Oil Trading Academy, aka David Kuvelas, has escaped the Satanic US Matrix!

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Re: Oil Trading Academy, aka David Kuvelas, has escaped the Satanic US Matrix!

Post by Winston »

Some updates from OTA that he posted in my YouTube comments.


David Kuvelas
4 years ago (edited)
Time index 30:20, I couldn't agree more Winston and that's exactly what I've been saying to myself for over a year now after having left the USA for good. I always say to myself that if American women were really "women" then I would hate what a women is. But now that I left the USA and see what real women are like, I can say now that I love women and they are our friends, not our enemies, they help us, they are sweet and kind, they are friendly and warm. They are what God created them to be, whereas women in the USA are not women in my opinion......

David Kuvelas
3 years ago
Hi Winston, I don't think my account in still active. Just wanted to say thanks again though, I've now been living in Thailand for over a year and I really love it here. I'm really happy here, and I'm really glad I made this decision. I myself won't ever go back to the USA, and once you come to a place like Thailand it makes you realize just how messed up the USA truly is. I'm going to stay in Thailand I've got myself setup pretty well here with a new car and home gym and living very well here. On the topic of the women here all I can give is my personal experience and my own opinion based upon that experience. To me the women here are amazing, beautiful, feminine, sweet, kind, helpful, they make me love them everyday that I'm here. In contrast back in the USA everyday that goes by I hate the women there more and more, to the point where I am enemies with them. They hate me and I in turn hate them too. The women here in Thailand though really seem to like me a lot, and I can get them to go on a date without much effort. For instance if I send a message to 20 girls for online dating, I get maybe 19 responses back. In contrast in the USA I could send out over 100 messages to girls and not receive one single solitary response of any kind, no hello, no how are you, no thanks for the message, nothing whatsoever. I cannot speak for anybody else on this planet all I can do is speak for myself, the USA is a dead zone for me with respect to women, whereas Thailand is like a man's dream come true, at least it is for me. No fights here, no dirty looks, no animosity everywhere, no fear of crime, no fear of violence, everyday I have to pinch myself to make sure all of this isn't some sort of dream I'm having. I think you're doing the right thing inspiring others to go see for themselves what it's like in other countries. The USA is a very sick and perverted country now and not worth living in, I would have wanted to commit suicide in the USA whereas in Thailand I'm now a man, faggots do not approach me and ask me to masterbate with them anymore or anything like that, and women are attracted to me left and right and the men are extremely friendly and also very nice to me. I really love it here in Thailand, I will stay here for the rest of my life. Thanks for the inspiration I've been reading your site since the time you went to Russia. I'm now living the dream Winston and appreciate you helping people out there and teaching them the truth that there is hope beyond the shores of the USA......Take care.....David
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Re: Oil Trading Academy, aka David Kuvelas, has escaped the Satanic US Matrix!

Post by Yohan »

viewtopic.php?style=1&f=11&t=37161&p=33 ... as#p336670
Re: Living The Dream In Thailand

Kuvelas disappeared from this HA-Forum after posting his criminal record.
Federal Bureau of Prisons
Locate the whereabouts of a federal inmate incarcerated from 1982 to the present


Register Number: 14603-018
Age: 52
Race: White
Sex: Male
Released On: 04/13/1999
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