Are you a Wretch? Are most people Wretches? Are most nations Wretched?

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Are you a Wretch? Are most people Wretches? Are most nations Wretched?

Post by Tsar »

Most people in the Western World but also everywhere in the world are now Wretches.

Most nations, especially all the Western Nations, are Wretched.

What do you think?

Are you a Wretch?
Are most people Wretches?
Are most nations Wretched?

an unfortunate or unhappy person.
"can the poor wretch's corpse tell us anything?"

a despicable or contemptible person.
"ungrateful wretches"

(of a person) in a very unhappy or unfortunate state.
"I felt so wretched because I thought I might never see you again"

of poor quality; very bad.
"the wretched conditions of the slums"
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Re: Are you a Wretch? Are most people Wretches? Are most nations Wretched?

Post by Pixel--Dude »

I would say yes. I am a miserable wretch and I live a wretched life plagued with misery, disappointment and pain. I hate it.

Most people are wretched wretches, whether they acknowledge the fact or not. We are a society of wretches living in wretched nations with wretched ideals and wretched belief systems. This planet is a wretched dystopia and I fantasise about destroying it all. Destroying it with fire. Destroying it with floods and Destroying it with darkness so thick that people become lost in it and starve to death :lol:
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Re: Are you a Wretch? Are most people Wretches? Are most nations Wretched?

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »


Are you a wretch?
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Re: Are you a Wretch? Are most people Wretches? Are most nations Wretched?

Post by Tsar »

Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
March 5th, 2023, 10:08 am

Are you a wretch?
I assume that I am according to the first of the definitions that I shared because I have many unfortunate experiences and I am very unhappy. However, it's not by choice.

an unfortunate or unhappy person.

I never experienced love, I experience constant rejection, and I am denied what is rightfully mine. I am very much oppressed by this cruel and corrupt system.

I also want to destroy this world much like @Pixel--Dude mentioned. I would destroy everything about this current world leaving nothing left and then I would create a better world.
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Re: Are you a Wretch? Are most people Wretches? Are most nations Wretched?

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

Tsar wrote:
March 5th, 2023, 11:10 am
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
March 5th, 2023, 10:08 am

Are you a wretch?
I assume that I am according to the first of the definitions that I shared because I have many unfortunate experiences and I am very unhappy. However, it's not by choice.

an unfortunate or unhappy person.

I never experienced love, I experience constant rejection, and I am denied what is rightfully mine. I am very much oppressed by this cruel and corrupt system.

I also want to destroy this world much like @Pixel--Dude mentioned. I would destroy everything about this current world leaving nothing left and then I would create a better world.
Same here. I never experienced any deep love, wealth, not a lot of friends, constant rejection getting a job, etc. I bet most people in America feels the same. They haven't shown it yet.
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Re: Are you a Wretch? Are most people Wretches? Are most nations Wretched?

Post by Pixel--Dude »

Tsar wrote:
March 5th, 2023, 11:10 am
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
March 5th, 2023, 10:08 am

Are you a wretch?
I assume that I am according to the first of the definitions that I shared because I have many unfortunate experiences and I am very unhappy. However, it's not by choice.

an unfortunate or unhappy person.

I never experienced love, I experience constant rejection, and I am denied what is rightfully mine. I am very much oppressed by this cruel and corrupt system.

I also want to destroy this world much like @Pixel--Dude mentioned. I would destroy everything about this current world leaving nothing left and then I would create a better world.
That's because this world, and most of the people who live in it, deserve to be destroyed. I'd destroy them all without mercy. The slave masters of this system and all the complicit slaves who live in absolute ignorance of the horrors of this system. I feel nothing but resentment and bitterness towards such people.

Like Shiva the destroyer we have to tear down the current hegemony, totally destroy it so that in its place something beautiful can grow!
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Re: Are you a Wretch? Are most people Wretches? Are most nations Wretched?

Post by Lucas88 »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
March 5th, 2023, 11:53 am
That's because this world, and most of the people who live in it, deserve to be destroyed. I'd destroy them all without mercy. The slave masters of this system and all the complicit slaves who live in absolute ignorance of the horrors of this system. I feel nothing but resentment and bitterness towards such people.
While I'm by no means an fschmidt level misanthrope, in recent years I've come to realize that the majority of Gentiles are indeed semi-retarded NPC serfs who only exist as compliant cattle for the globalist elite and who probably shouldn't reproduce at all.

I'm not even coming at this from the perspective of an incel. I'm not bitter at people because girls don't like me. I started to have relationships and sexual encounters with Latinas once I got into my 20s. I'm not bitter about women at all.

My grievances with the majority of Gentiles go way beyond such trivialities. The problems which humanity faces are far more serious.

First, the Jews have been conspiring to bring about a controlled destruction of our homelands for well over a century now. They alone determine which nations prosper and which nations succumb to ruin through their monopolistic control over the world financial system. Right now they are progressively pushing us towards a condition of poverty with the aim of introducing their idea of the "Great Reset" within a decade. What this entails is a worldwide slave state with Jerusalem as capital and corresponds to the envisioned tikkun olam of the Messianic Age. What does the average Gentile do? Nothing! They just act as though everything is normal and will even defend the system and call you a "conspiracy theorist" if you mention it. Such a retard is nothing more than a naturalized serf. They deserve to live as nothing more than human cattle in a Jewish prison planet due to their own ignorance, cowardice and unwillingness to resist. Anybody who doesn't want to fight against the system which is being implemented deserves to be enslaved and abused!

Second, for decades now, the globalist elite has been flooding our everyday environment with all kinds of toxins that are poisoning and neurologically impairing a large part of the younger generations. Now we see kids everywhere with autism and all kinds of disorders and chronic ailments. Moreover, more people are unhealthy and suffering from serious illnesses. We are literally wading through poison. Most of the food that we eat is pure trash and is laden with toxins. The air that we breathe is being sprayed with toxic chemtrails. "Medicine" is literally killing people for profit or otherwise leaving people severely messed up. Unsafe vaccines are doing damage to young children but big pharma just covers it up and the typical normie just accepts the mainstream narrative. We are being literally poisoned but the majority of people don't even care. They don't even care about their own health or that of the general population! They are fcukin' worthless retards and deserve to be dehumanized slaves in whatever dystopia the NWO has in store for them!

Third, you have all of the retards who just accepted the clot shot when big pharma rolled it out once the scamdemic had reached a certain level of collective paranoia and, worse yet, some scumbags who wanted to vaccinate everybody by force and penalize anybody who doesn't comply. I don't have any grievance with those who simply took the vaccine out of fear or whatever but those scumbags who wanted to zealously force it on everybody else with no respect for bodily autonomy can get fcuked and die as far as I'm concerned! Like @Cornfed, I too think that they should take all of their boosters - the more the better - and then check out early and go meet their maker! I have no sympathy for them. I fact, I even hate them. But yes, so many dysgenic retards bought into this scam or otherwise - as one friend of mine put it - "sold their souls for a week in Benidorm".

Our countries are going to shit because the evil Jewish cabal has unlimited control over the nations' finances, we are being slowly poisoned by toxins, most of the populace of retards are hoodwinked into taking a shady vaccine by known sociopaths like Kill Gates, and the Kabbalistic Jews are on the verge of manifesting their perverse and unholy tikkun olam in our world, yet all of the brainless lemmings ignore all of this and don't speak out against it. At this point, I only respect Gentiles who wish to stand up for truth and fight against the NWO and the sick Messianic cult behind it. Everybody else can just go to hell! Those retards are just useless trash anyway!
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Re: Are you a Wretch? Are most people Wretches? Are most nations Wretched?

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »


It's shame that white nations are being subjugated and being mentally "pillaged" and being mind "raped" by the Jews with all the perverse social engineering, Jew trickery and their Jew-centric religious fanaticism.
It's a Shakespearean Tragedy that I can only watch. Just like Shylock in Merchant of Venice. They got to keep all the Jews out of the governments
and Central Banks but it seems that the parasites have penetrated deeper into their hosts and sucking the life force of all the Goyim.
The white nations should have banished all the Jews from their continent, but the allies in the World War 2 fought for the Jewish Zionist side. So the Jews have already won.
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Re: Are you a Wretch? Are most people Wretches? Are most nations Wretched?

Post by Moretorque »

Do any of you all think alot of this has happened because of allowing women to become a privledge class in alot of ways and allowing them alot of power in our civilization ?
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Re: Are you a Wretch? Are most people Wretches? Are most nations Wretched?

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

Moretorque wrote:
March 5th, 2023, 7:01 pm
Do any of you all think alot of this has happened because of allowing women to become a privledge class in alot of ways and allowing them alot of power in our civilization ?
Part of it, yes. Technology such as household appliances, contraceptives, automobile, computers, industrialization, internet, etc enable women to have more free time. But then the Jews encouraged women to pursue power and be in the work force with Feminism, Affirmative Action, No fault Divorce Laws, female vote, etc. Women are now competing with men for limited number of jobs, wages remain stagnant because there are many more workers, and birth rate is going down because of most women not being full time mothers. So we must supplement low birthrate by mass immigration of third world savages, kids are becoming socially maladjusted, and Western civilization is sinking into debt because the state have to be a nanny state and they have to subsidize childcare, single motherhood, educating women, subsidizing third world savages, etc, etc. It's a disaster. The Jews are reaping the benefits because they are the ones who prints the money with interest and more interest payments means more money for them.. The Jews are enriching themselves with the chaos they have created.

That's why many of the males are F*cked up, maladjusted, turn to MGTOW, and turn to people like Andrew Tate. The men are getting the shaft.
That's why people like Tsar post threads like this and many others. :)
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Re: Are you a Wretch? Are most people Wretches? Are most nations Wretched?

Post by Moretorque »

What do you think of the supposed fact women test within a few IQ points of there male counterpart of the same race but also I heard on average they test smarter in Africa over black males. It just seems like so many of them are ill informed and gullible.
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Re: Are you a Wretch? Are most people Wretches? Are most nations Wretched?

Post by Tsar »

I recommend everyone watch this relatively short video and read the subtitles. Hitler was talking about how things were in his era but the words could completely describe the present era.

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Re: Are you a Wretch? Are most people Wretches? Are most nations Wretched?

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

Moretorque wrote:
March 5th, 2023, 7:26 pm
What do you think of the supposed fact women test within a few IQ points of there male counterpart of the same race but also I heard on average they test smarter in Africa over black males. It just seems like so many of them are ill informed and gullible.
Doesn't make a whole lot of difference for me. The two genders have different roles. Men are the builders, warriors, protectors of civilization. Women are the nurturers, child bearers, and housekeepers. It was like that for several thousands of years. But the Jews have ruined the gender dynamics and for the last 50-60 years, the two genders are fighting each other instead of cooperating.
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Re: Are you a Wretch? Are most people Wretches? Are most nations Wretched?

Post by Moretorque »

What about all the Jews who are being poisoned by all this stuff like Vaccines, fluoride, pharma. Are they just expendable by the elite Jews? Are they like interested in the survival at the top of their blood lines and see all the others groups as needing to be culled because they are animals ?
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Re: Are you a Wretch? Are most people Wretches? Are most nations Wretched?

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

Moretorque wrote:
March 5th, 2023, 7:42 pm
What about all the Jews who are being poisoned by all this stuff like Vaccines, fluoride, pharma. Are they just expendable by the elite Jews? Are they like interested in the survival at the top of their blood lines and see all the others groups as needing to be culled because they are animals ?
Don't know.. Perhaps they are not in the special elite clique, Khazarian bloodline, or not well connected. I guess the lower level Jews are expandable scapegoats for the goyim to attack, but the high level Jews are secretly pulling all the stings.
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