Christian". Said Protestant was greedy, selfish and an unwed mother, yet considered herself above her Catholic relatives who committed none of the sins she committed. Such arrogance gets to me.

I am glad you found God in America, but one can find God everywhere. You're just not likely to have a religious epiphany when you hang out in bars looking for cheap sluts to bang, like you used to do. While I was in the Philippines, I was always with the same woman who is now my wife. I attended Church with her (Catholic in her homeplace and Protestant in Manila with friends) and never saw the insides of a bar. And yet you are now the "Man of God", while I a just a "wordly sinner"? If anything, my life is far more traditional and in line with what God has intended. And I, unlike you, fulfill the natural role of man: that of a husband and father. That's the role of man... not "hedonistic pleasureseeker hypocritically blabbing about his newfound faith while still making huge paychecks and greedily saving it only for himself".
yes catholics will go to hell for sure. You are not saved by works but by faith or else Jesus work was nothing. And your arrogance is also quite outstanding also the very thing you accuse others. Your arrogance is why you love sin so much and refuse to turn to Jesus. Along with other religions who are "good people" but dont know jesus told the pharisees their works meant nothing. Depart from me I never knew you. Your a Jesus hater because you love sin, refuse to trust in him and blasphemy Jesus all the time on this forum.
I agree....You better tell it like it is....
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Re: The greatest thing to happen to me was to be back to ame

Post by Jester »

newlifeinphilippines wrote:
yes catholics will go to hell for sure.
You are not saved by works but by faith or else Jesus work was nothing. And your arrogance is also quite outstanding also the very thing you accuse others. Your arrogance is why you love sin so much and refuse to turn to Jesus. Along with other religions who are "good people" but dont know jesus told the pharisees their works meant nothing. Depart from me I never knew you. Your a Jesus hater because you love sin, refuse to trust in him and blasphemy Jesus all the time on this forum.
I used to think NewLife was a worthless whore-mongering troll, and ignored his posts.

Then I started to have some sympathy for him. OK, he's made some wrong turns, lets help the guy.

Now I've come the full circle.

He is a confessed career-criminal AND a troll AND a hypocrite.

What an offensive piece of trash.

Reminds me of the time I walked into the bathroom at night, and turned on the light. There in the middle of the floor was a cockroach. Normally, cockroaches scurry for the wall, seeking to hide. Not this one. No. It stayed defiantly in place, waving its antennae. It wasn't an ordinary cockroach. It was a cockroach with attitude.

But still a cockroach.
"Well actually, she's not REALLY my daughter. But she does like to call me Daddy... at certain moments..."
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