Greatest Post That Needs to Be Said on Happier Abroad (READ)

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Greatest Post That Needs to Be Said on Happier Abroad (READ)

Post by Fenix »


What's up, guys? I want to reintroduce myself to the newest members on this forum. My screenname is Phx because my real name is Phoenix. I was one of the 1st 50 members to sign up for this site back in 2007. My old name was Pacsun. I am an African-American male, 28, and I have lived in Arizona for 5 years. I date and prefer white women, but I like all women. This post has been in the making for months now. I am a ghost lurker now because this forum has turned into toxicity. Winston only cares about making money and not improving his forum. I am going to write about the things I find wrong with this website/forum. I feel that I do not contribute to this site anymore because no one wants to solve their personal problems. 90% of you whine like little bitches and that's all you want to do. I can count on my two hands how many men have actually went abroad on this forum.

My update: As many of you want to know where I have been. I have been with my new freelance writing job since June and it is my dream job. I work much less, but make lots of money. All of my free time is spent on a site called, which is a goldmine for meeting foreign women. It's a pen pal/ language exchange site, but you can flirt and date girls on this site. I have been on this site for a year now and I have had so much success. I have 1000's of dollars saved in my account now and by the time summer hits, I will have triple the amount I already have. It is hard to decide where I want to go in Europe because the women I am meeting are so f***ing amazing. I have my top 10 countries I want to visit.

Now, let's get on to the real show.

1. Fear mongering

This is the biggest problem I see on this forum. We are grown ass men. Telling other grown ass men not to go to country X because of skinheads or some other irrelevant thing pisses me off. I listened to Ladislav for years. He brainwashed me. He was my mentor. His book was my personal travel Bible. I was into the Philippines like most of you guys. Since I have been on Interpals, I have talked to foreign women from almost all the European countries, most of Asia and other countries. My eyes have opened. I always knew it was bullshit what Ladislav and other men were saying. Listen, don't take advice from people on this forum. Just make your own judgements and find out for yourself. If I would have listened to Ladislav about Europe, I wouldn't have met the most gorgeous women on Earth. I continue to have success. More about this later.

I am so sick of members on this forum scaring other members. I do not believe a woman is going to come to the US and all of a sudden turn into a she-devil. If she does turn "Americanized" she was always like that. I don't consider this Americanization. Americanization is a the evil side of women. I have talked to women from all over the world and this behavior is everywhere. I am also sick of men on this forum using the word feminism like it is a disease like cancer. "Italy has too much feminism!" What the f**k do you mean? How do you know this?

Another thing I love about this site is members take an inch of data and it spreads like wild fire and people actually believe this shit. For example, Japanese women are ABCD because a member had a bad experience. This bad experience is projected and generalized by all members as gospel. I have seen this countless times and it makes me ill. I have talked to Japanese women and Korean women and they don't seem racist to me. I don't see the correlation. Maybe because I am black, I don't know.

Most men on this site are afraid to bring back their wives or girlfriends because she will turn into an American woman has to be one of the biggest myths I want to be abolished. No one has any proof of this. Seriously, I am moving to Europe, do you honestly believe I am going to act German being in the country for 6 months? Women are actually human beings too, you know. Women are not robots. My 26-year old Polish female friend is not going to all of a sudden move to the US and turn into a bitch. If someone has data to support this, please proof it to me.

Crime is everywhere. Racism is everywhere. I will not go to most places in the US at night, so why the f**k are you afraid of going to Hong Kong? I don't get it. Grow some balls. 'Will I be safe going to Manila?" So what?! Just go. This is another way to stop yourself from going overseas.

2. Country X Doesn't Like Y Race

This ones kills me too. Black men on this forum. Do not listen to white men, please. No, any man that is a different race and asking for advice for another country, don't even do it. I did this in the past asking white men if women from country X liked me and of course you will get the same answer: no, they don't like black men. We are supposed to be here to help each other out. Stop cockblocking. Stop being a little p***y. We are not competing against each other. I help my friends out on this forum. I gave people on this site advice and I gave the Interpals to use. I am not going to sit here and say country X doesn't like white guys. I am not insecure. Many of you guys are f***ing insecure. Help each other out. There are millions of women to go around, so stop being a little sissy. Every time someone tells me a country doesn't like me for being black, they get proven wrong. Hungary, Czech Republic, and Romania are perfect examples. Sorry to call you out, Jackal, but you still are set in your ways. PMed him a month or so ago about he was wrong about these countries and he says his tired schtick about I can't get a girl in those countries. It's no use to even get advice from other races of men. They will not experience how things are as your race, so stop asking for advice. Find out for yourself. I am much happier with myself finding out myself instead of asking others about this shit. No one on this site is an expert. If you want to go to a country, find out about the women. Talk to the women and the men. Don't ask for advice, please. Your experience will be different than other men.

I really hate how men on this forum just don't help others out. Okay, loneyakuza likes Russian women, and? That's what he likes. White men on here like Asian women, so what? Let these men go to the country they want and let them see what happens with the women there instead of giving them poor advice that Russian women don't find Asian men attractive. You don't know.

3. Self-hating

This has to stop on this forum. I have talked about this countless times. I do not like black women. I am not attracted to them physically. I am tired of explaining this to everyone offline and online. Men lie. Women lie. My dick doesn't. If I am hard looking at non-white women then my dick isn't lying to me. Sorry, it's not impossible for me to not like black women. Yes, I am sane. No, there's nothing wrong with me. No, I am not brainwashed by the media. First 10 years of my life, I was around nothing but black people. Who did I have crushes on in school? White girls. Who did I fall in love with on TV? Alyssa Milano. We are all the human race, last time I checked. Give me some evidence that I am supposed to automatically like my own "race." Black men are the biggest self-haters, do you know why? Trolls seem to find this site and make posts in the black threads. I don't want to be white. I love being black. I don't consider myself black. I am an individual. Judge me as an individual and not my race. I can date whoever I want. I have also seen this shit said on this forum: White girls that like black men, it's just a fetish! White men dating Asian women, attraction. Sick of this shit too. Being attracted to someone is not a fetish. Do you know what a fetish is? BDSM. That's a fetish. Wanting my girl to dress up in a schoolgirl outfit is a fetish. Me liking white women isn't a fetish.

You have to respect other people's values and preferences. Calling someone a self-hater is so wrong on so many levels. Why shame each other? I don't give a shit if Asian men date white women, black women, etc. White men can date who they want. I don't care.

4. Racist trolls

For the life of me, I do not know why odbo is still allowed to post on this forum. He is clearly an idiot. He doesn't contribute anything to this forum. This forum is a mixture of ISG and Stormfront. This forum has no identity. I truly believe this forum should get rid of the racism forums. It's stupid and pointless. Please get rid of the Asian Americans forum. What's the point of these sections? Isn't this a travel forum? What identity is this forum trying to portray? There shouldn't be any racists on this forum or any type of racist topics. This site should be about moving overseas. Pussies like odbo would never say the shit he says on this forum in my face or anyone else's face. He is doing this because he can (no one is going to ban him) and because the Internet is a playground for trolls. This site will never be more than a niche site because of racist trolls. I read Roosh's forum from time to time even though I don't agree with his PUA ways, but his blog, website and forum are infinitely better to this site by light years. It's not hard to imagine why...

5. Complaining about western women being entitled, but you have the same entitlements for foreign women

This one cracks me up the most. I see this shit daily on this forum. Tsar, for example, never has had a girlfriend. 25 years old, right? This guy has the nerve to say he wants a virgin and ABCD. Okay, you don't have the right to demand this in a woman. I get tired of this entitlement shit. You get mad when American women demand a man to have nice car, big house, etc and you cry like bitches, but you can go to the Philippines and demand a girl there to be a virgin, have no male friends, cook, clean, etc. Why this double standard? Why are you having princess syndrome with foreign women? Isn't the reason why you don't want western women is because they are entitlement princesses, but you want to find a woman that is a Jenna Jameson/Betty Crocker hybrid. This boggles my mind. This obsession with women being virgins has to stop. Do you know this is near impossible? Why should a girl be a virgin, but you can f**k anyone you want. Why does the girl have to have a chastity belt and you don't? I understand men don't want a slut, but women have a damn past. Don't ask about her past because that's retarded. She is dating you now. f**k what she did before. I rather have a girl with sexual experience than a virgin. You guys are so damn insecure, that's why you want a virgin. Keep her on a leash. Many of you just want a sex slave and a maid. Want to go back to the 1950's! Sorry, that's not happening. Got to grow up, fellas. I like women that are independent. You can't have it both ways. Bitching about western women being delusional about their standards, but it's fine for you to get a foreign woman with your laundry list of demands, e.g. Johnny1975. Johnny1975, really? This is the delusion I am talking about. None of us deserve shit, you know that right? We all should have standards, but you are not going to find a girl with double D's, a Julia Child incarnate, Jesse Jane in the sack, Alice from the Brady Bunch and a virgin. That's not f***ing happening.

The last thing that pisses me off is the whole rating system shit. Okay, you never had a girlfriend in your whole f***ing life, but your girl has to be an 8 or above. Many of you say you are a 5 or below in looks, so how the f**k do you believe you deserve an 8 or above? Many of you men on this forum want a trophy on your arm. You don't care about her personality, views, values, etc. It's about three people: me, myself and I. You want a Pamela Anderson that can cook. You want a Lucy Liu who can wash your ass. You want a Stepford wife. The women you want don't exist. You complain that women will never find Prince Charming, well, sorry guys, you aren't finding your Sarah Lee mixed with Tori Black. She doesn't exist. Men on here have the same delusional standards western women have, but you want a foreign woman to have these standards, which is the difference.

6. Biggest Myth on Happier Abroad: We're All Losers!

This question and its various incarnations: Why are you even on this forum? Why are you on this forum? If you can get laid in the US, why are you here?

Listen, many of the men on this site had success in their home countries. I can get laid with no problem or anything. On Wednesday, I am on Interpals and I messaged a girl from Michigan. By the way, this shit is hilarious because that new member from Michigan is saying women there suck lmao. Anyway, I talked to her on Wednesday and we began to flirt and cyber sex a little bit. Talked to her again last night and she sent me a pic of her ass without me even asking. I got more pics of her too. I never had a problem getting an American woman. That's not the problem. I look like Tupac Shakur. I can probably get a good girl for friends with benefits, but the main problem I have with American women is my own shit. I am an atheist, I don't want kids or want to get married. Many American girls are psychopaths. Can I get a f**k friend here? Easily. I am not attracted to American women anymore. I talk to nothing but foreign women now. We all know the issues of American women, I get it. We all get it. Why are you bitching about it everyday? Is this forum MGTOW/Niceguy-forum (MRA) or Happier Abroad? This site has no identity.

Many members on this site, usually the older members were married more than once and have kids. Obviously, they had success here. We're not all ugly, fat, balding men. I am 28, black, look like a celebrity and really have no problems getting women in the US. Like I said, we all know why women here suck. My main reason being on this site is to travel. I always wanted to travel and I will visit Europe this summer. This site is not about being a loser, so I want to go to Asia to f**k bargirls. No, unlike most men on this forum, I do want a girlfriend. I have nothing against P4P, but you will get tired of that shit. You want a real connection. I miss watching movies with a girl. Going skating, bowling, out to dinner, playing video games, etc. You can't do that with a hooker. You get nothing but a nut. Many of you guys want to be [fictional] playboys and you do not want a long-term relationship. All you want to do is f**k as many girls as possible, e.g. rome86.

Most men on this site have no problems getting women, but they are tired of the women in their country, so they want something new and/or want to explore the world. I want to explore the world. I have been there, done that with the US. I have never been outside the US except for living in Hawaii for 2 years. I want something fresh and new. The world is bigger than the US. Stop this lie about we're all losers. I am not an ugly guy. I don't have poor social skills. I don't have a personality disorder. I look like a normal guy you would like to hang out with. I have no problems whatsoever. Yes, I have flaws like every other human being. I am not blaming my problems on someone else or on a society. It's time to look in the mirror and improve yourself and stop blaming others. Perfect example of this is Winston's delusion. I will talk more about Winston later, but if you are having problems everywhere you go, I don't think it's the society. It's you, motherf***er. Be a man and be accountable for your own actions and mistakes...

7. If I don't agree with what you do or say, you're a mangina!

Publicduede gets so much shit on this forum. He is called a mangina 24/7 or a troll or a female. Look, this man has a flaming hot wife. If this man is a mangina, f**k it, I want to be a mangina too because his wife looks amazing. Stop calling members of the forum manginas. That is an overused word. If you don't agree with someone, fine, but don't call him a mangina. Many men are raised to be gentlemen. I was raised to be one and I am not ashamed of it. I have never changed myself for no one and I can still get what I want from girls. I am not a conformist. I didn't do PUA or anything type of mind games. I have always been myself. Yes, white knights are a huge problem, but guess what? Men in the US don't have male role models. I wasn't taught how to be a man by my stepfather. I had to learn things on my own. I was utterly clueless for years. My best friend Erica, she helped me a lot. I couldn't even talk to a girl in person let alone on a phone. So, we talked on the phone almost everyday. She helped me indirectly by helping me improve my social skills and learning how to talk to girls. Now I love talking on the phone with girls for hours. I am a mangina for doing this, probably. Stop overusing the word mangina, Jesus Christ on acid.

8. Poor countries have the best women, 2nd biggest myth on this forum

I have talked to women from Scandinavia, Germany, Italy, Canada, Australia and the UK and I have met amazing women from each of these countries. These are considered rich countries, right? I don't see a correlation for poor countries being the best countries for women. I have met women from poor countries and they do not impress me at all. Women from rich countries are better, in my opinion. Not only are they more intelligent, they will most likely be independent, do not ask you for anything since they can do this themselves or scam you. Let's be serious, if you are a white man and you are talking to Filipinas, you will get scammed half of the time. I have never been scammed by any women online. Dating a poor girl has its problems like you have to pay for her and her family, she will want a stupid allowance, you have to be the breadwinner, she will be a parasite and I have heard the horror stories on this site about this shit. Why go through all of this trouble for a poor girl? Poor countries are the best! Rich countries have more advantages not because of the quality of women, but they will be identical to western countries particularly the US. You will have similar western stores in rich countries. I doubt the Philippines will be like the US in this regard.

I am a type of guy that loves flirting. I love talking to women on the phone. I love being sarcastic and witty with girls. I love playfulness. Many poor women do not get my wit or humor. Rich women usually do without a problem. Many of you said poor girls don't know how to hold a conversation or anything, so what;s the point? Only sex? That's right, you are only going overseas to go f**k whores. Let's be honest: most of you guys will end up spending money on hookers. None of you want a girlfriend or wife.

9. Delusional Expectations + Winston

I love Winston, I really do. This guy has been in Taiwan for 5 years and he is still writing essays about this country? Like momopi said, will he continue to bitch and moan in 2014? Why are you still in Taiwan if it is so damn bad? I love how Winston's an expert and gives others advice on dating and such, but he won't take his own advice. Why don't you go to Russia and see how things are? Winston said to another member, but he is with his parents working on "projects." Cut the excuses.

Banano, wow, you have been on a rampage. You really did change a lot. Countries for men that are broke? Listen, I have been on these type of forums for years. I find it funny how the only countries most of you want to go to are damn Philippines, Thailand and Taiwan, just proves to me that all of you want an easy route. Easy meaning, you know women here worship white men. We're being honest here, right? I don't have a problem with you going to places where you are sought after, but I find it utterly pointless to go to countries where you are popular. You don't want to research other countries. What if these countries are not for you? Winston bitches about Taiwan saying he is westernized and his personality doesn't mesh with Taiwan's conservative personalities. Okay, go somewhere where your personality matches that country. OzGuy, he moved to Switzerland because he's an introvert plus he has citizenship. Things are working out for him and his girlfriend.

I have seen more epic fail threads about the Philippines more than ever on this forum. This is what I find funny. You guys overrate the hell out of the Philippines and you create this fantasy in your head about it and they you go there, you are not being treated like a rock star. Who the f**k wants to be treated like a rock star? Just because Will N. Dowd can f**k 100's of girls in a week doesn't mean you will. Go to a country that interests you. Don't go to one because they love white men here or whatever your race is. Yes, Germany is a country that loves black men, but I talk to women from other European countries. I am more interested in other countries in Europe now. I get tons of attention from Polish, Czech, Kazakh, Lithuanian, Russian, Hungarian, Croatian, etc. I can go to any country in Europe and find a girl. Why limit myself to Germany? Yes, I have had tons of success with German girls being a black guy, but I am constantly talking to women from everywhere.

10. Conclusion

I have learned more about myself over the past year being on Interpals. I know what I like. Know what I don't like. I discovered more. I am glad I didn't listen to members on this forum. I would have missed out on other countries in this world, not just in Europe but in Asia. I should make a list of countries I have talked to people from. It's a long ass list.

Most of the guys on this site are f***ing scared puppies. The fear mongering is one thing, but some of you are too afraid to even go on a dating site or a pen pal site. Man, this girl has like 85 million comments on her photos. And? This girl says she doesn't want to flirt or look for a relationship. So what? Many of you make excuses and you want to limit yourself. You have more options than you think. This didn't really sink in my head until last year.

Here's the site I recommend:

The best site you're going to use to meet foreign women. It's not a dating sit per se, but you can talk to women from anywhere in the world. Make your profile, make it interesting, upload some good pictures of yourself and see what happens. Many of you piss and moan and that's all you want to do. It's better to complain than to change. It's better to bitch than to not doing anything about it. You don't want a solution, you just want to vent...everyday. Stop blaming others for your bullshit, please. Winston does this with Taiwan and the US. If you have problems everywhere you go, it's you, I am sorry. American society is a cesspool, but if you go to another country and you are still having problems, look in the mirror. If you don't like that place, move somewhere else. I am still saving money for my Euro trip and I am doing it this year.

If I had Winston's money, I wouldn't be writing essays all day long. I would be researching other places to visit. You went from going to Russia, Poland, Lithuania and couch surfing to going back and forth to Philippines and Taiwan writing essays about why these places suck. You just want to live in places you hate. You hated the US and you did something about it. You moved. Why is it so hard for you to move out of Taiwan? Because of your parents? You're 40 years old and live with your parents? There's no reason for this. You make money in your sleep. I would love to have a passive income like this website and do nothing. You are taking what you have for granted. This forum could shut down any day of the week. What is going to happen if you don't have this website anymore? Do you have savings ? Will the savings be enough? As a freelance writer, we all have more than one job. We have 5 or more jobs we can do if our main job fails. What does Winston have as a Plan B? I bet nothing. His parents could die in a fire tonight and he would be done. There's one thing to be "frugal" and one thing to be irresponsible. If you have 20,000 USD like you claim, I wouldn't be in Taiwan writing top 10 lists everyday. It makes no sense. There's clearly more to your story that you won't tell us.

One thing Winston said that cracks me up. He said he wants to date his own race. Okay, I thought you loved saying you were a banana (yellow on the outside, white in the inside). I truly believe the American man is the greatest schtick is on life support. It pays to be a minority right now. No one is interested in the US anymore, no one except people from poor countries. Since we are in a globalization phase, more people are interested in other cultures and races. I hate to say this, but South Korea and it's K-Pop fad is making people more interested in other cultures that are different. No one cares about Americans. I mean white males. I have to admit this. I am getting more attention than I can handle online. I am an American, but I am different. I always get, "were you born in the US?" You are intriguing now because you are unique. This is not only for white guys, but for all of us. If you like other races of women, that's is great. I am an interracial dating advocate for life, but guys like Winston wants to date Taiwanese women, it's not happening any time soon. You are not unique even though you claim to be.

One of the main reasons why you fail in Taiwan is because people know you are Taiwanese. They don't give a damn if you are American. They see your ethic background. Then you have the problem of not speaking the local language fluently, so you have to search for English speakers. No one talks about this regarding Winston's failures in Taiwan. It's like me going to Belize and not speaking Creole. I look like a local and you are expected to be a local. This is why learning the local language is crucial. No one talks about this shit. Everyone expects these people to speak decent English. Winston has way more problems than this in Taiwan, but he needs to get the f**k out of Taiwan. I don't want to come on this forum in 2014 and this guy is still writing top 10 lists about Taiwan. This has to stop. Find a solution. The damn founder is not even happier abroad, how does that look for the concept of this website/forum? Owner is not even happy overseas, so why should I even go overseas? Okay, Winston says Taiwan is not abroad since he was born there, but this is a cop out response. Taiwan is abroad and you are not happy. Don't sugar coat this.

If you got past my rant, thanks for reading it all. I don't care if any of you talk shit to me. This had to be said. All of us are grown men and we all need to take responsibility, accountability and criticism. Many of you want to easiest path down the road, which disgusts me. Women want a leader. Men on here are not leaders. This is what I see mostly on this forum excluding bitching about women:

"Countries where I can be a sugar daddy"

"Countries for guys that are broke & average looking"

"Countries with the highest percentage of virgins"

"Girls that like fat guys"

"Countries that like 18 year old white men that are tall"

"Countries for men that don't care if you have a disability"

"Countries where women approach men" *this is my favorite one*

I could do this all day. I don't care what country you are going to. We have to work for p***y. It's not a cakewalk. You have to put in work to get the girl. There's no easy way out of this. All the men that posted in that thread about countries that women approach men should be ashamed of themselves. Many members shame other members on this forum, but you have to be a f***ing man. Why would this even cross your mind? You don't want to go up to a girl? What's the point of being a man? You don't want to work for it? What the f**k? The cold approach is not the only approach. The cold approach that is not really a cold approach is the best. What is this? Well, you see a girl and you just say something random like you stand in a line in McDonald's and you ask a girl what time it is because she has on a watch. You start the conversation from there. There are many ways to talk to women in the real world. I feel many of you want it easy. This is probably why most men on here date hookers and pay for p***y.

Anyway, my rant is done. This shit had to be said by someone. This forum doesn't have any solutions. All you do is bitch about women. Don't want to change or improve yourself. The women has to adapt to what you want. You don't care about the woman except for her measurements and what she can do for you. You're no better than American women you bitch about daily. This is not a fantasy world. Foreign women are amazing, but trust me, I have talked to many of them worse than American women. Women are women. They all bleed a certain time of the month, have mood swings, etc. Just be realistic about what you want. All I see is a bunch of men dreaming about a perfect girl that doesn't exist on this planet.

Call me all of the names you want. I had to say this because this forum is turning into pure shit. Many quality forum members are gone for a reason.

Oh yeah, what is the deal with these trip reports with no damn pictures? Many of you are scared to even post your pictures too. I don't get it. Anyone can write a trip report. I want to see some pictures of you, your girl, etc. It's only a picture. Pics or never happened, seriously. This also pisses me off. A trip report is not valid to me if you go to a country for a week or so and you can't even take pictures of yourself in that area or take pictures of local girls. I find this pointless.


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Post by Bane »

This has to be one of the most honest posts I've read on this site in quite a while. Kudos to you, sir!
"A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world." -Oscar Wilde

"Invincibility is in oneself, vulnerability is in the opponent" -Sun Tzu
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Post by Banano »

"Banano, wow, you have been on a rampage. You really did change a lot"

I ll take it as a compliment :roll:

yes, theres lot of HA guys who are into p4p, sugardaddying poor girls from 3rd world palces

Winstons bitching about TW has to stop, as pioneer he should be exploaring new destinations and reporting back like Roosh does,
40 years old living with parents, thats wrong in itself no offence, my brother is younger than you and he is very similar...
winnie 40 yo overweight man wants 20 something yo slim girls,
when aw want to date only top shelf guys then it superficial and upsets him.

everybody wants the best they can get

noone has posted any photos from their trips apart from Winston, then again his chicks in Ph were mostly hookers and it
gives bad image to all of us here, founder and spiritul leader of HA 'dating site cant score regualr girl and bangs h00kers ...

Bottom line is if women in US dont want you or/and you never had gf b4 I can tell you that it will be struggle anywhere you go unless you pay for it
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Post by OutWest »

Banano wrote:"Banano, wow, you have been on a rampage. You really did change a lot"

I ll take it as a compliment :roll:

yes, theres lot of HA guys who are into p4p, sugardaddying poor girls from 3rd world palces

Winstons bitching about TW has to stop, as pioneer he should be exploaring new destinations and reporting back like Roosh does,
40 years old living with parents, thats wrong in itself no offence, my brother is younger than you and he is very similar...
winnie 40 yo overweight man wants 20 something yo slim girls,
when aw want to date only top shelf guys then it superficial and upsets him.

everybody wants the best they can get

noone has posted any photos from their trips apart from Winston, then again his chicks in Ph were mostly hookers and it
gives bad image to all of us here, founder and spiritul leader of HA 'dating site cant score regualr girl and bangs h00kers ...

Bottom line is if women in US dont want you or/and you never had gf b4 I can tell you that it will be struggle anywhere you go unless you pay for it
A lot of truth in what you are saying. If you are totally inept with women in the USA, your luck may not get much better in the Philippines or anywhere else. Rather than face this and deal with root causes, most just score some hookers and pretend they were
"successful" when even a green cyclops can score with hookers (Though some more popular girls can likely pick and choose.)

I suspect that the most successful overseas man will have had wives or GFs in the USA, but simply prefers the women he meets overseas.

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Post by S_Parc »

OutWest wrote:A lot of truth in what you are saying. If you are totally inept with women in the USA, your luck may not get much better in the Philippines or anywhere else. Rather than face this and deal with root causes, most just score some hookers and pretend they were "successful" when even a green cyclops can score with hookers (Though some more popular girls can likely pick and choose.)

I suspect that the most successful overseas man will have had wives or GFs in the USA, but simply prefers the women he meets overseas.
I'm really trying to get a grasp around this whole thing. For one, why would a guy want a drama queen, control freak, or some other unsavory AW, just so that he can mark off a chart which states "I have had a relationship with an American woman", before then going off to Brazil or Asia?

In effect, that's what's being implied in the above. Did any of you actually have a real sister or grow up around narcissistic HS co-eds to not notice that dating locally, isn't some 'Red Badge of Courage'? It doesn't make a character statement about an individual. Instead, it implies a type of *need to belong* or *conformity mindset* where people around you, know better than what you know for yourself.
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Post by abcdavid01 »

The virgin thing isn't an entitlement. It's like women demanding their husbands not be drunks. Virginity says a lot about her values too. I'm 21 and I've had girlfriends before. I'd be fine with a totally average looking woman as long as the personality and values are there. Virginity is one of those values. Most women aren't virgins now because men stopped being leaders and let them step out of line.

And I like publicduede.

Why do you like talking to women so much? I like listening to women on the phone if I'm like really into them. I'll be doing like 10% of the conversation though because it's the women who talk.

S_Parc is totally right. We both have Feminist sisters. Tsar's problem is he lives in Rhode Island. I live in New Jersey and I do much better with girls anywhere South of Washington D.C. or places like Southern California.
Last edited by abcdavid01 on January 18th, 2013, 7:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by soontobefree »

Very candid and well-written post. Although I've only been lurking since last year, I have to agree with your comments about general negativity on the forum. The point is to be happier abroad, not miserable.

I can also vouch for Interpals as a decent site. Although I've only used it to practice French with cute girls, it has a ton of potential as a dating site, and I'll definitely be using it as such when I go abroad. And it's interesting you mentioned K-pop and South Korea, because I notice that a lot of women (especially from Western Europe and Latin America) on there are interested in finding Korean or other East Asian friends.
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Post by abcdavid01 »

I think something vastly underrated is climate. Lone_yakuza literally cannot function in warm environments. I'm the opposite.

When it's cold and dark I hibernate. Way more than a lot of other people even. I become almost an agoraphobe. My parents say when I was a kid I would refuse to go out at night. It wasn't fear of darkness or anything though. It was just such a huge existential bother for me and still is. I mean, I'll go out at night if the weather's warm though. It really effects my mood. I can't pick up girls if I'm in constant irritation. I can't let my mind relax. I bet a lot of the girls here are closed off for similar reasons. So I always do better South where I don't feel like I'm carrying a weight on my back. It's not just girls either. I really think if I was raised in the South I'd have been more successful in life so far, simply because there would be that minimum standard of decency I require to function.
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Post by S_Parc »

abcdavid01 wrote:When it's cold and dark I hibernate. Way more than a lot of other people even. I become almost an agoraphobe. My parents say when I was a kid I would refuse to go out at night. It wasn't fear of darkness or anything though. It was just such a huge existential bother for me and still is. I mean, I'll go out at night if the weather's warm though. It really effects my mood. I can't pick up girls if I'm in constant irritation.
Here's my counterpoint ... I love New England. Well ... ok, within reason, I'm not too crazy about snow drifts and such, however, I've worked on teams building snow tunnels & fortresses, and such, during major blizzards when I was a kid. I like Clam Bakes, Oysters, Clam Rolls, Lobsters, and Yankee pot roasts. Believe it or not, shoveling snow is occasionally fun.

I do not feel out of touch with my native elements, however, I can't stand the retarded drama queens, schizoid women, and the type of ingeniousness that women around me depict. In effect, I've dated American women transplants from the South or Midwest, into the New England region, because for the most part, they had some semblances of normalcy. This was before I'd turned 24, when I went FW only.
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Post by Ghost »

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Post by zboy1 »

Well, the most important thing I got from reading the forums on HappierAbroad is that living overseas can improve one's life--both mentally and socially, which is what I hope to experience when I begin teaching English in Russia in mid-February. I don't know what to expect living in a completely foreign country--not knowing either the language or the women there--but I figured WTH, it's better than suffering in the hell-hole known as the U.S. of Gay. I think that is what the essence of HA is about: explore the world and take a chance with your life; you never now how it will turn out!
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Post by eurobrat »

Last edited by eurobrat on May 25th, 2013, 11:54 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by abcdavid01 »

S_Parc wrote:
abcdavid01 wrote:When it's cold and dark I hibernate. Way more than a lot of other people even. I become almost an agoraphobe. My parents say when I was a kid I would refuse to go out at night. It wasn't fear of darkness or anything though. It was just such a huge existential bother for me and still is. I mean, I'll go out at night if the weather's warm though. It really effects my mood. I can't pick up girls if I'm in constant irritation.
Here's my counterpoint ... I love New England. Well ... ok, within reason, I'm not too crazy about snow drifts and such, however, I've worked on teams building snow tunnels & fortresses, and such, during major blizzards when I was a kid. I like Clam Bakes, Oysters, Clam Rolls, Lobsters, and Yankee pot roasts. Believe it or not, shoveling snow is occasionally fun.

I do not feel out of touch with my native elements, however, I can't stand the retarded drama queens, schizoid women, and the type of ingeniousness that women around me depict. In effect, I've dated American women transplants from the South or Midwest, into the New England region, because for the most part, they had some semblances of normalcy. This was before I'd turned 24, when I went FW only.
I've been skiing and snow tubing before and really enjoyed it. There's such a rush or high that I don't notice the cold or it just becomes a part of it. Going about my daily life though, cold is just a mood killer. I used to think I really liked NYC too until I realized I only like going to concerts there.

Another thing about New Jersey, I hate how middle of the road it is. My dad says it's good because there are four seasons and there are forests. Well I'm thinking, just f***ing move to Denver then. New Jersey had forests, but now we have these pitiful little nature reserves and small hills and crap. It's supposed to be like the best of everything, but instead it's the lowest common denominator. Totally bland place to live that can't make up its mind of what it wants to be. When I got back from California recently my mom said it was a bad place to live because of earthquakes. We just got hit by Hurricane Sandy ffs.
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Post by Tsar »

eurobrat wrote:
Ghost wrote:Well, I agree on a lot of points. Getting over the fear of striking out on your own or taking a chance and going somewhere is probably the hardest thing to get over. I know it has been my most difficult problem. I know when I have asked questions here (and elsewhere) too much, all I end up with is a bunch of opinions. They aren't wrong since they are opinions, but they won't ring true for everyone. So in the end, it takes a spirit of climbing up out of the whole, gaining some foothold, and going. Giving in to fear is guaranteed disappointment.

Expecting one's wife to be a virgin, though, is completely reasonable. Those who don't have trouble with women won't care about it, or not as much, but it is reasonable. Women are less able to bond with each additional man they have sex with. Traditionalists want virgin wives. It's one of the backbones of civilization and a good thing to do anyway since I'm sure anyone who seeks a relationship wants someone they can truly, optimally bond with.
Places where a man has a better chance of finding a virgin wife (disappearing slowly but still around):

1) Southern Italy
2) Rural China
3) Middle East (Not Turkey)
4) India
5) Midwest, USA
I wouldn't have expected southern Italy? Would that be a result of strong tradition and practice of Catholicism?

Why would the Midwest, USA be on the list? It's still feminist and the only areas I could think of in America with a chance of finding a virgin wife is Utah.

Why isn't Eastern Europe on your list? I would have expecting something like this in terms of better chances:

Ranking: Best>x>Worst

India>China>Middle East>Eastern Europe>South America>Southern Europe> Utah, USA> remaining Western World (with North America, Sweden, UK, Australia all tied as the worst places with virtually no chance of finding a virgin wife)
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Post by jboy »

This thread deserves to be made into a sticky!

Been talking with a few members here about the deterioration of the forum. A particularly valuable member in my eyes said this forum should be renamed Misogynist Republic/Miserable Abroad: a forum community for global whiners, pea brains and wannabe expats,me thinks its appropriate given the current state of affairs ho ho ho!

Phx man, gracias for the post. Very well said.
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