I am Making Happier Abroad Videos with Winston

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Re: I am Making Happier Abroad Videos with Winston

Post by starchild5 »

sorry....he does not look like brad pitt..women only respond to hot guys all over the world.

We have been through this already...American women are a bit more into good looks but in general all women prefer a guy with Jawline... :D

Winston you are a logical guy, there is no comparative basis here...

I'm making a video too..where by a ugly, average guy like us will approach women and then I will pay some model guy to approach the same women and see how they respond....

Now that's research and proper kind of analysis...self pity won't work.

Men have this allergy to agree that, they are not good looking.

Women only hate ugly guys. Period.
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Re: I am Making Happier Abroad Videos with Winston

Post by Johnny1975 »

There's something about Dan that needs fixing asap. I'm sorry, but although I'm sure he's a good guy and everything, there's something about him that is offputting. I hate to use the word creepy because it's overused, but he really does have that vibe, and a certain way about him that comes across as creepy. I can definitely sense that he's a good guy, you only have to watch him for a few seconds to see it, but superficially, something is not right. He comes across as a psycho with too much time on his hands. I can analyse him objectively because I'm not a woman and therefore not on the receiving end of his approaches, but I think many women would feel uneasy.

I think it's a combination of the masculine-ness of his appearance and voice, plus the softness of his manner. Some people can have both, but for some reason he's unable to pull it off. I think maybe he needs to become more confident so that his personality matches his appearance. And when I say confident, I mean really confident, because what he's doing now is in the category of "hello, do you want to be my friend?", which is kind of creepy. With his hyper masculine look and voice, he needs to tweak his personality so that matches, as that would make sense. Right now he's incongruent, and that makes people wary.

Also, being extremely blunt is offputting. Walking up to a girl and saying I think you're attractive, that's not right. It puts her on the spot and forces her to make a decision as to whether or not she likes you. It also comes off as socially inept, like how a toddler would speak. Western women may react in the most negative way to his approaches, but in this case this not a good example of bad behaviour by western women, as it is merely an exaggeration of how many women would react. He thinks he's doing this right, but he's not. Sure, he's becoming more confident, but he's doing it wrong. If I was a woman I'd avoid him. In fact I would assume that there's something wrong with him. Also, he comes across like he's socially inept, and could explode at any moment. I sense a lot of tension, and it's not good.

And telling women "I like you" makes you sound like a weirdo. People don't talk like that. If you want to make such blunt comments, do it after the interaction has been going for a short while. just blurting it out sounds retarded. Then again, some people have the ability to pull off stuff like that, but this guy does not. At least yet. he has a long way to go and he needs to start trying a different approach. But right now, there's so much wrong. So, so, so much wrong, I don't even know where to begin.

Having said all that, if he was in some other part of the world, it would be different. But I still say he needs to sort this out, as it is not normal.

He needs to :

put the camera away (at least until he makes the necessary changes)
stop being so blunt (meaning, drop the "do you want to be my friend" vibe)
don't be so blatant with the approaches (make them more natural, don't follow them around)
stop narrating while there are people close by, and stop being silly to the camera. It makes him look unhinged. Just stop it.
hang around with people who will criticize him until it breaks him down and forces him to have a massive rethink about how he comes across
sort out his hair

It's been an interesting experiement so far, and a lesson on what not to do, but it needs to be done differently from now on. The worst women in the world + the worst approaches = muy bad. You're probably doing this as therapy or something like that, but unfortunately you're making it obvious. People don't feel comfortable around someone who seems like they're not sincere about the interaction, and who are only doing it to either prove a point or for some other reason that has nothing to do with anyone but oneself.
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Re: I am Making Happier Abroad Videos with Winston

Post by Winston »

I agree with you that his style and approach is inappropriate in America. However, let's look at the bigger picture. Even if he was more appropriate, and simply made small talk with those girls, by asking them an innocent question and rolling from there, the end result would not be much different 95 percent of the time.

Suppose he started by saying, "Where's market street?" Then after that, "I'm new in town, do you know where's a good place to eat?" and then "Hey I like your purse. It's cute." etc. and rolled with it from there, the conversation still would usually end with the girl saying, "Well it's nice meeting you. Good luck." and then leaving. If you don't believe me, try it. Film it secretly if you want, but you will find that the end result is the same. The only difference is they may not be creeped out as much.

Also in the video where he was saying "I like you" to random girls, he said at the beginning that he was just following some PUA advice that he read about being honest and direct with girls. So he was trying to disprove it and showing it to be BS.

In the other video where he said a simple hi to many American girls, yeah it looked like he was just fishing for a reaction. 2 or 3 of the girls were more relaxed and said hello back to him. He should have followed up by asking some open ended questions such as "What you up to today?" or "What do you think of Obama?" or "I like your purse." or even a neg like "I like your dress. My grandma has the same one." lol

But again, usually even if you get American girls to talk, it doesn't end in a date. It just ends with them leaving and wishing you a nice day before they never see you again. I did all this in the 1990's. That's why I know it's a no win situation either way.

Btw, I think he'd do well in Russia and Eastern Europe. They love direct blunt approaches like that there. They are much more fearless about it, as I've said many times before.
Check out my FUN video clips in Russia and SE Asia and Female Encounters of the Foreign Kind video series and Full Russia Trip Videos!

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Re: I am Making Happier Abroad Videos with Winston

Post by Yohan »

Winston wrote: ..... even if you get American girls to talk, it doesn't end in a date. It just ends with them leaving and wishing you a nice day before they never see you again. I did all this in the 1990's. That's why I know it's a no win situation either way.
I fully agree with you, Winston - and believe me it is the same everywhere in Western Europe. Similar complaints you will hear also from Australia...

I don't know what Western women really expect from men - I think, they don't know it themselves.

In Western Europe compared to USA the dating scene is less hateful, less violent - but otherwise the same - many young women are into drugs, alcohol, bad boys, girls as young as 13 have often multiple boyfriends, and even if she accepts you, you will be only no. 4 or no. 7....
Dating is not cheap either, as women expect frequently gifts, invitations to dinners, and so on and are without any consideration how an ordinary young man doing a regular job can earn so much money....

As you said correctly - this is no win situation for men.
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Re: I am Making Happier Abroad Videos with Winston

Post by Moretorque »

starchild5 wrote:sorry....he does not look like brad pitt..women only respond to hot guys all over the world.

We have been through this already...American women are a bit more into good looks but in general all women prefer a guy with Jawline... :D

Winston you are a logical guy, there is no comparative basis here...

I'm making a video too..where by a ugly, average guy like us will approach women and then I will pay some model guy to approach the same women and see how they respond....

Now that's research and proper kind of analysis...self pity won't work.

Men have this allergy to agree that, they are not good looking.

Women only hate ugly guys. Period.
Save yourself the hassle of paying some model and just pay Winston to approach the women, he is very very very handsome in his own right..... :wink:
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Re: I am Making Happier Abroad Videos with Winston

Post by Johnny1975 »

Winston wrote:Johnny1975,
I agree with you that his style and approach is inappropriate in America. However, let's look at the bigger picture. Even if he was more appropriate, and simply made small talk with those girls, by asking them an innocent question and rolling from there, the end result would not be much different 95 percent of the time.

Suppose he started by saying, "Where's market street?" Then after that, "I'm new in town, do you know where's a good place to eat?" and then "Hey I like your purse. It's cute." etc. and rolled with it from there, the conversation still would usually end with the girl saying, "Well it's nice meeting you. Good luck." and then leaving. If you don't believe me, try it. Film it secretly if you want, but you will find that the end result is the same. The only difference is they may not be creeped out as much.

Also in the video where he was saying "I like you" to random girls, he said at the beginning that he was just following some PUA advice that he read about being honest and direct with girls. So he was trying to disprove it and showing it to be BS.

In the other video where he said a simple hi to many American girls, yeah it looked like he was just fishing for a reaction. 2 or 3 of the girls were more relaxed and said hello back to him. He should have followed up by asking some open ended questions such as "What you up to today?" or "What do you think of Obama?" or "I like your purse." or even a neg like "I like your dress. My grandma has the same one." lol

But again, usually even if you get American girls to talk, it doesn't end in a date. It just ends with them leaving and wishing you a nice day before they never see you again. I did all this in the 1990's. That's why I know it's a no win situation either way.

Btw, I think he'd do well in Russia and Eastern Europe. They love direct blunt approaches like that there. They are much more fearless about it, as I've said many times before.
I know, in the west, if you're not superman, you're a loser no matter what you do. I get it. But that's no reason to be a creepy weirdo. If he was doing this on purpose to prove a point (which I don't believe - I think he genuinely does want to meet someone), he would approach like a normal person, and then he would be justified in making any criticism of western women. But all he's doing is making it extra easy to get rejected. That's no way to prove a point. But like I say, the typical western response is no excuse to be weird.

And I'm betting that even if he went to the Philippines or wherever, sure, he'd get lots of positive responses, and hey he might even get laid, but sooner rather than later, the women there would start to notice his weirdness and be put off. It would take longer for them to see it than for western women, but it would happen. The only thing that would delay it would be curiosity about a foreigner, and the fact that people are different in different countries. But his weirdness is sufficient for any woman from anywhere to eventually notice it, even if they don't at first.

He has hints of something good, which comes out from time to time, and sometimes (whether he means to or not) he comes up with something that is actually quite alpha, and sometimes quite funny in a cool way. He has potential. I don't think he's ugly, although he does have a somewhat rough look which can be appealing to some. The thing is, just like a demon possessed person, whatever is inside of him is making him physically look like a distorted version of someone with potential. I feel like he's possessed by a demon that is making him creepy. I think sometimes he gets positive reactions because for whatever reason, at that moment, they see something cool in him, but as the conversation progresses and he says weird stuff, they are then put off.

It's so frustrating to see him mess things up (when it's actually going well) by doing one or more of the following :

- saying I like you (over and over) - there's a proper ay to say it so that one sounds confident rather than socially inept
- making inappropriate / lewd comments
- getting completely tongue tied and giggling
- generally acting weird

Also I think some women are attracted by his rough look and his don't give a shit attitude. He sometimes exudes a bit of a bad boy vibe, but it's spoiled by everything else. He's just all over the place. He's like Casanova inside Biff from Back to the Future inside Jeffrey Dahmer. Completely incongruent. Right now I'm watching a 50 minute video of him doing some sort of dating profile, and already 5 minutes in he's talking about sex and he's got his shirt off. It's ridiculous.

And so fascinating for all the wrong reasons. If he reads this, I don't want him to think that I'm complimenting him. I'm saying that you (Dan) have potential but you're spoiling it in a big way and I don't know how much criticism it's going to take for you to understand this.

Come on Dan, sort it out.

P.S. I'm developing a morbid fascination for this strange, strange individual.
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Re: I am Making Happier Abroad Videos with Winston

Post by Maverick »

I've watched almost all of his videos in their entirety (shit's addictive).

Yes, most of these women were bitchy to him, but not all of them. Some were receptive at first until he started saying things like "Am I creeping you out?". Just by saying that he'll creep them out. He also tells them that he's known as the LA Predator. Bad bad. Furthermore, he has nothing to talk about beyond "you're hot" and "I'm putting this on Youtube".

He has the approaches down. Now, he needs to improve his conversation skills....because some women actually did respond well to him (even American ones).
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Re: I am Making Happier Abroad Videos with Winston

Post by dancilley »

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Re: I am Making Happier Abroad Videos with Winston

Post by MarlonBrando »

This is the Best Life Possible! My good friend Dan Cilley introduced me to this website and the work of Winston Wu and I cannot thank him enough! We were discussing our ideal homes and wives in the Philippines yesterday evening.
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Re: I am Making Happier Abroad Videos with Winston

Post by Traveler »

dancilley wrote:
September 21st, 2015, 2:55 pm
My channel is called "Toxic American Women” and is located at
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGOq_o ... q9w/videos
I just see a notice that the account has been terminated for violating "YouTube's Community Guidelines".
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Re: I am Making Happier Abroad Videos with Winston

Post by dancilley »

Traveler wrote:
December 31st, 2023, 7:22 am
dancilley wrote:
September 21st, 2015, 2:55 pm
My channel is called "Toxic American Women” and is located at
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGOq_o ... q9w/videos
I just see a notice that the account has been terminated for violating "YouTube's Community Guidelines".
That channel was terminated a long time ago. I've had so many channels terminated by YouTube. YouTube, Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram are not worth building channels on. Even Rumble and Bitchute are untrustworthy, because recently my channels were deactivated. As of now, I trust Gab.com the most out of any platform. I am not sure about Odysee or others. I used Gab for 2.5 years and did not ever have any warnings issued, except one time when in a video I was shouting that I was about to be violent (but that "I wasn't going to be") and I was advocating for others to approach and intimidate the bums and drug dealers who hang out at the train station, one of whom called my woman a bitch. And like five days before that, a security guard called her a bitch also. So, instead of physically attacking them, I walked away, but exploded vocally a couple minutes later. I never advocated violence, but Gab removed my video, saying that I was inciting violence or something. The sheriff did show up, but they didn't do anything because I was just shouting.

I have now created a new Gab account (I self-deleted my other one because I wanted to quit the internet totally). It is located at gab.com/danielcilley.

I also just today finally installed cable internet at my residence...so I am looking forward to being very active online, and actually building and maintaining a following (rather than attempting to build channels on platforms which ultimately ban me).

I want to use voice.gab.com, a free-speech videoconferencing platform, to host regular video chats. I've enjoyed the ones with Steve Hoca, and I've enjoyed Winston's audios. I want to regularly host such videochats, like every night, so that we can have a refuge where men can feel accepted and validated, and where everyone can speak freely.

I am going to start my own website again, and I know of a free-speech webhost that I have used before, that I never had problems with.

I can't believe Winston uses Bluehost for this site. I was banned from Bluehost...so I regard them as highly untrustworthy.

I also today submitted a housing application to a landlord so that I can have my own room again (I have been living in the same room with my female for over two years now). She doesn't like me making videos in the room, so that is another reason why I have not made videos consistently. It's crazy, because I started a nightly live stream all the way back in 2009, but different problems have prevented me from doing a live show every day. Hopefully, I will "hit my stride" and will be consistently producing high-quality content every day. I wish other people did that too; for example, every video that Winston makes is highly entertaining--yet, Winston rarely makes videos, right? If he and other authentic men made videos every day, the world would be a better place. There are radio hosts who are super motivated and consistent, however, I believe they are largely beholden to the desires of their audience, syndication company, their wife, etc. so their content feels significantly fake and not as raw and real as it could be.
Follow me on my social media:

YouTube: youtube.com/@DanielPCilley

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Re: I am Making Happier Abroad Videos with Winston

Post by kangarunner »

dancilley wrote:
January 3rd, 2024, 11:06 pm
Traveler wrote:
December 31st, 2023, 7:22 am
dancilley wrote:
September 21st, 2015, 2:55 pm
My channel is called "Toxic American Women” and is located at
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGOq_o ... q9w/videos
I just see a notice that the account has been terminated for violating "YouTube's Community Guidelines".
That channel was terminated a long time ago. I've had so many channels terminated by YouTube. YouTube, Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram are not worth building channels on. Even Rumble and Bitchute are untrustworthy, because recently my channels were deactivated. As of now, I trust Gab.com the most out of any platform. I am not sure about Odysee or others. I used Gab for 2.5 years and did not ever have any warnings issued, except one time when in a video I was shouting that I was about to be violent (but that "I wasn't going to be") and I was advocating for others to approach and intimidate the bums and drug dealers who hang out at the train station, one of whom called my woman a bitch. And like five days before that, a security guard called her a bitch also. So, instead of physically attacking them, I walked away, but exploded vocally a couple minutes later. I never advocated violence, but Gab removed my video, saying that I was inciting violence or something. The sheriff did show up, but they didn't do anything because I was just shouting.

I have now created a new Gab account (I self-deleted my other one because I wanted to quit the internet totally). It is located at gab.com/danielcilley.

I also just today finally installed cable internet at my residence...so I am looking forward to being very active online, and actually building and maintaining a following (rather than attempting to build channels on platforms which ultimately ban me).

I want to use voice.gab.com, a free-speech videoconferencing platform, to host regular video chats. I've enjoyed the ones with Steve Hoca, and I've enjoyed Winston's audios. I want to regularly host such videochats, like every night, so that we can have a refuge where men can feel accepted and validated, and where everyone can speak freely.

I am going to start my own website again, and I know of a free-speech webhost that I have used before, that I never had problems with.

I can't believe Winston uses Bluehost for this site. I was banned from Bluehost...so I regard them as highly untrustworthy.

I also today submitted a housing application to a landlord so that I can have my own room again (I have been living in the same room with my female for over two years now). She doesn't like me making videos in the room, so that is another reason why I have not made videos consistently. It's crazy, because I started a nightly live stream all the way back in 2009, but different problems have prevented me from doing a live show every day. Hopefully, I will "hit my stride" and will be consistently producing high-quality content every day. I wish other people did that too; for example, every video that Winston makes is highly entertaining--yet, Winston rarely makes videos, right? If he and other authentic men made videos every day, the world would be a better place. There are radio hosts who are super motivated and consistent, however, I believe they are largely beholden to the desires of their audience, syndication company, their wife, etc. so their content feels significantly fake and not as raw and real as it could be.
Sounds good Dan. I remember watching some of your videos when you were walking in different areas in LA. Why not do a group podcast with @Winston?
Favorite Cornfed quote: "Here's another one to reassure you lemmings that the ongoing humiliation ritual that is your ratshit life will soon be coming to an end."

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Re: I am Making Happier Abroad Videos with Winston

Post by dancilley »

kangarunner wrote:
January 3rd, 2024, 11:21 pm
dancilley wrote:
January 3rd, 2024, 11:06 pm
Traveler wrote:
December 31st, 2023, 7:22 am
dancilley wrote:
September 21st, 2015, 2:55 pm
My channel is called "Toxic American Women” and is located at
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGOq_o ... q9w/videos
I just see a notice that the account has been terminated for violating "YouTube's Community Guidelines".
That channel was terminated a long time ago. I've had so many channels terminated by YouTube. YouTube, Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram are not worth building channels on. Even Rumble and Bitchute are untrustworthy, because recently my channels were deactivated. As of now, I trust Gab.com the most out of any platform. I am not sure about Odysee or others. I used Gab for 2.5 years and did not ever have any warnings issued, except one time when in a video I was shouting that I was about to be violent (but that "I wasn't going to be") and I was advocating for others to approach and intimidate the bums and drug dealers who hang out at the train station, one of whom called my woman a bitch. And like five days before that, a security guard called her a bitch also. So, instead of physically attacking them, I walked away, but exploded vocally a couple minutes later. I never advocated violence, but Gab removed my video, saying that I was inciting violence or something. The sheriff did show up, but they didn't do anything because I was just shouting.

I have now created a new Gab account (I self-deleted my other one because I wanted to quit the internet totally). It is located at gab.com/danielcilley.

I also just today finally installed cable internet at my residence...so I am looking forward to being very active online, and actually building and maintaining a following (rather than attempting to build channels on platforms which ultimately ban me).

I want to use voice.gab.com, a free-speech videoconferencing platform, to host regular video chats. I've enjoyed the ones with Steve Hoca, and I've enjoyed Winston's audios. I want to regularly host such videochats, like every night, so that we can have a refuge where men can feel accepted and validated, and where everyone can speak freely.

I am going to start my own website again, and I know of a free-speech webhost that I have used before, that I never had problems with.

I can't believe Winston uses Bluehost for this site. I was banned from Bluehost...so I regard them as highly untrustworthy.

I also today submitted a housing application to a landlord so that I can have my own room again (I have been living in the same room with my female for over two years now). She doesn't like me making videos in the room, so that is another reason why I have not made videos consistently. It's crazy, because I started a nightly live stream all the way back in 2009, but different problems have prevented me from doing a live show every day. Hopefully, I will "hit my stride" and will be consistently producing high-quality content every day. I wish other people did that too; for example, every video that Winston makes is highly entertaining--yet, Winston rarely makes videos, right? If he and other authentic men made videos every day, the world would be a better place. There are radio hosts who are super motivated and consistent, however, I believe they are largely beholden to the desires of their audience, syndication company, their wife, etc. so their content feels significantly fake and not as raw and real as it could be.
Sounds good Dan. I remember watching some of your videos when you were walking in different areas in LA. Why not do a group podcast with @Winston?
Well, first of all, I've never been abroad. Another reason is, Winston polled the forum, asking if I should be banned...due to my interest in virgin girls (can't specify ages here). So, I think Winston isn't interested. Also, I am not interested in traveling abroad at this time because I think I still have a chance to meet a white, virgin American girl. I have videoconferenced with filipina females, and I learned it was a magical experience...how easy it is to talk to them, get along with them, etc. but my goal is to marry a white, American female. I am against casual sex and prostitution also.

I am going to have free-speech videoconferences on voice.gab.com soon, where we can meet every night and talk about what matters.
Follow me on my social media:

YouTube: youtube.com/@DanielPCilley

X/Twitter: x.com/DanielPCilley


Odysee: odysee.com/@DanCilley


BitChute: bitchute.com/channel/DanielCilley


Donate: cash.app/$DCilley
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