Why Polytheism is more natural and makes more sense than Monotheism

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Re: Why Polytheism makes more sense than Monotheism

Post by Eric »

I think he just is curious and interested in everything that's out there. That's normal for every human being, especially - when you're finally awake. You want to know what else is out there, that you don't know. I don't know everything, and probably never will. I think that people have this modern concept of the Bible, which is sad because it blocks them from seeing what it's really about. If you read the Bible really from an ancient perspective, as much as you can - you will see it differently. It's hard to explain, but that's the only way.

You have to take the energy vibrations from these things (the occult hidden things), and see how they feel lower rather than the always higher consciousness of God. These ones he's talking about are always invariably lower and denser, which should tell you something. They may exist, but I'm convinced that the God in the Bible is it. The alpha and omega. Until I'm wrong..

I have questions as to why some of the Gnostic gospels were expelled from the Bible, to me they are very interesting and of great value. I guess they figured, we didn't need it. I do believe in occult (hidden) knowledge. Of course there is more out there that we don't know. That's obvious. But, I think the Bible is the most excellent, best starting point for basis in reality/universe.
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Re: Why Polytheism makes more sense than Monotheism

Post by Winston »

Eric and Adama,
Come on man. You guys are speculating here. Adama, you are not qualified to comment on Michael Tsarion since you haven't even listened to him. Have you seen his documentary "Architects of Control" or his Origins and Oracles lecture series? If not, you are not qualified to evaluate him at all. Einstein said that "Dismissing something you don't know about without investigation is the height of ignorance." At least Eric listened to him, but you haven't Adama.

How would Tsarion be a shill for the NWO or Illuminati? And how would he be leading people astray exactly? Can you explain? How can exposing the Illuminati actually help them? Yeah there are some in the truther community who feel that Tsarion knows too much about the Illuminati and their symbolism, words, history and inner teachings that he must be an insider. But if you listen to him in his lectures, he sounds too genuine.

You guys need to listen to Tsarion first before judging him. First, check out his dazzling documentary "Architects of Control":

https://www.youtube.com/results?search_ ... of+control

Check out his Origins and Oracles series, which contain 9 hour lectures and presentations:

https://www.youtube.com/results?search_ ... nd+oracles

Here is what Tsarion has to say about the origin of Monotheism and the rise of Akhenaton in Egypt, which led to the cult of Atonism, which can be traced as the root of the origin of Christianity and the Illuminati. See these podcasts where Tsarion talks about that. You will be blown away and learn a lot. Stop living in fear guys.

https://www.youtube.com/results?search_ ... +akhenaton

Even the father of psychology, Sigmund Freud, believed the same thing. Freud's last book was "Moses and Monotheism" where he explained how Monotheism began with Moses and the rebel Pharaoh Akhenaton.

Btw, Freud's theories on psychology were twisted by the establishment who did not want you to know what Freud really said, and thus they hired German translators to change the meaning of Freud's discoveries, theories and conclusions that were contained in his original writings. So what you read about Freud today in psychology books is full of lies and absurdities to try to discredit him. Michael Tsarion talks about this too.
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Re: Why Polytheism makes more sense than Monotheism

Post by Eric »

We're not saying he's not telling the truth, that he's not genuine, or accurate. We're stating that he may have an agenda...an ulterior motive behind all his dissemination. They and them like them, are laying out to the public who and what they actually are slowly but surely. It's kind of like 'coming out of the Luciferian closet'. I could be totally wrong about this, but I don't think that I am. Fear is not my emotion.
Maxwell is a high level Mason. This Tsarion guy I don't know anything about him. He's talking about the Jewish people never having existed - that origins of civilization were druidic (the cabal in Hollywood, holly wood adopted a druid custom of a wand made of holly wood - to cast spells over people). He's hawking this...it kind of tells you his stance, where he's coming from. *their side.
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Re: Why Polytheism makes more sense than Monotheism

Post by Adama »

You've already told me enough about him for me to judge completely. I don't need to jump into a pit of vipers to prove that snakes bite.
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Re: Why Polytheism makes more sense than Monotheism

Post by Eric »

Holy shit! I've just listened to his sermon on the cult of Aton -Akhenaton. This guy has come to the exact same conclusions that I've come to on my own...about the Hyksos in Egypt, this vicious Hibaru tribe which infiltrated the Kingdom and made it fall. They stole the knowledge of Egypt.

I've never even heard this guy before but came up with these things on my own. I figured it from my own intuition, my readings of the Bible and the obvious PENIS envy unconscious hatred the OT writers had against the Egyptians that stood out to me, projected in their writings. Yeah, he may be onto something.
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Re: Why Polytheism makes more sense than Monotheism

Post by starchild5 »

Michael Tsarion is actually Indian. His parents migrated to Ireland long time back. He mentions this in some of his videos. He is from North Indian Punjab region.

I have listened and watched almost all of his videos. His symbolism videos are best. I was into David Icke, MT, Jordan Maxwell etc....Now, I have given up on their information even though its all true and dedicating myself to more spirituality.

In this day and age, without been a "Conspiracy Theorist", One cannot understand even GOD.

His information is not UNTRUE but I have come to know of far greater information now, that can cure your life. Information on "Conspiracy" is always helpful in finding your path on earth. Otherwise, you could be deceived easily.

MT's information is a step towards finding greater information. His information would really clear a lot of western civilization darkness.

If you go too much into Conspiracy, you loose track of higher truth, so the evil "EXPOSES" himself to the world, we follow his life around and fails to realize the ultimate truth, which is what I believe MTs information is...Its all TRUE BUT IT STILL HIDES FROM THE ULTIMATE TRUTH.

Once you get all MT information. YOU MUST MOVE ON ...His information is INCOMPLETE...same with David Icke, Jorden Maxwell etc....
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Re: Why Polytheism makes more sense than Monotheism

Post by Winston »

Michael Tsarion claimed to be half Indian and half Irish. Does he look half white? Hard to say. But he does make some miscellaneous mistakes sometimes. An honest truth seeker would often say "I don't know", but these gurus act like they know too much, even about things they could not possibly be sure about.

Btw I was wondering something. If all ancient cultures were polytheistic, then how come Hindus today claim to be monotheistic? They say all the many deities of Hinduism are just different personalities of the one God, Brahma. Did ancient Hindus really believe that too? Were they monotheistic or polytheistic? Or has Hinduism changed over the years?

Does Hinduism have an official belief system? Or is it made up of a bunch of loosely connected beliefs, myths and ideas?

Are the Hindu texts like the Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavita, etc claimed to be divinely inspired?

What do you think of Hari Krishna? Does Hindus accept it? I've been to their vegetarian meetings and they are nice people, but kind of in their own world.
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Re: Why Polytheism makes more sense than Monotheism

Post by starchild5 »

Winston wrote:Starchild,
Michael Tsarion claimed to be half Indian and half Irish. Does he look half white? Hard to say. But he does make some miscellaneous mistakes sometimes. An honest truth seeker would often say "I don't know", but these gurus act like they know too much, even about things they could not possibly be sure about.

Btw I was wondering something. If all ancient cultures were polytheistic, then how come Hindus today claim to be monotheistic? They say all the many deities of Hinduism are just different personalities of the one God, Brahma. Did ancient Hindus really believe that too? Were they monotheistic or polytheistic? Or has Hinduism changed over the years?

Does Hinduism have an official belief system? Or is it made up of a bunch of loosely connected beliefs, myths and ideas?

Are the Hindu texts like the Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavita, etc claimed to be divinely inspired?

What do you think of Hari Krishna? Does Hindus accept it? I've been to their vegetarian meetings and they are nice people, but kind of in their own world.
One must understand, Hinduism has lasted longer than anything on earth, even egyptians vanished, Mayans vanished, Atlanteans Vanished. India was also enslaved for 800 Years, during that period, 90% of all ancient texts were infiltrated to suit the Illuminati agenda.

What present day Hinduism is mere back dated creation of Rothschild, Illuminati over beer and cigars. They wrote pure crap and propagandised that version in media and main stream. They created fake gods. They gave awards to writers who butchered gods, does not believe in Vedas - We have dalai lama as an example and how you rightly pointed out that, all Lama life style kills your soul. Dalai is CIA Lama just like many present day Gurus who claim to know it all and never seem to make any mistake and get main stream media coverage 24/7.

We need to put things into perspective. America is vanishing in mere 200 years and Americans are frustrated. India is as is for over 200k years and more. Same culture, Same religion albeit infiltrated one, but if you do research you can find the truth. Taoism was vanished in China, which is very much similar to Ancient Indian religion.

Everything what we see today as Indian Religion is mere Rothschilds created one...They created Gods out of thin air during 18th century and back dated them..very smart 8)

As I mentioned in the other threads. Hinduism was created by higher dimensional beings not humans. Now, it got infiltrated by another set of beings. All Gods are cosmic allegory. Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavita describes our Cosmos. They created Gods for low IQ humans to make sense of it all. Pure Vedas is Quantum Physics.

Lets be honest here. Present day hindus/Indians are stupid just like Americans. They do not have discernment power. They BELIEVE what they are told. You should not follow present day Hinduism.

Hare Krishna movement is CIA....DO NOT GO THERE IN ISKON.

Its mocking god. Hare in Sanskrit means Loser

When you sing Hare Krishna, Hare Rama...You are saying...Loser Krishna, Loser Rama...Vegetarian is a Hook to get you in....Inside its all Rotten....The entire Bhakti movement is CIA.

99% of all Indian Gurus that are famous in America are CIA, Freemasonic. Real Indian Gurus never travel abroad, never come on TV. If you think only NEW AGE is CIA...You don't know the reach of these Dark Forces...They have destroyed all traces of true spirituality on Earth.

If you ever come to India. I will take you to a real guru and you will be blown away. He will predict your past, present future to the T. That's the real deal right there for all those seeking Proof.
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Re: Why Polytheism makes more sense than Monotheism

Post by Winston »

Here is info about Sigmund Freud's last book "Moses and Monotheism". Most people don't know about it, but it looks interesting.

"In "Moses and Monotheism," Freud hypothesizes that Moses was not Hebrew, but actually born into Ancient Egyptian nobility and was perhaps a follower of Akhenaten, an ancient Egyptian monotheist, or perhaps Akhenaten himself. The book consists of three parts and is an extension of Freud's work on psychoanalytic theory as a means of generating hypotheses about historical events."

Review and Summary

"Reading through the many wonderful reviews here, one gets the picture of what it is with this book: love it or hate it, believer or skeptic, even telling people the gist of the thesis and the story (the book is magnificently both), this work never fails to evoke a strong reaction. Look at the reviews. What is evident is that the book is truly provocative - rare for any book - no less a slight, speculative work of less than 200 pages, written somewhere in the middle of the twentieth century. Who would really care? But as you can see from this representative sample, people do.

Despite the ongoing controversy regarding, increasing skepticism towards, and perhaps dismissal of his major ideas, Freud still engages us as one of the most influential thinkers of the past century, and this work, which, surprisingly, may come to be regarded as his masterpiece (it is a masterpiece - do not doubt that), written as he was dying of cancer of the jaw and fleeing from the Nazis (Freud was Jewish - and among all the things that it is, the book is his response to that singular experience), is his signal contribution to religious studies.

The story is that:

1) Moses was an Egyptian, likely of royal birth, that he learned monotheism from the renegade Egyptian monarch, Akenaton, who, during his brief and probably aborted reign, unsuccessfully attempted to displace the long-standing polytheism and its attendant institutions with a unitary sole deity - a sun god - not represented in any form or art .

2) - That he may have been the proprietor or governor of a fringe province, the Biblical "land of Goshen" with a population of Hebraic or Semitic descent, to whom he taught the new religion. At some point during the exodus, Moses was murdered by his followers. The new God was rejected in favor of a tribal deity, a bloodthirsty, local lunar God, Jahve. However, his immediate entourage, also of the Egyptian court or priesthood, were established as the Levites, or priestly caste, and their descendents eventually revived the ancient monotheism, which we know as the religion of the ancient Hebrews.

The thesis (more complex) quite briefly is:

Akenaton possibly adopted monotheism as adjunct to Egypt's imperialist expansion in the 18th century B.C. Circumcision, which first evolved among the Egyptians (there is the pictoral evidence, as far back as it goes), is rooted in the idea of prehistoric enforced fidelity to the clan father under threat of castration thus symbolized (the primal "covenant" between father and sons). Moses was murdered because he restricted access to the women of the tribe, in repetition of the totemic archetype. The Pentateuch is a palimpsest, references the original monotheistic religion inscribed under references to the later religion of Jahve, and then again, the revival, written over those references in the Levitical Law. The revival was spurred by long, pent up guilt over the collective memory of the death of Moses. And well, Papa don't take no mess! The religion of the Levites, developed during the Babylonian exile, represents a return to the Father dominance. The Messianic trend represents yet another turn away from this father dominance toward the Son, away from circumcision, and toward social decentralization, eventually a priesthood of all believers. There's a lot more to it - but these are the bare bones.

I don't believe anyone would want to make absolute claims as to what went down thirty-eight centuries ago - but, all considered, Freud's thesis has its moment, and that moment is now. Could it be that the Jews and Arabs are one people - Semites - who have been divided over time by those with ulterior motives? Resoundingly, yes, the possibility must be considered. Freud wrote this remarkable text at a time when the Nazis were beginning to fund the Islamic Brotherhood (after they themselves had been funded by Prescott Bush and the Union Bank). Ironically, Freud's thesis suggests that the current situation in the Middle East has apparently brought this world to the edge of annihilation, may involve combatants who have no conception of their true origins or the basis of what they are fighting for, but, from the standpoint of carefully fostered illusions, merely believe, in an all too human way, that they do. Freud argues closely and pervasively enough to raise and honest doubt in our minds. Well worth the read."
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Re: Why Polytheism makes more sense than Monotheism

Post by Shemp »

The one true religion is Goddess worship, aka Cult of the Virgin, aka modern science which sees Mother Nature or matter as preceding spirit. Goddess creates God (indirectly, via primitive humans, who create gods in their own image), not vice-versa, and together Virgin and God the Father produce the Son, who is a blend of matter and spirit. The symbolism of the ancient Christian church is thus correct, but the theology is junk because it denies the primacy of the Goddess (though there are hints in Genesis, the party about the primal waters, which is a symbol of the material universe which existed long before man created God). The protestant churches are also junk, because they got rid of the Virgin worship, which is central to the symbolism of the older churches (Catholic and Orthodox).
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Post by Ghost »

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Re: Why Polytheism makes more sense than Monotheism

Post by Winston »

All ancient cultures were polytheistic. Monotheism is a relatively recent phenomena. According to religious historians and scholars, monotheism began with the rebel Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten, who forced monotheism onto Egypt and angered the priestly establishment and people, and was thus eventually overthrown and banished. Before that, all cultures were polytheistic and believed in multiple deities.

Some of you will be surprised to know that even the ancient Jews and Israelites were polytheistic, contrary to what one might think. See here:

The origins of Judaism lie in the Bronze Age polytheistic Ancient Semitic religions, specifically Canaanite religion, a syncretization with elements of Babylonian religion and of the worship of Yahweh reflected in the early prophetic books of the Hebrew Bible.
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/valerie-t ... 77340.html
the Song of Moses in Deuteronomy 32 indicates that Yahweh was believed to have been one of the children of the Canaanite deity El Elyon (God Most High). The song describes how the nations were originally formed, and what it says is that the peoples of the earth were divided up according to the number of El Elyon’s children (the junior members of the divine pantheon). Yahweh, Israel’s patron deity, was one of Elyon’s children.

The best evidence suggests that Yahweh did not begin as the “only true God” of later Jewish monotheism; he did not begin as the creator of the world. Yahweh began as a young, up-and-coming tribal deity whose prowess among other gods mirrored Israel’s aspirations vis-a-vis surrounding tribes and nations.
So if all the earliest religions of the world were polytheistic, then as a rule of thumb, if something is older and more original, it's more likely to be closer to the TRUTH and more accurate.

There are also passages in the Bible that suggest a plurality of Gods. For example, in the Old Testament, the first of the Ten Commandments that says, "Thou shall have no other Gods before me" is not saying that there are no other gods, only that the Israelites should not worship others gods. This implies that other gods exist, for if they didn't, why would this commandment even mention it? Furthermore, in Genesis when God was creating the world, he said, "Let US make man in OUR image" and then later after Adam and Eve fell from eating the fruit off the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, God approached them and upon finding out what happened, said, "Behold, man has become like US, knowing good and evil."
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Re: Why Polytheism makes more sense than Monotheism

Post by Adama »

Winston wrote: So if all the earliest religions of the world were polytheistic, then as a rule of thumb, if something is older and more original, it's more likely to be closer to the TRUTH and more accurate.

There are also passages in the Bible that suggest a plurality of Gods. For example, in the Old Testament, the first of the Ten Commandments that says, "Thou shall have no other Gods before me" is not saying that there are no other gods, only that the Israelites should not worship others gods. This implies that other gods exist, for if they didn't, why would this commandment even mention it? Furthermore, in Genesis when God was creating the world, he said, "Let US make man in OUR image" and then later after Adam and Eve fell from eating the fruit off the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, God approached them and upon finding out what happened, said, "Behold, man has become like US, knowing good and evil."
Because if it is a doctrine of demons, you'll believe it every time, dear Winston. Look. The other gods are demons. They are gods with the little g. They are created beings. The fallen angels who are know pretending to be aliens. They are the serpents from the Bible.

It's also funny how on the one hand the things that are older are more true, but on the other hand it is also said by many that the authors of the Bible were no different than cave men.
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Re: Why Polytheism makes more sense than Monotheism

Post by Winston »

I sent this thread to my italian friend alex, whom i hang out with in angeles city. Hes also an intellectual philosopher too, like me. He disagreed with me on polytheism. Here is his response:

[9/23, 10:47 AM] Alex From Italy: I don't think it's logical assuming the need of more than one God

[9/23, 10:48 AM] Alex From Italy: When can rather say that we can't logically deny the existence of more than one God

[9/23, 10:49 AM] Alex From Italy: But we can't logically come to the conclusion that there *must* be more than one God

[9/23, 10:53 AM] Alex From Italy: Historical argumentation, related to ancient polytheism as a common form of religion, isn't an evidence of the existence of many God but rather it can be seen a common mistake due to the inability of human being to directly observe what is beyond the material world

[9/23, 10:55 AM] Alex From Italy: But this error, though common, had been *fixed* by the intervention of divine acts who turned the human beings from the initial polytheism to monotheism

[9/23, 11:01 AM] Alex From Italy: So, this evolution from many to one, as it's counter intuitive, needs to logically be recognized as result of God will that has guided his people to the right believe (in one God) through his messengers which had dare to oppose the old wrong common sense and beliefs, because forced to do so by divine inspiration

[9/23, 11:03 AM] Alex From Italy: Empirical argumentation also doesn't work logically in support of polytheism

[9/23, 11:06 AM] Alex From Italy: Because if we can easily observe that many of the human beings achievements are result of cooperation of many individuals, yet we can observe that many things are made by a single man/woman

[9/23, 11:08 AM] Alex From Italy: For example, recently I made myself, all alone, a support for a window type aircon and a second room ceiling for thermal insulation

[9/23, 11:18 AM] Alex From Italy: The switch from polytheism to monotheism it's unlikely something that happened without Divine (or alien, external, not human) intervention because polytheism isn't just more intuitive for the human beings, but it's also convenient to the greedy of power and ambitious of who wants to gain the role of minister of God

[9/23, 11:20 AM] Alex From Italy: Same as in politics, many parties are more functional to the ambitions of who wants to be a party leader, than the case of one only party with one only leader and no else allowed to be leader

[9/23, 11:23 AM] Alex From Italy: So it was in the ancient Egypt when monotheism was opposed by the many ministers of the many Gods which saw their role, power, authority, wealth, jeopardized in favour of one only among them

[9/23, 6:23 PM] Alex From Italy: Even though monotheism may have been started by a Pharaoh it's still something very unexplainable if we won't put in the scene the intervention of an external force or authority which has guided the Pharaoh towards monotheism at the cost to face the opposition of all the gods ministers and of the people common sense

[9/23, 6:25 PM] Alex From Italy: The failure of the monotheism conversion by the authority of the Pharaoh clearly demonstrated the strong opposition and strengths of the polytheism beliefs

[9/23, 6:26 PM] Alex From Italy: Opposition that can have been won only by a constant work of an external power, the divine power, towards monotheism

[9/23, 6:30 PM] Alex From Italy: The success of monotheism over polytheism is, in my opinion, a clear clue of divine or external interference on human history as, otherwise, polytheism would have never been replaced by monotheism, as it better fits human intuitive beliefs and the human ambitions of whom seek to become a God minister
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Re: Why Polytheism makes more sense than Monotheism

Post by starchild5 »

Sorry but most white guys cannot understand Polytheism...They have not seen much evil in their life...

You really need to be born in a third world gutter hole to understand Polytheism.

Winston can you do me a favor? Next time when you meet Alex..

Ask him...

1. If he is non-judgmental.

2. Open-minded and have a

3. Broadminded views on many topics.

If he answers YES to all three...Which I KNOW 100% he will...Then Its pretty much guaranteed, he will never understand Polytheism.

People who are non-judgemental, open minded and have broad views on life, people who care for animals, cats and dogs etc :D are pretty much Monotheistic or just plain outright do not believe in God. Its so easy to become Atheist when you cannot understand god. :)


You need to face the wrath of god to full extent to understand Polytheism. God really needs to f*ck you upside down for you to understand Polytheism.

If he really understands god...

Can you please do me a second favor :D and ask him to curse god?

I bet he will chicken out and come up with 100 more BS theory.

Ask him ....Why he is afraid to curse god because we know our life's are not 100% Good. If he is BS'ing that his life is all smooth and good...Then we know he is obviously another Ralph Smart wananbe :D

If you believe in one god...Then whats stopping you from cursing him ?? That's what I thought...Where is that fear coming from....Where is that feeling of ...Its just not right to curse god coming from ? is the answer we need from Alex.

I hope the next time you meet Alex...He won't become an Atheist ..Because its the easiest escape when you are confronted with tough questions on God. :lol: :lol:

We know right..Atheist...first move on believers of God is ..Why so much Evil in this world...Where is your god, can't he see so much evil around...I bet Alex won't be able to answer these questions...He will use the time tested cliche'd answers like..Ohh..Its not god..Its humans ...God created a perfect world ..why you blaming god for your problem :lol:

He may be in Angeles City but unfortunately, he has not grown as a human being. He still can't answer tough questions on God....The first question..Why so much evil, pain and suffering in the world and he has to become Cliche'ed :lol: ..Ohh that's just humans fault...don't worry about evil...just concentrate on good things god gave you... :lol:

....The usual move of the monotheist's...when confronted with pain and suffering...either blame it on humans or slide it under the bed. :mrgreen:
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