Christianity vs Atheism vs Spirituality

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Re: Christianity vs Atheism vs Spirituality

Post by Lucas88 »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
August 13th, 2022, 8:42 am
I'll kick off with the basics. Spirituality is different to both Atheism and Christianity. It elevates the individual to the position of potential god rather than an accidental spawn of some primordial soup or a servant to an authoritarian god. Although proponents of spirituality do have their own gods and goddesses with which we hold in reverence.

Unlike Christianity, a religion for the collective with set doctrines and rules, Spirituality is more about the individual. It is about expanding your own consciousness and general growth of one's self. It is the purpose of everything to grow and flourish and the human soul is no different.

Unlike Atheism, which is a belief system that reduces the human being to a biological machine and consciousness is nothing but a series of chemical reactions in the brain, Spirituality is a belief system for those who recognise that the human body is nothing more than a vessel for our soul to experience and navigate the material world so that we may grow through those experiences.
I agree with your observation that religion and spirituality are fundamentally different. We've already touched on this earlier in the thread. Religion -- e.g., Christianity or Islam -- consists of fixed dogmas which are unexperienceable and unverifiable and must therefore be accepted on faith whereas spirituality without religion is simply a recognition of deeper, more occult levels of reality and may involve an open-ended exploration of the paranormal/nonphysical without fixed ideological assumptions. This is the fundamental difference which separates the two.

Christian fundamentalists for example assert that human beings are born into sin but that believers may be redeemed from the supposed wages of sin (i.e., death and hell) through faith in the blood sacrifice of Yahweh's firstborn son Jesus and will be resurrected into the "New Earth" at the end of time; however, as I've explained before, none of these things can be experienced or verified -- not even by believers -- and merely constitute abstract concepts which exist in the collective imagination of theologians and churchgoers. Any thinking rational person has absolutely no reason to believe that any of this stuff is really happening since it has no empirical or experiential basis. Christianity's core theological doctrines have no foundation at all in the real world. There's really no reason to believe in that religion other than a desire to do so or a personal affinity to its belief system. But a personal affinity doesn't equal truth.

Spiritual people on the other hand may experience deeper, more occult levels of reality and things that are generally regarded as supernatural or outside of immediate material reality such as qi phenomena, Kundalini, distance healing, encounters with nonphysical entities, or a near-death experience with veridical perception and come to the conclusion that such things exist and are part of a much greater spiritual realm or the creation of some greater intelligence, but without limiting ourselves to dogmatic and unempirical doctrines. I myself have had direct experience of qi phenomena and Kundalini (albeit the latter in a very negative context) as well as distance healing and a few other paranormal phenomena but I'm not forced to interpret them through a fixed ideological prism like Christians are. Rather my conception of spirituality and the deeper, more occult levels of reality is open-ended and able to accommodate new data and experiences. I believe that this kind of approach is much healthier than the closed dogmatism of organized religion.

Religious fundamentalists often criticize the spiritual-be-not-religious types like ourselves as people without consistency or otherwise assert that we simply wish to deny Christian doctrine in order to justify our participation in "sin" but this is just them projecting their own preconceived cultural notions onto others. What they fail to recognize is that some of us have a high level of conscientiousness and value truth and the open-ended investigation of reality and therefore cannot simply accept baseless dogmas just because they are popular with society or a certain community.

As for atheism, I observe that it works in a way that is very similar to that of organized religion. Like Christianity or Islam, the modern atheistic worldview is also a closed dogmatic ideology and is based on nothing more than abstract assumptions despite all of the tubthumping on the part of proponents of scientism about it supposedly being scientific. I could go on for longer about this but it would simply mirror what I've already written about organized religion.

That's all for now. I'll come back later to talk about some other points.

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Re: Christianity vs Atheism vs Spirituality

Post by MrMan »

Lucas88 wrote:
August 14th, 2022, 11:36 am
I agree with your observation that religion and spirituality are fundamentally different. We've already touched on this earlier in the thread. Religion -- e.g., Christianity or Islam -- consists of fixed dogmas which are unexperienceable and unverifiable and must therefore be accepted on faith whereas spirituality without religion is simply a recognition of deeper, more occult levels of reality and may involve an open-ended exploration of the paranormal/nonphysical without fixed ideological assumptions. This is the fundamental difference which separates the two.
It's probably more of a case of modern occultists picking and choosing from polytheistic and ancient occultic practices that were dogmatic back in the day. Modern occultists, like New Agers, can pick and choose ideas from different religions. The historical sources might have been dogmatic and regimented.
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Re: Christianity vs Atheism vs Spirituality

Post by Pixel--Dude »

Outcast9428 wrote:
August 13th, 2022, 10:20 pm

You can't just ban the bible without causing an enormous shitstorm of controversy. The elites haven't even tried to ban books like Mein Kampf much less are they going to ban a book that's in most American households and try to destroy a religion practiced by 70% of the American population overnight. The neo-bolsheviks are much sneakier in their tactics then the old bolsheviks were.

What they have done, however, is do everything in their power to undermine authentic Christianity. They are putting drag queens in our churches, making the pope himself espouse woke ideology, make preachers emphasize "tolerance" instead of virtue and basically turning Christianity into a shadow of its former self. People trying to practice real Christianity get mocked in the media at best and are portrayed as nutty, crazy, or dangerous extremists at worst. The big buzzword in the media right now is "Christian nationalism."

The elites are definitely, EXTREMELY, threatened by us. The only reason why they haven't gone full Bolshevik on us is because they know it would backfire. I never see "spiritual but not religious people" really being focused on at all by the media. The media just kind of ignores them. I don't think the elites really care what religion people choose just as long as its not Christianity. To a lesser extent they're kind of hostile towards Islam too. They see Christianity as a weaker target probably and know the Muslims would chop their heads off if they tried to pull the same shit as they do in Christian countries.

My belief is that trying to become a god or viewing human beings as potential gods is extremely blasphemous and sinful. Yes God is our ruler but he is a just ruler. Human beings are inherently sinful and if they attempted to gain God's powers they would become evil and corrupted. Many men in the past have become obsessed with the idea of becoming gods and it never goes well. Hierarchy and authoritarianism is justified when the people who are lower on the hierarchy are not qualified for higher positions of responsibility. Just as a dog should show loyalty and faithfulness to a caring owner, human beings should show loyalty and faithfulness to our caring God. Not because a dog is inferior to a human being and "needs to obey" so to speak but because the human being genuinely has the dog's best interests in mind and is trying to create a good life for the dog. If the dog acts rebellious towards a kind owner, it only hurts the dog and the owner. In many ways, human beings have a similar relationship with God as dogs have with human beings. By rebelling against God we are not helping anyone. We are harming both God and ourselves. God doesn't ask us to obey because he considers us to be inferior creatures worthy of subjugation who he can toy around with and mess with, but because he is trying his best to give us the best life he can and we are not qualified for the amount of power and responsibility that God has. It would corrupt us and any human being given such powers would become evil. Human beings have enough trouble as it is just ruling countries without becoming evil, imagine ruling an entire universe.

Spirituality is about becoming closer to God, learning how to listen for his messages, figuring out how to communicate with him and recognize his method of communication. The more that a man or woman purges themself of sin, the closer they'll come to God and the easier of a time they'll have understanding him and what his plan is for us.
If Christianity is such a threat to the global elite then why is it promoted and taught in schools to indoctrinate children at a young age? In the same way Islam is pushed onto kids at that young age.

It is like I said earlier in the thread. Atheism and Christianity are both institutionalised and ready for people to accept from a young age. Spirituality and occultism is more obscure. It isn't taught in schools, it is dismissed summarily by both Atheists and Christians.

I don't think seeing humanity as potential gods or aspiring to reach godhood is evil. This is the forbidden knowledge handed to us by Enki, or the biblical serpent as he is slandered. Yahweh seeks to keep us compliant and as weak slaves who obey his edicts. The relationship between the Christian God is of the King and the Subject, and not of a loving father and their child. This is one of the fundamental reasons I turned my back on Christianity in the first place.

@Tsar I agree with you on the premise of the warrior spirit. Strength and a strong warrior ethos is necessary to fight for freedom from the global elite. Freedom is never just given away. It has to be taken by those who value it.

@Lucas88 I can attest to your experience with Ki energy as it was traumatic as hell, not just for you but for those who care about you like myself and your family. He also experienced distance healing from a distance healer based hundreds of miles away.

I've had my own experiences with the occult such as deep spiritual experiences with psilocybin mushrooms, fantastic gifts from nature which lift the veil between the material and the spiritual. During these experiences I have had interactions with gods such as Shiva who have shared deep philosophical insights with me and even offered practical advice which has helped me overcome some difficulties within my life. I never received any help from Yahweh when I was Christian. Most of the time I lived in fear of being judged and condemned for not being good enough in Yahweh's eyes.

That is the difference between my relationship between Yahweh and Shiva. My relationship with Yahweh was King and Subject. A relationship predicated on and fueled by fear. This "love" isn't really love at all and is simply tyrannical cohesion. My love for Shiva is genuine and absolute. Not just for him, but for the rest of the pantheon of Shiva/Enki's gods and goddesses who love humanity authentically and do what they can to help, despite being cut off from us by Yahweh.

Lucas88 and myself have also both seen a medium who offered us a glimpse of the future with astonishing accuracy using tarot cards combined with her interpretation of the cards. This is yet another example of how spirituality and the occult has experiential basis when compared with Christianity and the absence of God in our world.

How I believe the tarot cards work is I believe there is an ethereal field known as the Akashic Records, which is sort of a mental plane containing all the ideas, thoughts and actions that have ever been or will ever be in the past present and future. When a person shuffles the cards and transfers their energy onto the cards the medium then interprets the events that will transpire according to what the cards show.

Plato had an idea of the Akashic Records in his philosophical Theory of Forms, which I talked more about in the Aesthetics thread I made. He said that there exists the perfect form of everything in an abstract realm of forms and our physical reality is a shadow of that fundamental ethereal plane with these perfect forms becoming manifested as imperfect versions or representations of themselves.

The Akashic Records is also the realm of ideas. So anytime you feel a burst of creative inspiration you may have drawn that idea by unknowingly tapping into the ethereal Akashic Records. Take the invention of the television. Two separate inventors created the television independently of one another. Scottish inventor John Logie Baird and American inventor Charles Francis Jenkins. Both devices were invented in the early 1920s with one beating the other to the patent office marginally.
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Re: Christianity vs Atheism vs Spirituality

Post by Outcast9428 »


Well I would say of all the religions in the world that are not Christianity… Hinduism is the religion that I have the most respect for. Mainly because Hinduism directly addresses the issue of animal suffering and encourages it’s followers to be vegetarian. The amount of animal lives that have been saved by Hinduism and the positive environmental effect it has had as a result of encouraging hundreds of millions of people to be vegetarian or semi-vegetarian is unfathomable.

If somebody is not going to be Christian then Hinduism is a fantastic alternative. In some ways I latently believe a lot of the same things as they do. I actually do tend towards believing that reincarnation is real and that people live multiple lives on Earth because God wants to give us a chance to right the wrongs we made in past lives. My respect for the Indians actually rivals my respect for East Asians. Even if India is a poor country I consider them to be the most spiritually rich country on Earth.
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Re: Christianity vs Atheism vs Spirituality

Post by MrMan »

@Outcast9428 Hinduism is diametrically opposed to Christianity, endorsing the worship of other gods, encouraging demonic experiences, considering people afflicted by demons as being blessed by the gods, etc.

This gay and trans stuff was apparently fueled by Hindu philosophy, apparently. They have eunuch/trans types in India and have for a very long time.

As a culture, India has developed many tasty cuisines that make vegetarianism palatable. It would probably be good for many of us in the west to eat more vegetables.

I think many Indians do eat chickens, though, and may offer them as sacrifices. They may sacrifice goats or other animals.
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Re: Christianity vs Atheism vs Spirituality

Post by Outcast9428 »

MrMan wrote:
August 16th, 2022, 12:59 pm
@Outcast9428 Hinduism is diametrically opposed to Christianity, endorsing the worship of other gods, encouraging demonic experiences, considering people afflicted by demons as being blessed by the gods, etc.

This gay and trans stuff was apparently fueled by Hindu philosophy, apparently. They have eunuch/trans types in India and have for a very long time.

As a culture, India has developed many tasty cuisines that make vegetarianism palatable. It would probably be good for many of us in the west to eat more vegetables.

I think many Indians do eat chickens, though, and may offer them as sacrifices. They may sacrifice goats or other animals.
Most of that doesn’t really sound right. I know animal sacrifices are not a part of Hinduism nor is eating chickens. Most of the people in India who eat meat are Muslim. Hinduism is very big on animal rights/welfare. I’ve never heard anything about it supporting gay/tranny stuff either. They do have a lot of different gods in their religion which is not good but I still have a lot of respect on a philosophical basis for Hinduism.
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Re: Christianity vs Atheism vs Spirituality

Post by Lucas88 »

Outcast9428 wrote:
August 16th, 2022, 9:19 am

Well I would say of all the religions in the world that are not Christianity… Hinduism is the religion that I have the most respect for. Mainly because Hinduism directly addresses the issue of animal suffering and encourages it’s followers to be vegetarian. The amount of animal lives that have been saved by Hinduism and the positive environmental effect it has had as a result of encouraging hundreds of millions of people to be vegetarian or semi-vegetarian is unfathomable.

If somebody is not going to be Christian then Hinduism is a fantastic alternative. In some ways I latently believe a lot of the same things as they do. I actually do tend towards believing that reincarnation is real and that people live multiple lives on Earth because God wants to give us a chance to right the wrongs we made in past lives. My respect for the Indians actually rivals my respect for East Asians. Even if India is a poor country I consider them to be the most spiritually rich country on Earth.
I've studied Hinduism to a degree and have even read the Shrimad Bhagavatam even though I'm not a Hindu.

I also occasionally watch a YouTube channel called DharmaNation whose mission is to advocate an authentic interpretation of the Vedic worldview (as opposed to the New Age syncretism which abounds today) and promote Dharmic traditionalism in modern times. I think that you might like it. :D

Here is a philosophical meditation from the channel:


Another inspiring reflection upon Aryatva (path of nobility):

The channel's creator is Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya. He has a deep knowledge of Hinduism and philosophy in general, promotes Dharmic traditionalism as an antidote to the modern world in the Kali Yuga, appears to be a very sincere individual, and is redpilled on many of the issues that we face today (even if he has to tone it down a little to avoid YouTube censorship).

Acharya is a staunch defender of traditional Vedic religion as taught in the Vedas and Puranas and is opposed to the syncretic New Age "Hinduism" popular among the alternative crowd in the west. He also talks about the New World Order and its evil cabal and conspiracy to subvert all that is good and even has the balls to point the finger at the Jews once in a while. In fact Acharya denounces the Hebrew religion as a demonic sect and identifies the Jewish god Yahweh as an asura (demonic being opposed to the benevolent devas) in one of his videos. He also speaks critically of Islam which he sees as another demonic sect of the asuras. He's also a fervent critic of Marxism.

Acharya promotes vegetarianism but explains that in India it is most strictly practiced by the Brahmana varna. Other varnas (Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras) typically eat meat. The Brahmana abstains from meat because it is his goal to partake in divinity to a greater degree.

Acharya also explains that the Hindu "caste system" was originally simply a quadripartite division of vocations in accordance with each soul's individual nature but that this was corrupted and perverted in later Hinduism and then continued and exacerbated under Muslim and British rule.

Hinduism doesn't promote homosexuality or transgenderism. The culture was simply tolerant of such individuals born that way but such a lifestyle was never promoted as it's being promoted today with the neo-Marxist-derived "woke" ideology. All of that shit is being pushed by perverted Jews (a race which belongs to the asuras), not by Hindus! :lol:
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Re: Christianity vs Atheism vs Spirituality

Post by MrMan »

Outcast9428 wrote:
August 16th, 2022, 2:08 pm
MrMan wrote:
August 16th, 2022, 12:59 pm
@Outcast9428 Hinduism is diametrically opposed to Christianity, endorsing the worship of other gods, encouraging demonic experiences, considering people afflicted by demons as being blessed by the gods, etc.

This gay and trans stuff was apparently fueled by Hindu philosophy, apparently. They have eunuch/trans types in India and have for a very long time.

As a culture, India has developed many tasty cuisines that make vegetarianism palatable. It would probably be good for many of us in the west to eat more vegetables.

I think many Indians do eat chickens, though, and may offer them as sacrifices. They may sacrifice goats or other animals.
Most of that doesn’t really sound right. I know animal sacrifices are not a part of Hinduism nor is eating chickens. Most of the people in India who eat meat are Muslim. Hinduism is very big on animal rights/welfare. I’ve never heard anything about it supporting gay/tranny stuff either. They do have a lot of different gods in their religion which is not good but I still have a lot of respect on a philosophical basis for Hinduism.
Some practice it. Some don't:

From ... 0to%20Agni.
Animal sacrifice is practiced in the states of Assam, Odisha, Jharkhand, West Bengal and Tripura in Eastern India, as well as in the nation of Nepal. The sacrifice involves slaying of goats, chickens, pigeons and male Water buffaloes.[24] For example, one of the largest animal sacrifice in Nepal occurs over the three-day-long Gadhimai festival. In 2009 it was speculated that more than 250,000 animals were killed[25] while 5 million devotees attended the festival.[26] The Gadhimai festival was banned by the Nepal government in 2015.[27]
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Re: Christianity vs Atheism vs Spirituality

Post by Outcast9428 »

MrMan wrote:
August 16th, 2022, 4:24 pm
Outcast9428 wrote:
August 16th, 2022, 2:08 pm
MrMan wrote:
August 16th, 2022, 12:59 pm
@Outcast9428 Hinduism is diametrically opposed to Christianity, endorsing the worship of other gods, encouraging demonic experiences, considering people afflicted by demons as being blessed by the gods, etc.

This gay and trans stuff was apparently fueled by Hindu philosophy, apparently. They have eunuch/trans types in India and have for a very long time.

As a culture, India has developed many tasty cuisines that make vegetarianism palatable. It would probably be good for many of us in the west to eat more vegetables.

I think many Indians do eat chickens, though, and may offer them as sacrifices. They may sacrifice goats or other animals.
Most of that doesn’t really sound right. I know animal sacrifices are not a part of Hinduism nor is eating chickens. Most of the people in India who eat meat are Muslim. Hinduism is very big on animal rights/welfare. I’ve never heard anything about it supporting gay/tranny stuff either. They do have a lot of different gods in their religion which is not good but I still have a lot of respect on a philosophical basis for Hinduism.
Some practice it. Some don't:

From ... 0to%20Agni.
Animal sacrifice is practiced in the states of Assam, Odisha, Jharkhand, West Bengal and Tripura in Eastern India, as well as in the nation of Nepal. The sacrifice involves slaying of goats, chickens, pigeons and male Water buffaloes.[24] For example, one of the largest animal sacrifice in Nepal occurs over the three-day-long Gadhimai festival. In 2009 it was speculated that more than 250,000 animals were killed[25] while 5 million devotees attended the festival.[26] The Gadhimai festival was banned by the Nepal government in 2015.[27]
Yeah that is pretty barbaric. It seems to contradict a lot of other Hindu teachings but I suppose the religion isn’t all the same kind of like how Mormons are very different from other sects of Christianity.

I’m not saying that I am Hindu or anything by the way. I just have a lot of respect for certain parts of it. I actually do believe in reincarnation and karma in a general sense. It’s something I’ve always felt to be true. I can’t rationally explain that one but I think people only go to Heaven when they have learned everything that the soul can learn and conquered every sin that the soul can conquer and that people only go to hell if they are absolutely irredeemable.
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Re: Christianity vs Atheism vs Spirituality

Post by Pixel--Dude »

Outcast9428 wrote:
August 16th, 2022, 4:36 pm
MrMan wrote:
August 16th, 2022, 4:24 pm
Outcast9428 wrote:
August 16th, 2022, 2:08 pm
MrMan wrote:
August 16th, 2022, 12:59 pm
@Outcast9428 Hinduism is diametrically opposed to Christianity, endorsing the worship of other gods, encouraging demonic experiences, considering people afflicted by demons as being blessed by the gods, etc.

This gay and trans stuff was apparently fueled by Hindu philosophy, apparently. They have eunuch/trans types in India and have for a very long time.

As a culture, India has developed many tasty cuisines that make vegetarianism palatable. It would probably be good for many of us in the west to eat more vegetables.

I think many Indians do eat chickens, though, and may offer them as sacrifices. They may sacrifice goats or other animals.
Most of that doesn’t really sound right. I know animal sacrifices are not a part of Hinduism nor is eating chickens. Most of the people in India who eat meat are Muslim. Hinduism is very big on animal rights/welfare. I’ve never heard anything about it supporting gay/tranny stuff either. They do have a lot of different gods in their religion which is not good but I still have a lot of respect on a philosophical basis for Hinduism.
Some practice it. Some don't:

From ... 0to%20Agni.
Animal sacrifice is practiced in the states of Assam, Odisha, Jharkhand, West Bengal and Tripura in Eastern India, as well as in the nation of Nepal. The sacrifice involves slaying of goats, chickens, pigeons and male Water buffaloes.[24] For example, one of the largest animal sacrifice in Nepal occurs over the three-day-long Gadhimai festival. In 2009 it was speculated that more than 250,000 animals were killed[25] while 5 million devotees attended the festival.[26] The Gadhimai festival was banned by the Nepal government in 2015.[27]
Yeah that is pretty barbaric. It seems to contradict a lot of other Hindu teachings but I suppose the religion isn’t all the same kind of like how Mormons are very different from other sects of Christianity.

I’m not saying that I am Hindu or anything by the way. I just have a lot of respect for certain parts of it. I actually do believe in reincarnation and karma in a general sense. It’s something I’ve always felt to be true. I can’t rationally explain that one but I think people only go to Heaven when they have learned everything that the soul can learn and conquered every sin that the soul can conquer and that people only go to hell if they are absolutely irredeemable.
Most Hindus follow the doctrine of Ahimsa, which is the ethical principle of non-injury to any living creature. A doctrine also followed by Buddhists and Jainists. A large percentage of Hindus are vegetarian and don't eat meat. But, as you say, it depends on the current of Hinduism they follow as there are a few. I myself have been vegetarian for several years and strive not to hurt any living thing. Although I do make exceptions for mosquitoes! Mosquitoes and anything that tries to parasite from me is fair game as fair as I'm concerned :lol:

I also believe in reincarnation! I believe the physical world is the world of action through which our soul gathers experience and grows as a result. Where our beliefs differ I suppose is that I believe in the Kundalini and the practice of raising the Kundalini is how one obtains godhood and breaks the cycle of reincarnation. This is the main goal of Hinduism.

Children can sometimes have past life memories, my ex girlfriend's niece talked about being married and living with her husband. Here is an article about a study into the claims of children who have had past lives. ... ous-lives/


The gay and trans stuff is not fueled by Hindu philosophy, that is an erroneous lie propagated by Christian fundamentalists who seek to defame Hindu philosophy with this nonsense. But as for this particular point, I shall address it with more detail in the thread about teachers teaching kids that Heterosexuality is oppressive, as this side of the argument has been addressed more in depth in that thread.

For this thread, and this current debate, let's focus more on the aspect of animal sacrifice in the respective religions of Christianity and Hinduism.

The four main sects of Hinduism are Vaishnavism, Shaivism, Shaktism, and Smartism. And as far as I am aware there is only Shaktism which advocates the sacrifice of animals. I am not Hindu, but I'd say if I had to choose a denomination which I gravitate to the most it would have to be Shaivism, as my love and respect for the god Shiva is absolute.

The old testament advocates animal sacrifice to atone for sin, but it is only a bad thing when it is practiced in Hinduism? The sacrifice of animals to atone for sin was negated through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. I did make some observations about this doctrine, which is the foundational principle of your religion, but you didn't respond to it. I'll quote it below so you may have a chance to address it:

"I wanted to analyse the significance of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and ask what you guys think to the reflection.

Sacrifice of animals was common before the times of Jesus Christ, because as Paul said "The wages of sin are death!" People today value different things, but back then people would have valued animals for their food, clothing and financial security. So someone committing a sin would sacrifice one of their valued animals to God to atone for their sin.

The reason Christians don't sacrifice animals anymore is because of the substitutional sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Both were means to the same end, which was accounting for sin. Here are 5 distinctions between the two forms of sacrifice:

1. The first important distinction is that when an animal is sacrificed it does not come back to life. It is a permanent loss. If among your flock you had an animal that could bring itself back from the dead, how meaningful would it be to sacrifice that particular animal? How would that even be a loss or a sacrifice if the animal just came back to you after you lost it?

2. The second distinction is that animal sacrifice was not retroactive like the sacrifice of Jesus. First came sin and then the sacrifice followed. This is true for everyone before the sacrifice of Jesus Christ but not after. It would be shallow and insincere to kill an animal as an insurance policy just in case you sin in the future, or preemptively performing a sacrifice today so you can sin tomorrow. The sacrifice loses its meaning when you can sin with the knowledge that a sacrifice has already been made on your behalf. With the knowledge of the sacrifice of Jesus people know their sacrifice was already made and this can become a consideration for pretty much any sin.

3. Animals do not choose to be sacrificed is another distinction. They were chosen by their owners. How would the meaning of the sacrifice change if it were the animal that volunteered to be sacrificed? Thusly taking away responsibility from their owners? The focus would shift from it being the owners act to the animals act. This would fundamentally changing the dynamic for atonement, yet this is exactly what can be observed with Christianity. Jesus, unlike the animal, was a willing participant in his own sacrifice.

4. A fourth distinction is that people killed animals they valued, that is why the sacrifice is supposed to have meaning. But the people who killed Jesus did not value him. For whom was Jesus truly sacrificed?

5. Finally, animals were sacrificed to atone for the sin of the person who killed them. A sacrifice must be an intentional act for it to be considered a sacrifice, yet the people who killed Jesus didn't kill him for him to be offered as a sacrifice. When someone offered an animal as a sacrifice they intended that animal to be a sacrifice for their sin, in Christianity however it was God who valued Jesus and God who intentionally offered Jesus as a sacrifice. Given what we know about sacrifice this tells us that the sacrifice of Jesus Christ was because God did something wrong and God offered a valued sacrifice to atone for God's wrongdoing. Because sacrificing Jesus would not be a logical way for humans to atone for their sin, but it would be a logical way for God to atone. Jesus never belonged to us, he belonged to God and therefore wasn't ours to sacrifice.

What if Christianity makes more sense if it is God who is asking humanity for forgiveness? And what if that is why the teachings of Jesus were mostly about the value of forgiveness? Yahweh trying to win over humanity with a sacrifice which loses its meaning when that which he offered as a sacrifice would just come back to him.

The sacrifice of Jesus Christ is the foundational principle on which the entire religion is built. But what do the previous considerations tell us about its true meaning?"
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Re: Christianity vs Atheism vs Spirituality

Post by WilliamSmith »

While I agree, broadly speaking, with @Pixel--Dude and @Lucas88 on the pretty much irrefutable astrotheological/pagan origins, and issues with jews using the Old Testament as well as Talmud to justify massive atrocities and genocide against gentile humanity, I wanted to weigh back in on the theme of how Christians and Muslims (among others) who are red pilled on jews are valuable allies, and the importance of getting along with them so we can get rid of the tribe that is all of our mutual mortal enemy:

I've already made a lot of noise as a Farrakhan super-fan, but another perfect example of who I mean is this E. Michael Jones, a devout traditional Catholic if I'm not mistaken.
@gsjackson already knew details about his background before I did (I remember from the Roe related thread when I posted an article by him, but I didn't know his background then), and he posted another today by Jones on the Dugin car bombing, which reminded me of a book by him I discovered.

Plenty of good free articles by him are here:

More about him here:

I want him to get financial support for his work, but to be frank I found a PDF floating around of his book:
"The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and its Impact on World History"

You can get the original 3 volume set here for $75 $$'s, but curious if you read this book @gsjackson (or any of the rest of you)? ... ary-spirit

It looks like it gets into a lot of eye-opening red pill history that no one is going to be hearing from jewdeo christians crawling to the jews, or who actually consider our mortal enemy Israel a supposed "ally."


Chapter One
The Synagogue of Satan

Chapter Two
Julian the Apostate and the Doomed Temple

Chapter Three
Rome Discovers the Talmud

Chapter Four
False Conversion and the Inquisition

Chapter Five
The Revolution Arrives in Europe

Chapter Six
The Converso Problem

Chapter Seven
Reuchlin vs. Pfefferkorn

Chapter Eight
Thomas Muentzer and the Peasant Revolt

Chapter Nine
The Anabaptist Rebellion

Chapter Ten
John Dee and Magic

Chapter Eleven
Menassah and the Apostate Messiah

Chapter Twelve
The Rise of Freemasonry

Chapter Thirteen
The Revolution of 1848

Chapter Fourteen
Ottilie Assing and the American Civil War

Chapter Fifteen
From Emancipation to Assassination

Chapter Sixteen
The Redemption of the South and the NAACP

Chapter Seventeen
The Trial of Leo Frank

Chapter Eighteen
The Spread of Bolshevism

Chapter Nineteen
Marcus Garvey

Chapter Twenty
The Scottsboro Boys

Chapter Twenty-One
Revolutionary Music in the

Chapter Twenty-Two
Lorraine Hansberry

Chapter Twenty-Three
The Birth of Conservatism

Chapter Twenty-Four
The Second Vatican Council Begins

Chapter Twenty-Five
Folk Music meets the Civil Rights Movement

Chapter Twenty-Six
The Sign in Sidney Brustein's Window

Chapter Twenty-Seven
The Third Session of the Council

Chapter Twenty-Eight
Jews and Abortion

Chapter Twenty-Nine
The Black Panthers

Chapter Thirty
The Messiah Arrives Again

Chapter Thirty-One
The Jewish Takeover of American Culture

Chapter Thirty-Two
The Neoconservative Era

The Conversion of the Revolutionary Jew
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) :
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Re: Christianity vs Atheism vs Spirituality

Post by CaptainSkelebob »

I've never been interested in religion and always seen it as very unnecessary and archaic. Science demonstrates through evolution and the big bang that no god is necessary for life to develop.
Spirituality and religion are no different from each other and shouldn't of gathered such a large following.
Think about it like this if we removed all knowledge of science and any notions of sky fairies and new age rubbish from our society then eventually we would rediscover forgotten scientific knowledge as time went on.
Fairy tales such as biblical lore and new age philosophy would be forgotten forever as there is nothing scientific to discover about these things.
Like I said it is very archaic and I can't believe in the 21st century ppl are still having this debate
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Re: Christianity vs Atheism vs Spirituality

Post by WilliamSmith »

I decided to reply to @WanderingProtagonist in this thread because I got off topic from the "Mew6ix is a Troll" thread we were talking in, LOL. :)
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
August 28th, 2022, 8:55 pm
My mother who is a hardcore christian, always says things like the Israelis are GODs people, I think she has a positive outlook about Jewish people but isn't aware of any of the stuff they've done or want to do if they haven't already. But I try not to discuss a lot of these things with her, I mean I love my mom and I already worry enough as it is about her dying one day. So I don't like filling her head with anything that might make her extremely upset, disappointed, or just unhappy
I think you're doing the right thing in just letting her have her peace in her faith at that point in her life.

The insanity of christian zionism among younger and influential people who actually have power to do something to stop the jews from going on with their wickedness by supporting the abomination israel is another story, especially when most of the secular and religious jews openly despise Christians: Even that hook-nosed beady eyed rat "Bibi" (Netanyahu) made openly hostile contemptuous comments about christian zionists who support israel, for example.

Of course Farrakhan's NOI crowd I believe thinks that black people are the real children of Israel and the synagogue of satan jews are lying imposters, and tons of black people also believe that whether they're NOI or black Christian groups. :lol: (No idea about the black part, hey maybe there's some truth to it, I don't know, but it'd be interesting to look into with more free time maybe. But I believe the synagogue of satan stuff is also written in parts of the bible, not that it matters to me as a spiritual/agnostic non-religious person, since I can tell it's true just from watching the jews and their actions.)

But anyway, I think you're doing the right thing to just let your Mom have her sense of peace in her faith, even if she's under the delusion the israeli and international jew bloodsuckers are somehow the people of God, when they're obviously the dead opposite.

But I agree that upsetting our Moms when they are in their old age and did the best they could doesn't make sense, better to let them have as much peace in their hearts and spirit as they can.

Anyway, I think a lot of people can be very spiritual people even if the objective details of their religions are, frankly, a bunch of lies fabricated by jews.

I personally think there's positive spiritual forces out there that care about people and can hear everyone's thoughts and prayers, even if most of the religion is a bunch of bs.

If people take up a lot of harmful secular activities based on a bunch of religious beliefs (zionism, jihad, and any other weird shit Hindus or other religious groups get into, just to name 3), that can be a real problem, but I noticed earlier posts from both the agnostic/spiritual posters and the Christian ones talking about different experiences that the JCs took to be from "God," but the spiritual types have the very same kind of experiences, whether they interpret is as messages from the "higher self" or whatever conception they put on it....
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) :
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Re: Christianity vs Atheism vs Spirituality

Post by Tsar »

WilliamSmith wrote:
August 29th, 2022, 1:07 pm
...I noticed earlier posts from both the agnostic/spiritual posters and the Christian ones talking about different experiences that the JCs took to be from "God," but the spiritual types have the very same kind of experiences, whether they interpret is as messages from the "higher self" or whatever conception they put on it....
What does the acronym JCs mean?
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Re: Christianity vs Atheism vs Spirituality

Post by galii »

CaptainSkelebob wrote:
August 24th, 2022, 6:33 am
I've never been interested in religion and always seen it as very unnecessary and archaic. Science demonstrates through evolution and the big bang that no god is necessary for life to develop.
Spirituality and religion are no different from each other and shouldn't of gathered such a large following.
Think about it like this if we removed all knowledge of science and any notions of sky fairies and new age rubbish from our society then eventually we would rediscover forgotten scientific knowledge as time went on.
Fairy tales such as biblical lore and new age philosophy would be forgotten forever as there is nothing scientific to discover about these things.
Like I said it is very archaic and I can't believe in the 21st century ppl are still having this debate
The reason why there is a debate is that people need a reason to make kids. Without spiritual wuwu and education reasonable people would not make kids. The universe has a bias towards lies in that regard.

If you use your brain life makes no sense but for spiritual weirdos it makes sense.
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