Finally a serial false rape accuser is behind bars...

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Finally a serial false rape accuser is behind bars...

Post by Yohan » ... -term.html

Some Western women are just a horror, good to know she will spend now some time in prison.

Can you imagine what all could happen to you as a man if you date and even marry such a woman?
Fake sex abuse claims get British woman 8.5 year prison term

LONDON (AP) - A woman who falsely claimed she was drugged, raped and forced to work as a prostitute was sentenced Tuesday to more than eight years imprisonment in a case that fueled racial tensions in Britain.

Eleanor Williams, 22, said on Facebook in May 2020 - in a post shared more than 100,000 times - that she had been beaten, abused and trafficked by south Asian men, stoking months of anger, fear and acts of vandalism in her hometown of Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria.

Williams was convicted by a jury in Preston Crown Court in January of acts tending and intended to pervert the course of justice.

At the time of the Facebook post, police suspected Williams's wild allegations of violent rapes and sexual trafficking overseas had been fabricated and that she had beaten herself with a hammer to support her claims. ... -side.html
'She's destroyed many lives, not only mine... and people STILL think I'm guilty': Father, 22, who attempted suicide after fantasist Eleanor Williams falsely accused him of rape tells of his fury that people still take her side - despite her being jailed
Jordan Trengove attempted suicide after being falsely accused of rape in 2019
He spent 73 days in prison in a sex offenders wing after Eleanor Williams lied
Williams was jailed for eight-and-a-half years after being found guilty of eight counts of perverting the course of justice.
The judge told Preston Crown Court on Tuesday that she has shown 'no significant signs of remorse'
She created false social media accounts, doctored innocent men's profiles and even attacked herself with a hammer before posting her injuries on social media. ... isten.html
Williams' litany of lies
The first claim

The first false allegation was made by Williams when she was 16.

Preston Crown Court heard she had been with others at Cameron Bibby's house in November 2017 when she was sick after drinking alcohol and smoking cannabis.

Mr Bibby and his friends contacted Williams's sister and mother, who came to collect her and later took her to hospital, where she alleged she had been raped.

Williams withdrew support from a prosecution in January 2018, after Mr Bibby had been arrested.

- Injuries

In March 2019 Williams had been on a night out with Jordan Trengove when she was taken home after becoming intoxicated.

She would later allege Mr Trengove raped her that night, and then on two later occasions, claiming he came to her flat, attacked her and threatened her with a knife.

Judge Robert Altham said: 'She caused [the injuries] to herself to support her allegations. As we will see this was to become a feature of her conduct.'

- Trafficking

Williams claimed she had been groomed since the age of 12 or 13 by local business owner Mohammed Ramzan, who she falsely claimed took her across the region and persuaded her to have sex with other men.

She described punishment beatings, rape, a girl nearly dying as a result of a beating and another having a dog set on her.

- Amsterdam

Williams told police she had been taken to Amsterdam by Mr Ramzan, forced to work in a brothel and sold at an auction for 25,000 euros, but the buyer did not go through with the deal.

During the trial, Jonathan Sandiford KC compared the account to a scene from the Liam Neeson film Taken, in which an ex-Secret Service agent's teenage daughter is abducted by human traffickers.

At the time Williams was in the Netherlands Mr Ramzan's bank card was being used at a B&Q in Barrow, police discovered.

- Ibiza

Williams said she was taken to Ibiza by Mr Ramzan and made to have sex with men. She admitted this was not true when officers suggested they check flight documents, but at trial she maintained the allegation.


When police investigated Williams's account of being taken to addresses in Blackpool and forced to have sex with men, they found she had gone to the seaside resort alone and, after buying a Pot Noodle from a nearby shop, spent most of her time in her hotel room watching YouTube.


After a chance encounter with Oliver Gardner in Preston city centre, Williams initially claimed he was a trafficker who forced her to take cocaine, sold her to two Asian men and raped her.

Judge Altham said: 'This was a complete fabrication, much of it would be disproved from CCTV.'

- The hammer

In what the prosecution called her 'finale event', in May 2020 Williams was found by police with injuries including a swollen eye, cut finger and injuries to her legs and abdomen which were 'too numerous to count'.

She would later post pictures of the injuries on Facebook with a description of being beaten, groomed and trafficked by Asian men.

But, evidence from a pathologist found the injuries were consistent with being caused to herself.

A hammer found at the scene had her DNA on and was identical to one she had purchased from Tesco earlier in the month.

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Re: Finally a serial false rape accuser is behind bars...

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

Yohan wrote:
March 16th, 2023, 11:29 pm ... -term.html

Some Western women are just a horror, good to know she will spend now some time in prison.

Can you imagine what all could happen to you as a man if you date and even marry such a woman?
Fake sex abuse claims get British woman 8.5 year prison term

LONDON (AP) - A woman who falsely claimed she was drugged, raped and forced to work as a prostitute was sentenced Tuesday to more than eight years imprisonment in a case that fueled racial tensions in Britain.

Eleanor Williams, 22, said on Facebook in May 2020 - in a post shared more than 100,000 times - that she had been beaten, abused and trafficked by south Asian men, stoking months of anger, fear and acts of vandalism in her hometown of Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria.

Williams was convicted by a jury in Preston Crown Court in January of acts tending and intended to pervert the course of justice.

At the time of the Facebook post, police suspected Williams's wild allegations of violent rapes and sexual trafficking overseas had been fabricated and that she had beaten herself with a hammer to support her claims. ... -side.html
'She's destroyed many lives, not only mine... and people STILL think I'm guilty': Father, 22, who attempted suicide after fantasist Eleanor Williams falsely accused him of rape tells of his fury that people still take her side - despite her being jailed
Jordan Trengove attempted suicide after being falsely accused of rape in 2019
He spent 73 days in prison in a sex offenders wing after Eleanor Williams lied
Williams was jailed for eight-and-a-half years after being found guilty of eight counts of perverting the course of justice.
The judge told Preston Crown Court on Tuesday that she has shown 'no significant signs of remorse'
She created false social media accounts, doctored innocent men's profiles and even attacked herself with a hammer before posting her injuries on social media. ... isten.html
Williams' litany of lies
The first claim

The first false allegation was made by Williams when she was 16.

Preston Crown Court heard she had been with others at Cameron Bibby's house in November 2017 when she was sick after drinking alcohol and smoking cannabis.

Mr Bibby and his friends contacted Williams's sister and mother, who came to collect her and later took her to hospital, where she alleged she had been raped.

Williams withdrew support from a prosecution in January 2018, after Mr Bibby had been arrested.

- Injuries

In March 2019 Williams had been on a night out with Jordan Trengove when she was taken home after becoming intoxicated.

She would later allege Mr Trengove raped her that night, and then on two later occasions, claiming he came to her flat, attacked her and threatened her with a knife.

Judge Robert Altham said: 'She caused [the injuries] to herself to support her allegations. As we will see this was to become a feature of her conduct.'

- Trafficking

Williams claimed she had been groomed since the age of 12 or 13 by local business owner Mohammed Ramzan, who she falsely claimed took her across the region and persuaded her to have sex with other men.

She described punishment beatings, rape, a girl nearly dying as a result of a beating and another having a dog set on her.

- Amsterdam

Williams told police she had been taken to Amsterdam by Mr Ramzan, forced to work in a brothel and sold at an auction for 25,000 euros, but the buyer did not go through with the deal.

During the trial, Jonathan Sandiford KC compared the account to a scene from the Liam Neeson film Taken, in which an ex-Secret Service agent's teenage daughter is abducted by human traffickers.

At the time Williams was in the Netherlands Mr Ramzan's bank card was being used at a B&Q in Barrow, police discovered.

- Ibiza

Williams said she was taken to Ibiza by Mr Ramzan and made to have sex with men. She admitted this was not true when officers suggested they check flight documents, but at trial she maintained the allegation.


When police investigated Williams's account of being taken to addresses in Blackpool and forced to have sex with men, they found she had gone to the seaside resort alone and, after buying a Pot Noodle from a nearby shop, spent most of her time in her hotel room watching YouTube.


After a chance encounter with Oliver Gardner in Preston city centre, Williams initially claimed he was a trafficker who forced her to take cocaine, sold her to two Asian men and raped her.

Judge Altham said: 'This was a complete fabrication, much of it would be disproved from CCTV.'

- The hammer

In what the prosecution called her 'finale event', in May 2020 Williams was found by police with injuries including a swollen eye, cut finger and injuries to her legs and abdomen which were 'too numerous to count'.

She would later post pictures of the injuries on Facebook with a description of being beaten, groomed and trafficked by Asian men.

But, evidence from a pathologist found the injuries were consistent with being caused to herself.

A hammer found at the scene had her DNA on and was identical to one she had purchased from Tesco earlier in the month.
But they decided to make it about a race issue which is the only reason why they did that to her, so this isn't anything since white countries in the West in general are obsessed with turning on their own people any given chance they have to do so and the women are no exception if they are attacking a protected group of some sort. Women are only immune to certain degrees like how the ones claimed Bill Cosby raped them, or Michael Jackson accused of molesting a 14 year old even though he didn't.

These Western countries want to do everything in their power to protect the replacements at all cost. I remember how reports were made against Islamic males raping and grooming in Europe, the courts outright protected the men guilty of it and people weren't allowed to talk about it.
The UK is a country that outright goes after men just for flirting and using PUA techniques to talk to women. It's not like the West is going to start turning on women and pretending like they give a shit about men all of a sudden who are victimized by women. This is just the UK exploiting racism like every western country does. America would do the same shit in a heartbeat since white people want to kiss everyone's ass but their own regardless if they are guilty of wrong doing or not.

It's like if I were to go out right now and punch a white cop or I killed someone before attacking the cop for no reason other than because I simply could and get away with it, but get killed in the process by the pissed off cop. Black people would riot tomorrow, whites would get in that apologetic white guilt phase and wash them feet, bending the knees. It wouldn't even matter if I stabbed a pregnant woman in the gut or whatever they would pretend the woman didn't exist, and the only thing that would matter is America trying to save face acting like my skin color is more important than someone I gutted prior to socking that cop in the face.

This is exactly how the UK is reacting to this woman lying about being a victim of rape. The men she's accusing this of are Asian not white. its like when they had the whole stop Asian hate here, they were hoping that it was white men attacking and assaulting Asians. But instead it was BLACKS, they were the ones beating and killing Asians, but what did they do when they found out it wasn't white men like they wanted it to be so they could turn the country on them? They ended the whole thing and decided not to make blacks look bad by revealing who was really attacking Asian people and committing the hate crimes against them. They don't want to punish the race they love using for their political campaigns....Therefore if a white man had of been going around attacking Asians, they would have punished him. They were upset and disappointed that it wasn't whites committing the crimes. That's how f***ed up White countries are and how eager they are to punish their own. This white woman would have had better luck lying on white men, they would have let her walk freely.
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