Anyone tried Ayahuasca or other Psychedelics that are Consciousness Expanding?

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Anyone tried Ayahuasca or other Psychedelics that are Consciousness Expanding?

Post by Winston »

Have any of you ever tried consciousness altering herbs such as Ayahuasca or DMT or Peyote? If so, what happened? Would you recommend it? Did you benefit from it? What is the risk in trying it?

How do you try Ayahuasca? Do you have to join a tour to South America or something? If so, which one would you recommend? Are they expensive? I see lots of hippie types in the videos of people going to South America to do Ayahuasca, so they can't be too expensive. A lot of hot girls who look like New Age holistic types go there too, it seems, and they make YouTube videos about it, which you can find.

Some links:

What about Peyote? Is it Native American? If so, is it possible to try it in America?

And what is DMT? How do you try that?

Mr S, I remember you did some research into this. What did you find out?
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Re: Any of you tried Ayahuasca, DMT or Peyote?

Post by starchild5 »

They are just losers aka easy way out of finding the truth...THE FEAR makes you do Ayahuasca. DMT was largely promoted by CIA Timothy Leary

The hippie movement was infiltrated and all the stupid drugs were introduced. The real hippies would never need drugs of any form to make them free.

Even Shiva smoking weed in Hinduism is the product of infiltration in Holy books.

DMT is just mind altering drug - It doesn't do anything to make you realize the truth. I'm from India and I have smoked ganja and I was as asleep as anyone out there, we also have magic mushroom growing wild and have you seen any Indian awakened :roll: ...Its my own pure unadulterated experience of suffering on earth that led me to the truth.


There is no short cut here...Don't fool around...The earth is sh*t and the only way you gonna come out of it would be through your experience...taking drugs and going to other dimension ain't gonna cut it....Its for pu**sies, who don't have the balls to fight on earth.

I now truly believe...All this DMT was CIA ...

The more I learn about CIA...The more crazy it seems to be...I think CIA and other three letters agencies are the largest organisation in the world employing 10 million or so people.....mostly hybrids etc under the ground... :shock: :shock:
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Re: Any of you tried Ayahuasca, DMT or Peyote?

Post by Winston »

But Starchild,
Shamans have used such things for thousands of years wisely and beneficially right? Can't such things be used to open a gateway to higher states of consciousness or higher dimensions?

Here are some videos of hot girls who look like New Age holistic types, talking about their experiences with Ayahuasca.

Lindsay Lohan says that Ayahuasca has changed her life.

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Re: Any of you tried Ayahuasca, DMT or Peyote?

Post by Winston »

Documentary: DMT - The Spirit Molecule

Dr. Rick Strassmans groundbreaking DMT research through a multifaceted approach to this intriguing hallucinogen found in the human brain and hundreds of plants. Utilizing interviews with a variety of experts to explain their thoughts and experiences with DMT within their respective fields, and discussions with Strassman’s research volunteers brings to life the awesome effects of this compound, and far-reaching theories regarding its role in human consciousness.

Several themes explored include possible roles for endogenous DMT; its theoretical role in near-death and birth experiences, alien-abduction experiences; and the uncanny similarities in Biblical prophetic texts describing DMT-like experiences. Our expert contributors offer a comprehensive collection of information, opinions, and speculation about indigenous use of DMT, the history and future of psychedelic research, and current DMT research. All this, to help us understand the nature of the DMT experience, and its role in human society and evolution.

The subtle combination of science, spirituality, and philosophy within the film’s approach sheds light on an array of ideas that could considerably alter the way humans understand the universe and their relationship to it.

Strassman’s research connects DMT with the pineal gland, considered by Hindus to be the site of the sixth chakra and by Rene Descartes to be the seat of the soul. DMT: The Spirit Molecule makes the bold case that DMT, naturally released by the pineal gland, facilitates the soul’s movement in and out of the body and is an integral part of the birth and death experiences, as well as the highest states of meditation and even sexual transcendence. Strassman also believes that alien abduction experiences are brought on by accidental releases of DMT. If used wisely, DMT could trigger a period of remarkable progress in the scientific exploration of the most mystical regions of the human mind and soul.
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Re: Any of you tried Ayahuasca, DMT or Peyote?

Post by starchild5 »

Wow...Those girls are hot, where to book the ticket :lol: :lol: ..If it takes Ayahuasca to get them, so be it :wink:

I love white new agy women, even though sometimes they may be on the wrong path, their intentions are all genuine ....they are never shy of trying anything new, we have to admire their spirit....they are up for anything...I don't often see, other race women into these things...

My issue is New Age Hippie etc movement was corrupted by Drugs aka CIA introducing it. As I in India, we have Magic Mushrooms growing in the world, Ganja, weed was kinda invented here....I have done it all and I went gives you a high and clears your mind and your spirituality seems to rise up..BUT IT IS MOMENTARY...That is the biggest problem with all drugs...

Shamens were contactee's of spirits and THEY ATE MEAT.....We never hear about Why Shamen's eat meat?


Most of the shamen's were destroyed and killed off by the greater force...They didn't see their own end coming...How spiritually high is that...along with it...They destroyed the whole tribe they were leaders off...

The thing is all these Shamen, going to third world countries and taking ritualistic drugs in deep jungle sounds EXOTIC....that is what it is...You don't gain anything ..except travel experience...I have seen and met 1000s of white people coming to India to seek spirituality when there own backyard is the ocean of spiritual greatness.

I never heard a single shamen talking about White Culture
....As I have said....White Culture was the greatest and biggest civilization before it was destroyed and everything wiped out along with their memory....If white people go to shamen...The first thing they must tell them is...You are higher than me...

You see only white people going to these places NOT Indians, Chinese etc...So called High Culture countries....Because they are badly seeking all that was lost...


Even you feel more like European than Chinese and I don't think you would have thrived in Taiwan :lol: :lol: and now you know how disgusting main land chinese people are with their manner of spitting etc :D and Indians are worst in it...No high culture will allow it, Culture should be in the DNA itself..

Two most disgusting people I have met are Indians, Chinese, Blacks ...Make that three :lol:


Its soo twisted and reverse.....Indians and chinese have no culture and its the whites that have any culture and that is the reason....most Indians and chinese want to immigrate to white countries...It all sub conciseness driven
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Re: Anyone tried Ayahuasca, DMT or Peyote?

Post by starchild5 »

Forgot to add......In all the videos above...They didn't talk even once about Murphy Law :lol: :lol:

Now, you can gauge...What sort of DMT experience they had.....I can assure you...even if you take DMT, Ayahuasca and bath in New age drugs found in clubs...You wouldn't find answers to Murphy Law messing your life and

I assure you that, No guarantee you

Sorry to say...but after your experience with all the above drugs.....when you come down to earth....ML will still be acting on you... :shock: :shock:

Also, When we book the ticket to exp. Ayahuasca....There wouldn't be any Hot Girls to experience it with us :lol: :lol: ..We now know this pretty much...We will never meet spiritually similar women on journeys like this :? :? ..So you see..ML will act on you ...even after and before your experience....
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Re: Anyone tried Ayahuasca, DMT or Peyote?

Post by Mr S »

If you actually want to do Ayahuasca someday, I've looked into some reputable places to go that seem safe and organized enough. I will probably try this eventually if I ever have enough free time and funds to do so, but that probably isn't going to be anytime soon. I don't think these sort of plants and ceremonies will necessarily change your life but maybe they will redirect you onto a much clearer path in regards to the one you were already walking along in the first place. I would go to either Peru or Ecuador, it may be safer in Ecuador cause the Shamans and these kinds of drug ceremonies are regulated by the government there whereas in Peru I guess anything goes still so that's why you have to do your research and make sure you find a reputable place to do this at or with.

Some places and info I've looked into:

If you want to buy shrooms and other plants...
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Re: Anyone tried Ayahuasca, DMT or Peyote?

Post by justin92melvin »

Hey Mr S, I've tried Ayahuasca healing ceremony in the Amazon Rainforest. I recommend you to visit website for more information about their Ayahuasca process.
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Re: Anyone tried Ayahuasca, DMT or Peyote?

Post by algernonsidney »

I have sat in 25 ceremonies in two years. You should be careful who you are dealing with. But the good people in the ayahuasca community are great.

Be careful of any possible reactions. I'm talking about any prescription drugs or even cough syrup. Talk to your shaman before you drink. Bring any concerns, and tell him everything.
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Re: Anyone tried Ayahuasca, DMT or Peyote?

Post by celery2010 »

i have read that due to the "easy money", many new practitioners have no experience or don't care. Ayahuasca like anything else needs careful administration. Many backpackers died due to greedy south americans who wanted their $50.

I would be very careful, if taken the wrong way, there can be serious consequences.
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Re: Anyone tried Ayahuasca, DMT or Peyote?

Post by Winston »

Whats the danger? Why would herbal plants be dangerous?

Then i would choose Ayahuasca teachers who are experienced and have a good reputation and can be vouched for. Common sense.

What do you really get out of it though? Hows it different than using LSD or magic mushrooms? Like Terrence McKenna did?

Btw why is Terrence McKenna considered such a brilliant guy in the new age movement? He promoted using drugs and magic mushrooms to have transcendental experiences. Then he died in 1999. A druggie suddenly dies out of nowhere. I wonder why. Could it have been related to too much drugs?

Have you noticed that people who talk about using drugs all the time for transcendental experiences usually become obsessed with it? If you listen to McKenna's interviews, he seems obsessed with drugs.

Now Graham Hancock is too. He used to be a great guy to listen to about lost ancient history and ancient advanced civilizations. But now all he talks about are drugs. He seems obsessed with it too. Now hes boring to listen to because you cant relate to him anymore unless you take drugs. I hope he doesnt fall to the same fate as Terrence McKenna.
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Re: Anyone tried Ayahuasca, DMT or Peyote?

Post by starchild5 »

Winston wrote:Whats the danger? Why would herbal plants be dangerous?

Then i would choose Ayahuasca teachers who are experienced and have a good reputation and can be vouched for. Common sense.

What do you really get out of it though? Hows it different than using LSD or magic mushrooms? Like Terrence McKenna did?

Btw why is Terrence McKenna considered such a brilliant guy in the new age movement? He promoted using drugs and magic mushrooms to have transcendental experiences. Then he died in 1999. A druggie suddenly dies out of nowhere. I wonder why. Could it have been related to too much drugs?

Have you noticed that people who talk about using drugs all the time for transcendental experiences usually become obsessed with it? If you listen to McKenna's interviews, he seems obsessed with drugs.

Now Graham Hancock is too. He used to be a great guy to listen to about lost ancient history and ancient advanced civilizations. But now all he talks about are drugs. He seems obsessed with it too. Now hes boring to listen to because you cant relate to him anymore unless you take drugs. I hope he doesnt fall to the same fate as Terrence McKenna.
Terrence McKenna was CIA. Most of New age BS all over the world is Demonic. You cannot create your own reality. He died because of drugs.

They are externalizing free-masonic rituals to the world now.

YOU ARE NOT GOD. You can never be like GOD.

Satan is what...rebel, do whatever the f*ck you want deal...aka total freedom, liberty from all rules and regulations aka western ideal that white man thrives in. White man is getting possessed by the satanic forces everyday because his thrive for FREEDOM and his quest to do whatever he wants...Winston been Chinese DNA would question it, resist it.

Again. You do not need Drugs to get God. Its stupid to even think this way. There are no magic pills to reach god easily.

America is exactly what God is NOT.

DO NOT DO Ayahuasca...Its really tribal sh*t made for the tribes who have a life of jungle ...Ayahuasca can alter your DMT levels for ever which would make your life worse living in Urban Society once you come back to lead a normal life.

You cannot function NORMALLY once you take that drug, that is why people go back again and again to South America to experience that "HIGH" and die eventually.

Ayahuasca is GOOD for the tribes living in harsh conditions of South America with a life expectancy of 40 years... :D ..Have you guys ever wondered ..Why tribal people die young by our standard like 40 to 50 years? What is the life expectancy of tribes taking Ayahuasca?..Why 20 year old tribal looks like 50?

Not judging them...Living 50 years in a jungle is equal to 100 in society. They have paid their dues and ready to move on...BUT NOT US.

A dude from the west who already has its brain f*ked up by all chemicals to get more fix is nuts and then he goes back to the sh*t called society to gets his DMT level altered again.

DO NOT PLAY WITH YOUR BRAIN Waves, Minds man....Your brain is fragile...You are not a tribal who lives naked and eat raw meat and dies by age 40 but never have to encounter all horrible disease that "modern" human are been kept "ALIVE" for medical mafia to profit from.

Americans actual life expectancy is 40 years if you ask me. :D They are kept alive by "management pills" to extend their life and suffer the next 30 years on pills to make a trillion dollar for corporations.

David Icke is also responsible for this and his works are becoming more and more freemasonic now a days with his Consciousness talk and you can create your own reality sh*t.


Stop thinking like a Satan. Never do drugs and STOP PLAYING WITH YOUR BRAIN.

I would go so far to say...Once you take Ayahuasca...You can never go back to God.

DO NOT THINK like a HUMAN now..Ohh if that's the case then why did god create Ayahuasca in the first place because starchild you said...god created everything..

YES. He did...That's why I said. RULES. There are certain things you are NOT SUPPOSED TO EAT, TOUCH, FEEL. You are mere human being...YOU ARE NOT GOD. There is a huge difference.

This is where SATAN comes in....You are free to eat whatever the F there is on earth. NO RULES ALL FREEDOM aka America.

You cannot do everything you want. YOU NEED TO LEARN TO LIVE WITHIN YOUR BOUNDARIES aka the God way.

Live the way you want...aka the Satan way ...

I cannot stress this enough. DO NOT TAKE Ayahuasca.
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Re: Anyone tried Ayahuasca, DMT or Peyote?

Post by El_Caudillo »

There is a big cult in Brazil called Santo Daime...I believe taking part in their rituals is legal and if you know somebody not hard to attend. Daime is just another word for Ayahuasca. I have taken mushrooms and the effects were interesting, but I think they just mess up your senses rather than giving you metaphysical-spiritual insights. For example, I saw a bed breathing, which was very cool but didn't get me closer to God. When I was near Taidong I met an Italian doctor who was into Mescalin, LSD and Ayahuasca - he thought they were not bad for your health and that they could help you sort out spiritual dilemmas. I'm open to the fact that they may help in that way, but not without a healthy dollop of skepticism. I don't, however, agree that they are harmless to your physical health. Basically it's plant or fungal toxins giving you the trip - and these can damage your liver.
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Re: Anyone tried Ayahuasca, DMT or Peyote?

Post by Winston »

New Ayahuasca documentary.

"If you’ve been contemplating trying Ayahuasca, watch this documentary. This eye-opening film features Deepak Chopra, Michelle Rodriguez, Ram Dass, Marianne Williamson, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and many others. Watch as they share their perspectives and experiences with Ayahuasca, plant medicine and meditation."

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Re: Anyone tried Ayahuasca, DMT or Peyote?

Post by Adama »

There are some dangers to using drugs. The most benign one is that a person may not actually accomplish any goals because they spend all their time either doing drugs or sleeping. This alone can derail a person's life by removing motivation for almost anything else except for pursuit of the drug.

Another is that the person may lose control of their mind, through hallucinations. Eventually I suspect this can lead to an uncontrolled mind and dementia.

It may also open a person up to spiritual oppression by evil spirits.

Drugs themselves are an illusion. If you want happiness, there is a side effect free way to do it. Besides singing hymns to Christ, a person can listen to comedy for free on youtube. Laughter will bring great joy, without destroying brain structure, without creating delusions, and without spending money, and without psychological dependence.
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