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How many of you are actually Mgtow?

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Re: How many of you are actually Mgtow?

Post by flowerthief00 »

OP, I more or less agree with you. MGTOW as a classification (i.e. "I am MGTOW", "He is MGTOW") is a vaporous term that means whatever the person using it wants it to mean, and is therefore next to useless at best and a source of confusion/contradictions at worst.

However, MGTOW the philosophy I am fully behind. I'd rather just call it Red Pill Aware. Can we get the word "RPA" into circulation and drop the usage of this silly word "MGTOW"?

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Re: How many of you are actually Mgtow?

Post by Contrarian Expatriate »

flowerthief00 wrote:
May 10th, 2019, 10:49 pm
I'd rather just call it Red Pill Aware. Can we get the word "RPA" into circulation and drop the usage of this silly word "MGTOW"?
Lot's of men these days are RPA, but many of those are willing to throw the dice and risk it all to live the fantasy of love, marriage, and children. There is an YouTube community of such men called the Red Man Group. They are all acutely aware of female nature, but most of those men are either married, or in serious, committed relationships with women.

MGTOW generally want no part of what they are selling with regard to marriage, cohabitation or family life. MGTOW is for men to become the best versions of themselves for their own sake, not for the women and children they can serve. Huge difference there......
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Re: How many of you are actually Mgtow?

Post by Yohan »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
May 10th, 2019, 11:21 am
... as Yohan points out, the main difference is that feminism is a movement with a lot of political momentum behind it and therefore gets financial support, whereas male empowerment is something society seems to actively discourage or fight against. Aside from that factor, the two are largely the same IMO.
Feminism is doing its best to FORCE straight men and even boys into submission - to create a straight 'model' man (and brainwashed-educated boys too) without rights and only with financial obligations towards certain groups of women.

Please keep in mind that feminism is not into equality, even not into equality among women themselves.

As a response, MGTOW advice men to stay away from these malicious females, to ignore them, do not give them any money - there is no law (yet) which could force a man to socialize with a female.
Marcos: Feminism is the same way, as it also advises young women not to marry and have children, but instead to 'be woke' and focus on their 'empowerment' to be 'strong, independent women who don't need a man'...
Feminism is against marriage? Well, not always for sure, it depends on the circumstances.

I do not know about any feminist movement which is against fleecing rich men using marriage/divorce as tools for unreasonable high payouts, alimony and child support.

If marriage is ending in a lucrative divorce for the woman, feminists are not against it.

However feminists are strongly against ordinary Western men who reject Western women and marry a foreign wife and settle down in her foreign country - as this means a financial loss for the feminist movement - one man less for collecting money after divorce.
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Re: How many of you are actually Mgtow?

Post by Shemp »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
May 10th, 2019, 11:21 am
...MGTOW is not a long-term solution. It's men avoiding relationships, women and deciding against marriage and having a family of their own. As such, it's a movement that may, in theory, be growing, but that has no real future and no ability to sustain itself. It's more or less a death cult in that sense.

Feminism is the same way...
Yes. And there is no conspiracy here, no plot by the jews to undermine the goyim, take your tin foil hats off people. No more than there was a plot to exterminate half the population of Europe in the middle ages with the plague. Plague bacteria were brought in by accident and then acted according to their nature. Now a large percentage of the people in the developed world are acting according to our nature, and becoming extinct, after some accidental changes were made to the old system of incentives.

MGTOW men and feminist women tend to be rational and disciplined. Under the right conditions, those are very valuable traits and largely heritable. But those traits can also make for a miserable society. Think of the Victorian sexual prudishness, Nazism and Japanese imperialism, workaholism in modern America and Japan, just to cite a few examples. Things got so bad with World War II that afterwards everyone decided to experiment with loosening up the old rules. People didn't think carefully about what they were doing, there was no one in charge contrary to what the tin foil hat crew says, just a general desire for more freedom, and so among the rules abandoned were the old system of incentives for producing and properly raising children.

Without proper incentives, rational and highly disciplined people will naturally take the easy road of sterile hedonism, which is what MGTOW and Feminism really boil down to. Children are work. Long term relationships with the opposite sex are work. Short term hookups and masturbating to pornography is easy, and so that is what hedonists go for. Modern big city culture is really homosexual culture, even when the sex is heterosexual. Think of that Sex and that City show: that was homosexual lifestyle those women were living.

What is remarkable is not that people like me and ContrarianExpat and others here are childless hedonists, but that there are still any rational and disciplined people who are not childless hedonists. Evidently, their programming to want children is strong enough to override the allure of hedonism. You can see how that programming works in Africa and primitive villages of the Philippines. Every time two men or two women meet, the first thing they ask is how many children each has. The one who has the most gets to feel superior. And someone who is not married or has no children is constantly made to feel like a failure. The little boys and girls pick up on this, and thus are programmed to want marriage and children themselves someday. Whereas in a decadent place like New York City, the middle class person who has children is made to feel like a failure and the measure of success is how many short term sex hookups a person has had recently (notch count). Children pick up that being married with children is for chumps (at least if you are middle class) and the childless homosexual lifestyle is more fun, and so that is the path they take (though they might actually engage in heterosexual sex).

Childless hedonists like me are quite happy to go extinct, though we recognize that the path we are on is unsustainable for society as a whole. A lot of things are unsustainable for society as a whole. I happen to believe global warming is true and we are heading for a worst case scenario with most of the planet uninhabitable. So? It won't happen immediately, not in my lifetime, and at least 10% of the immense population of humans will survive living in the higher latitudes or higher elevations, and that's plenty enough to keep humanity as a whole from extinction. Anyway, the whole solar system will eventually end. I just worry about enjoying the remainder of my life and to hell with what happens after I'm gone.
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Re: How many of you are actually Mgtow?

Post by Cornfed »

Shemp wrote:
May 11th, 2019, 3:37 am
MarcosZeitola wrote:
May 10th, 2019, 11:21 am
...MGTOW is not a long-term solution. It's men avoiding relationships, women and deciding against marriage and having a family of their own. As such, it's a movement that may, in theory, be growing, but that has no real future and no ability to sustain itself. It's more or less a death cult in that sense.

Feminism is the same way...
Yes. And there is no conspiracy here, no plot by the jews to undermine the goyim, take your tin foil hats off people. No more than there was a plot to exterminate half the population of Europe in the middle ages with the plague. Plague bacteria were brought in by accident and then acted according to their nature. Now a large percentage of the people in the developed world are acting according to our nature, and becoming extinct, after some accidental changes were made to the old system of incentives.

MGTOW men and feminist women tend to be rational and disciplined. Under the right conditions, those are very valuable traits and largely heritable. But those traits can also make for a miserable society. Think of the Victorian sexual prudishness, Nazism and Japanese imperialism, workaholism in modern America and Japan, just to cite a few examples. Things got so bad with World War II that afterwards everyone decided to experiment with loosening up the old rules. People didn't think carefully about what they were doing, there was no one in charge contrary to what the tin foil hat crew says, just a general desire for more freedom, and so among the rules abandoned were the old system of incentives for producing and properly raising children.

Without proper incentives, rational and highly disciplined people will naturally take the easy road of sterile hedonism, which is what MGTOW and Feminism really boil down to. Children are work. Long term relationships with the opposite sex are work. Short term hookups and masturbating to pornography is easy, and so that is what hedonists go for. Modern big city culture is really homosexual culture, even when the sex is heterosexual. Think of that Sex and that City show: that was homosexual lifestyle those women were living.

What is remarkable is not that people like me and ContrarianExpat and others here are childless hedonists, but that there are still any rational and disciplined people who are not childless hedonists. Evidently, their programming to want children is strong enough to override the allure of hedonism. You can see how that programming works in Africa and primitive villages of the Philippines. Every time two men or two women meet, the first thing they ask is how many children each has. The one who has the most gets to feel superior. And someone who is not married or has no children is constantly made to feel like a failure. The little boys and girls pick up on this, and thus are programmed to want marriage and children themselves someday. Whereas in a decadent place like New York City, the middle class person who has children is made to feel like a failure and the measure of success is how many short term sex hookups a person has had recently (notch count). Children pick up that being married with children is for chumps (at least if you are middle class) and the childless homosexual lifestyle is more fun, and so that is the path they take (though they might actually engage in heterosexual sex).

Childless hedonists like me are quite happy to go extinct, though we recognize that the path we are on is unsustainable for society as a whole. A lot of things are unsustainable for society as a whole. I happen to believe global warming is true and we are heading for a worst case scenario with most of the planet uninhabitable. So? It won't happen immediately, not in my lifetime, and at least 10% of the immense population of humans will survive living in the higher latitudes or higher elevations, and that's plenty enough to keep humanity as a whole from extinction. Anyway, the whole solar system will eventually end. I just worry about enjoying the remainder of my life and to hell with what happens after I'm gone.
So you're basically pure evil boomer scum. Words can't possibly describe the visceral loathing and contempt I have for you. I just don't get the evil of your generation.
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Re: How many of you are actually Mgtow?

Post by Splicelo »

Contrarian Expatriate wrote:
May 10th, 2019, 8:58 pm
Splicelo wrote:
May 10th, 2019, 7:40 pm
Coach red pill is a man in his early 50's who married a woman under the age of 25 in the ukraine, i thought you said you was in favor of marriage only if there is a big age gap or maybe i was mistaken.
You are mistaken. I wrote that I am philosophically opposed to marriage, BUT if one is going to do it, I could see some value in it at the end of life with a younger woman for those years where comfort and companionship are most important.

Also, Yohan is married too, but unlike Coach Red Pill, he does not go around mischaracterizing MGTOW to make his lifestyle choices look preferable.
Splicelo wrote: So what about men who are married and claim to be mgtow?
So long as these very few men understand the truths about female nature and how they can leverage state power against men, who am I to say they are not MGTOW? I can say Yohan is the only person I would put in that catagory.
Splicelo wrote: are they really mgtow by your definition?
Again, so long as they are red pill (Understand the truths of female nature) and seek to protect their male soverienty because of that, they can be considered MGTOW. Remember all MGTOWs are very different from each other and lead vastly different lives. Some live as virtual monks and some as absolute man-whores, but the core motif is the same, knowing female nature like few others.
Splicelo wrote: And are you saying if a man marry for sure he'll be unhappy?
Most husbands are happy at the beginning of marriage. It is those later years when the wife is unattractive, unpleasant, and throwing her state granted power around that makes men subordiate themselves to their wive and the state. And that is if they are lucky. Some wives just decide pull out unilaterally and cash out in the process. Sure, men in traditional countries don't have the legal risks, but they tire of marriage too in this day and age.

Very few men are truthful about their unhappiness being married because it is painful to acknowledge. Most married men will justify marriage till they are in the grave. I suggest you find those few honest men and pick their brains.
Splicelo wrote: What about men who intend to find a wife outside western countries where they don't have the system rigged against men, do you believe it's best that those men don't get married either?
Marriage gets a female's legal hooks into you anywhere in the world. I am philosophically opposed to it.
Splicelo wrote: And since you are not for marriage, are you at least a fan of cohabitation?
Personally, I am not a fan of it, but if there are children involved, I see the importance in it. If I were comfortable enough with my girlfriend living with me, I might eventually permit it so long as there are more benefits to it than annoyances. But women tend to take over male spaces and dictate living arrangements more than we like to admit.

I think a man should live his life in a manner that should he need to cut and run from a psycho b*tch and her state minions, he can slip away unnoticed. Marriage and cohabitation tend to complicate that.... Most men do not know that many countries have child support enforcement agreements where another country will enforce the order of the man's home country. This is kept quiet for some reason, but it exists.
But at the end of life what is the point of getting married at all? There is really no benefit, you can get companionship without getting married (have her live with you without signing legal document to say you are married), and most younger women are gonna wanna have children, and whats the point having children if you won't live long enough to see them grow up? Even if a young woman tell you she doesn't want children, she usually change her mind later, so most likely will live a unhappy existence without the kids which she truly wants. Obviously there are women who genuinely don't want children but that is really rare.

Now yes there are men who are near end of their who marry young women and they have children but those men end up dying and leaving these women single with children, that kinda aint fair to her and the children. So in that case should she spend her life alone when she is still in her prime, when at the same time you are suggest men don't date single moms or you would make an exception with widows?

The only benefit i would see for a young woman to marry a man who is near end of life is if she hopes he dies soon so she can get his money, then move unto a younger man after his death.
A young woman spending the best years of her life been care taker to a man near the end of his life sounds more to be in it just for his money.

A man near end of his life would not really gain any benefit by marrying.

Now you don't want to marry unless maybe its near end of your life, you don't want to really cohibitate with a woman, you don't want kids. Women are wired to want children etc. So most likely she won't stick around and go find someone who want those things. Women want to feel stability, security not just provided for. So you don't wanna live with her, marry or have kids. Women will most likely think you are playing games with them. As you are not showing any kind of long term commitment.And don't take this the wrong way, i am not attacking you but i feel a woman who would be ok with this arrangement is a feminist woman. A feminist woman who claims to be strong independent don't need a man, don't want children, don't wanna marry and just meet up with guys and have occasional sex no strings attached. And it's no strings attached because she is kinda disposable if you aren't showing her any kind of commitment.

Because a typical feminine woman won't be alrite with this kinda arrangement you propose. Most women don't wanna be calling a man a boyfriend forever.

You are in your 50's. What if your girlfriend wants to marry? You'd just tell her no wait untill you are 70 years old?

Also where do you get the idea that all wife become nagging? or that men are being dishonest that they are happily married? There are some really great women who stand behind their men and supports him throughout the years to be the best that he can be, and keeps herself up and ages graceful and her husbsnd is still very much attracted to her, and although they both have arguments, she is not exactly nagging. I think after people spend most of their life together they get set in their ways and understand each other so things between them just flow smoothy for the most part.

You've never seen an old couple who been together almost longer than you've been alive who is genuinely happy? I've seen it all the time.
Last edited by Splicelo on May 11th, 2019, 8:30 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: How many of you are actually Mgtow?

Post by Shemp »

Splicelo wrote:
May 11th, 2019, 7:12 am
Now yes there are men who are near end of their who marry young women and they have children but those men end up dying and leaving these women single with children, that kinda aint fair to her and the children. So in that case should she spend her life alone when she is still in her prime, when at the same time you are suggest men don't date single moms or you would make an exception with widows?
What the woman can do is marry and have children with a man her own age, and then have some sugar daddies on the side for extra income. I believe my rental girlfriend in Ukraine is planning to do this, though I don't pry into her personal affairs so I don't know for sure. I know she dates local men several years younger than herself (she is 28), who she says are no good in bed though she still finds them sexually attractive, but her current sugar daddies are all older foreign men like me.
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Re: How many of you are actually Mgtow?

Post by Splicelo »

Shemp wrote:
May 11th, 2019, 7:48 am
Splicelo wrote:
May 11th, 2019, 7:12 am
Now yes there are men who are near end of their who marry young women and they have children but those men end up dying and leaving these women single with children, that kinda aint fair to her and the children. So in that case should she spend her life alone when she is still in her prime, when at the same time you are suggest men don't date single moms or you would make an exception with widows?
What the woman can do is marry and have children with a man her own age, and then have some sugar daddies on the side for extra income. I believe my rental girlfriend in Ukraine is planning to do this, though I don't pry into her personal affairs so I don't know for sure. I know she dates local men several years younger than herself (she is 28), who she says are no good in bed though she still finds them sexually attractive, but her current sugar daddies are all older foreign men like me.
Lol cool :lol:
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Re: How many of you are actually Mgtow?

Post by Splicelo »

Shemp wrote:
May 11th, 2019, 7:48 am
Splicelo wrote:
May 11th, 2019, 7:12 am
Now yes there are men who are near end of their who marry young women and they have children but those men end up dying and leaving these women single with children, that kinda aint fair to her and the children. So in that case should she spend her life alone when she is still in her prime, when at the same time you are suggest men don't date single moms or you would make an exception with widows?
What the woman can do is marry and have children with a man her own age, and then have some sugar daddies on the side for extra income. I believe my rental girlfriend in Ukraine is planning to do this, though I don't pry into her personal affairs so I don't know for sure. I know she dates local men several years younger than herself (she is 28), who she says are no good in bed though she still finds them sexually attractive, but her current sugar daddies are all older foreign men like me.
Lol she spreading those legs a lot.
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Re: How many of you are actually Mgtow?

Post by Contrarian Expatriate »

Splicelo wrote:
May 11th, 2019, 7:12 am
But at the end of life what is the point of getting married at all?
Your questions are coming off as those of a teenager without any life experience whatsoever. I picked that up from other posts of yours also.
But since you asked, there is no benefit of marriage for the man. The benefit of marriage in this type of case is that it is a gift to the woman for her loyalty and care at the end of life. Marriage confers rights of inheritance, the right to obtain citizenship, and other things that serve as a bonus for her and offspring.
Splicelo wrote: Whats the point having children if you won't live long enough to see them grow up?
I'm my case, leaving what I built to children so that they could live as privileged international elites from the time of birth is an exciting idea. So what if I am not around to see them long term? They would have the best of education, travel, training, and genes that enable them to flourish in ways that even I could not. We are all here to leave the world in a better condition than we found it. Well-raised and trained children is one way that extends after death.

With future children or staying childfree, I am completely fine with either and my life remains more than I could have ever envisioned.
Splicelo wrote: The only benefit i would see for a young woman to marry a man who is near end of life is if she hopes he dies soon so she can get his money, then move unto a younger man after his death.
A young woman spending the best years of her life been care taker to a man near the end of his life sounds more to be in it just for his money.
That is because you don't have the skill nor the personality to have a much younger girl fall head over heels in love with you. You don't have the wisdom, depth of knowledge and mastery over life that she can idolize. When a younger girl has a life crisis causing her to cry and lose sleep and you can resolve it with a phone call, she knows that she can hitch her fate and well-being onto you over any man in the world. My girl wrote me in a text last week, "I don't need anything else in life. I have you." When you can get a beautiful, thin and highly sought after girl to say that to you, you are on your way to being able to answer that question yourself.
Splicelo wrote: A man near end of his life would not really gain any benefit by marrying.
Well no sh*t Sherlock! That is why marriage is not for men, it is for the benefit of women.
Young men just marry because they try to use it as a way to possess the girl for themselves (they never do however). An old man marrying a young girl is simply gifting his wealth, resources, and citizenship to a girl for her loyalty, companionship, and dedication after the fact.
Splicelo wrote: Now you don't want to marry unless maybe its near end of your life, you don't want to really cohibitate with a woman, you don't want kids. Women are wired to want children etc. So most likely she won't stick around and go find someone who want those things. Women want to feel stability, security not just provided for. So you don't wanna live with her, marry or have kids. Women will most likely think you are playing games with them. As you are not showing any kind of long term commitment.And don't take this the wrong way, i am not attacking you but i feel a woman who would be ok with this arrangement is a feminist woman. A feminist woman who claims to be strong independent don't need a man, don't want children, don't wanna marry and just meet up with guys and have occasional sex no strings attached. And it's no strings attached because she is kinda disposable if you aren't showing her any kind of commitment.
You obviously need to get out more. Women are not all made in the cookie cutter form you think they are. Media, pop culture, and inexperience have given you a warped and narrow view of what women want.

Hopefully one day you will understand that when you become a woman's everything, she follows YOUR program and molds to what you want. Right now, your entire mindset is weak with, "But no woman will ever want that!" nonsense. You have been programmed to follow a female's frame and it is not at all a good look!
Splicelo wrote: Because a typical feminine woman won't be alrite with this kinda arrangement you propose. Most women don't wanna be calling a man a boyfriend forever.
Again, this is the same female leadership malarkey that you have internalized. No woman of high value would ever tolerate you for very long when you mold to her frame instead of vice versa.
Splicelo wrote: You are in your 50's. What if your girlfriend wants to marry? You'd just tell her no wait untill you are 70 years old?
Men are the controlers of the marriage decision. Also, she is in the throes of enjoying life better than she ever could otherwise. She feels valued, respected, cared for, and provided for. If one day she wanted to break it off, I would be fine with it. I would simply ask her to leave the keys to the BMW on the kitchen counter on the way out the door. Hint: She's not going anywhere. And if she did, I would still enjoy life and be able to find another girl without the losses and inconveniences of divorce. It would be a win/win scenario.
Splicelo wrote: Also where do you get the idea that all wife become nagging?
It is a female evolutionary strategy. Look it up....
Splicelo wrote: or that men are being dishonest that they are happily married?
Do you just ignore the divorce statistics or are you just stupid?
Most countries have divorce rates from about 15% to 60%. That means the true rate of unhappily married people goes from about 25% to 85% when you take into account those unhappy people who just stay together for purposes of children, finances, and pragmatism.

In the Philipines, divorce is illegal yet 55% percent of Filipinos support lifting that divoce ban. Ever wonder why?
Splicelo wrote: There are some really great women who stand behind their men and supports him throughout the years to be the best that he can be, and keeps herself up and ages graceful and her husbsnd is still very much attracted to her, and although they both have arguments, she is not exactly nagging. I think after people spend most of their life together they get set in their ways and understand each other so things between them just flow smoothy for the most part.
I don't address feminist blather, especially when it comes from a male. You should be ashamed of yourself.....
Splicelo wrote: You've never seen an old couple who been together almost longer than you've been alive who is genuinely happy? I've seen it all the time.
You have no clue about the interpersonal dynamics that go on between the two. Simply because they appear happy to you, does not mean that husband is simply resigned to the fact that his culture and life has been made inextricably linked to that shrew for the rest of his life. Married couples play a role, both a private one and a public one.

But go ahead and marry. After six months of your mistake, come back here and let us know how it has been going. You'll likely claim that things are "fine" like most men, but we'll know the truth of it all.

If marriage were all rainbows, candy canes, and love like you have been deluded into thinking, there would be no reason governments would have to enforce anything about it. Better yet, get married to your Filipino single mother. Learn just how marriage switches the balance of power to the female and then try to divorce her there. Oh that's right, divorce is still BANNED in the Phillipines :lol:
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Re: How many of you are actually Mgtow?

Post by Splicelo »

CE, I didn't read all your post because you are just trying to throw insults, trying to drag me into an argument. Seems like you are the one ready for a flame war. The argument we had before i hold no grudges over it, it's over. You seem to cannot let that go. I am the one who put an end to that argument the other saying that is enough, and i am in no mood to argue with you again. If you want to talk civil then do so if not as i told you before ignore my post. Arguing like we did before days and days was a waste of time. I will continue with people who may disagree with me but who are civil about it.
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Re: How many of you are actually Mgtow?

Post by Splicelo »

:arrow: :arrow:
Contrarian Expatriate wrote:
May 11th, 2019, 1:03 pm
Splicelo wrote:
May 11th, 2019, 7:12 am
But at the end of life what is the point of getting married at all?
Your questions are coming off as those of a teenager without any life experience whatsoever. I picked that up from other posts of yours also.
But since you asked, there is no benefit of marriage for the man. The benefit of marriage in this type of case is that it is a gift to the woman for her loyalty and care at the end of life. Marriage confers rights of inheritance, the right to obtain citizenship, and other things that serve as a bonus for her and offspring.
Splicelo wrote: Whats the point having children if you won't live long enough to see them grow up?
I'm my case, leaving what I built to children so that they could live as privileged international elites from the time of birth is an exciting idea. So what if I am not around to see them long term? They would have the best of education, travel, training, and genes that enable them to flourish in ways that even I could not. We are all here to leave the world in a better condition than we found it. Well-raised and trained children is one way that extends after death.

With future children or staying childfree, I am completely fine with either and my life remains more than I could have ever envisioned.
Splicelo wrote: The only benefit i would see for a young woman to marry a man who is near end of life is if she hopes he dies soon so she can get his money, then move unto a younger man after his death.
A young woman spending the best years of her life been care taker to a man near the end of his life sounds more to be in it just for his money.
That is because you don't have the skill nor the personality to have a much younger girl fall head over heels in love with you. You don't have the wisdom, depth of knowledge and mastery over life that she can idolize. When a younger girl has a life crisis causing her to cry and lose sleep and you can resolve it with a phone call, she knows that she can hitch her fate and well-being onto you over any man in the world. My girl wrote me in a text last week, "I don't need anything else in life. I have you." When you can get a beautiful, thin and highly sought after girl to say that to you, you are on your way to being able to answer that question yourself.
Splicelo wrote: A man near end of his life would not really gain any benefit by marrying.
Well no sh*t Sherlock! That is why marriage is not for men, it is for the benefit of women.
Young men just marry because they try to use it as a way to possess the girl for themselves (they never do however). An old man marrying a young girl is simply gifting his wealth, resources, and citizenship to a girl for her loyalty, companionship, and dedication after the fact.
Splicelo wrote: Now you don't want to marry unless maybe its near end of your life, you don't want to really cohibitate with a woman, you don't want kids. Women are wired to want children etc. So most likely she won't stick around and go find someone who want those things. Women want to feel stability, security not just provided for. So you don't wanna live with her, marry or have kids. Women will most likely think you are playing games with them. As you are not showing any kind of long term commitment.And don't take this the wrong way, i am not attacking you but i feel a woman who would be ok with this arrangement is a feminist woman. A feminist woman who claims to be strong independent don't need a man, don't want children, don't wanna marry and just meet up with guys and have occasional sex no strings attached. And it's no strings attached because she is kinda disposable if you aren't showing her any kind of commitment.
You obviously need to get out more. Women are not all made in the cookie cutter form you think they are. Media, pop culture, and inexperience have given you a warped and narrow view of what women want.

Hopefully one day you will understand that when you become a woman's everything, she follows YOUR program and molds to what you want. Right now, your entire mindset is weak with, "But no woman will ever want that!" nonsense. You have been programmed to follow a female's frame and it is not at all a good look!
Splicelo wrote: Because a typical feminine woman won't be alrite with this kinda arrangement you propose. Most women don't wanna be calling a man a boyfriend forever.
Again, this is the same female leadership malarkey that you have internalized. No woman of high value would ever tolerate you for very long when you mold to her frame instead of vice versa.
Splicelo wrote: You are in your 50's. What if your girlfriend wants to marry? You'd just tell her no wait untill you are 70 years old?
Men are the controlers of the marriage decision. Also, she is in the throes of enjoying life better than she ever could otherwise. She feels valued, respected, cared for, and provided for. If one day she wanted to break it off, I would be fine with it. I would simply ask her to leave the keys to the BMW on the kitchen counter on the way out the door. Hint: She's not going anywhere. And if she did, I would still enjoy life and be able to find another girl without the losses and inconveniences of divorce. It would be a win/win scenario.
Splicelo wrote: Also where do you get the idea that all wife become nagging?
It is a female evolutionary strategy. Look it up....
Splicelo wrote: or that men are being dishonest that they are happily married?
Do you just ignore the divorce statistics or are you just stupid?
Most countries have divorce rates from about 15% to 60%. That means the true rate of unhappily married people goes from about 25% to 85% when you take into account those unhappy people who just stay together for purposes of children, finances, and pragmatism.

In the Philipines, divorce is illegal yet 55% percent of Filipinos support lifting that divoce ban. Ever wonder why?
Splicelo wrote: There are some really great women who stand behind their men and supports him throughout the years to be the best that he can be, and keeps herself up and ages graceful and her husbsnd is still very much attracted to her, and although they both have arguments, she is not exactly nagging. I think after people spend most of their life together they get set in their ways and understand each other so things between them just flow smoothy for the most part.
I don't address feminist blather, especially when it comes from a male. You should be ashamed of yourself.....
Splicelo wrote: You've never seen an old couple who been together almost longer than you've been alive who is genuinely happy? I've seen it all the time.
You have no clue about the interpersonal dynamics that go on between the two. Simply because they appear happy to you, does not mean that husband is simply resigned to the fact that his culture and life has been made inextricably linked to that shrew for the rest of his life. Married couples play a role, both a private one and a public one.

But go ahead and marry. After six months of your mistake, come back here and let us know how it has been going. You'll likely claim that things are "fine" like most men, but we'll know the truth of it all.

If marriage were all rainbows, candy canes, and love like you have been deluded into thinking, there would be no reason governments would have to enforce anything about it. Better yet, get married to your Filipino single mother. Learn just how marriage switches the balance of power to the female and then try to divorce her there. Oh that's right, divorce is still BANNED in the Phillipines :lol:
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Contrarian Expatriate
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Re: How many of you are actually Mgtow?

Post by Contrarian Expatriate »

Splicelo wrote:
May 11th, 2019, 1:21 pm
CE, I didn't read all your post because you are just trying to throw insults, trying to drag me into an argument.
If you can't tell the difference between legitimate criticism and personal insults, then I would agree that you should not read anything that I wrote. Other readers can certainly benefit from it.
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Re: How many of you are actually Mgtow?

Post by Splicelo »

Contrarian Expatriate wrote:
May 11th, 2019, 2:00 pm
Splicelo wrote:
May 11th, 2019, 1:21 pm
CE, I didn't read all your post because you are just trying to throw insults, trying to drag me into an argument.
If you can't tell the difference between legitimate criticism and personal insults, then I would agree that you should not read anything that I wrote. Other readers can certainly benefit from it.
As i said to you from before i am done arguing with you.
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Contrarian Expatriate
Elite Upper Class Poster
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Re: How many of you are actually Mgtow?

Post by Contrarian Expatriate »

Splicelo wrote:
May 11th, 2019, 2:05 pm
Contrarian Expatriate wrote:
May 11th, 2019, 2:00 pm
Splicelo wrote:
May 11th, 2019, 1:21 pm
CE, I didn't read all your post because you are just trying to throw insults, trying to drag me into an argument.
If you can't tell the difference between legitimate criticism and personal insults, then I would agree that you should not read anything that I wrote. Other readers can certainly benefit from it.
As i said to you from before i am done arguing with you.
That is probably a wise decision. Coming to terms with all of your incorrect assumptions about life and women is not for those who are poorly equipped to deal with the cognitive dissonance. Hopefully, you'll learn the hard way....
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