Winston back in America - Observations and Updates

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Re: Winston back in America - Observations and Updates

Post by Winston »

Hi all,
I'm in Las Vegas now. It's been nice to be back. So many consumer choices and home comforts and open space, and it's so easy to park a car, unlike Asia and Taiwan, which is designed for scooters only, not cars and so parking is always a pain in the ass if you are in a car. However, when I arrived at the airports in SF and LV, I was shocked to see how totally NARCISSISTIC and SELF-ABSORBED people look. Ick! It's very extreme. How are you supposed to connect with people who look completely self-absorbed? I'm sure Americans looked like that before, probably long ago, but you don't notice it until you've been abroad a long time.

Note: This makes me wonder, why do New Agers and Truthers (like Mark Passio) say that Americans lack self-love and need more of it? That's like saying Eskimos need more ice, it makes no friggin sense and is obviously the opposite of the truth. Obviously American self-love is way off the chart, they definitely do NOT lack it. Why are Truthers and New Agers so stupid and say things that obviously aren't true at all? Why is it that what you see on YouTube doesn't match what you see in reality? You gotta wonder if YouTubers are in a different dimension or reality than ours.

Also, the women here look super COLD and CLOSED off, with zero eye contact with others, like they have zero interest in meeting people or making new friends at all. It's scary how extreme such things are. You would think by chance it would 80 or 90 percent of women that are antisocial, not 100 percent. Why is everything in this world in extremes? The women here never make eye contact with anyone, and they ignore everyone around them as if no one exists around them. Very creepy and Orwellian.

Note: It's not that the women are open but just don't find me attractive. No way jose. They do not scope out anyone around them and are not on the hunt and do not look like they are hoping to meet anyone at all. How can 100 percent of women all be taken and disinterested in meeting anyone? Very weird, as if they are all NPCs and zombies, not even real. Or we are in some f***ed up simulation where everything always gets worse, except for computer technology, because they want us to be more and more artificial like computers.

Another thing that shocks me is how EXPENSIVE everything is now. Restaurants are now 11 to 14 dollars a dish. Not 8 or 9 dollars like before. My favorite Thai fried rice dish which was 7 dollars is now 11 dollars. Insane. You can still get cheap food though if you go to Subway or Taco Bell or Del Taco. Their prices are still the same, fortunately. And supermarkets still have good bargain deals as long as you buy the generic brands. But the prices are insane here. Why does no one complain about it or question anything? You only see complaints online or on TV but in real life everyone just conforms, like ants. No one questions anything. It's as if nearly everyone is a zombie and just goes through the motions. Especially in Las Vegas where people look very degenerate and trashy, like background NPCs in the video game "Grand Theft Auto". lol
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Re: Winston back in America - Observations and Updates

Post by OutcastedPhilosopher »

You know, I imagine Las Vegas is probably one of the worst places to be in if you want to make connections with other people. The same for any major city in the US. Yeah, the women are generally completely closed off, always staring into the

You really have to find the non-NPC types if you want some good conversation. Good luck with that.

I just went to my local nudist resort twice this past week and had funny conversations with people there. Maybe you should join a nudist resort?....although it is extreme and not for everyone
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Re: Winston back in America - Observations and Updates

Post by Moretorque »

Nice to have you back home Winston. America is great isn't it! let me know when you are coming to Disney World so we can get together and do a child sacrifice for fun...
Last edited by Moretorque on August 12th, 2022, 4:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Winston back in America - Observations and Updates

Post by Winston »

OutcastedPhilosopher wrote:
August 12th, 2022, 2:32 pm
You know, I imagine Las Vegas is probably one of the worst places to be in if you want to make connections with other people. The same for any major city in the US. Yeah, the women are generally completely closed off, always staring into the

You really have to find the non-NPC types if you want some good conversation. Good luck with that.

I just went to my local nudist resort twice this past week and had funny conversations with people there. Maybe you should join a nudist resort?....although it is extreme and not for everyone
But I thought Las Vegas was supposed to be fun and sin city? Aren't people here supposed to be more fun and open than in average American cities?

How am I supposed to sin in sin city if everyone is closed off and cold and ignores everyone around them?

I don't mean women staring into their phones. I mean they generally look forward and go about their business as if no one around them exists. Nothing to do with phones. American women were like that in the 90s too.

I'm sure you can find nice people on or at Hari Krishna meetings or Couchsurfing meet ups, if you have the time for that that is.
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Re: Winston back in America - Observations and Updates

Post by Moretorque »

Winston wrote:
August 12th, 2022, 3:33 pm
OutcastedPhilosopher wrote:
August 12th, 2022, 2:32 pm
You know, I imagine Las Vegas is probably one of the worst places to be in if you want to make connections with other people. The same for any major city in the US. Yeah, the women are generally completely closed off, always staring into the

You really have to find the non-NPC types if you want some good conversation. Good luck with that.

I just went to my local nudist resort twice this past week and had funny conversations with people there. Maybe you should join a nudist resort?....although it is extreme and not for everyone
But I thought Las Vegas was supposed to be fun and sin city? Aren't people here supposed to be more fun and open than in average American cities?

How am I supposed to sin in sin city if everyone is closed off and cold and ignores everyone around them?

I don't mean women staring into their phones. I mean they generally look forward and go about their business as if no one around them exists. Nothing to do with phones. American women were like that in the 90s too.

I'm sure you can find nice people on or at Hari Krishna meetings or Couchsurfing meet ups, if you have the time for that that is.
This country is spent, Las Vegas was great all the way into about the eighties or so, now it is so exspensive in all regards it just blows big time and the place like the US has no real character at all anymore but just a hustle. Screw LAS-VEGAS!
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Re: Winston back in America - Observations and Updates

Post by Winston »

I heard Las Vegas was a truly fun place and playboy paradise in the 60s and 70s. Maybe that's where the legend of "what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas" comes from. It no longer applies but for some reason they still use it even though it's meaningless now. Check out this movie with Jacqueline Bisset called "Grasshopper" to see how fun Vegas was in 1970.

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Re: Winston back in America - Observations and Updates

Post by kangarunner »

Winston wrote:
August 12th, 2022, 3:33 pm
But I thought Las Vegas was supposed to be fun and sin city? Aren't people here supposed to be more fun and open than in average American cities?

How am I supposed to sin in sin city if everyone is closed off and cold and ignores everyone around them?

I don't mean women staring into their phones. I mean they generally look forward and go about their business as if no one around them exists. Nothing to do with phones. American women were like that in the 90s too.

I'm sure you can find nice people on or at Hari Krishna meetings or Couchsurfing meet ups, if you have the time for that that is.
I lived there from 2014-2016 and it was a fun place to be every day. I would play poker at MGM and Caesar's 3-4 times a week. A lot of fun.

Las Vegas was and still is a place where morality does not exist. Anything goes.

Vegas is a town full of hustlers and it's very hard to make friends there outside of friends you make from doing business.
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Re: Winston back in America - Observations and Updates

Post by Winston »

New observation:

Have u noticed that when u look at the typical American woman outside that she looks like shes in a different dimension or reality that is closed off to u and that u are not a part of? As if they are in a different zone u cant touch and wont let u in or include u? Its hard to explain but thats the best way i can put it into words. Do u guys get the same feeling when u see them outside? As if the script they are running does not include u so theres no way in hell u can connect with them naturally. Its very sad and messed up.

What i don't get is how the boyfriends and husbands of American women connect with them if they are impossible to connect with?

The only way to explain this is that everyone is running some kind of script and their script does not allow u to connect with them. Etc. But if it does then u will befriend them naturally. If it doesnt then u are out of luck. Theres no other theory that can explain this.

Another observation:

Also how come america provides abundant food, casinos, shopping, consumer goods, etc. But provides no sex at all? And the legal brothels in Nevada are 800 bucks and up now so its not an option really. So if america provides no sex that is a major problem that should be talked about. But no one talks about that because its taboo and u are considered a scumbag if u want sex. And u are not supposed to need sex or love or women either because needing others is seen as wrong. Youre not supposed to need anyone. Its a no win situation and you arent allowed to even talk about. Even most of your friends do not want to hear about it either. Like a no win situation. Like the universe is against u. Very weird.

Why cant america provide legal brothels and saloon girls again like it did in the late 1800s and early 1900s? You see them in old west movies all the time. Why not in reality too?

Btw i heard all the legal brothels i used to go to in Canada have closed down too and been shut down by the stupid male hating government there. That sucks.

Why are the globalists trying to close off sex like that? Are they gonna shut down the legal brothels in Holland and Germany next too?
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Re: Winston back in America - Observations and Updates

Post by galii »

Winston everybody has a script you too. It is called destiny and determinism. Your script is to fight against their script that is fight for more sex with real love for you and your friends without paying much money and no tips. That is your script and that is cool. I have my script too. I have to comment on your experience with your and their script.
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Re: Winston back in America - Observations and Updates

Post by galii »

Btw this guy is saying USA is full of prostitutes now ... ng.274873/
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Re: Winston back in America - Observations and Updates

Post by MrMan »

galii wrote:
August 16th, 2022, 12:49 pm
Btw this guy is saying USA is full of prostitutes now ... ng.274873/
Lots of zero dollar prostitutes of both genders.
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Re: Winston back in America - Observations and Updates

Post by jamesbond »

Winston wrote:
August 16th, 2022, 7:50 am
Also how come america provides abundant food, casinos, shopping, consumer goods, etc. But provides no sex at all? And the legal brothels in Nevada are 800 bucks and up now so its not an option really. So if america provides no sex that is a major problem that should be talked about. But no one talks about that because its taboo and u are considered a scumbag if u want sex. And u are not supposed to need sex or love or women either because needing others is seen as wrong. Youre not supposed to need anyone. Its a no win situation and you arent allowed to even talk about. Even most of your friends do not want to hear about it either. Like a no win situation. Like the universe is against u. Very weird.

Why cant america provide legal brothels and saloon girls again like it did in the late 1800s and early 1900s? You see them in old west movies all the time. Why not in reality too?

Btw i heard all the legal brothels i used to go to in Canada have closed down too and been shut down by the stupid male hating government there. That sucks.

Why are the globalists trying to close off sex like that? Are they gonna shut down the legal brothels in Holland and Germany next too?

Good points, you have endless consumer goods in America but you don't have legalized prostitution like most of the world does. Your not even supposed to talk about this, your considered a scumbag if you want sex. As a matter of fact, your not even supposed to want a wife or girlfriend or even love for that matter in the USA.

No wonder why the amount of men who are virgins into their 30's and 40's is skyrocketing in America. The latest figures from 2018 showed that one third of all 30 year old men in America were virgins. That figure is probably higher now and will get higher every year. America truly is a sex prison for men. :shock:
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Re: Winston back in America - Observations and Updates

Post by Winston »

MrMan wrote:
August 16th, 2022, 12:53 pm
galii wrote:
August 16th, 2022, 12:49 pm
Btw this guy is saying USA is full of prostitutes now ... ng.274873/
Lots of zero dollar prostitutes of both genders.
Where? I don't see any. Where do you find them? The ones that exist have bad attitudes anyway and want a lot.
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Re: Winston back in America - Observations and Updates

Post by Winston »

Another observation:

How come if you're in SE Asia, Russia, or Latin America, and you say "I need sex" then someone will help you get sex or take you some place where you can get sex? However, if you say "I need sex" in America or Canada you will be considered a scumbag? lol. Why the big difference? How come everyone on YouTube and in the spirituality or conspiracy movement claims location doesn't matter when it comes to sex/dating/love/romance? lol

Also, do you notice that there is a feeling of emptiness and hopelessness in America that you have to constantly fight to keep away? It's creepy isn't it? Like a dark shadow looming over you, waiting for you to break down so it can take advantage of you. Very scary. Like a horror movie.

Also, how come in America, if you are a single man, you are considered a creep and scumbag unless you prove otherwise, or unless you have a wife or girlfriend to vouch for your good qualities? lol. That's very anti-male isn't it?
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Re: Winston back in America - Observations and Updates

Post by jamesbond »

Winston wrote:
August 16th, 2022, 7:33 pm
Another observation:

How come if you're in SE Asia, Russia, or Latin America, and you say "I need sex" then someone will help you get sex or take you some place where you can get sex? However, if you say "I need sex" in America or Canada you will be considered a scumbag? lol. Why the big difference? How come everyone on YouTube and in the spirituality or conspiracy movement claims location doesn't matter when it comes to sex/dating/love/romance? lol

Also, do you notice that there is a feeling of emptiness and hopelessness in America that you have to constantly fight to keep away? It's creepy isn't it? Like a dark shadow looming over you, waiting for you to break down so it can take advantage of you. Very scary. Like a horror movie.

Also, how come in America, if you are a single man, you are considered a creep and scumbag unless you prove otherwise, or unless you have a wife or girlfriend to vouch for your good qualities? lol. That's very anti-male isn't it?

In SE Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin America men desiring sex is considered normal. In Anglo countries like the US, UK, Canada, NZ and Australia men desiring sex is considered 'creepy' and 'obscene.' This is because puritanism exists in Anglo countries and does not exist in any other countries.
"When I think about the idea of getting involved with an American woman, I don't know if I should laugh .............. or vomit!"

"Trying to meet women in America is like trying to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics."
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