My Thoughts on Dating Chinese Women

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My Thoughts on Dating Chinese Women

Post by dano »

My first week in china i saw more beautiful women than i had my entire life. I was just stunned, everywhere i look, sexy women, even the ugly ones are good looking. Any woman over 110 lbs. is considered fat by local standards. If u took the best looking woman western woman in the world to china and she walked down the street naked, she couldn`t get a boyfriend. Thats the good news.

The bad news, Western-Chinese relationships have a much lower success rate than Western-Western relationships. I would say about 8 out 10 chinese woman are difficult to get along with. If u find a chinese woman that is easy be with, you`ll probably be a very happy guy, its just that the odds are not in your favor. This is mostly due to culture, most chinese women have a poor relationship with their father and this is transferred to their boyfriends and husbands as well. A chinese woman shows her affection for her man by nagging him 24 hours a day. Not suprisingly, wife beating is supposed to be fairly common.

If u can speak chinese you`ll find it easy to get a smokin hot chinese girlfriend. The chinese woman that speak english have usually been to college and college educated woman have a higher divorce rate in any country. Avoid woman from large cities if u are looking for a relationship. Shanghai has the highest divorce rate in the country.

Chinese women save themselves for marriage and so their interest in sex is high. If a woman wants to have sex with u, its usually because she wants to marry you. If u have sex with a chinese woman and you don`t marry her you could be looking down the barrel of a shotgun if her parents find out.

I`m not the type of guy that sleeps with hookers so I can`t give u much info on them. Except to say, chinese hookers are absolutely stunning. Hepatitis B and other STD`s are very common so expect the worst.
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Post by wraith »

Shanghai may have the largest divorce rate but most of its native residents tend to be very committed to their partners (if their partners are natives). Shanghai also has the largest foreign population and a sizeable migrant population. So endogamous native Shanghainese tend to have stable marriages.
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Post by Winston »

There are stunners everywhere in China? How can that be? When CNN or the news shows China, they always show poor ugly people walking around.

Most Chinese girls are kind of nerdy. Only a small percentage are hot.

The Chinese mind is also very anal retentive. I know, cause I am descended from them :)

You are right that English speaking foreign girls tend to be more opinionated and harder to get along with, as well as big on political correctness and easily offended.

I heard from some sources that Chengdu, near the border of Tibet, has the friendliest and wildest girls in China.
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Post by dano »

Chinese women don`t usually start dating until they are in their 20`s sometimes mid 20`s. As a result they are more emotionally immature than women from western countries of the same age. Having a shit fit in a public place is normal if they don`t get their own way. Also, if you decide to end a relationship with a chinese woman it is recommended you do it in a public place or over the phone to avoid being physically attacked. Some chinese women might only have one or two serious opportunities for marriage in a life time and so they might not take to kindly to being dumped. I did see chinese guys with with women half their age, so age differences are not a big deal with some women.

I`m glad I`m not married to one of these chinese women.

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Post by globetrotter »

The girls/women in my city of 50k and the next city over of 300k, are 10% hot, 20% good looking, 50% average, 20% ugly. All of them are thin. Finding one over 135 pounds is difficult unless you look at post menopausal married women. Most are 95 to 110 pounds. When they get to 110 pounds they think of themselves as fat.
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Post by globetrotter »

Winston wrote:There are stunners everywhere in China? How can that be? When CNN or the news shows China, they always show poor ugly people walking around.

Most Chinese girls are kind of nerdy. Only a small percentage are hot.
They do this on purpose. Most tv directors, producers, assitants and such are women.

TV is Chyck Vison.

Thus they make sure that they do not show the hot Chinese women on CNN.

It's more Propaganda, Winston.

I can walk out my front door and find a hottie in 1 minute. Now, I speak no Putungua so communication is difficult.
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Post by Adama »

English is the language of the feminists. So your best bet for a wife is to find one who speaks minimal English. English speaking women means that she most likely has gotten feminist - liberal brainwashing at university, that she consumes trashy American TV and movies (which are inherently feminist), and that she might even be watching Oprah (the anti man).

This is my first time hearing that Chinese women are difficult to get along with, that they throw tantrums, and that they assault men. Very interesting.
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Post by momopi »

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Post by dano »

momopi wrote

A different perspective (lol): ... mese-wife/

Its easy to understand why this guy went to vietnam to find a wife. I used to live in jiangsu province(nanjing), its the wealthiest part of china and the woman there have a bad reputation. Gold diggers flock there from all over the country, lots of high paying jobs.

Shanghai is also in jiangsu province and its woman are supposed to be the worst of the worst. I worked with a guy who married a girl from shangahi and he was always sending her e-mails throughout the day trying to calm her down, she was yelling at him constantly!
Anything would set her off.

Shanghai has the highest divorce rate in the country, so the goverment did some reasearch to find out why. They found when shanghai men married shangahi women the divorce rate skyrocketed. However, when shangahi men married women form poorer provinces the divorce rate was low. The lesson learned is this. Women raised in middle class and wealthy families have a divorce rate that is 5 times higher than women raised in poor families. This is fact you will never hear in any social science class or in the media.
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Post by momopi »

Shanghainese women are not for the meek.

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Post by dano »

I thought I would post this link for those of you that want an insight into the type of problems Western/Chinese relationships commonly encounter. ... ng-t2.html
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Post by dano »

Although western/chinese realtionships have a lower success rate I have met chinese woman that are both trustworthy and sincere. It would an injustice to give all chinese women a negative stereotype. This article is one mans account with a chinese woman and should treated as such. The warning signs of fraudulent relationship are usually there. Its up to each man to identify and act on those signs. ... _trap.html
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Post by dano »

Heres another chinese woman flipping out in public. ... dormitory/
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Post by tom »

Yep ѕeen thіѕ kіnd οf ѕtuff tοο. Yοu dοn't ѕee thіѕ kіnd οf drama muсh іn the Weѕt. іn the Weѕt yοu get a lοt οf the falѕe сhargeѕ brοught agaіnѕt guyѕ they feel jіlted by і gueѕѕ wοmen here are mοre revenge οrіented. When іn сhіna the relatіοnѕhіp сalсuluѕ іѕ сοmpletely сhanged. Yοu gο frοm οne extreme іn the Weѕt, tοtal laсk οf avaіlable wοmen tο the οppοѕіte extreme. And tο bοοt far fewer fat сhісkѕ. Aѕ a guy yοu muѕt ѕay nο mοѕt оf the tіme and be very ѕeleсtіve. Yοu have nο ѕhοrtage οf сhοісeѕ ѕο take yοur tіme and pісk сarefully. And aѕ іn the Weѕt wοmen wіll have all ѕοrtѕ οf ulterіοr mοtіveѕ, ѕοme whісh are rarely enсοuntered іn the Weѕt ѕuсh aѕ parentѕ puѕhіng her very hard tο hοοk up wіth yοu. ѕο agaіn іt іѕ up tο yοu tο ѕοrt thіѕ οut.

"сhіneѕe wοmen are οnly ѕο beсauѕe, іn the іnіtіal ѕtageѕ, they want tο trap yοu; later prοperly marrіed they put the ѕсrewѕ οn yοu."
сhіneѕe wοmen need tο сοntrοl her man tο ѕave faсe і gueѕѕ. That what my frіend ѕayѕ. And yeѕ they сhange οnсe they get there greeƞ сard. і wοuld nοt brіng οne οver. Keep іt there.

I have heard about Chengdu too.
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Post by Winston »

How would you all compare Chinese women to Filipinas?

Are they as approachable in public?

How can there be so many available women in China when there are more males than females there?

Which cities are the best for dating?

Anyone know about Chengdu? I heard it's the wildest place in China.
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