Strip club addiction?

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Post by gmm567 »

Look at this impressed he is with himself. Thanks for teaching us how to score with overpriced whores.

What a loser.
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Post by icarus »

gmm567 wrote:Look at this impressed he is with himself. Thanks for teaching us how to score with overpriced whores.

What a loser.
I bet he enjoys his life more than you do.
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Post by Shokkers »

I've dated five strippers, without even knowing they were strippers. (Two of them kept it under wraps because it was the only job they could find.)

Two cool things about strippers: A) they're normally 'hot', with decent bodies, and B) they have their own money, normally more than you do.
Various uncool things about strippers: they can be greedy, vapid, neurotic, alcoholic, drug-using, vain, shallow, etc. (Not all, of course, but some can be...and of course those terms can apply to 'civilian' women as well.)

One of my friends found out his new girlfriend was a stripper and told her "Well, if you want to hang with me, you better 'break me off some cheddar'"...and she ended up giving him about $200 a night. Damn, that's nirvana, right there.
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Post by E_Irizarry »

gmm567 wrote:spending $1,000 to get a stripper? You could get 40 in the philipines cause they are $25.

I am glad you figured the game out. I am real impressed.
Yeah get to Angeles City before its too damn late because every 3 months I go back there, the attitudes are becoming more skankish. And I dont know what is going on with Clark Intl Airport. Once direct flights from the US UK or AU even become etched in stone, then Angeles City fichas will fly up to 50 dollars instead of 25 dollars (USD convertible). :?
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Post by MatureDJ »

When I am in the USA, I tend to frequent strip clubs. Other than the cover charge and a few $1 tips, I only spend money to get high quality lap dances, with the intended result of ejaculation. I wear sweat pants (even in the middle of the summer!) so that there is maximum stimulation. Typically 2 good lap dances is enough to get me off. I only get dances at a good price (i.e., $20 per dance), and often times only go to clubs when there are specials (e.g., 2-4-1.)

I consider the lap dance ending in ejaculation to be an easily procured, affordable, and legal substitute for coitus or fellatio with a prostitute. The entire time spent in a club being titillated by attractive naked dancers, and having such dancers act very nice and sexually available and willing, stirs the sexual excitement in me such that by the time I get a lap dance, I am at a high level of excitement and am able to ejaculate quickly. The total amount of money spent in such a session typically comes in around $60-80 (if I am really horny and there is special pricing and I have found a woman who does a real good time, I will go for a double or even triple cum party), and depending on my mood and horniness, done about 2 times a week. I find myself to be much more content sexually when I do this, and when I am in a situation in which I cannot, I find myself very sexually frustrated. Men are designed to be sexually stimulated and satisfied by attractive fecund women, and physical stimulation to achieve ejaculation is very close to coitus - at least much closer than self stimulation looking at sexual images (i.e., pornography.)

Someone mentioned that the better thing to do is to go abroad. Well, from a time and financial standpoint, it is very expensive to go abroad. Just the structural costs of taking a vacation would run at least $1K a month (and that is staying for a few months), and having sex with prostitutes abroad would cost something - my experience is that prostitutes in provincial Ukraine (i.e., not Kiev or Odessa) costs around $30-50 per hour (I do remember the going price in Volgograd, Russia was $7/hr.) So if someone were to go there just for prostitutes, with a 1 hour session every 3 days, the cost would be $1400 per month. Contrast this with $600 per month for lap dancers in the USA. And many folks can't go on vacation for such a long time because of work or other issues. And if someone were to go just for 2 weeks, the structural costs would be about $2K, so it would be even more expensive. Of course, going abroad there is the ability to get a women without paying, but there is a lot of work involved with that as well. My trips abroad are always with this in mind, and the procurement of prostitutes are only there to fill the void.

Someone also mentioned about how much money was spent over his lifetime. Well, sexual fulfillment is a very important part of being a man. Sure, a man could take the extra money and save it, with the idea being to retire ahead of schedule which would allow him to spend a lot of time abroad - but that would be denying his fulfillment now for better fulfillment later. Or the man could buy something like a bass boat or a classic car with that money - that man is just saying that the negative of sexual frustration is less than the positive of the joy of having that toy - this is similar to the 40 year old virgin who would rather play video games than try to pick up women.

There was also a discussion about kept women (i.e., women who are given some money, with sexual favors in return.) This is just prostitution, albeit in a less structured arrangement. Of course, any marriage in which the wife does not work, is somewhat of the same arrangement.

Look, the bottom line is that men, every since we were simple simians, have been designed to instinctively know that we must exchange provisioning for access to sexual intimacy (likewise, women are designed for the converse.) Society at large, for good reasons, has the institution of marriage for this transaction to be legitimate. In my mind, the procurement of prostitution in any of its forms (including lap dancing and the keeping of a woman in financial stead) is simply a form of renting the cow rather than buying it. Sure, there are some men of high sexual market value who are able to procure desirable enough women for free, even in the tough American sexual market. For those of us who are only able to procure undesirable women for free (i.e., any of us can pick up the morbidly obese woman with kids), but want a desirable woman enough, we will pay. It's a simple as that.
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Post by Mr S »

E_Irizarry wrote:
gmm567 wrote:spending $1,000 to get a stripper? You could get 40 in the philipines cause they are $25.

I am glad you figured the game out. I am real impressed.
Yeah get to Angeles City before its too damn late because every 3 months I go back there, the attitudes are becoming more skankish. And I dont know what is going on with Clark Intl Airport. Once direct flights from the US UK or AU even become etched in stone, then Angeles City fichas will fly up to 50 dollars instead of 25 dollars (USD convertible). :?
This is true as I only tend to go up there now every two to three months also, and I have been slowly seeing an attitude shift amongst the girls as well. The problem is over the last few years some rich dudes with deep pockets have been buying up all the small bars and been either converting them to mid range price bars or knocking them down and building huge mega strip joints which have been pushing up prices. All the hot girls that used to be spread out more are now condensing into a few of these mega bars and all the other bars are starting to have mostly shit girl quality (unless you have a fetish for plumpers with no tits and stretch marks). Also they have been building mammoth five star hotels which may or may not impact prices down the road depending on how many future customers start flying in. In my opinion thought there are too many hotels with no vacancy so I don't see hotel prices in the lower to mid range rising right now. If the world economy starts roaring again in a few years that could change.

The Philippine government wants to turn Clark into an international airport that could be an alternative to the one in Manila. Obviously distance is a problem for those needing to fly into Manila so I don't know how feasible that might be unless the government provides free taxi service or decides to build a fast train system to and from Manila which ain't happening anytime soon! I suppose it might turn more into a local regional airport hub, but probably not international. You can get pretty cheap regional airfares if you fly out of that airport. It's just a pain in the ass if you have to go up there from Manila or another city though. It was originally an American Air Force Base and was never intended to be a regional international airport.

I've noticed that instead of bringing prices down because of the economy they just keep raising them. Any excuse to raise prices and keep them up the owners will. When I first went to the Philippines in 04 drink prices were maybe 55-65 pesos for the expensive bars. Now they are 85-105, depending on the bar! Bar fines used to range from 1000-1200 or so. Now they range from 1200-1500 and they seem to keep adding a 100 pesos every 6-12 months or so.

I predict in a few years the girls in Angeles will have similar attitudes to Thai girls that work in the bars, fake with attitudes. After a while I learned the girls at the discos and beer bars were the coolest, the ones in go go bars may look better but they usually were a pain in the ass an not the same after bar fining them. That's what happens with globalization, the Chinese, Japanese and Koreans spend money like crazy and then the girls start expecting it to be the norm.

It's still fun there if you have never been or only go there sometimes. But it sucks to be seeing it change for the worse over a long period of time. Just because the bars may be bigger and slicker looking doesn't necessarily mean that they are more fun to be in. Sometimes appearances aren't what they seem. I'm more apt to visit the smaller cities and beach towns now as they haven't sold out, yet...
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Post by traveler883 »

Grunt wrote:Take the 50K and head down to Brazil. Some towns have 8 to 1 girl to guy ratio and the chicks are all healthy in mind and body, and have great genetics.

Going to any strip club subsidizes skankdom and promotes skankish behavior. And for the love of God, dont touch any of those pigs as they are virtually guaranteed to have 1 or more STD's.

A girl walking around Buenos Ares looks better then the majority of the pole riders out there as well.
I've heard about these regions (in Brazil)…any area in particular?

(To the OP, good luck with your struggle. I'm a little bit in the same place, although getting older [i.e. less horny] has seemed to help a lot, fwiw!]
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Post by Hero »

I think Justcrazy is right about being nice to strippers. One exquisite, 19-year-old blonde dancer always came to me first to offer me lap dances, even though there were about 100 other guys waiting in line, just because she could tell I was a nice guy. I got another stripper to kiss me on the mouth during a lap dance, even though it was something she never did before, and even though it was forbidden at the club (I had to slip the bouncer a few bucks to look the other way, though).

Problem is, these days there are so few good-looking strippers anymore. I have no idea where you guys are meeting these hot dancers in the USA.
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Post by Hero »

kristy_571 wrote:Basically... I think nothing wrong with wanting to go to strip clubs. Nothing wrong at all. But there are hot girls out there that will get with any guy without any money having to be spent. It may be "hard" to find... but maybe it's not as hard as you think. One secret I've learned in life is
"f**k whatever everyone else thinks". If you want something, if you demand something, you will get it. Trust me. I've seen fat chicks with hot sugar daddies before. If a fat girl can get that, why can't a regular guy get a hot girl for sensual pleasures? It's all about demanding what you want. Don't look to the girls you don't like. Don't worry about impressing them. Just go for it, and the rest will follow. ;)
Oh really? When was the last time you've seen a fat guy with a hot chick? Sorry Kristy, but you don't know what you're talking about. We've all noticed fat ugly chicks dating rich handsome men in America, in fact it's a subject that comes up constantly on this blog. But that's because grossly unfair circumstances favor women in this country, so your argument that "if a fat girl can get that, why can't a regular guy get a hot girl for sensual pleasures" just doesn't hold up.
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