Gnosticism, Lost Gospels, Esoteric Christianity - Secret Teachings of Jesus Suppressed by the Church?

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Re: Gnosticism, Lost Gospels, Esoteric Christianity - Secret Teachings of Jesus Suppressed by the Church?

Post by MrPeabody »

It's interesting that a certain tribe made a contract with Yahweh and it appear that they are destined to take over the world with the powers of his gaslighting magic. Not a bad deal. But it is not a bed of roses because Yahweh is a lower vibration entity who periodically extracts human blood as an energy source, as part of his contractual benefits. They project their buyer’s remorse outwards to the external world and play the role of victim, which blocks the spiritual introspection needed to purify their souls and break the chains. It seems to be headed for a grand conclusion because at the end of the era the light beings will return.

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Re: Gnosticism, Lost Gospels, Esoteric Christianity - Secret Teachings of Jesus Suppressed by the Church?

Post by Winston »


What do you think of this human origins story as told by Lilith in a secret text? These comments are posted under the podcast that Mike Adams did with Chris Bjerknes recently. It's very interesting. Does any of this match with your research? What is this secret book of Lilith that he's talking about?

Maybe have knowledge of a history that you do not?
Unfortunately, religions hijacked the origin story for their own devious purposes. If you dare to watch the series at the end, you will discover the real story of how this all came to be. Apparently dated back to around 6000 BCE. When I say everything that you think that you know is a lie, I actually mean that.

The dual Serpent being, Samael/Lilith, is the god of this place. They hate Mankind because we carry the spark of the Living Truth in us and they do not.
The Abrahamic (Jewmason) version of history and well, any other history is fabricated out of the oldest knowledge in existence. Each one creates their own version that favors them selves and that is religion, Idolatry really, if you take the time to think about it.

Using this original history, all other creation stories have been cleverly fabricated in order to distract you from finding the spark that is in you.
The spark that is the Living Truth. The spark that is Life Itself. The spark that brought into being the male/female/Mother, Barbelon (1st Birth), (Heavenly Adam), and through the Eternal Unity and Barbelon, Autogene (2nd birth), was brought into being.

It is Autogene that is the Only Begotten One (the Spark), a Light Being, and The Living Son of The Living Truth, Christ. Through Autogene's mind he brought forth Geradamas, who remains a Perfect virgin.

Barbelon became jealous of Geradamas and formed an idea in secret from Her Maleness, to create a rival to Geradamas. Barbelon sent, "seed", into Himself.
From this was brought forth, Samael/Lilith. They are a dual being, a male/female serpent being.
Samael is the 1st Archon or Chief Archon and Lilith is the Queen of Demons. The two are one being; they appear either Male or Female, with the waist down usually remaining a Serpent.

When Samael realized that Adam was greater than himself, he became enraged at what he had done and vowed to corrupt the perfect and, "complete", Adam and to steal the spark back for himself because Samael/Lilith were, "not complete". No ability to create or procreate with each other.

It was Samael that breathed the spark into the formed mud, and created Adam, and it was Samael that drew out of Adam's left side, the pattern, that formed the 1st woman, Eve, to rival the creation of Adam.
The Living Truth manipulated Lilith into enticing Samael to breath the spark into Adam and to draw Eve out, for the purpose of bringing into being, "Mankind".

Samael desired to merge his seed with the spark that was in Eve, and so Samael raped Eve but the Omniscient Spirit sent his Angel Armozel who snatched back the Spark from the vessel of the woman Eve before Samael could penetrate her maidenhood and Eve did not take to his seed at the time and the spark was not polluted.

Eve enticed Adam to lay with her after this and his seed mingled with the seed of Samael and through this brought forth Cain. Cain had a reddish face with indignation, and black eyes, full of rage, with black hair, and he never laughed.

The seed of Cain is from the seed of Samael/Lilith, the dual Serpent. When people say, the serpent seed, this is who they are talking about.
In time a 2nd male child was born and he is of the seed of Adam. This is the child Abel, the 1st true fruit of Adam's loins. Abel had a fair skinned face and blue eyes. His hair shone with the gold of the sun itself.

"You", are a being that the Father of The ALL brought forth, that is Greater than Samael/Lilith apparently. The Father of The All, the Eternal Unity, the Aeons of Aeons, brought forth, "Mankind", through his secret manipulation of Lilith, for her to get Samael to breath the spark into Adam and to bring forth Eve, the very first beings that constituted Mankind.

Cain's seed are not Adam's seed, "Mankind". Cain's wives were demons brought forth through the, earlier in time, union between Samael and Lilith through their entwining through the Blind Red Dragon which brought forth Demons into being until Armozel was sent to sever them with a fiery sword. The bloodline of Cain are actually physically, spiritually, and emotionally much different from Mankind. Weird huh.

Seth, by Adam's seed, came later to replace Abel, and the two seeds have developed over time into the world we live in today.
This is where it is said in religious materials that there is a great enmity, a Great Hatred, between the seed of the serpent, Samael/Lilith, and the seed of the Woman, Seth from the seed of Adam the 1st of Mankind. This history predates all other histories as it even predates Mankind.

Liber Lilith series. ... tiIlv1ci6Y

This will make sense only after you go through the Lilith series.
The Complete Gospel of Mary Magdalene - removed from compiled scripture by the liars and controllers of knowledge.
The Three Races of Earth.
The true history that until now was unknown.
Aliens are not from outer space. They have been here all along.
They are a hybrid creature as you will read below.

The god of the physical realm is the Dual Serpent Samael/Lilith. You probably know them as Satan or the Devil.
The Living Truth, the True GOD over the ALL, did say that the god of this world is that being.
Samael is the 1st or Chief Archon and his dual nature Lilith is the Queen of Demons.
The Living Truth, the Father of the ALL is not the creator of this physical world. All things that exist, exist within Him but He did not create this world. He is a Spirit, the Living Holy Spirit. Mankind has His Spark or Spirit but the others do not.

1) The offspring of the dual serpent god of this physical world through the rape of the 1st woman whom Samael/Lilith created, whom we will call Eve. This is the, "Serpent Seed". Cain is that child of the rape and his seed are not Mankind; they are a hybrid demon race. They come in many forms and skin colors through interbreeding. The ruling class among them we call Jews today but they rule from Switzerland. They are a bloodthirsty, murderous race as was their father. They consider themselves to be the chosen people of god because Samael/Lilith are in fact their parent(s). They are a hybrid between Samael/Lilith and Eve, half Man, half Demon. They are rejected of Samael/Lilith though because mankind is so much more perfect. Yes, their own Father/Mother rejected them. This is reflected in the books they have written.

2) The offspring of the female demon children of Cain and the Watcher/Angel beings. These are the Giants. After committing the, "unspoken mistake", these beings were killed off but a very few do remain.

3) The offspring of the 1st Man, we will call him Adam, and the 1st woman Eve. This is Mankind. The perfect and complete being having the Spark within and able to reproduce. Able being the 1st child but murdered by Cain for his perfection and acceptance by Samael/Lilith over Cain, the hybrid demon. Then Seth who continued the line of Mankind.

Originally the two races, Mankind and the Hybrid demons, kept apart from each other because they were instructed not to mix with each other but time and temptation overcame them. It is rare to find a true member of Mankind anymore. All the seed is corrupted but for a few.
It was a few thousand years later that the Watcher/Angel race mated with the female demon children of Cain. Mankind never mated with these beings. Some of their pattern still exists in the demon hybrid race but not much.

These are the Three Races upon the Earth. The god that created the Earth and the creatures upon it is the Dual Male/Female Serpent, Samael/Lilith.
The Greys and similar beings are a demon race created by the union of Samael/Lilith through a process unknown to us and they were before all other creations.

The god of all religions is this same dual Serpent.
The True Father of the ALL is the God of God's and He is the Lord of Spirits, not the manifest physical world. Whom we say is Christ was Autogene, the Only Begotten Son of the Living Truth.

This is why Autogene spoke to them, saying, “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”

He is the Spark (of Life). His Kingdom is not this world. He came into this world for the reason of giving Mankind 7 keys to pass through the 7 realms of the Archons after we shed this flesh. This is explained in part in the banned Gospel of Mary Magdalene.

These keys have been hidden from Mankind by the demon hybrid seed who created all religions and societies to control Mankind and feed off the children, as they are blood drinkers and cannibals.

Without the knowledge of these 7 keys, we are stopped at the 1st realm called Darkness, by it's Chief Archon, and are unable to pass through. The spirit is then regurgitated back into this Earth realm to suffer yet again the pains of death. The keys are specific words and sayings.

It is said in religious materials that there is a great enmity, a Great Hatred, between the seed of the serpent, Samael/Lilith, and the seed of the Woman, Seth from the seed of Adam the 1st of Mankind. This history predates all other.

Liber Lilith series. ... tiIlv1ci6Y

This will make sense only after you go through the Lilith series.
The Complete Gospel of Mary Magdalene - removed from compiled scripture by the liars and controllers of knowledge.

Book of OG of Bashan, the Rephiam. ... DDlACn3wYJ
The Synagogue of Samael/Lilith.

Nimrod, the hybrid Nephilim offspring of the bloodline of Cain's daughters, was considered to be a god, which is a word that means ruler & law giver, he was the god of Babylon, whereas, Samael/Lilith are the GOD, (dual male/female serpent), of this Physical matter, earthly realm.
This world of matter is their creation, not the Father of the ALL.
This is a hard thing for Man to comprehend and understand.

Liber Lilith series. ... tiIlv1ci6Y

This will make sense only after you go through the Lilith series.

The Complete Gospel of Mary Magdalene - removed from compiled scripture by the liars and controllers of knowledge.

The one true Living God, The Living Truth, is something far beyond these gods that have captured the "Spirit" of "Mankind", the, "Spark". Nimrod is the result of Fallen Watcher and one of the Demon hybrid daughters of Cain. A different being altogether.


Nimrod was hated for his defiling of his body in creation by circumcising himself and his practice of child sacrifice to BAAL of the earth, done in hidden places, the drinking of the blood, and eating of children. That is according to what I have have heard in a reading and discussion of the Book of OG of Bashan, the Rephiam. ... DDlACn3wYJ

Nimrod was the first pre-flood to circumcise himself and made it law in his kingdom of Babylon that every male must be circumcised and of course he taught the rape and murder of children and the drinking of blood and eating of children to his subjects, to be done in secret out of the light, while showing in the light to be decent and good people. They are the Serpent Seed. The offspring of Samael and Eve.
Mankind is the seed of Adam and Eve. One is Serpent and one is Man.
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