Christianity's Failed Prophecies for 2,000 Years - Why Are They So Stupid?

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Christianity's Failed Prophecies for 2,000 Years - Why Are They So Stupid?

Post by Winston »

Why are Christians so stupid: Christian Myths, False History and Failed Prophecies

I don't get something. Any casual researcher can easily discover that the teachings of Christianity contain plenty of obvious false history about its origins and development, and that its prophecies have failed hundreds of times. Even Christians should realize this by now, and they should have hundreds of years ago. So why does the religion still exist? Why are there still devoted followers of it? How can they be scammed hundreds of times yet still continue to fall for it? It's mind boggling.

Here are some examples of Christian myths and key points:

- Jesus did not fulfill the messianic prophecies of the Old Testament. The OT prophesied a warrior king type messiah that would establish a political kingdom in Israel and make it the most powerful country in the world. Any Judaic scholar or rabbi could tell you that and prove it to you. It says so in the Torah and Old Testament, and even in the tenets and teachings of Judaism which predate Christianity. So no, the OT and NT do not fit together or teach the same thing, as Christians claim. This is obvious. The messianic prophecies of the Bible had NOTHING to do with a messiah that would come and die on the cross to redeem mankind of sin. That was entirely a creation of the Christian Church, not the Old Testament.

- Christianity evolved and went through many changes and stages. It has not stayed the same since the time of Jesus and his early followers. The first Christians did not believe what modern Christians did. They did not even carry a cross or use one as a symbol. The religion that Jesus taught was different than what Paul taught. And when the Roman Catholic Church institutionalized Christianity, it became totally different altogether. It then became an instrument of social control, comprised of Egyptian and pagan symbolism, motifs and theologies. Even mainstream historians and encyclopedias acknowledge this. The words, symbols and dates of Astrology and Sun Worship are all in Christianity. The first part of the movie Zeitgeist explains this very well:

- The Christian doctrine that asking Jesus into your heart and asking him to forgive your sins will give you eternal salvation in heaven is something that started in the Protestant Reformation in the 1500's. It didn't start in Jesus' time, as Christians assume. Anyone who looks at the history of Christianity can see this. Before the Reformation, Christians did not believe that salvation was that simple and easy. The historical records show that.

- The Gnostic Gospels found in 1945 in the Nag Hammadi area of Egypt, reveal that the early teachings of Jesus were simple, not religious, and very similar to what the Buddha originally taught before Buddhism became institutionalized too. The original teachings were not filled with rules and systems, but were simple spiritual teachings designed for one to focus on the realization of spirit rather than materialism and matter. There is even circumstantial evidence that the historical Jesus (if he existed) went to India between the age of 12 and 30, which a Russian author discovered in Tibetan documents during the 1800's. Not surprisingly, the Church suppressed this and attempted to wipe out Gnostic Christianity to make way for the institutionalized version.

- What this means is that the original Jesus (if he existed) probably never said that you have to believe in him and that he died for your sins on the cross in order to be saved and go to heaven, as the New Testament claims. That's a doctrine that the Church created for social control. Jesus did not even claim to be the messiah or the Son of God or that he was God himself. He simply realized the divinity within himself and within us all, which we've forgotten. But from then on, his teachings and name were perverted by many groups, first by Paul, then by Constantine, the Council of Nicea, the Roman Church and then by the Protestant Reformation. Christianity is merely the result of the agenda of one group after another. It evolved over time, and did NOT remain constant or the same.

- Remember that most of the Christian doctrines were decided upon at the Council of Nicea, set up by the Roman Emperor Constantine in the 300's AD, because he wanted all the Christian sects to agree on ONE set of official doctrines for the new state religion of Rome, before he could institutionalize Christianity as the official religion of the Roman Empire. The Council of Nicea also decided which books were going to be canonized into the official Bible and which were to be thrown out. So the Bible was put together by HUMANS (with political agendas and motives), not by an infallible deity. The Council also deified Jesus by deciding to make him God and creating the concept of the Trinity, which did not exist prior. Thus Constantine and his Council had more control over what Christianity preaches today, then Jesus ever did. Christians always forget that even though it's obvious.

- Jesus and Paul taught a different religion and theology. Jesus said that he came "not to abolish the law but to fulfill it" (Matthew 5:17) and that his followers had to become Jews and follow Jewish laws and rituals. But Paul said that the Jewish laws were no longer necessary and that Gentiles could become Christians without becoming Jews or following Jewish laws. That was not what Jesus said, no Jewish Messiah would abolish Jewish law. So in effect, Paul was like a false apostle or anti-Christ, since he taught a different religion and overturned what Jesus said.

- Even within the 66 books of the Bible, written over a long period of time, the theology is not consistent. Most of the Old Testament books do not teach that there is an afterlife and resurrection of the soul, or that there is a heaven and hell. That concept didn't even enter Judaism until the influence of Zoroastrianism from Persia affected the Bible writers. Zoroastrianism was the first religion that taught the concept of a God and Devil and Resurrection and Afterlife. When the Israelites were under the captivity of the Persians, they adopted the same motifs. What a coincidence, not. That's why historians and even the encyclopedia acknowledge that the Bible got its idea of God and Satan and the Resurrection of Souls, from Zoroastrianism in Persia. So these concepts are not original to Christianity at all.

- The Bible does not teach that Lucifer is Satan. Nor does it say that the Serpent in the Garden of Eden (who told the truth, that Adam and Eve would not die if they ate the forbidden fruit, whereas God lied) was Satan either. There is no evidence for any of that, even in the Bible. Those are things that the Christian Church taught and put into the New Testament. Nothing in the original Old Testament said that. The Church needed something to blame for sin and evil, so they created the concept of Satan and the devil. But the Satan in the Old Testament simply meant "the opposer" and in the book of Job, Satan talked to God as if they were friends and was part of God's council. And Lucifer simply means "bringer of light", not evil or darkness.

- The BS Apocalyptic prophecies of the End Times in the book of Revelation and predicted by many leaders, have FAILED hundreds of times at least, if not thousands of times. Every generation in the last 2,000 years thought that they were living in the "End Times" and every single time they were wrong. How can Christians be wrong hundreds of times yet they still don't get it? If you were scammed a few times, you'd realize that you were scammed right? Yet how come then when Christians are scammed HUNDREDS of times, they still continue to believe that they are living in the end times and awaiting the Second Coming of Christ? How stupid can people be? It's beyond belief.

- This theme of an apocalyptic battle followed by a long lasting era of peace, is actually a common theme in many religions -- such as Judaism, Islam and Zoroastrianism. It's even preached in Communist ideology. Karl Marx wrote in his Communist Manifesto that there would be an apocalyptic battle between the workers and bourgeoisie class followed by an era of peace and social justice, similar to the 1000 year millennial reign of Christ after the battle of Armageddon in the Bible. Yet all apocalyptic prophecies have failed, 100 percent of them. Sure there have been world wars, but NONE of them were followed by 1000 years of peace. So why does anyone still believe in them? That's baffling.

Yet in spite of all this, Christianity still exists because some people want to believe it. And of course, many people will believe anything they hear, regardless of whether its true or not. Many people need to believe in something, even if it's not true. That seems to be the case. It's not logical, but it's true.

Check out this must see documentary called "Christian Dilemmas: The Untold Story of Biblical Conflict". It covers the above Christian myths I listed above, among others. In it, Bible scholars and experts point out many discrepancies, myths, false facts, and fallacies of the Bible and official Christian teaching and doctrines. The ones pointed out are mind blowing and include some that I never even knew about. You will learn a lot from it. It even goes over the shocking revelation that Paul was actually a false prophet or Anti-Christ, based on the criteria that Jesus gave. Such revelations shake the foundation of orthodox Christianity at the core.

Supposedly, according to Jordan Maxwell and other experts on Astrotheology, Christianity was the religion of the Age of Pisces, which was the last 2000 years and is now coming to a close. (That's why Jesus was depicted with the fish symbol since Pisces is the twin fish, and why the Pope wears a fish mouth on his hat) As we enter the Age of Aquarius, there is supposed to be a new religion, perhaps one suited for Transhumanism and the New World Order. That may be why Christianity is dwindling in popularity, and why there are less Christians now than in the past, percentage-wise that is. Christianity seems to be losing ground and making way for whatever belief system or religion comes next. That's why it's losing popularity and dominance in the world. So why cling to something that's on the way out? It was outdated long ago. Yet some still believe in it and take it seriously. Very odd.
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Re: Why are Christians so stupid? False History, Failed Prop

Post by Yohan »

Winston wrote:Any casual researcher can easily discover that the teachings of Christianity contain plenty of obvious false history about its origins and development, and that its prophecies have failed hundreds of times. Even Christians should realize this by now...
You can say the same about every religion, my understandings is if peoples are dying out, their religions will also vanish, good examples are the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans. Simply said, outdated.

It takes a while, hundreds of years or even thousands of years, but finally not only those peoples but their religions as well will be forgotten, will become history - and new religions will appear with entire new peoples living in an entire new environment.

Time is moving on and there is no reason to expect any religion to survive more than a few thousands of years.
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Re: Why are Christians so stupid? False History, Failed Prop

Post by Moretorque »

Thank's Winston, some of your post's are very good.
Last edited by Moretorque on June 16th, 2015, 3:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Why are Christians so stupid? False History, Failed Prop

Post by Adama »

Keep believing that nonsense. I wonder how many believers in heaven will laugh when this is read from your record in front of everyone, while the angels wisk you away to the Lake of Fire.
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Re: Why are Christians so stupid? False History, Failed Prop

Post by MrMan »

Winston wrote: - Jesus did not fulfill the messianic prophecies of the Old Testament. The OT prophesied a warrior king type messiah that would establish a political kingdom in Israel and make it the most powerful country in the world. Any Judaic scholar or rabbi could tell you that and prove it to you. It says so in the Torah and Old Testament, and even in the tenets and teachings of Judaism which predate Christianity. So no, the OT and NT do not fit together or teach the same thing, as Christians claim. This is obvious.
Moses was rejected by his own people and came back. (E.g. Stephen's sermon in Acts as an example of this belief.) Jesus was rejected by His people and will come back as the conquering people. Jesus did not fail to fulfill the prophecies. There are just certain prophecies that haven't been fulfilled yet.
The messianic prophecies of the Bible had NOTHING to do with a messiah that would come and die on the cross to redeem mankind of sin. That was entirely a creation of the Christian Church, not the Old Testament.
Maybe you haven't read all the prophecies or paid attention when you watched enough movies about the crucifixion and resurrection. The Old Testament tells of the suffering servant who would take upon Himself 'the iniquity of us all.' Psalm 22 says prophetically, "They have pierced my hands and my feet." Unbelieving Jews chose vowel pointings that reinterpret the passage, but the Septuagint translation from a few hundred years before the birth of Christ interpret it to refer to His hands and feet being pierced.

There were those who in the first century believed in two figures a Son of David Warrior Messiah, and a Son of Joseph suffering Servant. There is at least one scroll that has been discovered (not part of the Bible) that shows that there was a belief that both were the same figure. So that idea existed in first century Judaism. Whether it was a commonly held belief or not doesn't have all that much to do at how the prophecy would end up being fulfilled.
- Christianity evolved and went through many changes and stages. It has not stayed the same since the time of Jesus and his early followers. The first Christians did not believe what modern Christians did. They did not even carry a cross or use one as a symbol.
The cross is a symbol, and important to the culture of Christianity, but it's not central to the faith that Christians carry crosses around.
The religion that Jesus taught was different than what Paul taught.
Take a look at what Jesus said in the gospel of John and Paul's writings. Both emphasize the importance of faith in the Messiah.

In Luke 24, we read what Jesus said,
46 Then He said to them, “Thus it is written, and thus it was necessary for the Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day, 47 and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. (NKJV)

That's what Peter preached. That's what Paul preached.
And when the Roman Catholic Church institutionalized Christianity, it became totally different altogether. It then became an instrument of social control, comprised of Egyptian and pagan symbolism, motifs and theologies.
Maybe so. But that doesn't make Jesus' original message wrong.
- The Christian doctrine that asking Jesus into your heart and asking him to forgive your sins will give you eternal salvation in heaven is something that started in the Protestant Reformation in the 1500's.
I don't think you could find a single Reformer who taught that. That teaching is probably less than 50 years old, maybe 60, possibly 100 at the most. Christians believe that Jesus died for our sins and rose again from the dead. The 'ask Jesus into your heart' thing is not in the Bible.
- The Gnostic Gospels found in 1945 in the Nag Hammadi area of Egypt, reveal that the early teachings of Jesus were simple, not religious, and very similar to what the Buddha originally taught before Buddhism became institutionalized too. The original teachings were not filled with rules and systems, but were simple spiritual teachings designed for one to focus on the realization of spirit rather than materialism and matter.
There are a number of problems with gnostic religions. The writings are typically quite late, not the time of the original apostles. There is no good evidence linking the authors that the documents claim to the actual authors, and they teach a different message. They also rely on various Greek and possibly mystery religion ideas about matter being evil. Jesus may have rebuked some proto-gnostics in the book of Revelation. John may have been contradicting some proto-gnostic beliefs in I John. We have an actual disciple of Jesus who knew him who was against this sort of teaching.

Those history channel documentaries that talk about lost books of the Bible are sensational and trying to get viewers. They aren't the place for the best scholarship. Youtube documentaries aren't know to be reliable either.
There is even circumstantial evidence that the historical Jesus (if he existed) went to India between the age of 12 and 30, which a Russian author discovered in Tibetan documents during the 1800's. Not surprisingly, the Church suppressed this and attempted to wipe out Gnostic Christianity to make way for the institutionalized version.
I haven't heard any evidence that would suggest that Jesus, a Jewish man, would go to India where they worshipped detestable idols to learn from them. That doesn't sound realistic. Idolatry is anathema to serious Jews. I know some Hindus think that because Jesus did miracles, and they associate that with their religion, especially if they have experienced miracles of the demonic variety.

- That's a doctrine that the Church created for social control. Jesus did not even claim to be the messiah or the Son of God or that he was God himself.
In John 10, he claims to be the Son of God. In Matthew, he tells Peter that the Father had revealed to him that He was the Messiah, the Son of the living God.
He simply realized the divinity within himself and within us all, which we've forgotten.
That sounds like New Age mumbo jumbo. It's unlikely that any religious Jew in the first century would say such a thing. Do you think Jesus lived in California and ate a vegetarian diet, too?
- Remember that most of the Christian doctrines were decided upon at the Council of Nicea, set up by the Roman Emperor Constantine in the 300's AD, because he wanted all the Christian sects to agree on ONE set of official doctrines for the new state religion of Rome, before he could institutionalize Christianity as the official religion of the Roman Empire. The Council of Nicea also decided which books were going to be canonized into the official Bible and which were to be thrown out. So the Bible was put together by HUMANS (with political agendas and motives), not by an infallible deity. The Council also deified Jesus by deciding to make him God and creating the concept of the Trinity, which did not exist prior. Thus Constantine and his Council had more control over what Christianity preaches today, then Jesus ever did. Christians always forget that even though it's obvious.
There was a pretty good consensus on the canon before the council. The beliefs about Christ's divine nature, already in the New Testament, were held by the vast majority. There were two who did not agree with the majority view of the council. One was Arius.
- Jesus and Paul taught a different religion and theology. Jesus said that he came "not to abolish the law but to fulfill it" (Matthew 5:17) and that his followers had to become Jews and follow Jewish laws and rituals. But Paul said that the Jewish laws were no longer necessary and that Gentiles could become Christians without becoming Jews or following Jewish laws.
Show me one verse where Jesus ever said anything about Gentiles being required to convert to Judaism and follow the law. The law did not require the nations to convert to Judaism. The book of Amos spoke of those from the remnant of men, referring to the nations, on whom the name of the LORD would be called. The implication is that non-Israelites could have a relationship with God, too. The Torah tells of God's covenant with Noah, ancestor of Jew as well as Gentile. God gave Noah every living thing that moves to eat, but not the life which is in the blood. So the law which Jesus spoke of allows Gentiles to eat pork. Gentiles were never required to not shave the corners of their beards or many of those laws. The Torah tells us that God gave Israel laws to make them distinct from other nations.

The council in Jerusalem in Acts 15 realized this. Within a generation or so, Pharisaical Judaism recognized this. You can read about this, Gamaliel's son, for example, in the Talmud. The Jews today do not believe that Gentiles have to follow all the laws given to Israel to be righteous. There are certain things that are required of Gentiles, and the things the Jews believe in are similar to the list in Acts 15.
- Even within the 66 books of the Bible, written over a long period of time, the theology is not consistent. Most of the Old Testament books do not teach that there is an afterlife and resurrection of the soul, or that there is a heaven and hell.
I don't know here any of them teach a resurrection of the soul as distinct from the body. I don't know of a Christian doctrine called 'the resurrection of the soul.' Jesus pointed to the teaching of the resurrection where God said, "I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob." This indicates a continued existence for them, and Jesus gave it as evidence of the resurrection in the law. The book of Job refers to the resurrection, and Daniel explicitly teaches it.
That concept didn't even enter Judaism until the influence of Zoroastrianism from Persia affected the Bible writers. Zoroastrianism was the first religion that taught the concept of a God and Devil and Resurrection and Afterlife. When the Israelites were under the captivity of the Persians, they adopted the same motifs. What a coincidence, not. That's why historians and even the encyclopedia acknowledge that the Bible got its idea of God and Satan and the Resurrection of Souls, from Zoroastrianism in Persia. So these concepts are not original to Christianity at all.
The Torah mentions angels. Job may be one of the most ancient books and it mentions Satan. God spoke to Balaam, apparently a Gentile. I don't have a position 'yeah' or 'nay' on whether God revealed some things to Zoroaster.

Dying and going to heaven isn't mentioned in the Bible. The emphasis on that seems to have come later after the writing of the New Testament. First century Christians were waiting for the return of Christ and the resurrection of the body.
- The Bible does not teach that Lucifer is Satan.
That interpretation seems to rest heavily on an old Christian tradition.
Nor does it say that the Serpent in the Garden of Eden (who told the truth, that Adam and Eve would not die if they ate the forbidden fruit, whereas God lied) was Satan either. There is no evidence for any of that, even in the Bible.
Revelation identifies the serpent with the Devil, Satan.
Those are things that the Christian Church taught and put into the New Testament. Nothing in the original Old Testament said that. The Church needed something to blame for sin and evil, so they created the concept of Satan and the devil. But the Satan in the Old Testament simply meant "the opposer" and in the book of Job, Satan talked to God as if they were friends and was part of God's council. And Lucifer simply means "bringer of light", not evil or darkness.
None of this is evidence of actually changing the text of scripture, except using a Latin word to refer to the star 'Lucifer' in translation.
- The BS Apocalyptic prophecies of the End Times in the book of Revelation and predicted by many leaders, have FAILED hundreds of times at least, if not thousands of times. Every generation in the last 2000 years thought that they were living in the "End Times" and every single time they were wrong. How can Christians be wrong hundreds of times yet they still don't get it? If you were scammed a few times, you'd realize that you were scammed right?
Lots of people misinterpret the Bible. I don't think that fact is overlooked by many Christians. There are people who misinterpret details of the book of Revelation, and some small percentage of people follow them while most don't. That doesn't mean that Christ will not return.

Karl Marx wrote in his Communist Manifesto that there would be an apocalyptic battle between the workers and bourgeoisie class followed by an era of peace and social justice, similar to the 1000 year millennial reign of Christ after the battle of Armageddon in the Bible.
I met an American communist in the early 1990's who seemed to treat communism like his religion. I think that's pretty stupid. There is no reason to think that Karl Marx could read the future. He didn't seem very consistent with his own ideals in his own life. I believe this quote is attributed to him, "I am not a Marxist."
Yet all apocalyptic prophecies have failed, 100 percent of them. Sure there have been world wars, but NONE of them were followed by 1000 years of peace. So why does anyone still believe in them? That's baffling.
None of the world wars remotely resembled what is predicted in the Book of Revelation. The Book of Revelation doesn't talk about Americans and Russians conquering Germany or the Japanese conquering Asia, not that I know of at least.
Supposedly, according to Jordan Maxwell and other experts on Astrotheology, Christianity was the religion of the Age of Pisces, which was the last 2000 years and is now coming to a close. (That's why Jesus was depicted with the fish symbol since Pisces is the twin fish, and why the Pope wears a fish mouth on his hat) As we enter the Age of Aquarius, there is supposed to be a new religion, perhaps one suited for Transhumanism and the New World Order.
And so you are going to believe the astrologers? Well, some of their horoscopes seem to be true..... for anyone who reads them no matter what their 'sign' is, because they are so vague and general. At least in Christianity, there is a lot of evidence for miraculous healing, and there are plenty of cases of people knowing supernatural things about strangers from gifts of the Spirit if you hang around certain Christians long enough. I've seen evidence of both. A theologian named Keener recently came out with this massive volume of contemporary and historical miracles that he documented. I haven't read it yet, but it sounds interesting. What reason is there to believe in astrology?
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Re: Why are Christians so stupid? False History, Failed Prop

Post by zboy1 »

Christianity is not a "False" religion. I've seen and heard too many things not to believe in God and Jesus. You too, Winston, should get back to your Christian roots and beliefs. I think by doing so, you're inner turmoil will lessen and your soul will be saved.

As for the Gnostics, I find the Book of Enoch to be incredibly interesting and informative; it tells the story of the "Watchers" and the pre-flood civilization on Earth. For whatever reason, that book was omitted from the Bible even though they are parts of Genesis that refer to Enoch, the Watchers and the Fallen Angels. In fact, in some countries, the Book of Enoch is considered canonical with other parts of the Bible.
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Re: Why are Christians so stupid? False History, Failed Prop

Post by Yohan »

zboy1 wrote:Christianity is not a "False" religion. I've seen and heard too many things not to believe in God and Jesus. You too, Winston, should get back to your Christian roots and beliefs. I think by doing so, you're inner turmoil will lessen and your soul will be saved.
Christianity is nothing else but a product out of fantasy created by humans, depending on their location.

Different peoples created different religions which are fitting their cultural background.

Even if it is true that something like a 'God' might exist, there is no proof for an afterlife.

By my definition, a 'God' is something, which we cannot explain yet. We need still more scientific research about 'God', likely it's about particles and collision which created 'our world'.

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Re: Why are Christians so stupid? False History, Failed Prop

Post by Moretorque »

Yohan wrote:
zboy1 wrote:Christianity is not a "False" religion. I've seen and heard too many things not to believe in God and Jesus. You too, Winston, should get back to your Christian roots and beliefs. I think by doing so, you're inner turmoil will lessen and your soul will be saved.
Christianity is nothing else but a product out of fantasy created by humans, depending on their location.

Different peoples created different religions which are fitting their cultural background.

Even if it is true that something like a 'God' might exist, there is no proof for an afterlife.

By my definition, a 'God' is something, which we cannot explain yet. We need still more scientific research about 'God', likely it's about particles and collision which created 'our world'.

in Japan the research facility is

That's actually very good, I was watching a TV show and one of the scientist said God was what they did not understand and he admitted they do not understand a lot. Most people do not realize history is repeating and the people who wrote the bible new how predictable man is.

However now since 911 science has been turned completely into junk so you have no idea what to believe, one example is Global Warming..
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Re: Why are Christians so stupid? False History, Failed Prop

Post by Winston »

Adama wrote:Keep believing that nonsense. I wonder how many believers in heaven will laugh when this is read from your record in front of everyone, while the angels wisk you away to the Lake of Fire.
I could say that with other religions too. I could say that the Muslim believers in heaven will laugh while Allah's judgment on you wisks you away to hell in accordance with the Koran. You need to understand where your version of Christianity came from and how it evolved in order to lose your fear of it. Fear is what they used to control believers like you. Constantine first used fear when imposing the official version of Christianity onto everyone, which your religion came from.

Watch the documentary I posted above. It will teach you a lot and make you slap yourself on the head for being so stupid to fall for such an obvious con. Christianity contains a lot of false mind control and doctrines that were developed for political purposes and social control. Christianity contains a lot of lies, it's not as true as you think. And it is not in its original form either.

I used to fear Christianity and the Bible too, but then I realized that "knowledge is power" and the more I learned about it the less afraid I became. Little by little I had the courage to question Christianity until I became one of its biggest debunkers.

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Re: Why are Christians so stupid? False History, Failed Prop

Post by Winston »

I don't have time to respond to all your points, but here is more on the Jesus vs. Paul issue.

Paul taught his followers not to observe the Jewish Law:

Galatians 2:15-16
"We who are Jews by birth and not ‘Gentile sinners’ know that a man is not justified by observing the law, but by faith in Jesus Christ. So we, too, have put our faith in Christ Jesus that we may be justified by faith in Christ and not by observing the law, because by observing the law no one will be justified."

Paul's doctrine (faith not works) is central to modern Christianity, but fundamentally different to Jesus' doctrine (works not faith):

Matthew 19:16-17
"Now a man came up to Jesus and asked “Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life?” “Why do you ask me about what is good?” Jesus replied. “There is only one who is good. If you want to enter life, obey the commandments.”"

So you see, Jesus says that you have to OBEY the commandments to get into heaven. As far as Jesus was concerned, Christians were to follow the Jewish Law until heaven and earth disappeared:

Matthew 5:17-19
"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished."

The Bible clearly states, that Jesus did not intend for his doctrine to be superseded by Paul's:

Matthew 28:19-20
"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you."

See, he uses the word OBEY again, which means you have to DO what he says and what the law says. Most Christians are left with the amazing contradiction that they are following Paul's doctrine (faith not works), rather than Jesus' (works not faith). When one factors in:

Matthew 7:21-23
"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven. On that day many will say to me, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many deeds of power in your name?' Then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; go away from me, you evildoers.'"

So you see, he says only the one that DOES the will of the Father will go to heaven. So you have to DO God's will to go to heaven, not just have faith as Paul and modern Christianity says.

For more contradictions between Jesus and Paul: ... jesus.html

Videos on Jesus vs. Paul: ... us+vs+paul

Videos about Paul being a false prophet: ... se+prophet
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Re: Why are Christians so stupid? False History, Failed Prop

Post by MrMan »

Winston, there are two ways to salvation. One is not to sin. The other is by grace, through faith. Jesus spoke of both. He spoke of keeping the commandments to the rich young ruler, and His conversation with the man exposed the man's love of money. But Jesus also taught that those believed in Him could have everlasting life.
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Re: Why are Christians so stupid? False History, Failed Prop

Post by Adama »

Winston wrote:
Adama wrote:Keep believing that nonsense. I wonder how many believers in heaven will laugh when this is read from your record in front of everyone, while the angels wisk you away to the Lake of Fire.
I could say that with other religions too. I could say that the Muslim believers in heaven will laugh while Allah's judgment on you wisks you away to hell in accordance with the Koran. You need to understand where your version of Christianity came from and how it evolved in order to lose your fear of it. Fear is what they used to control believers like you. Constantine first used fear when imposing the official version of Christianity onto everyone, which your religion came from.

Watch the documentary I posted above. It will teach you a lot and make you slap yourself on the head for being so stupid to fall for such an obvious con. Christianity contains a lot of false mind control and doctrines that were developed for political purposes and social control. Christianity contains a lot of lies, it's not as true as you think. And it is not in its original form either.

I used to fear Christianity and the Bible too, but then I realized that "knowledge is power" and the more I learned about it the less afraid I became. Little by little I had the courage to question Christianity until I became one of its biggest debunkers.

See my articles here: ... ntents.htm ... Page36.htm ... Page31.htm ... naries.htm
That is the same lie Satan gave Eve in the Garden, which led to the downfall of humanity. It is a very powerful lie, as you can see, because people still fall for it, including yourself.

Who is the source of knowledge? It is God, not you, not books, not Satan.

Constantine was not a true believer. Christianity doesnt come from Constantine. The Catholic false Gospel comes from Constantine. And contained within that religion are the things you refer to.

Make no mistake. There is a Creator and He is watching. You can deny Him, but you know He exists, which is why you want to curse God so badly for what you feel is wrong in your life. Deep down you know He is real, just you want to live life according to your own rules and do what you want, rather than acknowledge that you have to submit.

The Catholic religion is NOT Christianity. Constantine did not make the Bible. These are the dominant lies that have been passed down for generations.

The Bible seems like nonsense to you because you do not have God's Holy Spirit within you for proper discernment. As long as you are a non-believer, it will never make any sense to you. I am sorry to say, but there is no other explanation than that. That covers everything in those links. That is why the argument seems circular, but that is because you do not believe and can not truly see the truth.
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Re: Why are Christians so stupid? False History, Failed Prop

Post by Adama »

Winston wrote:MrMan,
I don't have time to respond to all your points, but here is more on the Jesus vs. Paul issue.

Paul taught his followers not to observe the Jewish Law:

Galatians 2:15-16
"We who are Jews by birth and not ‘Gentile sinners’ know that a man is not justified by observing the law, but by faith in Jesus Christ. So we, too, have put our faith in Christ Jesus that we may be justified by faith in Christ and not by observing the law, because by observing the law no one will be justified."

Paul's doctrine (faith not works) is central to modern Christianity, but fundamentally different to Jesus' doctrine (works not faith):

Matthew 19:16-17
"Now a man came up to Jesus and asked “Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life?” “Why do you ask me about what is good?” Jesus replied. “There is only one who is good. If you want to enter life, obey the commandments.”"

So you see, Jesus says that you have to OBEY the commandments to get into heaven. As far as Jesus was concerned, Christians were to follow the Jewish Law until heaven and earth disappeared:

Matthew 5:17-19
"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished."

The Bible clearly states, that Jesus did not intend for his doctrine to be superseded by Paul's:

Matthew 28:19-20
"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you."

See, he uses the word OBEY again, which means you have to DO what he says and what the law says. Most Christians are left with the amazing contradiction that they are following Paul's doctrine (faith not works), rather than Jesus' (works not faith). When one factors in:

Matthew 7:21-23
"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven. On that day many will say to me, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many deeds of power in your name?' Then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; go away from me, you evildoers.'"

So you see, he says only the one that DOES the will of the Father will go to heaven. So you have to DO God's will to go to heaven, not just have faith as Paul and modern Christianity says.

For more contradictions between Jesus and Paul: ... jesus.html

Videos on Jesus vs. Paul: ... us+vs+paul

Videos about Paul being a false prophet: ... se+prophet
By obey He means do what God says, and God says that you should believe on His son in order to get into heaven. That is what He means in this context.

I will show you here:
Matthew 7:21-23
"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven. On that day many will say to me, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many deeds of power in your name?' Then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; go away from me, you evildoers.'"
Realize here that the ones who he is sending away are the ones who said they did works in His name! Do you see that? They said they have done works in His name: They preached, They cast out demons, and they did wonderful works.

So you see that works doesnt get you to heaven, because he told them to leave. Why? Because they didnt believe in Him. They believed that their own good works would make them righteous. It doesnt. Only faith in Jesus makes a person righteous. That is why He tells them to depart. That is because he never knew them, because they never believed in Him. Do you see?

Here's more proof of the Father's will:

John 6:39-40
39 And this is the Father's will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day.

40 And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.
That is what Jesus said in the book of John.

There is no discrepancy here. Paul was filled with the Holy Ghost, which is one with God and Jesus. Salvation is by faith, not by works.

By the law, Jesus means that laws against adultery and the rest are still in effect. That's what He means there. You'll still pay for committing sin, just in this life, rather than by going to hell. And He does punish people for being wicked in this life. He can do anythign He wants.
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Re: Why are Christians so stupid? False History, Failed Prop

Post by Yohan »

Winston wrote: Christianity contains a lot of false mind control and doctrines that were developed for political purposes and social control. Christianity contains a lot of lies, it's not as true as you think.
I agree.

Religions like the Jewish faith, Christianity and Islam are all from the same area, somebody wrote something thousands of years ago, and another person added something, just as it fitted him and his purposes.

The only religion I know so far which is different is Buddhism, teaching a religion without 'God' with long and highly complicated scripts , but again humans turned into worshipers, praying to various deities and to the Buddha himself, who never claimed to be anything else but an ordinary human.

Simply said, all religions are the product out of the fantasy of various humans, who were living in various parts of this world under various circumstances.
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Re: Why are Christians so stupid? False History, Failed Prop

Post by Moretorque »

Yohan wrote:
Winston wrote: Christianity contains a lot of false mind control and doctrines that were developed for political purposes and social control. Christianity contains a lot of lies, it's not as true as you think.
I agree.

Religions like the Jewish faith, Christianity and Islam are all from the same area, somebody wrote something thousands of years ago, and another person added something, just as it fitted him and his purposes.

The only religion I know so far which is different is Buddhism, teaching a religion without 'God' with long and highly complicated scripts , but again humans turned into worshipers, praying to various deities and to the Buddha himself, who never claimed to be anything else but an ordinary human.

Simply said, all religions are the product out of the fantasy of various humans, who were living in various parts of this world under various circumstances.
Exactly and that is why our rulers are using the various religious narratives and twisting them to meet their goals.
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