The Fall of Eastern Europe

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The Fall of Eastern Europe

Post by newbgold »

This is terrible, beyond terrible. But I would like to conclude that men without male model looks and without sociopath attitude can cross off Eastern Europe off their lists. This means that we can cross off white women entirely.
At this point, Eastern European women are no different from American women in looks or in attitude. They often have even worse attitudes and more inflated egos than American women.
I will tell you as it as based on my own experiences.

Prague, Czech Republic, October 2015:

I first went to Prague from Minnesota at the end of last year. I was not impressed with women's looks right away. Most young women looked too bland, like plain Janes. The Czech women have a very distinct look, with very bright colorless eyes, with hawk-like hook noses, and with bad stringy threadlike hair. Minnesota women have more impressive hair and faces. Still, in October 2015, most younger women in Prague had normal weight. There were very few overweight younger women in Prague at the end of last year. There were overweight middle-aged and older women, but the majority of Czech women seemed to keep their weight. At least they had that going for them.
I approached some women, but I had many rejections. I realized that the image of the Hollywood hunk already made its way into Prague. I could see that Prague girls had a bad attitude, especially when I would approached them in bars and clubs. Also, I noticed the couples in their 30s had the better looking woman than the man. But most decent looking women in their 20s were mostly with tall, muscled, and tattooed men.

However, I noticed that Slovak girls living in Prague were better dressed and sweeter in demeanor. They had better hair and more feminine faces than the Czech girls. And I saw a very beautiful Slovak girl from Kosice making out with a short guy with glasses and hippie hair. I was impressed: if this unattractive guy from Slovakia can get a hot girl, then I reasoned that the dating scene in Slovakia must be in favor of men. So, after spending a very frustrating month in Prague, I took a bus to Nitra, Slovakia.

Nitra, Slovakia, October 2015:

When I arrived to Nitra, I became ill, so I stayed in the hostel most of the time. But I took a long walk around the city and I did see that women in Nitra were very thin and beautiful. Not a single fat women in sight. Men were tall, but not well dressed (the average male height in Czech Republic and Slovakia is one-two inches greater than that in USA). Still, it looked like the dating scene there was in men's favor. As of October 2015.

After that, I had to go back to the United States for a while. I concluded that Prague was already not an option for me, but living in Prague and taking trips to small towns in Slovakia would be better. I left the USA again at the beginning of 2016 to go back to the former Czechoslovakia. When I arrived back, I witnessed with my own eyes in half disbelief how quickly things have changed for the worse in just a few months. It felt like a plane quickly dropping or like a typhoon completely sweeping up these places. Back in 2010-2012, there were many posts both on Roosh V's forum and on this forum that proclaimed Eastern European countries to be a so-called "p***y paradise", the place where the dating scene is in favor of men without male model looks. At the beginning of 2016, it became clear to me that Eastern European countries became a "p***y hell", i.e. place where the dating scene is completely in favor of women and men with male model looks. It blows my mind how in just a few short years, these places went from a dating paradise for men to a dating hell for men.

Prague, Czech Republic, June 2016:

I stayed in Prague for several months. The women still have loose stringy hair, bright colorless eyes, hawk-like nose, but in addition to that, many women have gained weight. In almost any place away from the city center, the majority of younger women are now at least somewhat overweight. Prague has lots of fast food places, most of them with burgers, sandwiches, buns, cookies, etc.., and most of this fast food is terrible quality. I see younger women eating this fast food everywhere, in these fast food places, on the benches in parks, in public transport... Back in October 2015, their normal weight was the only redeeming quality that Czech women had to make up for their plain faces. And that was their only advantage. Now, some months later, many Czech women don't even have this advantage anymore. Also, I noticed that many Czech women got new tattoos, and same goes for men. It seems like having a tattoo is almost a requirement in Czech Republic. Also, a new plus size clothing store for women opened near where I live. I brought up this subject that Czech women have grown so fat so fast to the local Czechs. They admitted that Czech Republic is facing a huge female obesity crisis, that women are getting fat, that it wasn't like this even a few years ago, and that it's getting worse. It was a shock to see some many women gain weight since October 2015. And yes, I do see many new fast food places that weren't there yet back in October 2015.
Among younger couples, I saw that the man was usually the better looking one. I would estimate that for every 1 couple where the man was dating above himself in looks, there were 4 couples dating equally, and about 7 couples where the guy is dating down. Get away from the city center, go to a local supermarket like Kaufland or Billa, and you will see lots of landwhales of all different ages. Go to any suburb of Prague or a small town near Prague, and you will see even more fat women. Of course, the women that still have normal weight have become very stuck up and unapproachable. They still retain normal weight in a country where women are rapidly growing fat, so they think of themselves very highly. Women with normal weight are now considered hot just by virtue of the fact that they are not fat. Of course, they now expect a man to have male model looks. This poster was everywhere in the Prague metro for the last month ... ntsman.jpg. So, in addition to getting fat, Czech women are getting throroughly brainwashed by the Hollywood hunks.
In conclusion, as of today, Czech dating scene has become exactly identical to that in America. Czechs themselves admit that the dating scene is no different at all from America.

Nitra, Slovakia, June 2016:

But my greatest shock was when I went to visit the same town in Slovakia that I visited last year. It felt like a blow to the face. I walked on the same streets at the same time of day as I did back in October 2015!
What struck me most was that virtually all men were hunks. Almost everyone is tall, ripped, tattooed, and with an overconfident, jerky attitude. They look and act like the guys from the reality show Jersey Shore. What was most painful for me to see is the new attitude of Slovak men. In October 2015, they were tall poorly dressed men who were timid and friendly. They had no muscles, no tattoos, no superiority attitude back then! How did they change so fast?! Now, they act with arrogance and aggressiveness, like sociopaths. At least Czech hunks are nice. Slovak hunks are huge assholes. As if all humanity that these Slovaks possessed in late 2015 was taken out and sucked out with a vacuum cleaner, and replaced with aggressive coldness. My explanation to this sudden change is the rise of female requirements for what man they consider fuckable. As a result of that, Slovak men collectively hit the gym very fast and used steroids to gain muscle. They went to for extreme cartoon of hypermasculinity imaginable. And as a result of steroid use, they probably developed roid rage. I talked to some older locals, and they confirmed that male steroid use and male tattooing has gotten huge in the last few months. Older locals complain that young men are obsessed with the gym and steroids.
As for the women, most of them are still beautiful and thin. But they are all exclusively with hunks. And I did see some fatties this time. (Overweight younger women were unimaginable in Nitra in October 2015!) But not as much as in Czech Republic. Not yet! But soon! Because I notice the dynamic that when men become hotter and more ripped, women become more fat. That's the natural order of things. This is how it happened in USA in 2000s and this is how it happened in Czech Republic very recently. Don't worry, fat young women will overrun Nitra in no time. Give it a few more months. The fast food joints are all over Nitra.
The few men in Nitra who were not steroidal and tattooed were exclusively with the few fat women. So, if you are nerdy looking guy (who is also thin and short), you have nothing to do in Slovakia as of today. It's now impossible for a guy to date up lookwise in that country. I can generalize to the whole Slovakia, because I stayed for two days in Bratislava after visiting Nitra and saw exactly the same phenomena. Needless to say, as an ugly guy without tattoos or muscles, I was rudely rejected by all the women that I approached in Slovakia. Saying that I am American did not help at all.

I took pictures so that you could see the photographic evidence to back up my observations.
This is how a typical Slovak guy looks, plus the hypermasculine attitude: (this guy is about 6'2-6'3) If you don't look like this, you will only date fat girls in today's Slovakia.
Couples in Nitra, Slovakia:
Female obesity is destroying Slovak women:
Unrealistic standards of male beauty on a Slovak poster:

In this 2012 article, Roosh V wrote: "With so many choices in men, Western women now place appearance much higher on their laundry list of desired qualities than before. In ten years, the best game in America will probably be “approach with big muscles and cartoon overconfidence.” Your appearance will matter more and you will have to come close to being the “perfect” man that women are being brainwashed to believing they are entitled to." (By the way, I hate Roosh V's fascist extremist right wing political views, but he is very spot-on about trends in what attracts women. He is very precise about women).
I could definitely see that "approach with big muscles and cartoon overconfidence" as the only way to get laid in Slovakia. Replace "Western" and "America" with "Slovakia" and this will be true.
Today, in 2016, this quote should read as the following: "With so many choices in men, Eastern European women now place appearance much higher on their laundry list of desired qualities than before. Today, the only possible game in Slovakia (and Czech Republic to a lesser extent) is “approach with big muscles and cartoon overconfidence.” Your appearance matters more and you have to come close to being the “perfect” man that women are being brainwashed to believing they are entitled to."

Does anyone here also have an account on Roosh V forum?
There is a thread called "Do guys date up in Czech Republic/Slovakia?"
This thread is one year old, and the observation on it became outdated in this short time span. Today, guys are clearly dating down in both countries.
I cannot get access to the Roosh V forum. If there is anyone with the Roosh V forum account, please post my observations on that thread.

Dating Experiences in Prague: (or rather lack thereof).

I approached over 500 women everywhere in Prague, I got 5 phone numbers. Everything else was a rejection. I approached Czech, Slovak, as well as Russian, Ukrainian, and Belorussian women everywhere in the city. Lots of rejections were especially rude. "I'd appreciate if you get away from me now!" This sounds like a rejection from a typical American stuck up bitch, but the problem is that this was a Czech stuck up bitch. Or I asked another girl "What's your name?", and her response was "it doesn't matter". This was just rude.
While I was both in Prague and in Nitra, I tried to use Tinder. In both places, I used Tinder for three days straight, doing nothing but continuously swiping. I got 0 matches. But I what did I expect. I am an ugly guy. I am 31 years old (I lie that I am 26) and bald, I weight only 135 lbs at the short height of 5'10. And look at my face:
The women in Eastern Europe want a Chad Thundercock and not iota less. They were just as brainwashed by the media as the American women, maybe even worse.
One of the 5 girls that gave me their numbers responded to my texts. We set up a time to meet. She was actually a very attractive Czech girl from Prague, not fat at all. And she did not have the stuck up attitude that most girls have. We had coffee, then we drank wine. We talked and we laughed. But as I walked her back to the metro, she said to me: "I need to give you a serious talk. I need to tell you that we are just friends and nothing more. It was not a date. If you took it the wrong way, then I am sorry, but you are just a friend." I at once understood that if I would have been 5 inches taller and with chiseled facial aesthetics, this girls would have been singing a different tune. She would have been in bed with me. Being an interesting, funny, humorous, charismatic, witty, intelligent man doesn't do shit to attract women in Eastern Europe. All they care about is either looks or money or both.

Last month, I lived in a flat and my neighbors were 23 year old men. Here are some of their dating experience in Prague.
The first guy is a Russian PhD student in economics in Charles University. He is blond, blue eyes, very well dressed, 6'2-6'3 in height, PhD thesis almost completed, and a corporate position lined up in Prague. He is fascinated with American culture, speaks perfect English, and he is dating an American expat girl that he met through social circle. I would estimate him to be 8 by male looks, and his American girlfriend is about 5-6. She is not fat, but she looks like a plain Jane. I would definitely say that he is dating down lookswise. I asked him why he doesn't date the many Russian and Ukrainian women that live in Prague. His response is that their standards are just off the charts. He says that American expat girls are much more approachable and accommodating. He knows about pickup and game, and tells me that his American girlfriend is the best that he can do with the game.
The second guy is Czech, who is also about 6'2-6'3 tall, but his nose is a little large and he has brown hair and brown eyes. Still, he is well dressed, speaks flawless English, traveled everywhere in Europe, is finishing an internship with a prestigious international corporation, and is also getting a PhD in economics. I have not seen his girlfriend, but I know that she is also American expat girl.
The third neighbor was a 6'4 athletic Serbian student and I know that he picked up an American girl in the bar and had a one-night stand with her.
There is also a short Turkish guy, who is very charismatic and self confident. But he is completely single and sexless. For all I know, the Turkish guy might still be a virgin.
For some strange reason, the only guys getting sex were tall and successful guys, and only with American expats girls too.
Perhaps local Eastern European girls now have even more asinine standards than American girls.

I also have a Bulgarian friend who is 6'2, full head of hair, masters in classics, very high IQ, well spoken, outgoing, but he is not ripped and not tattooed, and he is a hopeless virgin. He tried losing his virginity in his home country Bulgaria, but went through many rejections. He is now trying to do the same in Prague, but again with no result. He is too frustrated and wants to give up.

I recently became close friends with a 23 year old American expat from Santa Cruz, California. He is one of the most interesting and masculine men that I ever met. He spent most of his pre-college education in a military school. He is now Prague, because he is studying in the medical school in Charles University. He has his medical career planned out very well. He is also tall (over 6'3), blond hair, blue eyes, chiseled jaw, etc.. Also, he is of Germanic descent, classic Aryan looks. He has a nice body, but he doesn't have bulging muscles and he has no tattoos. Still, he regularly works out and eats very clean, to the point of obsession. He is masculine, but he is not a sociopath or a jerk. In fact, he has a soft side to him. Still, he is very confident. He is very handsome, but he still falls slightly short of being a Chad Thundercock. He looks like a young Nicholas Cage, but a much more handsome and a much more masculine version. He has a naturally high level of testosterone and high stamina. He is very extroverted. And very well-endowed too.
Ever since he reached puberty, he studied game and attraction techniques. He call all about game, he knows the whole variety of ways to game girls in different countries, and he is like the professor of pick-up science. He critiqued my approaches to women, and he told me that my approach is actually pretty decent. He can't understand why I am getting so many rejections. I have seen him do approaches and I see that he gets a phone number and a date arranged almost every time. This guy used to get hot girls in his native California in 2011-2014. But now, he gets lots of numbers, dates, and insta-dates in Prague, and most of them go nowhere, and most girls flake on him in the last moment. This guy is a guru of game. His ability to read body language, signals, situations is beyond praise. He came to Prague in January 2016 and he still hasn't gotten laid in this city.
This friend of mine met a beautiful Belorussian woman with light brown hair. They went on two dates, but she was playing games with him all along. Then, after two dates when it seems that everything was going really well, she completely changed her mind and broke off all contact with him. It was simply on her whim.
Last week, my friend met a girl from Ukraine who is studying biochemistry in Prague. I saw this girl: she is nothing special, maybe a 6 out of 10 in looks, but not more. I could tell that she is full of herself and thinks that she is a 9 out of 10 in looks. This girl was flirting with my friend: she would tell him how she likes cum on her face and how she likes to touch and suck long penises. I could see how masculine my friend acted with her and how he was passing all her tests. I could see how aroused this Ukrainian girl was starting to become. My friend really knows his stuff. I was certain that my friend would sleep with her soon. And he was certain too. But why would such a good-looking guy need to put out his whole arsenal of gaming techniques just maybe for a chance with a girl over 2 points below him in looks? This is way beyond screwed up. Last night, the Ukrainian girl bailed out on him. It turns out that she was cockteasing him all along. And she passed up my friend for some local Chad Thundercock. My friend: tall, well-dressed, physically strong, intelligent, well-educated, tough, expert in pick-up artistry, Aryan ethnicity, American citizenship... and yet, in 2016 Prague, Belorussian and Ukrainian girls below him in looks rejected him in the last minute and decided to date some tattooed hunks. What is going on with Eastern European women today? Their standards are beyond crazy.
Under normal dating conditions, a man with his looks, height, and demeanor should not need game or pick-up skills to get laid with beautiful women. But in Prague of June 2016, even his crazy game cannot get him laid.

I think that these stories of my friends are enough proof that the dating scene in Eastern Europe is as abysmal for men as in the United States or worse.

I told you my stories, I translated articles from the Russian manosphere site, I posted my observations. I think that it's time to rename the thread "Anti-American Women Rants" into "Anti-White Women Rants". What gets written about American women now applies to all white women.

What the hell is going on with the Eastern European women?
As late as 2012, Roosh V went to Poland and bragged about the busted dudes test. This means that back then, Poland was full of nerdy men dating beautiful women. Look at some of the articles taht he writes from that time. ... lish-women
And here are Roosh V's more recent articles on Poland:***y-turns ... ke-america
I can't find the post on Roosh V forum from 2012, but it talked about Polish guys dating up and that it was expected for guys to date girls better looking than themselves.
But now, in 2016, there is guy writing on Roosh V forum that he made over 700 approaches in Poland and can't get laid because of his looks. What the hell happened in Poland in just under 4 short years? How did women's attraction become so completely rewires so fast? How did they go from dating nerdy guys to rejecting everyone but hunks so fast? It's not just Poland.I see this change everywhere in Eastern Europe. How did their dating scenes collapse so quickly? What was the cause? How did they go from "p***y paradises" to "penis paradises" so explosively?
My guess has to do with demographics. Perhaps, more women were born in 1980s and significantly more men were born in 1990s. The surplus in men could perhaps partially explain how the dating scene became in women's favor so quickly. Perhaps, there are more single men than single women in Eastern Europe. That could be a partial explanation for such rapid change, but it still doesn't show the whole picture. There must be something else going on.

Is anyone in Eastern Europe now? Has anyone visited Czech Republic or Slovakia now? If you are, do you notice the same things that I do?

I remember my first thread on this forum from 1.5 years ago. ... =3&t=25008
Rock wrote the following advice to me: "Yes, go to Europe, Asia, or South America. Your personality will count for a lot more an many countries in those regions."
That was just in October 2014. I can tell you from experience, that today, 1.5 years later, personality doesn't do shit in Europe. It's only looks and money now.

What would you suggest me to do? Where should I go?
I don't want to return to USA. Is there any place in the world where an ugly man like me can date a nonfat girl?
I cannot change me height or lack of hair. I can only change my face through terribly expensive and excruciatingly painful plastic surgery. I exercise and work out on daily basis and I eat clean. I don't eat junk food and I don't drink soda. I can only bulk up if I use steroids. But I don't want to ruin my health long term by resorting to steroids. And I don't want to get tattoos.
A fat girl on the other hand can lose at least some of her weight. A woman is capable of improving her looks just by eating clean. A man cannot do almost nothing to improve his looks, short of drastic measures. It is not my fault that I grew up short and thin. it is not my fault that I was born with an ugly face. It is not my fault that I lost my hair so early. I tried using Rogaine to save it, but to no avail.

Is there any place where I can get a girl that isn't overweight?
Is there any place where women were not brainwashed by the media to only sleep with hunks?
Is there any place in there world where men's looks are not of such importance?
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Re: The Fall of Eastern Europe

Post by publicduende »

Philippines, dude.
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Re: The Fall of Eastern Europe

Post by droid »

Holy smokes excellent report newbgold, thank you.

I feel for you brother, let me tell you, the window is closing fast for the NORMAL man everywhere Don't put yourself down, you look Ok dude.
It is infuriating that now more and more you are considered a 'loser' if you don't go for tatoos and/or ear gauges and other stupid behavior.

Last time I went to slovakia was 4 years ago, and can believe what you write. I got to kiss a girl on a small town on the first day. But could already notice obnoxious people in Bratislava trying to appear "posh", i.e guys pulling up their shirt collar, etc, stupid.

The biggest poison to any society is fast "new" money, as the momentum accentuates every evil feature x2. I could see this in Colombia last year and now i see it happening to South Koreans.

Right now I'm in SEA and you can still find decent, authentic, polite people. No tattooed douchebags to ruin the day.
My plans were originally to eventually go to EE, Slovakia, but I'm currently reconsidering. I don't know if i could stomach decaying societies again.

I can't quote your whole post, i will comment more later. Best of luck.

@wolfeye, take note...
1)Too much of one thing defeats the purpose.
2)Everybody is full of it. What's your hypocrisy?
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Re: The Fall of Eastern Europe

Post by Guts »

You call yourself short at 5'10?! That's the national average in the US. I'm about 5'5 maybe 5'6 with the right shoes. What are my chances? I should probably just jump off a bridge at this point.
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Re: The Fall of Eastern Europe

Post by Moretorque »

The problem is the whole entire planet is decaying.............
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Re: The Fall of Eastern Europe

Post by Moretorque »

Guts wrote:You call yourself short at 5'10?! That's the national average in the US. I'm about 5'5 maybe 5'6 with the right shoes. What are my chances? I should probably just jump off a bridge at this point.
No, you just need to go to Africa and date Pigmy's........... :wink:
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Re: The Fall of Eastern Europe

Post by Shemp »

Quit your bitching and act like a man. You can't change your face (which is no uglier than mine, plus I'm older and much balder), but you can improve your grooming, clothes, fitness and "game". If that is insufficient to get women to lust after you, then you need to learn to live without women lusting after you. If you lust after women, then just visit a brothel now and then. Otherwise masturbate to meet your sexual needs. Forget marriage and children, since men who can't meet modern women's high standards for generating lust are doomed to a sexless marriage in most parts of the world. Marriage and children are overrated, and sex with mutual attraction is overrated versus sex where the women doesn't feel desire for the man (prostitution, rape, mercy sex) and masturbation. Go MGTOW.
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Re: The Fall of Eastern Europe

Post by OutWest »

publicduende wrote:Philippines, dude.

Some people are slow learners. There are far more decent girls in the Philippines than there are decent eligible men around.
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Re: The Fall of Eastern Europe

Post by gnosis »

On the subject of height, what about guys who are say, taller than 6'1"? Do they do better in EE, all else being equal?
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Re: The Fall of Eastern Europe

Post by Guts »

Moretorque wrote:
No, you just need to go to Africa and date Pigmy's........... :wink:
That was neither funny nor necessary.
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Re: The Fall of Eastern Europe

Post by Adama »

Forget the majority of people. It isn't about the 99% of women who suck. It is about the 1% of women who like you. Not you liking them, but them liking you. You make it easier when they choose you. That way you know the battle is already won. And if you're in good luck, she will look just the way she is meant to look for you.

I do think men need to go out and be out there to get women, but I don't think men should actively hit on women unless they get the invitation first. And not even a signal which could be misinterpreted. It needs to be blatantly obvious but not over the top or insane. She ought to let you know she has noticed you without seeming like a crazy woman. However long it takes to find a woman like that is however long you will be waiting.

The exception is if you are Winston or some other player. Then you just got to work your magic cause the mojo follows you. If you are not Winston and not doing online dating, then I think letting the woman choose you is the best way to go.

"It is not good to eat much honey: so for men to search their own glory is not glory."
A good man is above pettiness. He is better than that.
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Re: The Fall of Eastern Europe

Post by Shemp »

@Adama: Sometimes you are full of crazy religious nonsense, and sometimes you are very wise. What you wrote above is an example of the latter. Best advice I've ever read on this forum.
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Re: The Fall of Eastern Europe

Post by chanta76 »


Again what if women NEVER sends a signal to a guy. What than? For some guys they just have to become proactive. Good looking guys get signals from girls but average or ugly guys do not. So what can a guy do? He has to become proactive and make approaches but there be allot of rejection.


i feel for you. I don't think your ugly or even short . I mean 5'10 is taller than the average height for American men which is 5'9 but I understand in Eastern Europe your competing against taller European men. I'm sorry to hear that Eastern Europe did not work out for you. It's just less places for some men to go to find a chance. There are other places to try but I think it's getting to the point where its being limited.

I can only guess why Eastern Europe changed so fast. It's possible it got over monger will quick being so close to Western European and the women there just raise their game and or that the local guys just became more competitive to get girls that changes the landscape. I mean if all the local guys are really ugly than there be less competition but this isn't the case.

I see this happening in other places and even in Asia. For example in South Korea the local Korean guys are getting taller and hitting the gym and dressing allot better. So many of the younger Korean girls are picky and it doesn't help that there is gender imbalance by 10% having more men ..

My advice is try other places in Europe before hanging it up for good.
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Re: The Fall of Eastern Europe

Post by Shemp »

chanta76 wrote: what if women NEVER sends a signal to a guy. What than? For some guys they just have to become proactive. Good looking guys get signals from girls but average or ugly guys do not. So what can a guy do? He has to become proactive and make approaches but there be allot of rejection.
If women never send signals, then accept your fate like a man. No one ever died from lack of women in his life, and no one even suffers physically when masturbation and prostitution are available. Men suffer mentally because they let themselves be shamed into behaving in an unmanly way, which is what being proactive boils down to, and consequently lose the manly inner strength to accept their fate. Mass approaching women who don't really want you is disgraceful womanly behavior. The manly thing to do is to make yourself as attractive as possible, make it openly known you are looking for a woman, then wait and accept that you might wait forever for an acceptable woman to send signals.
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Re: The Fall of Eastern Europe

Post by droid »

retiredfrank wrote:
chanta76 wrote: what if women NEVER sends a signal to a guy. What than? For some guys they just have to become proactive. Good looking guys get signals from girls but average or ugly guys do not. So what can a guy do? He has to become proactive and make approaches but there be allot of rejection.
If women never send signals, then accept your fate like a man. No one ever died from lack of women in his life, and no one even suffers physically when masturbation and prostitution are available. Men suffer mentally because they let themselves be shamed into behaving in an unmanly way, which is what being proactive boils down to, and consequently lose the manly inner strength to accept their fate. Mass approaching women who don't really want you is disgraceful womanly behavior. The manly thing to do is to make yourself as attractive as possible, make it openly known you are looking for a woman, then wait and accept that you might wait forever for an acceptable woman to send signals.
That's some of the dumbest crap I've read. Not yet another "manly" "man-up" scolding :roll:, but this one manages to be both 'put-up' and 'bootstrap' at the same time.

As per this website, if they're not looking at you, MOVE to where the like you, I did and feel satisfied.
1)Too much of one thing defeats the purpose.
2)Everybody is full of it. What's your hypocrisy?
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