Summer 2021: I Will Be King

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Summer 2021: I Will Be King

Post by Tsar »

At my next destination...I will be amazing!

I will be recognized by girls for my magnificent and my youthful appearance.

I am going to Latin America next. It will be 10 times easier than where I am and no winters!

Spanish is easy and with immersion I will easily learn it.

When I get my teen virgin girls but also a sexy slut harem too, everyone will be jealous... envious...their skin will turn green like the witch in that Oz prequel movie.

My post announcing my success (or maybe suckcess because there will be some sucking, if you know what I mean)...will be grand and prestigious.

You will be in complete amazement when you behold my true greatness as King.

And this is for all my haters and doubters!

I'm a visionary and a philosopher king 👑
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Re: Summer 2021: I Will Be King

Post by Huddo »

don’t that this as discouragement, just some honest advice from a guy who’s been married, raised a family, divorced, dated successful in his own country and in a foreign country and has had a long term Russian GF.

Foreign dating is not as easy as people think. Take Ukraine and Russia for example, only 5 percent of men who get on a plane ever marry a FSU woman. Most fail due to unrealistic expectations regarding the age and looks of the women they can realistically attract. FSU women know their value in western culture and are picky to say the least, when it comes to the type of man they will marry. Even a divorced single mother, living with her parents, while working a minimum wage job has standards when it comes to men.

Most older men in their 30’s, 40’s, 50’s don’t marry stunning 20 year old models like the PPL sites would have you believe. 95% marry age appropriate women who don’t look like Instagram models. Those who do are delusional and generally get used as gullible visa mules, then dumped for younger men once she has citizenship.

Apart from realistic expectations, most of the successful guys I know have three things in common :- Dating experience at home, a gentlemanly respect for women and the ability to be a good financial provider, despite most of their wives now working too.

One of my work colleagues in his 30’s married a Filipino women who was a virgin, the difference between his wife and what you’re looking for is his wife is age appropriate. She’s in her early 30’s. She’s a virgin because her parents are very religious and have high expectations for the type of man they want her to marry.

I’ll use Russia as an example, because I know their culture the best. In the same respect as my colleagues wife’s family, if you search for a young 18 year old Russian virgin you’ll find a few things in common. If her lack of attractiveness isn’t the reason she’s a virgin, it will be because she’s from a religious family, a very traditional family or a family where her parents keep a tight control of her life and their expectations of who she can date and marry are high.

I know many families like this in Russia and my current partner who has a teenage daughter is one of these. I know if a 30 year old foreigner approached their daughter in the street with romantic intentions, her father would basically run him out of their city in less than an hour. He has “connections” apart from the infamous Babushka grapevine, so much so that he knew his ex wife was with me less than an hour after we were first seen public together. Good parents in Russia protect their children even into their 20’s from being taken advantage of, even more than western parents.

Most 2nd world countries have problems with sex tourists and their communities are on the lookout for these men, especially if they are approaching teenagers. You without a doubt would be seen as a sex tourist in countries like Russia and probably get the s#%t kicked out of you by male family members or neighbors. There won’t be any difference between a teenage virgin or a teenager with sexual experience from a good family, you still won’t get a warm welcome if you’re a 30 year old man preying on younger women.

On the subject of teenage women or young women in general who have had several sexual partners, like my 21 year old daughter, it’s highly offensive to call them sluts. I understand that maybe your lack of experience with women is due to being ignored in your youth by young women and maybe this has caused some frustration and resentment, but I can tell you one thing you need to be successful with any form of dating, especially foreign dating is respect for all women.

Most women have great intuition when it comes to men with the wrong attitude (Russian women. especially) and can see when they are faking a gentlemanly persona or lying to them. If you ever want to have success abroad, you need an attitude adjustment. I’ve tried to help guys who use derogatory terms about women before on forums and they bomb every time on the ground without fail. I’ve spent hours chatting with genuine FSU women, about foreign men with the wrong attitude travelling to russia and they say these men couldn’t be more obvious, if they were walking around with a red flashing light on their head. You attract who you are, so behaving like a gentleman even when you aren’t around women is very important. They wouldn’t give a man a second thought if he ever called any woman a slut, even if he was the last man on earth.

I suspect most of the guys her are older, we have all been having sex for 20,30,40 years with multiple different partners. We aren’t going to be envious of a thirty something guy screwing a bunch of teenage women our daughters age. There are those who will just think it’s creepy and then others like me would think it’s creepy and tiring. I couldn’t think of anything worse at my age. I spent time speed dating and sometimes I’d go on 5 follow up dates in a week I’d matched with. That was time consuming and hard enough to coordinate, let alone having 5 FWB to deal with.

We aren’t horny teenage boys who are impressed with sexual exploits anymore. Most of us will have moved on from that in our late teens / early 20’s and even though you’re a virgin at 30 and have yet to experience a sex life, at your age most men generally keep it to them selves.

Again without being discouraging, set some achievable goals. A harem of teenage virgins isn’t realistic, but an age appropriate woman in her late 20’s is. Find a women with a constant personality, good sense of humour and a social conscience and you’ll have the building blocks for a good relationship. Work at being financially stable so when you do find the right women you and you want to start a family you raise them in a financially comfortable environment and can support their needs. Work on being respectful to all women and the use of the term slut has to stop!!!.... We aren’t 15 year old boys chatting in the school yard anymore. Most importantly work on your own mental and emotional state, chat with a relationship specialist. The first thing I did after my divorce was visit a psychologist who specialises in relationships and dating, to get myself in a better frame of mind before imposing my baggage on my next partner.

You seem so far of the path you should be on atm and can’t see the forest for the trees. Hopefully you take on board what I’ve said and reap results in the future.
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Re: Summer 2021: I Will Be King

Post by Spencer »

Huddo to many negtiviness for 30 youngman and maybe fsu girly aging rapido in 20s best our tsar follow on prooft rule of hte half + 7 giving taking some years so by magical formla 30 / 2 + 7 = 22 so if the tsarman cool 30 he need find wify age catch 22 less 2 or more 2 so sweet age being 20 up for 24 that his curent range not late 20 who become ole lady before tsar 40 and we must remember our stanfordguy already 40s get sooooo many hi status fsu white girl in e eurro or uklane of early 20 aging but he not sexul retarded same tsar so now tsar 10 to 15 year late finalment learn what should know when 15 so beter later than never for he stily youngman so tsar forget teenybopper and forget huddo instead go midranging 20 to 24 for life happy abord ever after
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Re: Summer 2021: I Will Be King

Post by yick »

Huddo wrote:
May 1st, 2021, 10:45 pm
don’t that this as discouragement, just some honest advice from a guy who’s been married, raised a family, divorced, dated successful in his own country and in a foreign country and has had a long term Russian GF.

Foreign dating is not as easy as people think. Take Ukraine and Russia for example, only 5 percent of men who get on a plane ever marry a FSU woman. Most fail due to unrealistic expectations regarding the age and looks of the women they can realistically attract. FSU women know their value in western culture and are picky to say the least, when it comes to the type of man they will marry. Even a divorced single mother, living with her parents, while working a minimum wage job has standards when it comes to men.

Most older men in their 30’s, 40’s, 50’s don’t marry stunning 20 year old models like the PPL sites would have you believe. 95% marry age appropriate women who don’t look like Instagram models. Those who do are delusional and generally get used as gullible visa mules, then dumped for younger men once she has citizenship.

Apart from realistic expectations, most of the successful guys I know have three things in common :- Dating experience at home, a gentlemanly respect for women and the ability to be a good financial provider, despite most of their wives now working too.

One of my work colleagues in his 30’s married a Filipino women who was a virgin, the difference between his wife and what you’re looking for is his wife is age appropriate. She’s in her early 30’s. She’s a virgin because her parents are very religious and have high expectations for the type of man they want her to marry.

I’ll use Russia as an example, because I know their culture the best. In the same respect as my colleagues wife’s family, if you search for a young 18 year old Russian virgin you’ll find a few things in common. If her lack of attractiveness isn’t the reason she’s a virgin, it will be because she’s from a religious family, a very traditional family or a family where her parents keep a tight control of her life and their expectations of who she can date and marry are high.

I know many families like this in Russia and my current partner who has a teenage daughter is one of these. I know if a 30 year old foreigner approached their daughter in the street with romantic intentions, her father would basically run him out of their city in less than an hour. He has “connections” apart from the infamous Babushka grapevine, so much so that he knew his ex wife was with me less than an hour after we were first seen public together. Good parents in Russia protect their children even into their 20’s from being taken advantage of, even more than western parents.

Most 2nd world countries have problems with sex tourists and their communities are on the lookout for these men, especially if they are approaching teenagers. You without a doubt would be seen as a sex tourist in countries like Russia and probably get the s#%t kicked out of you by male family members or neighbors. There won’t be any difference between a teenage virgin or a teenager with sexual experience from a good family, you still won’t get a warm welcome if you’re a 30 year old man preying on younger women.

On the subject of teenage women or young women in general who have had several sexual partners, like my 21 year old daughter, it’s highly offensive to call them sluts. I understand that maybe your lack of experience with women is due to being ignored in your youth by young women and maybe this has caused some frustration and resentment, but I can tell you one thing you need to be successful with any form of dating, especially foreign dating is respect for all women.

Most women have great intuition when it comes to men with the wrong attitude (Russian women. especially) and can see when they are faking a gentlemanly persona or lying to them. If you ever want to have success abroad, you need an attitude adjustment. I’ve tried to help guys who use derogatory terms about women before on forums and they bomb every time on the ground without fail. I’ve spent hours chatting with genuine FSU women, about foreign men with the wrong attitude travelling to russia and they say these men couldn’t be more obvious, if they were walking around with a red flashing light on their head. You attract who you are, so behaving like a gentleman even when you aren’t around women is very important. They wouldn’t give a man a second thought if he ever called any woman a slut, even if he was the last man on earth.

I suspect most of the guys her are older, we have all been having sex for 20,30,40 years with multiple different partners. We aren’t going to be envious of a thirty something guy screwing a bunch of teenage women our daughters age. There are those who will just think it’s creepy and then others like me would think it’s creepy and tiring. I couldn’t think of anything worse at my age. I spent time speed dating and sometimes I’d go on 5 follow up dates in a week I’d matched with. That was time consuming and hard enough to coordinate, let alone having 5 FWB to deal with.

We aren’t horny teenage boys who are impressed with sexual exploits anymore. Most of us will have moved on from that in our late teens / early 20’s and even though you’re a virgin at 30 and have yet to experience a sex life, at your age most men generally keep it to them selves.

Again without being discouraging, set some achievable goals. A harem of teenage virgins isn’t realistic, but an age appropriate woman in her late 20’s is. Find a women with a constant personality, good sense of humour and a social conscience and you’ll have the building blocks for a good relationship. Work at being financially stable so when you do find the right women you and you want to start a family you raise them in a financially comfortable environment and can support their needs. Work on being respectful to all women and the use of the term slut has to stop!!!.... We aren’t 15 year old boys chatting in the school yard anymore. Most importantly work on your own mental and emotional state, chat with a relationship specialist. The first thing I did after my divorce was visit a psychologist who specialises in relationships and dating, to get myself in a better frame of mind before imposing my baggage on my next partner.

You seem so far of the path you should be on atm and can’t see the forest for the trees. Hopefully you take on board what I’ve said and reap results in the future.
Hi Huddo,

Great post! I have to say all this has been said to him before, mainly by me but others like Voyager and a fair few others but it is good you have outlined the predictable future outcomes of his gambit - none of them are going to have a happy ending.

A lot of folks are thinking about Russia from 1995-2005 and how it was and it isn't like that anymore. I was there in the nineties and it was wild but I don't think that exists now - the 'Russian Bride' phenomenon was part of a time when the wall came down and opportunities to get out were available and that western men were seen as more attractive - of course, that doesn't exist any more - Hank from Ohio came and went and a lot of Russian women - especially in the bigger cities - have seen that western men can be jerk offs with bad dress sense and hygiene as well.

I disagree with your premise that Tsar CAN'T get a young Russian woman - the Russian virgin? Russian girls have sex when they're young mostly but if he wanted a nice, wholesome Russian woman in her early twenties then he would sign up for a Russian language course at a Russian university and he will find such a woman - especially if he stays there for two semesters (lasting a year...) twofold, he will meet lots of young women, learn the language to speak to them - his unsavoury views about 'sluts' and 'hareems' are just coming from the mind of someone who is clueless about women but I don't think if he found a relationship with a young woman he met at university I would view it as 'creepy' some younger girls like older men for a multitude of reasons.

I wouldn't be envious if he did. Listening to some post-teenage girl ramble on about shite and listening to her music while expecting me to empty my wallet for her every other week would get f***ing old real quick! :lol:
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Re: Summer 2021: I Will Be King

Post by Huddo »

yick wrote:
May 2nd, 2021, 5:35 am

I disagree with your premise that Tsar CAN'T get a young Russian woman - the Russian virgin? Russian girls have sex when they're young mostly but if he wanted a nice, wholesome Russian woman in her early twenties then he would sign up for a Russian language course at a Russian university and he will find such a woman - especially if he stays there for two semesters (lasting a year...) twofold, he will meet lots of young women, learn the language to speak to them - his unsavoury views about 'sluts' and 'hareems' are just coming from the mind of someone who is clueless about women but I don't think if he found a relationship with a young woman he met at university I would view it as 'creepy' some younger girls like older men for a multitude of reasons.

Hi Yick
In this situation yes I agree a guy with the right attitude, respect for women and some experience in the subtleties of Russian culture and dating could find a nice young woman and it wouldn’t be creepy.

My advice was directed at foreign men with very little experience, hitting on random attractive young women on the street. If they have the mindset/disrespect regarding pounding teen p***y, lie detecting virgins while lying about their age and getting as many sluts as possible pregnant, then leaving them to raise their bastard children on their own....No offense, but that would come across as creepy to any man or woman from any culture.

There are men who have no business in countries like Russia and entrenches the negative stereotypes associated with men who date foreign women :- desperate incels, who are so socially inept they can’t attract women in their own country, so they take advantage of disadvantaged 2 world country women for their own selfish needs and sexual gratification. Most of the successful men are anything but this.

I’ve been lucky enough to get to know a group of early 20’s University students made up of couples and singles, because my partner has a son studying in Moscow at a private university. He’s a very intelligent young man who already has been offered a position at a large Russian company once he graduates. He as a very nice 20 year old girlfriend.

I’ve spent a lot of time hanging out in the Black Sea tourist towns where they come from and in the mountains of Sochi with them too. It impressed me that they all have great respect for their families, are very mature for their age and are all driven to succeed in life. The young men treat their girlfriends with the upmost care and respect. Most of my daughters western male friends (21-27) would have to lift their game to compare themselves to these young Russian men and honestly wouldn’t have a chance with women like their girlfriends IMO. I’m not saying they have major issues that make them unattractive, it’s just they would have stiff competition.

In my situation, I always treated women with respect and a gentlemanly manor when dating in my home country. Dating in Russia was a whole new level again when it come to what was required to a gentleman and strong man who can lead a relationship. Bare in mind that I’ve been dating Soviet era women.

P.S..... I’m envious of you and your experience of the 90’s. One of my favourite Russian movies is Bother. It gives you a real feel of those dark days in St Pete.
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Re: Summer 2021: I Will Be King

Post by Tsar »

@Huddo Are you saying it would be impossible for me to get a beautiful Russian girl maximum age 19 and a virgin?

Also, I want a real and genuine relationship if I was with a teen virgin girl. I would not be taking advantage of her at all.
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Re: Summer 2021: I Will Be King

Post by Tsar »

yick wrote:
May 2nd, 2021, 5:35 am

I disagree with your premise that Tsar CAN'T get a young Russian woman - the Russian virgin? Russian girls have sex when they're young mostly but if he wanted a nice, wholesome Russian woman in her early twenties then he would sign up for a Russian language course at a Russian university and he will find such a woman - especially if he stays there for two semesters (lasting a year...) twofold, he will meet lots of young women, learn the language to speak to them - his unsavoury views about 'sluts' and 'hareems' are just coming from the mind of someone who is clueless about women but I don't think if he found a relationship with a young woman he met at university I would view it as 'creepy' some younger girls like older men for a multitude of reasons.
I will study Russian in Russia once it reopens. I am just burnout on the EU and Bulgaria (great learning experience, so I know I will do very well in Russia).

I just won't seriously date a slut (any girl that engaged in fornication with other men). I am fine having a slut as a FWB.

I know the only girls I could genuinely love are teen girls because they would exchange their virginity for my love and loyalty.

A slut is not a girl I would use for companionship and sex, maybe popping out offspring. If she's a talented slut, she can cook and bake.

A girl that is a virgin and gives it to me will get a lot more from me than any fornicating slut.

Also, getting a teen girl in many places should theoretically be easier because most older guys want females their own age and the girls have a much smaller dating pool, and some might like what an older guy can offer her compared to guys her own age.
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Re: Summer 2021: I Will Be King

Post by yick »

Huddo wrote:
May 2nd, 2021, 7:05 am
yick wrote:
May 2nd, 2021, 5:35 am

I disagree with your premise that Tsar CAN'T get a young Russian woman - the Russian virgin? Russian girls have sex when they're young mostly but if he wanted a nice, wholesome Russian woman in her early twenties then he would sign up for a Russian language course at a Russian university and he will find such a woman - especially if he stays there for two semesters (lasting a year...) twofold, he will meet lots of young women, learn the language to speak to them - his unsavoury views about 'sluts' and 'hareems' are just coming from the mind of someone who is clueless about women but I don't think if he found a relationship with a young woman he met at university I would view it as 'creepy' some younger girls like older men for a multitude of reasons.

Hi Yick
In this situation yes I agree a guy with the right attitude, respect for women and some experience in the subtleties of Russian culture and dating could find a nice young woman and it wouldn’t be creepy.

My advice was directed at foreign men with very little experience, hitting on random attractive young women on the street. If they have the mindset/disrespect regarding pounding teen p***y, lie detecting virgins while lying about their age and getting as many sluts as possible pregnant, then leaving them to raise their bastard children on their own....No offense, but that would come across as creepy to any man or woman from any culture.

There are men who have no business in countries like Russia and entrenches the negative stereotypes associated with men who date foreign women :- desperate incels, who are so socially inept they can’t attract women in their own country, so they take advantage of disadvantaged 2 world country women for their own selfish needs and sexual gratification. Most of the successful men are anything but this.

I’ve been lucky enough to get to know a group of early 20’s University students made up of couples and singles, because my partner has a son studying in Moscow at a private university. He’s a very intelligent young man who already has been offered a position at a large Russian company once he graduates. He as a very nice 20 year old girlfriend.

I’ve spent a lot of time hanging out in the Black Sea tourist towns where they come from and in the mountains of Sochi with them too. It impressed me that they all have great respect for their families, are very mature for their age and are all driven to succeed in life. The young men treat their girlfriends with the upmost care and respect. Most of my daughters western male friends (21-27) would have to lift their game to compare themselves to these young Russian men and honestly wouldn’t have a chance with women like their girlfriends IMO. I’m not saying they have major issues that make them unattractive, it’s just they would have stiff competition.

In my situation, I always treated women with respect and a gentlemanly manor when dating in my home country. Dating in Russia was a whole new level again when it come to what was required to a gentleman and strong man who can lead a relationship. Bare in mind that I’ve been dating Soviet era women.

P.S..... I’m envious of you and your experience of the 90’s. One of my favourite Russian movies is Bother. It gives you a real feel of those dark days in St Pete.
I agree regards Russian men - I rate them highly myself. There are no shortage of intelligent, cultured, friendly and decent men in that country - not enough for every woman who wants one but they exist - and a fair few of them are very good looking - I am straight but the only place I would double take on another man was Russia.

A lot of the success (or failure...) of dating is shared culture - sometimes we forget that a Russian woman has much more in common with a Russian man more than anyone else, basically - she is the female version of him! He is going to be able to make her laugh and shoot the breeze than a foreigner could - it is like that here in China - you see beautiful girls here with some heaps but they won't look at those men like I do - she is the female version of him! Whatever he brings to the table she will want. Tsar has piped up again about what he wants but it is going to be very hard for him - he has competition and it will be impossible for him to 'pump-and-dump' which is what I think is what he wants to do.

Yeah, Huddo - Russia in the nineties was a blast - in those days Aeroflot had smoking seats at the back of the plane and when I landed in Moscow - it was summer and it was such a hot day - you could feel the electricity in the air! I was there when a mob fired a missile at the US Embassy over their bombing of the Serbs and I was there when the Russian paratroopers took Pristina Airport from under the noses of NATO and the national pride that was all over the country - amazing times! I thought the people were great - not people in shops of course or in service roles :lol: (for the most part).

Brat is a great film - I was in Russia when Sergei Bodrov Jr died and the mourning over that! He was an iconic actor of that generation in Russia - their James Dean - Brat 2 was a pile of shite though but what can you do, eh?

I don't know if you have seen 'Prisoner of the Mountains' but that's another great film!
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Re: Summer 2021: I Will Be King

Post by Tsar »

yick wrote:
May 2nd, 2021, 11:09 pm
A lot of the success (or failure...) of dating is shared culture - sometimes we forget that a Russian woman has much more in common with a Russian man more than anyone else, basically - she is the female version of him! He is going to be able to make her laugh and shoot the breeze than a foreigner could - it is like that here in China - you see beautiful girls here with some heaps but they won't look at those men like I do - she is the female version of him! Whatever he brings to the table she will want. Tsar has piped up again about what he wants but it is going to be very hard for him - he has competition and it will be impossible for him to 'pump-and-dump' which is what I think is what he wants to do.
I am not wanting to pump-and-dump.

I would prefer a relationship with one or two girls that are virgin...

If I have to date sluts, 18+ maximum 23-25 then I won't be monogamous or seriously date a girl because sluts don't get monogamy.

I wouldn't do one night stands. Pump-and-dump implies one time then it is done. I would do a longer FWB relationship with sluts.

I would always post several years ago that I could be platonic friends with a slut. In 2021 I moved the line to sexually active friends or Friends with Benefits.

I am done trying to find the right girl and get a Russian Teen Girl.

At this point, if I have to bang sluts then I will. Any attractive enough female, maximum age 23-25 is really bangable.

All that matters is that I get sluts ages 18+ tested for STDs. If she's clean, I can pound her and she's a FWB.

If I never have a genuine girlfriend or a wife, fine...I don't care. I won't compromise my standards. Only my ethics and morals.
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Re: Summer 2021: I Will Be King

Post by Tsar »

I'm a visionary and a philosopher king 👑
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Re: Summer 2021: I Will Be King

Post by MrMan »

Huddo wrote:
May 1st, 2021, 10:45 pm
don’t that this as discouragement, just some honest advice from a guy who’s been married, raised a family, divorced, dated successful in his own country and in a foreign country and has had a long term Russian GF.

Foreign dating is not as easy as people think. Take Ukraine and Russia for example, only 5 percent of men who get on a plane ever marry a FSU woman. Most fail due to unrealistic expectations regarding the age and looks of the women they can realistically attract. FSU women know their value in western culture and are picky to say the least, when it comes to the type of man they will marry. Even a divorced single mother, living with her parents, while working a minimum wage job has standards when it comes to men.

Most older men in their 30’s, 40’s, 50’s don’t marry stunning 20 year old models like the PPL sites would have you believe. 95% marry age appropriate women who don’t look like Instagram models. Those who do are delusional and generally get used as gullible visa mules, then dumped for younger men once she has citizenship.

Apart from realistic expectations, most of the successful guys I know have three things in common :- Dating experience at home, a gentlemanly respect for women and the ability to be a good financial provider, despite most of their wives now working too.

One of my work colleagues in his 30’s married a Filipino women who was a virgin, the difference between his wife and what you’re looking for is his wife is age appropriate. She’s in her early 30’s. She’s a virgin because her parents are very religious and have high expectations for the type of man they want her to marry.

I’ll use Russia as an example, because I know their culture the best. In the same respect as my colleagues wife’s family, if you search for a young 18 year old Russian virgin you’ll find a few things in common. If her lack of attractiveness isn’t the reason she’s a virgin, it will be because she’s from a religious family, a very traditional family or a family where her parents keep a tight control of her life and their expectations of who she can date and marry are high.

I know many families like this in Russia and my current partner who has a teenage daughter is one of these. I know if a 30 year old foreigner approached their daughter in the street with romantic intentions, her father would basically run him out of their city in less than an hour. He has “connections” apart from the infamous Babushka grapevine, so much so that he knew his ex wife was with me less than an hour after we were first seen public together. Good parents in Russia protect their children even into their 20’s from being taken advantage of, even more than western parents.

Most 2nd world countries have problems with sex tourists and their communities are on the lookout for these men, especially if they are approaching teenagers. You without a doubt would be seen as a sex tourist in countries like Russia and probably get the s#%t kicked out of you by male family members or neighbors. There won’t be any difference between a teenage virgin or a teenager with sexual experience from a good family, you still won’t get a warm welcome if you’re a 30 year old man preying on younger women.

On the subject of teenage women or young women in general who have had several sexual partners, like my 21 year old daughter, it’s highly offensive to call them sluts. I understand that maybe your lack of experience with women is due to being ignored in your youth by young women and maybe this has caused some frustration and resentment, but I can tell you one thing you need to be successful with any form of dating, especially foreign dating is respect for all women.

Most women have great intuition when it comes to men with the wrong attitude (Russian women. especially) and can see when they are faking a gentlemanly persona or lying to them. If you ever want to have success abroad, you need an attitude adjustment. I’ve tried to help guys who use derogatory terms about women before on forums and they bomb every time on the ground without fail. I’ve spent hours chatting with genuine FSU women, about foreign men with the wrong attitude travelling to russia and they say these men couldn’t be more obvious, if they were walking around with a red flashing light on their head. You attract who you are, so behaving like a gentleman even when you aren’t around women is very important. They wouldn’t give a man a second thought if he ever called any woman a slut, even if he was the last man on earth.

I suspect most of the guys her are older, we have all been having sex for 20,30,40 years with multiple different partners. We aren’t going to be envious of a thirty something guy screwing a bunch of teenage women our daughters age. There are those who will just think it’s creepy and then others like me would think it’s creepy and tiring. I couldn’t think of anything worse at my age. I spent time speed dating and sometimes I’d go on 5 follow up dates in a week I’d matched with. That was time consuming and hard enough to coordinate, let alone having 5 FWB to deal with.

We aren’t horny teenage boys who are impressed with sexual exploits anymore. Most of us will have moved on from that in our late teens / early 20’s and even though you’re a virgin at 30 and have yet to experience a sex life, at your age most men generally keep it to them selves.

Again without being discouraging, set some achievable goals. A harem of teenage virgins isn’t realistic, but an age appropriate woman in her late 20’s is. Find a women with a constant personality, good sense of humour and a social conscience and you’ll have the building blocks for a good relationship. Work at being financially stable so when you do find the right women you and you want to start a family you raise them in a financially comfortable environment and can support their needs. Work on being respectful to all women and the use of the term slut has to stop!!!.... We aren’t 15 year old boys chatting in the school yard anymore. Most importantly work on your own mental and emotional state, chat with a relationship specialist. The first thing I did after my divorce was visit a psychologist who specialises in relationships and dating, to get myself in a better frame of mind before imposing my baggage on my next partner.

You seem so far of the path you should be on atm and can’t see the forest for the trees. Hopefully you take on board what I’ve said and reap results in the future.
Lots of good comments here.

What is FSU? I assume it is something other than Florida State University.

Women are people, @Tsar not objects to collect. If you watch porn or read articles or watch videos from pick up artists or read forums along those lines, you need to stop doing that and stop repeating the stuff you hear or read when you talk about women. Sure, you want to have sex, but women are not just sex. If you married a young virgin, you would have to do something for the other 23 hours of the day :) (1 hour a day is unrealistically ambitious for most women.) You have to think of women as human beings and look for someone you can love, share your life with, enjoy her company, and be a good partner, too. If that is what you are looking for, then maybe a young virgin is attainable. Teenager might be a bit young, though a 19 year old is not out of the realm of possibility if you are 30 or under.

If you think about women the way you post about them, a lot of the women with common sense who are not sluts will be repulsed by your attitude, picking up on cues. You might trick a naive girl.

If you have decent motives and you are a decent man looking for a wife, then you can get to know people and they may match you up with friends or relatives. My wife has suggested matching men up with relatives or friend's children for a few very eligible single men, usually men we know through church or Christian events or organizations. But she would not do such a thing for a man who talked like you. If you were looking for a wife and made friends with immigrants, they might match you up.

But, I agree that you need an attitude adjustment.
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Re: Summer 2021: I Will Be King

Post by Voyager1 »

@Tsar in this post you said you will be King in the Summer of 2021. Summer is now past. What happened?
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Re: Summer 2021: I Will Be King

Post by Huddo »

“What is FSU? I assume it is something other than Florida State University”

MrMan :- FSU = Former Soviet Union
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Re: Summer 2021: I Will Be King

Post by Shemp »

Voyager1 wrote:
December 1st, 2021, 11:21 am
@Tsar in this post you said you will be King in the Summer of 2021. Summer is now past. What happened?
His Royal Highness was attacked by worms. Don't you remember?
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Re: Summer 2021: I Will Be King

Post by Tsar »

@Shemp Sheepdog Shemp is barking again. Someone needs to put a muzzle on that dog! He needs to learn respect! He must have brain damage from zootonic sexually transmitted diseases because everyone knows he lets his whore girlfriends first have sex with the dogs and then he takes his turn.
I'm a visionary and a philosopher king 👑
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