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List of Town Squares in Europe?

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List of Town Squares in Europe?

Post by dancilley »

Someone said that in France, there is a huge town square with hundreds of coffee shops and restaurants where they serve very fresh, natural, homemade-tasting meals. He said people walk and gather and hang out there on the weekends. There are almost no fat people. Where is this town square, and where are other places like this? I want to be around healthy, fit, trim people who are happy, positive, open-minded, at-ease, etc.

I have seen the huge town square in I am assuming it is similar to the France one (quiet, isolated from vehicular traffic noise/pollution, therefore more conducive to meeting people and hanging out and socializing). I also know that the food in Russia is similarly fresh and healthy to France.

I think the common denominator is that the food has been harvested recently, has not been frozen/processed, has no flavor enhancers/additives/preservatives like MSG, maltodextrin, dextrose, citric acid, xanthan gum, guar gum, "natural flavoring," etc., is grown pesticide-free, is grown in rich soil, has no added refined sugar, and maybe no salt, and the varieties of plants are heirloom and have a more unique flavor rather than generic varieties that are more bland and are designed for a long shelf life and maximizing profit primarily.

For example, heirloom tomatoes are odd-shapes, and have an eccentric taste and have grooves or folds in the flesh that may accumulate dust or compared to the generic, uniform, orangish-red tomato that is totally round and has no grooves or imperfections at all and so may appeal to more people, and will last longer on the shelf.

I am aware that in Riga, Latvia I think is the largest farmers market in Europe.

Someone said that in Poland, the females expect men to approach them?

I want to be in the healthiest location possible, with people who are super open to meeting strangers. I want to be able to give positive, friendly attention to people, and then have them interpret my actions as positive.

Contrast this with what happened to me in 2015-2016: I went out in Downtown L.A. and approached females...and my actions were received and interpreted as highly negative or at least not good, by almost every person who was U.S.-born; only tourists from other countries like Ukraine, Khazakstan, China, Japan, etc. were friendly with me--and it was a very stark contrast!

My goal is to move to and/or create an environment where everyone is healthy and positive and friendly like that. I see myself traveling to a town square in Europe and then I just start talking to people who are hanging out--similar to what @Winston did in his Russia trip videos. I don't want to be in a place with homeless people, beggars, intoxicated people, or cigarette or weed smoke. I want to exist in a location where people are healthy and happy all the time, and are in a romantic mood and have positive attitudes about dating, marriage, sex, reproduction, etc.
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Re: List of Town Squares in Europe?

Post by gsjackson »

I've been going to Europe every summer for 13 years with that sort of objective in mind and those sorts of assumptions, and I don't think it's that unrealistic. First of all -- yes, the people are there out in public, unlike the U.S. where everybody lives in their privatized spaces and come out in public only for ball games and concerts. Europe has a pedestrian culture, the U.S. doesn't. You will actually see attractive women in public, something that's become a rarity in the U.S. Secondly, the women don't automatically go on the defensive when approached; there's not the same paranoia as in the U.S. Third, it is very rare to see obesity, though it's not like you're going to see a lot of strikingly attractive women in any given venue. And finally, they tend not to be nearly as materialistic as American women, caring little about the kind of car you drive or your digs, unless they happen to be gold diggers.

Looking at it in a geographical context, you're more likely to find this sort of ostensibly idyllic atmosphere in a smaller European city than in the capitals. You're more likely to get laid quickly in western Europe, but probably more likely to find a suitable wife in countries that were part of the old Soviet bloc.

Caveats about European women. You do all the work. In my experience they do not give out signals of interest -- smiles, eye contact lingering a split second longer, etc. -- like American women do. As best I can tell, they never even look at men in a noticeable way in the Soviet bloc countries. They see themselves as a prize to be won, and you need to work hard to win the prize. And while they don't have the same instinctive paranoia as American women, they can shoot you down far more bluntly and brutally if they're not interested, sometimes just ignoring you altogether when you try to talk to them. In short, it is no easier to get with them than in the U.S., but they are out there, accumulated in target-rich environments, and if you've got the right stuff the prize might be won.

One other caveat -- there are beggars all over the place in Europe, though they are much more concentrated in the tourist areas.

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