Walt Goodridge - Jamaican Passion/Profit Coach, Author, Traveler, Freespirit

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Post by Winston »

xiongmao wrote:Winston - I think we covered this in our discussions about Pat from Smart Passive Income.

Pat makes $$$$ online yet wears an old t shirt. Well he's the same as me - I earn around $80K a year but my sweaters have holes in. And one of the Chinese women I dated had a fake designer handbag and pretty average clothes. Yet she makes more than 10x more than me.

Amongst my friends the only ones who like designer gear are those with huge credit card debts. I'd rather save the money and retire 20 years earlier than them, or spend the money on my kids (like Pat does).

Anyway, those hostels look better than the so-called business hotels I've stayed in while in China!
Yeah but you missed my point again. I don't give a shit what you wear at home and in your own life. No one does. But if you go to a job interview, or do a TV/video interview about your business, you are supposed to dress nice and look professional at least. You don't have to be in a suit and tie - just an upscale dress shirt and nice slacks will do. Even David Icke, who is totally against the system of course, dresses like that in his public lectures. (see below)

Be realistic. This has nothing to do with being shallow. If you are promoting a business, you should look professional, not with a cheap t-shirt like a slob. Otherwise, people don't take you seriously if you don't even take the time to look professional. That's the real world. It's common sense too. Why are you debating something so obvious? Why is that so hard for you to understand?

If you invested a ton of money into a TV show or video about your business, would you let the interviewer of your show wear a cheap t-shirt? Or would you make sure he looks presentable and professional? Wouldn't you want to keep your ratings and sales up? If so, you'd want the latter. This is a no brainer. Why do you debate it? Would people take CNN seriously if all their news anchors dressed in cheap t-shirts? Nevermind what their bosses say. Even if their bosses didn't care, the news anchors will still dress professional, because they want to be seen as professionals. If you owned a car dealership, would you let your salespeople wear cheap t-shirts? Even if you did, they wouldn't, because they want to be taken seriously by their customers and clients.

If you are a computer programmer sitting in an office, your boss will not care what you wear, because you are not seen by customers or the public. But if you are in a public position where you are seen by clients and customers, then of course you have to look professional to be taken seriously. This is common sense. I don't understand why you have trouble understanding this. Your high school teacher should have explained this to you.

Even David Icke, who is against the system and authority, will wear a dress shirt in his public lectures at least, to look presentable. It's just basic etiquette. See this photo of him below at his lecture.


He is not a conformist in any way of course. But if his fans came all the way to see him and paid money, he at least has to look presentable to them. It's basic respect, courtesy and etiquette. Do you understand? Your high school teacher should have explained this to you. I don't know why I have to.

Hypothetical question: If Bill Gates invited you to his office to talk to you about a business deal which could profit you greatly, and even paid for your flight to visit him, would you show up in a cheap t-shirt?
Last edited by Winston on January 25th, 2012, 10:28 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Hi all,
I just took Walt Goodridge's revealing free personality test here:


Here is my result and personality type:

Informer Personality Type
Personality type: "Informer"
Purpose: "GURU"
(Comparable Enneagram Types 1 and 5.)

What It Means to be an Informer:
According to the test results, you have a high degree of "Informer" in your personality/behavior type. Here are some insights into the patterns and personality of The Informer.

The Informer's Prime Directive
Recognizing the Informer
What moves the Informer to action
How the Informer Inspires others
How to be a better Informer
Where Informers Find Passion
Can An Informer Turn Passion Into Profit?
Informers in Love

The Informer's Prime Directive:
Informers are inspired by information, understanding, ideas, facts, data and knowledge.

Recognizing the Informer
Informers are conservative in both nature and dress and tend to be conformists. They tend to pride themselves on their intelligence and are quite analytical in their approach to life, people and situations. They have little tolerance for people who are ignorant or ill-informed. They value being right over being popular.

What Moves The Informer To Action
To inspire an Informer, use words like "smart", "information", "facts", "documentation", "proven", "absolute certainty", and "intelligence." If you're speaking to an informer, you've got to be certain of what you're saying from a factual standpoint and accurate in your statement of figures and statistics. Informers respect and are inspired by intelligence in others.

To get an Informer to take action in the face of fear, reframe the necessary action as one that will lead to information, knowledge or certainty.

How Informers Inspire Others
Informers project and image of being calm, collected and in absolute control. Many people see strength in the Inspirer's ability to stay emotionally detached others around are losing their heads. Informers are confident when they speak since they rarely speak on matters on which they are uncertain. They are usually well-spoken and inspire others with their eloquence and command of the language. When an Inspirer gets involved in a business venture or an organization, they are the ones who know exactly what's going on at all times. They are the ones who others come to for information and insight.

How to Be A Better Informer
Informers, however, can tend to be aloof, detached and intellectual rather than intuitive in their approach to life. They tend to be extremely task oriented individuals who put the project ahead of the people. Therefore, Informers need to get in touch with their feelings, and the feelings of others if they are to grow and be successful. They need to be more people-oriented in their interactions and embrace confrontation (which they often see as conflict) as a means to achieve understanding and growth in relationships.

Where Informers Find Passion
Informers do better in professions and positions which reward knowledge, detail and accuracy. Informers make great accountants, engineers, computer programmers, bankers and statisticians. They tend not to do well in jobs or businesses which require people skills. However, because anything one does can be improved by knowing how to relate to others, Inspirers can succeed in any profession if they develop their interpersonal skills. Informers think in terms of the value of information. The information, order, analysis, perfection and attention to detail that characterizes them can itself be of value to others who seek these qualities in their own lives. The Informer's passion can offer ways for people to add knowledge and order to their lives.

Can Informers Turn Passion Into Profit?
If you are aware of your strengths and weaknesses, and willing to do what it takes to achieve a balance in your life, it is ultimately possible for any of the personality types to turn passion into profit.

Because they tend to value process more than people, and tend to be more task-oriented than relationship-oriented, informers may miss out on the profit and success that comes from being more intuitive in their approach to success, and in reaching out to others as valued contributors. The key to real success for you as an Informer while on the journey from passion to profit will be to "remember that your good comes through people, value your intuition and remember people won't care how much you know, until they know how much you care." (Take a tip from Walt's Friday Inspiration #167: "Still Keeping Score")

Informers in Love
In love, just as in business, Informers tend to be attracted to Exciters because they express the fun side, spontaneity and freedom that Informers have always wanted to feel. However, while there may be an attraction, the Informer is often frustrated by the Exciter's often chronic lateness, inaccuracy, and nonchalant attitude towards life. Informers get along well with Supporters since they both take life at a slower pace.

Creator, Savior, Guru or Guide?
There's a good chance you might be a GURU.See the "Purpose" chapter for more details. If you scored highly in another Passion-Seeker type, find out more about that type below.

What do you all think? Is that pretty accurate about me?

Try the free test yourself here to reveal the type of roles you are ideally suited for:

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Post by Winston »

Check out this FREE CD of Walt's "Passion into Profit" audio lecture series. It's very inspiring and contains a lot of good advice. You can downloading it for free here.


Also, here you can download Walt's FREE ebook "7 Conversations to Freedom":


Last edited by Winston on August 4th, 2012, 7:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Winston »

Hi all,
Here is an interview between me and Walt featured in his newsletter. Hope you find it interesting.


Message from Walt

Today, we continue our "interview by a skeptic" series with questions for me from Winston "The Debunker" Wu, of HappierAbroad, Intellectual Expat, and DebunkingSkeptics . First, however, here are a few announcements:

• 7 Conversations to Freedom, the free ebook available on the passionprofit.com site, has been reformatted, edited and expanded and is now available for Kindle e-reader. Check it out for $0.99 cents at http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00750LALQ

• Want to share THIS edition of the Achievable Freedom Newsletter, tweet or share on facebook or your favorite network? Direct your friends to this link http://www.waltgoodridge.com/archives/newsletter6.html or http://tinyurl.com/7wo4nf3
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Freedom to Profit: What's the book about?

WINSTON THE DEBUNKER asks:Is your Turn Your Passion Into Profit book more about starting a traditional business or an online business? Many of my HappierAbroad.com readers are interested in making money line, generating passive incomes, or doing freelance work, so that they could live overseas. So that would appeal to them.

(1) It's first about clarifying the concept that underlies the business (i.e. clarifying the product or service the business should be based on--your passion/talent/hobby... AND

(2) since the whole underlying concept of my life and message is freedom, even the products I suggest and recommend are always those that have the potential to be marketed remotely and passively. I rarely, if ever, suggest a brick and mortar business.

(3) I also have two supplemental manuals, The Turn Your Passion into Profit Quickstart Manual and Websites That Sell that focus additionally on setting up and mastering the online side of things. I follow the Robert G. Allen's Multiple Streams of Income Philosophy for what makes the perfect business, so less employees (as in zero) is key, and mobility and freedom is built into my philosophy and formula. Check out all the books and what versions (Kindle, paperback, audio) are available at http://www.waltgoodridge.com/books-websites/
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Freedom to Escape: Why New York??? Aren't you free to escape?

WINSTON THE DEBUNKER asks: ...I am wondering, why didn't you just go live overseas like in Saipan or China? Why stay in NY? Isn't it expensive to live there? Isn't it best to live in a place where cost of living is cheaper and where values are less materialistic? I mean, don't you want to set your business on auto-pilot, so you can just travel perpetually? Isn't that your dream? Why aren't you doing that now?

THE SHORT ANSWER: Absolutely! I do, in fact, plan to return to China! I've been living on Saipan for the past 6 years. I only came to New York in September because of a family matter. I wasn't planning on staying, but one thing led to another and now I'm "stuck"--(albeit pleasantly and willingly!--hint) But, I'm hating the cold, and the general unfriendliness. If it weren't for certain "compelling motivations," I'd be out of here in a New York minute!

The business is pretty much already on auto. I have that freedom now. That's what made the 6 months in China possible. However, every now and then, I need to stop and focus and tweak some things. For example, the whole publishing industry is changing VERY rapidly right now! Once I got the Kindle/Nook bug, as I do now, it's better for me to be in one place with a reliable internet connection and some consistency (here in NY, for instance), converting, uploading, tweaking, re-uploading all hours of the night and morning to get everything in order. Then next, I need to focus on marketing the Kindle/Nook editions (basically, learning a whole new paradigm and strategy) to get things up to a certain level of exposure and sales.

So, as much as I hate the cold, this stay in New York has been great in that regard. The cold weather keeps me inside and I've gotten so much done that I may not have been able to if I were traveling, or even if I were on Saipan.

Now--since Dec--I've been promoting 10 titles at the same time on both Kindle and Nook platforms as well as paperback formats. First there was the tedious manual conversions of each book to kindle format, then to Nook, then to Smashwords for one title in particular.

Then, there was
- writing press releases for each book (10)
- submitting to dozens of press release distribution sites one at a time each press release individually to dozens of sites
- writing articles that reference each book (10)
- submitting articles to article distribution sites one at a time
- posting on forums
- commenting on news articles
- finding blogs and emailing reviewers one by one
- contacting book clubs
- emailing/faxing stores (for paperback editions of all books)

However, the Kindle sales are already building slowly and are on track to surpass the paperback sales, and once I'm past this initial inertia stage, it'll probably be Spring, and I planto head back to China! So, the last year and a half has looked like this: 6 months in China, 6 months on Saipan, and now it looks like I'll be 6 months in New York, before returning to Saipan and then China-- on auto pilot again!
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Freedom to Age Less: Why are you vegan?

WINSTON THE DEBUNKER asks: Why are you a vegan? What is wrong with milk and dairy products? I read up on it and the conclusion was that everything should be in moderation and that as long as you aren't lactose intolerant, it's ok to consume some dairy products. Isn't that true? It's hard to be a strict vegan. If you are vegetarian at least you can order a cheese pizza or scrambled eggs or an omelet.

1. I'm vegan because I want to age less and live longer. I don't eat anything animal- derived. No meat, no fish, no eggs, no dairy, no cheese...and also no sodas, no coffee, nothing in cans, nothing in plastic bottles (a few exceptions)...and for the record, fish are not vegetables. I am healthier and more energetic not eating animal flesh (perhaps you can interview my ladies, hee hee). Poison in moderation is still poison. and a "moderate" gunshot wound to the head might still be fatal, don't you think? :-)

2. As far as what's wrong with milk and dairy, check out http://www.notmilk.com

3. When you say "the conclusion was..," whose conclusion was that? Was it yours? Was it the dairy council of milk sellers, or a study funded by them, perhaps? The basic premise of what I teach in How to Reverse Aging is that you are your own authority.

Here's an excerpt: "Furthermore, the flaw in using that word "science"--as it is used in our society--is that it puts the entire conversation and power into the hands of others who are presumably more qualified to find answers. In other words, since we average people in our society do not consider ourselves "scientists," it becomes necessary for us to wait for the scientists to research, prove and validate all of our decisions. However, once you realize that scientists are themselves flawed humans--men and women--with their own gender and cultural biases, religious and political leanings, world views, personality disorders, cognitive shortcomings, often linear (rather than wholistic) ways of thinking, as well as distortions or method and reporting that are subject to corruption by greed, prestige and the interests and the dictates of the state and/or the highest bidder, then you realize the fatal--yes, literally fatal--flaw of giving control of your health to "science" and scientists.

Further in the interview, I responded to another question: Fasting means no food. Only water. Perhaps a few times a year, I might do a 7-10 day lemonade fast/cleanse based on this book: http://themastercleanse.com/master-clea ... -cleanser/

Next week, Winston asks: Have you tried it? How did it feel? There are so many ways to detoxify yourself out there. How do you know which one to use?
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Last edited by Winston on October 6th, 2012, 1:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by The_Adventurer »

My question would be, have you tried any of his stuff and has it worked for you?
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Post by Winston »

The_Adventurer wrote:My question would be, have you tried any of his stuff and has it worked for you?
Yes. Of course. I looked through his ebook and listened to his free audio CD (which you can too) and the stuff he says is what I've done in the past and already been doing so far. So I know it works because I've already been doing it, which has helped me turn my passion (this movement) into profit. Listen to his free audio CD on his website and you will see what I mean. Also, see his testimonials page, where I am featured on, and you will see names of specific people he's helped and their websites. One of them was even featured on CNN Money, which is linked in his testimonial.
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Post by Winston »

Check out this new interview with Walt Goodridge on BlogTalkRadio. He makes a good point that in order to become self-employed, you have to think outside the box and adjust to a different wavelength and zone than others, which means that you might lose friends in the process.

http://www.blogtalkradio.com/arippleeff ... ple-effect


A wealth of knowledge and anecdotes, Walt shares success stories about people who've done it, as well as the strategies and concepts necessary to adapt in order to duplicate the same success.

Walt is the author of more than 20 books and audio products--all self-published--and "escaped" from America to live on a tropical island in the Pacific. He travels the world and blogs about it in his award-nominated blog, "Jamaican in China!" In other words, Walt walks and lives his talk, being himself... a full-time "passionpreneur" and "nomadpreneur" (both phrases he coined) while helping others to achieve the same freedom!

Passion to profit is taking what you love to do and generating income. Learn from an expert, ways to turn your hobbie or favorite skill, a means to earn income or build a business.

Join us, call in, listen, and tell your friends. Share stories about moments and other people who changed or challenged your lives. Listen to and possibly learn from these stories about happy, hurtful, courageous, challenging, and embarrassing experiences that had a lasting impression and a ripple effect.
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Post by Winston »

Walt is going back to China again. Check out his new banner for his China blog. It makes him look like a ladies' man. lol. And it makes China look friendly.


Here is a video someone made of him in New York's Chinatown.

From Walt's newsletter:
"Great things can happen when you have a famous actor turned producer as a friend. When we were at lunch a few weeks ago, my cool friend, Dan Shor, offered to shoot a few clips of me here in New York for me to use on my blog and to post on Youtube. Well, true to his word, Dan, fellow filmmaker Eric Norcross and I spent a few hours in Chinatown, New York City filming and freezing! Here’s the first Shodavision production of Jamaican in China(town)! Now, my friends in China can see what Chinatown, New York looks like!"

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Last night I was talking to a Chinese woman I met from AFA on QQ audio voice chat.

When I showed her my friend Walt Goodridge's blog in China, she was amused by it and remarked how open and friendly Walt was with strangers in his photos. When I asked her about racism in China, she told me that Chinese girls are actually pretty friendly and open with black guys, and that the Chinese guys are the ones who are more racist toward them, though she doesn't know why. Well, lol, I guess since we go there for the girls, it doesn't really matter if the guys there don't like us. lol I'm pretty surprised that Chinese women seem pretty open minded.

Btw, Walt's China blog is now hosted on Wordpress, and there is an alternate version for people in China (since Wordpress is blocked in China) as well as a Chinese version. You can access all three versions at this portal to it: http://www.jamaicaninchina.com

She also told me that in the photo of Walt with the ladies in traditional costumes, the ladies are not wearing traditional Chinese attire, although she isn't sure what culture it's from. I told her, "Well the average foreigner isn't going to know the difference." lol


One endearing thing about Chinese women is that whenever I talk to them on the phone or by QQ and it's late at night, they always tell me not to stay up too late because it's bad for health. They always like to emphasize that. It must be their classic Chinese wisdom. lol. But it's endearing that they make sure you take heed of that.

I told her I might try to show her picture from AFA on the AFA show that I will be on on April 5, just for fun. She said she wouldn't mind it. As you can see, she's very beautiful. :) She's also a college professor and teaches political science, so she's also pretty smart and down to earth too.

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Post by Winston »

I'm writing this review of Walt Goodridge's "Turn Your Passion Into Profit" to post on Amazon.com, after receiving my paperback copy of it. You can get it at his website in multiple formats at: http://www.passionprofit.com

"I recently received my paperback copy of Walt Goodridge's "Turn Your Passion Into Profit" book. I must say it was better than I expected. The book is easy to read, fun, interesting, witty, inspiring, motivating and makes you see things in a way you never thought of before. It's not just a how-to guide, but a guide on transformation in consciousness. As you read it, you feel inspired - like suddenly you feel and sense a world of possiblities you never knew existed. This is the kind of book that is priceless. It's not just a book, it's like an "experience", one that you have to sit down and go through to understand what I mean.

Goodridge truly has a gift of teaching and guiding in this area. He takes a difficult, complex and broad subject and handles it like a Zen master, using simplicity and elegance to convey his teachings and guidance in everyday layman's terms. I'm quite impressed, and it takes a lot to impress me.

While reading this book, it seems apparent that Goodridge was made for this role of Passionpreneur teacher, kind of like how people say that David Carradine was made for the Kwai Chang Kane role in the "Kung Fu" series, and Kevin Costner was made for his role in "Dances with Wolves". Likewise, Walt Goodridge was made to be a Passionpreneur guide, teaching people how to turn their passions into portable businesses one can live off of. He is like the "Kwai Chang Kane" of the Passionpreneur lifestyle. When you see this book, you will understand why.

This is not just a practical how-to guide, it guides you in transforming your consciousness to another level, where you are better able to manifest your wishes and desires. I think this is important, and what other books about starting your own business lack. You see, for the law of attraction to work for you, and for the universe to begin helping you, you've got to operate from a higher plane of consciousness which allows it all to come into possibility. True change begins within, and that's where Walt starts. That's what makes this book special compared to others. I know that might sound a bit New Ageish, but it's true. I've experienced this in my own life, as a successful self-employed "Passionpreneur" myself, so I know what it takes to become one.

Walt is one of the few gifted writers who understands this inner transformation one must go through to change one's life, because he too, has had to undergo a transformation in consciousness in order to live a life of freedom, authenticity and abundance. You see, changing your life is more than just about doing practical how-to steps in the physical world. One must move from a state of being locked in fear and limitation into one of abundance, possibility. That requires a transformation in consciousness, for true freedom begins in the mind. At that point, the inner change will manifest into the outer.

Walt has a gift for helping people in this area. He was tailor made for this role. This book is his best work. And it's a MUST HAVE for sure. I tend to be very skeptical and cynical about things, so for me to praise something, it's gotta be really good for sure. And this book definitely fits the bill.

Every page is filled with motivation and wisdom which helps you to discover yourself, your true potential, who you really are, and how you can awaken to an empowering truer, more meaningful and more authentic life. I liked how Walt used analogies from the film "Shawshank Redemption" with Morgan Freeman, a great masterpiece film, and explained how the lessons from it apply to our lives.

After corresponding with him, I would say that Walt is one of the most awakened people I've ever talked to. While most people in the world are energy leeches and vampires who suck the energy out of you, Walt is one of the few that radiate energy and give it to help others, for he draws his from some "cosmic source" of abundance, rather than from ego or illusion. That makes him a lot more authentic than most people I've met.

You've all heard the saying, "Do what you love. The money will follow." Well this book is the epitome of that. Once you read it, you will understand more than ever the wisdom behind that saying. It's true in more ways than you might think. You see, if you only live to work, then you don't have a true purpose in life. The most authentic lifestyle is to follow your passion, and make a living while doing that. That is the TRUE way to live true to yourself and live freely. This book will help you do that, in many ways.

So anyway, if you are tired of living a robotic life working for others as a slave to make a living, and looking for other alternatives and answers, then get this book. It's inexpensive and priceless. It is truly life changing and transformative, as well as a masterpiece work of inspiration. Even if you've already begun your journey of awakening, this book will help bridge the gap between your new awakening and the steps you can take to manifest your inner changes into your everyday life that will allow you to live in freedom, abundance, authenticity and passion.

If that sounds like you, then this book could be the catalyst that marks the turning point in your life, and the next stage in your evolution of being as well.

Thanks for reading my review which comes straight from the heart.

Winston Wu
Author of Happier Abroad"

* Note: I wrote the above review to post on Amazon.com. To get the paperback version of his book, go to his website at: http://www.passionprofit.com
Last edited by Winston on September 24th, 2012, 11:36 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Winston »

DigitalNomad wrote:Just another guy running around the world....
Here is Walt Goodridge's response to this statement:

"Excellent! Well put. You took the words right out of my mind.
Isn't it fascinating how people think?

1. You realize, of course, that a statement like "just another guy running around the world"
has nothing to do with me? Think about this:

a person reading this thread could choose to say: "That's great what he's doing. I
don't care for world travel, myself, but more power to him."

The fact is, a guy running around the world is actually a big deal! There are 7 billion people
on the planet, and 99% of them are NOT running around the world, so
any guy or girl running around the world is actually a big deal!" It fascinated me when
I wasn't running around the world, and yesterday, I met a young lady through couchsurfing
who's about to visit her 177th country, and I said to her "Wow! I haven't even been
to 3% of all the countries you've been to!" We can all agree that world travel is rare
and intriguing whether it's a personal aspiration or not.

So, for him to say "just another guy running around the world"
is like saying "Just another millionaire living in luxury"
or "just another astronaut visiting the moon."

It's a silly statement. It says, effectively, "I have nothing good to say about anyone, no matter who they are
or what they're doing." That has absolutely nothing to do with me, Walt Goodridge."
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"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne
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Post by Winston »

Steve Neese also read Walt's book and LOVED it! Check out this raving review he posted of it. It's right above mine.

http://www.amazon.com/review/R7G7DOBF52 ... deID=&tag=

"This is not your typical fluff and puff, September 10, 2012
By steve55
This review is from: Turn Your Passion Into Profit (Paperback)
Ive seen a lot of motivational books (such as Tony Robbins stuff) and this one is VERY different. What you don't get is the typical fluff and puff of most motivational writings that only temporarily make you feel inspired yet leaving the reader with not knowing really how to apply it. This author actually describes the "HOW TO" in coming up with your own passion ideas for making an income stream based off what you know and what you are passionate about. This is the KEY difference.He describes the step by step process and even shows how he markets his books too. I haven't seen other motivational books that do that. This author is very direct, real and down to earth which is what I think makes him so credible. Its real life common sense stuff that he teaches you how to act on and a lot of "make sense" philosophical creeds" to go along with it all. I give this book the highest possible recommendation. It can be a life changer to those who read it!"

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Check out my FUN video clips in Russia and SE Asia and Female Encounters of the Foreign Kind video series and Full Russia Trip Videos!

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"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne
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Post by Billy »

maybe walter should help the millions africans who are dying of no food. they will need his help the most. there are thousands of scammers out there who tell the same stuff. i am so bored of these stuffs. it´s not easy to make money and definitely not with your "passion". besides what should that mean passion? when i love to eat or when i love to make love to models can i make a passion from it? please, give me a break. -and hey winston your new girl is hot. she is a 8.5 in my book. damn

i would say if you want to come through life, live frugal and have money from your parents. you can live in their house you don´t have to pay rent. hey, right that´s what you are already doing winston.

yes, it´s also what i am doing. maybe we should make a e-book. but i am really concerned about the haitians. how can we help them ?
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Post by djfourmoney »

Billy wrote:maybe walter should help the millions africans who are dying of no food. they will need his help the most. there are thousands of scammers out there who tell the same stuff. i am so bored of these stuffs. it´s not easy to make money and definitely not with your "passion". besides what should that mean passion? when i love to eat or when i love to make love to models can i make a passion from it? please, give me a break. -and hey winston your new girl is hot. she is a 8.5 in my book. damn

i would say if you want to come through life, live frugal and have money from your parents. you can live in their house you don´t have to pay rent. hey, right that´s what you are already doing winston.

yes, it´s also what i am doing. maybe we should make a e-book. but i am really concerned about the haitians. how can we help them ?
How can you help the Haitians? Kicking all the Neo-Liberals out of the country, including the UN. Donate to Doctors Without Borders. Start a Kickstarter program to help them buy the equipment they need to rebuild their country. Let them rebuild it, provide training only, no no-bid contracts for companies like KBR. How about pressuring the US to send all its aid money down there. Last I saw the US only sent about 20% of it...
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Post by momopi »

This book by Walt looks interesting:


I've only cooked instant noodles in a coffee pot. At school we had a running joke about poaching fish in the dishwasher as a poor man's Sous-vide cooker. For those fortunate enough to stay at a hotel or resort equipped with dishwasher, this may expand your dining options:

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