Do Asian American men have any hope?

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Re: Do Asian American men have any hope?

Post by cbcsurvivalist »

chanta76 wrote:Rock,

. From your writing I can't help but feel that you have this superiority complex because you believe that your supposedly more masculine. Since you have white privilege you would also benefit dating in Europe or Russia but I guess you want to use your whiteness to get all those Chinese girls .

Obviously Asian men do OK in Asia. I think in South America they may do OK too. I have a Peruvian friend who told me that it's a non-issue for Asian men to date local girls. Ditto for Mexico. There is a Japanese Brazilian community and fair number of the Japanese guys that did end up marrying local girls. It's like only the Anglo sphere Asian guys are really screwed BUT lately as I go out in NYC I notice more and more Asian guys with white girls...many of these couples are young couples(under 30) so maybe something is happening that didn't apply to me when I was in my early 20's.

I knew one Chinese American guy who worked in Germany and dated a German girl. He told me there is no advantage race wise but no read DISadvantage from his experience in Europe. It's more or less how you carry yourself. Russia ..I hear mix stories. Sure Winston did get rejected in Russia and certain brothels wouldn't accept him. But I hear stories of Asian guys getting girls there so I get confused...The behavior of an asian American guy vs Asian guy is different. Asian American guys will act American which does lead to some benefit good or bad in certain countries.

It's like in South Korea..if your white guy and want to go into certain brothels (outside of the US Army bases) most Korean girls would reject a foreigner or white guy ..but does this mean a white guy can't get a Korean girl friend. Of course not.

Sometimes Rock you just come out sounding like you .."yeah I'm white and damn I feel lucky I'm not a color guy because of my whiteness I have all this advantage in getting laid." Sorry..I never met you..maybe in real life your not like this but from reading your post you come out like that.

FOr example you visited Jamaica and mentioned that you didn't see any Asian guys with Jamaican women. I met this Jamaican guy in NYC and he told me that there is CHinese population in Jamaica and fair number of the CHinese guys ended up marrying Jamaican women.

Here is one brief history about them. I think given a Choice most of the Asian guys would prefer Asian girls but if no Asian girls around they settle what;s around them. The difference between USA and Jamaica is that USA made laws against color men to date white women..because of the legacy of racism which still exist today it had a negative impact for Asian men . ...

In other parts of the world there is less of that desexualization stereotype. Here is ak-pop band in MExico....notice all those young Mexican girls going crazy for the Korean boy band..I think with the next generation it;s allot easier for the Asian guys globally to date inter-racially..
I never knew there was such a large following of kpop in Latin America. I thought it was just happening in Europe. Its kind of funny when I watch these videos of all these chicks going crazy over these Asian boy bands. Meanwhile here in North America you never see shit like this. Just goes to show you how racist and f***ed up North America is when it comes to dating for Asian men. Its like I'm playing on extra hard mode here compared to everywhere else. It was such a mind f**k when I went over to Europe and I had girls eye f***ing me all day and night, and even having some girls try to get my attention by deliberately bumping into me several times. I've been eye f***ed over here in North America too but no where near as much and definitely not the same caliber and quality as everywhere else. Tips and Tricks for the CBC in the 21th century

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Re: Do Asian American men have any hope?

Post by Falcon »

Chanta, Rock is doing this because it's in his nature to try to say the opposite of anything that someone is saying. He wants to debate everything and counter back with something else. He's not the kind of guy who would be 100% affirmative.

Write another post saying that such-and-such a demographic of guys can't get girls anywhere, and he'll still counter back.

Anyways Rock is still a great guy and friend of course. I'm just pointing out his tendencies to do such things, which isn't necessarily a bad trait, but you'll have to take his constant counter-arguments with a grain of salt oftentimes.
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Re: Do Asian American men have any hope?

Post by chanta76 »


I didn't bother reading your personal email to me and decided to block you.
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Re: Do Asian American men have any hope?

Post by chanta76 »


In the anglosphere like North America (USA and Canada) UK , any western English speaking country there seems to be a deliberate attempt to desxualize Asian men..and it;s usually western men from these countries that have allot of Asian fetish..I mean how often do you meet a Brazilian men with Asian fetish.. In other places of the world ..Asian men don't have that huge negative stereotype. Its more of a non-issue. It doesn't mean you have any huge advantage but no disadvantage.

The Chinese migrated pretty much all corners of the world..guess which part of the world did the Chinese men had the hardest time dating ? Westerns countries but in South America and other parts the Chinese men outdated Chinese women .

However, with the the rise of kpop and internet there is growing number of western girls that are into asian men.
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Re: Do Asian American men have any hope?

Post by Falcon »

In every part of the world, most people who are part Chinese are actually part Chinese through paternal descent (father's side). This is true throughout the Caribbean, Central America, South America, West Africa, East Africa, Mauritius, Reunion, Southeast Asia, the Pacific Islands, and everywhere! All except the Anglosphere.

Latin Americans usually don't think of Asian men as effeminate and nerdy. Instead, martial arts fighters always immediately comes to mind when they think of Asian guys!
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Re: Do Asian American men have any hope?

Post by Winston »

Tommy Tan explains why online dating is terrible for Asian men in America.

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Re: Do Asian American men have any hope?

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

Nope.. There is no hope for Asian Americans thanks to the Jews in Hebrew-wood portraying Asian men as an asexual, dorky, nerdy, fresh off the boat, Jackie Chan, yellow weirdos.

You better off moving to a different country like France, South America, East Asia to get p***y.
And beside, why do you guys want to marry a 300 pound, neurotic, airheaded, narrow minded, pyschopathic, plastic, ignorant, toxic,
American b*tch anyway? Go find p***y abroad. Leave the American women to the simps. The American women have priced themselves out in the sexual marketplace long time ago.
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Re: Do Asian American men have any hope?

Post by Outcast9428 »

I see quite a few Asian guys with girlfriends around where I live. Sometimes they’re dating Asian girls, sometimes they are dating White girls. A friend of mine is actually an Asian guy who married White girl who’s now a stay at home mom.
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Re: Do Asian American men have any hope?

Post by Kalinago »

Guys,I look Southwest Asian as f**k in real life,and women do not care at all.I have NEVER been rejected for my racial appearance in real life,and the only women that give me shit are southwest asian,hindu and north african women themselves.

online is a different issue,but using a fake latino name usually gets me 3x the matches.

Mestizas,black women,east asian women,nordic women and even sefardic jewish women have liked me and treat me very well.

this shit is in your head,a unattractive white guy thinks the world hates him for being a white man,while the viking chad has harem of women and women of all races simping over him.

women do not care about race in america for men,they care about other hypergamous shit.which is why you should leave.its not your race.

5% of men at most get any attention from women.standards for what is handsome are also way too high and desensitized.
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Re: Do Asian American men have any hope?

Post by Kalinago »

Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
March 2nd, 2023, 9:34 am
Nope.. There is no hope for Asian Americans thanks to the Jews in Hebrew-wood portraying Asian men as an asexual, dorky, nerdy, fresh off the boat, Jackie Chan, yellow weirdos.

You better off moving to a different country like France, South America, East Asia to get p***y.
And beside, why do you guys want to marry a 300 pound, neurotic, airheaded, narrow minded, pyschopathic, plastic, ignorant, toxic,
American b*tch anyway? Go find p***y abroad. Leave the American women to the simps. The American women have priced themselves out in the sexual marketplace long time ago.
this is so outdated.east asian men are up there competing with nordic chads,niggers and southern europeans due to k-poop and k-drama.

Asian men were never less attractive than anyone else to women,it was simply the low status.

this is not 2010 or even 2015.

white men do not have some golden aura around them like back then.

most black men are incels too,and many marry/cohabit with women with children from another guy(like 33%).

this shit transends race.

white women are probabely the least racist women on earth.its those f***ing brunette dark 'white' princesses that are racist alongside east asian bitches.
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Re: Do Asian American men have any hope?

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

Kalinago wrote:
March 13th, 2023, 1:38 am
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
March 2nd, 2023, 9:34 am
Nope.. There is no hope for Asian Americans thanks to the Jews in Hebrew-wood portraying Asian men as an asexual, dorky, nerdy, fresh off the boat, Jackie Chan, yellow weirdos.

You better off moving to a different country like France, South America, East Asia to get p***y.
And beside, why do you guys want to marry a 300 pound, neurotic, airheaded, narrow minded, pyschopathic, plastic, ignorant, toxic,
American b*tch anyway? Go find p***y abroad. Leave the American women to the simps. The American women have priced themselves out in the sexual marketplace long time ago.
this is so outdated.east asian men are up there competing with nordic chads,niggers and southern europeans due to k-poop and k-drama.

Asian men were never less attractive than anyone else to women,it was simply the low status.

this is not 2010 or even 2015.

white men do not have some golden aura around them like back then.

most black men are incels too,and many marry/cohabit with women with children from another guy(like 33%).

this shit transends race.

white women are probabely the least racist women on earth.its those f***ing brunette dark 'white' princesses that are racist alongside east asian bitches.
Lol.. thanks for your encouragement towards Asians.. I'm bit flattered. I don't like K-poop and k-drama at all. I listen to K-Rock which is underrated.
But still, I find foreign women bit better than the homegrown ameri-c*nts. Most of them Ameri-c*nts has an intelligence of a brick.
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Re: Do Asian American men have any hope?

Post by Kalinago »

Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
March 13th, 2023, 7:13 am
Kalinago wrote:
March 13th, 2023, 1:38 am
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
March 2nd, 2023, 9:34 am
Nope.. There is no hope for Asian Americans thanks to the Jews in Hebrew-wood portraying Asian men as an asexual, dorky, nerdy, fresh off the boat, Jackie Chan, yellow weirdos.

You better off moving to a different country like France, South America, East Asia to get p***y.
And beside, why do you guys want to marry a 300 pound, neurotic, airheaded, narrow minded, pyschopathic, plastic, ignorant, toxic,
American b*tch anyway? Go find p***y abroad. Leave the American women to the simps. The American women have priced themselves out in the sexual marketplace long time ago.
this is so outdated.east asian men are up there competing with nordic chads,niggers and southern europeans due to k-poop and k-drama.

Asian men were never less attractive than anyone else to women,it was simply the low status.

this is not 2010 or even 2015.

white men do not have some golden aura around them like back then.

most black men are incels too,and many marry/cohabit with women with children from another guy(like 33%).

this shit transends race.

white women are probabely the least racist women on earth.its those f***ing brunette dark 'white' princesses that are racist alongside east asian bitches.
Lol.. thanks for your encouragement towards Asians.. I'm bit flattered. I don't like K-poop and k-drama at all. I listen to K-Rock which is underrated.
But still, I find foreign women bit better than the homegrown ameri-c*nts. Most of them Ameri-c*nts has an intelligence of a brick.
Gen Z is really a whole new generation for asian guys.

I mean globally.

I predict that for the generation under Z,asian men will be the new nigger men.

it's really men from islamic origins,or hindu dindus that have negative SMV for most women(due to their generally backward views about women),but a handsome one will still date attractive women.

Millions of women desire to move to seoul to find a korean prettyboy,from all regions of the world,even some arabic women from strict muslim backrounds,for example K-pop is huge in UAE and asian men are the new nigger.

that shows you how big this shit is.

Latino men make way better music (Reggaeton,cubaton,spanish trap)and have way more style (see the differing types of urban puerto rican clothing)and cool factor than korean men,but they are so stupid they do not subtitle their videos in english like koreans do,since the latter have an actual agenda to boost korean smv and influence abroad.

k-poop is actually terrible

I agree some foreign women are a bit better.

depends really on your status and smv.

women hate their own men always,unless he has high racial smv.

if a typical cuban white dude goes to india,he will be a god,but if a typical shudra from india goes to cuba,they will avoid him.

seeing how petty and status concious people are by nature,made me lose my sincerity in relations to people.
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Re: Do Asian American men have any hope?

Post by Kalinago »

btw,Gen Z asian american women have zero interest in dating white guys.

due to anti-asian sentiment and endless red chinese scare in the usa,asian women are gravitating to asian men and a sense of community.

and also asian men have higher smv than asian women in gen z,so we know how this is going to turn out.

meanwhile white women and americanized latinas,f**k ape-freakans because dey be kew.and everyone fetishizes latina women due to porn and their image as easy sex toys.I think latina women even like this blatant disrespect.

latinas are shameless whores with no sense of dignity or Modesty and wholesomeness in anyway,even though they are very narcissistic and spew virtue signalling woke garbage.

can't expect a race of oppurtunist sluts to have self-respect.

meanwhile white and latino men are seen as jokes today,and cucks.

white and white adjacent latino men have it the worst with their women in dirty shameless traitorous bitches that need the rope when Hitler 2.0 rises with help of the Gods of Orion.
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Re: Do Asian American men have any hope?

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »


Well I am glad to hear the perception towards Asian men are getting better...
Yes I know, millions of white people, even Indonesians, and Filipinos wants to visit South Korea because of K Poop and K Drama.
I already know that.

However South Korea is no K-Poop Fantasy land. It is collapsing from within. Lowest birthrate in the planet (0.78 per women), Increasing poverty rate, dwindling job opportunities, high suicide rate compared to other OCED nations, least happiest country in the OCED, increasing debt, high elderly homeless, racism against South East Asians, foreigners have very little legal protection, high wealth inequality, mediocre salary, crazy housing prices, etc.

But the koreaboos and K poop fans doesn't care. Wait until they settle and live in Korea then they will face the hard reality.

I agree, the Latinos do make better music and is more diverse. K-poop is garbege.. I listen to K-Rock which is underrated and there are some good artists out there.
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Re: Do Asian American men have any hope?

Post by Moretorque »

Kalinago wrote:
March 13th, 2023, 1:38 am

asian men are up there competing with niggers
You're not competing with little ole stubby there... :roll:
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