Winston in Cambodia Updates + New Photos!

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Re: Winston in Cambodia now! Updates & Observations

Post by Cornfed »

Jonny Law wrote:
October 12th, 2019, 1:14 pm
:evil: WARNING!
They do if they stay out of the sun.
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Re: Winston in Cambodia now! Updates & Observations

Post by Jonny Law »

Cornfed wrote:
October 12th, 2019, 1:21 pm
Jonny Law wrote:
October 12th, 2019, 1:14 pm
:evil: WARNING!
They do if they stay out of the sun.
:twisted: Not many stay out of the sun. I do love uneducated women without shoes (sandals are quite popular there). My personal preference is that I have nothing to do with the women who are educated and stay away from the sun. You are correct BTW the Cambodian sun is F*ing brutal!
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Re: Winston in Cambodia now! Updates & Observations

Post by Winston »

ladislav wrote:
October 11th, 2019, 10:32 pm
Sorry, guys I could not devote more time to hanging out with you. I have a lot of work at the school, get tired and sometimes, stay up all night, go to work and go to bed at 6 PM. When Winston came knocking on my door, I'd be fast asleep and not hear anything. I work here and I miss being a tourist. Better luck next time, though. Have a nice trip to Angeles.
That's ok ladislav. Seeing you 3 or 4 times is a lot better than nothing. :) I also was busy the last few weeks too, trying to repair this forum and other stuff. So I had little free time too. I'll try to come back next time.

Btw what did you think of my pros and cons list above? Did you agree with it? Any pros or cons you want to add to my list?
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Re: Winston in Cambodia now! Updates & Observations

Post by ladislav »

Cambodia pros and cons from me:

Pros. Not much air pollution. Even in Phnom Penh.

Great local food. Everything is edible. Great food presentation and service.

Millennia old native culture and archeological wonder on par with Greece and Rome and great local music. At the same time, you have French culture grafted on the SE Asian culture - which also reflects in the refined behavior of the locals. The people have no complexes of any kind as far as being superior or inferior. No treatment of a foreigner as being superior or inferior, either.

Lovely architecture and city planning. Houses made from sturdy materials. Leafy avenues and boulevards. A pleasure to ride thru or walk thru.

Lots of foreigners from all over the world living here. A vibrant international community.

The locals are gentle and polite. Very few ruffians, punks or barbarians. No cult of thuggishness or vulgarity. Although it's starting with the TV and all.

The culture is private, and the people are busy and mind their own business. They leave you alone. No staring. Also, no kids taunting a white man with the parents laughing while they do that. As in Thailand and Japan. Or even with some Chinese.

Little to no racial or class discrimination. No old-money, settled idle class. Most people are lower middle to middle class.

The ladies here are not liberated. Virginity is highly valued. Virtually no single mothers.

Pretty good night life and good hostess bars. Not as good as BKK or MNL, but close.

Easy visas of all kinds, and fewer restrictions on foreigners staying and working. A retiree visa after 55 is good for one year, and costs under $300.

The country uses US dollars, and the banking sector is well developed.

This is not a police state with patrol cars passing by every five minutes-- as in the US. Regular cops have no guns. The laws are relaxed, and one feels very free here.

The economy is booming now, and the country is re-entering its Golden Age.

Way fewer scams and fewer cheaters than in the neighboring countries. A higher percentage of honest people.

Very cheap public transportation.

The cons:

There is very little English here, and also very little French now as well. You can get by with ordering things in English, but you cannot "live" in English ( or French) here, at least not with the locals. You can in the Philippines, and even in Thailand. So, you need to learn Khmer, but it is a hard language to learn. Japanese and Thai are easier to learn than this. And while the locals don't freak out when they see a white man, the cultural gap is still huge, esp. if you are not a Buddhist yourself.

If you are here to 'date' and romance beautiful women, this is really not the place. Some people are starting to ' date' here, but mostly this is a marriage-oriented culture. The girls here want to get married soon, and are virgins in most cases. GF/BF stuff is just not developed here. If you want to marry, you will need to spend good money on the wedding and other things. You will need to show the parents that you are materially capable. $3-5K lower end, $30K upper end. No money, no marriage. But the P4P is there at bars as an alternative.

Foreign men after 50 cannot get married here. It's the law. The ones below 50 have to show an income of $2500 a month and up, afaik. This and the language barrier accounts for the relatively little mixing between the locals and the foreigners and not many mixed kids. The ones that you see are usually the ones who got married abroad. You see mixed kids with mixed parents arriving from France, to visit for, example. Some foreigners live with the locals without getting married, but since the locals are so much into marriage, you will not be getting the cream of the crop.

Some used to get away by having a Buddhist wedding with monks and not a civil one, but afaik, the gov't seems to have cracked down on those. If there is a wedding party, and no marriage license has been issued, there will be fines, and the wedding will stop. Also, you cannot take the girl to Thailand to marry as the Cambodian Embassy apparently will not approve that marriage in Thailand. VN is a bureaucratic nightmare, too, which leaves Singapore as it is apparently easier there. But this means you will have to arrange for the girl with some chaperone to go with you to Singapore.

All is doable if there is a will, but you really need to have a girl love you just so much as to agree to all that. And you really need to love Cambodia a lot, because you will most probably be going local after that.

Other cons:

Very hot most of the year, with no proper rainy season to speak of. So, not much cooling off in mid-year. Most restaurants do not have a/c, and you just eat in the heat. Same goes for hair salons. They are outdoors, and you get a haircut in the heat.

No real mountains to speak of. Just lone hillocks. The country is flat, and the landscape is monotonous. Rice fields after rice fields. Nothing else.

Outside of Phnom Penh, there are not many restaurants on the roads. You want to eat, and you go for miles without seeing a single one.

The culture is very homogeneous. One race, one language, one culture. With tiny minorities here and there, but all Khmericized. No melting pot of cultures as in the Philippines. Cambodia is more like Japan or Korea. Can be an advantage, too, though. All speak Khmer, so one language is enough.

The people are not " very" friendly. Most are shy, reserved, very busy and have no time for you. You can't just chat people up or flirt with the girls. Also, as with most other SE Asians, from a Westerner's point of view, the communication skills appear to be not clear.

And them not speaking English is not so much a problem. You learn Khmer, and still there seems to be an East/West communication problem. It shocks a Westerner to experience long periods of silence with what appears to be a blank look, people seeming not to know how to carry on a conversation, no proper Western style introductions, no smiling at strangers. At work, it also appears weird because coworkers do not nod at each other but just pass by without acknowledging each other. Kind of strange to us. But it's the same in Thailand, too.

While the white man is not hated, and not seen as superior or inferior, the same linguo-racial effect as with other Orientals, takes place. You speak to them in Khmer and they answer in broken English. Or go," yeah, yeah, yeah". "OK, so you want to speak English to me? Fine, let's speak English". But he/she usually can't do so fluently. "Please speak Khmer", you say. "Oh, I don't feel comfortable speaking Khmer to white people."

Can't think of any other cons for now.

Conclusion: Cambodia should be one patch in the varied tapestry of your life, but not the only one. You may just go bored after a while living in a homogeneous place like this with some people refusing to speak their language to you, and saying 'yeah, yeah, yeah'. It feels alienating sometimes.

So just keep it as an option which should be good if combined with other countries and money from those.
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Re: Winston in Cambodia now! Updates & Observations

Post by Winston »

Regarding my complaint about being short changed at Cambodian immigration for the visa:


"I’m not surprised that airport or gov officials scanned you for pocket change. Just one of the ‘’expenses’ of transacting in the third world. Is it really worth complaining about and spending all that time and energy for a measly 5 or 10 bucks or 1,000 Baht even. I was surprised they even entertained you at the cell phone counter in Suvarnabhumi and let alone compensated you 1,000 Baht. If I had been in your shoes I would not have bothered."

"If you crave justice go to Japan or Northwest Europe. But you will soon discover that ‘justice’ comes w a very high cost of living."

Daddy Wu:

"One thing you should understand is not to expect all countries government officials are the same, especially the third world countries. Most tourists understand that and just ignore or complying with that. No one wants any trouble or waste any more efforts to get through. Because this kind of take advantage of tourists is their common ways of behavior. The fact is they are like an organization with common welfare. If you get them into trouble by revealing their acts, they will hunt you down and hurt you. Not worth it. It is not a right or wrong issue. Smart realistic people understand this behavior as the way of life. So, just letting go and go on with your fun trip. In fact, I ran into this kind of incident in Bangkok airport once."


That's true. However if i say nothing and don't complain about it then in effect i am saying to the immigration official that its ok to scam foreigners as much as they want and it is ok. Isn't that sending them the wrong message? Especially in a supposed Buddhist country? They shouldn't get that message otherwise they will feel they can scam thousands or millions of foreigners. At least when u complain you send the right message, even if it accomplishes nothing. Right? Its about principle too.
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Re: Winston in Cambodia now! Updates & Observations

Post by Winston »

My email to the Cambodian visa dept:

"Dear Cambodian Immigration Department,

I have a complaint about the immigration dept in the Siem Reap Airport. When I arrived on August 14, the visa officer gave me the wrong change and shorted me. I had no US dollars so I used Thai baht currency. He said I'd have to pay 1300 baht for the Cambodian visa. I didn't have exact amount so I gave him 2000 baht. I was expecting 700 baht in change. Instead, he gave me 15 US dollars back. But 15 dollars is less than 700 baht. He was supposed to give me 23 dollars back, or 700 baht. Because 23 dollars is the equivalent of 700 baht.

When I went back to talk to the visa officer about it, he played dumb and pretended not to understand. He also said he had no Thai baht to give me. Then he contradicted himself funnily enough, because when I asked him for 700 Thai baht, he said if I withdrew dollars from the ATM outside, he would give me some baht in exchange. So he did have some Thai baht after all. Why did he lie and say he didn't? Very fishy and shady. I thought government officials were supposed to be men of law and justice. How can he act like a common scumbag, and be in a position of authority? That's not good.

Now, I know 8 dollars is not a big deal and is a small amount to complain about. However, this is a matter of principle. Because if I don't report this, then it sends the wrong message to the immigration staff, which is that it is ok to scam foreigners and get away with it. Any good school teacher or moral person will tell you that that is wrong. Do you see my point?

Furthermore, government officials are supposed to uphold the law and justice, not steal money from foreigners just because they can get away with it. That's simply wrong and reflects badly on Cambodia's international reputation. Do you see what I mean?

Plus, Cambodia is supposed to be a Buddhist country, and we all know that in Buddhist teaching, it is wrong to cheat, lie or steal from others. I'm sure you know that. So even your religion of Buddhism preaches against this.

Hope you understand. Can you report this to your superiors or someone who cares about right and wrong? Also, if you would be so kind, can you reimburse me with 10 dollars by PayPal? My PayPal email is above.

Thanks for listening."
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Re: Winston in Cambodia now! Updates & Observations

Post by Yohan »

Re: Complaint to Cambodian Immigration about Siem Reap Airport Visa Officer
Cambodia is not a good friend of Thailand and the Thai Baht is not really welcome. If accepted, the exchange rate is poor, far below the real value

Nothing new with that.

The local currency, Rial, is not fit for ATM use, always when I used my Japanese cash cards, I got a good exchange rate and received US-Dollar from ATMs in Cambodia.

Same situation I noticed also in Myanmar/border check points like in Meesai/Thai border, always bring US-Dollars with you, much better value than the Thai Baht.

PS: for Winston
also tried to send you a PM, but the message is not moving on.
maybe your mailbox is full...
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Re: Winston in Cambodia now! Updates & Observations

Post by momopi »

If you're in the US and want to see Cambodian women in person, we have many in Long Beach CA on west coast and Lowell MA on east coast.

Here in Los Angeles are we have Cambodian town in Long Beach and estimated ~50,000 Cambodians residing in the greater area. You can find Cambodian restaurants in Long Beach/Lakewood/Cerritos and many doughnut shops run by Cambodian families. It's not the same as actually going to Cambodia, but much closer and cheaper if you want to have a look and see if you like Cambodian women's ethnic features.

I grew up in Lakewood and the Cambodian gangs in Long Beach used to go at it with the Hispanic gangs, so back then the racial relations wasn't too good. The smaller black gangs in the area just tried to stay out of the way and I think Cambodian-Black relations were a little better than Hispanics. The Cambodian gangsters were known to be reckless and did not follow established etiquette, considering their backgrounds from that era. Fortunately things have gotten much calmer in recent decade. I dine at Trieu Chau Noodle Bar and Noodle Shack in Cerritos, both have young Cambodian waitresses.
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Re: Winston in Cambodia - Updates & Observations

Post by Winston »

Wow check out this YouTube playlist of by Praveen Mohan, an ancient mysteries expert, author and researcher whom Mr S recommended to me, who has been on the Ancient Aliens History Channel series before. Here he shows how the stone structures at Angkor Wat in Cambodia could not have been made by hammer and chisel only, nor carried by conventional means since they weigh thousands of pounds, but must have been made by either lost technology or ancient aliens or higher beings. There's simply no way around it. These videos will blow your mind and drop your jaw. Just watch them and see. Even the most die-hard skeptic will be astounded. He's a very captivating speaker and full of enthusiasm, and his videos are engaging and immersive as he shows you all the evidence that he's talking about at Angkor Wat as if you were there with him.

The evidence he shows will convince anyone since no expert in the world can explain all the anomalies and mysteries of the structures, which no one can build today even with modern technology. As a YouTube commentator said, "These ancient people had knowledge, while we only have education." So true. He also shows an identical pyramid structure at Angkor Wat that matches one in Guatemala in almost every detail, which mainstream historians cannot explain. And he shows underwater structures in Cambodia which no human could have made underwater as well. He also shows ancient carvings of dinosaurs and bicycles as well. His videos will mesmerize and captive you and you won't stop watching until you go through all of them! Your jaw will definitely drop for sure when he shows you all this stuff that no one can explain. ... HMCLqKw8nT
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Re: Winston in Cambodia - Updates & Observations

Post by Winston »

Wow check out this documentary called "Glamorous Cambodia". It shows you highlights of the people and their lives there, especially the poor rural class. The first episode shows you the Angkor Wat structure, and then shows you some of the girls that train to be cultural dancers. Here is part 1 of 4. You can find the other parts on YouTube.

As you will notice in these videos, the Cambodian people seem so humble and in harmony with nature. Everyone knows their place, even those who are very poor and live primitive lives. No one complains or feels that they deserve better. This just goes to show that one of the primary differences between Asians and Westerners, is that there is no individuality in Asia or struggle against their place or the belief that "one deserves better than their lot" etc. People seem in harmony with their place and lot in life, they do not fight against it or complain or feel that they deserve better. It's very different from the western ego that believes it deserves better than what fate has given it, or better than what the cards of life has dealt them.

Maybe it's also the Buddhist culture in Asia too, which teaches acceptance of what is, rather than rejecting what is and focusing on how one thinks things "should be", which is a great factor in reducing suffering. There's a certain logic to this, after all, if you accept what is as ok and fine, rather than reject what is, it definitely will reduce your suffering greatly. This is basic logic and basic Buddhist teaching. These videos show that the poor people in Asia are like that. They seem to be in harmony with everything too, as you can see, without individual ego or any rebellious thoughts. I guess Asians are a tyrant's dream come true, the ultimate obedient population. lol. There is both good and bad in such an attitude of course.

You can also sort of see that Cambodians seem to be more refined and have real culture than the people of the Philippines, from these videos I think. At least I can. I don't know about the rest of you. What do you think @ladislav?
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Re: Winston in Cambodia - Updates & Observations

Post by Winston »

Hi folks,
I keep forgetting to post this, so I'll do it now finally. Here are some photo albums of me and Dianne in Cambodia when we toured Angkor Wat and Siem Reap. They are big so it will take you a while to go through. I have other albums from Cambodia too, but the other ones have Rock's photos in them, and he doesn't want his pics to be made public, so I can't post them here. Just the ones with me and Dianne only. Enjoy.

Albums of Winston and Dianne in Angkor Wat and Siem Reap, Cambodia

Part 1

Part 2
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Re: Winston in Cambodia Updates (+ GIRLS PHOTOS NOW!)

Post by Winston »

Ok now for your favorite part of my trip report - GIRLS PHOTOS! LOL. Here are some pics of girls I met in Cambodia. LOL. Aren't they really cute, innocent and unwesternized looking?

Really cute and sexy canteen waitress I had a crush on. She looked so wholesome and sexy. Wow.




My nice bedroom in Siem Reap at a quiet hotel. Room costs only 12 dollars on Agoda. Sometimes 10 dollars too. What a bargain huh?


Getting a foot massage. Cost is only 2 dollars for half an hour.




The pub street and night market in Siem Reap. Lots of Chinese tourists and sexy Chinese girls, as well as white tourist girls too.



One of the many fried ice cream stands in Siem Reap. This one starts at just $1 since it's a little off the main area. Prices here are really cheap.


One of the many massage places. They are everywhere there, just like in Thailand, but cost a little less. Simple down to earth girl standing outside. Don't they look so unspoiled and unwesternized? lol


More later.
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Re: Winston in Cambodia Updates (+ GIRLS PHOTOS NOW!)

Post by Winston »

Another hotel near mine. This one is only 10 or 11 bucks on Agoda and has very nice rooms with huge marble bathtub. Wow. What a steal. I've never seen prices that low. Feels like 1960s America. lol


At one of the new local malls with movie theater at the top. Part of the town's new economic development.



Standard Cambodian vegetarian dish here at my hotel restaurant. Cashews and vegetables. Very flavorful, not bland like in the Philippines.


Curry and spring rolls and beans on toast.


Nice quiet balcony on second floor of my hotel.


Outdoor lounge of my hotel.


Pub street during the day. Lots of international cuisine. Very cosmopolitan for a small town. Caters to lots of tourists who come to see Angkor Wat. Italian place below.


Fusion place with Italian and Asian food. Very common here.


Cozy alley way with cultural shops and cafes. I'm sitting at a vegetarian cafe.





Panorama shot feature from my new Samsung phone.


Shop with Buddhist type souvenirs and arts and crafts.



My veggie burger. Very delicious.


Cute hostess girl.


Cozy intimate alley way of shops and cafes.


Cambodian Buddhist hand gesture. lol


Me and a girl I bought souvenirs from.


Typical Khmer girl. Plain but cute.


Another souvenir girl. This one is quite tall.



More later.
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Re: Winston in Cambodia Updates (+ GIRLS PHOTOS NOW!)

Post by Winston »

P4P freelancer girl I picked up in a small expat bar near pub street in Siem Reap. She only let me photo her back side. As you can see, she's very sexy and fine. Exotic too. I love that tropical islander look. It wasn't cheap at 50 bucks, but her attitude was great. She was sweet, cheerful, sensual and gave great performance. She even let me climax twice too. Loved her attitude and body. So it was well worth it. These girls, like Thais, also perform better in bed, not like lazy Filpina freelancers who just lay there and don't care and do nothing. These girls also seem more refined too, like they are more classy and higher quality and have a classier vibe, unlike Angeles freelancers and bar girls who act like trash and have a trashy vibe and aura too.


Her sexy chocolate legs. :)

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Re: Winston in Cambodia Updates (+ GIRLS PHOTOS NOW!)

Post by Winston »

Nice vegetarian place called VitKing House. Very spacious as you can see.


My meal. Not that great, tastes kind of cheap, but it's ok.



Waitress at a vegan cafe. She's very cute and sexy with great smile.



Handsome pictures of Winston. lol



Vegan salad bowl I ordered with hemp, squash, quinoa and a bunch of other stuff I can't recite. lol

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