Why are Most Men Not Taking Risk?

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Why are Most Men Not Taking Risk?

Post by zacb »

Maybe it is me, but since my lazy buddy left for Boston, I have felt like taking more risks, and have wanted to see the world more. With the exception of one friend, no one wants to come on a trip with me, even if they could. Maybe it is me, but it seems like most guys want to be lazy couch potatoes. I look at where that leads, and at best it is in a nursing home waiting to die. As for me, I feel like visiting Northern Somalia, climbing Mt. Everest, and skydiving, as well as regular travel (but maybe to interesting places like Myanmar and Cuba). Am I weird, or are Americans at least afraid of ebola and al-Qaeda? It seems like men that I know don't want to take any risks and are afraid of the boogey men. They would rather play video games, drink Mt. Dew, boink, watch movies, etc. instead of learning self defense, a new language, traveling, making something, or building a small business. Am I ahead of the curve? I am 20.
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Re: Why are Most Men Not Taking Risk?

Post by Dragon »

I'm in a similar situation. That's why I stopped posting on this board so often and only come here once in a while to make fun of Winston. The sad truth is that most guys are losers (including most on this board) and there's nothing you can do about it. You can't convince them. Most don't want to get out of their comfort zones or think about living life another way. That involves changing their beliefs and mentality. Most are stuck in their ways and believe in things that won't help them. In the end it really doesn't matter if western women are evil, politicians are corrupt, western society is in decline, marriage is destroyed, the economy is bad, banksters/lizard men rule the world. Those things are out of one's control, and most people put too much stock in worrying about things outside of their control. They have too much ego-investment in those things.

Sure, the current society sucks right now, but rather than find the disaster in opportunity you should find the opportunity in disaster. I'm doing fine right now because I structured my life in not depending on jobs, but making money by myself through small business/ventures/doing things no one else wants to do and cutting my expenses considerably. It's not easy, but that's the way it is when you strike out on your own. People are not equal. Many will damn themselves by making poor lifestyle choices. Most will be stuck being cubicle slaves and/or depending on welfare. They will limit themselves so much in different ways. I mean, the world is HUGE. Most people have no idea. You can spend your entire lifetime in one country like Indonesia and not be able to fully explore it. There's so much women, opportunities, and wealth of experiences out there that it's truly mind boggling if you think about it. Don't limit yourself and don't listen to others who would rather anchor themselves to mediocrity and not fill their lives with rich worldly experiences. Of course, the downside to the mentality you have is that it will be a lonely path. People won't understand why you want to do the things you do. They can go to hell. Just keep on trucking, because in the end it's your life and you are the most important person in your life.
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Post by Ghost »

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Re: Why are Most Men Not Taking Risk?

Post by zacb »

I get that it is good, but sometimes it is nice to have company. My one friend actually wants to go, but has other obligations that hold him back. I think it would actually do him good. The other friend will be stuck with a pmsing bloated woman who cheated on him, yet he is going to marry this woman, even hough he could take his ss money abroad and live like a king. I just don't get.
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Post by Ghost »

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Re: Why are Most Men Not Taking Risk?

Post by Chrissays »

zacb wrote:I get that it is good, but sometimes it is nice to have company. My one friend actually wants to go, but has other obligations that hold him back. I think it would actually do him good. The other friend will be stuck with a pmsing bloated woman who cheated on him, yet he is going to marry this woman, even hough he could take his ss money abroad and live like a king. I just don't get.

I'm going to be teaching English somewhere in Asia one year from now, but there's this little part of me (be it hope or my dreams or my brain tricking me) that keeps nagging at me that I can "make it" over here in America. That I can live a fulfilled/happy life, and be the best me. And when I actually really think about, in fact I constantly think about it, I really can make it happen... 100k+ income, a harem of desirable women.. a hot wife. or maybe its my brain playing tricks on me and I'm chasing a mirage.

It's that glimmer of hope that my brain latches on to.. and I think that's whats going on with your friend.
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Re: Why are Most Men Not Taking Risk?

Post by Jester »

Stunningly great thread here. Thanks to all.
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Re: Why are Most Men Not Taking Risk?

Post by Jester »

zacb wrote:....it seems like most guys want to be lazy couch potatoes. I look at where that leads, and at best it is in a nursing home waiting to die. .....Am I ahead of the curve? I am 20.

I am almost three times your age. And this is EXACTLY how I now see my peers. And why I left the USA.

So yes, you are ahead of the curve.
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Re: Why are Most Men Not Taking Risk?

Post by zacb »

Jester wrote:
zacb wrote:....it seems like most guys want to be lazy couch potatoes. I look at where that leads, and at best it is in a nursing home waiting to die. .....Am I ahead of the curve? I am 20.

I am almost three times your age. And this is EXACTLY how I now see my peers. And why I left the USA.

So yes, you are ahead of the curve.
I consider myself one that is more conservative in how I conduct my life, but it seems like in order to have an interesting and fun life, you need to take managed risks. Perhaps it is how things are going in my life, seeing a friend put his head in the sand, and seeing my grandmother (94) be put in a home, and realize that if you live an ordinary life, and live out your years without incident, you may end up there more than likely. Now, my grandmother moved around enough, traveled within the states, and lived an interesting life, so it is not all in vain. But I look around, and I realize all the potential that has been lost, because people decided to live mediocre lives. I do not want to end up like that.I only have a fixed number of years, so I might as well make the most of it, and end my wage slavery. Obviously that will take a bit, and may take a bit of experimenting, but either through real estate or ecommerce, I should be just fine, and be able to get out of the state. But as with everything, baby steps.
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Re: Why are Most Men Not Taking Risk?

Post by Cornfed »

It should be pointed out that taking risks in a HA context is, well, risky. I think I said in another thread that of the 20 or so young white men I knew in Cambodia when I was there a decade ago, at least 3 had died within a few months of my leaving.
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Re: Why are Most Men Not Taking Risk?

Post by Jester »

zacb wrote:
I consider myself one that is more conservative in how I conduct my life, but it seems like in order to have an interesting and fun life, you need to take managed risks.....

....I realize all the potential that has been lost, because people decided to live mediocre lives. I do not want to end up like that.

.... But as with everything, baby steps.
Your post reminded me of something I heard recently.

I asked one of my sons, highly successful, how he achieves so much.

He replied
(1) Know what you are passionate about. (Be prepared to spend years identifying your passions)

(2) Once a passion is identified, proceed METHODICALLY toward achieving it.

I thought this combination of right-brain vision/passion/desire
....with left brain logic as the MEANS to achieve the vision
-- was a brilliant synthesis.
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Re: Why are Most Men Not Taking Risk?

Post by Cornfed »

Jester wrote:I asked one of my sons, highly successful, how he achieves so much.

He replied
(1) Know what you are passionate about. (Be prepared to spend years identifying your passions)

(2) Once a passion is identified, proceed METHODICALLY toward achieving it.
Then sit back and watch the whole world turn on a dime, making achieving your passion completely impossible. :/
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Re: Why are Most Men Not Taking Risk?

Post by Jester »

Cornfed wrote:
Jester wrote:I asked one of my sons, highly successful, how he achieves so much.

He replied
(1) Know what you are passionate about. (Be prepared to spend years identifying your passions)

(2) Once a passion is identified, proceed METHODICALLY toward achieving it.
Then sit back and watch the whole world turn on a dime, making achieving your passion completely impossible. :/
No argument from me. My great-grandfather, my grandfather, my father, me, and now my sons have all experienced such "turning on a dime". Home invasion and police murder, organized genocide, false flags, feminist destruction of families, post Christian ennui....

And yet..... those who DO survive it all... will, ipso facto, BE the survivors -- won't they?

With thanks to Rudyard Kipling:

.....If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools:

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss.

.....Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son.
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Re: Why are Most Men Not Taking Risk?

Post by newlifeinphilippines »

Cornfed wrote:It should be pointed out that taking risks in a HA context is, well, risky. I think I said in another thread that of the 20 or so young white men I knew in Cambodia when I was there a decade ago, at least 3 had died within a few months of my leaving.

what were the reasons?
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Re: Why are Most Men Not Taking Risk?

Post by newlifeinphilippines »

I dont have the money to travel anymore. but its ok for now cause I love america and the life here anyways. Just wish the women were pleasant.
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