p***y Paradise Factor (PPF)

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p***y Paradise Factor (PPF)

Post by newbgold »

What makes a certain country a p***y paradise?

A total p***y paradise is a society (eg city, state, province, small nation) where a completely average man has 100% chance to have sex with a young woman of 6.5 looks.
(he can get this sex from a one-night experience, from a short term fling, from getting into a long term relationship with this woman of 6.5 looks, or by marrying this woman - any of these methods are valid).

A total p***y hell is a society where the same completely average man has 0% chance to have sex with a young woman of 6.5 looks.

These are the two extreme limits.

p***y Paradise Factor (PPF): the chances that a completely average man has to get it on with a woman whose beauty is 6.5 out of 10 i.e. chances of a 50-th percentile man with a woman whose beauty is 65-th percentile compared to her peers worldwide.

p***y paradise factor depends on the properties of society and how they affect their women.

Societal conditions that influence PPF:

0. Main Condition: The beauty level of an AVERAGE young woman of 18-40.

- In a total p***y paradise limit, the average girl looks like she is 6.5-7. This makes it easier to get a 6.5 looks woman, as they are average.
Example: United States in 1960s and 1970s. Majority of young women were slim and slender. Due to high quantity and high quality of food, this maximized women's natural beauty, giving them better facial structure, better skin,a nd better hair. Most women wore very feminine and sexy fashions, i.e. mini-skirts, long stockings, tight low rise jeans, tank tops, heels, and very long hair.

- In a total p***y hell limit, the average girl looks like she 3.5-3. This makes it more difficult to get a 6.5 woman, as they are rare and on the top.
Example: USSR in 1960s and 1970s. Contrary to Russia/Ukraine today, Soviet women suffered from high obesity. The typical BMI range for women of 18-40 was 30-35.

1. Gender Ratio: number of women per number of men

1a. Real Ratio: actual number women per actual number of men

- In total p***y paradise limit: more young women 18-40 than young men 18-40

- In total p***y hell limit: more young men 18-40 than young women 18-40

1b. Perceived Ratio: As important as real ratio, if not more
This is how women perceive the number of men. Sometimes, women's perception of the number of men is distorted. They sometimes think that there are more men than in real life or less men than in real life. They can have a distorted sense of the gender ratio.

- In total p***y paradise limit: women think there is even less men than in reality. Because they think that there are too few men, they become more receptive when a man approaches them, because they have scarcity mentality

- In total p***y hell limit: women think there is even more men than in reality. Since they think that there are too many men, they have abundance mentality, and they become not too eager when a man approaches them. There is always more, they think.

2. Popular Culture and Society:

2a. Warmth and Gentleness of an Average woman of 18-40: The more the better

- In total p***y paradise limit: the warmth and gentleness of an average woman is high. As a result, you can act more warm and gentle too. And the woman will forgive you for this and not perceive you as acting weak. Because she is warm and gentle herself. You will not be forced to suppress your own warmth and gentleness if you have some.

- In total p***y hell limit: the warmth and gentleness of an average woman is low. This means that a woman will never be forgiving of your character. If she has much lower warmth and gentleness than you, she will probably reject you, even if you bring many attractive properties to the table. She will perceive warmth and gentleness as mere weakness. Thus, you will have to suppress and destroy your own warmth and gentleness to get a woman under this limit.

2b. What male property does society preselect as attractive?

- In total paradise limit, society preselects controllable male properties as attractive. For example, society portrays confident, assertive, resourceful, intelligent men as attractive. And most men are able to become more confident, assertive, resourceful, and intelligent. These qualities are at least somewhat in your control.

- In total hell limit, society preselects noncontrollable male properties as attractive. For example, under hell limit, society portrays men with chiseled jaws or washboarded abs or tall alpha males as attractive. Majority of men cannot grow tall or get a chiseled jaw. You are either born this way or not. So, if the society preselects noncontrollable properties as attractive, most men automatically became weeded out as unacceptable and unattractive due to possessing the desirable properties.

3. Economic conditions:

3a. Economic mobility: how long it takes a young man to establish himself and attain stable salary

- In total p***y paradise limit: it is easy for a young man to reach economic stability quite fast. And economic stability is attainable to the majority of men.

- In total p***y hell limit: majority of young men either don't attain a stable salary that allows a very comfortable life or they attain this level with great difficulty.

3b. Economic equality: the wealth gap between the rich and the poor

- In total p***y paradise, the wealth gap is small. Society is very egalitarian. Women have no necessity to become gold diggers.

- In total p***y hell, the wealth gap is large. As a result, women start to trade their beauty for very large wealth. This excludes many otherwise valid men from the dating pool. Thus, the women of 6.5 looks will probably be unattainable to an average man, as she will try use her looks to arbiter the top wealth.

4. Other conditions:

4a. Percentage of dominant and aggressive men in 18-40 age group: the less the better

- Total paradise limit: few dominant and aggressive men

- Total hell limit: high percentage of dominant and aggressive men, making the competition more fierce

4b. Public density of young women 18-40:

- Total paradise limit: lots of young women in public, on the street, in public cafes, on public transport. Lots of women to approach.

- Total hell limit: no young women in public. Empty streets and other public places are empty.

4c. Societal treatment of an average beta male:

- Total paradise limit: society treats an average man with respect. He has a lot of say in social matters.

- Total hell limit: society treats a regular man like a piece of disposable garbage.
(Note: many men in the manosphere often want to deprive women of the rights to vote, work, and get education. They are totally wrong. Societies that treat their women poorly, also treat their regular men like expendable slaves, except those few men in position of power. With the exception of some modern gynocentric societies, the better the women get treated, the better the regular beta men get treated too, other than the gynocentric extreme).

Note: many of the popular third world destinations for happier abroad forum posters are not true p***y paradises. Places like Thailand and Phillipines. Because they are not p***y paradises for the local men. I elaborate in the next post on this.

The place that came closest to fulfilling the above conditions the best was USA in 1974-1980.
I will write on that later.

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Re: p***y Paradise Factor (PPF)

Post by Adama »

Who came up with all this? Just curious.
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Re: p***y Paradise Factor (PPF)

Post by newbgold »

I did. Is it really bad?

I actually have a mathematical model that calculates raw p***y paradise factor of a particular society.
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Re: p***y Paradise Factor (PPF)

Post by Cornfed »

newbgold wrote:(Note: many men in the manosphere often want to deprive women of the rights to vote, work, and get education. They are totally wrong. Societies that treat their women poorly, also treat their regular men like expendable slaves, except those few men in position of power. With the exception of some modern gynocentric societies, the better the women get treated, the better the regular beta men get treated too, other than the gynocentric extreme).
It is not about treating women poorly. It is about acknowledging they are mentally ill grown children and not allowing them to ruin things. What societies allowed females to do these things without those societies rapidly turning to shit?
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Re: p***y Paradise Factor (PPF)

Post by newbgold »

The nation and the time with the highest p***y paradise factor was the United States in 1974-1980:

0. Main Condition: Beauty level of an average woman
- American women looked the best ever in 1970s. The high quantity of food and high quality of food ensured high level of natural beauty. And resulted in healthy thick hair, good skin tone, good facial and body structure. The fashions were very sexy and feminine: long hair, makeup, lipstick, earrings, beads, tank tops, mini skirts, low rise tight jeans, sexy lingerie, sexy stockings.

1a. Real Ratio:
- Due to the recent Vietnam war, there were fewer men than women in the 18-40 age range. The Vietnam War (1963-74) took enough men that it affected the gender ratio such that women felt a lack of men.

1b. Perceived Ratio:
Very Good
- Women perceived that there were even less men than in reality. Every living generation experienced a war in their youth, i.e. WWI, WWII, Korean war, Vietnam war. Thus every generation felt a lack of men. This had a nested effect. This cumulative effect made women feel pressure to find a man soon enough or they would be left alone.

2a. Warmth and Gentleness of an Average young woman:
- There were no reality shows yet, so there was no role model for women to act in a cold and harsh way. The popular culture had a lot more soul and a lot more positive, romantic emotions. As a result, women behaved in a more warm and gentle way. And they were more forgiving if a man behaved in a warm and gentle way too, as they were more warm and gentle themselves.

2b. Societal Preselection of Male Properties as Attractive
- Society did not show douchebags and thugs as attractive. And society did not show tall hot men as attractive either. Society still preselected confidence, assertiveness, resourcefulness, hard work, and intelligence as attractive male traits. And all these properties are learn-able as a man.

3a. Economic Mobility:
- Not as high as in 1954-63 period due to the stagflation and malaise, but still much higher than today. It was much easier for a man to establish himself and to attain a relatively stable, comfortable living in 1970s.

3b. Economic Equality:
- USA in 1974-80 was at its most egalitarian point. Most likely, USA was one of the most egalitarian countries in the world at that time. This did not necessitate women to be gold diggers as much

4a. Percentage of Dominant and Aggressive Men
Low, so Good
- THere were fewer thugs and douchebags acting like bad boys at that time. Despite crime being higher in 1970s, fewer men acted in a dominant and aggressive way. Most men were very low key and were somewhat feminine. There was a unisex feminine fashion for long hair, beads, earrings, tight jeans on men. Perhaps, by today's standards, most men from 1970s would have been considered homosexual in comparison to today. It generally seems to me that boomer men were most effeminate generation of men.

4b. Public Concentration of Females
Below Average
- This condition was not good in America even in 1970s, due to women driving cars. With so many people driving, it was starting to get harder to seek out women in public and approach them. Although,it was not nearly as bad as now.

4c. Societal Treatment of Average men:
- Vietnam war was over in 1974, and the draft ended. The draft dodgers were pardoned. And USA Army became professional army instead. This was a great conquest in men's rights. So, the society stopped treating its men like expendable cannon fodder.

In comparison to 1974-80 America, all factors today are worse. Every single one.
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Re: p***y Paradise Factor (PPF)

Post by gsjackson »

newbgold wrote:The nation and the time with the highest p***y paradise factor was the United States in 1974-1980:

0. Main Condition: Beauty level of an average woman
- American women looked the best ever in 1970s. The high quantity of food and high quality of food ensured high level of natural beauty. And resulted in healthy thick hair, good skin tone, good facial and body structure. The fashions were very sexy and feminine: long hair, makeup, lipstick, earrings, beads, tank tops, mini skirts, low rise tight jeans, sexy lingerie, sexy stockings.

1a. Real Ratio:
- Due to the recent Vietnam war, there were fewer men than women in the 18-40 age range. The Vietnam War (1963-74) took enough men that it affected the gender ratio such that women felt a lack of men.

1b. Perceived Ratio:
Very Good
- Women perceived that there were even less men than in reality. Every living generation experienced a war in their youth, i.e. WWI, WWII, Korean war, Vietnam war. Thus every generation felt a lack of men. This had a nested effect. This cumulative effect made women feel pressure to find a man soon enough or they would be left alone.

2a. Warmth and Gentleness of an Average young woman:
- There were no reality shows yet, so there was no role model for women to act in a cold and harsh way. The popular culture had a lot more soul and a lot more positive, romantic emotions. As a result, women behaved in a more warm and gentle way. And they were more forgiving if a man behaved in a warm and gentle way too, as they were more warm and gentle themselves.

2b. Societal Preselection of Male Properties as Attractive
- Society did not show douchebags and thugs as attractive. And society did not show tall hot men as attractive either. Society still preselected confidence, assertiveness, resourcefulness, hard work, and intelligence as attractive male traits. And all these properties are learn-able as a man.

3a. Economic Mobility:
- Not as high as in 1954-63 period due to the stagflation and malaise, but still much higher than today. It was much easier for a man to establish himself and to attain a relatively stable, comfortable living in 1970s.

3b. Economic Equality:
- USA in 1974-80 was at its most egalitarian point. Most likely, USA was one of the most egalitarian countries in the world at that time. This did not necessitate women to be gold diggers as much

4a. Percentage of Dominant and Aggressive Men
Low, so Good
- THere were fewer thugs and douchebags acting like bad boys at that time. Despite crime being higher in 1970s, fewer men acted in a dominant and aggressive way. Most men were very low key and were somewhat feminine. There was a unisex feminine fashion for long hair, beads, earrings, tight jeans on men. Perhaps, by today's standards, most men from 1970s would have been considered homosexual in comparison to today. It generally seems to me that boomer men were most effeminate generation of men.

4b. Public Concentration of Females
Below Average
- This condition was not good in America even in 1970s, due to women driving cars. With so many people driving, it was starting to get harder to seek out women in public and approach them. Although,it was not nearly as bad as now.

4c. Societal Treatment of Average men:
- Vietnam war was over in 1974, and the draft ended. The draft dodgers were pardoned. And USA Army became professional army instead. This was a great conquest in men's rights. So, the society stopped treating its men like expendable cannon fodder.

In comparison to 1974-80 America, all factors today are worse. Every single one.
As someone in whom the sap was rising during those years, and who remembers them well, I would say that every point is spot on. The U.S. was a big candy store for men in the '70s. There was this notion about that sex was healthy, and while the media had stirred up a herpes scare by the mid '70s, they didn't start beating the phony AIDS drums (phony because heterosexual AIDS was basically a myth) until 1981.

That was certainly the high point of female attractiveness in the U.S. The natural look, which I prefer, was in vogue. And, to be frank, racial homogeneity was a factor back before the 1965 immigration law changes had taken full effect. When I first went to Tucson in 1977 it was an anglo city and the women were off the charts. I couldn't walk across the University of Arizona campus without an erection. Now it is a Mexican city, and you can go for months without seeing a single attractive woman, even with frequent strolls across campus. This is attributable to more than my aging hormones.

I suppose you could say, and many have done so, that '70s hedonism was unsustainable and contained the seeds of its own destruction. That was when the "culture of narcissism" critique was first put forward. But damn, for a time all the factors you mention came together to create a culture of desire and fulfillment of desire such as the world has probably never seen before, and certainly not since (though a Roosh poster once said that to be a man in Prague in the '90s was to have known heaven).
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Re: p***y Paradise Factor (PPF)

Post by newbgold »

As someone in whom the sap was rising during those years, and who remembers them well, I would say that every point is spot on. The U.S. was a big candy store for men in the '70s. There was this notion about that sex was healthy,
Thank you gsjackson for confirming my p***y paradise factor hypothesis! It is always good to hear positive feedback from people who lived in those times and remember them well!
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Re: p***y Paradise Factor (PPF)

Post by chanta76 »

1974 -1980 USA. Jeez...it's 2017..but I can see your point. I seen movies and TV shows from those era and the women looked much more natural and prettier. They still acted feminine and men can act like men. This was before you have all these ism that we have today.

I think to some extent countries like Japan , South Korea was like USA 1974 -1980 at various stages during the late 90's and mid 2000's. That's part of the reason why guys went abroad but it's changing FAST.

Sad really....I feel BAD for guys today and definite for the next generation of men.
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Re: p***y Paradise Factor (PPF)

Post by newbgold »

And this is the state of things in America today, 40 years later, circa 2016-2017:

0. Main Condition: Beauty level of an average woman
Above Average
- American women still look decent overall compared to many other countries in the world. They still have a high level of natural beauty due to still high quality and high quantity of food. But this condition is in decline since 1981. Most American women of age 18-25 are still slim, and certainly almost all white American girls that age are not fat. But there is a growing obesity epidemic, which was especially strong hit on the female part of the population. Female obesity in USA is becoming noticeable since about 2012-13. And it's bringing down the average. But most women in USA still look very decent to me.

1a. Real Ratio:
- For some reason, a lot of boys were born in 1990s. But this is now true everywhere world wide. There is an excess of young men in all countries, USA included. I don't know why that is.

1b. Perceived Ratio:
Historically Horrible!
- This is the main reason why dating has become hell for men today!
And this is the problem everywhere worldwide!
I think that online dating, social media, and especially tinder are responsible for this!
When tinder arose, women began to perceive that there are many more men than in reality. They now have a distorted sense of the gender ratio. They now think that it's raining men everywhere. I think that those people who developed tinder killed it for almost all men, because women's perception of the number of men is skewed. As a result, they have a huge abundance mentality. I don't think that ever in history of humankind did they women ever have such a skewed sense of the true number of males.

2a. Warmth and Gentleness of an Average young woman:
Below Average
- This is another problem in modern day dating for men. Young women are less warm and gentle than they used to be, and thus, they expect men to be less warm and gentle too. And this is why they perceive a man being authentic as being weak. But I think that it's not that bad in today's USA. I think that modern Russian/Ukrainian women are much more cold and harsh than American women. I can tell from my experiences with them in Prague.
The main reasons why there has been decline in female warmth and gentleness were changes in popular culture: (in chronological order) I. talk shows, II. Sex and the City, III. Oprah, IV. reality shows, V. rap music, VI. Kim Kardashian, VII. social media, VIII. Instagram.

2b. Societal Preselection of Male Properties as Attractive
Historically Horrible!
- This is another problem that causes dating for men to turn into hell!
The modern media is infecting young women with lookism against men.
In the past 5-10 years, the media has been portraying tall, domineering hunks with chiseled jaws and chiseled abs as the only worthy male type of looks. And there is a subtle message that they are hot, while other types of men are not. Well, such men would always be attractive to women anyways. Why give them an even greater boost?!
By portraying these types of men as the only ones who are attractive, the media is sending a message to women that all other types of men are not valid and not worthy of them. Take all these reality shows like Jersey Shore that glorify such men as attractive. Of course, women will believe this.
Yes, preselecting height, large muscles, chiseled facial structure, chiseled body structure, Aryan facial features as the only attractive type, the noncontrollable male traits are being preselected. A man who is not born with these traits is unlikely to obtain these traits unless he uses steroids and gets lots of plastic surgery.
Likewise, the media is giving negative preselection to intelligent and resourceful men, especially scientists, engineers, and computer programmers, portraying them as wimpy, weak, unmasculine, sexually inept, socially awkward, boring, and unexciting. If you perpetuate these stereotypes long enough, of course women will start believing that scientists, engineers, and computer programmers are boring and weak and unsexy, and women will start rejecting them!
Instead of preselecting professional men as attractive, the media portrays either domineering hunks or extremely wealthy top corporate bosses or bad boys or duchebags as the only attractive male types. It is almost impossible for an average man to because any of these stereotypes.

3a. Economic Mobility:
Below Average
- Not as bad as in the majority of other countries today. Not nearly as bad in the third world or in Eastern Europe. But things have gone downhill in USA too. It is now much harder for a young man to establish himself as a professional. It takes a lot more time for a young man to attain economic stability and a comfortable life. It started to get harder for a young man to establish himself during the McJob recession of 1991-92. And it got much harder for a young man to establish himself after the crashes of 2008 and the start of the Great Recession. This has negative impact on men's interaction with women as well.

3b. Economic Equality:
- The rich-poor gap in USA is now the highest in living memory. But it is much better than in all the third world countries for example. It is certainly better than in Russia, where a few oligarchs loyal to Putin own most of the wealth, while most people can't make ends meet. But the rich-poor gap in USA has been increasing since the Reaganomics in 1980s, since the Bush tax cuts in early 2000's, and it has most drastically increased since the start of the Great Recession in 2007-08. For example, I personally knew very few Midwestern women who were gold diggers prior to 2008 crashes. At least in Minnesota, they were nearly nonexistant until about 2007-08. After that, I first learned of the term and met more of them.

4a. Percentage of Dominant and Aggressive Men
- The number of thugs and douchebags has increased in the recent years. This is in part due to the media portraying them as attractive to women, eg. Jersey Shore reality show. As more and more women started to reward bad boys with sex, more and more men began to get tattoos, to work out in the gym with steroids, to listen to rap music. Even though most American men are beta males, the number of alpha male behavior has increased in the recent years. But the percentage of dominant and aggressive men in USA is much, much lower than that in Eastern Europe and Russia. Take my word as a traveler to Eastern Europe and as a Russian speaker.

4b. Public Concentration of Females
Historically Horrible!
- This condition is the worst in America! This is due to cars and driving. Except largest primate cities, if you walk down the street, you meet cars, not women on foot. In most places in USA, you rarely run into women in public as almost everybody drives. In order to approach women and run daygame on them, you need to go out of your way to seek them out.

4c. Societal Treatment of Average men:
Above Average
- USA is still one of the best places for men's rights, because USA is still one of the best places for human rights. The fact that American men don't have to serve in the army and there is no military draft already makes USA be a great place for men's rights. (Think of Russia and other former Soviet countries where the average male life span is 64-65 years as opposed to their female life span of 75-76 years! We don't have such life span discrepancy between genders in USA!) But there are sexual harassment laws and now the false rape accusations against men. The society is becoming gynocentric at the expensive of the regular man. We now have much more women than men attending college, probably because college admissions would take a woman over a man with the same credentials.

Every condition has gotten worse in USA in the past 40 years.

But still, even today's USA, is still far, far from a p***y hell.
It is no longer a p***y paradise that it was at its peak in 1974-80, but it is still many miles away from being a sexual hell for men. At least for now.
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Re: p***y Paradise Factor (PPF)

Post by chanta76 »

Really..America not p***y hell? I think it's getting there. So which country would be consider p***y hell?
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Re: p***y Paradise Factor (PPF)

Post by newbgold »

Majority of the world today is a p***y hell.
I would guess Philippines for the LOCAL men, not for us,
Japan, China, South Korea, India, Iran, Turkey, most Arabic countries, probably most Muslim countries, Brazil, Russia, Ukraine, Australia.
Maybe Sweden due to a very bad gender ratio.
But most of the world is a p***y hell due to tinder destroying the condition 1b Perceived Ratio, causing young women to have a very distorted perception of the number of men. Also, tinder hit conditions 2a and 2b really hard too, by causing young women to further become robotic and to further lose even more warmth and gentleness, and by further perpetuating even more lookism against men. tinder is turning the whole world into a p***y hell, by killing three very important conditions that are critical to a man's success in getting a woman. Somehow, this needs to be stopped.
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Re: p***y Paradise Factor (PPF)

Post by Yohan »

newbgold wrote: ..... even today's USA, is still far, far from a p***y hell.

This is a joke, right?
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