Why You Should Embrace Rejection

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Why You Should Embrace Rejection

Post by Banano »

http://www.returnofkings.com/22088/why- ... -rejection

Midnight. You spot a fine blonde thing in the corner of the bar – giggling with her friend.

Taking one last sip of your drink, you put one foot in front of the other and head over to say hi.

“Hey, I’m…â€￾ she cuts you off – “We have boyfriends – bye.â€￾

Welcome To Rejection

Rejection is common when it comes to game. And that’s why it’s so great. I love it.

Rejection is an essential part of life - it’s essential to accomplishing anything worthwhile, at least. Whether it’s at the bar, at an interview, or trying to sell something – you will get rejected. And this notion horrifies most people. It stops some dead in their tracks – paralyzing them for life.

After all, if the fear of rejection is enough to stop you from doing something, you may never approach a girl or have sex. You may never apply for your dream job. Or worse, you may never quit your miserable job to try something new – for fear that your plan will fail.

You will never leave your comfort zone. You will live a stagnant, boring life.

Game As Rejection Therapy

One of the best things about game, aside from getting girls, is that is offers a quick and efficient way to get rejected. A lot.

If you embrace game and head out to the bar, it is normal to approach 10-20+ girls a night. And unless you bring one home (or get a number, I suppose) – you will be rejected just as many times. The exception is, of course, if your fear of rejection keeps you from approaching or attempting to close. This is a heavy dose of rejection, especially if you go out 2-3 times a week.

What this does is powerful. It doesn’t necessarily desensitize you from rejection as some will say (most still deal with some degree of approach anxiety even after years of gaming). Rather, it teaches you that you must face your fear of rejection to prosper. It teaches you the cycle of learning from rejection. It teaches you that even after you have almost perfected your skill, rejection will be a mandatory part of the process.

Why You Should Embrace Rejection

Because without failure, success would not be meaningful. If you went through life, and never failed at anything – how boring would life be?

This would mean that either you never tried anything outside of your comfort zone and died a depressed hermit - or that you were an unbelievable success at everything. But this doesn’t happen. Even people like LeBron James, who the general public would never consider a failure, failed at many points along his journey. Most recently, by losing in the playoffs and NBA finals many times before getting the W. And that’s what made it so special for him.

Game is the same. If you took home every girl you approached – that would be awesome, right? No, that would suck and you would find no gratification whatsoever in the process.

Without failure, success would not be meaningful.
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Post by Billy »

The guy who wrought that piece is a braniac obviosly. How could we not see what this genius tells us? Come on? Rejection therapy. Shure that´s why it worked with Sodini and some guys with hundreds of approaches. Not to count the time where the chicks get on ones nerves endlessly because she never wants to make it easy for you. What was againd the advantage to porn? -
Anyway if the girls costs you more than a whore than you got gamed. I liked this saying. Otherwise the game can cost far to much. Broke players are the norm. Btw. the themanifesto guy is a mega bullshitter.
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Post by SilverEnergy »

Instead of chasing women and facing rejection, chase money instead..........then you'll attract women more naturally than cold approaching.
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Post by tre »

SilverEnergy wrote:Instead of chasing women and facing rejection, chase money instead..........then you'll attract women more naturally than cold approaching.

This is very true. An intelligent, rich man will ALWAYS have his money. A hot chick will only be hot for a few years. Who do you really think has the advantage? The hot chick has a few years to land a rich man who will likely replace her for someone younger in the future. If the rich man was smart, he'd insure he keeps his wealth and will continue to have innumerable options, domestically AND abroad. If the rich man wanted something long-term or life-long, he has a better chance of getting that too...
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Post by The Professor »

tre wrote:
SilverEnergy wrote:Instead of chasing women and facing rejection, chase money instead..........then you'll attract women more naturally than cold approaching.

This is very true. An intelligent, rich man will ALWAYS have his money. A hot chick will only be hot for a few years. Who do you really think has the advantage? The hot chick has a few years to land a rich man who will likely replace her for someone younger in the future. If the rich man was smart, he'd insure he keeps his wealth and will continue to have innumerable options, domestically AND abroad. If the rich man wanted something long-term or life-long, he has a better chance of getting that too...
So many guys on this forum are obsessed with the idea of getting rich and talk like doing so is not only possible, but it isn't even that hard. Just the other day someone casually suggested getting 1 million dollars as if that were easy. I know that high schoolers often have the fantasy of being wildly successful financially, but you guys are all adults. But when many of you talk about money, you don't sound like you've lived in the real world at all. I've never seen this attitude being so common on any forum except this one, and I think I have finally figured out why.

Most guys here are unhappy with their lives. They're not attractive, they're not financially well off, they're stuck at a crappy job that doesn't pay well and women don't want them. Don't get me wrong, I'm included in that description. Many realize that no woman, be it from their own country or another, will want them based on who they are. They need something that will give them hope though. So they come up with the genius idea of "getting rich" which would be a panacea for all of their problems. They would be able to leave their low paying job, tell off their asshole boss, be able to buy whatever they want, not have to answer to someone and most importantly the same women who rejected them will now be banging on their door. That fantasy runs through their mind constantly, it's practically what keeps them going.

Every guy wants to be rich but most rich people were born into their wealth. Out of the top income earners, very few of them were lower middle class guys that broke into the wealthy bracket. What makes you think you can do that? What makes you special? Don't tell me that you're willing to "work hard". Most guys work hard, they have to just to survive. I know plenty of guys who not only work hard but are educated and have skills, yet most are stuck at crappy jobs.

Many of you will naturally suggest going the entrepreneur route, start your own business and "be your own boss". For those who are currently employed this would mean saving up a bunch of money, quitting their current job which gives them a steady paycheck and risking all of the money they'll need as a startup. Considering the current economic climate, chances are you'll lose it all, and quickly. Most of you would argue that you need to "take risks" but if the idea is to just risk a lot of money and hope you overcome the odds and make it rich, why not just gamble it all?

Most guys here are lonely, sexually frustrated guys with jobs they're not happy with that are looking for a magic ticket to happiness. They just can't seem to buck up and deal with reality.
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Post by Cornfed »

The Professor wrote: Every guy wants to be rich but most rich people were born into their wealth. Out of the top income earners, very few of them were lower middle class guys that broke into the wealthy bracket. What makes you think you can do that? What makes you special? Don't tell me that you're willing to "work hard". Most guys work hard, they have to just to survive. I know plenty of guys who not only work hard but are educated and have skills, yet most are stuck at crappy jobs.

Many of you will naturally suggest going the entrepreneur route, start your own business and "be your own boss". For those who are currently employed this would mean saving up a bunch of money, quitting their current job which gives them a steady paycheck and risking all of the money they'll need as a startup. Considering the current economic climate, chances are you'll lose it all, and quickly. Most of you would argue that you need to "take risks" but if the idea is to just risk a lot of money and hope you overcome the odds and make it rich, why not just gamble it all?

Most guys here are lonely, sexually frustrated guys with jobs they're not happy with that are looking for a magic ticket to happiness. They just can't seem to buck up and deal with reality.
Yup, the thing is that the West is no different from any other society. There are some cases in history where wealth distribution is in a state of flux (e.g. the West from 1950-1980) and other cases where it is a done deal. In the good old days it might have been possible to start out working on the counter in a bank, rise through the ranks and become a multimillionaire investment banker. Not likely of course, but possible. Now you would have no hope. Becoming a rich investment banker now involves being born to the right parents and being introduced to and interning with the right people as a teenager. Otherwise you have no chance.

The fact is that all wealth is being systematically stolen (or reclaimed, as they would see it) by the elite. It is highly unlikely that you will get the chance to be rich. Of course some people do, but, assuming they aren't the bastard children of some big shot, they are like the guy who wins the jackpot in the casino. Most people lose, but they need a big winner to keep the suckers coming through the door. But it is unlikely that you are going to be that guy, however worthy you think you are. Lets get real here.
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Post by SilverEnergy »

The Professor wrote:
tre wrote:
SilverEnergy wrote:Instead of chasing women and facing rejection, chase money instead..........then you'll attract women more naturally than cold approaching.

This is very true. An intelligent, rich man will ALWAYS have his money. A hot chick will only be hot for a few years. Who do you really think has the advantage? The hot chick has a few years to land a rich man who will likely replace her for someone younger in the future. If the rich man was smart, he'd insure he keeps his wealth and will continue to have innumerable options, domestically AND abroad. If the rich man wanted something long-term or life-long, he has a better chance of getting that too...
So many guys on this forum are obsessed with the idea of getting rich and talk like doing so is not only possible, but it isn't even that hard. Just the other day someone casually suggested getting 1 million dollars as if that were easy. I know that high schoolers often have the fantasy of being wildly successful financially, but you guys are all adults. But when many of you talk about money, you don't sound like you've lived in the real world at all. I've never seen this attitude being so common on any forum except this one, and I think I have finally figured out why.

Most guys here are unhappy with their lives. They're not attractive, they're not financially well off, they're stuck at a crappy job that doesn't pay well and women don't want them. Don't get me wrong, I'm included in that description. Many realize that no woman, be it from their own country or another, will want them based on who they are. They need something that will give them hope though. So they come up with the genius idea of "getting rich" which would be a panacea for all of their problems. They would be able to leave their low paying job, tell off their asshole boss, be able to buy whatever they want, not have to answer to someone and most importantly the same women who rejected them will now be banging on their door. That fantasy runs through their mind constantly, it's practically what keeps them going.

Every guy wants to be rich but most rich people were born into their wealth. Out of the top income earners, very few of them were lower middle class guys that broke into the wealthy bracket. What makes you think you can do that? What makes you special? Don't tell me that you're willing to "work hard". Most guys work hard, they have to just to survive. I know plenty of guys who not only work hard but are educated and have skills, yet most are stuck at crappy jobs.

Many of you will naturally suggest going the entrepreneur route, start your own business and "be your own boss". For those who are currently employed this would mean saving up a bunch of money, quitting their current job which gives them a steady paycheck and risking all of the money they'll need as a startup. Considering the current economic climate, chances are you'll lose it all, and quickly. Most of you would argue that you need to "take risks" but if the idea is to just risk a lot of money and hope you overcome the odds and make it rich, why not just gamble it all?

Most guys here are lonely, sexually frustrated guys with jobs they're not happy with that are looking for a magic ticket to happiness. They just can't seem to buck up and deal with reality.
Everyone who is decent health has the ability to change their life's circumstances.

If you don't believe that you do certain things, you won't be able to period.

I refuse to let anyone, family members or anyone on this forum tell me what I can't do.

If you can't do certain things, then that's you but I don't set limitations for myself.
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Post by tre »

The Professor wrote:
tre wrote:
SilverEnergy wrote:Instead of chasing women and facing rejection, chase money instead..........then you'll attract women more naturally than cold approaching.

This is very true. An intelligent, rich man will ALWAYS have his money. A hot chick will only be hot for a few years. Who do you really think has the advantage? The hot chick has a few years to land a rich man who will likely replace her for someone younger in the future. If the rich man was smart, he'd insure he keeps his wealth and will continue to have innumerable options, domestically AND abroad. If the rich man wanted something long-term or life-long, he has a better chance of getting that too...
So many guys on this forum are obsessed with the idea of getting rich and talk like doing so is not only possible, but it isn't even that hard. Just the other day someone casually suggested getting 1 million dollars as if that were easy. I know that high schoolers often have the fantasy of being wildly successful financially, but you guys are all adults. But when many of you talk about money, you don't sound like you've lived in the real world at all. I've never seen this attitude being so common on any forum except this one, and I think I have finally figured out why.

Most guys here are unhappy with their lives. They're not attractive, they're not financially well off, they're stuck at a crappy job that doesn't pay well and women don't want them. Don't get me wrong, I'm included in that description. Many realize that no woman, be it from their own country or another, will want them based on who they are. They need something that will give them hope though. So they come up with the genius idea of "getting rich" which would be a panacea for all of their problems. They would be able to leave their low paying job, tell off their asshole boss, be able to buy whatever they want, not have to answer to someone and most importantly the same women who rejected them will now be banging on their door. That fantasy runs through their mind constantly, it's practically what keeps them going.

Every guy wants to be rich but most rich people were born into their wealth. Out of the top income earners, very few of them were lower middle class guys that broke into the wealthy bracket. What makes you think you can do that? What makes you special? Don't tell me that you're willing to "work hard". Most guys work hard, they have to just to survive. I know plenty of guys who not only work hard but are educated and have skills, yet most are stuck at crappy jobs.

Many of you will naturally suggest going the entrepreneur route, start your own business and "be your own boss". For those who are currently employed this would mean saving up a bunch of money, quitting their current job which gives them a steady paycheck and risking all of the money they'll need as a startup. Considering the current economic climate, chances are you'll lose it all, and quickly. Most of you would argue that you need to "take risks" but if the idea is to just risk a lot of money and hope you overcome the odds and make it rich, why not just gamble it all?

Most guys here are lonely, sexually frustrated guys with jobs they're not happy with that are looking for a magic ticket to happiness. They just can't seem to buck up and deal with reality.
I agree with much of your post. I will never be rich...by my own definition. I will never have a million dollars sitting around to invest. I will probably not "retire" before 60 and only IF I center my life's goal around true retirement. However, I believe that chasing money is better than chasing women. If you happen to do REASONABLY well financially, you'll have a much better chance of keeping a woman than if you do not do reasonably well. Love is NOT all you need...you also need some stability.

I've already lost my life savings in a business venture so I understand the risks first-hand. Most of my loss was placing trust in someone that I should not have. I wanted out of the USA so bad that I ignored some red flags. I put all of my eggs in one basket and that basket got thrown down the Grand Canyon...lol. I now have several years of financial recovery and more education before I can ever live my dream of moving abroad.

I don't think that the end result of HAVING lots of money is the only thing to consider. I think the mindset of having your priorities set that way will help. If you are a hopeless romantic looking for romantic love to fix your life you are in for a rude awakening. Money won't fix it on it's own either, but it definitely makes other goals that you might have much more attainable.

One may work their entire lives with a goal of having that one million dollars. They might only end up with $300K. However, that wouldn't even be possible if they hadn't set their goals high...
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Post by The_Adventurer »

Interestingly, many people who HAVE a lot of money seem to think the acquisition of wealth is easy.
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Post by Teal Lantern »

Portrait of a millionaire:
57 year old male, married with 3 kids
70% of these men earn 80% or more of the household income

4 in 5 still working, 2/3 of those are self-employed
(meanwhile, self-employed make up under 20% of American workers)

Occupations include welding contractor, farmers, mobile-home park owners, pest control, and paving contractors.

Median income is $131,000. Average is $247,000 (1996 dollars)
Median net worth is $1.6 million

Half have lived in the same house for 20+ years
80% are first-generation rich

Source: The Millionaire Next Door (Stanley & Danko)

There's much more to the portrait, but the point is most of these people DIDN'T get wealth handed to them by birthright and DIDN'T spend their 20s coking & whoring it up like Hollywood trust fund babies.
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Post by Cornfed »

Teal Lantern wrote:Portrait of a millionaire:
57 year old male, married with 3 kids
70% of these men earn 80% or more of the household income

4 in 5 still working, 2/3 of those are self-employed
(meanwhile, self-employed make up under 20% of American workers)

Occupations include welding contractor, farmers, mobile-home park owners, pest control, and paving contractors.

Median income is $131,000. Average is $247,000 (1996 dollars)
Median net worth is $1.6 million

Half have lived in the same house for 20+ years
80% are first-generation rich

Source: The Millionaire Next Door (Stanley & Danko)

There's much more to the portrait, but the point is most of these people DIDN'T get wealth handed to them by birthright and DIDN'T spend their 20s coking & whoring it up like Hollywood trust fund babies.
The thing is that they started their careers back in the good old days, and for some reason tradesmen are among the last to be looted.
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Post by The_Adventurer »

Read the book he is recommending, Cornfed. It is worth it in every way. Most of the people profile are millionaires because they live common lives. The book also points out that most of those you see with big houses, yacht and wives full of flashy jewelry are actually drowning in debt.
“Booty is so strong that there are dudes willing to blow themselves up for the highly unlikely possibility of booty in another dimension." -- Joe Rogan
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