Men's greatest achilles heal and why you are all unhappy!

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Men's greatest achilles heal and why you are all unhappy!

Post by 69ixine »

Is and always be needing validation and affection from women.

That is something MGTOW are right about.

Notice I said'needing',but if you can get rid of the desire entirely this is even better and more power to yourself and your life.

Alpha males are the true omega slaves.Omega Virgins by choice are the real alphas.

if you can get rid of this,then you'd be a happy man with a minimum income,a hyperrealistic TPE or silicone internal heating system 10 supermodel with a great body!

or if you can afford to go to SEA or latino america,cheap hookers(dangerous due to stds)!

if you can use a Sheeth for your circumcised glans,and restore sensitivity with keratolytic substances quickly to full pre-circumcision sensitivity,and hsve a hot robot to f**k everyday with internal heating you'd be so set!

no more frustration!

work on yourselves guys,inner game is everything!

@Lucas88 don't you agree this is a better choice until you can expatriate?
scamming simps,and raking in the dough with my AI female version softcore adult pics to get HA to be a reality.
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Re: Men's greatest achilles heal and why you are all unhappy!

Post by Lucas88 »

The desire to pursue women is a normal part of male nature. However, when that desire becomes an obsession, it can lead to incredible misery and dissatisfaction. Look at the Manosphere types and MGTOWs. Most of them think about little else than women. In fact, they don't stop talking about them. And that's just on the internet. In real life, there are guys who will work relentlessly and sacrifice all of their lifeblood and soul for a career that they don't even like just to project an image of well-above-average wealth and success and attract a woman who'll never really love them anyway. Obsession with women can certainly be a source of malaise for a man.

Wisdom has taught me that women really aren't that great as we've been led to believe and that there's far more to life than women. If you want satisfaction, pursue it in other means first. Build yourself up. Seek learning and erudition. Cultivate your own creative talents and use them. Improve your body through training and find satisfaction in higher disciplines such as martial arts, Tai Qi, Yoga, etc. Pursue excellence in various areas. Seek truth. Once you are a realized man with multiple genuine interests, you are able to live a fulfilling life and have a satisfied mind without a woman and certainly without the need for female validation. Being satisfied with one's self is the first step to happiness.

Now, I'm not saying that men shouldn't pursue women at all; we certainly should, but only as an accessory to our happiness and not as the center of it. Once you are satisfied with your own life independent of female validation and your attitude towards women is one of "I can take 'em' or leave 'em'", then you can no longer be controlled by women and you certainly won't be inclined to "simp" for them (man, I hate using the language of those internet manginas) or behave irrationally due to your longing for a woman, "love", relationships, etc.

I'm at that point in my life now. I have way too many substantial hobbies and intellectual, creative and athletic interests to feel bored or miserable in the absence of a woman. Moreover, I've had two failed long-term relationships and now see how "love" is in most cases illusory. I don't even need emotional attachment at this point. I also know that in many countries outside of the Anglosphere it is super easy to get hoes who look like supermodels for as little as 50 euros. When it's that easy to get pvssy and for that cheap, you no longer give a fcuk about dealing with regular women and their incessant drama. You just don't give a fcuk at all!

Besides, I know what it's like to be a stud in countries like Peru and have women approaching me all the time. Once you taste abundance abroad, you no longer give a shit about mediocre women and their inflated egos back home. The bubble has been burst. Pvssy no longer mystifies.

As for the topic of sex robots, I don't see the need to buy one when I can just jack off while controlling my breath and concentrating on the expansion of the body's qi. That's how you can have really strong orgasms - by combining jacking off with internal visualization and breathwork. Mounting a sex robot would only distract me from internal visualization and breathwork.
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Re: Men's greatest achilles heal and why you are all unhappy!

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

Lucas88 wrote:
April 22nd, 2023, 10:47 am
The desire to pursue women is a normal part of male nature. However, when that desire becomes an obsession, it can lead to incredible misery and dissatisfaction. Look at the Manosphere types and MGTOWs. Most of them think about little else than women. In fact, they don't stop talking about them. And that's just on the internet. In real life, there are guys who will work relentlessly and sacrifice all of their lifeblood and soul for a career that they don't even like just to project an image of well-above-average wealth and success and attract a woman who'll never really love them anyway. Obsession with women can certainly be a source of malaise for a man.

Wisdom has taught me that women really aren't that great as we've been led to believe and that there's far more to life than women. If you want satisfaction, pursue it in other means first. Build yourself up. Seek learning and erudition. Cultivate your own creative talents and use them. Improve your body through training and find satisfaction in higher disciplines such as martial arts, Tai Qi, Yoga, etc. Pursue excellence in various areas. Seek truth. Once you are a realized man with multiple genuine interests, you are able to live a fulfilling life and have a satisfied mind without a woman and certainly without the need for female validation. Being satisfied with one's self is the first step to happiness.

Now, I'm not saying that men shouldn't pursue women at all; we certainly should, but only as an accessory to our happiness and not as the center of it. Once you are satisfied with your own life independent of female validation and your attitude towards women is one of "I can take 'em' or leave 'em'", then you can no longer be controlled by women and you certainly won't be inclined to "simp" for them (man, I hate using the language of those internet manginas) or behave irrationally due to your longing for a woman, "love", relationships, etc.

I'm at that point in my life now. I have way too many substantial hobbies and intellectual, creative and athletic interests to feel bored or miserable in the absence of a woman. Moreover, I've had two failed long-term relationships and now see how "love" is in most cases illusory. I don't even need emotional attachment at this point. I also know that in many countries outside of the Anglosphere it is super easy to get hoes who look like supermodels for as little as 50 euros. When it's that easy to get pvssy and for that cheap, you no longer give a fcuk about dealing with regular women and their incessant drama. You just don't give a fcuk at all!

Besides, I know what it's like to be a stud in countries like Peru and have women approaching me all the time. Once you taste abundance abroad, you no longer give a shit about mediocre women and their inflated egos back home. The bubble has been burst. Pvssy no longer mystifies.

As for the topic of sex robots, I don't see the need to buy one when I can just jack off while controlling my breath and concentrating on the expansion of the body's qi. That's how you can have really strong orgasms - by combining jacking off with internal visualization and breathwork. Mounting a sex robot would only distract me from internal visualization and breathwork.
YEAH.. Pursuing women are not worth the hassle. You have to put up with her constant b*tchfest and you can get divorce-raped in court. It's better to stick with what your comfortable with like your martial arts and Tai qi for example. Better not have kids because your life, energy and resources will be sucked like the vacuum cleaner. You better use a condom during sex or your gonna have an unwanted son, like Winston with his son Angelo.
You better off putting your savings in real estate and dividend generating portfolio, at least they give out steady annual returns. Your dumba$$ good for nothing kids don't generate returns...except YOU having male pattern baldness, beer belly, stress and constant migraines.
An average kid cost about $100,000 to $300,000 in upkeep(food, water, clothes, education, extra curriculars, illness, etc) for their first 22 years and 50% chance of betrayal or loss of investment, in places like the United States and South Korea.
Better off putting that money into your assets and investments.
Your friendly Neighborhood Cynic!
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Re: Men's greatest achilles heal and why you are all unhappy!

Post by 69ixine »

The desire to pursue women is a normal part of male nature. However, when that desire becomes an obsession, it can lead to incredible misery and dissatisfaction. Look at the Manosphere types and MGTOWs. Most of them think about little else than women. In fact, they don't stop talking about them. And that's just on the internet. In real life, there are guys who will work relentlessly and sacrifice all of their lifeblood and soul for a career that they don't even like just to project an image of well-above-average wealth and success and attract a woman who'll never really love them anyway. Obsession with women can certainly be a source of malaise for a man.
I think this is cuz they're sex and validation sink holes.

Wisdom has taught me that women really aren't that great as we've been led to believe and that there's far more to life than women. If you want satisfaction, pursue it in other means first. Build yourself up. Seek learning and erudition. Cultivate your own creative talents and use them. Improve your body through training and find satisfaction in higher disciplines such as martial arts, Tai Qi, Yoga, etc. Pursue excellence in various areas. Seek truth. Once you are a realized man with multiple genuine interests, you are able to live a fulfilling life and have a satisfied mind without a woman and certainly without the need for female validation. Being satisfied with one's self is the first step to happiness.
Hedonism alone(+not being by toxic retards and also safety) provides happiness,and that needs $$.I personally don't think spiritual practices of eastern religions let alone culty western ones bring happiness.Each their own.

It's like those amulets or morphic fields that provide 'happiness'that never work,when they should focus on being percieved as a celebrity vip status male,which is the cheat code to life.
Now, I'm not saying that men shouldn't pursue women at all; we certainly should, but only as an accessory to our happiness and not as the center of it. Once you are satisfied with your own life independent of female validation and your attitude towards women is one of "I can take 'em' or leave 'em'", then you can no longer be controlled by women and you certainly won't be inclined to "simp" for them (man, I hate using the language of those internet manginas) or behave irrationally due to your longing for a woman, "love", relationships, etc.
Why should we pursue them unless it's a cakewalk like you and peruvianas?some guys are just perceived as trash by all women,while others get worshipped by hotties effortlessly,and it's all outside one's control.
I'm at that point in my life now. I have way too many substantial hobbies and intellectual, creative and athletic interests to feel bored or miserable in the absence of a woman. Moreover, I've had two failed long-term relationships and now see how "love" is in most cases illusory. I don't even need emotional attachment at this point. I also know that in many countries outside of the Anglosphere it is super easy to get hoes who look like supermodels for as little as 50 euros. When it's that easy to get pvssy and for that cheap, you no longer give a fcuk about dealing with regular women and their incessant drama. You just don't give a fcuk at all!
I agree!Prostitution (only when legal,cheap +hotties)is a blessing for men.which is why the Jews ban it in america.
Besides, I know what it's like to be a stud in countries like Peru and have women approaching me all the time. Once you taste abundance abroad, you no longer give a shit about mediocre women and their inflated egos back home. The bubble has been burst. Pvssy no longer mystifies.
Well,then you should go a non-white Non-black male I will never experience that anywhere in the world,it will always be a uphill battle for me.So it's like working hard at a shitty career that pays well and brings a stroke,while rich good old boys are born with that wealth or have a trust fund,it's just not worth it and unfair-because there is no 'God'out there and life is brutal and nasty.I have negative smv and a failo,nopt boosted smv and a social halo.I only got cold approached sexually once in my life-by a 15 year old lightskin model ebony with a big butt.if It was legal I would have hit.Jail is not worth p***y.
As for the topic of sex robots, I don't see the need to buy one when I can just jack off while controlling my breath and concentrating on the expansion of the body's qi. That's how you can have really strong orgasms - by combining jacking off with internal visualization and breathwork. Mounting a sex robot would only distract me from internal visualization and breathwork.
To each their own.I care nothing for spirituality.
scamming simps,and raking in the dough with my AI female version softcore adult pics to get HA to be a reality.
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Re: Men's greatest achilles heal and why you are all unhappy!

Post by Lucas88 »

69ixine wrote:
April 22nd, 2023, 11:45 am
Hedonism alone(+not being by toxic retards and also safety) provides happiness,and that needs $$.I personally don't think spiritual practices of eastern religions let alone culty western ones bring happiness.Each their own.

It's like those amulets or morphic fields that provide 'happiness'that never work,when they should focus on being percieved as a celebrity vip status male,which is the cheat code to life.
The pursuit of pure hedonism will only lead to emptiness in the long run. A man needs substantial and constructive interests in his life. Drinking alcohol, smoking pot, playing videogames, banging hookers, etc. eventually gets old and unfulfilling if those are the only things that you do. A lot of people dedicated to the hedonist lifestyle report depression and dissatisfaction with life and I think that it's for this reason. Instead, a man should get some serious hobbies and develop his talents and abilities and then find satisfaction in such substantial pursuits first. Things like art, writing, music, martial arts, intellectual fields, etc. In other words, activities of an edifying nature. Once you find satisfaction in such things and begin to excel at them, life becomes more fulfilling and the need for fleeting moments of hedonism diminishes and becomes manageable.

True satisfaction is found in an appropriate balance between constructive endeavors and hedonic pursuits. The former provides a solid base for the latter.
69ixine wrote:
April 22nd, 2023, 11:45 am
Why should we pursue them unless it's a cakewalk like you and peruvianas?some guys are just perceived as trash by all women,while others get worshipped by hotties effortlessly,and it's all outside one's control.
The answer is that you shouldn't pursue women if those in your environment are too demanding and the juice isn't worth the squeeze. If most women around you are hard work because they've bought into feminism and US narc culture which tell them that they're worth way more than what they really are, then you should simply bypass them completely and either date abroad or find reasonably priced hookers in a foreign country where prostitution is legal. I myself don't even attempt to date in the UK because most girls here are a mediocre product at best and I don't even like British girl from an aesthetic standpoint anyway.

If a sex robot is better for you than what you could get in Cleveland, then by all means get one.
69ixine wrote:
April 22nd, 2023, 11:45 am
Well,then you should go a non-white Non-black male I will never experience that anywhere in the world,it will always be a uphill battle for me.So it's like working hard at a shitty career that pays well and brings a stroke,while rich good old boys are born with that wealth or have a trust fund,it's just not worth it and unfair-because there is no 'God'out there and life is brutal and nasty.I have negative smv and a failo,nopt boosted smv and a social halo.I only got cold approached sexually once in my life-by a 15 year old lightskin model ebony with a big butt.if It was legal I would have hit.Jail is not worth p***y.
While it's true that White guys are practically playing the game on god mode in Peru and similar countries, a Boricua-looking American like yourself might do okay there too. I remember that @E Irizarry R&B Singer said that brown-skinned guys can get girls in Peru even if they don't have it as easy as White guys. He's a Brazilian American and is about 40% Black or something like that (forgive me for not remembering your exact ethnic makeup if you read this, E Irizarry!) and he did okay throughout Latin America including Peru. But you'll never know how you'll do in Peru until you try! Otherwise, find some other place where you're valued as a rare and attractive commodity. That's the whole essence of HA!
69ixine wrote:
April 22nd, 2023, 11:45 am
As for the topic of sex robots, I don't see the need to buy one when I can just jack off while controlling my breath and concentrating on the expansion of the body's qi. That's how you can have really strong orgasms - by combining jacking off with internal visualization and breathwork. Mounting a sex robot would only distract me from internal visualization and breathwork.
To each their own.I care nothing for spirituality.
About half a decade or so ago I discovered how to make orgasms much stronger and more pleasurable by concentrating on the energy in the lower abdomen and controlling my breathing in a rhythmic manner, something I learned from Yoga practice. I can do this either alone or with a partner, but I seem to be able to reach stronger and more pleasurable orgasms alone since my mind is freed up to concentrate more carefully on my own breathing. Since through these techniques I am able to achieve the strongest orgasms alone, I'm less inclined to care about sex with another person if I'm not really attracted to that person. At this point I'd rather jack off than pursue mediocre women in my own country.
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Re: Men's greatest achilles heal and why you are all unhappy!

Post by 69ixine »

The pursuit of pure hedonism will only lead to emptiness in the long run. A man needs substantial and constructive interests in his life. Drinking alcohol, smoking pot, playing videogames, banging hookers, etc. eventually gets old and unfulfilling if those are the only things that you do. A lot of people dedicated to the hedonist lifestyle report depression and dissatisfaction with life and I think that it's for this reason. Instead, a man should get some serious hobbies and develop his talents and abilities and then find satisfaction in such substantial pursuits first. Things like art, writing, music, martial arts, intellectual fields, etc. In other words, activities of an edifying nature. Once you find satisfaction in such things and begin to excel at them, life becomes more fulfilling and the need for fleeting moments of hedonism diminishes and becomes manageable.
That's because a wife or wives that are good provides way more hedonic value than banging or seeking to bang hookers and sluts.time and effort make the reward uncomensurate to the effort and time and frustration invovled in such a pursuit.

that's all it is.
True satisfaction is found in an appropriate balance between constructive endeavors and hedonic pursuits. The former provides a solid base for the latter.
And having basic maslow needs met.

The answer is that you shouldn't pursue women if those in your environment are too demanding and the juice isn't worth the squeeze. If most women around you are hard work because they've bought into feminism and US narc culture which tell them that they're worth way more than what they really are, then you should simply bypass them completely and either date abroad or find reasonably priced hookers in a foreign country where prostitution is legal. I myself don't even attempt to date in the UK because most girls here are a mediocre product at best and I don't even like British girl from an aesthetic standpoint anyway.
I like all nationalities of women from a sexual standpoint,though I can share your love for mestizas,they're a special breed's just that I already have pretty neutral status here in america(I think,maybe it's negative),going somewhere else with neutral status doesn't make sense,the time and money for that is prohibitive for most men of color(HAHAHAHA 'the aether'decided to make us 'poor'on top of everything else lol).

it would likely be better to go to brazil where I am considered 'white'or nicaragua where the white elite are my type of ethnic white,and even Arabians have high status and are white if liteskinned(Ditto for brazil)for those guys that are from those countries or just go to poland where one latino user on a sexpat forum described it as the 'peru for latinos'.

If a sex robot is better for you than what you could get in Cleveland, then by all means get one.
It's for me just my income is not enough to meet women,and I have a math disability and ocd which make a decent job impossible,I won't go into my plans here(will create another thread on that),but my first goal is to get on my own two feet.Women like me from a physical standpoint,but that is all I have to offer them right now,and am aging aswell!
While it's true that White guys are practically playing the game on god mode in Peru and similar countries, a Boricua-looking American like yourself might do okay there too. I remember that @E Irizarry R&B Singer said that brown-skinned guys can get girls in Peru even if they don't have it as easy as White guys. He's a Brazilian American and is about 40% Black or something like that (forgive me for not remembering your exact ethnic makeup if you read this, E Irizarry!) and he did okay throughout Latin America including Peru. But you'll never know how you'll do in Peru until you try! Otherwise, find some other place where you're valued as a rare and attractive commodity. That's the whole essence of HA!
I mean Poland is Godmode for ethnics and latin europeans.I just hate the weather and the men might fight me.Ideally I'd be in brazil f***ing mestizas and mulattas half the year and poland banging blonde slavic barbies the other half,I have my plans on how to do this.will create a thread soon.

About half a decade or so ago I discovered how to make orgasms much stronger and more pleasurable by concentrating on the energy in the lower abdomen and controlling my breathing in a rhythmic manner, something I learned from Yoga practice. I can do this either alone or with a partner, but I seem to be able to reach stronger and more pleasurable orgasms alone since my mind is freed up to concentrate more carefully on my own breathing. Since through these techniques I am able to achieve the strongest orgasms alone, I'm less inclined to care about sex with another person if I'm not really attracted to that person. At this point I'd rather jack off than pursue mediocre women in my own country.
Wow!I feel the same way just with regaining glans sensitivity + a hot latina or blonde barbie sex doll!
scamming simps,and raking in the dough with my AI female version softcore adult pics to get HA to be a reality.
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