Water on Mars

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Re: Water on Mars

Post by Adama »

HouseMD wrote:
Adama wrote:
HouseMD wrote: Nah, I'd rather just believe that you're a heretic. When you think your the only person that gets it, that generally makes you a crazy person.

I'm not a biblical literalist because that would be a ridiculous proposition to hold in the face of all that we know. I think you're a fool to believe that your time is God's time, or that, when passing down things to a primitive people, God would not use allegory to allow them to understand things that were beyond their comprehension at the time.

That's merely your opinion, and you are very entitled to own and express your opinion. Now labeling someone is different, especially when it comes to insulting others.

I will tell you one thing though, at some point in your life, if you do not believe God or his word (the King James Bible), you probably will not enter into heaven. To disbelieve the Bible is to call God a liar. It says so right in the Bible.

The people who believe the Bible are the ones going to heaven. The people who do not believe the Bible is the true Word of God are on the road to hell, unless at some point in the past they believe, or they believe it some time in the future. To deny the Bible is to deny Jesus and to deny God the Father.

Was there a literal Adam and Eve? Yes, their DNA was perfect and uncorrupted. As soon as they sinned, everything started to fall apart. Also keep in mind that evolution and the Big bang violate scientific rules which apostate Christians claim to value so highly. You can not get organization from chaos. Evolution violates the law of entropy, in that things go from a disorganized state to an orderly one. Entropy only runs from order to disorder. The Big Bang violates the rules of thermodynamics. A literal explosion of everything from nothing. That takes enormous faith to believe that. That is a religion unto itself. And if you believe that, there's no way you can believe the Bible story and God. It is one or the other.

See, most people think religion is about rules. And most religion is about rules. But Christianity is not about rules or practice. It is about faith in our Lord and Savior. Now are you going to tell me that I am crazy because I have great faith in our Lord, His Word, and I believe Him when He says He created the heavens and the earth in six literal days? Then you are the heretic and the apostate. I am the Christian. I am the one who believes God. You are the one who denies Him. I don't think things could be any clearer than that.
Whatever. You want to be all holier than thou, feel free. But remember- judge not lest ye be judged.
I'm not judging you. I am informing you, for your own edification. If you don't believe God's Word then you're probably not saved.
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Re: Water on Mars

Post by Adama »

HouseMD wrote:This is pretty sweet, I can't see a word you're saying.

<3 foes list

That's fine by me, if you think childish games are important. (Why bother informing me? I've never informed anyone I put on ignore. For what, to tease them? Silliness.)
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Re: Water on Mars

Post by HouseMD »

Maybe if you post in all caps I'll be able to hear you. Try harder? I still can't hear you.
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Re: Water on Mars

Post by Adama »

HouseMD wrote:Maybe if you post in all caps I'll be able to hear you. Try harder? I still can't hear you.

Does it make you feel like you've won to play this game? See, even when you put me on ignore, you have not truly ignored me, now have you? You still post in order to tease and mock, as if that is some sort of victory. And this from a man who is a medical doctor? I dont doubt your credentials (cause I dont really care). I am just saying, this is kind of immature for a man on that level. Or maybe what is highly esteemed among men is still foolishness.
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Re: Water on Mars

Post by HouseMD »

This is going to sound crazy, but you're still not coming through. Might want to contact tech support.
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Re: Water on Mars

Post by Adama »

HouseMD wrote:This is going to sound crazy, but you're still not coming through. Might want to contact tech support.
Why continue to attempt to make fun of me, when you are supposed to be ignoring me? You do realize that you are not ignoring me. I still have your attention. If you are going to ignore someone, then ignore them. Don't continue to respond to them. I know somehow in your mind, which must be wired backwards, you think you have won by putting me on ignore while still responding to me. That almost defeats the whole purpose of the ignore feature, since you continue on like you do.

This is like a child who puts his fingers in his ears, rather than listening to what he does not want to hear, while he says "nah na na na." I remember that from childhood. I don't do that as an adult though.
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Re: Water on Mars

Post by HouseMD »

Guess what? I still can't see your message. I'm going to stop following the thread so I stop getting notifications from your unreadable responses.
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Re: Water on Mars

Post by Adama »

HouseMD wrote:Guess what? I still can't see your message. I'm going to stop following the thread so I stop getting notifications from your unreadable responses.

That would be wise for you to finally ignore me, like you said you would. You will be keeping your promise by doing that. In the future, maybe you should either completely ignore someone or respond as an adult.
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Re: Water on Mars

Post by HouseMD »

Before I could even find the unfollow link I got another freakin' notification. It's like he doesn't even know how the ignore function works lol. You can respond to me all day, and I'll get notifications, but all it shows is "you are ignoring content from this member." I'm sure you're having a lovely conversation with yourself though, given that you've posted so many times. I hope you found your posts fruitful.
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Re: Water on Mars

Post by Adama »

HouseMD wrote:Before I could even find the unfollow link I got another freakin' notification. It's like he doesn't even know how the ignore function works lol. You can respond to me all day, and I'll get notifications, but all it shows is "you are ignoring content from this member." I'm sure you're having a lovely conversation with yourself though, given that you've posted so many times. I hope you found your posts fruitful.
You are talking to me. You speak like foolish person speak.
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Re: Water on Mars

Post by MrMan »

Ghost wrote:There is life on Mars, has been confirmed for years.

Microbial life, but life nonetheless...

Don't think John Carter, think common cold.

Life of all kinds is probably replete throughout the universe, from microbes to intelligent beings. But the universe being such a big place, it seems to be empty.

More earth-esque planets get discovered over time. I think there are plenty out there. I wonder how all the religions would react to finding out about other intelligent lifeforms in other worlds?
I hear some other scientists think it's debatable whether those microbubbles are the results of life.
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Re: Water on Mars

Post by MrMan »

Tsar wrote:http://www.mail.com/scitech/news/385177 ... water.html

http://www.bloomberg.com/news/videos/20 ... nd-on-mars

There is liquid water on Mars. It could be possible that there is actually life on Mars and the US Government knew about it for a long time.
If there is a little running water on Mars when the surface heats up to 90 degrees, does that mean there are little people running around in the minus 200 degree weather, waiting for the sun to heat up the surface in certain areas so they can get a drink? How would the US government know about it?

Btw, I think we need to pick and choose conspiracy theories. If the US government faked the lunar landing, then they probably don't have all kinds of secret intelligence about alien life and all kinds of alien technology.
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Post by Ghost »

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Re: Water on Mars

Post by The_Adventurer »

MarcosZeitola wrote:Science has proven that there was indeed a flood, and many died, but it never killed all of humanity. Acknowleding this fact does not invalidate the message of the Biblical story.
No one ever mentions how people like the Anakim and Rephaim should have all been killed in the flood, if only eight people survived this event, yet they are somehow still hanging around in the time of Moses.
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Re: Water on Mars

Post by Adama »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
Adama wrote:I do apologize HouseMD. I think you are a Christian, just a non-believing one.
One can be Christian and still accept certain scientific phenomena as facts. I know many Christians who believe in evolution, for example, and aren't any less pious for it. My own grandparents are among these people, and I have known few people more kind, more caring and more helpful to their fellow man then them, embodying the Christian spirit in their every move.

Faith does not have to equal blind belief. Perhaps in your interpretation of the Bible and Christianity it does, but this is not necessarily true for all your fellow believers. Is not being humble a Christian virtue? The knowledge of scientists, to me, is often humbling. This does not mean I agree with them always or never questions their claims, but it also doesn't mean we should dismiss everything they say the minute it goes against a Biblical account you take literally.

Not all Biblical accounts are to be taken literally; the flooding of the earth in the times of Noah being a fine example. As I understand it, there was a historical flood in the days of Noah that struck a large portion of what is present-day Iraq. For men in the days of Noah, who had never ventured out of their little villages, it would have seemed as if the entirety of earth had flooded. When in actuality, it was only a small part of the world that was covered in water. Science has proven that there was indeed a flood, and many died, but it never killed all of humanity. Acknowleding this fact does not invalidate the message of the Biblical story.
Marcos, that is a game of semantics which you are using. Faith is belief. You can not redefine faith. Otherwise we will be unable to communicate, if you change the meaning of words at will. Faith is belief. One is a noun. The other is a verb. But they are the same.

Can you believe God and evolution as a true believer? I think the only way that would be possible is if that Christian had never read Genesis, or if their Pastor is an unbeliever himself and never preached on the Genesis stories. A true believer, a saved person, believes God's word. They do not think they are all illustrations. When God mentions a person by name, it is a real story which took place. When He just says "a man" it is probably a parable.

If God is real, if he is pure, then He is not a liar. If He says there was a flood, then there was one. That is faith.

There is real science, and then there is pseudo-science. Much of science is pseudo science, but they do not make any distinction between the two. Anything which can not be proven by observation and experimentation can not be science by their own definition.
the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment:
Most of that pseudo science is accepted on faith, blind faith, the same kind that Bible believers have, except it is placed upon the fallible argumentation and "knowledge" of men, rather than the infallible truth of God. Do you recognize the difference?

In other words, many of those things which science asserts as truth can not be directly observed, neither are they reproducible or even subject to experimentation. It is conjecture, and when they find a hole in their magical theories, they invent other theories to plug those holes, which themselves can not be verified, reproduced or subject to any sort of real testing, other than more conjecture, which is only reinforced by repetition and consensus of the "scientific" community.

You people have way too much faith in the abilities and honesty of other humans. A human will lie for profit.

Does the fact that Freemasonry runs NASA mean nothing to any of you? Do you prefer the sweetness of lies over the bitterness and freedom of the truth?

Oh I know, just like with conspiracy theorists, anyone who believes the Bible is a nut. That is another gold nugget they have brainwashed people with.

Now do not have to believe the truth. You are free to reject truth.
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