About my personal battle with Christianity...

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Re: About my personal battle with Christianity

Post by Jester »

chaste_filipina wrote:
Few people have the courage to question the beliefs their parents taught them and choose a religion that suits them for the best.

The real question is, which one are you?
Do we need courage to question, like a know-it-all adolescent, or do we need wisdom tempered by life, to realize we don't know everything?

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Post by DevilsAdvocate »

puresolium wrote:My problem with many religious people, especially American protestants, is their focus (or lack thereof) on the PRINCIPLES. They speak about Jesus and how they praise this man but wouldn't dare to live on the principles that this man represented. These principles obviously include stuff like, "Love thy neighbor", "Treat people the way YOU would probably like to be treated", simple stuff, really.

The reality is, people are trying to survive. They fear what's on the other side of life and need a quick way to enlightenment and spiritual development, as if they know what that really is. There is this guy on boob tube talking about how religion is basically fast food philosophy, hastily prepared laden with GMO vegetable oil and high fructose syrup with a seasoning of fluoride crystals.

I don't know, just my couple of pennies.

Religion as you know it is false, most all people who say they are a "Christian" have no clue what they're talking about. Being a "Christian" means you "follow" Christ. Nobody follows Christ, because nobody knows what Christ said, because nobody reads the Bible, and no Church ever reads the Bible, therefore nobody has any idea whatsoever on what Christ said, therefore nobody is following him.

Everything the Church teaches is false, and in fact is the exact opposite of what the Bible says.

If we go by what Christ said alone, then basically all of us are screwed, we are all going to Hell....

If we go by what Paul said, then there is a slight chance we may be saved if we accept Christ as our Lord and Savior....

However, in Revelations it does clearly show that people are allowed to repent to God, and be saved and not go to Hell, so clearly there is a chance for all of us I guess....

I'm a good person, but my problem is sex, simple as that.....

I can't freaking fornicate and I don't want to get stuck as lap dog in marriage so I'm screwed in that sense....

If it were not for that I think I would be ok in that I live life now in a good way....

You see we're suppose to live in a moral society where we get married and be with one person for life, this creates a very steady society that works, and creates healthy families....

When you do anything other than that one construct it will turn into chaos and collapse, it does this for a very complex set of reasons that is well within my level of understanding but at the same time is not known to me in it's entirety because it's very complex by it's very nature......

This is what's causing my problem and dilemma on a moral front.

Paul did say though "it's better to marry than to burn".....

So, maybe it's better to be a lap dog than to gnaw and gnash teeth....

I'm going to go get a Filipina and marry one of them, and just be careful with the wallet and bank account, that's the best way to go I guess because I'm really don't do the gnawing and gnashing of teeth thing well....

For those who don't believe in God and Christ and Heaven and Hell, good for you, I hope that Christ is lenient with you and doesn't throw you into Hell, only he knows what he's going to do, not I.....

"Better to marry than to burn".....

And that comes from Paul, who is the only hope there is by what he said that Christ is going to save us by accepting him as their Lord and Savior.

If we go by what Christ said then we are all screwed, unless you're able to make yourself without sin, and that's pretty darn hard to do....

But maybe Christ will be lenient on us all since we live in this end time and things are so bad for us all, and maybe if we don't worship the antichrist, who is coming really soon now, then we will make it....

Then I'm in no problem, for while I may not be able to resist my sexual thoughts all the time and certainly can tell this little gray alien f**k to shut his punk little mouth and that he is not the living God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, nor is he the Son of God or God's special Christ.


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Re: About my personal battle with Christianity

Post by chaste_filipina »

Jester wrote:
chaste_filipina wrote:
Few people have the courage to question the beliefs their parents taught them and choose a religion that suits them for the best.

The real question is, which one are you?
Do we need courage to question, like a know-it-all adolescent, or do we need wisdom tempered by life, to realize we don't know everything?
Excerpt from "Tales of the Dervishes" by Idries Shah


IMAM EL-GHAZALI relates a tradition from the life of Isa, ibn Maryam.

Isa one day saw some people sitting miserably on a wall, by the roadside.

He asked: 'What is your affliction?'

They said: 'We have become like this through our fear of hell.'

He went on his way, and saw a number of people grouped disconsolately in various postures by the wayside.

He said: 'What is your affliction?'

They said: 'Desire for Paradise has made us like this.'

He went on his way, until he came to a third group of people.
They looked like people who had endured much, but their faces shone with joy.

Isa asked them: 'What has made you like this?'

They answered: 'The Spirit of Truth. We have seen Reality, and this has made us oblivious of lesser goals.'

Isa said: 'These are the people who attain. On the Day of Accounting these are they who will be in the Presence of God.'

Those who believe that spiritual advancement depends upon the cultivation of reward and punishment themes alone have often been surprised by this Sufi tradition about Jesus.
Sufis say that only certain people benefit through powerful dwelling upon gain or loss; and that this, in turn, may constitute only a part of anyone's experiences. Those who have studied the methods and effects of conditioning and indoctrination may feel themselves inclined to agree with them.

(pages 181-182)

Note: Isa, ibn Maryam = Jesus, Son of Mary
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Post by chaste_filipina »

I hope this excerpt helps in enlightening everybody's thoughts regarding Christianity. :P

"Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppression of body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day"
- Thomas Jefferson
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A First Person Perspective

Post by janetadams319 »

I realized that there was more to religion that what I knew. The pastor was well versed in theology and it was with his knowledge that he had told this story. I realized that religion was not bereft of logic. I decided to embark on a journey of discovery of my own and started reading my roommate’s copy of the Bible. A few months later, I was back at the church and after the sermon we rose for the choir. As the solemn notes of the Navy hymn wafted into the chapel I felt something stir deep within me. My eyes welled up with tears and I hastily wiped them away. I realized that religion was a personal experience, the authenticity of which could never be measured with the same yardsticks that are reserved for science and role of the church was in accentuating the experience for everyone.
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Re: About my personal battle with Christianity...

Post by MrMan »

The_Hero_of_Men wrote:I have realized that Christianity is bogus, years ago, but I still struggle with it, like a spiritual/personal version of Mortal Kombat... There is just too much self-contradicting crap there! Like I said earlier, I only go to church to keep everyone off of my back. A smart man knows how to pick his battles. That is why I have not openly declared my intentions to ANYONE that I know. I know that those people can be afraid of those who think for themselves. Am I correct or not? What do you guys think? I am writing this because I need some kind of support from you guys.
I'd be a fool if I decided not to believe in God. He's already answered some very, very specific prayers of mine.

My wife was hard to get along with during one pregnancy. So prayed for this long detailed list of things, asking God to speak to her. A couple of days later, she tells me how the Lord had told her... and went through my prayer list. It was detailed stuff, and certain things I hadn't discussed with her, like the fact that her parents marriage influenced her idea about the way men and women are supposed to act in marriage, lots of really specific details. I've had that happen before about other things.

There are also spiritual gifts, like words of knowledge where the Holy Spirit tells something about someone else they couldn't naturally know. I've been on the giving and receiving end of this. My wife has operated in that gift and prophecy and gotten some incredible details. I also had a class mate who was healed in such a way that it was very visibly obvious.
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Post by newlifeinphilippines »

DevilsAdvocate wrote:
puresolium wrote:My problem with many religious people, especially American protestants, is their focus (or lack thereof) on the PRINCIPLES. They speak about Jesus and how they praise this man but wouldn't dare to live on the principles that this man represented. These principles obviously include stuff like, "Love thy neighbor", "Treat people the way YOU would probably like to be treated", simple stuff, really.

The reality is, people are trying to survive. They fear what's on the other side of life and need a quick way to enlightenment and spiritual development, as if they know what that really is. There is this guy on breast tube talking about how religion is basically fast food philosophy, hastily prepared laden with GMO vegetable oil and high fructose syrup with a seasoning of fluoride crystals.

I don't know, just my couple of pennies.

Religion as you know it is false, most all people who say they are a "Christian" have no clue what they're talking about. Being a "Christian" means you "follow" Christ. Nobody follows Christ, because nobody knows what Christ said, because nobody reads the Bible, and no Church ever reads the Bible, therefore nobody has any idea whatsoever on what Christ said, therefore nobody is following him.

Everything the Church teaches is false, and in fact is the exact opposite of what the Bible says.

If we go by what Christ said alone, then basically all of us are screwed, we are all going to Hell....

If we go by what Paul said, then there is a slight chance we may be saved if we accept Christ as our Lord and Savior....

However, in Revelations it does clearly show that people are allowed to repent to God, and be saved and not go to Hell, so clearly there is a chance for all of us I guess....

I'm a good person, but my problem is sex, simple as that.....

I can't freaking fornicate and I don't want to get stuck as lap dog in marriage so I'm screwed in that sense....

If it were not for that I think I would be ok in that I live life now in a good way....

You see we're suppose to live in a moral society where we get married and be with one person for life, this creates a very steady society that works, and creates healthy families....

When you do anything other than that one construct it will turn into chaos and collapse, it does this for a very complex set of reasons that is well within my level of understanding but at the same time is not known to me in it's entirety because it's very complex by it's very nature......

This is what's causing my problem and dilemma on a moral front.

Paul did say though "it's better to marry than to burn".....

So, maybe it's better to be a lap dog than to gnaw and gnash teeth....

I'm going to go get a Filipina and marry one of them, and just be careful with the wallet and bank account, that's the best way to go I guess because I'm really don't do the gnawing and gnashing of teeth thing well....

For those who don't believe in God and Christ and Heaven and Hell, good for you, I hope that Christ is lenient with you and doesn't throw you into Hell, only he knows what he's going to do, not I.....

"Better to marry than to burn".....

And that comes from Paul, who is the only hope there is by what he said that Christ is going to save us by accepting him as their Lord and Savior.

If we go by what Christ said then we are all screwed, unless you're able to make yourself without sin, and that's pretty darn hard to do....

But maybe Christ will be lenient on us all since we live in this end time and things are so bad for us all, and maybe if we don't worship the antichrist, who is coming really soon now, then we will make it....

Then I'm in no problem, for while I may not be able to resist my sexual thoughts all the time and certainly can tell this little gray alien f**k to shut his punk little mouth and that he is not the living God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, nor is he the Son of God or God's special Christ.


Devils Advocate
my lack of wanting marriage and my weakness to sex is also my huge problem. that and I could be more giving to the church and attend ti and get baptized. problem is my online income is very shaky and i want to retire cause i have no backup plan once it dissapears so i need to make my money while i have. once i retire or get close to it i can feel more comfortable giving donations.
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