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Post by zboy1 »

I've been subscribed to your Youtube channel for a year now, and I am a big fan. Are you going to do any new videos soon or have you stopped doing it completely?
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Re: Introducing Myself - TheLogicJunkie

Post by E_Irizarry »

TheLogicJunkie wrote:When you don't fit into American culture, you tend to not click with anything here and, not only that, but all those around you who DO fit in here, easily can tell you don't fit in here, and so they don't let you have any success here, which means you never accumulate the all-important funds or credentials needed to leave the country.
I am glad I am not the only person whom recognizes this. Hence this is my current dilemma.
"I appreciate the opportunities I have in America. Opportunities that allow me to live abroad." **Smiles** - Have2Fly@H.A. (2013)

"The only way to overcome that is to go abroad to get a broad."
- E. Irizarry (2009)

"MGTOW resilience is the key to foreign residence. You better muthafuckin' ask somebody!!"
- E. Irizarry (2012)

"I rather be ostracized by 157.0 million (27.3% of the US of Gay pop), then to appease 1 feminist." - E. Irizarry (2013)

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Post by Rock »

fschmidt wrote:I agree that ranting by itself is pointless. And I also agree that LogicJunkie should just get out of America. But I disagree with a lot of people here about the idea that traveling solves all problems. Yes, women are much better abroad. And so is socializing. But other things are worse.

From my travels, I see basically 3 kinds of cultures; feminist, anarchistic/corrupt, and Islamic. For meeting women, the anarchistic/corrupt cultures are best. For money, the feminist or oil-rich Islamic countries are best. But which culture is best for raising a family? Which is best as a place where you can trust people? My answer is none of these are. The truly best culture is patriarchy, and this is almost extinct in our world. Only patriarchy has the values that I want for my family. And only in patriarchy would I really trust other men. So my rant is that I want to live in a patriarchy but I can't find one. If anyone has a practical solution, please let me know.
How would you classify a place like Singapore or Taiwan? I think its relatively easy to meet women in both places and I don't think they fall neatly into any of the 3 categories you mention above.

As for finding a patriarchy, don't some of the Islamic countries to also fit this, at least to some extent? Women don't have a whole lot of power in places like Afgan (extreme) or Saudi. Perhaps a country like Morocco or Indonesia would be worth considering? Just throwing-up some ideas.
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Post by fschmidt »

Rock wrote:How would you classify a place like Singapore or Taiwan? I think its relatively easy to meet women in both places and I don't think they fall neatly into any of the 3 categories you mention above.

As for finding a patriarchy, don't some of the Islamic countries to also fit this, at least to some extent? Women don't have a whole lot of power in places like Afgan (extreme) or Saudi. Perhaps a country like Morocco or Indonesia would be worth considering? Just throwing-up some ideas.
I was in Singapore and Taiwan about 18 years ago. They did seem good then. Singapore seemed like a great place. Since then I have been back to Japan and visited China, and both seem to have some feminist influence (in China just among the wealthy). I think both China and Japan will transition to feminism eventually. I can't say about Singapore and Taiwan today, but if they aren't yet under feminist influence, I would really like to understand how they avoided it. Maybe someone who has been there recently can comment.

Yes Islam has a form of patriarchy, but the Islamic countries that I have seen (Egypt and Jordan) are obviously dysfunctional. I don't understand Islam well enough to know why this is. It may be related to Islam being polygamous, I don't know.

My favorite place that I have seen is Jerusalem. The dominant cultures are Orthodox Jewish and Islamic, with feminism far behind. It's hard for me to move since I have a family, but I hope to get a second home there eventually.
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Post by MrPeabody »

I have some Pakistani guys in my English class and they openly flirt with the Thai girls. These guys are easy going and have no hangups about being a man. What a contrast from American men.
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Post by E_Irizarry »

MrPeabody wrote:I have some Pakistani guys in my English class and they openly flirt with the Thai girls. These guys are easy going and have no hangups about being a man. What a contrast from American men.
That's friggin' awesome. How do the Thai girls handle the Pakistani dudes' courting?
"I appreciate the opportunities I have in America. Opportunities that allow me to live abroad." **Smiles** - Have2Fly@H.A. (2013)

"The only way to overcome that is to go abroad to get a broad."
- E. Irizarry (2009)

"MGTOW resilience is the key to foreign residence. You better muthafuckin' ask somebody!!"
- E. Irizarry (2012)

"I rather be ostracized by 157.0 million (27.3% of the US of Gay pop), then to appease 1 feminist." - E. Irizarry (2013)

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Post by TheLogicJunkie »

Hey guys,

Wow -- I'm really encouraged by all the kindred feedback. I'd taken some time off of YouTube because I had been doing those videos while I was living in the Portland, Oregon, area, and I was completely miserable there. The people, the climate, everything -- it physically and psychologically devastated me.

For the past two years or so, I've been back on the east coast, in Florida, back with my family and healing from the ordeal. But I've not had even the slightest success finding a job, and I'd like to talk about why. It's not going to be a popular topic, though...

My last name is Spanish. "Painfully" Spanish. And by that I mean that it's taken me pretty much my entire life to conclude that, where real money and power are concerned, America is very much what I'll just call a Germanic supremacist country. And by that I mean that, in America, if even so much as just your last name isn't of northern European (aka, Germanic) origin, where the job market and the sectors of real influence are concerned, you're either 1) an ethnic cultural accessory, or 2) dead in the water.

...Particularly if you're a male. It's much worse for males. Females don't seem to have it nearly as rough, because they are more than willing to mate themselves into the dominant Germanic ethnicity here in America, as just about everywhere else.

I have a very long "rant" to make about this, which I want to do on YouTube. But for some reason I haven't yet. I guess that my old apartment in Washington state (where I did all my Logic Junkie videos) was just such a great physical arrangement for doing my videos, and I'm loath to do new videos where the look and feel might be too different.

Now, coming quickly back to this topic of Germanicism in America, I do want to say that I'm well aware that there are, no doubt, people of Germanic ethnicity who don't support the tacit "Master Race" idea all over the world, but that there are, in my conclusion, a great many who do, and unfortunately they are not only at the highest levels of virtually every organizational sector, but they are also ruthless "grand chessboarders" like the Rockefeller, Bush, and Gates families... in general, the Bilderberg cliquester types.

This is a major reason that I'm flat-out sick of America, and ready to leave, but I'm not sure where I should (or even could) go.

As I'm sure that those of you who've watched my videos know, I'm no fan of religion. But, at the same time, if I can be somewhere where religion isn't being shoved down my throat, I'd be okay. So while I would love to live in someplace like southeast Asia, I'm very concerned about the spread of Islam -- which, as we all know (whether or not we'd be willing to admit it) -- doesn't really take "no thanks" for an answer where the topic of religion is concerned. Buddhism I'd have no problem with, but Islam? Nope. Gotta stay away from that.

Europe has come to mind, but I would only consider my ancestral home of northern Spain, or someplace like perhaps France or Italy -- but never Germany. The Portland, Oregon, area, and all pretty much all of the Pacific Northwest is so German it's scary, and I don't do well in that cultural climate.
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Post by Winston »

Portland? Wow that's gotta be terrible. I've been there several times and it feels like a ghost town there. The people seem transparent and I feel like I don't even exist. There is something that's so "not there" about it, similar to Vancouver, BC. The Northwest is a weird place. There's no passion, soul or energy there, yet you aren't allowed to complain about it of course. People there only want to see polite smiles and fake positivity, not the truth.

I lived in Bellingham, WA for many years. Here is an essay I wrote about how antisocial is it.

I've been inspired by your videos to do some more of my own. I have a lot of rants too. I'm just not that comfortable yet on camera.

You haven't even been able to get an entry level position anywhere? You are a real smart guy. I'm sure you could do something in customer service or customer support. You could try a multi-cultural area like the SF Bay Area, where minorities are in all positions of management. But the life and social atmosphere totally suck there.

I think you would like Europe, so I'd recommend trying there first. Intellectual types like yourself fit in well there. Spain, Italy and France are all good choices. You will notice right away that people are much more authentic and natural.

Both the East and West coast are kind of snobby. People inland seem much more down to earth and authentic, especially if they are surrounded by nature, such as in Colorado or Utah.
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"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne
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Post by TheLogicJunkie »

Well, the problem that I finally realize I've been having, is that America puts anyone it views as black or hispanic in a "special" category, whereby they are what I'll characterize as "not quite human". In other words, not unlike one of the half-animal creatures from The Island of Doctor Moreau that the good doctor taught to walk upright, wear clothes, and speak through grunted voices.

Seriously, this is my assessment of just how badly racist things really are in America, and why when I say that you're only given your fair due if you are most fully of Northern European ancestry, I really mean it. Everyone else seems to be regarded as "icky" or sub-human somehow.

And so, what happens is that everyone who carries the label of being from some "more natively equatorial" ethnicity gets treated as an "exotic zoological specimen" in America, and consigned to "species-specific" niche work, whereby they are employed/tolerated to do the kind of work that is specific to their "ethnic nature".

What do I mean by this? Well, most directly, I mean things like only hiring a black or hispanic (the two "incorrigible" ethnicities) specifically to do customer service work where they serve the "begrudgingly required" work of dealing with black or hispanic customers -- you know, "their" people. Because, after all, what can speak the language of a given species better than its own species?

So, in a pretty general sense, this is precisely where I've been pegged since my first days as an undergrad at Duke -- my presence is deeply loathed, and my only value is "ethno-zoological". So when I send in my resume, I only get calls back for an interview where the first words out of their mouths are, "Well, we've already got someone in mind for that position, but do you speak Spanish? We have a position available for someone who speaks Spanish."

(And guess what -- I don't even speak Spanish.)

In other words, they would never want anything to do with a "zoological" species such as myself, if they didn't have a pressing zoological reason to take me on.

Get it?

In other, other words, it is completely inconceivable to the Anglo-Germanic, covert race war machine that is America that, given that I have a patently Spanish last name, I could ever just be of objective use within an organization, and that I might possibly just bear admission on the grounds of something like... oh, I don't know... merit? Intelligence? Talent?

But, no. Having so much as a black or hispanic last name alone completely dismisses that possibility, the instant one reads it on the top of a resume or job application.

What's more, this effect is so powerful that black applicants with Anglo-Germanic names will be frequently called in for interviews based on this, but the hiring process goes only as far as the moment they walk in the interviewer's front door, and their race becomes apparent. But at least they get in through the front door because of the apparent ethnicity of their name -- a Spanish last name on the top of a resume or job app keeps you from getting even that far in the vast majority of cases, unless the organization is of an extremely liberal-progressive nature, and even then the "ethno-zoological" tracking still happens immediately. All in the interest of "multi-culturalism", of course.

So this is what's "under the hood" of America, as far I've experienced it. As far as I've experienced it, America is just one cold race war iceberg, where 90% of its truth is hidden below the waterline of feints and facades.
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Post by TheLogicJunkie »


Anyhow, you're completely right about Portland -- you're quite perceptive. Almost nobody is able to see that truth about it, for some reason. But there's been a new show on IFC called "Portlandia", and the comedy duo that does the show is just so refreshingly spot-on about Portland. They've totally nailed it for the nasty little cult-hole it is.

And, yes, the entire Pacific Northwest is like that. It's what I call "the land of stealth for stealth's sake". By this I mean that it attracts and is a favorite of silent-but-deadly types who feed on passive-aggression in all its malignant forms.

Tonya Harding is from the PNW. So was DB Cooper, the famous thief-hijacker who was never captured. So is the infamous "Mr. Hands" of internet horse-porn fame. So is Bill Gates. So is the Intel Corporation. So is Amanda Knox, aka "Foxy Knoxy", who was recently sentenced in Italy to 26 years in prison for a brutal kink-murder.

Because of what I now know about the PNW and its culture, I have a pretty solid policy of firewalling myself against people I find out are not only from there, but who rave about it. Because I know that, on the deepest level of the human soul, they are wired completely backwards from me.
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Post by Rock »

Winston wrote:
You haven't even been able to get an entry level position anywhere? You are a real smart guy. I'm sure you could do something in customer service or customer support. You could try a multi-cultural area like the SF Bay Area, where minorities are in all positions of management. But the life and social atmosphere totally suck there.

I think you would like Europe, so I'd recommend trying there first. Intellectual types like yourself fit in well there. Spain, Italy and France are all good choices. You will notice right away that people are much more authentic and natural.

Both the East and West coast are kind of snobby. People inland seem much more down to earth and authentic, especially if they are surrounded by nature, such as in Colorado or Utah.
1. I think it would be very difficult to get a job in SW Europe now, especially for an American with no special technical skills. Understand, Europe is currently facing severe crisis and the direct victims will primarily be non-Germanic countries. Germany's economy has been largely shielded so far due to enormous machine exports to China. But the debt crisis is spiraling in other countries and Germany will have increasing pressure to provide more bailouts or see the EU concept, from which it has benefited tremendously over the last decade, shrink to a shadow of its former self.

2. I don't know what part of Florida you are in but many areas of southern Florida (technically SE Florida) are dominated by Spanish speaking communities. And not all of them are poor. For example, Aventura and Golden Isle are prosperous communities dominated by wealthy Spanish speakers from various backgrounds - LatAm, Caribbean, and European. Spanish is the first language for a majority of people in many sections of greater Miami.

3. No matter what, many entry level and supervisory jobs in service sector are filled by Latin immigrants. Those types of jobs should be wide open to about anyone and would pay the bills until your website got large enough for you to shift focus to it. However, I do admit that with the current 9+% unemployment, it certainly possible not to find a job for a good long while.
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Post by Rock »

TheLogicJunkie wrote:Hey guys,

For the past two years or so, I've been back on the east coast, in Florida, back with my family and healing from the ordeal. But I've not had even the slightest success finding a job, and I'd like to talk about why. It's not going to be a popular topic, though...

My last name is Spanish. "Painfully" Spanish. And by that I mean that it's taken me pretty much my entire life to conclude that, where real money and power are concerned, America is very much what I'll just call a Germanic supremacist country. And by that I mean that, in America, if even so much as just your last name isn't of northern European (aka, Germanic) origin, where the job market and the sectors of real influence are concerned, you're either 1) an ethnic cultural accessory, or 2) dead in the water.

...Particularly if you're a male. It's much worse for males. Females don't seem to have it nearly as rough, because they are more than willing to mate themselves into the dominant Germanic ethnicity here in America, as just about everywhere else.

I have a very long "rant" to make about this, which I want to do on YouTube. But for some reason I haven't yet. I guess that my old apartment in Washington state (where I did all my Logic Junkie videos) was just such a great physical arrangement for doing my videos, and I'm loath to do new videos where the look and feel might be too different.

Now, coming quickly back to this topic of Germanicism in America, I do want to say that I'm well aware that there are, no doubt, people of Germanic ethnicity who don't support the tacit "Master Race" idea all over the world, but that there are, in my conclusion, a great many who do, and unfortunately they are not only at the highest levels of virtually every organizational sector, but they are also ruthless "grand chessboarders" like the Rockefeller, Bush, and Gates families... in general, the Bilderberg cliquester types.
Hey LJ,

Just wanna throw in a little perspective.

1. Corporate America is largely dominated by Germanic Americans. However, I would postulate that on a per-capita basis, Jewish Americans generally have much more power (political and corporate) and wealth. That can be easily demonstrated by all kinds of factual statistics.

2. If you look at average American household earnings, gentile whites fall well below both Jewish American and Asian American households. Ditto for average net worth and education levels.

3. Gentile whites are the most under represented segment in many of America's top universities. For example, consider Harvard's estimated racial breakdown of the student body vs. that for the US population overall:

% of Harvard students vs. % of US population
Jewish Americans: 40% vs. 2% => 20X (2,000%) over-represented on per capita basis
Asian Americans: 18.3% vs. 3.6% => 5X (500%) over-represented on per capita basis (Asians would be an even larger segment if foreign students were included in the count)
Non-black Hispanics: 8% vs. 14.5% => under-represented by a 44%
African Americans: 9.3% vs. 12.1% => under-represented by 23%
Gentile Whites: 22.6% vs. 67.1% => under-represented by 66% which implies white gentiles get only 1 out 3 places they would get if slots were allocated according to general population averages
Other: 1.8% vs. 0.7%

Regular white gentile American males (not that tiny 0.1% cream segment) are getting their asses kicked from every direction including by their own women. I don't know of any other group anywhere which is losing power so quickly at the grass roots level - which often seems greener on the other side of the fence...until you go there and experience personally.
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Post by Winston »

Why don't you just do some temp jobs? You can go to Kelly Services, Manpower or Express Personnel (they are in your yellow pages) and apply for temp work. That way you don't have to commit to a permanent job (which you shouldn't if you plan to leave the US) and they would not be too picky about who they hire since it's not permanent.

That's what I did, and I got some great positions through temp agencies, such as selling cell phones and marketing home improvement products at trade shows, both of which pay really well. Some jobs through temp agencies are shitty, but others are easy and pay well. It depends on your luck and circumstances.

Then you can save some money to go overseas. Have you considered that? I did it between my overseas trips and it was very profitable for me.

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Post by TheLogicJunkie »


Thanks. I'll give that a try. I've tried Kelly before and gotten no response back. But maybe the others will be better.
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Post by ladislav »


Please tell us/me what your education/preparation is in so that all of us could place our brains together and chart out a course for you to get out of the Germanic hell. My philosophy is to use any legal expedient possible to change the situation for the better. In case of last names, it is funny in my case because my family had used several last names as an expedient and there was no problem. I had used last names from my family annals that would help me in this and that place all legal and above board. My family had a Germanic name to hide their Middle Eastern origins and then, it had to change it to a Slavic sounding since the former did not sit well with the Slavs. In the US Slavic names sound 'commie" and comical so I switched to the old Germanic sounding name and it was just ok. Names are expedients- screw the ethnic pride- it is all about survival. If I were in the US facing your dilemma, I would just run to the local county courthouse and change the name to something that would sound French and not Spanish. The French are respected Latins. A few letters changed here and there and presto! If you are an American and not a Spaniard, then it is just a deadweight on your career. I would get rid of it. It is an expedient, nothing else. White lies to counteract ignorance.
Jews did something similar in E.Europe- when chips were down, they changed their names to Armenian sounding ones and Armenians look kind of Jewish so many escaped the Holocaust or Soviet oppression by pretending to be Armenians. Not always work but it did help in many ways. Also, do keep in mind that German sounding names were not always that welcome and people anglicized them. A lot of actors did, too. It is all about fitting in on surface to avoid in-your-face discrimination b.s.
But these are just scattered thoughts of what I would do.

The practical response of non-mainstream people in the US to this Germanic discrimination has been:

1)Study hard for a profession/business that will allow you to make money no matter what (in your niche)- Asians getting into sciences, Jews into film making, Black people into the military and government jobs, Indians - hotels and 7 elevens, etc.
2) Getting a PhD and such high qualifications in the field where the Germanics reign that you simply override your non-Germanicness.
3) Stick with your own race and develop inside of it. Make friends/marry in your own race.

If one does not have the effective qualifications to help one gain a niche in society, then race, age, and other factors become snags which one's progress bumps upon.

Such failures do have a positive effect in that they help one discover many negative aspects about society that one would be otherwise unaware of. However, after the discovery, the next step should be devising a plan and taking action to correct the situation. Otherwise, one risks wasting a lot of time and contributing little to overall progress of oneself and others.

The self-multinationalization is a novel way of dealing with this problem and is the most effective one. The previous two leave you bitter and in a state of apartheid. Not worth it as they do not lead to freedom or happiness.

Since this place is about internationalizing oneself, it would help to really concentrate on not wasting time on stating the obvious but thinking about a course leading to solutions, not getting caught in describing and analyzing hell and one's place in it.
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