Why we should stop really giving a f**k about women

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Post by abcdavid01 »

Well, I look more Asian than my sister at least. I was raised White, but I have taken an interest in my Asian background since coming to these forums. I never had anyone to really teach me; my Chinese uncles are Christian. I can't be ashamed of it though. It's what I can pin my intelligence on. If I were to move to another country I'd of course learn the language. Mandarin seems like it'll be a huge advantage in the next century anyway. There used to be certain built-in advantages like being born in America and learning English and being educated here that would already put you ahead of the rest of the world. These benefits are eroding though. I am starting to have more respect for China though, more than America. I'm an anti-democracy libertarian. I believe in Capitalism and think it is more important than political rights. Universal Suffrage is like a company allowing everyone in the office including the janitor to sit on the board of directors and pick the CEO. Obviously that's insane and no way to run a business. I don't think it's a way to run a government either. So I kinda like where China's been going since Deng Xiaoping.

Basically what Mencius Moldbug says here:

http://unqualified-reservations.blogspo ... urney.html

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Post by publicduende »

lone_yakuza wrote:Not really. It's not just young girls. My mom as well. Her friends, and some older women I have met from East Asia. They all look down on a guy who is not a certain height. Maybe your family has exceptionally loving and open minded women, but generally East Asian females are actually extremely superficial and judgmental and completely spoiled (zboy also mentioned this), which is why I laugh my a** off when white guys hook up with Asian women thinking they are getting the best deal and with submissive wives only to realize later that she is not like that at all and married him largely because his race is seen as "higher status."

I can try to break free certainly, which is why I will follow zboy's footsteps to Russia, but I am already mentally prepared for the possibility that it is all the same everywhere. Why? because I've gone to some of the most "open-minded" institutions and met people from all kinds of backgrounds/class/races/cultures, and it seems that Hollywood/western media has already poisoned everything.

So it's not to be all hopeless. I'm just saying that males have to be mentally prepared, especially if they have been ragged on by society constantly about some ""flaw"" that they cannot change.

They shouldn't look at a woman who shows him interest and think that she is all innocent, because more likely than not, she is anything but innocent.
Well, I am sure your mom's and mom's friends' judgment was just a light-hearted piece of gossip. When such frivolous topics are concerned, the saving grace is that they are usually as ephemeral as it gets. Suppose said Tae Yang were to just walk to a group of bitching girls and, straight away, ask them out for a date or a private dinner. How many of them do you think would even remember having mentioned a word of criticism towards his height? Here's a handsome, successful and rich popstar asking an ordinary girl for a date: that's more than enough to melt her heart (and what's below!) into jelly soup in nanoseconds!

And keeping the argument to more standard boundaries, I have a hard time thinking a middle class Asian girl, however spoiled and badly conditioned, would refuse to fall in love with a well-adjusted, smart, successful and good looking young man just because he's as tall or a few centimeters taller than them. They are free to say whatever they want, but when decision time comes, I would like to hear them again.

I had more than a few Asian girlfriends, including a Japanese one I was with for almost 3 years. I know quite well how vulnerable their thought system is to the typical "bigger comes first" mindset, where the larger group is automatically perceived as carrying the better, wiser and more final message. With said Japanese girlfriend, my judgment was taken seriously into account until that of her twin sister (15 minutes older, enough to be seen as her "oneesan", hence more authoritative! LOL) or mother came along and immediately overrode mine, with no chance of debate. What her group of friends or colleagues thought would override her family's judgment, and the emanation of some mild-mannered authority representing the Japanese people would be automatically the final word over that of their corporate or social cliques. And so on.

This is where I actually agree with Winston. Under this onion skin kind of conditioning, developing a measure of genuine critical thinking and intellectual independence is, for a young Asian, nothing short of revolutionary, an act of rebellion against the norm that takes courage and (usually) bears far-reaching consequences. As you probably know, the Japanese have always found their emergency exit from institutionalised conformism in the realm of hobbies, passions and fetishes, secret gardens to attend after their dues to productive, normative society are paid.

How much do you know about alchemy? The classical alchemic process is one that is designed to transform the human into a super-human, by letting him trascend the limits of his bodily needs, instincts and fears and elevate his soul to a state of purity and oneness, where the knowledge of his Divine essence and his connection with God will be revealed to him.

In terms of your process of alchemic transformation, you have been trying to discipline and purify yourself while rising above your physical needs (women and sex is one) and the many inconsistencies of your home (Asia) and host (US) culture, so to speak. These practices are traditionally associated to the second stage of the process, called Albedo ("whiteness"). All those dramatic accounts of your inner struggles between what you once wanted to be and will never be, and what you're not (yet), your alternating moments of pure rage and stoicism, they all point to the fact that your first stage, called Nigredo ("darkness") is far from being complete, and cannot yet lead to Albedo. In short: you really must confront all of your demons, and let them die into you, before your purification into what you really intend to be can begin in earnest.

There's no shortcut for that. Visiting other countries and meeting new cultures is a great way to learn about the complexities of the real world, but may not give you the kind of answers that only you can find in yourself. The key way to face the Nigredo, the dark night of the soul, as per alchemic Masters, is to let your opposing feelings die together, and "rot into a uniform black matter", where one can no longer be told apart from another. Your past, your family background and all the bad memories, your mix of envy for who you're not and hate against what your fellow Asians and your "alien" Americans are...let them all die. See them decompose until, quite literally, they become the heavy and dense manure that will provide warmth and nourishment to the new You. If you read about Buddhism you will surely remember that Buddha rises from a lotus flower, which notoriously thrives in the muddiest, dirtiest waters, and symbolises just that, the birth of the Divine from the remains of a dead Self.
lone_yakuza wrote:And anyways, this "mental prison" is not mine. I didn't build it. I have no problem with my height or race. It is society, yes including East Asian society, that has a problem with my height and race (because East Asian society is pretty self-hating). Not only that, but the prejudice is built on falsities, such as the belief that height is advantageous evolutionary, even though the opposite is true especially in modern warfare. Also the belief that East Asian males are inferior, which I object vehemently, but because of the disgraces of our race as well as western imperialism and media/hollywood, we are unfortunately portrayed as such and stupid women around the world believe that crap.
Well, this is another problem you have: you extend a war to find your identity, which is entirely played within yourself, to plenty of other players that needn't take part in it. You say you have no problem with your height or race, but if you complain and swear as if society is there to conspire against East Asians, whether true or not, you are simply projecting your problem as someone else's responsibility, aren't you? Maybe you should forget about everybody else and focus on what will make your life happy, more serene and balanced. If anything, by the time you will complete your transformation, chances are China will be the leading cultural and economic power and Asians will lose their position of subalternity to the dying American imperialism.
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Post by abcdavid01 »

Basically you have to hit rock bottom. I came to that point two years ago and killed off my past self. Yakuza still has to get there.
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Post by publicduende »

abcdavid01 wrote:Basically you have to hit rock bottom. I came to that point two years ago and killed off my past self. Yakuza still has to get there.
I hope the carcass of your old self was good manure for the new one. Good luck, my two year old soul :)
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Post by lone_yakuza »

Last edited by lone_yakuza on November 20th, 2016, 4:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by S_Parc »

lone_yakuza wrote:And though I was born and raised in the west, the very dialogue/scripture/culture of the west prohibits an East Asian male from being a real man (which is why white males always call me "buddy" "boy" "son", kind of like the way they used to use the same condescending language towards black males, and it pisses me off even more when a white male younger than me does so). This is something that some East Asian males are fighting to change, but I don't see it really changing any time soon. And more often than not, when they do succeed in becoming a "man" it is at the expense of discarding who they really are and westernizing as much as possible so that their ethnic identity is nonexistent (such as the many East Asian males who try to be all-American, play football, eat apple pie, drink beer like every other alcoholic fratboy phaggot motherf***er). These males are no better than the East Asian female whores who try to be as American or western as possible.

[ snipped out ]

Simply put, I was born too late. I should have been there in the 1800s helping to advance East Asia's military to ensure that the west could never culturally colonize East Asia nor economically nor militarily.
You know, after reading a lot of your replies, I think I can appreciate more of what you're experiencing. I think publicduende has this cookie-cutter application of standard Rogerian psychology and a few other feel-good strategies w/o delving into people's psyche.

In reality, if I were born east Asian and not white, but I had exactly the same personalities as my father, sister, and mom growing up around me, I may not have made it to the age of 20. Because I understand something here ... when I'd left home at 17, my life took off. No, it wasn't a road paved in gold but yet, no one called me *boy*. In fact, the only person who ever did that was my dad. And yes, it really hurt back in those days. I can only imagine how that could feel, coming from a bunch of strangers. And thus, being on my own and having mainstream society not fully ostracize me, made it feasible to focus, and do something with my life. And for a young man, this is important. It's a lot easier to be aloof after 30. It's a huge challenge when one is still finding oneself.
Many years ago, the Best Picture of 1999, "American Beauty", telegraphed the message of Happier Abroad to the world.

Beware of long term engagements with AWs, you may find yourself in a coffin.

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BTW, despite settling down with an AW, myself, the warning is still in effect.
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Post by abcdavid01 »

Yakuza, China stopped being Communist and started becoming Fascist right around after Mao left. The Cultural Revolution was a Communist thing. Now China has become nationalist. They are proud of their roots. Their Eastern culture. We're just living in a transition period. I think the East will win out eventually. Not tomorrow, not next year, but what will the world look like in 20 years? What about 50 years or 100 years?

I don't think you were born too late, but born too early. I want my heir to carry on my intelligence into this future.
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Post by S_Parc »

abcdavid01 wrote:Yakuza, China stopped being Communist and started becoming Fascist right around after Mao left. The Cultural Revolution was a Communist thing. Now China has become nationalist. They are proud of their roots. Their Eastern culture. We're just living in a transition period. I think the East will win out eventually. Not tomorrow, not next year, but what will the world look like in 20 years? What about 50 years or 100 years?

I don't think you were born too late, but born too early. I want my heir to carry on my intelligence into this future.
Are you thinking that unlike today, the so-called caucasians in 2100, will start to get plastic surgery to look more mixed, like ppl in parts of the eastern Soviet republics? I'm actually beginning to think that that look will be a type of Latin-Asian look, in the century ahead. All this plastic surgery, esp in Korea today, to have more caucasian features is a bit sick.

With all this focus on your heir, you may be setting yourself up for a major disappointment in life. Granted, I'm not your older uncle, after all I'm just a stranger on the internet, but please heed my caution.
Many years ago, the Best Picture of 1999, "American Beauty", telegraphed the message of Happier Abroad to the world.

Beware of long term engagements with AWs, you may find yourself in a coffin.

AB discussion thread

BTW, despite settling down with an AW, myself, the warning is still in effect.
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Post by abcdavid01 »

You know, even a major disappointment has one advantage: formalism. I won't be like my dad who has blinded himself as to how horrible my Feminist sister's beliefs are.
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Post by Andrewww »

I would like to stop giving a f**k about women but it would be impossible. From a certain age friends and family won't cut it anymore.

There will always be a battle between reason and biological instinct. Some days you wake up and you feel like shit even though you are perfectly healthy, you don't have to go to work and you have enough money to pursue your hobbies.
Some people might say it's hard to explain but it really isn't: you feel an emptiness in your life, you might meet up with your best friends and have a great time but once you get home you will start feeling miserable.
You can temporarily supress your biological instincts by doing other activities but eliminating them entirely takes a lot of willpower. A man who can achieve that and feel happy about it will probably be the happiest man alive.
Plus there's this rush of adrenaline and sensations you can only experience when getting intimate with a woman. There's no substitute.
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Here's One Man's Take On How Women Are Not Necessary......

Post by Contrarian Expatriate »

It is encouraging that so many on this board "get it."

For those few of you that do not, I suggest you view the following recent video from someone who does. I don't endeavor to change you minds because if you don't grasp the concepts by now, you likely never will. You will eventually pay the consequences I must admonish.

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Post by publicduende »

lone_yakuza wrote:
publicduende wrote:And keeping the argument to more standard boundaries, I have a hard time thinking a middle class Asian girl, however spoiled and badly conditioned, would refuse to fall in love with a well-adjusted, smart, successful and good looking young man just because he's as tall or a few centimeters taller than them. They are free to say whatever they want, but when decision time comes, I would like to hear them again.
Statistics already prove that they already do. And the ones that do not are usually below the league of that "height challenged" guy whatever the f**k "height challenged" means. Westerners were only ever able to grow that tall by first annihilating American indians/various indigenous groups and then raping/pillaging half the world, taking their raw materials, and enriching themselves and then also using the ample farmland gained after mass immigration to the USA and Australia (and of course annihilating all the natives) and other parts of the world, thus giving them all the territories of the Americas and parts of Australia for farming, and freeing up space in Europe. THAT is how westerners were able to increase their height and better their nutrition. Otherwise, they would be as height challenged as any East Asian or African-African.
You just can't get this out of your system, can you? You being shorter than 1.70 is not the massive handicap you think. There's this guy, Justin, an ex-colleague of mine in a couple of banks. He's half-Thai (from dad side), no taller than 1.65, a long-time martial art, stunt acrobatics and rock climbing practioner which means he's super-ripped, too. He's cute, albeit far from the Caucasian masculine stud you think all the ladies dig. And he is very confident about himself, the way he looks, he interacts with people, even his professional skills (he's a top-notch software devvie, I worked with him for about 2 years and I can guarantee). And as far as I know he never had trouble finding ladies, white Caucasian, good looking and sometimes taller than him. Below are links to photos of one of his girlfriends: a very pretty, white middle class British.

http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid= ... permPage=1
http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid= ... permPage=1
http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid= ... permPage=1

I do sympathise with your arguments and, unlike what Contrarian Expatriate says, I am mildly interested in delving into your psyche. However, at the end of the day, actions are better than thoughts in these cases, and at some point you just have to move on from this "height/racially challenged" paranoia of yours. However logical and rational they may sounds, your arguments have the distinctive backtaste of excuses. Please accept my humble advice: get your college degree and build yourself some skills (IT, photography, blogging, etc.) that will allow you to work irrespective of location, and spend a couple of years travelling around the world.
lone_yakuza wrote:The fact that you were able to have more than a few Asian girlfriends should speak volumes in itself.
Well, that would speak more about my predilection for Asians, rather than theirs for white Caucasians :) Believe me or not, my long-term Japanese gf loved short muscular Indians. Her boyfriend before me was Indian, and so was the one she started to date a few weeks after splitting up. It's a stupid urban myth that Asian girls always prefer non-Asian boys.
lone_yakuza wrote:Asia is not my home culture. I have only visited and learned the most superficial aspects of it. The only thing I have fairly intimate knowledge of about Asian cultures pertain to martial arts and maybe some aspects of Buddhism/Legalism/East Asian history, the late 1800s, Qing Dynasty, Meiji Period. And of course the US is not my home culture, but it is not really my host culture either, as I am socially ostracized here.
Sorry to sound Mr. Miyagi cheesy-philosophey, but your home culture is inside yourself. The notion of culture is, like moral, a very fluid one, especially in times of forced globalisation and faster than light fashions and trends. And however accurate and unbiased historians and authors might have been, who can guarantee you that your much-credited ancient Chinese or Japanese culture is really what would have made your heart happy? You could use aspects of modern US or ancient Asian culture as rough templates, but ultimately your opinions, thoughts and behaviours will depend on what you choose to take away from those platforms, as you see fit. There's no reward in falling entirely and perfectly into a specific world view, culture or society. You see your life as conforming to the etiquette of a high-class formal dinner, when it's in fact a garden party. You have an empty plate and stretches of buffet tables in front of you. Pick and mix what you want. Synthesis is a gift.
lone_yakuza wrote:And no, developing critical thinking for a young Asian is not a miracle at all. Plenty of East Asians are able to develop critical thinking whereas most Americans cannot even find their own country on a map. You are speaking of Asian AMERICAN youth who have been raised by tigermoms and told to "dead read books" aka be a "book worm" with only "rote memorization skills." No, most Asians are not rote memorizers. There are plenty who can critically think and rote memorizers are not the majority. This shit I am typing now, I have been thinking about since I was 13 years old. And no matter how I think about it, the only way East Asians are ever going to get out of being the stool that westerners use their boots to step on is if East Asia unites, rises, and ensures that the west can never again even lay a finger on East Asia. But of course most Asians are too stupid and infight and have no unity and allow westerners to divide and conquer them, even worse East Asian females vs. East Asian males.
Actually I said that because I have seen a lot of conformism and drive to a collective identity coming from fast emerging Asian countries: South Korea, China, Taiwan. Japanese have already experienced the drawbacks of losing their identity for the sake of a more efficient, productive society, and they're quietly reversing their path. It will happen with Korea, Taiwan and China soon in time.

That predilection for normative behaviour, obsessive hard work and acritical thinking is the classical recipe for the masses, as preached by Confucianism and then spread by the Maoist cultural revolution. I don't know your direct experience with Asia, but from what I could see it's still going strong, very strong, especially with middle class.

East Asia will rise again, and - remember Lao Tse's wisdom - will win the war with the West without even fighting it. Whether united or not, China and the emerging East Asian block will reclaim their independence against the US military and then cultural egemony. Follow the macroeconomic threads on independent blogs like http://www.zerohedge.com, they all lead to that conclusion.
lone_yakuza wrote:I don't think there is any "Albedo" to be had because I have always been dead and "Nigredo." Why? Because there is nowhere in the world I can be Albedo, because the culture that is supposed to be my culture has long since been destroyed and only the most superficial aspects of it remain. Modern Japan is not Japanese. It is western. So is modern China. By westernizing completely instead of simply taking western military technology (which was by the way developed and stolen from earlier East Asian technology), East Asia has already emasculated itself. Simply put, the culture and people I belong to and want to fight for do not exist or only exist as ostracized elements of westernized East Asian society.

And though I was born and raised in the west, the very dialogue/scripture/culture of the west prohibits an East Asian male from being a real man (which is why white males always call me "buddy" "boy" "son", kind of like the way they used to use the same condescending language towards black males, and it pisses me off even more when a white male younger than me does so). This is something that some East Asian males are fighting to change, but I don't see it really changing any time soon. And more often than not, when they do succeed in becoming a "man" it is at the expense of discarding who they really are and westernizing as much as possible so that their ethnic identity is nonexistent (such as the many East Asian males who try to be all-American, play football, eat apple pie, drink beer like every other alcoholic fratboy phaggot motherf***er). These males are no better than the East Asian female whores who try to be as American or western as possible.

I am not projecting anything onto western society because the truth is that western society IS responsible for the destruction of East Asian society on the threat of colonizing Japan like they did the Americas or the way they cut up and majorly f***ed up China.
Once again, all of the thought processes above sound like a big, fat apology of times and places that aren't here anymore, and certainly you didn't have a chance to live. You have probably lost your ability to socialise and empathise with the ordinary guy (or gal) on the street, and you interpret small, random signs like rejections on the basis of age, height, or race. Pardon for sounding harsh, but these are paranoias. I don't remember how you look like, since you changed your avatar to an actor-lookalike a few days after joining, but you could always change your hairstyle and clothes to look more mature than you are.

You don't have a duty to change the way WASPs see East Asians, but you have a right to change your existence to be happier and more in peace with yourself and the world around you. Drink beer if you like drinking beer, not because your frat is forcing you to. You might not join the football team any time soon, but you could lead their martial arts club, right?
lone_yakuza wrote:The destruction of East Asian culture and adoption of western culture/westernization meant that East Asian men were and still are trying to be men in a culture that was made explicitly to ensure that they CANNOT be REAL MEN. Because western culture in itself embodies the bullying, destruction, subjugation, and emasculation of anything non-anglo or non-caucasian. Sure East Asian men can still be men, but it is on the western man's terms and it is still pretty difficult.

What is considered professional dress in East Asia? A western/anglo suit, instead of the traditional hakama and men's kimono or instead of the traditional han fu. East Asians are so blind to the fact that East Asia has already been culturally conquered because it has been this way 100 years before I was born.
Yes, that's true. Eastern fashion is relegated to novelty or particular occasions, and that's because several countries have been looking at the West as cultural and social models ever since British imperialism. So what?
lone_yakuza wrote:Do you see proud Muslim/Arabian or Indian men favoring western dress over their own dress? No. Because they have #1 pride #2 balls to tell the west to go f**k itself.
Well, not entirely true. Most Muslim and Indian men dress Western clothes. Their traditional fashion is back to life on extremelty formal or ritual occasions, like weddings. The reason why Arabians wear their traditional large white robes is for practical rather than cultural reasons: the weather there is so hot and humid that any other way of dressing would cause extreme discomfort. If you've ever been to Dubai or Riyadh you would know :)
lone_yakuza wrote:Simply put, I was born too late. I should have been there in the 1800s helping to advance East Asia's military to ensure that the west could never culturally colonize East Asia nor economically nor militarily.
I would piggyback on David's observation about his recent life transformation and say that, even more simply put, you really haven't been born yet.
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Post by publicduende »

S_Parc wrote:You know, after reading a lot of your replies, I think I can appreciate more of what you're experiencing. I think publicduende has this cookie-cutter application of standard Rogerian psychology and a few other feel-good strategies w/o delving into people's psyche.
The fact that I sound "happier abroad", in love with my wife and in peace with myself doesn't mean I subscribe to "feel good strategies" out of ignorance and naivety. I am 38, had years of intense soul-searching and still used to reassessing myself and my choices continuously. As I was trying to explain Yakuza, there's nothing tragic in not conforming squarely to one or another imperant cultural models. The key element is to know what choices are more likely to bring more balance in your life, at the time you take them.

On a side note...if you guys only knew what kind of life changes I am on the verge of, you would probably think different of me. A couple of people here know about it, yet I don't feel comfortable about making it public, yet. Still a private duende on that one :)
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Post by PeterAndrewNolan »

Banano wrote:This thread sound like MGTOW,

are we all gonna end up hating women? Is that really a solution or self destruction?
Well I have said MANY times that moving to a place where women are nicer is a good option. Even then, women want babies and money and NOT a man who loves them and adores them and wants to be with them.

Example...my fav#1 called the other day to say hello and just to ask after me. (Interpretation.....keep me on the back burner for future money in case she can not find someone who will give her more....don't mistake what she was REALLY doing.)

I brought the conversation around to how we split two years ago on the basis that she was determined to have more children....and now...two years later.....nearing 39....she has no "boyfriend" on the horizon and she is trying to get into a very specific school to train for a very specific sort of job...when she comes out she will be competing with people 15 years younger than her. I put it to her that given what she has done in the last two years and what she says she is planning to do that "more children" were now off the table and that re-consideration of us spending more time together could be put back on the table.

She pretended to get upset which is her way of trying to change the conversation away from where she does not want it to go. I put it to her that she was mostly only interested in said man for cash and kids and that sans cash and kids she did not want a good man who would love her and adore her and make a good life with her. You could almost hear the hammer hitting the nail in the conversation and she quickly changed the subject entirely and refused to be drawn back in to that conversation.

And this is the BEST woman I know! LOL!!

The only way this is going to work in the future if contracts for relationships like this I proposed more then two years ago. Until men are willing to require women to sign contracts and men hold them accountable for their contracts you will continue to get screwed over.

I gave you men the remedy over two years ago...but you are too gutless to use it and too gutless to call on other men to use it...so there is not much to do but leave the west and go enjoy live somewhere else. That is what I did. I recommend it. I offer services to men to do similar. When I get the world passport working I will make out like a bandit.

http://www.mensbusinessassociation.com/ ... fault.aspx
Feel free to check out my blog:Click ME!
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Post by PeterAndrewNolan »

Oh...one other thing.....I put a comment in my first book on prostitution. Simply put prostitution is lawful. The sooner you men insist the prostitution is lawful and can in no way be "legalised" or "regulated" by the guvment the better off you will be. Those of you without game or money who can not get laid using one of those to can then go to prostitutes for the "girlfriend experience". When it is considered lawful it will be cheap.

I have been watching maggies blog for a long time now and there are a lot of interesting stories from men who get what they need from prostitutes...far more than just sex...it really surprised me to read some of these stories.


Here was my comment in my first book.

http://www.mensbusinessassociation.com/ ... fault.aspx
Feel free to check out my blog:Click ME!
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